Making pipe bowl village! A fairytale mudlark in the woods! (pipes galore!)

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you'll never get it it's too far in hello okay so we're at one of our more local trips that we've been to before once we found some quite interesting little things here yeah we found our first whole clay pipe so that was cool we found a miniature cod bottle oh yes and um i found that pipe bowl with a cannon on it so i'm quite hopeful that we might find some more so let's go [Music] okay so as you can see it's far more overgrown here than it was the last time we were here but my first find is sitting down there minding its own business it's a little bite bowl so we are a bit more limited this time round because of all the undergrowth oh that's weird look at the bowl the where the stem comes up it would have like come up like that i don't know what that kind of pipe shape's called but that's interesting never found a pipe bowl like that before it's a pipe bowl but it's plain and broken oh i think my second find is also a pipe bowl just here look at that oh yeah it does yeah there we go it's got nothing on it it's just a plain one but there we go two pipe balls three oh three with yours and alex just pointed this out is it a bit of figurine what is it oh i don't actually know what's it oh that's odd oh i think that's an arm there like holding on to something whoops but um yeah that's strange [Laughter] looks like a mushroom with an arm lying on top of it a bit of pipe stem then i think it's got writing on it what does that say i think it says 70 and then a name there's something on that side as well so gonna take that home and see if i can look it up oh so it looks like there's quite a few little dens around here some badger sets maybe and look what they've dug up for us look at that beautiful little bottle this looks broken but it looks very pretty let's have a look oh wow mum just said like me oh my goodness that's beautiful oh but look look at the top wow look at that and the color as well it's a beautiful aqua color what a shame it's broken on the top i'm still going to take it though because i might be able to cut the top off because it's really pretty okay so you've got to spot this one can you see it it's a common find for us anyway okay it's there and it's say stuffer buffer beautiful color look at that and look how beautiful the leaves are on the trees and it is just glorious been waiting for this [Music] so i don't know if you can hear it behind me but there's a brass band playing that's so random but um i knelt down here to pick up this beautiful little cod marble and i saw a bead but it's only half a bead tragic and i saw some oh no i dropped my bead and then i saw this it's a clay playing marble you can tell that it's a play marvel because it's glazed you can see the glaze on it but unfortunately it's only half of a glazed playing marble oh and there's loads of sponge wear here loads of it it's amazing i've just found this and it's this really long cone-shaped piece of glass and it's been sort of hand painted or enameled it's quite interesting which i think might be a button it feels quite delicate so i'm not going to rub it and yes it looks like a bottle stopper and it is yay can't have too many bottle stoppers i found a fragment of mirror here you can see that silver it's silvered on the back and nobody has looked into this mirror for over a hundred years how amazing is that maybe i'll see the face of someone long dead looking back at me if i look into it i'm not sure what this is can you see it it's a metal thing kind of looks decorative oh i don't know what that is it's off something i think it's brass oh i like it alex just spotted this so i can't take credit for it you could have just not told them i'll zoom in yeah it's another dumb freeze i think i think that says dumfries on there no it says dumb fries i don't know what this is it's an unusual shape i think it might be a figurine or something here it's glass oh my goodness it's got girl's head oh it was probably like on top of a dish like a maybe like a butter dish or something oh wow look i think it's a hen actually wow she's so detailed oh we'll have to take her she's beautiful very detailed can definitely make something with that or someone else can okay so more animals have been digging here and you're sticking out look at that can you see it it's a little clay pipe bowl oh it's got a bit of stem on there actually there's a bit of stem there oh wouldn't it be funny if that was the end of the same pipe i don't know actually oh my goodness that's a pipe end you know what i've only got one hand but that could be part of the same pipe that would be awesome i'm gonna keep those two and then match them up later on in the roundup and see if they fit how cool is that another figurine fragment down here i'm gonna have to try and get around these nettles you don't really want to get stung by a stinging nettle oh oh it's a little porcelain doggy oh bless that's quite cute we'll have to take him i'm hoping that this is what they think it might be ah yes it's a little face oh i love it look at it oh look at that that's beautiful could maybe make that into some jewelry oh look at it hey so mum's just told me she's found a little face let's have a look oh wow oh my goodness the camera is even picking up as a face is it it's so detailed wow i love it look at its little lips it was that way around it didn't really look like anything but i suspected that's cool random and i've just found this little cabochon and i think it is faux opal see how it's all wavy on the back just to make it look like it has all those opal colors inside of it how cool is that mom found one of these ages ago okay well i just bought what looks like a little pipe bowl down here oh and it's got a little heart on it it's just tw we've got quite a few of these there's a pebble in it oh and i've just spotted another one down there can you see it another pipe ball oh but again again there's now on it it's a plain one oh goodness there's another one another pipe ball wow okay this one has nothing on it either unfortunately there's another pipe bowl oh goodness my hands are absolutely full of pipe balls okay surely you can't find another one today it's pipe balm again pipeball saurus rex let's see can we spot another one what's that in there oh it's another fragment of marble i think that's the second half of a clay marble i found [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye oh my gosh i think i just found something really exciting under this stick ah look it's a horse with a headless rider oh my goodness oh why are they always headless oh but look at it that's amazing it's beautiful wish it had its head and legs but what a find he'll go in our our lead toy collection yeah our headless lead toy army this is one big hunk of lead weighs a ton it's got like little little dents all over it and on this side so i don't know what that's being used for i think it's been like a flattened pipe someone's been using it for something strange is this something oh zoom in i think it's a little um brass button it's always an ear isn't it we've got a lot of ears okay so i'm looking amongst all the burrows down here i spot something up here and it's not another pipe bowl oh it looks like a little teacup oh yes it is oh this is i'm pretty sure this is the first whole teacup we've ever found that is a first i'm sure it's the first wow that's so cute i love it yay oh no oh it's another pipe bowler this one's a little bit knackered that's my fifth pipe ball from up here my hands can't hold anymore i think i might leave the knackered one behind there's another burrow here looks like the badge has been very busy oh okay so i think i see something down here um it's tiny can you see it just there i think it's a little paste jewel ow and i just got stung oh and it is it's a little paste stone probably out of costume jewelry that's some kind of costume jewelry a little paste diamond oh that's nice i love things like this okay so so far today oops nine pipe bowls i've just come back down to put them in the bag nine pipe bowls that's so crazy okay so i'm down here under the trees and i was scraping and i think i found another marble and let's hope you just see it there let's hope this one is whole and it is yay i'm not sure what it's made of okay guys so here it is this is my tenth pipe bowl for today it's got nothing on it again my tenth pipeball i don't think i've ever found that many pipe balls in one day [Music] so [Music] so we can see a bottle down this animal hole it's just out of reach and i've been had my head in there now alex's got her head in there seeing if we can get it out [Laughter] you'll never get it it's too far in alex got the bottle but it's broken we thought it was a cod bottle and it is but oh it's totally knackered the ends of it the kids have been at it and look at the state of you [Laughter] it was worth the effort i think we might cut it down or something yeah okay well let's go home okay the last thing before we go alex oh that is hilarious she just picked up this bit of parchment it's got an a woman a naked woman on it reclining this look like cherub maybe that got wings what on earth that's so random last find of the day [Music] so here are all of our finds tada all cleaned up and we've got some really interesting bits and bobs here including a huge horde of clay pipes yeah all these clay pipe bowls um and they're standing up on end like this for a reason which will become clear later because we have a plan for these yeah we recently had an idea for a new project so we're gonna do that today in this video so keep watching um we have a group of toys here and the ever loved tin soldier oh yes oh bless him it's another head minus his head of course they never have a head well it wouldn't be the same with a head would they no of course not of course we've got this head here but it's actually just a face yeah it's just a face um of a doll or a figurine but it's quite pretty though it is it's lovely that could be the head for this um [Laughter] but yeah this head will actually make a lovely pendant if you grind off the edges and you can set it in a silver bezel and that would make some really quirky jewelry yeah she is beautiful though i've got an ear this is also for jewelry so we'll cut this out i've actually got a picture i've actually got a ring that i've already made out of here so i'll show that picture now i think there's um some pictures of those rings on instagram if you want to go over to our instagram we've got lots of extras there for you to enjoy oh yes yeah including ear rings we always find an ear we've got a broken doll's porcelain teacup and then a whole one and i don't think we've ever found a whole one before so this is a first that's fab how unusual but we love it we could sponge wear it go in our little dolls house collection yeah um oh we got some more bits of clay pipe but these are all knackered just broken knackered bits of clay pipe but we may be able to use parts of them yeah this is a mystery object it is made of lead and i think it's a flattened piece of lead pipe you see there it's rolled over in there it's sort of a sandwich yeah so it's been some sort of clay clay got clay on the mind lead pipe and someone has used it i think to cushion something that they've been hammering so it's not to damage the end now i remember when i was a child my dad who was a carpenter telling me that if you blunted the pointy end of a nail it was easier to nail into wood that was liable to split and these do look like nail heads could they've been cushioning the nail heads on there while they hammered the points well it's definitely been hammered and you can tell because if you look at certain spots like that look that's a mark of a hammerhead and there's more up here so if anyone has any other ideas of what this could be also could some of the nail heads have broken off and that's why yeah rusty bits yeah yeah it's intriguing these random lumps it's also got metal on the other side it's deliberately being used for something has been used for something which is very interesting i'd love to know what it is okay so we've got um just clay pipes that you might know we used to making beads with we've got a lovely little mother of pearl button here got a lovely collection of mother of pearl buttons we've got a few gemmy things down here we've got a faux opal which is really really pretty or a faux palm fopal and it's a beautiful like oh you can't quite see it but it's like um milky iridescence yeah um i've got a little crystal here a little gem i think it's a little paystone or dimonte stone and then here we've got half a bead with some kind of pattern on it unfortunately it is only half of a bead and we have some glass including our lovely glass bottle stops and i love these because the smaller ones they're so cute and now look at the bubbles i love it when they're bubbles they have little bubbles in it oh trying to reach for this one full of bubbly goodness this one doesn't have any in that one has lots in i like that and glass for making things as usual yeah um we've got our pottery over here actually yeah we've got some figurine pieces a mystery object it's probably a knob um off a drawer or something and it's had a metal bit on the end um a swan with no beat and this is really strange it's an arm draped across i don't know what it is a basket of fish yeah a basket of something i think like fish don't they um yeah maybe it's a hat maybe someone holding their hat but it's full of something yeah like fish never mind um alex found this cute little dog face yes and he's quite detailed very cute and then there's the chicken oh yeah so i took this so i can make molds of its little face we might shop might recreate his face in clay or something well defined yeah this would have been its glass would have been the milk glass lid to a little dish that probably was a butter dish or something yeah that's what i thought well it's a bit small to be an egg dish this is all sponge wear these pieces of course we collect sponge wear to make a little sponge wear record of the different sponge wear patterns yeah and this i love it's the um fragment of a mirror it's still got a little bit of silvering on that's made a lovely pattern yeah that's quite cool let's see it there on the back i think we should definitely try and incorporate that into a project somewhere um we've got this is just plain but it has this logo on fenton made in england and i thought we could cut that out make some kind of jewelry out of that alex left when she found this yeah this is my favorite shirt of pottery two little cherubs i thought it was a woman but i think they're both like two little cherubs doing something i'm not sure one of them's lying down i think so that would make a really quirky piece of jewelry as well so i really like that little shed and finally we have our two bottle finds this one alex found is absolutely beautiful i love this little bottle this would have been quite a cheap perfume bottle of its day it's quite crudely made but made to look fancy unfortunately the top's missing yeah we are going to grind that off and um because it is really pretty it's gorgeous and it would mean hand blow blowing into your mouth the color is lovely yeah definitely i really like that and then this this is a struggle we were struggling on for ages we did not film the whole struggle of this bottle um i had my head down the hole for quite a while trying to get it out yeah and then alex did we thought it was whole but of course but of course it's not and you can see it's slightly different on the top it's pinched on both sides like a lot of most cardboard bottles are just pinched on one side and the other side is free right so yeah i just noticed that when i was cleaning it and it says hf rome trademark what's that say h home i think registered annan and it also says rome on the bottom as well yeah i knew a family here in the borders called rome i wonder if they were related yeah so that's really interesting it's an interesting local bottle for us and we might just cut it down we use it to put paint brushes in yeah like sci finds does yeah you'll have to go to size shop and have a look at his beautiful cut down bottles yeah and buy them there so we might just cut this down and keep it for herself and yeah put bits and bobs paint brushes and stuff in yeah so that's everything that we found on this exciting little tip lock and you'll have to stick around now to see our wonderful new project for our pipe bowls yeah let's hope it works because we're quite excited about the idea so let's get going yeah let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so they've cooled back down to 24 degrees c and now i'm gonna take them out here's the moment of truth [Music] ah oh my goodness i don't think any of them have cracked or anything wow oh my goodness the colors look much so much different okay i'm gonna take them out and then examine them and then we'll show you what they look like back downstairs okay so here are the results of our labors we had such fun making these and look how they came out they're not broken cottages they're not i like this one alex made yeah i really like the little house side bricks the bricks are a little bit disproportionate to the house but you know but there's a little plant in the pot there there's a spade and they're signed we've signed them on the back it's got roof tiles and it's just gorgeous it's a little candle in the window oh yeah a little tiny detail like that candle and then mum made this little it's like a little acorn house but that's sort of a dark deep foresty sort of house yeah hidden in the forest oak cleaves on there as well so we made a few of these obviously off camera uh mum made also made this little fairytale castle i really enjoyed making that look it's got a little apple tree little shiny little apples on it and i love the tiled roof and this is ivy and there's a few flowers down here by the door it's very gothic yeah and then we have our straw house oh yeah and sort of inspired by i don't know roundhouses they are beautifully glossy the the glaze worked really well i was worried it was going to crack they feel so nice they really do look how shiny they are i wish you could feel them they feel gorgeous i know they're so tactile this one had a crack in the pipe before i um made it but on the outside you can see the crack but you can't feel it because it's full of glaze yeah it just feels all smooth adds to the character i was worried that acid was shrinking in the kiln as the clay and the glazes shrinking it would crack but they haven't they've come out perfectly finally alex's little hobbit house yeah i made a little oh that's that one too i made a little round door and little round windows and there's like moss all over it and leaves they were just they were just so much fun to make weren't they they were they were great and um we can't wait to make some more we've had lots more ideas actually since we've made these yes yeah and we were thinking you guys could do stuff like this um just using normal paint and um normal um varnish so anyone could make these with acrylic paint and then you can just buy varnish paint acrylic varnish acrylic finish and all spray varnish you can spray them with varnish and it would have a very similar effect you don't need a kiln to make these little guys yeah but um the story in my mind um of these little houses is they were found on a victorian dump in the woods and the little people the fairies utilize them to make their little houses and their little village so it's a little pipe village that lives in the woods yeah and all the different characters that live in the little pipe houses we actually thought about grinding the where the stem the broken stem comes up but we decided to leave it on because it still looks like a pipe bowl but if you ground that smooth it wouldn't really look like a pipe ball anymore yeah so it would be pointless really so yeah we just would be pointless no pun intended you could make that i mean we've had loads of ideas of making little shops and things yeah so that was that project and we hope you enjoyed watching that and um i hope you have a go at doing something similar yourself yeah definitely so we learnt a lot making these as well and we learned that the colors do go a lot darker after that several tones darker don't they yeah like the door on this was a quite a bright blue as you can see it's gone almost black and also the tiles on my roof the gray tiles have all pretty much just turned black yeah they weren't that dark when i put them on plus some of the highlights some of the white bits like shine on the windows they've all gone i'm just being kind of eaten by the black so yeah that's something i'm going to keep in mind for the future the changing of the colors so now we just like to say a huge thank you once again to everyone who's contributed to our channel in any way whether you've left comments or likes or rang that bell and subscribed it all helps us a lot and thank you to the people who've brought us um kofi's coffee and a kofi account yeah everyone who's purchased something from our amazon wishlist and of course all of our patreons who are all very important to us continuing making this a great project yeah so it's another huge thank you and goodbye until next sunday [Music] bye
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 30,637
Rating: 4.9828796 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting, bottle digging, beachcombing, northern mudlarks, northern mudlarking, mudlarking Scotland, mudlarking england, mudlarking uk, bottle dump, Scotland treasure hunting, gems, treasure, mud larking, fossicking, tip larking, relics, artefacts, mudlarking finds
Id: vsmfjLvagiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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