Twitch Is In SERIOUS Trouble... | Asmongold Reacts to Bellular

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all right twitch is in serious trouble welcome back so today I think I've got some pretty important stuff that you are very likely going to feel in your actual day-to-day of well consuming content on the internet so let's get into things today I'm going to be talking about twitch because while the likes of mixer have obviously fell by the wayside the big old war between YouTube and twitch is Raging it's raging strong but there's a difference while Amazon and Google are absolutely humongous companies YouTube is a mature well monetized product that's been doing its thing for a long time whereas YouTube is much more consumer friendly and user friendly than Twitches not only from a community standpoint but also from a viewability standpoint it's very easy to go back and catch up on a live stream and also ads do not cannibalize live content as much which seemingly are not making enough money and it seems like that is beginning to make twitch desperate and it's causing them to make some fairly interesting moves we're actually at a situation where per Senpai gaming we actually have bidding wars happening between twitch and YouTube where YouTube are literally just more willing to pay money to acquire Talent YouTube has more money that's why like Google and Amazon are both massive platforms but YouTube and twitch are very different sizes and it's like Amazon game studios the guys that make new world don't have the trillion dollar resources that Amazon as a shipping and you know manufacturing and you know like a [ __ ] uh they they send you like underwear with a drone within 30 seconds of you thinking about ordering it uh that those people that make the video games don't have access to the amount of resources distribution yeah uh website whatever you want to call it um so like twitch is just I think that Devin Nash said and it might be a little bit different now but whenever he told me he said for every one user on Twitch there are 200 users on YouTube that's a lot of fish and so big surprise the people working at YouTube have got way more [ __ ] money way more but it goes beyond that and and YouTube actually used to not be profitable whenever Google bought it YouTube was not profitable for a considerable period of time now YouTube is actually profitable I thought that wasn't true and I looked it up on screen like two years ago for like a decade changing up their platform they're changing up their rules so twitch clearly needs to earn more money and that is not going to be good for either of us unlike this platform brilliant today's sponsor they're the best way to improve your prospects and to develop yourself especially in lucrative and fascinating Fields it's all by their fantastic site map and the first 200 to click my link will get 20 off now I compared to how I learned say computer science in University their approach is so much more approachable it's fun it's interactive and after I've been playing around with AI art tools recently I realized the Brilliance introduction to neural networks course is the ideal way to learn how it actually works and everything is done through fun interactive quizzes focused around interesting problems stuff you can relate to it is so refreshing and I I mean I don't know about you but I've got so many gaps in my knowledge I think that'd be good for kids right because like a lot of times it's really hard to teach kids algebra and stuff like that because it becomes uh theoretical and so because people can't personalize it and conceptualize it it's hard for them to deal and talk and maintain interest in something that's like an abstract idea versus something that has like a real world use kind of feel like I've fallen off the wagon a bit to be honest it's not for kids it's too busy to develop myself and that's something that's my opinion but brilliant has got me learning things again with their approach you don't just sponge in fact no you actually have topics click so if you're thinking about your career well I think they're the best way to get started in high paying Fields like artificial intelligence and computer science rather than a boring old textbook so I love what they do and whether you want to learn or yourself or perhaps spark the Journey of a younger mind you can visit forward slash ballular news today and the first 200. interesting I've got 20 off their annual subscriptions so there you go brilliant honestly awesome company on an awesome Mission check them out down below let's get back to the news so the most new thing that's happened that actually does tie into very concerning leaks from a short while ago is the twitch have actually dropped the exclusivity Clause of their partner I saw this I didn't talk quite interesting technically that's a contract that I have violated because I'm actually a twitch partner from many years ago but we do our live show here on YouTube so funny enough that's good for me but what you're not allowed to do is simultane stream on Twitch and another web-based streaming platform so they got rid of the exclusivity clause and so like I could just go stream on YouTube whenever I was banned theoretically uh like I mean I don't really know like what this is gonna do I don't think anybody's really found a way to capture that I think that also like the reality is that a lot of people do so this used to be the case with twitch contracts and I think this was like pre 2017 or 2018 where twitch contracts only covered exclusivity for gaming Centric content so you were actually technically able to go and live stream on YouTube or another platform as long as you were not doing live stream only content and it would technically not be a violation of the contract now after that because IRL popped off ice beside and Etc they changed it to be all live stream content period so the reality is that a lot of people don't [ __ ] do it like they live stream on Twitch they live stream on Instagram they live stream on YouTube they live stream on whatever on on Twitter and all of these are violations of the uh of the rules and Tick Tock yeah yeah Tick Tock like people do that all the time and especially Instagram live I see a lot of people that are twitch partners that use Instagram live I can remember like Minx was doing it I think Kai's done it I would say jedian's done it but Jillian's not a twitch partner anymore uh which is by the way complete [ __ ] free jidian uh twitch respond but either way all I'm saying is that people were not honoring this anyway like Facebook or of course YouTube but there is an exception for tick tock and Instagram live streaming if people want to do that so this is overall a fairly interesting situation and it's it's got a few second order effects on the face of it that's good it's less restrictive and that very much means that twitch people who likely already have an established presence in YouTube because of highlight channels or clip channels they can start to dip their toes in YouTube if they want and they can do so without massively alienating or without literally destroying the revenue streams that they've already created over on Twitch yeah I also have got to wonder if by doing this twitch are going to try to perhaps stem that tide of the YouTube exclusivity stuff right like maybe if creators think they can just dip over well it's like look at somebody like nadeshot for example like every time that nadeshot streams on Twitch twitch loses money I'm pretty sure it's the same with my channel I I think that the main people my biggest hate Watchers are probably twitch because they don't run ads on my channel I don't get ads so that means they just have to pay for Server hosting for me to sit here and complain about their website they're literally paying money for me to just sit here and talk [ __ ] or do whatever yes this costs them money and that that's obviously not a good thing so if if content creators realize or get to a point where they feel like not being a partner on Twitch and being able to have the freedom to do whatever they want is better for them then they will do it and if that happens twitch immediately loses all of its Revenue stream the YouTube site maybe that could like dampen down that Talent acquisition space for a bit it's also the case that if people are to wander over to YouTube but still keep their twitch well that means that all those subs are still going to be bringing Twitch in money but still overall you obviously understanding is that twitch makes almost no money out of 70 split Subs my understanding from somebody who told me it's gonna say it uh is that about 24 of the money that twitch makes from uh from Subs automatically goes into uh payment fees and other sort of transaction fees that's like 24 uh 24 or something like that maybe it's somewhere around there right and like you would know this if if you've done uh uh if you've done any sort of like online business you know you're going to have like a transaction fee for doing that especially if it's validated through uh you know like Mastercard or VISA or something like that it costs money on stream but almost at the same time yes so while the streamer could move over and start streaming some days twitch and other days it really doesn't make that much sense so it's a bit of a bizarre thing what it will do I think is more people feel like they can move off twitch and I think they've opened themselves up to something that's going to be dangerous for them in the long run here and that is that it seems things are only going to get worse on Twitch insofar as their business goes right and if things I think that twitch really needs to get rid of the idea like I think that it should not be possible to run more than a minute worth of ads Mike why is it like so if three minutes of ads why not let me run 20. well I mean at that point just let me run 20 minutes of ads and then whenever that 20 minutes is over I'll do it again yeah I mean why not three minutes are you kidding me you how many how many tick tocks can you watch in three minutes you have to pay anything for that it's insane like and streamers get they get paid a lot of money for these ads right they do I I do and so that's how I know uh but like [ __ ] man it's just not a it's not a good viewer experience and I think that the moment that you start you all if you are not improving the end user experience that's where the money really comes from that's where you grow it doesn't really matter like if the platform that there are streamers on the platform like yeah there can be a bunch of big streamers on a platform but if the platform sucks people aren't going to use it look at mixer we'll get YouTube for the longest time so you need to have the experience be good for the end user that's what matters more than anything I don't think I don't think many people watch zoom into ads makes the experience better but I think it's so lucrative and it's also required in a lot of partner contracts if they have custom contracts uh and like of course I mean the people like you know these are people getting paid you know custom contracts pay out a tremendous amount of money like seven figures sometimes right for bigger streamers so it's not like they're not going to run the ads but it creates a bad experience for the viewer and it gives YouTube ultimately like what does this really come down to right it gives YouTube a massive competitive advantage over twitch they say hey come over here and you don't have to watch as many ads there's a better video player like it just makes YouTube better going to get worse and the barrier to switching platform has reduced there's a high chance that's going to erodes twitch's streamer base or make new people think that they can just start streaming in YouTube and that that is going to be a better place to do it and one of the reasons why this is all quite scary for some people is the leaks so these leaks came out they're very interesting and one part of what was leaked was no more exclusivity the other parts are new a new tier system and you tier seven fans are coming oh my God the tier three meme is gonna go away because now we're gonna go all the way up to tier five what is wrath and Lich King coming out or is it only gonna be burning Crusade please let's go all the way up to tier 10. that'll be great yeah let's try to maximally capture capitalize on in my opinion I think the tier three is more than enough tier three is more than enough yeah I I think that like once people are paying like theoretically if you have like a fifty dollar sub let's just think this out uh tier you know like a 50 sub or a hundred dollar sub I think that creates a really weird relationship between like the broadcaster and the uh people paying that money I find that to be that's a that's a a weird situation waiting to happen am I crazy like I I just I feel like that's a weird situation uh for for the people doing it it's weird for it's like if you gift Subs like I feel like it's different because it's like a one-time thing but this is like a recurring payment structure it's I think it's too much a revenue split and incentives for more ads now these again they pay out the ass for Us ads you make great money with ads on Twitch that's why everybody runs them but the problem is that most people and especially most streamers don't think long term Mike I was thinking about this the other day whenever I first started getting 20 and 30 000 viewers almost everybody else that was around there is completely different than what we have now like back then it was like Tim doc uh soda xqc was coming up and and I guess you see and soda is still around right but like many other people are not around like whenever you think about the top like 50 most popular streamers in 2018 most of them are probably not on that list now there's a lot of them and I think that twitch streamers probably don't think long term enough Santos we've seen the new Revenue split is the major thing we've got to talk about but obviously the exclusivity we've seen as well now that rev change is really really rough there are actually plenty of twitch creators that are on a 50 50 contract but changing that from 70 30 to 50 50 I think is clearly a situation where twitch are willing to they have pulled back it seems to me they have pulled back the amount of creators that have a 70 30 split tremendously over the years use users and that's a lot right like imagine you have a thousand Subs so three uh like two dollars and fifty cents so that's two thousand five hundred dollars versus three thousand five hundred dollars that's a thousand [ __ ] dollars that's a lot of money but think that they will actually at the end come out on top financially I think that would be a very short term kind of decision that overall would just obliterate them in the marketplace because YouTube for all member related things is 70 30. right 50 50 70 30 which one would you choose that's a good point I think anyone in their right mind would choose 70 30. yes but YouTube it's harder to there I don't know about this now because I haven't watched a lot of YouTube streams but I feel like you probably get a lot more subs and a lot more donations and a lot more bits and stuff like that on Twitch I feel like that's the case but I'm not going to quantify and say yes this is 100 true I feel like that's the case so I think that this is another thing that's going to be pretty damn bad doctor said as much as twitch is caught in a cycle where they have to more deeply monetize a smaller amount of people yeah that's only going to get worse I feel like there's a chance it could spiral now YouTube by no means is at its inflection point as a game streaming platform but what about two or three years time I mean YouTube certainly has significantly less stream related drama than twitch does and to dive a little bit more deeply into this we've got to talk about how much streamers earn so this is posted by Zach Busey who works uh just a hell of a lot of what he does is within the streamer space we've watched so the first half of 2022 had 15 million channels go live at least once 11.1 percent were Affiliates only 0.03 percent were Partners I wish that if he was doing this resource uh doing this research that he would have a certain control for like because there are a lot of Bot accounts and stuff like that and different weird stuff I wish that he had done he had done that and cut out all the channels that never went over to viewers because I think that this is a very low percentage but it is offset by a tremendous amount of zero viewer channels that are not even actual channels it's like somebody accidentally went live or something like that these are not it there's not 15 million authentic people trying to become streamers now if you include only Affiliates and partners if you had an average of six plus viewers you're in the top 21 of streamers an average of 26 plus viewers makes you top five percent and if you have 250 plus viewers you are in the top one percent isn't that crazy that the top one percent is only 250 viewers should be done with median values on averages yeah exactly that that's what I was saying before is that I I feel like this is I again I I just think that there are a lot of very there are a lot of goose eggs here a lot of zeros that are dragging this average down substantially and they are not authentic numbers for uh like an authentic view of how many people are actually trying to stream so like this is a good this is a good chart it's the most useful thing that we have but I do think that it has its own limitations right the top one percent is 250 plus viewers yeah now think about all of this and then think about think about that whenever you're telling somebody who has like 3 000 viewers and they normally get 4 000 viewers their Channel's dead huh change to a 50 50 split I mean obviously obviously we can hear look at where they're getting their money from any 70 30 contracts are not going to be good for twitch so they will obviously want to change that and per those leaks yeah we at least know this is something that has been discussed internally at the company and if you think about twitch or just a lot of what we do in general you think about notable examples while you've got to remember the survivorship uh bias it's massively impactful here so twitch was hacked in 2021 you may remember this and a whole bunch of Creator payout data got leaked it was quite something and many people were of course earning many millions but this is uh what was pointed out I believe this is from Washington Post analysis at the time where they well like collated some of what people know said 25 of the top 10 I was number 14 and I took most of the time off like I can't believe I got I've been nominated for streamer of the year if I win I'm gonna go up and like yeah guys I've done dozens of streams this year probably about three or four dozen it's I'm really glad to be here thousand highest paid twit streamers don't make minimum wage and Basics collated song is what people in the know said 25 of the top 10 000 highest paid twitch streamers don't make minimum wage and based on the handful of months in 2021 25 May underestimate the actual figure so that means that set only about seven thousand to only about seven to eight thousand people actually no this is not true because the amount this is only taking into consideration the amount of money that somebody is making through twitch directly because if they're only evaluating twitch's metrics they're not taking into consideration something like patreon something like uh donate donations are for most small streamers donations are where most of uh they get most of their money comes from like yeah well most spot yeah sponsors things like that so I would say the amount of people that are actually making living on Twitch probably closer to actually 20 000 Maybe I don't know though because those are also people that might also have other sources of income as well if you take what the 8 000th streamer on the list made since 2019 it's 29 396 dollars divide that by two you get basically fourteen thousand seven hundred dollars which is below the annual minimum wow wage of fifteen thousand dollars and that itself may even be a charitable estimate so you can say a year you know you're eight thousandth in the world you would think that really would mean you've climbed to the yeah 20K a year sucks big fat donkey dicks but I think again a lot of those people are probably making closer to 40 or 50 and some of them could be over a hundred like I I see like some girls like they have like 200 viewers and like 75 Subs but they're having donations and they're getting like three thousand five thousand dollar donations so I think that there are a lot and like whenever you think of like that is another extreme circumstance but whenever you think of the entire spectrum of extreme circumstances in total I think that's closer to 20 000 people probably maybe 30. somewhere around there top of the hill no so obviously twitch are making a hell of a lot of money from a relatively small number of streamers yeah playing ads and getting Subs so any changes in the deal will be pretty important there well it's also like a lot of the viewership on Twitch is centered around the highest channels like here I'll do a very I'll do a very easy comparison uh let's go ahead and just look at um I'm just gonna close my eyes and click a channel uh let's see right about here which everyone's closest to here uh Destiny 2. so let's look at Destiny 2 uh 1.8 K so if you add up all of these people right here just like this front page this is going to be a tremendous amount of people and I think probably also the amount of people is uh there there are a lot of like 30 and 40 viewer streamers but for the majority of the different sections I think actually this one's a bad example because there's not like one like really big streamer but for a lot of uh a lot of sections most of the streams and most of the viewers come from like the top 20 streams it's very top heavy on Twitch advertising is of course massive for these platforms indeed it is the main way that YouTube monetizes itself often YouTube have tried to do other things and they haven't really worked out that well but the thing for YouTube is well they're Google Google is an advertisement company ultimately when you think about where its Revenue goes and between AdSense AdWords Google AdSense is the best algorithm in the entire world it just is it is the Premier algorithm in the entire world they have got well at this stage actually pretty much Decades of experience in the ads Market it is what they are extremely good at ads are massive for twitch and if you're a viewer of twitch streams like me you probably get frustrated at ads all the time yes well now it's time to talk about the new ad system that twitch have implemented so they announced they're moving to a 55 split for ads which is actually on par with YouTube sometimes what they pay us or adverts but the thing is they've implemented this in a peculiar way as basically a cash reward for almost doing a bounty they're overtly withholding Creator money basically saying jump through our Hoops [ __ ] that's essentially what they're doing what they're doing also is they're creating a expectation they are creating a culture around running ads because whenever only one person run at runs ads it's very hard to say it's very easy to say [ __ ] that guy but whenever everybody is running ads there's nowhere else you can go so if you create a culture where running three minutes of ads an hour is normalized then many more people would be willing to do it so it there's a larger uh like there's a larger goal with this in mind doing right so just so you're aware on YouTube if I publish a video or do a live stream YouTube will give the you know my cut of the amount of money that has been generated from my video I get 55 they got 45 yes no matter what that's how it works no ifs no ands no buts no asterixes on Twitch though it's very different and on Twitch I think I may be realizing one of the ways that they are trying to offer exclusivity changing and maybe make people feel a bit safer you're trying to implement systems that tie people down so this is the ad it's like a battle pass bro they've gotta they're putting a battle pass on Twitch am I wrong holy [ __ ] attentive program right you will basically get an incentive if you meet some thresholds so run two minutes of ads per hour stream 40 hours this month and this is twitch's example you'll get 100 bucks three minutes of ads 300 bucks four minutes of ads 40 hour streams in the month 500 bucks absolutely [ __ ] massive if you guys this is more money than most rooms have ever seen absolutely yeah absolutely it's it's a tremendous amount of money it bro if I if I was a small streamer I would be like listen guys hey uh we're gonna run some ads for like uh three or four minutes and uh we'll be back and it's like Hey listen it is what it is I mean I'm gonna but guess it's free money boys we're gonna do it I mean hey you could look at that and say okay that's that's pretty sweet if you don't think too hard about it and you don't think the viewers go from 50 to 10 they don't though and that's that's what I was saying about changing the culture is that if you're the only person on the platform that runs three minutes of ads an hour you have a massive competitive disadvantage but if everybody else is doing it then that Advantage doesn't exist anymore you see what I'm saying I leave well nobody cares about you people care about the number as a whole so every like I think viewers get into this power fantasy of like oh we're all gonna leave if there's any ads I have the numbers there's a reason why people run ads it's because it's not true about what they're actually doing now here is an example I found from just somebody who was sharing their own data as you can see there one minute of ads per hour stream 113 hours this month 761 dollars that doubles for two minutes and it's two thousand and thirty eight dollars incentive for running three minutes of ads per hour for 113 hours that is ridiculous that is a huge amount man wait elaborate so I will elaborate a little bit basically while running ads might reduce your viewership by like a I think running ads constantly reduces your viewership by a maximum of around 10 percent uh and oftentimes it's something less than that because one other factor is that running ads removes pre-rolls and pre-rolls completely wrong no no see you this isn't an opinion this is data but this isn't this is not my this is not my opinion about this I didn't just randomly come up with this number there's a reason why I was number 14 on on the earnings report for twitch okay I [ __ ] know what I'm talking about so listen yes there are a lot of people that might leave but there are also a lot of people who bounce off at bounce off a stream at the moment that they see an ad so if you take away pre-rolls whenever you like balance that out between people leaving because there's an ad and people leaving as soon as they see an ad whenever they open the stream and you remove that it pretty much balances itself out and whenever it doesn't it's no more than 10 percent you see what I'm saying uh the only time I I leave is remember the high ad volume compared to the stream yeah but a lot of people don't do that like I understand that people think this but I've run ads like so for example uh look I'll I'll show you guys so this is my uh that that's what we're watching right uh this is what we're watching and so right next to it this is my button and right there on my main channel is like the button to run ads it's like right right there you guys can see that I I can click on this I have accidentally clicked the add button before I don't do it on purpose I don't run ads during my stream I just don't do that uh I can't run ads on this channel like there's no it says edit stream clip that raid Channel manage goals there's no ads uh I can't run an ad so I've accidentally clicked the button it never lowered my viewership yeah it never lowered my viewership so there you go and I would yeah oh really no yes really Mike twitch would not push that many ads if it was actually hurting them that much you understand they would not do it uh because they answered the toilet break yeah exactly and what would you recommend 130 minutes per hour I have no idea it makes it more of a difference for small streamers I think you could make an inverse argument for that I think it really depends on a person but what I'm saying is that from my experience from what I have seen from my own personal data from what I have observed from other people's data from what other people have shown me from their data everything has has reflected that running and spamming ads only reduces viewership by a maximum of about 10 percent and doing it sparingly with like only three minutes an hour it doesn't really have any impact at all and this is what the data shows this isn't like my opinion on the topic this is not you know something that I think or believe this is what the data represents now 113 hours is quite a lot I know people are mad that I'm saying this and they're mad because it makes them realize that they don't have any [ __ ] power they think that if they leave everybody else is going to leave and then they're the only one that left isn't it doesn't it suck whenever the numbers disagree with your opinion doesn't it [ __ ] suck I've had it happen to me too yeah [ __ ] sucks man it's like you can feel so strongly about something and the numbers just don't [ __ ] reflect your opinion is if you are going to try to actually do a really interesting engaging stream you're gonna have time out doing research time out even working on your stream like literally working on your stream I have that a lot actually like before my stream I look up ahead of time what YouTube videos I'm going to watch make it better for your viewers maybe some sponsor stuff some business you got to handle your tax you've got to do all the other things believe me I thought it would basically be easy be played or page to play video games before I got stuck into this whole shindig let me tell you it ain't that easy but what's really bad here let's just say this individual did run three minutes of ads it's easy to play video games it's hard to actually be entertaining at the same time that's where the real challenge is anybody can turn on a camera and turn on a stream but it's making the stream entertaining getting people to actually show up is the problem that's the hard part per hour for 113 hours well if they did that for for Less than you know last hours I wish I could see what this person was but the thing is that incentive is the 55. am I wrong though about it being like a battle pass that's so [ __ ] funny to me oh my God 45 split that incentive is money that they have earned and twitch is saying unless you jump through this hoop we're not going to give you this cut of the revenue that you have generated that would be like YouTube saying hey we want you to generate maybe 200 000 watch hours this month and if you do we will give you this amount of money I I can I can see bellewer's perspective on this being kind of um uh predatory or uh compulsatory or some some sort of negative manipulation but I think that if you you could argue that I think with a lot of performance bonuses with work like how many of you guys have performance performance bonuses at work like if you sell a certain amount of like uh of like cars or you you know you you do a certain amount of uh tickets you process through my tickets yeah like these are just pre this is effectively a performance bonus I I I view it as a performance bonus or ultimately that would be YouTube withholding Revenue it's bizarre there are examples from high profile streamers of this really paying there are also examples of these being frankly ludicrous but for me the overall point is that this just feels like they are really you know they're they're just you know what like you get a damp towel you try to remove the water you just rang it really tight that is what it feels like they're doing but of course that's not all we've also got to talk a little bit about some of the desperation that's happened with twitch yeah at least this is a funny story right so they started offering a thing called a boost where you could basically give the person you're watching ten thousand Impressions that would basically just mean this didn't have some money and we will give this person a little sponsored spot or a featured spot on a more visible area of twitch and that maybe will generate some viewership basically saying hey we have a discoverability problem and we are going to try to sell you the solution yeah exactly again this is this is like I I like how Bell you were five years all you had to do is change blizzard to Twitch and you've got a new video rather than working discoverability in order to make their platform overall more healthy and successful again if you look at YouTube one thing that YouTube does extremely well is discoverability I've been doing this for almost I think that on the on the grand spectrum of things I think that I would go with discoverability uh Tick Tock Twitter Instagram YouTube twitch personally from my experience marks across multiple niches multiple channels discoverability is basically the foundation of so many people's careers and it just does not exist in that same way over on Twitch which partially is fair enough because I think there are reasons why it's inherently a bit harder within the streamer space now this boost thing ended up falling by the wayside because people quickly realized hang on a second what if a channel streams some porn and then we all boost that channel then twitch will have porn in their front page you yeah that happened it was pretty damn hilarious and twitch stopped the program but then they did launch another experiment called boost trains basically just it's like a new sub train thing that will give enhanced visibility I think it's significantly better but again it is Twitch trying to monetize some of the discoverability issue I'll cover the number later but about 70 of discoverability is from sources external to Twitch suffice to say my best advice somebody's like how should I get started streaming on Twitch I'm like all right go to YouTube but wait I want to be on Twitch I'm like yeah I know go to YouTube Hey on YouTube it is not like that whatsoever the next thing well the reason why is because twitch is a zero-sum environment if you are watching me right now you're probably not watching somebody else whereas on YouTube whenever I finish this video I'm going to watch another video after that so if two streams are on at the same time they will pull viewership from each other in a way that YouTube videos do not do is Staff leaving the company right so key departures that have happened recently enough includes their CEO their CEO their CCO their head of Creator development who you may recognize I remember watching a Starcraft podcasts well literally a decade ago and this is what he said afterward we went down the Silicon Valley route hiring from Facebook from Twitter many new employees had little understanding of gaming or live streaming and were unwilling to learn what this community was why it was special the I can really respect DJ weed because whenever remember those [ __ ] changes came out and about the hot tub stuff and he went on his stream and argued with the community about it for an entire week this guy understood twitch yeah he understood it now whether he was wrong or right doesn't matter but he was willing to get down in the trenches and fight for it customer was the content that's funny yeah it was great if you're not passionate about the product you're not really looking at it from the customer's lens exactly yeah and so you don't have the same level of empathy that's what somebody else said and that I think overall encapsulates a lot of what is really frustrated twitch creators where they feel like they're not being taken seriously they feel it's like whenever saikuno they spelled his name wrong in the emails like the person at twitch didn't even really know who he was they spelled his name wrong sakuno yasukunu more of a pinch from twitch and I think it's becoming obvious to a lot of people I mean I think twitch was at 2.3 billion in Revenue they had in one of the more recent years where I think YouTube it was like well over a hundred billion right so YouTube is just earning so much more money and I think it's a situation where YouTube is more important to Google than twitch is to Amazon I mean look at Amazon's other efforts within the gaming sphere like yeah a new world exploded and there is the Lost Ark that kind of exploded for a bit it does have a lot of drama now before that you just had an extensive graveyard of games and years and years of development time just flush down the toilet but hey I will at least say twitch Prime now that is pretty damn good and I think this is where we've got to talk a little bit about the competition a little bit I suppose about my twitch Prime like I I didn't xqc say like his the amount of Subs that he had with twitch Prime was like 70 it was something like that right twitch Prime is huge yeah it was something crazy like for me I don't remember like what my percentage is I'd have to go and look it up but like it's probably over 50. so if you go to YouTube and you get the exact same amount of support you're still making you know with the ads and everything like that put to put together 30 percent less money just because of twitch Prime twitch Prime is [ __ ] huge my own personal decision making because ultimately it's not just me sitting down and thinking do I want to stream in this platform or that program there's about 58 no the the external platforms do not have accurate uh sub counts they're off by about like sometimes over five thousand yeah they are tremendously off uh I would not trust any external platform for that platform right like we have employees I have to set time I have to think what's the best overall thing so that I'm being responsible in in leading this team of people so the big streaming War the first one I think it's obvious that twitch is not making enough money for its parent company and that direction I have a feeling that there will never be a time where they are making enough money for Jeff Bezos seems to mean that things can only go one way for creators and viewers and that way is worse I would expect more advertisements as an example look at the ads that like literally this incentive program for a lot of people like three minutes of ads an hour feels pretty big the thing is though this is based on past Behavior right so here's another one two minutes three minutes four minutes I have seen creators show their version of this where it's even more minutes of ads per hour I believe I've seen I was either six or eight I mean eight minutes wow I don't think that I don't think they sent me this email let me see if they did I'll tell you guys what my numbers are I didn't get one yeah I didn't get one guys this rock can you [ __ ] believe that can you [ __ ] believe it wow I don't get my battle pass and it's not actually it's even worse than you think it is because this isn't Creator ran outs where the Creator hits a button right maybe they say okay I'm gonna go got a cup of tea I'll hit the add button thanks for your support I'll be here in a minute no this is only for auto played ads and the other thing what Auto played ads are you [ __ ] kidding me why would you want Auto played ads who is that good for also like that's stupid for twitch because what if somebody just barely is under the amount of AD density and you can pocket all the extra money if you auto play the ads you guarantee that you're gonna have to pay them out this is stupid yeah you should always make put it on them and that way if you if you if they don't break the next threshold you keep all the extra money what are they thinking of course twitch loves to hit you with the big unskippable now look I've used YouTube on a TV not on my premium account and yeah the ads can be pretty frustrating it's a cop more often than not you can skip them in five seconds and then the ads done with and you're back oh on YouTube yes YouTube has a very fair and good ad structure to the content on Twitch doesn't really work like that twitch gives you far more of those lovely 30 second unskipables I mean how many times have you went to Twitch and basically seen the same advert for audible another Amazon product again and again and again and again to the point where you just want to alt f4 your browser and do something else so I think all of us were just going to feel the pinch more and more and more and overall it is a worse advertisement experience there's also things that are important to the Baseline health of the platform now YouTube by no means is a saint when it comes to copyright stuff I think you should check out business casuals insane situation where well it's an insane situation I'm going to watch that I'm going to watch that off stream I watch the uh upper echelon Gamers video regarding that and I'm going a business casual DM to me he's like yo can you watch my original video and like you know see both sides of it which is like that's fair oh yeah it's absolutely fair and so I'm gonna watch uh his whole video uh it's just long it's like a two hour video so I'm not gonna watch it on screen and I'll give you guys my uh my opinion on it afterwards broadly though is that because YouTube almost got sued into Oblivion a long time ago they've invested a lot of money in the likes of content ID they have very Creator they have very extensive and extremely extremely you say liberal or conservative based on like which perspective you have um very aggressive ad and like sorry copyright uh detection software on YouTube it's very simple what it is you see it on astringent yeah you could say that uh it's like you know you guys ever have like a song come on the radio and you're like what's that song and you just you know put out like SoundHound or like you know one of these other things that detects songs and you just do that well YouTube has that Shazam yeah Shazam something like that be quite frustrating if you know you put one swear word in the first 30 seconds of a video and then it gets demonetized or I don't know like in this channel we include Grand Theft Auto trailer footage that often will get copyright claimed button our content gets claimed we're told so before we push the content live giving us an opportunity to yeah the video backup while it is friction while it is frustrating it generally speaking it is the best it is the best solution given the current state of the laws is a pretty damn reliable system that does its job and broadly while there are potential abuses that we're all aware of it does keep people safe enough and mostly the rules are fair even though there are notable examples of severe [ __ ] yes over on Twitch though I mean do you remember the dmca music debacle I mean wow what would have happened if the likes of say Riot games didn't come in and just offer everybody their you know stream safe music but still that's just another example of twitch knowing that there's been a looming problem that's going to hit loads of their creators and not doing anything proper to deal with the issue okay it's 2022. yeah it's a bit less but it was quite an important thing 2021 and earlier on this year there's also discoverability which I've talked about before uh discoverability in YouTube basically just means whenever you post some content as long as you've got enough initial followers for the algorithm to understand what sort of viewer would enjoy that content generally does actually do a pretty damn good job of driving views to that content a lot of people will say oh uh my content doesn't go out to my Subs often that's actually not really the case there are a few exceptions of course guys I think I'm Shadow banned bro you're not Shadow banned your content sucks that's why yeah uh it's not the shadow ban uh no people just aren't watching because the video is bad I've had this happen sucks you know like that's what it is and so yeah you're right obviously like there are cases where it it does happen like people do get Shadow banned like look at the algorithm on Twitch versus YouTube on YouTube it's based off of your search criteria how many other people are using the search criteria that you were using to find a video the amount of time that people on average spend watching the video that is being shown on the screen uh the like dislike ratio of that video uh the amount of like ads that video has in it and so like you have this massive Matrix of huge different data points that they put together to decide which one is on your screen at that given time on Twitch does number big yes then show I mean okay that's about it very often it's actually the fact that most of your subscribers as a YouTuber don't use a subscription feed the vast majority of YouTube traffic is driven via what's next via recommended via the home page where just like it's a fruit machine in the casino you refresh the home page you go to [ __ ] and you hope that some interesting pictures appear in front of you so you can click one of them to watch that is unfortunately how it works but it does actually work pretty damn uh pretty damn well this bonus can get people a lot of discoverability in such a way that really just does not happen in twitch such that you're looking at around 30 of creators being discovered on Twitch while the other 70 is coming from the likes of Twitter Youtube Tech talk Etc there's then also the issue of synergy I really feel like uh I never hear anything from Emmett sheer about twitch I feel like it's almost like he doesn't know that he owns twitch like sometimes like you know people will have to remind he's like he's not sure he's like oh oh right yes oh [ __ ] okay I forgot about that um yeah so uh [ __ ] okay all right so that's the live streaming one all right and it's for video games right yeah okay all right yeah I knew that okay all right so here we are okay it's just like [ __ ] and I think this is somewhere where twitch well by being a niche and they've dominated the live streaming gaming sector but now that we've got the likes of Tim the tat man we've got um doctor disrespect and a lot of other major names Ludwig of course one thing that many are beginning to see is the power of synergy it's also like the other big thing is like I wouldn't even use any of them as as an example the best example that I would show of the power of YouTube streaming is speed because speed is not somebody like it's for example like twitch or sorry Tim grew his audience on Twitch and YouTube primarily on Twitch doc grew his audience primarily on YouTube or sorry on Twitch and then also like maybe a little bit on Twitter and also on YouTube too but twitch was a huge Factor uh Ludwig also came up on YouTube and twitch kind of at the same time but a lot of that was on Twitch like the subathon ETC a lot of his content was from his live streams too and he would even do that on purpose but speed came up to him he got banned on Twitch right uh but before that um he came up pretty much on YouTube just on YouTube and I think that is a success story that is shown the power of YouTube streaming much more so than doc Tim or even Ludwig Temple via YouTube memberships you can essentially run what most people would consider to be a patreon you can run that on YouTube now you do have to take the 730 split which uh to some people will sting but that will allow you to do Early Access content you know uh audience polls just lots of different audience rewards so there's a strong Synergy between live streamed content between shorts and between your regular VOD YouTube content now there are some issues yeah they're thinking about the entire ecosystem of content creation and keeping people engaged in content longer whereas twitch only thinks about it in one aspect which is live streaming [ __ ] shorts why I mean shorts are nice I watch shorts on YouTube pretty regularly what's wrong with shorts it was one of the people who's been an absolute Champion for us in this scene is Ludwig who has even had Direct Communications with Susan wichicki the CEO of YouTube and it's not like he went on her podcast or he went to her I love how like any time that something bad happens on YouTube everybody is like we have to tell Ludwig and Ludwig will fix it like everybody was like whenever you know Gideon had his thing everyone's like man we've got to get because like they just assume that like him and Susan like they're [ __ ] tight right and like so all he has to do is send a text to Susan he's like yeah so like this act man shit's crazy huh and she's like oh okay all right we'll ban Quantum like that's it like yeah he's like the guy office she actually went to his podcast and apparently via that we've actually learned that YouTube is working on better ways to distinguish content on their platform so you basically don't have live streams shorts and uh and regular YouTube content kind of crowding each other in the same space now of course YouTube does have its downsides right you can get a thing that I sort of call notifi notification cannibalization where let's just say you want to release a video the same day that you live stream well oh yeah yeah while you're streaming it'll get no initial momentum because people are watching your live stream right and sometimes it can just again does this the best way like Ludwig is a uh a ruthless businessman in this regard what he does is at the end of his stream am I right about this he [ __ ] he's like guys I've got a video coming out everybody go watch this [ __ ] video watch the premiere that [ __ ] like boosts the [ __ ] out of the video and that algorithm and then the video gets promoted to [ __ ] everybody like I was thinking like man I should stream on YouTube just so I could get a better [ __ ] like uh a better way to do that with my videos that's smart and then of course there is that very crowded experience of people's content where sometimes to know that a YouTuber you like is streaming you almost have to just go to YouTube and if they are streaming hope that their thing gets presented to you that's something YouTube will absolutely have to fix even though my opinion is that I think the entire content creator fan at the entire content creator page on YouTube should be completely redesigned completely [ __ ] redesigned I think it's trash it is so Antiquated it's from like 2011 or something like that fix it make it better entirely in other ways the discoverability is good as an example if I was live streaming and you were to watch one of our Warcraft videos my icon would be red indicating I'm currently live and I would allow you to hop immediately to my live stream so the likes of that are actually quite powerful another problem with YouTube in a way and it's not necessarily their fault but it's culture twitch culture I think is the greatest asset the twitch have I think it's also the worst asset too because twitch culture is very uh so I'll talk about two different ways that twitch culture is bad um you know everybody knows I'm not a big fan of of twitch culture in general but uh one of the reasons why it's bad is because it is inherently um uh very gatekeepy it's like you have to know so many memes and you have to have so much information to be part of the community on Twitch that it becomes hard to get into and I think that for an average person that becomes a problem also I think that it becomes very um very weird like for example whenever I collaborate with somebody that has much smaller audience on Twitch people are like oh he's looking for viewers right oh he's you know what oh it's another leech it's something like that but whenever I do something like that on YouTube everybody is like [ __ ] yeah man thanks for showing us this guy this guy's great I love his content like I started watching him because of you I've been watching him for months now like people are just so much more positive about collaborations on YouTube like just infinitely more positive may get a lot of money from ads but also from subs from bits all that stuff Subs as a cultural thing it exists far more profoundly in twitch than it does over on YouTube where yes YouTube does not convert as highly into Revenue as twitch does yeah almost entirely down to the cultural differences in the platform also some specific things as an example YouTube's implementation of gifted memberships is quite simply not as good as twitch's implementation of gifted Subs so yeah YouTube has YouTube has a lot of in terms of like UI usability and Community features YouTube uh it it they've got they've got to work harder they've got to try harder it's not that good tube does have a lot of things to fix but overall I look at the Innovations you could say that YouTube are doing and a lot of that is them playing catch up to Twitch yeah a lot of that is them adding new features as an example you can show your merchandise under a YouTube video a few things like that generally it's more features for creators to support ultimately what a lot of creators are which is small businesses which is that that's very good too because also uh like buying merchandise and stuff like that is uh you know like we watched the video yesterday about how uh the influencer bubble was going to burst Etc and I think that one way that a lot of content creators should try to monetize is by selling directly to Their audience uh one thing or another find something that people find Value in that you can you can create and then sell that to people it's a simple idea but it's hard to implement a lot of people do it very simply by merch stay safe does it with gum sleep most of that stuff is good for YouTube as well right they'll make their cut but I think it's becoming obvious that YouTube is a more mature and figured out product that basically has its Revenue model sorted well YouTube has the problem of making a better UI twitch has the problem of of of of getting the of [ __ ] the amount of money and user base that YouTube has it's like yeah YouTube has everything else it's like what do you think's harder you know attracting a massive audience of billions of people or making a UI are some things like say YouTube shorts they do not earn as much money as YouTube videos because they operate on a Creator fund basis where let's just say YouTube says they have 300 million dollars and they will divide that up between shorts based on watch time really and it turns out that that gets sliced up to the point where the cpms are pretty awful so that's one example of those being rough but even Tick Tock actually has seen the amount of money that it makes per view absolutely plummet uh in the last little while because quite simply that pie of money is being sliced up thinner and thinner and thinner and thinner it's a recession economy right and we're leading into that and so like that amount of money will go down sure people are driving more views in walshtime as that platform gross so overall then I try to think about what directionally makes the most sense and to me it did end up being YouTube now one reason there is because most of my audience is on YouTube because I was a YouTuber first but the thing is if you say want to make it on Twitch man I'd recommend having a YouTube presence first or anything like I because going from zero to the top one percent so maybe the 250 plus views whatever it's really hard to do and I got lucky I mean I wasn't really lucky in that way because like I made my own YouTube channel but I got uh I had an advantage over people that were starting like my first stream that I ever did had 250 viewers the first stream I ever did and like by like the third stream it I had like a thousand so it was like very very very fast but I also had a had a YouTube channel at that point my YouTube channel had like 10 000 subs or something like that so yeah and like yeah you did YouTube for years yeah I did YouTube for about two years before I started streaming at all ever that is so unlikely if you are just sitting there on Twitch because you're one of the first students the grind oh perhaps you've been doing the 60 hours uh a month for a tiny ad incentive grind just ain't worth it gotta think about other ways to grow yourself get yourself known faster basically yes the snowball rolling down the hill metaphor you need to build enough of a snowball to then roll down if you know what I mean yes it's very good overall then if I was to sort of end this with a bit of a thesis on things twitch as an obvious Problem YouTube has obvious Problems YouTube absolutely must give a premium membership right so if somebody has YouTube premium they should get a free membership each month yeah they should definitely do that if I I think that's harder to do because like YouTube uh premium costs less money and also it's not there are less things that you get out of YouTube premium like twitch Prime and Amazon Prime provides like such a tremendous amount of benefits that people have where YouTube does not have that so it's very hard for YouTube to compete against twitch Prime unless they go into the red wait unless they lose money YouTube premium could also give people maybe perks and games like Amazon's Prime gaming does I think that would also be a good way for them to compete on that basis all right as for twitch 50 50 I think is ridiculous given that that value is coming from the creators I think 50 50 is kind of ridiculous now 5545 that's industry the worst part about it is that like me soda Miz xqc Hassan we're probably Gonna Keep 70 30. so basically the guys that really don't need 70 30 Are Gonna Keep it but a lot of the people that are you know they're doing pretty well and you know like 70 30 to 50 50 really makes a big you know it's changes their plans for the year that's the people that are going to get [ __ ] standard when it comes to adverts But ultimately if somebody streams for x amount of time shows x amount of ads that should generate wire or you know Z whatever I don't know if I completely agree with bellyor that these performance incentives are bad I don't know if the performance incentives are bad and I I don't really I haven't heard an argument that entirely convinces me that they are just an amount of money give them that money don't say Hey you have to complete this goal this is like some bizarre gamified gig economy and I wonder if they are trying to do this as a hobbit-forming mechanism to basically gamify the earning money bit as a way to make the whole Enterprise seem a bit less grim I wonder and that's like making it less Grim is even part of the factor I think that it entirely has to do with just simply getting people to do it more not even touching on their historic just he's not saying that he's saying their pay gets cut and then they offer some more of it back this way I think if you look at it from that perspective yeah sure I could I could understand that I viewed them as two separate things but if you looked at them as like one like Collective then yeah I would say sure uselessness at content moderation to the degree where so many people just don't even take their platform seriously right like sometimes you go on to Twitch and it's like okay cool what is this why why is this basically just softcore porn what's what's going on there or many other things like gambling I think that I mean like really here this is how big of a problem I think soft core porn is on Twitch this is how big of a problem I think gambling is on Twitch it is not even remotely close just go on to Twitch you're like cool there's all gambling content and I could level that criticism at YouTube too by the way but it just feels do any of you guys live in Las Vegas because I want this confirmed Izzy told me the other day that there was an ad in Las Vegas that was actually promoting something that had to do with the slot streams on Twitch if anybody sees this please send it to me on Twitter I asked her if she took a picture of it she didn't so I want to see it send you a pic yeah show it to me send it to me because if I would love to make a video about it like pictures which have been Restless I mean in a way leaderless all these top level people going and when these top level people are going when over 300 keep in mind the last time oh there's a bunch of top level people going uh this is going to be fine right this is okay isn't it remember what company that was blizzard boy he's left in 2021 because they're experiencing pretty damn High churn in their you know in their Workforce while all of these bad seeming things are happening they are just tightening the screw on monetization overall I think that's probably rough for the long-term health of that platform I would have would not be surprised if right now a lot of the twitch creators that you watch are planning their move to YouTube probably not telling you about it probably thinking okay he saw the ninja tweet so yeah I mean I think that I don't think that they move like I'm not planning on moving to YouTube I like what I do here I like streaming on Twitch and then having it uploaded to YouTube I think that works well I like that yeah I feel like we've got a good system going on here I need to stake a claim here I need to get ready to slowly move I'm not going to rule out the idea of doing certain types of events on YouTube live streams I'm not ruling that out but as a general day to day I think that I'll probably stay on Twitch I think that's probably the best idea do you want to know really why it's because if I get banned on Twitch I still have YouTube don't put all your eggs in one basket this isn't some like yeah that that's that's why if over in two or three years in case there are more blunders in case that 50 50 split goes they're going to be thinking okay 50 50 sub split that's not good should I just tell my audience to donate to me in streamlabs instead or to donate to my patreon a lot of people already do this I don't know but all of these things are risk factors for twitch so that is the situation as I see it obviously I am on YouTube I have streams I'm going to pay you 30 minutes or recently I've streamed on YouTube You could argue that I have a horse in this race in the same way Ludwig does But ultimately I think about the communications that Ludwig and Susan with Jackie have had and I kind of think wow that actually how is it that the massive Behemoth of YouTube is managing to come off uh more personable than twitch who's like DNA should be asked because all of the people that are personable are not working there anymore that's why like my main partner manager uh rest in peace Kevin uh who is a great [ __ ] guy passed away a few months ago a couple months ago um my first partner manager left twitch and then my second partner manager left twitch yeah and Kevin I remember I was complaining about something to Twitch Kevin was like all right listen I'm gonna [ __ ] tell you we are right here's why and he explained it to me and I'm like okay so don't tell anybody but that that's why I'm like okay yeah sure yeah Kevin was great I don't know yeah all of my partner managers to be honest with you guys I've had like I've every partner manager I've had has been great like I've had no problems no stress at all like there have been you know sometimes like I wanted something that didn't happen but it's probably not not even in their hands in general I think that overall it's been very positive that's hope that competition drives twitch to be better because you would also not want to be the Google map where Google have yeah a near Monopoly in streaming exactly involved no twitch is important in this space competition is a sad that mixer went by the wayside because mixer meant more competition and more competition is good and again what is your experience like as a viewer yeah do you feel like it's been getting worse to be honest I find being that is actually such a great question and I would ask that to you guys right now you as a twitch viewer is your experience watching twitch.television worse today than it was two years ago yes well ain't that something pretty frustrating I suppose I should just get Turbo but let me know what your experience has been oh what is people don't even know what turbo is Twitch should advertise twitch turbo way more the most important thing here okay that's it for me do check out brilliant today sponsor they're an awesome sponsor they're they're one of the most like thumbs up I will accept Your sponsorship because your mission is pretty awesome and your tools are great so check out brilliant with that link down below thanks to you for watching see you next time good video very good video I like this a lot obviously you know twitch stuff and everything doesn't interest all the viewers maybe as much as it interests me but you know it's kind of like what I do so I like watching videos about it and talking about it this is a good video I liked it a lot yeah there's a video right there and um there you go make sure to give Bell you are a line give them a sub he's got like a bunch of channels he's trying to make a new game he's got his patreon he's got employees he could use your help so yeah make sure to do that if you uh if you like the video you like his content you want to see more in the future twitch turbo gives me the ability access 500 Nemos yeah I think twitch turbo should be advertised way more I'm surprised that it's not I think that they're really missing uh missing the boat with doing that foreign [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 457,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: XGfkTiOI0hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 7sec (4627 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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