Mudlarking an ancient port on the edge of the roman empire! Maryport, England Part 1

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think we've got food I think our you look cute [Music] hello everyone so here we are in Mary ports and it is one of the most northerly coastal harbors in the county of Cumbria in the north of England yeah and we're here today on the river to go mud Larkin and this will the tide is out and there's plenty of for sure so let's hope we can find something good bit of something here my first find and look it looks like a bit of a oh it's the rim of a pot a big old pot mmm very slimy very muddy look at all of these nails can you see them but it's a metal those are bits of nails on this spot here building the boat building yeah what's this Oh what is that what's it made of stone yeah is that rock oh that's weird strange it's like a stone cork Oh we'll keep I'll keep it I think this is a massive piece of like twisted rope metal iron rope you know just spotted a bottle here it looks like a modern be a bottle but we'll have a look yeah it's a modern beer bottle oh yes you can tell by the milled bottom oh well yeah two nails yeah this is a huge random lunk lunk lump of metal seems to be a lot of it just on this on this little patch here what a metal here and here's a bit of another bit of pot with that black glaze on the inside got anything on it see how yeah it does look like an old bottle but it's well smashed up we're hoping to find some complete ones along this robear so that's a good side yeah it's been really promising so far this and an old bit of glass and that looks like a bit of a bit of 20th century pottery I thought I'd found a bead down here but it's a berry that's annoying lots of autumn leaves lots of leaves covering bits as well now we could find Roman stuff down here so I'm keeping my eyes peeled but there is lots a bit it's a pottery with just the inside glazed actually most of what I find is just the inside of the pot glazed rather than the outside it's what most of what I found cooking pot so far oh that's glaze on the inside and outside that feels like lead I spot some kind of jar down here it's glass perhaps it's some kind of pasty I wonder if it's whole or what feels whole mums got the trowel I haven't got a trial with me so oh I can't get it out no I can't get it out is it is jammed in there all right we have to turn the camera off and use both hands okay so with great difficulty I got it out and I think it might be some kind of honey pot there's something on the bottom it is absolute full with merge it's got a lovely lovely patterning on the side it's definitely got something written on the bottom but I'm gonna have to wait until we get home for that one over okay so this is what mom wanted me to see and it looks like it has a seal can you see that yeah look there it's at a screw top oh I don't know I can't tell us absolutely Oh dirty oh it might not be very old look look modern gin bottle it's someone oh well we'll leave it here for future yeah we'll leave it for the future mud loggers and another hundred years time oh oh yeah got a bit of a broken stuff anyway this seam goes right to top that's not yeah looks like the remains of a Vulcan I a wartime yeah look can you see me the war greed bottle stopper it's pretty battered up I don't think we're gonna take that with us I spotted a coin down here it just looks like a 2p you never know now it's stupid isn't it is 2p oh well you know what they say a coins a coin there's lots of broken bits here what what's over here what's that Oh some sort of pot oh oh it's kind of similar in shape to the what hours house Hatton's it's got little shells all over it oh how can you know thats really sick I like that something on the bottom has quite a few words on there so yeah oh that's a link of a chain oh I see some remains of a bottle with something on it one one perhaps it was London oh yeah London a long way from London yep that one's got a funny now haven't we all that is odd yeah it's quite modern it's a screw top there's carvings on the stone actually these old stones okay so we can ahead cross that footbridge and try the other side now we could carry on further along this side but there's quite a lot of for show on the other side and the river continues right into the centre of the town as well so there's too much for one day but we'd definitely want to try the other side this river if we can before the tide comes back in [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the rep is very shallow here actually I've kind of dirtied it with my muddy boots I can't see but you can't see bits of pottery you see the little white child's lying around down there not gonna attempt to pick them up because it's freezing freezing calls and they're a bit too deep an important message for you all I think I might have found the tiniest bit of pipestem yep I've got quite a big hole in it actually might be a fairly early one no this looks like a jar but oh that's odd I don't know what that is you look like a jar from that angle I think I found a metal plaque here looks like copper is the green and there's holes in each corner but not sure if there's anything on it might have been something on it but I'll keep it for further investigation yeah I'm in this extremely sticky murder here just started a tiny little bottle there just looks modern screwed up I'll leave it Oh bone butchered bone it's always lots of those in the photo wherever you go oh yeah I can see little cogs in there that might leave when we clean it up oh oh hello sorry I'm going oh all right yeah look I can see I can see numbering on there I can see the dial not the dials but twelve eleven ten can you see it Doyle out of a boat oh yeah we'll have to clean that up and have a better look oh yeah yeah can you see the wood here how its laid out this could be the remains an old boat or something and this old post here it's quite beautiful must be hundreds of years old worn by the tides and the weather yeah got their textures on it I love that yeah there's lots of dress down around here mum was just saying there and there and there was on the other side actually I saw a bit see a castle so again there used to be a castle up here somewhere somewhere that way I think I thought this was an old a deer antler or something but you can see the ball joint there and it's the pelvis half of the pelvis of a cow it's probably butchered down here 100 years ago so that has probably pob oh I don't know I thought might support anyway there's lots of mud here but not many fines so I'm getting quite stuck so some kind of structure here mum standing up yeah we've got the remains of a boat here you can see that's the front I don't know them technical names for bits of the boat well that's the front of the boat the stern really and this is the bowel and the back of it whatever that's called might be getting that completely wrong but I'll put it up on screen if I am wrong all right but I can actually see the nail sticking out of it a closer look now yeah copper nails and screws so it can't be that old if it's got screws might just be me but I think there's a little bottle here looks like as its caulking it oh it does oh isn't that cute look it still have it still has its little caulking that's so cool this little cork I'm gonna go and wash that off for a better look but I'm on a very precarious bit of foreshore here it's quite steep and muddy so I've heard you guys off so I'm watching this down here and I can see something in the water another bottle kind of looks arid essence oh oh no it's smashed oh that's so sad because it has this little cork in it oh well I do spot another bottle down there so I'm gonna sacrifice of my hand the feeling in my hands and try and reach it ohh oh my god it's cold Oh oh yeah oh it's a sheet top bottles oh it's gone across on the water look at that iridescent so my god Wow oh that's so beautiful that's so pretty it's probably an ink bottle or something I suspect I'm gonna look in the water a little bit more on this side wow that's amazing I love that I've never found an iridescent bottle before I think this looks like some kind of stoneware ah maybe the corner some sink or something or a plant but who knows it's quite a lot of things down here actually a lot of wood and I can see there are remains of bottles in the water I'm not sure if they're full or not so I'll turn you guys off and show mum my iridescent bottle I'd get back to you if I find anything no don't slip that would be a disaster look look at my iridescent bottle isn't that so cool I love it I hope we can kind of keep the iridescence look it's a sheer top silently doesn't apply oh I see down to that oh and what it was then I'm gonna put it in their bag and I've got another bottle just at my feet look it says go again but the bottom the bottoms look as it's cork I know but it's and they're in the water I came down here to wash my one of the bottles and I saw them in the water so I think we should have a program down here got a jar here something is it whole broken no lots of bricks there's also broken bits of pottery you can kind of see them in the water oh the remains of another bottle here and I could recognize the shape of it anywhere because it was a car bottle I don't know w-water w wharton be something on the map here I don't think so there's a bottle here can you see the writing on it can you see where it is let's see if it leaves me home it hasn't bossing on oh is oh okay oh I see the base of another bottle there sticking up oh it's a modern one I can tell 60s I still quite like the writing on it though yeah I'll put it in the bag will I quite like it so hopefully they'll be more in the town to find but for now we're going to go and get our lunch and come back bankers are starving and there's another boat behind me actually you can see you can see it here I've just walked through but we've gone as far as we can on this stretch of for sure so we'll see you again when we're further along [Music] okay so we've come to our little beach just over here mom's already gone down and there's a little bit of a little bit of beach to have a look on so we're gonna go down there and have a look on that before we might go back to the river I think this is iron slag or some kind of slide yeah look there's loads so it's wet it's a big bit there through you like and there and although the place that's another bit it's not much on this beach but we have found some beautiful little pink shells aren't they pretty the insides are very pink and there's not much sea glass I think that's the best piece I've seen oh just as I was saying there wasn't much sea glass look it's a bottle stopper don't put that in the bag we have bottle stoppers actually a little bit further up the beach and there is a few bits actually it's a big bit white I'll keep that blue because I quite like it may have further over the Strand line there seems to be some bear thing so let's see if we can find anything more hopefully that's quite a big a bit but it's not fully cooked yet so I'm gonna I'm gonna leave it here so they're tied to where smooth the sun's come out come back out finally it's absolutely freezing cold out here it's really chilly my hands are all shriveled look at them oh that's a nice bit oh it's like wow I love it oh that is cool I know I was just gonna say that it's like a little jewel Oh we'll have to make a very jewelry out of that jewelry jewelry that's beautiful it's gorgeous I love that blue I love that kind of blue even if we don't find anything it's absolutely beautiful down here isn't it gorgeous that as an old wall well see battered [Applause] walk it up oh yeah wow that's definitely a bit rusty isn't it oh it still moves I'm just there who can see it's wearing away when it's tired I suppose [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's so beautiful everyone I could film this Harbor all day I'm so she's found something down here not very exciting but interesting apparently oh look at the end wow it's so encrusted and so rested up here that's been there a while there's a quiet battle happening right here between the incoming tide and the flowing river no we definitely don't want this lying around down here so I'm gonna take that with me the patterns that the sand is absolutely beautiful look at it Oh okay so almost out the end of the Arbor hover here and there is such an atmosphere oh I think that's the top of an insulator I always find a spoon there we go we have to keep it absolutely cold down here and we're heading so we're gonna head further up the river back onto the mud and hopefully get back to financing I know this is running like hell sorry but I really just wanted to say that the atmosphere down here just there's no people there's just me and mum and there is a really ancient really old atmosphere it's really strange and eerie and rich it's really you know really strong really palpable so I just wanted to mention that because it's amazing and you can see the old town in the background and this Harbor is Roman so it's not much of a surprise that it feels ancient cuz it is anyway it's been nice just being down here we've not been much but we're gonna head further up forever what mom found it's a great heart I think this is where they're at whole was for the roof all right [Music] yep blue Iran so I hope you enjoyed this half of our mud Larkin adventure in Mary port after I've edited the video it came to about an hour long so I've had to chop it in half and hopefully things go to plan the other half will be uploaded tomorrow so make sure you're tuned for that anyway thank you again for watching and for all your likes and comments we do read all the comments and we really appreciate them so thank you very very much for that and yeah I'll see you tomorrow and another thing mum and I wanted to do a shout out for another YouTube channel that we really enjoy watching and they are called kit and kaboodle errs and if you like mum a nice videos because we are a mother and daughter team then you are sure to love this mod locking slash treasure hunting family and they have really sweet really lovely videos very calming nice British voices as you guys seem to like and yeah just there links down in the description below and please go and check them out and let us know if you watched our videos and let us know how you like them and make sure you subscribe subscribe to them too that's important so anyway just wanted to add that on because we really love watching their videos so thank you and goodbye again [Music] you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 36,497
Rating: 4.9665427 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, history, river combing, beachcombing, ancient history, roman britian, maryport, history england
Id: BsqMkVii_VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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