A Christmas Dance Reunion | Full Movie

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[Music] well Santa don't you take too long slay playing that familiar song oh I can't wait for Christmas Eve when underneath my Christmas trees oh Merry Christmas I hear Santa Merry Christmas Mom I'm [Music] home oh I'm so glad you're home I'm so happy to be home oh it smells good like hot chocolate and paint I can proudly say I'm responsible for both wait what's that I thought you said you had two weeks vacation Mom it's just some work I brought home to get ahe uhhuh [Music] [Music] I can't believe you still put up my dance tree I can't help [Music] myself what's this well it came in the mail it was address to you after 100 Years of wonderful memories we will be closing our doors permanently come celebrate one last time with us your winterly family what Mom they're closing down the winterly that's terrible Dad loved that place we all love that place especially at Christmas he look forward to watching you dance and the Christmas dance there every year I wonder what happened to that lovely boy you used to dance with Barrett Brewster yes he was so sweet and such a good dancer I think we should accept the invitation I thought You' want to be home for Christmas honestly mom I think it would be good for both of us our family has such amazing memories from there the three of us together Lucy I'm a retired art teacher I'm home all the time you don't have to twist my arm I'm in okay [Music] then why wonder if they still do it oh I don't know should we call Cat there he [Music] is sorry for the delay folks I had to stop to let some deer pass up the road agie little lucy morer it's been too long Ain you still drive the winterly Jolly Trolley two trains a day I'm here for reservations and Walkins we we should have called you think we'll be okay for rooms oh I think you'll be just fine oh I got [Music] it let's go oh only the two of you where's Jad oh he um he passed some years ago oh I'm so sorry to hear that he was always so full of Christmas spirit he was a big fan of Christmas and a huge fan of the winterly well I'm just so happy to see you [Music] both here we are thanks egy um L why don't you go and check us in and I'll uh be pack I'll get our Cottage number [Music] no [Music] okay hello hello hi oh oh excuse me can I sorry um I overestimated should not be carrying this many reads Barrett Lucy hi hi hi uh I didn't see you it's okay if wath wrangling was an Olympic sport Champion I uh wondered if you'd be here I yeah I just came up from the city to help my uncle before Christmas and say a proper goodbye to the hotel before we you know yeah I am so sorry to hear that this place is closing I know it's been in your family for a long time yeah all good things must come to an end right is your uncle Hank doing okay yeah yeah he's he's there he is look who I found outside this is Mortimer oh this cannot be little lucy Mortimer it is Hank to see you to see you Hank the win looks amazing thanks Lucy we're doing our best to give this place one last R oh I cannot wait for the Christmas event itinerary I always love that as a kid I'm sorry to say we really don't do the events anymore it's been a couple of years now actually I'm sad to hear that yeah I know it's not the same as when we were kids but don't worry the winterly still got a little bit of Christmas magic left up his sleeve well that I believe did you uh get them checked in no uh I had a wreath incident ah let me get you a cottage so how about Cottage 21 Lucy that's our favorite Cottage I know I know Mrs Mortimer let me help you with your back thank [Music] you [Music] bye is that the dance hall uh-huh why don't you guys go ahead I I'll meet you in the cottage are you sure yes yeah yes [Music] okay mhm wait yeah no mhm my [Music] goodness that is from our first Christmas dance together [Music] wow look look look 5 years later last Christmas dance together we were 15 mhm do you still dance I don't really why'd you stop it's a long story but um I'm a lawyer now so there's really not much time for dancing whoa freespirit Lucy Mortimer is a lawyer now I mean we all have to grow up sometime can't dance forever right what do you do I'm a [Laughter] dancer that's great yeah I actually think I love it more now than when we were kids how is that even possible well I haven't really taken the leap into the whole life and kids thing yet so you know Dan is still my whole world I stayed busy doing Broadway shows okay Mr nonchalant Broadway you really did it yeah yeah I love it almost as much as I love teaching kids to dance at the city youth center and you also teach dance seeing kids take their first dance steps is the best some of them are pretty good actually they're not Lucy Mortimer good but you know we were really good together yeah I wanted to teach a few classes here while I'm at the hotel but help my uncle's a full-time job [Music] however [Music] [Music] you still got [Music] it well you've um you've learned some new moves I've had a lot of practice since we last danced right you're like a a grown man now thanks I think I'm sorry I I can't believe I remembered how to do that I can I should probably get get to my Cottage and yeah I've uh I've got to finish up my wreath project right um thanks for the spin down memory lane anytime it's good to have you back Lucy it's good to be back [Music] come taste Heaven [Music] Lucy [Music] Heaven these are worth the trip alone [Music] mhm look how many people used to come to this place my favorite part of Christmas is the gingerbread house competition mine too [Music] Mary I love Christmas at the winterly because of the snow Jack my favorite part of Christmas was the Christmas dance and make a snowman [Music] event [Music] Luc i l see hey Barrett so these still your favorite cookies oh without a doubt did you send those over just a little welcome back uh do you still keep any guest books from the past my uncle Hank keeps them in the library great thanks wait I'll come with you are you working on a case look at this oh oh you're Snowman that's really cute Lucy so you're trying to see what else you wrote about another guest books not exactly I want to see what all the winterly guests wrote in the guest books ah yeah know I'm still lost oh these guest books are filled with guests raving about the Christmas events the winterly used to put on my favorite part of this Christmas was the Santa letter writing station I remember that that was a good one read another one this year was the best Christmas dance ever almost all of the entries mention the Christmas Dance I mean it was the best Barrett what if we brought it back let's have one last Christmas dance that sounds amazing but Hank said that we don't have the budget or the people for it but if we created Christmas events leading up to it to bring more people in events like your uncle used to create well you know without breaking the bank we could give the winterly the send out that it deserves and I know a great dance instructor who could rehearse with the guests to get them ready I've got a lot of things and I can easily step into your role for a couple of hours every morning to help Hank while you teach the class oh easily huh you know what I meant Lucy you don't have to spend your Christmas break doing this you know I know but um I miss the Christmas dance in all of the events some of my favorite memories are from this place when my family was when it was all of us I just want the new guests to create those memories for themselves before we all have to say goodbye to the winterly for [Music] good if you think we can pull it off in time maybe we dance together like in the old days I'm a lawyer lawyers are good under pressure and time constraints so I will stick to that for now we already invited all of our usual regulars to join us this year you see how few people showed up but did you invite the kids kids the guests that we should be focusing on are the children that grew up coming to the winterly like us our generation is creating our own Traditions to recapture the magic from when we were younger we can help we'd love to help we met in this Library 20 years ago the winterly is why we're together see we all love this place people would help us pull this off okay [Music] okay okay so the Christmas dance is on Christmas Eve and we have the events leading up to it the cookie iing Icebreaker the s'more social the senta Santa station but we are missing one event we need to do your make a snowman thing that's kind but there's not enough snow I know but maybe it'll snow between now and Christmas is that my lucky gold paint pen yeah it is it still works mhm I used it sit to right on the bottom of my dance shoes when they would wear out you'll have to hear that last Christmas you want it back I mean if you've held on to it for this long it's pretty much yours at this point you know what that event I can take care of that are you sure uncle Hank you just put down Hank's Christmas surprise I'll take care of everything but I could help you with that if you like Hank I I maybe you're retire art teacher but I still like anything creative sounds like you could be the perfect [Music] partner hello this stuff is amazing why is it in boxes I have a feeling uncle Hank C back on the decorations since the guest I'm coming oh we are definitely using this okay [Music] thank [Music] you no oh come on so so she's an artist a dancer event planner SL want toe Hotel manager you forgot lawyer oh a lawyer yeah that wasn't always part of the plan though actually minored in dance why did you stop I injured my knee senior year and while I was healing I volunteered with a couple student groups on campus and discovered law I love helping people well it makes living in the city more tolerable yeah sometimes I don't even realize how crazy it is there until I come here to see my uncle then it all just melts away so do you love [Music] it I do but it's nice to get away though like you say let it all Melt Away but is it your [Music] passion I don't know if anyone's ever asked me that before do you uh at least have someone that you're passionate about I don't and that is the last word I would use to describe my most recent relationship whoever that was totally missed [Music] out oh no no no no are you sure I mean we're in the sleigh that's perfect um excuse me hello what about you okay [Music] that's and yeah you look like Santa's on Dasher on dancer on Prancer on [Music] vixen [Music] may I present the Terry [Music] family Marley Marley Terry oh Lucy [Laughter] bar I CAU your message about the winterly and got on the next train up who is this hello this is my daughter posie hi posie nice to meet meet you hi posie I'm Barrett nice to meet you mommy said we're having Christmas here and that Santa will find me no matter where I am absolutely Santa loves the winter Le I'm so glad to be back thank goodness you guys put that post up let's get you checked in follow me [Music] okay how out here okay thank you it's good [Music] okay hi this looks amazing is my uncle here yet yeah he's just mingling with some of the guests he did seem a little disappointed about the turnout but I assured him that it's just the first event okay good are you ready to decorate some cookies with me I would but I'm here as an organizer so oh I see that's too bad they uh they smell really really good I guess I'm just going to have to go and see how they taste by myself I mean I guess I could take a break yeah so okay excellent choice I'm going to go with the [Music] elf you want to use this makes [Music] sense hi Lucy hi Barett hi posie did you make a cookie mhm and I already ate it o wow then maybe you could be the judge of our cookie competition wait I did not know that this was a competition sure okay you have 10 more seconds until the judging begins what 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 three two one show me what you [Music] got that poor elf and the winner is obvious I knew it that is an icing nightmare well here's to is tasting better than it looks and to you being able to teach dance better than you can decorate cookies ouch [Music] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] aahah [Music] [Applause] that was amazing thank you I just stopped by to see if you need anything before everyone gets here Lucy I think everyone is here yeah oh well then I'll leave you to it all right thank you I checked in on Barrett's dance class it's going great oh really lots of guests in there there's the perfect amount of guests h good hello hello today may I introduce you to the Wagner family yeah this way folks there you go and the Brian family there you go down here very good and last but not least the more family well hi folks how wonderful to see you are you checking in well Lucy be sure to add a few more marshmallows for tonight's event you got it come on [Music] in okay where do you want them uh I think over here great [Music] oh or maybe we should put them over there so that we can pass them out and make sure everyone gets one okay we could do that yeah oh I need to find the most perfect spot hold on Luc Isa would work let's wait and see sorry I just I'm used to having a plan let's see how it plays out when people walk in okay okay it's just like that time in the Christmas dance when we were going to do the turn oh wow remember instead we ended up doing the the dip exactly that was the best part of the dance I was petrified sometimes you have to let the unplanned lead the plan oh my gosh that might be the most Spirit Brewster statement I have ever heard you're welcome [Music] Christmas time when lights so bright a magical display [Music] s his isn't this place so magical hi ladies how was your second day at the winterly it was amazing I want to live here every Christmas well I think that pretty much sums it up yeah I want another one oh you know you can actually go and roast those by the fire you want to try okay be careful well hi hi do you want to have us more yeah all right can you believe this place is closing I'm a TV reporter for bhny and unfortunately I've done several pieces on the these boutique hotels and the cat skills they can't keep up with the big hotel chains well everyone used to come here when we were younger anymore speaking of when we were younger I saw the way Barett looked at you back then and let me tell you some things don't change [Music] please [Music] see mhm [Music] mhm I forgot how in love with s'mores I am yeah I can see that what come here just oh Lucy thanks again for what we're giving the winterly the goodbye deserves Just One Last Christmas dance great that's a great way to look at it I know you're still a dancer how how do you know that how do you know you're not we need to focus there's still time to get in rehearsals but it will be a sad day in the World of Dance that Lucy Mortimer hug up your dance shoes for good plus no matter how long you're away from something you can always come back to it all right come on come on come on just this one come everybody everybody thanks come on hey come [Music] on hey aren't you proud of your mom posie you guys you are inspiring me to make this the best Christmas dance the winterly has ever seen all right let's keep it going with body posture smart breathing and great energy all right all right let's do it one more time come on all right here we go again reindeer Express you know I remember Barrett saying that there was still some magic left up the winterly sleeve but I think he meant your sleeve Lucy this is amazing well I am having the time of my life how's Barrett's dance were Hur are going oh he's an unbelievable teacher so handson he makes everyone feel relaxed and confident well that's good to know maybe one day I'll uh join in yeah you should you should he really does have a gift you know when Barrett puts his heart into something he goes all in H and of all the dancing he's done do you know the only person he's ever referred to as his partner just you Lucy I twirled I swirled I spitted hello Tiny Dancer wow we are setting up a station so that everyone can write and send their letters to Santa tonight that will be good I guess is something wrong well it that Christmases this week and I've got to make sure that Santa knows I'm here we need to get all our letters all the way to the North Pole and the mail is so slow that is a good point mail delivery is a valid concern [Music] posing let me see if I can think of a faster way to get your wish to Sanda high [Music] five great you're all set we will see you tomorrow by another reservation that's that's the third today winterly family let me introduce you to the cobs the rang gools and the master all members of Barrett's youth dance class family Bill Debbie hi hey what's up a you made it hi Brady hi Barrett come here are you ready to have the best Christmas of your life I've been dancing over break and I'm ready for anything yes of course you are everybody this is Lucy Mortimer Lucy these are all my youth dance group friends and my students Sam Ellie and Brady so nice to meet you all Barrett can I be in your Christmas dance me too I've been practicing yes of course everybody can all right let's get you guys all checked in and set up and uh who wants to tour the winterly and a candy can about it after you come on [Music] guys wow I did not know that the North Pole could fit into the atrium this is amazing Lucy thank you I just love seeing everyone writing their letters to Santa shall we [Music] oh what are you going to wish for I'm not [Music] sure either okay well obviously World Peace well obviously I think we should ask Santa for something that's missing in our lives you know my invitation to come back here was addressed in Gold pen did you send out all the invitations I did a few maybe not a few I only did [Music] yours you never came back just felt like my last chance to ever see you again Barrett why didn't you reach out until now I would have [Music] answered from the moment my uncle told me that he was going to have to close the win early I couldn't stop thinking about you the times we were Partners together were some of the best times of my life we just had something that was magical yes I always thought we would end up meeting here again someday now with this being The Last Christmas I I knew that would never happen unless I really tried um I'm really glad that you did try okay um something missing in my life something missing in my [Music] life [Music] mhm [Music] okay I know that you like to prepare for everything but sometimes you just got to let the the unplanned lead the plan be my partner for the Christmas dance you'll never know unless you try okay fine yes amazing I got my partner [Music] back [Music] all right good morning everyone morning so many new faces this is awesome okay so the Christmas dance is right around the corner it is not a lot of time but we're still going to make this the best Christmas dance in the history of the winterly right let's get to it so for those of you just joining uh I like to show the whole Arrangement first and then I break it down into steps but first I want to bring up my dance partner Lucy you want to come and help me for a minute yes she does no I'm fine you're doing great Gess with Barrett he's awesome you'll do great come on they want to see it come on up [Music] here I thought we were going to ease into this I think you may surprise yourself what are we doing I want to test something out for the spotlight dance Spotlight you didn't say anything about the spotlight Just Go With It okay follow [Music] me 5 6 7 8 slow how PK M forward stand and melt sh It Forward [Music] breathe [Music] whoa that was great I'm going to go back to my spot mhm okay I would like to review the group dance with my under 15 dancers and the rest of you go ahead and get warmed up guys [Music] ready it's still there isn't it what is Your Love of Dance I guess it is I'll see you at the next rehearsal our one-on-one rehearsal so I can teach you the rest of the spotlight dance trust me I am working on something special for the finale I see at our rehearsal okay okay how's it coming partner oh you we are right on track I've got almost all them done these look incredible Virginia what would I have done without you thanks so okay okay Katie wants a puppy you know sorting through these reminds me the old days H how are you feeling about the winterly closing oh well I'm trying to focus on what good can come out of it I'll have more time chance for a second act times are changing I guess I haven't been good keeping [Music] up well I tell you this every person who comes to the winterly leaves feeling like they're part of a family and that's because of the way you treat them and the love you pour into this hotel you should feel nothing but proud and I'll tell you something else whatever hobby whatever you choose to put your time toward will be worth it we can all have a second act in life well you've uh made all this easier Virginia let's finish your surprise mhm I guess we're going to need more supplies lots of Christmas wishes [Music] here okay we want the place to feel really festive tonight do we have more Garland and strand lights I can see if I can find some in the warehouse sounds great thank you sounding good guys a I'm so glad you're liking it Hank Lucy I know you have a successful career- in-law but if the winterly wasn't closing I'd hire you to run this place in a New York minute well this is my favorite case I've ever taken on okay I'm going to work on my special project any hints about this surprise oh it's Merry it's bright and I'll see you [Music] tonight tickles come in in hey guys what's up are you going to finally admit to me that you're in love with Barrett no actually that is not why I came by believe it or not you are though it's only a matter of time anyway I came by because there aren't as many reservations as I hoped we would have by now and I feel like Barrett and I have exhausted usted our resources how can I help how do you feel about doing a story on the winterly on it closing no just something that reminds people of how amazing this place is are you kidding I love the winterly as much as you and now seeing posie up here it changes everything for me but Lucy is this all about the winterly all I know is there's something here that I am not ready to say goodbye to yet and that's something teaches dance to kids St well I'd love to do a segment what did you have in mind well let's get the word out about the Christmas dance and maybe the piece could create hope done I'll pitch it to my producers there's not that much time oh and I haven't spoken to Barrett or Hank about it yet and it would need to be tonight okay it's going to be tight I'll call and see if I can get a crew but but wait till I hear back from you before I pulled the trigger got it hey I got your cute invitation glad you accepted oh before we get started I have something to ask you great because I have something to ask you too okay go first okay so before you say no I have been thinking about us dancing together again and I think that we need to do something bigger than what we did during the last Christmas dance bigger than the dip yes if you trust me you and your knee can do it okay I know you are you saying yes yes yeah this is me saying yes awesome great although the dip was a bit unplanned yes perfect okay uh let's join join me up here here okay oh I was thinking that maybe we could do like [Music] um I love a here all right we [Music] got it's perfect and then what if we went into a little bit of a chop chop to jump right here yep perfect Swit boom MH I like that move me too um break yeah I'm going to take the rest of the day to really just lock in that finale move hey weren't you going to ask me something oh yes I spoke to Marley earlier today about the reservation numbers okay you know how she works for bhny now right yeah I was thinking what if she does a piece on the winterly to get the word out about the Christmas dance it's tomorrow Luc I just want to do everything that we can to don't you I don't know if that's what's best for my uncle I don't want to cause him any more heartache you know it's hard enough for him to have to say goodbye without the world watching Marley did say that it would be positive more hopeful than sad it's Uncle Hank's call ask him how he feels okay okay okay I'm I'm going to go do that now okay I'll see you tonight I'll see you [Music] tonight [Music] pink oh no all finished Lucy hey oh amazing um have you guys seen Hank by chance not in a while yeah I haven't seen him since earlier today [Music] thanks Jingle Bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to what fun it is to hey Luc bear mom wow you've gotten a lot of whatever these are done yep we are going to be ready for tonight speaking of we I can't find Hank anywhere and he left his phone at the front desk he did I know he had to run out and get some last minute supplies run out where the city I think is there something I could help you with is everything okay yeah I mean no there's just so much going on I feel like I'm playing mystery guest with tonight's event and now somehow I've got to be doing a partner routine with Barrett at the Christmas dance you're dancing with Barrett again that's wonderful it is okay there's something you're not telling me dance of a boy [Music] both the boy we'll see honey you've got to tell him how you feel you know there's a reason the universe brought us back to the winterly got to take the risk and open up your heart trust it go all [Music] in I feel like I'm ready to go all in but what if Barrett doesn't feel the same well my [Music] angel that is [Music] impossible Lucy I've been looking for you everywhere so what's going on my producers they they can't wait any longer but I haven't been able to find Hank and I need to make sure they need to know ASAP if they're scrambling on a crew for tonight Lucy I know you want this to happen I do too okay yeah let's do it [Music] you're cutting it pretty close don't you think well I needed some supplies I can't wait to see what you have planned [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] over there it is guys come on let's go [Music] we're here we're [Music] [Applause] [Music] here is Hank Okay yeah everything's fine Friends of the [Applause] winterly this week I was informed by a young guest but she was afraid her wish to Santa wouldn't get to the North Pole in time attached to every one of these lanterns are the wishes you wrote to Santa and we're going to take your Christmas wishes and send them up into the sky straight up to the North Pole and from everyone here at the winterly we hope that all your Christmas wishes come [Music] true posy has a lantern whoa Santa is going to love this this is for S Sam has a [Music] lantern Ellie has a l Lantern Brady has a [Music] [Music] lantern [Music] this is incredible where are [Music] lards there you are thank you thank you I think you two should share your wishes together before you release your lanterns and let's just say winterly did have some left up its [Music] sleeve should we open them I mean after that buildup I think we have [Music] to [Music] okay I I didn't think anyone was going to read mine other than a big guy but it's [Music] true shall we [Music] Barrett Lucy what is that Hank wanted to do the TV segment I wasn't able to find him in time so I had to give Marley the go ahead I thought we said that this was his call it was it is but we had to make a decision he's shining a spotlight on the hotel failing no no it's not going to be like that it she's capturing how beautiful this event is it's going to be hopeful we have to accept that this is the reality no new show is going to stop that but maybe I don't want to give up Hank tried we all tried I haven't I admire you Lucy I do but there's no snow to make snowmen and there's no people to fill the rooms and I and I know it looks like it's busier right now but people are just coming to say goodbye even you are leaving after Christmas right [Music] I think that's something I have to remind myself of too Barrett can we just talk I'll see for just [Music] a lights carrying wishes young and old to Santa himself a sight to behold hopefully one of those wishes is for this amazing Resort survival there are still reservations available and everyone is invited to the winterly for the Christmas dance tomorrow evening spread the word and trust this reporter when I say you won't find anywhere more perfect than the winterly for Christmas please don't worry about my name upon searching for [Music] the up with a when I think about the I really want they don't fit inside and I think you should know when I look around Christmas tree all my friends family what more could I need it's the greatest gift that I've ever re so please don't spend P at the big department St let's GA in hand and we'll sing along with care through the night underneath the Christmas maybe then you'll understand what are you doing [Music] okay hi hi what are you doing here I know it's very very early but it's snowing and I'm really sorry for last night me too okay I'm going to go back to sleep I I also want to show you something and it only happens as the sun comes up so you come with me [Music] yeah so this was my Hideout when I was younger it's adorable look at us so that's the best place to show you show me breakfast Aggie's famous cranberry [Music] muffins two two secret hideouts and Christmas Eve picnics at dawn do that yes it's perfect so I'm sorry for the way I reacted last night it's been a long time after we're just trying to sort through it all it's okay this is a lot to take in the thing is I don't really know what's next for me you know I'm always moving on to the next show the next production fastpac on the go and the winterly has always been the steady home in my life it's where I feel most like myself and the thought of having to give that up it's it's hard I understand when my uncle realized that he had to close the hotel he was crushed and I was too you know we were just waiting for something to turn around but it didn't we both lost hope so we decided that this Christmas would be our last harra and we were ready to say goodbye to the [Music] winterly and then you got here and it all changed Christmas dance just spending this time here with you nothing has ever felt more like home for [Music] me and it's all about to be gone including you I wasn't planning on this either you got to love the unplanned [Music] right I've been so set on saving this hotel because if I have to say goodbye to the winterly I'm afraid I'll also have to say goodbye to you [Music] really I love being a lawyer and helping my clients but deep down I always knew that there was something missing and then you reminded me of how much I love dancing and I got to see the magic of this place again and it's been wonderful connecting to [Music] everybody especially you Lucy there they [Music] are oh my [Music] goodness it it's like a painting they're beautiful I want to try to save the winterly together but if we have to let the winterly go I don't want to let you go I don't want to [Music] [Applause] [Music] either I wanted to do that for half of my life it was worth the wait Barrett are you up here yes Lucy and I both are oh good I've been looking for you both get down here you got to see [Music] this it's very good why is everyone up so early guys we're trending he means you're trending on social media what do you mean our winterly segment has been shared posted emailed tweeted a crazy amount of times it's amazing Luc see I can't thank you enough for setting up the news piece with Marley oh I'm so glad you're okay with it the phone has been ringing off the hook everybody wants information about the Christmas dance we're almost totally booked for for tonight so you're happy happy Barrett I'm ecstatic we're back baby bhny had people calling in all evening wanting more information on how they could participate in the winterly tradition it's crazy guys they want to broadcast the Christmas dance tonight live are you kidding I got to call in some of my Broadway peeps yes Marley thank you so much this is amazing this is our last chance to go all in for the Christmas [Music] dance I'm excited okay and now this is where we're really going to ramp it up okay there's something that I want to try I know we can make it work hey you ready me or my me this is going to take all of you then you can have all of me [Music] okay this is for you Mom I don't need anything I know open it I haven't had a new pair of these in so long well I have a mini Christmas tree waiting for these when you wear them out and I do hope you get lots of wear out of [Music] them [Music] wait to see you so good to see you I can't wait if you guys follow through then there's going to be a lot of moving in front of you so just be [Music] aware [Music] hey you ready Barett this is our time to shine you better believe it is posie hey have you seen [Music] Lucy wow wow Lucy you look incredible so do you are you ready I'm a little nervous you start to feel overwhelmed just look at me okay right here let it all out away out [Music] away hello folks welcome to the winterly resort Christmas dance the winterly family used to put on this Christmas dance every year it was a highlight for our guests for our dancers well for all of us we all missed it we missed all of you I is Barrett back there there you are come over here you should say something please welcome the winterly resort dance director and my nephew Barrett Brewster it's good to see you up here again I'm [Applause] CL hello everyone so tonight is all about letting the Wonder of Christmas fill your hearts it's also about all of us so keep an your out for your queue and from everyone here at the winterly merry Christmas [Music] [Applause] enjoy deck the halls with vows of [Music] holly T the season to be we now our gay apparel troll the ancient uai [Music] Carol see they blazing you before us shrink that heart har and join forus follow me in Merry [Music] measure while I tell of you TI [Music] treasure I said f la la la la la [Applause] [Music] [Applause] la [Music] what dear who has everything I got the perfect remedy you get me for Christmas I know that men will be boys but when you finished with them I'll still be underneath the tree you me chras send you socks and scars and sweaters like it's swing up and I something so much better that I'll keep you warm if my Christmas wish comes true and all I'm wish fall is you how and I will be you get me for [Music] Christmas if my Christmas wish comes true and all I'm wishing for is you very mer I will be when me for [Music] Christmas [Music] I'm on my way driving [Music] slow my music plays and it starts to s I'm coming home to you fireplace and houses glow I see the cold on my window yeah I'm coming home to you nothing else matters now now the days have settled down I'm on my way I won't be long just me and you in the winter sun I'm coming [Music] home I'm coming home I'm coming home coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming home I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm [Music] [Applause] coming I'm coming home wo this is your queue everybody join us ready to Cate another party for the holidays keep the girls looking pretty on our way hey holding hands down the street lights are glowing on Christmas trees Snow's falling perfect sight I couldn't have [Music] imag until I walked into the room and it just hit me there I didn't know what I was missing I'm for you there the m to waiting for me to notice I don't like to stand anymore when Seas change there's nothing more I need wish came when I found you Last Christmas I found my love last Christmas all the gift that sto my heart P you're not going to believe this I just came from the lobby and there's a a whole lineup of people waiting to book for New Year's and summer and even for Christmas next year what I told them to hold off until you could get there oh they are so [Music] excited summer that's perfect Barrett you can open up a dance studio here turn the summer season into a dance camp you're getting all this right wait what is it I can't imagine doing anything at the winterly without you here hey I already said I would hire you in a New York minute a lawyer and a part-time Hotel manager got a love be unplanned right I can make it work this feels just like old times doesn't it well [Music] almost [Applause] [Music] CH my wish came true when I found you last with love I found my love last Christ Love Last Christmas I found my love Christmas I found my love [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Christmas now it's perfect you got your snowman after all is there anything more magical than Christmas at the [Music] winterly I know one [Music] thing [Music]
Channel: Brain Power Studio
Views: 353,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, Movie Trailer, Feature Film, Film, Brain Power Studio
Id: ART8GfpEA7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 35sec (5255 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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