Asmongold Reacts To "Zul'Gurub Classic WoW Guide" - Platinum WoW

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this is nice dungeon dives a car oh there it is yeah this is way better Wow it's not smoky in here at all yeah yes starting to zendo our tribe created by platinum ah this is great hi there hi but a while welcome to Dungeon dice will be going over everything you need to know for your first time in Zilker up Oh actually this little grub is a raid so I don't really know how much we should trust this video but let's just move on scription of this video there will be timestamps to specific parts in the video you might be looking for but before we talk about the raid let's talk about the rep with zg released there's a new rep grind for the Zandalari tribe ooh look a lot worse for wear compared to their BFA counterparts yeah they gained grip with the sandal are you need to kill bosses get the Biju's in Biju's yep inside the instance and turn them into the Zandalari in the island coins and Biju's are not so bound so they can be bought and sold on the auction house as well notable repre wards from the sandal our tribe yes recipe for the blood vine set for warlocks ok enchants potions and yeah essence mangoes you should be able to get tokens and you should be able to get friendly or whatever you need to turn in the item for the enchant on the first the first run you do that's what we got whenever we did it tricky items that can be turned in at the island for your gear and trinkets yep now we have all that out of the way we can delve into the ancient troll city of Zul grub ok this is getting scary I don't know if we're gonna be able to finish this why look at these cutting look at this cut a 20 man this is hard is typically considered to be the ketchup raid I'm get some good gear that will get you raid ready for places like Blackwing Lair onward now on private server this place was a lot more difficult in classic it's a cakewalk if you have a competent group of players place is easy if you aren't stupid all right lady hard ketchup raid geared players will still win champ slaves for enchants yep notable pieces of gear [ __ ] that and some mounts in order to kill the last boss you're gonna need to kill all the high priests in the instance but there are an additional or optional bosses you have to kill as well all of the high priests can drop this loop okay so uh yeah pause the video if you're interested in that okay oh wait let me look at it let me look it was anything good for it okay sorry you guys have to listen to that twice okay so cloak sucks helmet I'm gonna [ __ ] about it helmet here chance it's two percent who cares and let's see gloves with one percent crit chance that's actually pretty good and let's see what sacrificial raiment strength with the gloves sacrificial gloves oh those are actually pretty [ __ ] good I might go with that instead alright so the gloves are pretty good besides that everything else is pretty much [ __ ] there at least to me I grew a bocce Berserker also it kind of sucks it's 20 attack power I've got better rings than that already so uh yeah pause the video if you're interested yeah for starters we'll make our way to the high priest Jekyll ik jacket we're gonna go to the badass on our way there there are these backpacks and the writers explodes so melee need to stay far far away no they don't that's not true you just kill them before they explode they trigger the explosion at like 30% or something like that or like 30 like 25 to 50% you just killed them before they explode like you don't have to to move away or the room and you can face the first boss the boss run fire Stefan have your range stay far away to avoid the silence ability that does damage yep make sure no DPS pain in front of the boss to avoid her swoop ability that deals damage to the area in front of her so don't attack waves of bats on spawn all throughout the fight you have to AoE him down lastly charge anyone relatively close to her and do an a weed damage / silence keep a ranged DPS preferably a hunter a shorter distance from her than the rest of the main party of range classes and she charges the disability Isaac troll form she'll have a bunch of priests abilities you'll need be dispelled a heal that means interrupts fake funky old to be interrupted and an AoE fear bats will also drop fire during the states just get out of the fire don't stand on it that's true she's pretty easy and this is the loot that you'll get ok just to pause alright so see fury boots [ __ ] Jelks crash her dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] okay we don't want anything from this boss on our way to the next boss while traveling you'll run into the axe throw is that there's some a wee damage when they spin if this damage is too much for your party they can be interrupted by this damage is too much for your party get a new party apollyon worth be casted on them clear out all the snakes in the next room and then you can face the next boss on pole keep the box away from the rest of the grade because he'll do a holy novo which is an AoE spell he also has a Chain Lightning type of spell on anyone within 10 yards so have your melee stay far far away because this can instantly kill a big chunk of your raid if you aren't careful at 50% he'll turn into a slithery little snake that guards green clouds our tank needs to continually kite the boss around the room to avoid standing inside fart cloud that makes this loop ok pausing let's look at it oops okay so chess piece ups dagger sucks rings forecasters who cares axe sucks the cloak is kind of good yeah cloak is actually pretty good blood-drenched footpads those are actually pretty good too so the boots in a quote could be good slew no you can go just follow this route to make your way there okay clear out by the spider room and then you can face high priest Marley [Music] in her troll form this boss doesn't it what the [ __ ] is a Tim's like really I don't know what the [ __ ] is at Tim's timberlands his boots in her troll formless boss does an a we poison that needs to be cleansed shamans with their poison cleansing totem are phenomenal here by the way Joel that makes sense because it cleanses poison repeted and spider attacks a lot of Sun killed the longer these spider ads are alive the stronger they get so these are your top priority and exactly yes when she turns into a spider she'll with all of the melee and have all of her aggro wiped causing her to charge into the range have an off tank be able to grab her okay and bring her back so they just stand out in and all right another option for the alert is paladin's can cast blessing a freedom on the tank so they can grab the boss and bring them back into melee well that and she should be dead she dropped a dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] kind of not dog ship a pretty much dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] okay we'll just ignore this boss on our way to the next target you off to face these gurubhai she blood drinkers don't start annoying because they suck the life from all players around them which heals them for a lot they also drain life from friendly targets near them which also heals them so just tank these ads far far away from everybody else and just GPS kill them they're also these guards and they do a nasty knock back so they'll get thrown into additional packs yep the next boss is our first optional boss and now obably my face this is an extremely large mando cure their boss comes with a raptor add that has a sunder effect just tell us them out talk about the mouth from what we've seen on the PTR you can just focus down the boss and ignore the Raptor until the boss is dead but if for some reason this doesn't work yeah suck you can focus on the Atkins you make the boss deal increase damage for one okay the most immediate ability Blood Lord Mandal Kier has is threatening gays okay you will pick a random member of the raid and announced that he is watching them if this character moves cast a spell or really does anything he will kill them instantly wait really Blood Lord will that's the first time I learned how that mechanic worked that's crazy because the way that you used to do the boss is there's the the stairs that lead up to the top and then we had all the casters stand on one of the steps of the stairs and every single time they got threatening gays it would just bug out the boss and he wouldn't do anything to them and they could just attack it full damage the entire time so I actually never learned what the mechanic did because I teased it ever since vanilla Wow so hey also charge a warm DPS that is far away from the group so once again have a hunter or some other ranged dps before not even talking about the x-ray debate this ability this charge also wipes a gross of an off tank be prepared the pickup I love agro wives they make the console as a cleave whirlwind and a fear so you can see how this fight gets a little crazy but die you will be res bite one of the ghosts that are around the room but each time someone dies the boss gains XP what's the more people that die the more he will level up and they'll increase damage and take reduced and really but stay calm work with your team and he should be dead and this is the loot that he drops okay let's see here so we've got and he should be dead who's angels' seal okay that sucks Swift for zaji raptor i think this is a pretty good item I do want this one primal with seal overlords crimson band that ring is actually decent blood-drenched grips pretty much the devil sort gloves blood-soaked paw wait I used to have those wait no I didn't know nevermind I wanted them but I never got them I know what those look like I remember like thinking like all these are really really good and I just never ended up getting them dude if I got the [ __ ] Raptor dude I cannot like if I and this is the loo that II drew I think I want the tiger more now we can head to work it's like oh let me look at the other [ __ ] okay uh mandoke ears sting eleven ag8 stam that's actually pretty good animus leggings yeah if i got that i'd be really [ __ ] happy brood lords defender 1.9 speed weapon this this main hand is actually pretty good like this just this weapon here is good the halibut how Bard not a big fan I don't think I'm gonna use it even though it hasn't putting a proper second optional boss which is the edge of madness on our way there we can find these imp guys be careful because when they are killed or they will spawn to a leave void walk void boys so negative madness can be done if you have the Gurubashi mojo madness to summon the BA I never figure this potion can be crafted by alchemists and the items needed to crafted is one blooded ohio's one massive mo joke one blast Lotus and six powerful mojo so basically this is a 500 gold boss unfair Lina there's been file a close look really yeah [ __ ] right these potions can also be bought and sold on the auction yeah the reason why you do this edge of madness event slash boss because the items that drop from the bosses are required to get the Zandalari trinkets that I was talking about earlier I think the warrior one sucks bosses there are four possible bosses that can be summoned usually it's around a boss they spread the stuff as chain lane or something it's a technical Harris it's pretty much just the snake boss all right I'm reason in my model viewer has Earl looks exactly the same as woosh Olay I really have no idea why it could be as an AoE mana burn attack that can be countered by mana burning him instead which is really effective because of his small mana pool that's really cool Hunter's warlock that's awesome we focus on reducing his mana as fast as possible you know like that I feel like I kind of wiped out I don't know and like vanilla wow they were like more weird mechanics like that we're like you had two mana burn something or something like that like now I felt like after after like Burning Crusade really even vanilla is like such a massive amount of them like they don't really have bosses they're made like that anymore like it's just very it's it's very mechanically difficult but it's very straightforward at the same time you don't have like like weird usage of game mechanics is not actually the intent and in vanilla wow I think that it was in a number of times and I thought that was cool well also summon illusions that target random members of why yeah that's a fast as possible they have a very small health pool he also has an AoE sleep who have ranged and healers stay far far away don't be like is just a tank and spank boss another editors know yes this is seriously what my model viewer brings up when I looked at we just beat the [ __ ] out of a kid he doesn't look like this in game oh really okay I promise I'm stupid tacky is pretty easy the thing that you need to watch out for is he'll vanish and appear behind a random member of the raid ambush them but he can be brought out of his stealth with AoE damage another very easy boss by the way there's no way this is all the loot that they drew okay I don't need anything from these guys do I wushu lays poker that's stupid who do hunting bow that sucks thought lighter fiery retributive you alright grill X blood 3.9 speed ax that's actually pretty big grillak screen derp and okay so all these items suck and I don't need them that's actually very good to hear now that I know that they're really hard to summon as a reminder you'll be only fighting one of these bosses each week this next part was copy written so now I have to do a cover of the song so the the video doesn't get claimed what a beautiful cat because I saw tigers now I understand what the [ __ ] is this your song man what [ __ ] high priest the call is our next boss this boss is in two phases oh my god he's one you need to fight the call lore Han and zap ads all at the same time kill the Tigers first have three tango I pull all the bosses away from each other blower Kong needs to be especially far away so he doesn't heal his friends all right zealot zoth has eye gouge any blind that you can use on the tank so you have another off tank for the off tank or have DPS kite him while the tank is done and all of these bosses can also be disarmed you have to kill the time to die at the same yep time Roy we're hit them all to 10% and then bring them together in the middle to AoE them down yeah phase 2 the call will come back as the tiger king himself and at this point you need to burst him down as fast as possible yeah more tiger ads will spawn that you only either does along damage to he'll like he actually doesn't want a notable ability is called force punch position yourself here because it knocks everyone back yeah causes the main tank to lose aggro it's really 5 to Hanks here for it's right here for Kevin force punches use the other tank and pick it up another boss down and he drops this alright so we've got the tiger this is the main boss that I need to do I need this tiger I want to make sure you guys understand that I need that [ __ ] tiger the other one the Raptor is cool but I think the tiger it just stands out more like you see the tiger like there's somebody on a raptor it's like alright cool but there's a [ __ ] yellow [ __ ] tiger who everybody sees it everybody knows what it is this ring is actually really good this seal of Jen look at that 1% crit and 20 AP with stamina that's really really good ring I let's see the boots there 30 damaging Ewing that's pretty high I think it is for boots and a few of these other items are ok too but mainly the ring and the tiger primarily the [ __ ] ring or sorry the tiger loot the next target can only be summoned by the most expert of anglers at this abandoned camp there's a quest item called Nats measuring tape okay turn this into nat pagle and dustwallow marsh and then you can purchase the mud skunk lure from him with the lure you can fish up zoo in mud skunks from the muddy churning water pools this is complex you can catch these fish with 300 fishing skill but most of the fish will get away so it's recommended that you are well above it once you collect five fish go back to the camp cast your lure and guess rohnke will Lisa so you just have to fight itself is very very easy if you clear out all the fish in the deep water next to the camp yeah all the little wrong water so his knock up ability does virtually nothing gasps drops the coolest loot in the instance like an eyepatch a tome for mages so they can pull more people into turtles instead of sheep uh let's see what is this the helmet there it gives 160 armor 19 stam so fors eyepatch is basically just like a scuffed crown of destruction Pagels broken reel increases a chance to hit with spells by 10% for 15 seconds I guess maybe that's good for tanks but that's like the only thing that I'd really ever use that for and the pole arm is pretty much dog [ __ ] in that Pagels fish Terminator High Priestess our walk is going on in the temple just a pile and to spawn her you need to bang the gong and deep within the temple when you press the gong she will spawn instantly so be ready to pick her up on her troll form you'll need two tanks because she will gouge the one she is targeting and non-elite Panther ads will spawn that you can just ignore his CC and just continue the hunt of the boss this question you place a mark on a random target and this oh yeah that sort of the patterns attack on them yeah just cut away from them and use your CC and kill some if need be to survive there are just a fight yours appear and this is when you focus down all the ads she will reappear and attack a random player and this burst of damage can easily kill cloth ease so in order to counter the ow you can face against the pen wall and she was holy other side this tactic worked on the PTR wasn't long most likely work after release along as busy bosses down she drew well we got the 18 bag nice I didn't even know about that so you get an 18 bag and we'll get that ring chance to block attacks with the shield by 2 percent chance to dodge attacked by 1 percent so that's kind of cool 2 % dr ring or avoidance ring blood-soaked Greaves 25 stam that's a lot of stem 5 defense will of our walk two-handed staff with 46 damaged that's actually really good to wait oh that's healing nevermind I thought it was just diss damage as well our walks grasp yeah that pretty much sucks and yeah the recipes aren't that good either oops this loot okay on to the second the last boss which is Jindo the hexer which is another excellent fight before you engage him just clear out the whole room guys watch my video so you know my reasons I will explain soon so Jindo has a lot of abilities so get ready first he can cast two different totems next hill one is a brainwashed totem that mine controls the nearest target and the other is a healing word totem just kill heal him these are the DPS whose top priority is when they spawn you just kill also randomly - not the top priority the top priority is the person whose mind controlled if you don't like them in your raid and I do want to make sure that I add this into the the whole video I want to explain something the truth is that most of these bosses can be killed by just attacking them until they're dead like any sort of like if you're a Raider in in classic right now and you do like MC or bwl you just attack the boss until it's dead and it will die that's it it's just that easy only two of them have like a meaningful mechanics it's it impact any [Music] get out of the picture gardens as soon as possible you're also going to want a mage or warlock keep an eye on this pit so when people get teleported they get a we all of those skeletons down Mexico will also do a hex on the main tank so druids this is your time to shine because as a bear you cannot get hexed but if you have warrior tanks instead you're gonna want two of them the most important part of this boss is that he'll summon these shades of jindo these ghost steel shadow damage and interrupts spell casting one the only people that can see these shades are people affected by the delusions of jindo curse that's important that you don't de curse these players so they can kill the shades Wow if there are no shades left then they can be too cursed if another boss down you get this loot okay just a second let me look at it blood-soaked gauntlets oh wow those are actually pretty good dodge chance bites 1% defense 5:17 strength and 14 Stan that's really good cloak is OK for a shield block set I don't really know why I'd want that and then leggings with 35 AD g35 aji is a lot of aji let's see chance key critical start by 2% and then that's just another helmet basically for like I guess casters all right let's go seared next set gen doze bag of whammies I remember this one was really good wasn't it yeah hit with spells and then also healing done hexes cover damage and healing it's a helmet that's pretty good too let's see Jen does judgment let's see where's the damage things a GN like yeah okay the rest of this is just it's just cast your [ __ ] guys doesn't matter the hawk our fight revolves around dangerously cold blood siphon he will suck the life out of the raid and gain he'll it doesn't matter you can damage him through it if you have a key poison blood it will deal damage to him instead it doesn't matter yeah a key poison blood is by having preferably a hunter plate the ads of a car from the platforms below yeah all the ad just before blood siphon and have your whole raid to stand in the fart cloud that has produced when a son dies yeah this is the hard way suck up your icky blood and deal damage to himself okay the other abilities that he has is the infamous corrupted blood which deals damn their attire and spreads the other players have to run away if you get that fool of a car will mind control someone and cause and sanity will also mind control people but they will move faster and deal more damage at 5% a car will enrage and just start doing crazy damage just purser 5% soul flare he's dead laid once more once more every three days so let me see what the loot drops okay there will be Slade alright blood caller healing don't care healing don't care alright aegis of the blood god defense 7 2% block it blocked by you by 30 I I think I have a shield that's pretty much equivalent to that not really a big deal off hands sword with 40 attack boys that's a lot of attack boys I might actually go with that this is a pretty good-looking sword but it gives me plus 6 swords I don't think that sword skill or like weapons skills effective past 305 but I'm not 100% sure on that i chance to get critical strike the 1% crewman striker spells ok don't care about that once more i think it's the yeah it's the legs blood-soaked leg plates with its 308 ok yeah so then maybe I could use that it depends these are actually pretty strong 36 strength is a huge [ __ ] number especially whenever you're also adding in the 10 defense so I might actually want to get that the necklace there isn't really better than the Onyxia necklace so it doesn't matter let's see gurubashi dwarf destroyer 30 attack power that's a lot I might go after that I don't know Zen rock it's actually no I wouldn't why would I go after I have strikers mark Zen rock destroyer of worlds 72 attack powers a lot but I don't know like I want a sh Conde and if I'm not getting ash Conde I don't care a cloak of consumption that's a very good cloak that is a very very good coke wow that is a good quote okay what up this one ancient Hikari mansplain er what is this here's chances steals life from target enemy that's a one-handed weapon and then the dagger one-handed critical strike but 1% 28 AP so a scuf Core Hound tooth heart of a car and then also the necklace okay that zu grub is defeated enjoy all the sick gear you got coins you gathered and tokens you collected so here's a question I have hair guys do it all over again and like read read it yes do you think that it will take longer for us to finish the raid or do you think it would have taken longer for us to watch this video like that's the big question yeah I mean I think it probably I think the raid will be like 25 minutes or 30 minutes but if I want to I could delay it a lot just by you know by being an idiot basically [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 207,153
Rating: 4.8701186 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold zul'gurub, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, platinum wow, classic wow platinum, classic wow zul'gurub, zul'gurub guide, zul'gurub classic guide, classic wow guide, classic wow zul'gurub guide, zul'gurub raid, zul'gurub raid guide, Zul'Gurub, Zul'Gurub classic
Id: UC4HLprRKic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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