The Color of Love: Jacey's Story | Full Movie | CineClips

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[Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the supplies for the shelter will be picked up next Saturday between the hours of 9 and 12 well make sure someone's home and Ellie I know from experience that sometime you don't hear the doorbell when you're working in your garden but my Garden's My Sanctuary fed sticks you stay in next Saturday in needle point well yes ma last order of business the peach Gaya dinner the RSVPs are pouring in and I think we are going to have a bigger turnout than last year last year we didn't have the governor of Georgia in attendance oh last year we didn't have a lot of things we're going to have this year thanks to my gracious sister-in-law Miss mine Porter and her generous donation of her lovely home for the evening well it's the least I could do for such a worthy cause Ellen put that foul thing out you told Jack you'd quit I did quit just now Georgia please tell me you considering taking a date to the Gaya I am going to be working that room for donations I just don't have any time for entertaining the day my God Georgia it's been a year it's time you get back in the game loosen your bels girls here comes georg's apple pie Betty be careful with that dish it belonged to George's great grandmother yes ma'am she maintained that a pie in that dish was made Superior by its age and experience there goes my diet what diet the one I fully intend to start as soon as you quit your smoking you have one message message one Wednesday 1113 a Mrs Porter this is Jane Kramer I'm a patient representative at San Diego General Hospital I found your number in your daughter's purse she's been in an accident please call me as soon as you get this message it is a matter of some urgency I can Beed at extension 2 at connect H up here Li Jo I love you to the stars and back I love you to the stars and back in well I love you to the stars back and around the Moon into the last corner of the universe me too babe good night Mama Rose is on your pillow r is on your pillow [Music] [Music] right Mrs Porter I'm Jane kram I called you how Dr Peterson would like to talk to you well I'd like to see my daughter first he should be here any minute it just took forever getting here but I was very lucky to to be able to get a plan out away Mrs Porter it would really be better if you waited why no how bad is she the nurse wouldn't tell me I'm sorry massive internal injuries no believe it's a lot no no please we thought it would be best if you told the child child don't worry she's fine the fact that she was belted in probably saved her except for a few cuts and bruises we expect her to fully recover what do you say she's just down here can you take a look at this I'll be right in hi that's a nice elephant you got there Mrs Porter we're over here excuse me JC I brought you a visitor don't worry about her arm she has a few stitches but I don't expect they'll leave a scar I'll leave you two to talk doctor I don't understand what who is this child isn't she your granddaughter I haven't talked to my daughter in over nine years we had fallen up she's a black child well her her father was African-American your daughter's husband he died at the scene I'm sorry I thought you knew that we pulled the child's records you were the only relative we were able to contact you can take her home tomorrow take her well yes if you don't she'll be put in foster care she needs to be close to someone right now she doesn't remember anything about the accident but at some point she will and she'll need to have I'm sorry I have to go I'll be back as soon as I can hi I'm thirsty here you are thank you you're welcome your name is Jai it's a pretty name very Southern Howard out calls me JY penny boy teases you means he likes you your mother what's her name L Joe and your father Marcus P Hastings oh my God what time is it when an elephant sits on your fence time to get a new fence I was a nurse once for Halloween when I was little oh I'm not a nurse hone and what are you your mother Lily Joe your mother is my daughter uh-uh that's not true I I know you already you would be my grandma well I live in Georgia that's pretty far from here did your mother ever say anything about growing up in Georgia about the farm school I want my mom can you get my mom your mama and your Dy there was a that was a terrible accident no no mommy daddy go away Mommy Daddy come back Mommy please mommy [Music] daddy sorry [Music] [Music] stay right here let let go me no come on come on come get back just stay put [Music] Georgia mama [Music] may I have youright at won't you take a little sip with this you haven't had anything all day how about the little chocolate I never knew a child who didn't like chocolate I'm allergic to chocolate I'll throw up really I'm sorry that's not heaven Oh no you're right that isn't heaven heaven is hidden from us it's it's in the last corner of the universe why well maybe it's just so beautiful that uh we'd want to go live there before our time [Music] [Music] this is it this is sweet Creek this is where your mother grew up you've come at a good time the H Rangers are still [Music] blooming ma'am thank you all right here we are I'm arranging to have all your things set here why is it so hot well honey this is a sou we just have more sun here pretty Sun seem Just Like [Music] Home surprise my word where is that need [Music] man [Music] Jon I told my friends about you so they planned a little welcome home surprise these are my friends these are the Georgia Peaches welcome to Sweet Creek h honey thank you hello JY it's nice to meet you you know you look just like your mother except except your eyes are brown and your mother's were blue what you have your grandma's eyes come on honey I'll show you to your room you're right up the stairs for me do you know this room used to be your mama's room she helped me make this very quilt oh look at this wow well I think the peaches must have just just bought out every store just for you is your arm hurting you honey well don't don't you worry we'll go down Monday and have the doctor take a look at those old stitches you must be worn out you know I never was able to to put your mama's clothes away but it's time now I'm going to clean out this closet it's going to be just for you oh my God Georgia why didn't you tell us I I just didn't know what to say I still can't believe this whole thing has happened they were going to put her in foster care are you sure she's Lily well of course she's liily she's a spitten image of her there must be someone who can take her take her where she's George's grandchild a child is always a blessing honey honey you in here oh come on sweetheart [Music] Rose is on your pillow [Music] [Music] I'm only giving you one more minute and then I'm coming in there after you Joe what the hell you doing I'm going to give that boy of yours what for marus get back in the house get back in the house take that gun off my boy Jo look at you drunk as a skull put get out of my face get out down maybe you need a wh too stop it what do you want Dad you want me dead F oh this is crazy come on F you kill us chica is coming home I promise you that ever come home while you're still alive get in the car now mama don't go in here don't go get in this car stay here with us come in this cook you better pray she comes [Music] home [Music] Mommy Mommy momy [Music] mommy no it's all right it's all right I'm [Music] here no she's still sleeping she must be exhausted poor thing I'm making all of her mother's favorite dishes shoot there's the doorbell must be the man from the shelter mine I call you right back good morning uh the box is right at the side of the house you want to be real careful with it CU there some good dishes you know don't let them slide is there a problem where's your truck grandpa oh it's okay little be I'm here now everything going to be just fine Mommy and Daddy are gone no I was away might have been here much sooner you don't remember me do you no I mean yes of course you're Marcus's father I'm I'm sorry I thought you were from the homeless shelter of course you [Music] did you ready mhm ready for what taking JC home where she [Music] belongs well you do realize she just got here we haven't had a chance to get to know each other at all I want to go home I know you do hey if you go over there in the porch there's a pre birthday present there for you it's right over there okay oh yes please bet you didn't know she existed did you no Lilian Marcus didn't want you or your husband to have anything to do with that child my husband died over a year ago oh sorry for the loss she's perfect grandpa I love her so much what's her name smokey smokey another smokey smokey number two hey Smokey number two well she's just CED us a book you like cats J she was a cat in her last life I see I guess I have a lot to learn mhm what happened to Smoky number one Grandpa I'm hungry I I cooked I I I cooked chicken and rice and some fresh want your food Grandpa okay now you take Smoky number two out and play and I'll make you something very very special okay all right man of course this is it yep here you are just because I'm curious how have you ever expect to raise a black child here in sweet Creek well she's only half what now this is to self one drop of black blood makes you black for life you know that better than I do you know things are change this town is as Progressive as when was the last time you had a black man here in your kitchen I hardly think that's pertinent probably never had a black man in your house at all unless you in here fixing something why you pack up of things I'll take her away this afternoon I am sorry but you can't take her I won't allow it you don't have a choice I've been appointed her legal guardian in their well Marcus left JC to me JC will never be raised here in SW Creek JC rice pudding's almost ready I would like to take her to the doctor Monday morning I told her I would be with her when her stitches came out I want to do this one thing with her if I may all right I got some business to attend to here in sweet Creek we'll leave Monday afternoon for San Diego Thank you for that I'll be at that Motel on Cherry Street little beill I will see you tomorrow no I'll make supper that'll be fine give me hug you you okay JY come on let us girls go shopping bye Grandpa come on honey I know place we can get a beautiful new dress for church why do I have to take a bath in a day because it's Sunday and because you're a girl and girls should smell sweet at church you're going to love the shampoo it smells just like coconuts from Haw I got it out of a Oran catalog called The aowa Sharper ow coconut hurts my eyes that's not how Mommy does it just a little more water Come on Mommy so do I all right honey um B your head dear Lord we thank you for your blessings help us to be worthy of your love we pray for Li Joe and Marcus and we know they're with you they're part of your flock but they will be in our heart forever and thank you for sending me Jason amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] put your head back flat up against the post now now let's see what we got here I think this is going to be a world record my goodness look at that you have gained 3 and2 in since the last time you miss you boy whatever you been eating [Music] morning morning stop you're hurting me oh I'm sorry just comb hi Betty hello Mrs Porter and who's this sweet thing this is J mate jcon you want to shake hands well hello Jacy aren't you a pretty girl and how old are you six and 34 really Betty I need to talk to Mr and Miss Porter for a bit could you just keep an eye on her for me oh yes ma'am I could use the company come on with me I was just thinking of having an ice cold lemonade would you like some yes please Lar thanks so much for talking to me on Sunday I know this is your golf day oh Georgia please your family now this here document gives him full legal custody this kind of thing is hard to fight but I am her grandmother oh maybe it's the best thing for her for the child she does know him they do have a bond I mean maybe she'll do better being raised by her own she's Lily Jo daughter see we just think it may be easier Georgia honey we want what's best for you now this may be the way out of this whole mess you know how my brother would have felt I'm not interested in how Joe would have felt thank you very much oh that looks darl thank you fretty yes ma'am well come on better get going you know I could teach you to do a for hair oh I'd appreciate that B it's just hair well I know you know she favors you you think so she's got your eyes well her grandfather's taken her back to California sweet Creek's an oldfashioned town with oldfashioned ideas is that year would be easier if easy is what you're after I guess byebye byebye byebye bye J have a great day how would you like to go to the park they've got a real nice swing there you know I haven't been swinging for one two three four 100 years uh pump your legs in and out in and out know how to swing I'm almost seven you surely do you know your mama used to like to swing right up to the stars and try to touch the moon that's just for fa thingss don't really go that high well maybe not in California but you don't have the bilateral gravitational pool we have down here in the South really uh-huh sure okay now lean back take a deep breath count to 10 as fast as you can close your eyes and take you're right I can see the of course I am grandmother everything [Music] I can't see the moon you know having you here in the Summers is not such a new idea your mother used to spend Summers with her grandmother maybe next summer you and I could spend some time the chickens in the cows yeah you know about the farm the bathroom's outside and you have to get real early to melt the cow goodness you know more about this F not realize are you very sick no I'm healthy as of hor why mommy said why don't we get us some ice cream mommy doesn't let me have ice cream before lunch oh she's absolutely right you shouldn't have ice cream before lunch no I that was a terrible idea but I have something here I have something right here did you know that Sal crackers are filled up with most of the food groups that the FDA requires for a healthy lunch good lunch very good let's go get some ice cream of course we'll finish our before we get [Music] the thank you three boys rub the bottle and a genie pops out and the genie says H each boy one wish the first boy wishes to be smart and D says poo you're smart the second boy wish to be smart than the first boy and the genie says po you're smarter than the first boy and the third boy wish to be smarter than the other two and the genie says poop you're a girl you're pretty funny I'm going to have to write that one down daddy says ice cream has too much sugar your daddy was a smart man he knows about all the food you have to know which food keep you from getting sick that's right did he work in the market no he's a pharmacist he gives you medicine when you get to sick a pharmacist well how about your mama did she work there too no she goes to school like me to school what did she study sad people hi baby hi Grandpa W eat pie more for you and me Tick T ride in the D Mama bakes a pie for liily jo mama bakes a pie for Lily Joe your mother taught you that yeah Grandpa's here can I please have some more milk well that depends are you able may I please have some more milk certain you may there you go thank you you're welcome Jai tells me your son was a pharmacist yeah he uh got a degree at Y and Lily was a student Jac said that she was studying sad people oh she's just finishing her studies in Psychology really I always hoped she'd go to the University of Georgia when she graduated from high school this is a fine dinner we we baked a pie but Jon says you won't eat it yeah not much on desserts oh honey Dr Darman called and he's going to take those old stitches out tomorrow morning 11 a.m. Dr dond is he still practicing medicine one would think he'd be retired by now no he's still going strong you know Dr D baby he saved your father's life the day he was born really yeah yeah no other doctors were comeing visit us and the hospital said it wouldn't admit patients who weren't pre-registered we didn't have time to go to the County General so your father was born in the parking lot of Mery Hospital why because black people were not allowed in the White hospital that is absolutely not true and I don't think that it is fair for you to fill this child's head with with negative hateful stories about the C you're right no reason at all especially since we're leaving tomorrow afternoon why don't we have coffee in the living room are you ready m ah I put it to bed I hope you don't mind no she loves books and when she was a baby I started off on fairy tales now we're moving on up to Classics you remember your first fairy tale oh yes Cinderella my mother must have read it to me a hundred times I remember my first fairy tale I was about JC's age about six kindergarten teacher read it to us on the first day of school Little Black is this how you intend to raise her just filling her up with hate and fear that's part of History the part you don't want to look at now look I don't have time for this we're leaving tomorrow we only have time for the truth well the truth is I would be the better choice to raise her why because you're white or because you're a woman I am simply more appropriate oh I know you hated my husband he was unspeakable to you and to your son but I am not my husband and I would appreciate it if you would not treat me as if I were he held a gun to my son's head that night and you could have stopped him you think that I will take ji out of here and away from people like you and there nothing you can do about it you know what Jac's handicap is it's you and that hostile wall that you hide behind to cover your own inadequacies I may be inadequate but I didn't chase my only child out of my life Jessy breakfast honey [Music] breakfast what you doing doing baby I'm trying to look like Mommy oh oh you do look like Mommy but mostly you look just like you I'm sorry I don't have the same skin is you and Mommy why would you say something like that cuz we're going so far away grandpa said it would be easier for you to remember me if I had white skin well your grandpa is wrong I would never forget you never in a million years you're my grandbaby you hear me mommy told me her mom was too sick to be a grandma well maybe I was but don't get the better sure was nice getting to know it even just a little bit maybe you'll come see me sometime maybe let's see now s here we are Mr Hastings are you in there maybe you went to breakfast or something let's go see oh my God help help we need some help here can you unlock this door please ma' 911 what is your emergency this is an emergency please please send an ambulance to the motel on Cherry Street is Grandpa sick again again honey has been sick before ma'am ma'am this 911 how can I help you ma'am hi I'm Dr Rose are you here with Mr Hastings yes he's going to be fine he took too much insulin and his blood sugar got too low but we managed to revive and rather quickly he's a diabetic yes I thought you knew that well then he isn't a drug ad no we can't release him alone he's not very well controlled right now and he has a severe foot ulcer he told us he was in a California hospital for treatment but he checked out a few days ago come here well his kidneys and heart are doing fine right now but we've got to get his sugars under control the important thing is keeping his wound clean and medicated or he could lose his foot my word does your foot hurtt no I don't feel a thing how are you oh I'm fine now it just never happens you know what with the traveling and the stress of me not being careful it won't happen again I still plan to take little JC back to San Diego I called over to the resident Care Center I'm going to have you moved over there tomorrow thank you two weeks that's all I need once I get home and get back on my schedule everything's going to be better come here a little bit you are going to have to stay with your grandma for a while until I get better okay no you can stay with us in my room I'll take care of you I can't do that why not I want to be with you please don't leave me with her no listen to me now listen to me time is going to fly by so fast you'll stay with us until you're on your feet Jai want you nearby and I want what Jon wants I don't think that that would be possible why because I'm a woman or because I'm what you're kidding me right you're going to have that man living with you in your home are you crazy mline she lost both her mother and her father she can't lose him too oh my God Georgia send him a card make him a pie you don't invite a man like that into your home a man like what don't you play games with me you are a single woman living alone in a town that has formalities and traditions well hell with a town I I got to do it right for it's one thing to have a beautiful black baby living in your house it's another to have a fully grown black man sleeping under your roof and you have a choice here no I don't have a choice I need to do what's best for Jason but this is your room yes it is this is not right I need to find another room all the rest of the bedrooms are upstairs this room is perfect the bathroom is right across the hall it'll be easier for you I won't take your room it's already done I moved all of my things upstairs so that I can be closer to Jason you will stay here and there's nothing you can do about it I think she's mad at [Music] you hey Miss Mor hi Ma better go I don't think that Max likes smoking number two very much just needs to get to know her mommy says the animals think they hate different animals but they're just afraid to love what they don't know your mama was a smart cookie come in supper is sir it's early but we sou eat supper early here in the South absolutely right now you remember you was born and raised in California I made the rice and the salad don't eat the slimy stuff oh your grandpa was raised down here but he just loves okra I may have grown up here but you're right that okra is a vile substitute for a vegetable honey why don't you run and get the salt and pepper I forgot them look just a little charade is an attempt to coers me into letting JC stay here in sweet queak you're wrong I'm going to fight you all the way I know you have told me several times you know I am trying to be civil in a very uncomfortable situation I would appreciate it if you would extend me the same courtesy look you and I we may have grown up here but we come from a different world Mr Hastings you just lost your son and I just lost my daughter we live in the same world whether we like it or not Mrs poter tomorrow's JC's birthday now Lily used to make her a cake now will you get her one tomorrow please no chocolate make your throw up I know thank you you're welcome you roll on over there why do you have stars up there those are your mother Stars you know there's one there for every year of her life your mama just loves stars do you think mommy and daddy miss me as much as I miss them no ma'am I do not I think your mother and father are right here watching over you they're making sure you're happy and they're making sure you're not eating too much ice cream so you just better go to sleep and give them some rest [Music] R is on your pillow R is on your pillow honey [Music] Feminine Mystique woman struggle against man alone and happy no a woman's guide there is a warrior in every one of us a woman will call on her Warrior or let her [Music] sleep what am I doing here meet your approval that's just fine yeah not bad I called Madeline this morning and I asked her to invite her grandchildren over to the Georgia Peach meeting that way JC will meet some friends and then I'll invite them back here for cake and ice cream later what is a Georgia Peach they're a a group of women volunteers currently were putting on a dinner to raise money for the homeless shelter well Lily volunteered for the bed woman shelter in San Diego did you thank you for telling me thank you for the cake I did it for Jacy hello JY hello Mrs Porter how are you hello JY happy birthday thank you oh she's so excited to be meeting your grandchildren sorry but the girls couldn't come they have the sniffles all three of them that's too bad well JY you're just going to have to be at Georgia Peach today you sit right beside me and all my good friends well I think we should move right to the first order of business uh I spoke to the caterer and she said that the three main order would be more than enough so that we should cancel the caviar and toast now right there we'll save $800 wonderful oh my word Betty made her short cake have the reason people come to the Gayla is to try some of Betty's great desserts and to see what racy thing I might wear better start baking now Betty looks like we're going to have a big turnout yes ma'am you've been as much a part of the Georgia Peaches as any one of us we should make you an honorary Peach well that's true enough my bet is a special girl thank you ma'am thank you Miss Porter my goodness Betty we've known each other 15 years please call me Georgia Thank You Ma'am Georgia Betty I think I'll take an itsy pitsy piece of that cake now such a shame the gardens aren't as nice as last year what is with you me what's with you all of your grandchildren are suddenly unavailable that is just it's bull that's what it is you have a black man living in your home now isn't that just a slap in the face why he's not living in your home don't you dare I treat Betty like a member of my family I always have but there are rules I know where the line is and you have crossed it maybe it's time we moved the line as a matter of fact I'm thinking of asking Lou Hastings to be be my escort at the Georgia Peach dinner are you trying to provoke me this is not about you this is about Jacey she's part of your family now too it's time you started treating her like that you self-righteous I love you like a sister and I am sorry about Lily but don't you preach to me you were me a week ago then shame on me hi Grandpa hey little bear the kids weren't there oh this town has changed huh I should have known better they were sick didn't have anything to do with anything don't you worry about those kids little bear I got a very special birthday gift just for you look at that it looks just like Mommy well it is mommy she wanted you to have it I'm going to go show Smoky number two all right I gave that cross to Lily for her confirmation when she was 12 years [Music] old oh here we got you some books did you know that two of the authors on the bestselling list of black I mean africanamerican does that surprise you yeah it does maybe I'm growing I wouldn't worry about it we got a lot to overcome try it well thank you that's been broken a long time you're welcome there the least I can do I know how hard it was for you to take me in why do you get so many catalogs oh I just like to shop at home I like to be able to think without a salesperson standing over me you probably wouldn't understand that you're so good with people oh what oh I didn't even know it was July what is it oh once a year the Star Registry sells ownership of the Stars you get to name them and keep them forever I've bought one every year since Lily you know went away they publish her name and mine and every important newspaper all over the country and I I just always hoped that wherever she was she might she might see our names and I know how much I loved her she could call a registry too and they'd send her her Stars they just little charms for bracet oh I guess it's just stupid [Music] hi Betty hi I brought my grandchildren over for jy's birthday party I'm sorry maybe I should have called oh no that's wonderful JY no come on in I'm so happy to see you thank you hi I'm JY I'm seven hello hi are those for me Happy Birthday Happy Birthday J you want to come see my room that'll be great sure oh thank you you're welcome and I'll pick him up in a couple of hours oh come on in stay for dinner are you sure hey we got birthday cake here oh oh this is Lou H Lou this is Betty Greenway my friend pleasure to meet you pleasure is all mine come on Ella is this where the party is it sure is how are you girls the other kids are upstairs why don't all go up come on in hi hello Just an Illusion huh smoking mirrors all right here we go with the birthday cake here it comes closer don't forget to make a wish three oh yeah what did you wish I can't say it or it won't come true they're here little bear they are right here happy birthday honey you want a big pie I a right now [Laughter] [Applause] girls goodbye girls y'all come back nice meeting you thank you for coming H oh my pleasure that is one handsome man I'd have the vapor knowing he was sleeping right there under my roof what are you talking about oh please Georgia grow up this may be the South but you'd have to be dead not to notice him well I assure you I don't oh that was a great party yeah don't you worry a little bit so we'll be home and everything will be back to normal hey maybe we will have one of those end of the summer parties the way we had last year okay run into Sprinklers and eat popsicles absolutely sure remember that Daddy did on my birthday when I was three oh yeah he he woke you up in the middle of the night and drove you to the beach and built a bonfire in the sand right and we chased fireflies and roasted marshmallows yeah you're such a baby I can remember that it's my best thing with Daddy yeah well anyway you uh close your eyes dream about being home what about Grandma what about Grandma is she coming with us you see your grandma she has a whole life here this is her home she wouldn't enjoy California the way we do besides where would you find all those catalogs all close your eyes get some sleep butterfly kiss butterfly kiss okay esimo kiss esimo kiss [Music] too make [Music] sorry I didn't know you in here just to come get some [Music] water Smoky number one was with her in that car that day wasn't she yes it's just about enough to break your heart isn't it yes it [Music] is good night [Music] [Music] Banana Pancakes they're her favorite very impressive where are you off to well it is Sunday and we are good Christian women we're going to church I was going to go to my own church I was hoping to bring JC with me well maybe she could go with me just as once well JC and I we were invited to this barbecue some friends haven't seen in years perhaps you could pick her up after the services well maybe you could drop her off fine [Music] [Music] just slide in there why is everybody looking at us they're looking at our new bless let us pray you look like an angel Lord we ask that you guide us and defend Us in these turbulent times the world is not a simple place and we are not perfect help us father to be tolerant of our brothers and sisters who were like all of us created in Your Divine image amen amen [Music] [Music] I have to be quiet that's just the way they do things in this church maybe you get in trouble if you make noise not in my church should have gone with Grandpa hey little B thanks for bringing oh you're welcome well I I'll see you in a little while then H stay with us Grandma I don't think your grandma i' love to say sh yourself come on Bab chasing each other I'm going to separate you now do you hear me you get boys running around hello hello this delicious well it's an old family recipe from way back would you like some oh yeah sure guess what there you go thank you enjoy I wish I can dance like that I'm sure you can you know we come from a family of very very tallented people matter of fact when I was young I can dance as good as that do you want to see what about your foot don't worry about your foot let's go [Music] [Music] yeah yeah what is she doing here [Music] Grandma did you see me wonderful I just used to love to dance when I was your then come on I Mo that one I'll teach you 1 two one two 1 [Music] two turn hey better sh my God what happened I'm fine go go going back to bed no come on come on out fine just get on out there okay slide back in you go back put oh my sweet Jesus it's nothing it's nothing that is not nothing that is horrible have you you been doing everything the doctor said well it's uh it's hard for me to change the bandage as often as I need it I didn't realize that I'm sorry I I can take it from here you just got it am I hurting you no no no no all right well at least you won't have to lock your bedroom door anymore clearly it's hard for the black man to climb them steps without his foot I am an oldfashioned moral Southern woman I wouldn't care if you were pink with purple polka dots still a man and I would still lock my door I see no you don't all right let's get back in back come on now come on yeah I'm uh I'm sorry about this afternoon sure he was uncomfortable being with my people no not at all I was just happy to crash the party yeah right I'm sure you would have felt much more at home with your Georgia peaches at the fancy dinner when is that dinner that that was tonight I'm sorry for what what it seems impossible for Lily to have been raised by you and your husband and still come out so special really I take that thought back good night good night it's hot that's this park is gone to Hell in a hand basket time was you could come here and have a pleasant afternoon the handsome devil over there is my grandson the boy's got two speeds red hot fire and coma I can hardly keep up with him that's my granddaughter over there where on the swim that's Jon that's my baby I see well isn't she adorable I think so I'm going to start uh wrapping things up okay sure so is this your husband no man we just live together well really I do believe that global warming is concentrating on Georgia impossible grandma told me they have more sun here in the sou it's true you uh saying that you're a little too hot here Georgia yeah maybe you need a nice cold shower yes ma'am that would be perfect three let's [Music] go you watch this [Music] it's getting late we should be thinking about dinner [Music] you are right home there no [Applause] come back pleas come [Music] back it's okay it's I know I know I know [Music] your grandpa and I are here we'll always be here forever and ever it'll be all right [Music] is she asleep she's starting to remember everything about the accident I can't even imagine what she must be feeling well school starts in a couple weeks maybe when she's around the the teachers and the friends and everything's on schedule everything might go back to normal our children are gone that little child upstairs is suffering God knows what every bit of it is my fault what I was weak I was so weak I was I don't understand it I should have just I should have done what you said I should have stopped him I shouldn't have let him go out there that night and I should have stayed with Lily when she asked me to and I didn't and I don't know what you left with him cuz you knew that if he was home beaten on you he wouldn't be over there hurting them it's not your fault I should have taken her away years ago when she's a baby I should have just got her out of there what was I so scared of I just want another chance I just want to go back I want to fight for that's what you're doing that's what you're doing now fight that child everything going to be just fine hey you can't hurt you anymore let's go to Chase [Music] [Music] [Music] is it Tak fire we toasted marshmallows out here oh this Qui quick quick quick quick fire all right blow blow okay this one's better this one blow as high how it taste ymy that's good this is the third marshmallow you think you we toasted marshmallow [Music] what are you doing I hav imposed on your hospitality too long you're taken her aren't you I uh I need to tell you something Marcus and the Lily there going to move back here here what are you say well they wanted to come home they wanted to live in my old house why didn't you tell cuz I didn't want them to move here I was against JC being raised here and I thought that if you knew you try and keep and I couldn't let that happen I just didn't trust you to raise her so why are you telling me now because now I know I'm wrong she belongs with you your good mother good woman she needs you she's looking to have you she needs you too this is crazy what are you doing is this because last night I pulled away from you but it wasn't because you're black it's because you're a man I think I better go [Music] morning you honey what's that Grandpa want to wa for a while he told me to give you this L you know what we have to do we have to get you over to that school and get you registered CU first grade is going to start couple [Music] Lily Joe star bracelet she knew honey these are the stars I gave your [Music] mom beautiful for [Music] Grand little what you doing here and we found you where are you running to I'm going home ja is your home Lily and Marcus they're trusting us to raz's child I'm going to be in her life and I will see you soon little I'm not sure I can do this by myself George broke my heart once before I'm not going to let that happen again stay with us Grandpa please grandma wants you to stay don't you Grandma yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh [Music]
Channel: CineClips
Views: 570,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cineclips, cine, clips, cinema, films, movies, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, 2019, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, fandango
Id: 8klA1__9juw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 54sec (5214 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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