Asmongold Talks with H3H3 About Blizzard & Twitch Drama

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yo what up y'all hear me i can hear you hey what's up man how you doing asmin the golden standard mon it's your boy welcome back i can't see you guys i can't see you guys but um that's fine am i supposed to see you guys uh it might be a little bit messed up oh there you go there it is there it is hello what did i just do so what are you talking about what's going on we were just talking about the blizzard uh california lawsuit so that's crazy right how like they had a bunch of people that uh you know [ __ ] touch women inappropriately and uh basically ruin the [ __ ] company and make my game suck dick because everybody that works there is stressed out like imagine working somewhere like that you know what i mean man like that's crazy it sucks it is it's it's hard to imagine you know what's really interesting is that i remember uh recently riot had similar accusations and i just don't understand how people can run these companies like such a fraternity it's odd to me like i think that it it's it's almost a disservice to say fraternity to fraternities because this is not all the things that happened in fraternities either these people like this like talking like holding like grabbing them trying to kiss random women like touching them inappropriately like this is [ __ ] nasty there are i would assume that they're probably more fraternities that don't allow this than apparently some of these tech companies how is this happening yeah you know i i was actually surprised to learn from dan that apparently someone high up in blizzard was like talking smack about you uh that is so uh there's a lot of people at blizzard they're not my biggest fan okay they don't like me they don't like the [ __ ] that i say they think that i'm basically a brand risk and i don't really blame them the guy said i was an [ __ ] and i agreed uh i think he wasn't happy about a tweet that i made about pronouns this was like three years ago or two years ago i made this tweet and he was mostly referencing that he and i i talked to him in dms we worked it out everything's totally [ __ ] fine right but it's just one of those situations where uh you know people will see something like that attach themselves to it and uh then turn things around and use that as like a evidence right yeah it just i i was blown away when i saw the tweet i was like this is and it kind of all melts together into the story but like the unprofessionalism of someone that high up in blizzard to send to say publicly to one of the biggest supporters of the game whether they like the [ __ ] you're saying or not you love the game you play it you fuel this dying [ __ ] game and for them to come out and publicly say anything negative about you is so unprofessional and insane well to me like i said this before i wish they would just call me an [ __ ] to my face i wish that if they you know i make a tweet about the game they don't like it they say shut up baldy [ __ ] you you're wrong like i'd be totally okay with that it would be a hundred percent fine with me and a lot of people don't have the same perspective but the way that i look at it is that i talk [ __ ] to them all the time if they want to talk a little bit of [ __ ] back to me that's totally okay unprofessional or not it's okay with me but i do think that obviously it's not something that you probably should do yeah it's uh i i know you probably don't know me h3 so i actually started working like i used to work as a commentator in esports so i actually used to work for blizzard i used to cast a bunch of their games and everything was cool you know they didn't mind me sorry let me let me google you because i used to watch a lot of starcraft what's your name oh i didn't do starcraft my name is my name's rich rich w campbell but yeah so i when i actually started youtube by the way yeah it's really nice to meet you i've been a fan for a really long time sorry you've had to deal with miss kiff so much recently uh i know he's such a pain in the ass yeah trust me asthma and i know that uh better than most but yeah when i used to work for blizzard at first i was kind of there i was their go-to for for a lot of different shows and asthma and i started a podcast and right around the time that started they actually hated asthma so much that they started to hate me just by association so it was a very interesting dynamic where i feel like they looked at certain content creators that didn't align with how they viewed their company or how they viewed their players should be and would try to distance themselves as much as possible from those content creators which is so different than what i think other games yeah i mean distancing yourself is one thing that means just not associating but like having open disdain for someone that is spending all day for love of your [ __ ] game if you have feedback or criticism no matter how harsh you say it as a performer they should actually listen to what you're saying beneath the harshness and the fact that they even take it personally is [ __ ] it's so unprofessional absurd it's it's this it's symptomatic of how poor how the culture within that company is so poor because like they need to not take [ __ ] personally their primary focus should be extracting useful information from what you're saying and improving their game i think i agree i mean i think that's the way a lot of people view it i can see where people get personally involved and i i'm i'm usually pretty understanding about these kinds of things but yeah it does frustrate me a lot to get kind of cold shouldered and especially now with all this blizzard uh you know getting exposed [ __ ] especially whenever i've been kind of uh you know it's always felt to me like i i haven't really been politically correct enough for blizzard to you know put me in the spotlight or give me any sort of credibility at all or really acknowledgement and then you know whenever it turns out that you know what i'm doing that's politically correct uh incorrect is just nothing compared to what's going on over there i feel very vindicated yeah for sure um i mean dude the state this isn't like someone who's suing them who used to work there he said she's longer this is the [ __ ] state bro this is the state of california and then and you know the um the lawsuit highlights multiple instances of harassment and discrimination they're a violation of state civil rights and then their response was like so pathetic and petty too basically they said that well oh well they didn't tell us what we were doing wrong it's like i use this example is if some employee goes into your into your building and he shits on the floor and he says oh what wasn't in the employee manual not the [ __ ] on the floor and then he complains about being unfairly released whenever he gets fired or told to get the [ __ ] out of the building i don't think that they need to tell you that like they don't need to do that they don't need to go out of their way to say oh well we're investigating you because of the fact that people spread around nudes of a girl at a holiday party like hey merry christmas here's kathy's vagina and then she kills herself the other thing was that we went over to the uh they went over to the company the company like event it's like a party or something like that some other guy was investigated and he brought lube and a butt plug to a company event and then this is where the girl kills herself and then it's found out that on top of that she's being sexually harassed by other people at the company as well holy [ __ ] yeah sorry i know i mean the the lube and the butt plug tends to be the smoking gun in situations like these but it is yeah i think one of the uh one of the things that i thought was weird about the statement because i actually didn't hear the statement until you told it to me asmin yeah and one of the things i thought was so weird about it was there was another statement that was out there where it was basically like we've been very cooperative throughout the entirety of the investigation so it was pretty clear that they did know what was going on it didn't seem like stuff was really hidden and it's not like it's some little tiny pi that was gathering the data from what we've seen so far i mean it's literally these states this is a two-year investigation that blizzard has willingly cooperated in and on top of that has taken tangible and cognizant changes that they have made to their company as a whole as a result of this investigation and the things that were being uncovered and then for them to have the audacity to turn around and say oh well we didn't know what you were investigating us for if you didn't know about what they were being investigated for why the [ __ ] you changing the company culture and making people go to all these training exercises it's so [ __ ] obviously fake you know um the statement i saw that really rubbed me wrong was there they and maybe one of you guys can pull it up i don't have in front of me but they said something to the effect of this is the reason why all big companies are leaving california why oh yeah big oh yeah that's right all the companies are leaving california because they're getting investigated for harboring people that sexually molest other people that are in the uh in the company yes that that's why well thank god thank god i i hope that they leave in that case i haven't heard of any other cases of this but i haven't seen this much cover-up since uh well i'm not going to say it people hate when i make that comparison the catholic church i'm sorry but yes well well i'm trying to think about that like because you're you're probably right yeah it's an exaggeration it is an exaggeration the catholic church is way worse absolutely exactly the word just the church is way worse yeah and it's absolutely worse but like the whole thing is just i think what really rubs people the wrong way and this is like i know obviously like you probably are not involved in the wow community the same way that i am so i want to give you two circumstances that happened and uh how blizzard has approached these two circumstances first circumstances a guy had a twit longer come out about him and this is a guy who is all like do you know who swifty is i don't swifty's a huge wow player he's all around known as a very nice guy very wholesome guy has great relationships with the women and his family that he displays proudly and often on his stream his irl streams and he's just very well known as a good guy in pretty much all regards and uh there came out a twit longer about about swifty and he basically said that a lot of the things were not true and within one day of this twit longer going out without even asking or reaching out to swifty or anything like that blizzard immediately excommunicates him you want to talk about the church blizzard immediately [ __ ] excommunicates swifty deletes his np season game and this is somebody who was one of the first people to make content for wow one of the first i would say probably the first real wow celebrity besides like leroy jenkins so they immediately excommunicate swifty and they say you know well this is what he was accused of and this is just all there is to it then on top of that there was a voice actor for a character in the game who had accusations made against them that were completely unsubstantiated nobody had any [ __ ] evidence of this whatsoever and what ended up happening is this person lost their entire job their voice lines were scrubbed from the game and also the classic game as well and replaced basically overnight then after that information was found out to be fake guess what changed nothing so these two other people are immediately removed you know shoot first ask questions later then suddenly whenever it's blizzard in the crosshairs they're saying oh wait you know things were exaggerated it wasn't really this this way it's you know this is not true so it's just very funny for me to see this happen after they've treated people with the exact opposite of the mercy that they're expecting government to give them after a two [ __ ] year investigation say as a as a business owner obviously i i'm sure that blizzard activision has thousands and thousands of employees we have 35 employees you know over on teddy fresh but like we had to do sexual we all had to do sexual harassment training for the workplace before anything and if something was going on that i knew of of inappropriate there would be no [ __ ] tolerance inside the company for that and i'm from you know um so the fact that they even tolerated this stuff is is well i think it's bizarre it's inexplicable and it's just it's so you know it's just so odd and it's just it's so [ __ ] up especially when the company has the stance that it does have too right absolutely yeah right the external they have they have this external uh this image of being like yeah i mean to the point of i mean it actually changes the content that they're putting out right i mean the the literal games that they're putting out even uh there have been slight deviations from that messaging that they they put out and what we've actually seen i think a lot of people look back to the blitz chunk scenario during the hearthstone league as one of those first times where there was a crack in what was simply pr and what was actually going on i don't know if you guys remember back to that but that was one of the first times where it's like okay maybe blizzard's just oh trying to say that this is how how they view things at the company but this is where how they really feel yeah ethan do you remember that no i'm not familiar basically i was like a total blizzard fanboy growing up i played every [ __ ] game starcraft warcraft i played wow for a long time i played all the diablos and i kind of blacked out on blizzard since i quit wow like you know 10 years ago when i was in college or something okay yeah there you go and so like no this is like honestly the blitz chung thing was this is more impactful because it's actually like blitz chung was just like monumentally bad pr where this is like actual [ __ ] people might go to jail so this is a whole yeah this is 100 worse but in terms of like its impact the butch jung thing was huge too so basically what happened was uh blizzard had a player and he was a hearthstone player who won a tournament and he was in china and the hearthstone player then during his victory speech said uh free hong kong basically i do remember that yeah of course i remember that yeah oh yeah that was so [ __ ] up and then blizzard immediately responded by docking his pay by uh removing his win and just basically deleting this kid completely and on top of that they even got rid of the announcers that were there at the same time and this is very clearly right i mean they're just they're they're sucking the ccp's dick yes like that's why they're doing it and i can go ahead well i'm just gonna say we were talking before we got on with you about how much we used to love back when i was a kid blizzard couldn't miss man they were like they were just every game was polished was perfect they were amazing they were reputable they were it was like they never missed you know and then once world of warcraft came out the money this insane money started coming in and i think that's when it crea all this since this [ __ ] creeped in i don't know when they merged with activision but i think when wow came out the company just started making so much money they probably just started bringing on all these new people and um well since then it's just been a soulless shell i think one of the things that you don't see now that like asman and i talk about all the time because we're still playing well you can really see those different things like the the you look at call of duty for example right it has that yearly model where they have three different studios and tandem always developing these games and they know that every time call of duty comes out they're gonna make a bunch of money just by releasing the title right uh now world of warcraft has gotten closer and closer to looking to only make their money off of the expansion release instead of actually having player retention and having a good game that tries to keep people on board for for the entirety of an expansion so the effects on the content of the game itself i think we can see much more the effects of activision than ever before and i think it makes for a much worse game but i would be curious to see when this trial actually comes out just how long the company may have been having these terrible things go on i think it's been happening ever since uh probably ever since wow came out at least and like i mean this is the same thing ethan you said at the beginning right it's like this shit's been happening with these tech companies ever since you know forever so it's not really that new or anything like that and it is sad right especially as like a long-term blizzard fan like it seems like you used to be right for sure to see people that you used to be like huge fans of you still love watching these people and then find out that they're actually pieces of [ __ ] i mean that sucks it really does and like i was saying this earlier it's like what are they gonna say like at blizzcon this year you know like what is there gonna be a blizzcon this year it seems a little bit awkward now well why do you even still support them why do you even still play wow that question becomes asked for me like i asked that question to myself more every day and especially with something like this and i remember today i was like yeah they don't respect what you do for them well i mean the reason is like i love the game i really really like the game and i like playing it like that's really all it comes down to but like i don't know i might actually uh it depends on what they do because here's the reason part of your identity i understand right yeah it's a big part of my identity and obviously like a lot of people like watching it i've played the game for 15 years i'm emotionally connected absolutely yeah 100 all that stuff you're totally right but there is a certain degree of it too where i also i i do have some some type of like resentment for for those things as well and also i don't want to cut off the entire company because of a handful of people so i think that i'll really make that decision whether i want to continue supporting the company like whether it's you know just playing the game or or what i'll probably make that decision after a lot of this stuff is uh is is kind of wrapped up this is this is more a statement i i don't really know like where they're saying battle of the eyebrows as men we both have crazy eyebrow twitch i don't know how it happened i i really don't like i watch the streams i'm like yeah how how am i doing this and i don't know i have no idea you don't know do you don't know what's with your eyebrows i don't even think about it you know interesting yeah have you always had eyebrow twitches i don't think so i'd have to go in my old videos i don't think no not this much he over time his eyebrows got more and more powerful like it's been insane yeah his apm's increased let me ask you this do you control your eyebrow movements or is it kind of in involuntary i could do both but usually 90 of his involuntary like people like make a clip and it's like i've moved my eyebrows three times in one second no that just happened on its own yeah because my well i have turret so i have like a tic uh disorder oh so it's a legit thing yeah in my case okay but i find that interesting that you don't even like acknowledge them moving no they move they have their own mind exactly yeah it's like they're being controlled by uh chad or by somebody else yeah i've i've been made aware of that many times i've been playing final fantasy it's really fun wait really yeah i'm level 27 bro i've been grinding hard i'm about to get that chocobo yeah holy god damn man all right i've been running hard i got myself a gladiator tanking it up okay okay so you're having fun lalafell what survey plan i'm on your server i think what is it called cactar yeah i'm a character oh all right there it is okay awesome you should come to our wedding are you having an in-game wedding yeah probably yeah who's getting married oh you two are getting married in game how romantic so i i gotta ask right ethan i saw i saw a little bit of the what uh the events that transpired yesterday what do you think's gonna happen with this whole gambling thing man how much how much do they pay you as a flat fee every month for fulfilling your contractual obligations i'll probably get in trouble for releasing it but i'll tell you a million a million a month and i'm down 2.8 million this month so now you can see how degenerate it is it's bad so despite what train wrecks says yeah these are not these are not heavy hitter legit sites they're super shady i've been trying to confirm some of the stuff he said and uh i have not been able to he says it's licensed in canada it's not it's licensed in what's the name of the country well there was there's multiple layers because they're obviously using like shells and stuff so like it's somewhat in australia but uh they're curacao is the island in the caribbean where of course did you see this yeah well to be fair it was a very large shed okay to be fair it was yes it was a it was a nice shed it wasn't exactly it was a luxury shed absolutely yeah i think there's been a long history of this right i i think when you look back to all of the you look back to all the esports gambling right like look back to all the skins betting look back to anything that's been involved with video games and gambling and it has always been a shady operation sometimes even run by the influencers themselves and uh this to me seems no different and that's coming from a guy who loves to gamble i'm literally like i'm i love to gamble i don't need to do it on stream and convince other people to do it necessarily but look i've never been faced with the decision for somebody i mean look nobody's ever come up to me and been like hey do you want five million dollars uh yeah and like well this is this is you're totally right rich because like the the reality is that a lot of these people have i mean they're getting these paychecks that are life-changing and like every paycheck they they get changes not only their life but another family member's life and that's why like in my opinion i think this is totally twitch's fault because if if trane and xqc and aiden ross all decided i will never do another gambling stream you know what somebody else is going to say great that's room for me and nothing's going to [ __ ] change and that stuff is still going to happen over and over and over twitter be accountable for this i'm surprised they allow it as well you know look at like train wreck he lived he until recently he just moved to canada he lived in arizona is that right something like that and and well anyway wherever he lived it was illegal he was in texas uh yeah i'm not sure if it was illegal or not like i remember those leaked dms yes so we confirmed that where he lives yeah i mean he's using that's why he's moving everything so so what legal what twitch is they're saying austin it's illegal to gamble there so what they're saying what twitch is saying is that you can openly break the law your state's law they don't allow that in any other way right they don't allow you to break laws on twitch and that's what he's doing he's gambling in the state of texas which gambling is illegal in here's what scares me here's what scares me it's not even about the state laws if you think like that arizona or texas have puritan or restrictive laws on gambling you haven't seen [ __ ] about sweden okay sweden you can't even do channel point predictions because it's considered gambling what the [ __ ] do you think is going to happen whenever some of these european countries realize and catch wind to the fact that twitch is allowing gambling to be streamed unmoderated to thousands of people with no barrier to entry whatsoever other than an 18 plus thing on the title it's just it's not acceptable and they will find twitch and they will block twitch and the people that will lose here's what upsets me about this is that the people that will lose are the viewers because they're the ones who are going to get a worse viewer experience because twitch will get less funding because it will be [ __ ] everybody gets [ __ ] yeah i don't know why it's not that big of it's not like that serious for them like to just say you know what we don't want to allow this anymore what do they have to lose by doing that i just don't understand uh the hesitation on their part well but you know in esports it always made sense though right i mean when you looked at esports why why was it always something that continued to happen they were just gonna pay more and it was hard to get esports sponsors at the very beginning so it was a giant cash injection into an area where you wouldn't otherwise be able to unlock dollars so you continue to see it happen over and over and over again with twitch the question is is just who's making the money off of it obviously the content creators are is it worthwhile i think you bring up an ad pocalypse essentially asman right like that's the idea that you bring up beyond that i think i'm talking about a potentially the website could get blocked it could get fined and having to find could make amazon consider twitch a not worthwhile investment which would cause them to put less funding into twitch that could affect twitch and the viewer experience in multiple negative ways and the ripple effect of a fine or a lawsuit from some of these european countries is not just it's not just the people getting banned it's twitch itself being damaged in so many different ways that you can't even really think of yet because we don't know what could happen yeah i'm assuming there's something we don't know there's always like another story behind the scenes i'm wondering if they're worried about the repercussions of banning gambling what does that mean like loot boxes there's a lot of other stuff that people could interpret as gambling that goes on on twitch that might cause problems for them to say make that distinction and probably a lot of games too in america that make a lot of money from loot boxes that are telling them not to ban it you know i'm gonna be i'm gonna be honest here uh not to like quote aiden right now and be like it's fun but i have genuinely enjoyed watching gambling streams in the past like that that's the thing that's so crazy about it is it is pretty decent content like i've always watched train stream i've watched his gambling streams and and i have enjoyed it and i i am curious about if it wasn't so shady like shady companies is there ever a world where this is okay and there are actual checks to make sure the kids aren't watching the the programming the the problem with these gambling websites is they're straight up scams on top of everything else i think that it should go ahead sorry that's the big problem is that when you go to a place like las vegas which is a brick and mortar gambling places there are commissions there are licenses there are governing bodies that check that the random number generators are not rigged that control that that observe that monitor how much cash comes in how much cash comes out that everything's above the board that there isn't money laundering involved and when you go over to these online websites and you know i was looking at stake that's the one that trainwreck was talking about their casino is crypto only why do you think that is exactly it doesn't need to even be explained but like i will you know when you're using crypto you're not you're basically evading all regulations probably taxes um you can't get chargebacks literally it's black market as it gets and when you're doing a casino you more than any other business need to make sure that there are regulations in place to make sure that things are running as you would expect i mean it's gambling to begin with but then when you add an element of deception to it and lack of oversight then it's just um it's it's just a scam it is just a scam i don't know like about the individual uh the individual websites are is each one of them is scam it's like impossible to really know the scope of what a scam i have no idea but what i do know is the fact that if twitch lets this continue it will hurt the website and every single person on here will be negatively affected by that by loss and revenue that will then be followed by a loss in support and funding that will affect you as a viewer going back to the train wreck thing is that you have these leaked dms between him and xqc and what i've learned because i've done a little research since our call yesterday is that the owner's name of that casino was a name that trainwreck was using when talking to xqc implying that they're if first of all on definitely on um first name basis with each other but if not friendly so the fact that trane is doing these gambling streams being paid a million dollars a month and on first name basis with the owner itself is such a is such a blaring burning conflict of interest that's um that that it questions it begs questioning everything when when he is on a first name basis and likely friendly based on the dms that that were accidentally shown with the owner of the casino that's [ __ ] up the the worst thing very interesting yeah the worst thing about everything this is even with loot boxes too uh anything that happens when it's being streamed if any of the rng manipulation is happening to make a better advertisement and make it seem like it's more likely to win that's like that's beyond [ __ ] up uh i think that that's one of the scariest things is the idea it's like okay make the streamer win a lot so everybody else goes and thinks it's like gonna be a sure thing to win here's what i think right so like logically these people are making their money back from these sponsorships because if they weren't they would not keep doing them it's just that simple so a better advertisement is for the people that are advertising the product to win more often to show that winning is possible so to assume that it's not rigged or whatever like i'm not convinced that it's rigged but i'm sure as hell not convinced it isn't exactly and that that's my point when i say it's unregulated it's not they say it is it's not it's [ __ ] not they're playing with crypto those guys on the back end whatever [ __ ] software they're using i don't know bro but like these guys can do whatever they want on the back and they can it's just it's just they can it's possible yeah i mean this can happen and like this is like really what i what my main point is with all this is that i'm very concerned that the conversation around this whole gambling thing will center too much around train wrecks or too much around xqc because i just think these are symptoms of the disease and the disease is twitch allowing this to happen and if how many people do you think would turn down a million dollars a month yeah even eight years even eight years cold hard [ __ ] already rich yeah but you can always be more rich but i'm saying at a certain point it's like you know you're given the option i think you can't absolve them of of any responsibility like at the end of the day they're set they're given the option to make a bunch of money at the cost of potentially hooking their audience that they claim to care about to one of the worst vices and addictions they call it the the you know the most deadly uh uh vice um or or you know you can turn down the money you can and these are guys that already have a lot of money let's be honest people always find a reason to to [ __ ] rationalize it and that's what pissed me off a lot about your interview with what people are saying is like if you're gonna [ __ ] make the money man like don't go and excuse it right like i think that's the point where people lose the plot whenever they do something bad and then they try to tell themselves that it's not bad that that's the point of no return delusion you can't even be honest with yourself i have no problem with people who have done it and then realize like hey you know what this is this is not a good thing for me to be doing and they stop because the money's still on the table i'm sure you could go pick up a huge sponsorship and do it again if you wanted to the offer's on the table but you don't take it right and the same and the same could be true for everyone that's still doing it at the same time there's always going to be people who are going to take that check so so at the end of the day personal responsibility uh is is just one aspect of it and the other one is twitch doing something about it but you know it's like how do you well it could be easy for twitch they could say no casino gambling no casinos that's it well the reality is like people can always draw analogies and comparisons to loot boxes to cs go gambling to you know different items overwatch skins etc but i don't i think that this is just an obfuscation the reality is that slots is gambling and slots is bad yeah let's start with that let's start with the the framework that basically everybody agrees on rather than trying to create these imaginary comparison situations that are going to happen in three years like let's think about the obvious problem that's happening in this exact moment yeah i don't know why they don't do anything about it like i just i don't see what they have to even gain from keeping it on the platform they have something to lose who the [ __ ] like do you really think disney wants to have or ford wants to have their uh what do you call it their shows and their uh their commercials next to gambling many of them have morality causes we know this because we've had to deal with this ourselves with getting sponsors for shows they demonetized like at uh uh youtube yeah on twitch they demonetized all the hot tub girls right uh i'm not sure if it was all of them so one of the things that was talked about a lot was they were going to give every streamer basically a rating and they were going to rate how family-friendly we were and that was going to affect the different cpms so that i think that that's still a project that that is going on uh so that that might roll out over time but i do think to be completely fair there there has to be some advantage otherwise they would have just completely gotten rid of it right um unless they're just incompetent i mean how much money could it possibly be making them in the context of their entire business in a grand scheme nothing and also like this is what i'm saying like you want to go back to blizzard for a second if you want to do a blizzard tournament you know what one of the sponsors you can't have is a gambling sponsor you cannot do a blizzard tournament with a gambling sponsor so what do you think that's a company with morals yeah exactly yeah and that's blizzard no no alcohol tobacco gambling and porn yeah it's obvious these are vices and a game that's played by a lot of children and it just [ __ ] makes sense and let's just be honest the demographic of twitch skews younger i mean like not i'm not saying like all kids but like we're talking about people a lot of people who are under the age of 21 or on twitch there's a lot of people on twitter young i mean like for me like i have an mmo audience okay so i think that i'm definitely the exception here i'm pretty sure that my 17 13 to 17 year old audience is 3.7 or something like that it's extremely low but for the most part yeah there's a lot of young people here on twitch absolutely i mean if you took miz kiff out of otk like the entire yeah but i'm pretty sure everybody watches miz is probably about 12 years old but besides that somewhere around there yeah hey uh you guys are going to the moon where can i invest um you have to uh go to and you can make an account called promo code asmin yeah yeah exactly for the gold yeah yeah with a bald coin simple you give yourself stuff for baldness you're not bald that's what uh he's working on it though like i have the i have a i have the same hairline as a nintendo 64 controller it's not good are you yeah i think your hair looks great i like it yeah i think this is very carefully crafted oh really does it oh no yes it's a very carefully crafted illusion are you ever gonna just embrace it and shave the head i have considered shaving my head for a massive charity goal before and it's not something you can't complete your writing off dan um dan was balding and he just embraced it and shaved the dome and he raves about it how is it how is it how is it yeah yeah i feel much better after you gotta just you gotta just embrace it at a certain point i don't think you're at that point yet though i think i think you're many more years how many more years do i got man working for you how many more years you got yeah how many years does he have dan oh how old are you i'm 30. well you're hanging in there i'm doing my best i'd say about you have about two years until it's gonna get started to a point at no you know what you know what sucks i think asmin has a great shaped head i'm starting to go bald as well and i have a dent in my head i have like a tim the tatman crater in my head so if i actually shave it i think i'm gonna look terrible like if i go full ball yeah you guys are gonna look great with big beautiful domes come on oh god i'm just so worried about it i hopefully i don't need to worry about it too much dude i worried about it a lot and then i did it i sort of got i felt so much better after i did it i've had a lot of friends tell me the same thing it's true it's real you got a nice beard too which which helps a lot thank you i guess it's easy for me to say because i don't have hair problems but i think guys with well domes look good i like the ball dome look i'm not i'm jealous you've got a great hairline man it's not fair yeah it's just it's not fair man i care a little bit less about i have yeah i care a little bit less about what ethan thinks about my hair though than some some other people right that's the thing i'm nervous about you don't care about what i think no i'm not trying to the only thing i care about do you like me i do i do like you yes yes i can confidently say that i do like you well it's nice something different how about that rich if you're in a different answer than last time yeah well that's big that's big it makes it all the more special well i'm really happy to connect with you guys asman and i've been uh i became aware of you during the keemstar [ __ ] and you're reacting to it all i got to kick you into that which keemstar [ __ ] well it was like a long time ago when i made my whole document camera oh nuclear war nuclear and i was like man i was like i hadn't tuned into the twitch community in a long time and i was like oh there are really cool people on twitch because back when i was doing it like three years ago it just seemed like everyone was gaming and nobody was what it was longer than three years ago that we were on twitch it was oh whenever you first started doing the podcast right i remember that original 17 yeah four [ __ ] years ago 2021 my dude holy [ __ ] maybe we dipped into 2018 a little bit but we we cut it off around there so yes it was much different back then so i'm really happy to be here now because this just there's a really cool community of people that i respect and find interesting and funny so it's really cool it's changed a whole lot man it really has and i'm glad for that i know there are some people that are not particularly happy that there are individuals on this website that wear bikinis but the reality is i would much rather have that than a bunch of boring people playing cs go not talking to their chat i'm very happy with uh at least the breadth of content that twitch has now clearly that's what you need i mean just look at youtube i can find a uh boy you should see some of the [ __ ] youtube yeah welcome at all but that's the way i feel about it too i think it's all good and uh it's fine with me i'm happy about it and just letting people do what they want to do is what really matters but i do think this past like especially even the past year right with kovid you've had so many new and like different people like from you yeah minecraft people uh hassan's a big one bringing in a completely different type of content to the website i'm really happy to see it i am i think it's specifically so cool to see hassan bring in like lefty politics popularizing it here even politics in general is not something i've seen here but lefty politics is always like a is like left up to like a late night show host which sucks so actually not like seeing someone like a a contemporary doing really good funny political commentary and i know of all places twitch it's so cool and unexpected yeah i think that's what one of the most important things is is like giving people that space to just kind of do that different stuff and especially the political stuff i think that's going to be huge and uh the more and more that people get involved with it the better it's going to be and i think it just actually gives viewers the the reality is it gives viewers so many more options and so many more things that they can do instead and watch instead i think it's great or the merrier that's the way i see it too it's cool to see people you know embracing more and more like production too i think like one of the things with twitch in the past was there wasn't that much high production value really being brought and then when it was there it just always felt fake but now you can actually put together a good show and people are more ready to watch it i remember when i actually watched your podcast for the first time i was still working in production at the time i was like holy [ __ ] nobody's really been able to pull this off before and it did feel organic then and i watched a lot and we've even talked about it in otk meetings like looking at how that original set look looked in the balance between production and making it feel organic but i feel like twitch is in a much better place than it's ever been before even with all the [ __ ] that's going on on it sure oh for sure thank you for those nice comments by the way but yeah i feel like twitch is is at a height right now for sure things are going well yeah and you hear you're hearing about like these you guys like these big you you you guys are big twitch uh personalities that are like crushing it on the level of like you it was always like youtube was kind of like more coveted than twitch i think coming up just because there was more people and more money there and just more influence but that's changed i feel like the big boys on twitch are now crushing it on the same degree as people on youtube i'm gonna have to say i think that youtube uh youtube might be a lot bigger why youtube is definitely a lot bigger than twitch but you're definitely right that twitch has grown a lot and the ceiling on twitch is a lot higher than it was in terms of like the money you can make and also the the heights that you can reach and that's definitely a good thing i'm happy to see that this is the biggest site that i've reached on twitch you know h3 googled me today that was pretty wild that was probably my thing about that yeah that would have been possible on twitch famous man [Music] shout out otk let's [ __ ] go thanks man are you an otk me me yeah yeah he started it with the with the guy oh that you're dead okay yeah that's awesome dude okay to the moon let's [ __ ] go dude thanks you're looking for an org come on come on yeah yeah let me know dude just let me know maybe i am we can talk about it i don't know what that means then i'll see what happens you guys are going to make a billion dollars selling it to someone someday so i just want to oh yeah yeah yeah miscus says a lot of things um and and they're true they're always true yeah so let's go [ __ ] otk [ __ ] it peeing in a uh pinging a shower real ceo moves i respect that guy does he do that i think in the shower no no no no i never do he doesn't turn it on first that was actually how you guys met right yeah no you that's insane that's [ __ ] up i i don't think we ever would have met if miss didn't be in the shower when it wasn't on interesting you know what you should do i would really i think that you should you should have a debate with erob one of these days h3 i don't know if you know who he is he's killing it on twitch he's one of them oh dude he's one of the annoying rappers let me tell you man one of the uh he's have you ever played uh have you ever played bloodborne ethan yes i played it all the way through recently all right so um let me go ahead and take a little picture for you with uh uh erod stream okay so erob had promised his viewers that he would finish the old hunter's dlc no matter what and he intended to follow through on that promise even though his girlfriend had kicked him out of the house so he went over to his mother's house and recorded himself with a webcam sitting in front of his mother's television playing the game dying on lawrence for three hours laurence oh so you never got that that was the first boss right that's the souped-up version of the first ball oh it's like the uh old dlc the uh cleric beast yeah it's the red version well i remember that yeah yeah yeah yes yes yes yeah apparently he's famous for taking the l that's all i understand about he bet on mcgregor i think the best way to make somebody who doesn't know erob understand erod have you watched winnie the pooh yes of course easy or he they like that that's how he fits into the cast of twitch you know i'm gonna have to meet this guy someday his his reputation precedes himself that's gonna be it that's gonna be a wild debate uh hopefully you're on his side otherwise you you might hold me up this time i don't know he's a mastermind he sure is what am i supposed to debate him on i honestly don't think anything he's a scholar i i yeah i that that's that's up to you but i'll have to think of something obscure like uh the break the fall of the ussr and its uh influence on uh western europe or something oh yeah he'll know all about that absolutely yeah no no no doubt no doubt he will well i think um this is a uh about time for us to wrap up the stream it's getting late over here you know this is what i like about youtubers coming onto twitch is you guys lower the bar of how long streams have to be yeah four hours that's that's good like if i end the stream after four hours my viewers are pissed like you lazy piece of [ __ ] yeah i appreciate you bro i don't i don't get how you guys do that like i was i was speaking to uh amaranth before that girl licks ear for 12 hours and i mean that's stunning she might be the smartest content creator to ever exist i'm not even joking like i'm not joking right now i am tier three but i'm literally not joking i've never seen anyone work harder than her and she's created basically every single meta that's ever happened on twitch she even created the pokemon snap meta she was in a hot tub while she was playing pokemon snap but she took over the entire directory i think she's the best content creator on twitch and i think that she will continue to be one of the most successful content creators forever i'm dead see that again i said at this rate she's going to be president someday i believe it but either way man thanks for having us on yeah it was really really nice talking with you guys and nice meeting you uh and uh i'm sure we'll talk again soon i'm sure we will well anyway end game oh yeah you're right first all right man i'll see you there i'll talk to you later peace bye guys nice meeting you [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 396,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold blizzard, blizzard lawsuit, blizzard harassment, blizzard sued, blizzard investigation, blizzard exposed, wow lawsuit, blizzard asmongold, blizzard drama, activision blizzard, h3h3, h3h3productions, asmongold h3h3, h3h3 drama, h3h3 reaction, asmongold drama, h3h3 gambling, twitch gambling, gambling drama, twitch drama, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, h3 podcast, h3h3 xqc
Id: kV6XVzfBJq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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