Christmas on 5th Avenue (2021) | Full Movie | Kathryn Davis | Olivier Renaud | Kate Vernon

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We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year so bring us some trippy pudding so you know what it's figgy pudding pudding made with figs we never talked about memorizing all the words and if we had the Sheep music it's okay Dan it was an accident can you forget about the sheet music please it's halfway to Yonkers by now don't worry I'll just use my phone for the lyrics we're dressed for the Dickens where's your integrity oh wow wow I love your costumes I'm sorry we're not taking requests just yet oh whoa but I'm with Urban Genie I have a wish request from Dan you must have the sore throat lemon ginger and honey you'll be hitting those high seas in no time well he won't be eating anything without songbooks got you covered there and candy canes that's that's not part of my order well no they're my treat to you they're festive delicious and they freshen your breath so everyone wins with a candy cane is there anything else I can do for you well how about a song request for opening Carol actually [Music] [Music] and how's Vermont it's snowy the resort has wonderful amenities build a snowman go for a ski Build a Snowman I'd hate to think of you scrolling yourself away like this squirreling away mom I've got deadlines I've been working non-stop for the past few years and as much as I love bragging about my son at the club the closest I've come to seeing you lately is your name team on the Times bestseller list yeah well call it the present success we consider coming back to the city for Christmas for a visit I don't I don't think I uh how am I supposed to know you okay I'm fine okay you don't have to worry about me I'm here for you without Sally Anne but she would want you to be happy the accident okay okay all right I love you Mom and I love you too darling but I do wish you would let people into your life see you Christmas morning no you [Music] I only have about a minute before I'm supposed to pick up peanut for Mitzi Eva we've finally gotten big enough to hire people to help deliver wishes now we don't have to do it all ourselves I know but she was my very first client and she's become a friend well more than a friend actually just like a mentor to me besides I like seeing the look on someone's face when their wishes fulfilled yeah well one of these days you're gonna have to slow down and fulfill some of your own wishes what we're finally getting some traction now is not the time to slow down I mean listening to your own heart wishes what happened with the banker ugh it's over he never called or returned any of my calls actually oh man you're the sweetest person I know I don't get it he wasn't the one you know and it's for the best this holiday is going to keep me busy enough Eva Eva peanut is ready for the holidays oh thank you Harriet hello don't you look so festive it's okay Christmas is our peak season yeah well that's the catch we have a great business now but can take time off especially over the holidays and whose idea was it to do all of those Christmas promotions huh now if I could deliver you a Christmas wish it'd be romance hey maybe one of our clients can introduce you to someone sure Paige except none of our clients have any time for matchmaking that's why they hire us [Music] Merry Christmas Eva how goes the Christmas rush hi Mitzi I have someone who is very excited to see you little boy all comes here and I got you an early Christmas present oh how thoughtful you always go above and beyond well it's easy when you love your job so tell me did Santa have a nice looking young elf helping him no Santa was working alone why are you interested I can go get his number for you [Laughter] listen I I know it's close to the holidays and you're already very busy but I was wondering if you had time for another Genie request I could use your help for you of course I was just on the phone with my Lucas he's up in the foothills of Vermont until Christmas well that sounds lovely yes but he's had a bit of a rough patch the last few years I want to do something special for you for him well I would love to help what do you have in mind a penthouse not just any Penthouse a penthouse on Fifth Avenue I'm being paid to stay on the Upper East Side well Merry Christmas to you not it might make things a little more hectic around here Mitzi wants me to decorate the apartment house sit and cook meals to freeze for when he returns wait what do you mean he it's her son's home um Lucas Blade no he's out of town until Christmas okay how are you so calm about this does the last name blade not ring any bells for you Lucas played oh cool I still don't know do you not a clue the world famous crime author I don't read that stuff okay I prefer to sleep at night yeah well you're the only one on the planet hey are you sure you're okay with taking this on I mean we're already running off our feed I'll make it work at least if I'm staying on Fifth Avenue it'll feel like I'm on vacation wait if you're not staying at your apartment we should sublet it I mean we have a wait list of requests looking for furnished rentals yeah I mean sure if it helps someone out okay go home and pack you sure yes I'm sure oh my penthouse okay [Music] could you step back oh uh yeah [Music] Jason hey Lucas my man I was starting to think he'd been buried under a snowdrift ah no not yet hey New York misses you baby when are you back well not until I finish this book what I like to hear now listen sales and marketing have been hounding me for anything can you send me some pages any clues about the story I don't think you know tossing crumbs would be the way to go with this story I think I think this book is really meant to be um enjoyed as a as a whole your fans are excited about this one Lucas all right buddy boy back to work no rest for the wicked and send me those pages ASAP yep as soon as as soon as it's done it's ready Little Gus Little Gus Lucas [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you good afternoon I'll say this Lobby is bigger than my whole apartment [Laughter] may I help you miss oh no need for Miss I'm Eva I'll be seeing you Mr Blade's Penthouse oh yes of course bitsy told me Welcome to New York and you are uh uh Charlie Charlie mcdean it's great to meet you Charlie we'll be seeing a lot of each other over the next little bit and how long are you in New York for well actually I moved here last year well to Brooklyn and Brooklyn is New York yeah but sure fills a world away from here oh you're gonna love it on Fifth [Laughter] let me know if there's anything I can do to it improve your stay actually um I have a Christmas tree arriving first thing in the morning could you give me a call when he gets here absolutely good it's this way [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] no wonder your mother thinks you need my help [Music] [Music] who's interested in this stuff oh maybe I'm interested Lucas blade [Music] I'm calling the police I'm calling the police you can't call the police on someone for being in their own home [Music] really a candy cane someone with my skills can turn anything into a weapon wait you're Lucas blade yeah and you're going to jail what what's do I look like a thief I'm here to house sit look if I was a thief why would I threaten to call the police because it's the perfect cover once you realize someone was in here it's the best way to appear innocent I SN look call your mother she'll explain everything fine I will no no don't see put you up to this yes she's hired me to decorate for Christmas I'm from an events concierge company okay well then just give me your boss's name and number and I will call them and say I don't need your services I am the boss maybe you should call your mother and explain to her why you're here in New York City and not in Vermont you know what there's this there's been a huge miscommunication just please leave okay paying me to cook and get this apartment dressed in its Christmas best what are you some kind of Christmas elf Christmas concierge yeah hard to decorate and attack unsuspecting individuals well actually a lot of people Avail themselves of my help this time of year you know between decorating and shopping for presents well I don't need my place to be decorated look I don't know why you're not in Vermont and that's none of my business my business is doing the job your mother's hired me to do I can't leave unless she tells me to so I will decorate for Christmas fill your freezer and then I'll go I'm sure we can reach a compromise we can both live with now you're blackmailing me what are you some kind of Super Fan no I don't read books with scary covers look I don't have anywhere to go I've already rented out my apartment a boyfriend or some family or someone else you could bother well my family lives in Wisconsin and well Paige's in-laws are in the city let me just stop you right there I don't need to hear about pages in laws please let me stay I will barely be here during the day and when I am here first thing I'll do is offer you dinner okay spare room up the stairs to the right do what you do just don't bother me [Music] [Music] that is a lot of coffee [Music] probably shouldn't recycle an invitation to the snowflake ball you never know who might find it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey sweetie you're decorating your tree oh did you get it from John Thompson's Farm again thought your little sock to put right at the top I wish I was there with you guys why are you Whispering what I'm house sitting for work uh there's been a bit of a mix-up in it's not pleased about me staying you're staying with someone that you never met before I don't like the sound of that Eva Mom it's okay he has zero interest in me being here root but we're just sad alone Scrooge no fine I promise he's the son of one of my favorite clients he just needs a little tearing up so when are you guys coming have you booked your flights sweetheart we're sorry and it breaks our hearts but we just can't afford the trip this year but we've got your presence all wrapped and we're taking them to the post office today well I'll miss you but it it's okay you know I'm gonna be busy enough we are calling you Christmas morning to wake you up right after the reindeerly [Music] well I'll take your presence to the office first thing in the morning so you get them on time [Music] such nice things for people if anyone could make the season bright and merry it's you love you [Music] Merry Christmas to me [Music] good King Winfred last look out on the Feast of season when the snow lay round about deep and crisp and uh brightly I would appreciate it though so it will cruel oh [Music] good morning um what are you doing sneaking around like that I'm not sneaking around I'm trying to get your attention oh noise canceling headphones you know I I didn't want to bother you with my music so so you decided to bother me with your off-key singing you know I I hear Christmas music and I can't help myself just possible not to sing along well I can't work if I can't hear my own thoughts so please no more Christmas music I'm Eva by the way look I know we got off on the wrong foot last night but we might as well be civil here I have a peace offering well you didn't have anything fresh in your fridge so I thought some um I said Berry might be nice I don't eat breakfast but thank you well these aren't to go with breakfast there to go with peppermint scones and they're in anytime trip right well I am morally opposed to festively themed Foods one thing but you can't just be speaking and and okay did big turkey dinner spread with potatoes stuffing Rosy carrots gravy the works you wouldn't have any I mean not even a little bit I don't know how to be more clear about this I do not want the fuss of Christmas [Music] good morning Charlie [Music] yes please send it on up you're already on a first name basis with my doorman of course the tree well it's a little bigger than I expected more tree to marry you no no no no no no no it's too big look do you have this big empty space you need a big tree to fill it and it's leaving needles everywhere well I will clean it up it's really not that hard and I promised your mother that I would send her pictures of the apartment dressed in a classic Christmas style if there is no tree she's gonna know something is up you know what don't blame me I just I just live here you know there are far worse things in the world than a tree okay just take a breath you know when I was little before I met my forever parents I used to dream of a real Christmas tree just like this one something just magical about it you know so your your mother told me that this is a difficult time of year for you yeah you know I was doing just fine until you showed up here and changed this whole place into it Winter Wonderland looks great Ken [Music] good morning Charlie tree oh perfect Lucas hates it but it'll change his mind once it's all decorated I didn't realize Mr blade was at home ah well um you know he I know he keeps a low profile but he hasn't been up or down for weeks really um well no he was away and and he popped back for a bit and he'll be off again soon so certainly don't need to tell anyone about it killerly Mitzi you really haven't seen him come up here down in weeks [Music] Grand Ballroom is nice [Music] but do you have anything bigger I really want to sweep Laura off her feet you're late so did you stop and help this time she had three children and one of them was having a tantrum so I just held her back for a few minutes that's all I've taken them to the Christmas tree don't stop looking at me like that that's okay I'm glad you're here we need your Magic Touch oh no no turtle doves it's Christmas Ergo turtle doves Arthur to be fair we already had this conversation four calling Birds Three French Hens two turtle doves that's my vision it'll be perfect I propose at the St James just take your girlfriend to the zoo Arthur um 12 Days of Christmas is a very clever idea but it might not get you the happy ever after that you're looking for I've already put the down payment on the Piper's piping and my cousin's girlfriend's brother can lend us together you know it's obvious that you love Laura very much you don't need five golden rings and birds of several nationalities for your proposal to be memorable Laura's been dreaming about getting engaged since she was a little girl spent more time dreaming about the person she wants to spend her life with so let's set the partridge in a pear tree aside and focus on the day that you knew Laura was the one for you today we met in Central Park well why not take her back there the poster in the Park oh now that's romantic great okay I want you to go home and think about everything you can remember from that day write it down send it to us and we'll take care of the rest [Music] change of plans no windows romance better than Eva [Music] double shot Breakfast of Champions thank you because Arthur's son has proposal speech yet no not yet what are you doing just research for a client Eva what you're stalking that dreamy writer no just want to know something about the stranger that I'm staying with what I thought he was out of town oh yeah there was a mix-up and he's home and so I am staying in the guest room see a smoking hot in real life as he is on his book covers oh he's handsome he's obviously a brilliant writer but racial skills could really use an edit you've been employed to fix up his apartment not fix his personality no I I've heard of authors being moody and socially awkward but he's just got off when his wife pass away around Christmas died no wonder this is a difficult time of year for him [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I thought you might like one before I freeze it I haven't had pot pies since I was 12. well when you try this one you'll be wondering why ultimate comfort food and that's tea not Christmas spiced or anything just straight herbal tea right well I drink coffee so I've seen but he is calming so better for sleep thank you sleep silver rated we have to eat something no this this might help with those creative juices and coffee is not in any of the suggested food groups please let me put this down it's getting heavy please I was thinking of going for a walk later maybe you'd like to join I have I have work to do okay well maybe tomorrow it must be difficult crafting such dark and twisted stories no actually uh human nature is dark and twisted you should read a newspaper well the news only shows the Dark Side of Life you know doesn't talk about the millions of unreported Acts of Kindness that take place on a daily basis like Urban Genie will do anything to help for a price you're not doing it out of the kindness of your own heart yes I do always out of the kindness of my heart otherwise what's the point you charge for your kindness well I wish I could afford not to but I still have to feed myself and scrape together rent right so that's ulterior motive life is not a crime novel Mr blade well if you're looking for a happy ending it's not going to be here well maybe you could find something if you ever actually left this apartment you know Christmas lights in the park look amazing this time of year laughs did my mother put you up to this come in here and cheerfully annoy me until I stop being grouchy grouchy is as grouchy does Eva I'm happy alone I don't need your help your mother is worried about you and after meeting you and understanding you more so am I well writing is a solo venture Gary's huge expectations it demands determination focus and commitment but how can you write about life if you're not actually living it do you hear yourself have you ever stopped to think that you have unrealistic and perky views on life [Music] you know you you might be a good writer [Music] but you're a terrible judge of character okay [Music] Eva can I call you a cat no thank you I'm going for a walk well I really can't recommend that [Music] out a hat and a scarf on A Night Like This [Music] That's What It Feels So Alone in a city with millions of people you're never alone in New York well I will be on Christmas day why don't you come and spend it with me here you're working on Christmas day yes the other door men all have families I take a little time for myself and then I come back here I would usually have my dog Luna to pass the morning Wick but she passed away this summer I'm so sorry you must miss her I do but I have a little reminder [Music] oh [Music] it's not so bad working here at Christmas I mean how lucky am I helping to make people's day a little brighter would you like to have breakfast together on Christmas all right that would be wonderful there must be other people too I mean I I could organize something a brunch for anyone who'd rather not be alone on Christmas that's a brilliant idea if you know what I'll get to work write some ideas down thank you Charlie [Music] you're still up I I had an idea for work so I just wanted to you know get some notes down did you want to work out here I I oh no no no you're fine I just came back for some more Popeye well I'm glad you like it glad you're using the fireplace and all the time I've been here I've never used it once so it's good to know it works really what if I lived here I'd have it on every night something about a fireplace that makes a house feel like a home listen um I know I've been short with you for the past couple of days and you don't deserve any of it I'm sure me being here isn't what you expected either so I'm sorry [Music] no I get it this is your home and you weren't expecting a visitor barging into your personal space and spreading her Christmas cheer all over the place are you always misunderstanding would you rather I be upset do you get upset about anything [Music] plenty of things upset me uh animal cruelty and cab drivers who lean on their horns and people who cough without covering their mouths do you want me to go on no no it's good to see that you're human it was good to know that you can still laugh foreign okay you know I'm not some kind of a scrooge I'm I'm not going to apologize for who I am and I don't expect you to either I love my job and well I have to assume that you love writing despite how torturous your process is the thing is [Music] I don't know how to conjure up the magic that shot me up the best sales list I wrote my manuscript before Sally and I didn't know now I have an agent who wants pages I have a publisher that wants a bestseller I have readers that want twists they've never expected and my mind is just blank well why do you write because I have contracts and deadlines and readers no no no before that what made you start writing in the first place I remember reading bedtime stories with my mom when I was a kid and used to get so excited about coming up with new twists and turns to surprise her you know I love that well maybe pretend that you're running for your mother for Mitzi and and try focusing on a few words instead of thinking of the whole book like making grilled cheese instead of a gourmet meal [Music] grilled cheese [Music] you know you're a really positive person you know that well I prefer to be the sunshine and you're definitely not a thief although a perfect criminal is always someone you least expect I should probably uh good night good night [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Eva [Music] foreign [Music] people together anyone who wants to come either Christmas is only a week away there are a lot of things that need to fall into place to make this work well then I'll make it more simple coffee pastries and bacon because you need to have bacon at Christmas one is not about the food it's about the people and where are you getting the money for this I'll use the cash I'm getting from renting my apartment the keys to the cafe are yours if you want them what can we do to help [Music] a lucky hat whatever makes you smile create your own traditions and it'll keep you feeling close to home even when you can't be [Music] the first Christmas that I spent with my forever parents they let me choose the tree talker and I chose [Music] my sock no uh growing up in foster care I I didn't have a Christmas stocking so I didn't really understand the tradition so when they asked me what should go up on top of the tree I decided it should be this and they agreed and we put a sock up on top of the tree every year since so this one is for you Mom and Dad [Music] so uh that's all for now Genies if you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe to Urban Genie and I'll be back soon with more Christmas magic and also information about our Christmas brunch [Music] relax foreign [Music] leave it I appreciate the originality [Music] your adoptive parents sound nice [Music] you know I had great foster parents growing up but just nowhere really felt like home I just didn't belong and Ron and Dara gave me that they're my true parents you gave them something special too [Music] I actually owe you a thank you I took your advice about starting small and I wrote 10 000 words [Music] that's amazing congrats thank you just thinking I wanted to take a break and make some grilled cheese you want to join uh yes yes no if I ever say no to food please call the paramedics there's something wrong with me right thank you do not touch the cheese if you keep eating it I will not have enough of the sandwich I was just making sure that it hasn't gone off yeah no I knew you could cook well the spices in your cupboard where you give away yeah I uh I used to cook a lot I just lost interest you know so I noticed you had an invitation to the snowflake ball I mean that's exciting yeah I I won't be going but the proceeds all go to the children's charity I mean It's a Wonderful organization you know now that you're on a roll with the writing it might be fun to have a night out um I'd rather stay in I'm not saying paint the town red small steps grilled cheese your life you know contrary to what you might think I'm not going to be spending the rest of my life in this apartment I just I just I I can't keep pretending like everything's okay like I'm okay well you shouldn't have to pretend that's why I stay away even from Mitzi you know you're very lucky to have your mother so close I'd give anything for my parents to be here at Christmas well why aren't they well my concierge business is growing and I need to work through the holidays and you know they can't afford to come to New York this year so they'll come in the summer instead it'll be much better you know we can we can go to Central Park and picnic and you know go to Coney Island Summer's still a long way off am I that much of an open book more like um like an audiobook [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I'm calling to RSVP on behalf of Lucas blade yes plus one see you around everywhere I go a happy Christmas party house with all the people we both know I'm walking about at the shopping mall it seems I see you more than all the elves and Santa Claus Christmas time [Music] oh at Christmas time it's Christmas time [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] I didn't expect you out here well I thought I'd try something different besides the lighting in here somewhat inspiring why thank you oh I take it the writing is going well then very well I thought of the perfect ending today yo I I'd love to hear more but I'm just here to drop off groceries well cheese mostly oh I saw Mitzi today you know she asked a lot of questions but I don't think she suspects anything thank you how is she fine I think she's a little lonely she's not lonely she's got a is your social life than most of the Mavis in this town well she certainly has more of a social life than you do very funny and what I mean is sure she does stuff but you know that's different from companionship someone to talk to at the end of the day you know [Music] okay well I'm off soon is there anything you want me to pick up actually yes I was wondering if you could help me with my mother's Christmas gift I want to get her something really special I mean she did go above and beyond for mine well [Music] some great stores and you could choose something for yourself I don't know it's gonna it's gonna be too many people and I hate being recognized small steps [Music] step one coffee no one is going to recognize you and wearing your hat like that is going to draw even more attention it's ridiculous hi can I get uh two mochas please with extra whipped cream on mine I'm good of course thank you I'm sorry to do this but I'm a huge fan I've watched all the videos on your blog oh that's so lovely I'm so glad that you like them can I make a request for a gingerbread house demo Absolutely I'll have it by the end of the week amazing thank you so much maybe you want the Hat [Music] yeah [Music] oh look at that gorgeous yeah you would look I mean if you like it you should get it uh maybe next year it's okay I have something else I can wear to the snowflake ball oh you're going to the snowflake ball yeah I told the organizer that you were going too and why would you do that well how can you how can you stay inspired within the walls of your penthouse that's a big step from grilled cheese I'm on a while I mean are we having fun Lucas there is more to life than [Music] no I'll be right beside you you're uh you're a wingman to save you from Awkward encounters and keep the conversations light and festive and impersonal you know I'm uh I'm very good at small talk oh I don't doubt that you are plus I've never been to a glamorous Ball please [Music] any woman would love a gift from bellamia diamonds back for one of those engagement breaks oh no no no we are looking for a broach [Music] what was that about it was not a crime to admire ring through a window that's what they're there for hmm so I'm thinking she would like something classic [Music] Eva Arthur is today ringday oh it's beautiful perfect choice now I just need a hiding spot where Laura won't find it don't put it in the recycling nothing's safe in there Arthur this is my friend Lucas so very nice to meet you Lucas my girlfriend and I are such big fans uh thank you well we're actually just shopping for a gift for Lucas's mother oh then I won't keep you can't wait for the next book shouldn't be too long now and I'll have the final mood boards and the schedule for the big day to you first thing in the morning sounds good nice meeting you excuse me [Music] that wasn't so bad was it tell you I'm a pretty stellar wingman indeed you are which one you want to look at [Music] so why get engaged in the park well Arthur and Laura met in Central Park she was building a snowman and he thank you offered his scarf to complete the look and the rest is history and so he's hiring you to come up with his proposal you know Arthur he just needs some all of his love into one sweet non-wild bird gesture it's a long story I I have some ideas just you know nothing that I'm completely in love with well how about they go to the park to Build a Snowman and then he hands her different things like clothing vegetables branches and then in the end hands are the ring okay that's perfect well who knew there was a romantic buried in there deep down somewhere nope I'm just a a humble writer with an act for predicting human nature and plotting inevitabilities see you planned for when they can't live without each other I write for when they can't live with each other anymore oh please you know I never understood why people spend so much energy on the proposal when the most important thing is every step of the relationship it's a grand gesture how is your optimism about love remained unscathed for so long well no I am not unscathed [Music] no I've dated some serious losers [Music] Okay so that hasn't changed your view on Happily Ever Afters you can still be true love without believing all relationships are perfect same way I still believe in Santa okay well Santa said have you ever been in love [Music] no but it's on my bucket list well the type of love you're looking for doesn't exist and I will prove you wrong oh well I hope that you do Arthur loves your proposal you're good to go for Friday oh great actually it was Lucas's idea talk to Lucas about Arthur's proposal well we bumped into Arthur while we were Christmas shopping you two went Christmas shopping together I thought he was a bit of a scrooge you know he's he's starting to come around we went to bellamia Diamonds you went Christmas shopping with Lucas blade at Bella Mia diamonds it was nothing like we both had things that we had to buy so why not go together what is going on you like him [Music] you know it it doesn't matter if I like him he's completely uninterested in Romance and I get it he's been through a lot so we are just friends mm-hmm just friends [Music] Merry Christmas [Music] but it's not Christmas you're supposed to say that when you give someone a Christmas gift well you should have I don't think there's anything I need a matter of opinion oh you got me and Jane Austen you need to discover not all relationships end in death and misery like in your books story is emotionally complex and most importantly it has a happy ending and it's all fiction Jane Austen herself never actually married the mere fact that Jane Austen never found a Mr Darcy does not mean not everything has to be Doom and Gloom so let me get this straight you want me to rate happy thrillers [Music] could be a whole new genre your next big hit [Music] okay so the icing is a little thinner than than I would have hoped for but I think we'll be okay [Music] this is a disaster [Music] help help um yes can you just can you just put some icing in the corner there just to yeah yeah okay yep bit more perfect perfect and we're gonna put it on here now [Music] perfect and then grab a jujube and eat it so remember not everything goes according to plan but it's still edible so Moment of Truth [Music] I see what you did there were you expecting something to dress to you what is it I don't I don't know you you have to open it [Music] [Music] you did this oh you said you like the dress so I do I love the dress [Music] Lucas oh come on you got me a Christmas gift this is mine to you you know um for a cynic you can be are you thoughtful I just thought since we're going to the snowflake ball we may as well look good I got my tuxedo cleaned so wait are you I are telling me that you're actually looking forward to going out for the evening no no but I know you are thank you your ride is waiting for you thank you now all I need is my date I wonder what could possibly be taking her so long patience Mr blade she is well worth the wait [Music] you look incredible I'll look at you well [Music] hey let yourself go a little you might be surprised how fun it is to actually talk to other human look I know that you're scared I'm not scared I'm just taking it all in well I'm right here beside you your wingman all of these ladies are with me it's tuxedo Lucas we're so thrilled you could join us this evening thank you so much for your generous donation my pleasure we'll have you set up over there for the book signing after the performance okay thanks you're signing books it's for the children's charity someone told me it was for a wonderful cause shall we [Music] [Music] you better be careful you're enjoying Christmas music [Music] well well well I couldn't possibly let another minute go by without introducing myself to the most beautiful woman here well thank you what's your name I am Jason Jason anywhere pleasure to meet you a beautiful name for a beautiful woman well thank you very much so what brings you here well he's the good-looking one but I'm the brains and I'm the monies hey hey no way Lucas didn't think you'd be back from Vermont he just came home for the evening ah I assume the book is coming along then all thanks to Eva oh or you too don't know great to see you signing books man that's great press Didn't Do It For The Press you didn't do it for the Press I can't wait to read it man I'm gonna get a drink okay Eve I'll see you later see you later oh gosh Lucas Lucas oh he seems like a nice guy oh he's a fine agent but he's not uh nice it's not your knight in Changi armor well why do you care so much I I just don't want you being taken advantage of well I can take care of myself thank you very much [Music] foreign [Music] early yeah well you were right Jason is not a gentleman certainly not the man for me and those cannot pays do not add up to a single full meal no matter how many you eat sorry to hear that you know what and maybe you're right about love too you know maybe maybe I do have an unrealistic view of the world either maybe I was you know what Lucas you might be okay on your own but I want to share my life with someone I want to find love kind of love that my parents have find me you know what excuse me this wedding proposal to prepare [Music] I can't believe it's actually time this is your moment Arthur okay you can do this and if you get nervous just look to Laura and you'll know what to say do you have the ring well come on get engaged [Music] thank you [Music] good it is looking good [Music] thank you [Music] foreign oh wait this isn't for the Snowman yes [Music] even I have to admit that was pretty sweet I think you forgot this thank you well I'm about ready to curl up in front of the fire and not move until New Years actually uh I have a different idea how about you and I Walk This Way for a bit what about your draft I finished it and I need some space from it so I can tackle it again you finish it yeah oddly enough oh it's time you must have been well fed well this time I was inspired listen I was uh bothered by what you said last night I think of all people you really deserve love in your life I would hate it if anything I said change your views it was probably the champagne but I I wonder who I do it all for sometimes you know well I know it's your job to bring joy during Christmas but I think you deserve to be happy too you did this yeah I got you a driver and he'll drive you around thank you oh thank you thank you it wasn't for you I'd probably still be stuck in my penthouse staying at a blank screen go go ahead be be happy it Tis the seasons [Music] hahaha [Music] hey I can't thank you enough we had the most wonderful day we went uh skating at the Rockefeller Center and had lunch at the plaza top of the Empire State Building the resting at the hotel now but thank you I'm glad to hear that yeah so I was I was thinking of making some hot chocolate and sitting by the fire oh I can't tonight yeah I I have a lot of work to do what someone has to read those pages tomorrow on Christmas Day I think so come on take a break with me I don't think that's a good idea [Music] because as I said I think you deserve to be happy so why are you avoiding me we spent the last several days together doing everything side by side plain distracted I just need to focus on the second draft of my manuscript so I'm just a distraction to you no that's not what I said Eva Eva [Music] okay where are you going [Music] I've decorated for the holidays there's food in your freezer check and your writer's block is gone my work here is done okay just pretend like I don't know how to read people why are you so upset this is your favorite time of year I like you Lucas I like you a lot I might even be falling in love with you my life's been more surprise twist endings and happy fairy tale bonsai I don't know how to give you what you need all I want is to love someone and for them to love me back to me that's the fairy tale I'm sure that I'm falling in love with you and look I know that this has been fast and you know maybe it's crazy to say these words after such a short time but you make me happy [Music] I've never once had to put on an act or hide how I felt with you feel honest and real [Music] you say yeah you say I make you happy [Music] by being you so just admit that you have feelings for me too and we can spend the rest of our lives making each other happy [Music] I'll leave you alone then I'll be at the plaza with my parents [Music] in case you change your mind thank you [Music] put on a fire and a favorite song foreign [Music] [Music] but I don't feel like Christmas [Music] [Music] songs [Music] I always thought falling in love was supposed to be easier Nothing in life is easy and love is not an exception and I'm sure that he loves me so this should be so simple I'm gonna kill him with love of course dad you can't force someone to love me anybody who doesn't love you is a nitwit we love you sweetheart [Music] that Christmas I remember with you Christmas [Music] peanut okay Lucas oh darling what a wonderful surprise oh it's Vermont with no I wasn't in Vermont oh you look pale honey have you been working through the night again okay Mom I'm not stupid stubborn occasionally wrong but never stupid [Music] so why'd you do it if you have to ask the question then evidently you didn't spend much time talking to Eva so she's gone and presumably that's what you wanted so what's the problem I'm a madly in love with her oh [Music] I mean how can I be in love with someone that has a report for taken with the Santa Claus and a dog Eva loves life darling and she's not afraid to live it [Music] that's simple your father and I married quickly but those are different times when we were together for several decades he proposed to me after two weeks when you find a love like this you can't let it go love is a gift Lucas it's not a curse listen I was I was just about to step out I've got a Christmas brunch I have to go to Eva's brunch [Music] would you like to come with I don't know I just feel like I messed everything up I don't know if I can fix it darling there's an app for that yes [Music] Charlie meets Simon Simon meets your new forever congratulations Charlie hello this is wonderful how are you holding up you know nothing can break my Christmas spirit not with all these cute pups about but but what look at what you did look at this place you brought everybody together we're having a wonderful Christmas and I'm trying to as well I'm so happy that my parents are here and you you're like family to me what but there's someone missing Who falls in love after just a few weeks I mean that's that's crazy right is it and there's no timeline to fall in love Eva oh it's a last Christmas Genie request the client needs help picking a present for the love of their life ASAP why would they leave it until now it's already Way Beyond last minute to buy a Christmas gift oh well they're willing to pay triple the holiday rates they requested you fine there better be bacon for me when I get back I'll take care of everything until you get back and then we're gonna really celebrate okay [Music] you're leaving is everything okay I just have to zip out and fulfill a wish I'll be back in no time I'll fetch a car Charlie you're not working today you don't have to do that I thought my favorite Christmas Genie I insist [Music] don't worry he'll be back [Music] oh oh no no no no no no no you're right [Music] thank you and I was asked to give you this [Music] gave me a book no I'm returning the favor oh thank you Charlie go [Music] thank you [Music] let me just double check the address because bellamia diamonds isn't open on Christmas Day go on they're expecting you Lucas did you get my manuscript I did I wrote it for you you said you wanted me to write something where everyone lives happily ever after [Music] I thought I was here for a genie who was that was me One Last Christmas wish [Music] listen Eva I I was living in the dark for three years and then you burst into my life with your full-watted smile your Sunbeam personality and your impeccable decorating skills you brought light to every dark corner of my life I want to spend the rest of my life with you I love you Eva my heart is yours forever if you haven't of course I will I love you Lucas love you [Music] should we go back to the brunch everyone's back there we'll go back there in just a bit [Music] kidding you opened bellamia diamonds for me on Christmas Day [Music] Merry Christmas Eva Merry Christmas Lucas [Music] thank you it's busy on these winter streets people rushing everywhere the steps of many busy feet but there's quiet in the air know it never seems to snow there's a choir in the bed s every note I think I got your voice [Music] I'm from rising [Music]
Channel: Brain Power Studio
Views: 949,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, Movie Trailer, Feature Film, Film, Brain Power Studio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 31sec (5371 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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