Asmongold Reacts To "Nuclear Winter - Keemstar" | By H3H3Productions

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thank God it's only 10 minutes long all right here we go i-i-i i'm a person that believes in revenge i think if someone [ __ ] you over in any shape or form destroy him destroy him destroy him destroy destroy what is up drum alert nation I'm your host keemstar recently I have been under attack by a very very angry man known as ethan klein keemstar responded and what I didn't expect is for him to renew his attacks on Tony eight years later why were people sadhus still he's still using Tony as a shield III think that's kind of what's happening here leaves starting to troll Tony or glory and gold well because every streamer has trolls but actually there's something else that Tony doesn't want you to know about he was involved in his own scandal after all he's put this man through and he's coming back to do it again now listen I'm not gonna tell anybody the catfish story Tony that is for you to tell you got to tell people why individuals years later after this incident would be in your chat calling you the P word all right you gotta explain that story you got to tell that story I'm not gonna tell anyone I've wronged you in the past the least I could do I actually disagree with the way that people are interpreting what keemstar was saying in this video I think that keemstar bringing it up in the way that he did was bad but what the specific people and I want you guys I understand that everybody here is very opinionated against keemstar but I want you to listen to what I'm saying okay so originally in the first response video keemstar made Tony accused keemstar of being responsible for hate that Tony was getting so he implied that because of the video that keemstar made Tony was receiving Haines keemstar then said that actually that isn't the only reason there's something else that was happening that's completely independent of me and this also could be a reason why you're getting hate that has nothing to do with me and then Ethan comes back and a lot of other people online come back and they say a okay keemstar now you're blaming it on Tony and you're bringing up another story to hurt Tony but what keemstar was actually doing was he was just simply saying that there are other things that tony has been involved in that have nothing to do with keemstar that have caused people to harass him that he's not responsible for I don't like this Miss characterization of what keemstar said and I think that it's intellectually dishonest IIIi don't think the way that came Star said it is true or is good excuse me but I also think that what he said fundamentally was true bad take how is it a bad take I really don't understand keep watching the video okay we'll keep watching the video whose give you a pasty not explain that catfish story keemstar says it's Tony's story to tell but he can't help himself people are not taking the bait and so he pushes it further on Twitter please rs glory and gold come clean on the catfish story stop blaming me for the hate you've gone over the last few years and what he retweeted is a pen this is fine like what he's saying is that Tony has scandals they're independent of keemstar and all of the harassment that tony has received is not exclusively because of keemstar which is a completely true statement it this is a completely true statement like I am I wrong keep watching okay I'll keep watching apparently proof that RS blurring gold is a pedophile now let's examine these claims onus glory and gold Tony you should be disgusted no this is see what no I know what's gonna happen here is that Ethan's gonna try to disprove the claims the claims being true or not is not relevant to the conversation the claims being believed by people or not is relevant to the conversation because people believe the claims whether or not they're true or not they go and they harass Tony and that has nothing to do with keemstar I'm did this keep watching [ __ ] guys I will keep watching the video but I think this is I think this is completely intellectually dishonest though the way that they've latched on to this the blip yourself you thought those cases were for Rebecca hearts and a girl who's told you she's 16 she's underage but you've happily asked for pictures you've offered to me talk with her you even said I give $1,000 if I could hold and kiss you right now she's a child you [ __ ] pedo this didn't happen just recently this has been going on for one whole year the first horrifying admission and they have been pretending to be dating Tony for a year how sick do you have to be to screw with an old man for over a year and lead him on I shouldn't really be laughing at some of this he says he my last girlfriend was 8 years ago my only wife died in 1979 so if he wants to accuse maybe a hacking or something I mean this was yeah there was no doubt this is Tony tony has been pouring his heart out to someone he thought was emotionally invested in him here's a screenshot of her saying I'm 16 nearly 17 many people point out that there's no verification check mark next to his name which indicates that the screen shot may be fake but I'll just let Tony explain for himself my name is Tony Winchester I'm rs glory and gold I'm making this video it's called Rebecca hearts okay Rebecca hearts some guy what I'm scumbag he has made a video and saying that Rebecca arts is 16 years old and that I'm pursuing her and blah blah blah blah blah so so anyway I'm just I'm making this video to set the record straight yeah yeah I met Rebecca hearts in January late January 2016 we she said because of all the internet [ __ ] she felt sorry for me and wanted you to reach out to me the internet [ __ ] she's referring to is of course this we reported a story that this Massachusetts man John Phillips had sex with a teen that he married an online game in runescape now the with this is that that's not John what was Tony's reward for being falsely accused of being a pedophile being catfished for over a year in an attempt to frame him as a get this pedophile as long as you don't mind my age 25 I don't mind your age see right there the girl says as long as you don't mind my age 25 I don't mind your age now why is this so screwed up because Tony already addressed this in 2017 and keemstar has decided to resurrect the allegations again in 2020 in his video about me listen I'm not gonna tell anybody the catfish story Tony that is for you to tell you gotta tell people why individuals years later after this incident would be in your chat calling you the p-word keemstar never reported on this story so this is fresh meat for his audience to renew their witch-hunt of tony - I don't think it's still disgusting it's two consenting adults that are having a relationship with each other or talking your shows there's nothing wrong with that at all obviously the age difference is not something that I would be a fan of listen but dude if I was 64 and I had some 25 year old girl saying what's up I'd be like hey you know like you guys just saying this now but whenever we're old [ __ ] old [ __ ] with our ball sacks hanging down to our knees and some 25 year old [ __ ] comes up and she's trying to say hey hey you know like look you can't hate on a player man like I remember I saw this one [ __ ] thing and like this dude said that he sewed this picture to like his his son and his daughter and it was a picture that motivated both of them to go to school and it was a picture with an old man with a model girlfriend there was like way younger than her or way younger than him and like every [ __ ] 65 year old dude wishes that he had it's still creepy bro shut the [ __ ] up dude like get the [ __ ] out of here it's not creepy okay like that show pickets larious regardless yeah yeah anyway it's a facebook meme well yeah I thought it was so a good meme the point that I'm making here is that I do think this is his characterization of what keemstar had said but I do think that keemstar was irresponsible when saying it so for example keemstar was originally being accused of being exclusively responsible for hate for Tony and I think that keemstar bringing up the story was basically drawing attention to the fact that he's not exclusively responsible for it and he gave an example of something that he had nothing to do with that happened independently of him that Tony received harassment for so keemstar bringing this up was maybe irresponsible but the point that he was making is completely valid yeah it's completely valid statement but he caused the catfish well if he says that in this video we'll see right but like unless it's proven that he caused it I think that's completely irresponsible to say - and it's not true at all accused Tony again of being a pedophile as a means of deflecting blame I've wronged you in the past the least I could do is give you a pass and not explain that catfish story that's pretty cut-and-dry right I mean that's who she says she was and hey you know we were friends for a long time you gotta explain that story you got to tell that story anything else is just horseshit it's the least I could do is give you a pass and not explain that catfish story for that piece of [ __ ] should take that video down and quit telling a bunch of lies you should that's completely true like the guy that the guy that made the video is is a piece of [ __ ] like yeah obviously it's ridiculous it's dishonest Tony got targeted because of team's attention okay so you're making an assumption that because keemstar made the video the original video about tony that drew attention to his channel and in the process of having the attention drawn to his channel then the person catfished him and did all this and so it's ultimately Keim's fault that he got catfished III think that's a bit of a reach yeah III really do think that's kind of a it's a bit of a reach because Tony was acting in his own like he wasn't acting like being controlled by somebody else this is what he was doing entirely and yeah how's that not a reach really catfish is 25 well the person okay so there's two things right so the individual that catfishing if you can't prove that happened I don't feel like that's something that you can just accuse keemstar of having happen now was it probably because of that yeah it probably was because of that but you can't prove it so I don't think that it's something that you should really sit around and just assume as a fact who knows why it happened or who did it hey guys I just wanted to put out this video just to clarify right here absolutely clarify I am NOT here to say that the catfish story is real I'm not here to say that Tony is guilty or innocent I am simply just like my video today I'm here to say that there is this catfish story that there are these accusations well then why did you put the goddamn video out hey the tweet you put it out because you knew a whole bunch of your little [ __ ] buddies at lunch you would come over and screw with me all day long which they did and that's exactly what you wanted to happen Jesus Christ you know I thought you were in the news business you're supposed to do the news on a pony hasn't been watching the news for the past ten years apparently I think keemstar is doing the news I'm gonna do the news and you should go check and find out that story's really true or not the truth is you already know it's not true you've known for a long time it's not true you knew it wasn't true when returned in the wilderness brought it to you more than two years ago but this is just your way of trying to put a little smokescreen out to where you're the good guy and everybody else is bad but the truth is you are the biggest phony boat [ __ ] that ever walked the planet as keeps I made this big thing about how unprecedented it was a base three eighths three mansion two sponsors and I guess G fuel dropped keemstar mm-hmm keemstar went after my sponsors can you start trying to get G fuel to drop me what a [ __ ] lying hypocrite [ __ ] and I don't even care no like none of my sponsors left me because keemstar sad to what I took offense to was when keemstar attacked my children so what I would watch live with my viewers well one day my dog sat down next to Colin and Colin like looked over at his penis I think he even moved like fur that was right next to it or something like that and he was live so he took down the vlog and you know didn't like made it so no one could see it but keemstar got a hold of it and keemstar tweeted it out too like his quarter-million half a million Twitter followers 13 times over the weekend yeah and he didn't just say like look Colin almost touched a dog penis so this guy has an autistic son and the autistic son touches the dog's dick and then keemstar tweets that [ __ ] out bro this [ __ ] makes Jerry Springer look like he has more decorum in class than Barack Obama like this is so [ __ ] bad like just ever it's just it's so bad what the [ __ ] wow this is a Jerry Springer news oh yeah it's just so awful look five seconds yeah it's crazy he said look college jerking off a dog and oh my god like eight years old special needs kid at this point what I'm relentless about it so we had a common friend only used me blade what the who the [ __ ] does that do him like this is [ __ ] up he's literally going after my kids he's going after my son and blade talked to keemstar and then circle back to me and said I talked to him about it and he said that if he wasn't talking [ __ ] about your son all the time that somebody else would and he's not gonna back off I feel like as I said I think that the the most interesting thing about keemstar is that it's like if you took somebody from a time machine from 2004 and like remember how raunchy and bad the internet was back then and you just moved them into 2020 and they have no boundaries nothing is off-limits they're racist they're abusive and they love it and then you broke the glass and he said welcome to the world I'm your host killer keemstar I swear to [ __ ] god dude this is so [ __ ] insane he's actual psychopath yeah that that's what it is I feel like that's he's a relic yeah he's a relic of a long-forgotten age he's actually like gara you know the Internet has progressed forward and become less abusive and harmful to people and keemstar is still back there in the [ __ ] old days doing the same [ __ ] you know it's it's it's crazy so that's uh yeah that's it that that's that's actually the unforgivable act that that I have with keemstar yeah I would agree with drawing lives is a weekly sport for keemstar and when he moves on to the next story the pain lingers on for those that have found themselves in his path of destruction yeah he has been called out time and again but refuses to change Tony is proof enough of that after ruining this man's life he has come back for seconds and when met with criticism he answers with threats good luck Ethan because you're gonna [ __ ] need it so as I said I think that keemstar saying the way that he brought this up so basically what people are saying is that keemstar is still responsible for what happened to Tony because they're assuming that the person catfishing Tony was doing it because they discovered his channel from keemstar that that's pretty much what the logic is and is there is there a proof of this though no okay so there's no real proof of it it's just obvious it's obvious okay but like let's just go ahead and go through the logic all right so keemstar runs the story about tony and then the story is proven to be false keemstar does whatever he can to rectify the situation but ultimately can't entirely do it and you know that that pretty much that happens and Tony gets a lot of harassment for that and then the and this happened right so everybody understands the original story of how keemstar was involved with tony and then how keemstar was like directing harassment towards tony in a completely undeserving way okay like that that's that's obvious what happened so then Tony also had this catfishing story something that happened I don't know what it is and this story happened without a provable link to keemstar is that right stop trying justify an [ __ ] you're right we should just mindlessly jump on the hate train ignore all facts and reality and just do what makes us feel good because it doesn't matter what facts are it doesn't matter what the truth is we should only just do what makes us feel good because who cares about being just who cares about looking at the information and seeing both sides of things and trying to find the truth none of that stuff matters just do what makes you feel good and get lots of likes on Twitter what a [ __ ] ridiculous thing to say so the event occurred independently or without a proven link to keemstar is that right can everybody agree with that so this this catfishing story occurred independently without a proven link to keemstar okay so we're pretty much no okay so here's let me just draw two lines of logic here if it's unprovable I don't think that it's fair to blame keemstar but I think that it's expected that it probably could have happened like if I had to bet on it happening or not probably yes but I can't really prove it so I wouldn't automatically accuse him of something because I think that's unfair but on top of that if let's say it was proven and the person that was found to be catfishing him was doing it because of Kim's charts video or because they were led to his channel because of keemstar that I do think that it's ultimately came Stars fault because of that initial mistake but I think that that's also very different than saying that he actually did it himself and he was leading to all of it correctly came Stars mistake did lead to it but there's a very big difference between the intent to harm and harming somebody indirectly even if the outcome is the same so if that's what makes sense I agree disagree making yourself look bad I have no problem with making myself look bad if it means telling the truth ii-i've never shied away from expressing my opinion of something that I think is true regardless of how many people disagree with me I I don't care if people disagree with me because I think that certain things are just true and I have certain ideals and principles that I think that you should live by and do things by and oftentimes people disagree with that I remember I had a take on the illinit II cat situation that people disagreed with and I never backed down off of that even though everybody disagreed with me and everybody got mad it doesn't matter to me how many people disagree because truth is not a democracy if I look and I find a you know like a link to something and I think that it's true then 320 in the video go to 320 in the video okay I'll do 310 oldin that I'm pursuing her and blah blah blah blah blah so so anyway I'm just I'm making this video to set the record straight yeah I'm that Rebecca hearts in January late January 2016 we she said because of all the internet [ __ ] she felt sorry for me and wanted you to reach out to me the internet [ __ ] she's referring to is of course so because she found him through the video let me read the rest of this this we reported a story that this Massachusetts man so the guy the person found found Rs Korean gold as an outcome of Kim's story I think that's a really important fact and if that is if if that's part of it see I I glazed over that I didn't realize that to be the case but if they found keen if they found him because of that I'm thinking like if that's entirely Kim's fault or not because obviously this person was acting independently of Kim assumedly and so is it Kim's fault that somebody else does something completely separate from him I don't think that it's entirely his fault but it's ultimately an outcome of what he did well I say he's responsible for it I don't know like what percentage is he responsible for her like it's clearly not a hundred percent because the person was acting assumedly outside of the influence of Kim 80 percent I'd say like 50 because the person wouldn't have found him if it wasn't for Kim but the person went through all this effort on their own and they went through this and they did this on their own let's see if you show your dog the food is it's your it's your fault if he eats it yeah but people aren't dogs and that's the difference is that this person has its own free will and they can make their own decisions and they're acting and doing this on their own so to say that this is entirely uh it's entirely because of kiemce I think is a little bit disingenuous but I think that also it really just highlights again ultimately the way that you can look at it is that if kiemce didn't run the story this wouldn't have happened and I think that's one that's one thing I think I can't agree with is if Kim did not run the story it would not have happened and ultimately like the individual acting outside of like kiemce telling him to do this I'm assuming like I don't know maybe Kim got mad at Tony or something like that and wanted to get back at him to prove he was right and then like hired this guy to catfish Tony like I don't know like obviously I could get a tinfoil hat and I could make that and have that happen but not dishonest journalism here yeah I think that's what it is ichijo maulding catfish was Kim well we don't really know that at all Chema's needs to scapegoat for the person to do a shitty thing yeah I think that it's entirely I don't think it's really fair to blame the entire thing on Kim whenever this is another individual that's acting completely independently of him at least you know as I said assumedly and they're doing all of this - Tony yeah it Keim's not doing this so I think that is important Kim saying the statement that he did say was true but at the same time it wasn't and I know that's like obviously a stupid thing to say but the catfishing story team did not cause that to happen directly it just kind of happened as an outcome of something else that he did and then the catfishing story was something that people were disliking him for that had nothing to do directly with Kim Kim was not directly sending hate to Tony from the catfishing story even though Kim caused the catfishing story to potentially occur in the first place does that make sense so you say all this asmin but what would you do - I guess you could say resolve this and what would you do if you were Kimura itch 3 today what would I do if I were either one of them I don't know really entirely but I think that there are often times like a lot of things like it it seems like I don't really know like all the bad things like Ethan's done because I haven't watch I don't watch exposed videos okay I'm not a loser but at the end of the day like I'm sure Ethan's done bad stuff to games done bad stuff it seems like games done a lot more bad stuff than Ethan though and it's just not really as much of a as much of a thing check games Twitter and he asked to box h3h3 what the [ __ ] really Jesus Christ like is this is this real life like a it's just it just keeps going man it just [ __ ] keeps going oh my god what's next you're gonna come and bring on like the kid I got into a fight way than the fifth grade is he coming up with his story how keep stars a horrible dude yeah look enough is enough okay you're old okay I'm old we're old work both of us are completely on shape alright but there's one thing that's in common with us we're both petty and we're both revengeful and this is never gonna end you know it and I know it we're gonna hate each other until the end of dynamic content let's turn this into something good okay let's get in shape and let's get in a goddamn ring I don't even care if I lose I just want to hit you just once legally right in a boxing ring and I'm sure you want to do the same dude I love money you obviously love money your whole careers you just being greedy Oh five million dollars each by doing this let's get in the ring I don't care if it's a year if you need a year to get in shape I don't I don't care if it's tomorrow either whatever you want oh my [ __ ] god set it up Eddie you set it up like I just wanna hit you so bad legally of course legally this is not a threat or anything I gotta be clear it's like if somebody the thing is that I feel like it's so hard to write like series now and like stories on TV I feel like the reason why house of cards like lost popularity is because the 2016 election was more ridiculous than the show was and at this point like if somebody wrote a story about this I think people wouldn't like it because it was unbelievable it's fun real quick the master of spinning narratives but guys if you want to see a keemstar versus h3h3 boxing match retweet the [ __ ] out of this Ethan man the [ __ ] up again I don't want to hear you're out of shape I don't want to hear any of this stuff because I am too completely out of shape yeah I ran the last couple days but trust me it was a struggle let's get in the ring let's settle this like men it doesn't matter if you lose it doesn't matter if I lose what matters is that we can we can physically express this hatred towards each other this is so [ __ ] ridiculous dude this is so [ __ ] ridiculous is there a response I don't want to hit you kima I just want you to stop lying and ruining people's lives Ethan as soon as I posted this video I started watching it and I only got halfway through before you responded to me with the tweet saying you don't want to hit me you did the same whenever I made the YouTube I don't know what the [ __ ] this is about dude look at their Twitter page oh god dude look at this here's my response to keemstar trying to box me keemstar is scared to box oh okay so keemstar didn't want a box this guy in the past okay I see that alright now I understand so game loss it jeez this dude this is so [ __ ] ridiculous okay let me see I'll go back and I'll look at the rest of these this is crazy videos of me at a nursing home donating to poor people this is photoshopped this one's not real guys I'm pretty sure this one's not real just by listen I've done Photoshop in my time number of times and I'm pretty sure this one's not real okay let me see if there's another one and I'll watch the Toni video then we'll move on okay oh this is him responding to the guy woodysgamertag me and him have been beefing for [ __ ] ten years now you know an incident happened back in 2012 what he had a sponsorship with Netflix so what he would do is he would stream a movie with his whole family there on YouTube streaming and they would watch a Netflix movie together that was the brand deal and right away people started criticizing him for extorting his family for this sponsorship in fact one waits his daughter said we only have to do this for money or we're watching this movie for money and it was like a big thing throughout the cod community that would he got exposed for that he was literally just doing this for money it would let me go ahead and explain something guys all sponsorships are for money I die said it all sponsorships are for money and that that's yeah I know guys I know and often times people give a more favorable review or opinion towards things because they're getting paid for it I know it's such a sad and terrible state of affairs but this is the world that we live in and this is the reality that we have this is absolutely disgusting and I this also goes beyond just YouTube whenever you see some celebrity using some kind of special shampoo that costs $6 at Walmart you can guarantee and bet your [ __ ] ass if they're not using that at home and they're paid for that [ __ ] commercial I know guys I know but there it is and listen obviously the thing is like doing sponsorships I think that sponsorships can be more there's like a there's a barometer of like more and less sale Audi sponsorships right and so like imagine if I took a sponsorship with dr. pepper okay like I'd probably drink more dr. pepper but that would pretty much be like something that I would already do now if I took a sponsorship with um a salad company I can't think of a salad company because I don't eat salads right but if I took a sponsorship with a salad company and then I was eating salads everybody would know that it's [ __ ] if I did a sponsorship for rade shadow legends that would be a [ __ ] sponsorship that I was clearly only doing for money and if I took a sponsorship for let's say apex legends a game that I played on my own that would there would be like a little bit of interest in there as well so the integrity of the creator does matter with sponsorships but you have to go into it assuming that this person is doing it fundamentally because they're doing it for the money even though they might have their own personal interest in it as well if that makes sense so it's just it's it's on a it's on a barometer there's a really author spectrum the next following week or you know maybe it was two weeks later there was an incident where his son went up to the family dog and started pulling at the family dogs private area the entire internet started clowning on woodysgamertag not his son woodysgamertag for extorting his family and this horrible horrible parenting that was happening online I mean it's not horrible parenting like having your kids like is this really what the [ __ ] the level is for horrible parenting Wow hey son get the [ __ ] over here you're gonna watch Netflix get over here you son of a [ __ ] sit in that [ __ ] chair and I'm gonna bring you popcorn you're gonna watch that [ __ ] movie you know give me a [ __ ] break dude and like the kid like Woody's not gonna be able to watch this kid with the dog every five seconds okay like realistically the kid is gonna do some stupid [ __ ] with the dog and there's no way woody can honestly prevent like if you leave the kid alone with the dog the kids probably gonna touch the dog's dick and like that's just what's gonna happen now it's not really Woody's fault it's just not it's not bad parenting III disagree with this entirely it was just ridiculous like as a parent you shouldn't put your kids in that type of situation and be streaming them for everyone for something like this to happen and there was a ton of criticism against I do think that partially woody knowing his kids autistic and like might do something weird like that that would make his kid look bad in the future and like look back at it it probably is a bad idea to do something like that live so you can't edit it out and I think that he probably should have done it like as something that's recorded ahead of time and then post it up because like obviously like here's the thing man this is 2012 the kid was eight years old now this kids in high school how many kids in that's kids school do you think know that that kid touched his dog's dick like what is the percentage of kids that knows that I would say probably Zera always homeschooled okay well I guess that's a little bit different I think like his friends know it and it's something that he always has in his life everyone touches dogs kids once yes I know that they sure know now exactly it doesn't matter whose young child yeah it does matter like it matters to other kids that are around his age and people still make fun of them for it even though it wasn't his fault right and it's not the kids fault at all it was just the it was the parent right I think listen I all I'm saying is I think that's irresponsible to do a live stream of your kid whenever you know that your kid is autistic and does weird stuff sometimes and then having not be broadcast to everybody because later on in the future I think that could make the kid a target for bullying like that's all I'm saying like it's not not saying that like Keim's right or anything but like yeah obviously that's true wait you're so wrong really you guys think that's wrong so like putting your special needs kid in front of a live stream where the kid could make a fool of himself and then have this firs entire life in front of thousands and millions of people to see that he can never get rid of you think that's a good thing victim-blaming it's not about victim blaming right there are certain things that you can do to minimize the risk of bad things happening not everything is victim blaming it's like there are certain things that if you do this thing people will make fun of you it doesn't make the people that are making fun of you good it doesn't make what they're doing right but it just is a reality that we have to live with and you can live in a fake reality where only you you only act the way that you want to act and if anybody has ever mean to you it's never your fault or whatever but in the real world there are things that you can do that minimize the amount of harassment that you get and I do think that is slightly irresponsible to have a live broadcast of your special needs kid because yeah it could put him in a bad position is that really such a is that really a bad take guys like I I I don't know I feel like that really pretty neutral that seems extremely neutral let me go finish this video what do you write I don't remember seeing that much making fun of his son and that incident and I don't even remember [ __ ] tweeting out a screenshot of this incident I went back through my Twitter to see if I could [ __ ] find it I can't find any screenshot so either I did it and I deleted it or it just never happened regardless the main criticism was always that Woody's gamertag was being a horrible parent alright and he's never depressed that he's never taken any responsibility for taking his young children and just throwing them out there for a Netflix sponsorship where things like this could happen oh no what do you guys think okay so III don't know like as I said like putting your kids out there if their special needs in front of a live stream where things like that could happen embarrass them and cause permanent embarrassment III do think that's not really a good idea but kiemce making the making the post about it if he did make the post about it is obviously something that he should have never done and was completely ridiculous right it's like even if other people start talking about it and getting into it that doesn't mean that he should do it as well well what if they wanted to support their father then it should be he should still have the the foresight to expect certain things like that to happen that's what I'm saying is like even if they want to do it sometimes just because they want to do it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea stop point devil's advocate it's not really about devil's advocate see like what I've done in all these videos and like in this whole topic and like going over it is I've tried to look at it in a neutral way and I think that looking at it and being neutral was actually attracted the resentment from people that are extremely on both sides so like for example if I say that keemstar did something wrong or like he said something wrong there are people that are like really big fans of keemstar that are you know like getting angry at me for doing that or for saying anything negative about keemstar but if I say that anything that what any characterization of keemstar is like inaccurate or untrue and I defend anything that happens or anything that's said about keemstar people immediately assume that I'm on his side and so the truth is like obviously like some of the things that Ethan and said in a previous video about the black guy were really like they were kind of bad to say like obviously they were bad to say and on top of that keemstar should have never made the video he should have never made the [ __ ] video or any post about the kid touching the dog's dick but I do think as a parent like if I was a parent I would not do that I think that's a mistake to do saying oh what you're saying is here special-needs people shouldn't go out and do anything because they have the chance to embarrass themselves a little too much do you really think that's what I'm saying do you really think that like having a special-needs child in front of a massive audience of people is completely is the same thing no I'm not saying that at all I'm saying that as an adult as a parent your responsibility is of your kid he's responsible for the kid the kid's not responsible for himself putting your kid in a situation like that whenever there are too young to understand the difference is very different than saying that special-needs people shouldn't be out in society at all that that's those are two entirely different things and I don't know how you could ever conflate the two like how how could you possibly think those are the same thing shooing the kid from the world is not healthy and not fair there's a difference between shielding something from the world and then actively putting the kid on a live stream right I mean like there's like these are like two extremes like not ever letting the kid do anything and then putting the kid on a live stream like I think both of these are bad kind of like that that's really all there is to it exactly what the parents are supposed to do yes the parents are supposed to put their kid in front of the live stream that's a very good idea especially whenever your kids autistic brilliant anyway let's see I think that I've pretty much covered everything that there is to say what's the rest of this yes 2019 on glory and gold's YouTube channel [Music] Jesus Christ this is just this is going back and forth yeah this is going back and forth I think that we pretty much kind of we pretty much talked about everything that happened we watched the video that that's pretty much all there is to say [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 525,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, keemstar, drama alert, h3h3, h3h3productions, asmongold keemstar, keemstar drama, asmongold h3h3, dramaalert, h3h3 drama, h3h3 reaction, asmongold drama, keemstar reaction, asmongold h3h3productions, asmongold drama alert, h3h3 keemstar drama, asmongold reaction, asmongold nuclear winter, h3h3 nuclear winter, nuclear winter reaction, content nuke, asmongold content nuke, h3h3 content nuke, keemstar tweets, h3h3 box
Id: CYGN7Sfcm6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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