99.99% of people uninstall attempting this GTA 5 ramp challenge

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all right we're checking out the only game that will ruin your life in 2000 different ways it's gta someone asked me if i wanted to get my life ruined and i said yes and oh my god and thus i have to play this ridiculous parkour i think the best part is now i have to deal with a vehicle that's effectively on meth oh this is going to be a freaking treat do i have to wall ride with this thing oh my god where does it end now luckily this car can eat your meat like that and uh well pissed don't suppose i could still get that if i just like slowly fall down oh i'm sure this isn't that bad gotta um geek my way out of this do the full flip i'm screwed here we go um i've never had to fly a car that abuses drugs before all right gray don't worry about it this shouldn't be that hard this is no big deal here we go yiddis off wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on penis okay early and okay how about heat really early you're gonna make me bring out the control pad whoever made this board i really dislike you okay we're gonna come at this with much less speed like this roll on up yeet us off yes whoa what the hell do i have to do i have to jump over brakes in the wall i'm sure it'll be fine all right very simplistic wall ride and oh my god i'm not gonna lie jumping over that is incredibly unsafe you know what scratch that every part of this board is incredibly unsafe poor florida man had the freaking 200 megahertz processor from 1999 goes straight into his kneecap we don't have a lot of money so that's how we make the bionic man here we just shove computer parts up into them until they fit okay oh yeah there we go all right so you just have to kind of bank upward the hell no you put spikes on the board do you sick bastard i think we might actually have a contestant for most ridiculous wall ride i've ever played yet this is a good one okay and this board ah is untold amounts of evil satan oh epic safe yes epic save screw you now i'm at something of a loss on how the hell to land this off of the jump while also getting boosted which will throw the ass end of the car around maybe boost now early there it is okay so now i just have to learn the patterns for the spikes well and die repeatedly that was not suicide the person who made this board killed me they are responsible for every death i incur eat early and ye often that's what i always say that was too early oh this is legitimately the wall ride that satan uses when he wants to piss off the other demons god this is like the second obstacle too there we go okay yes yes sir what you you put stop sticks on there too this guy thought of everything this creator was like how much hatred can i cram into one single board the answer was yes [Music] do you have to go like do you have to do it backwards or do you just have to go in a place that i haven't been i don't care what it takes we're doing this yes okay so it was the lower one all right and another jump no you gotta be kidding me oh there's stops i'm right back in the beginning you know to infinity and beyond i don't want to know what's beyond infinity anymore it's like trying to freaking navigate a black hole's event horizon okay baby let's do this let's do this we can do this we can do this we can do this oh my god oh god oh no no no no no no no no no can i cheat it ah that's a new personal best the one distance if ever oh my god if ever i had a test paper i said define abuse i would show them this board all right oh yeah this is this is smooth this is smooth this is super smooth i'm so screwed right now i'm so screwed okay go up high yeah man it always makes the back end slide holy piss there's freaking pins and stuff everywhere okay ride it high no not too high not too high just just averagely high how long is this crap with freaking fans no yes yes oh screw you that was probably the most ridiculous wall ride i ever had to do in my life if i didn't know that a worse wall ride was on the way i'd probably cry myself to sleep you have to be unbelievably precise to get up this okay how about if i go backwards okay that's definitely the way holy piss you can just make it and come on yes bam okay so now it looks like you have to oh my god no board creator i put my trust in you okay right about now and slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow yes well after missing that there's only one thing to do and that's drown myself because now i get to go all the way back to the beginning yay okay first area done or is it okay let's try that again with more landing the car second area boom okay now go go go go go go go go jump and now wait i can cut this and then deploy it there we go and then you have to land inside of the oh you got to be shitty there was an invisible barrier i'm all the way back to the pk congratulations your map wins most extensive trolling and gta i've ever faced okay so you have to jump fall oh god this parachute is all jacked up and then get ready get ready get ready because there is the tiny yes checkpoint i have penetrated the hole with my pink vehicle literally okay so what do you do now okay so let me guess you go up here and boop up there we go oh man they let you cut it close don't they checkpoint okay this looks like an actual normal parkour for once the pain i often feel has become so unusual now hey and oh god don't fall off don't fall off don't fall off don't fall off good let's try that all right let's do it but with a boatload of less failure ups and i plan to do it that way see i was just straightening the car okay there we go ah perfect look at that body untouched i have to do it again why man the traction on this thing is fantastic and by fantastic i mean it makes me wish i was dead damn you all right great you're almost there look look at that all you have to do is just not screw this pipe up that's all no big deal just don't screw the pipe up here we go don't screw the pipe the pipe has been oh my god i'm gonna fall off the edge not today satan i mean it's freaking things we have to go through there's nothing left in this car okay [Music] perfect ooh an lsd tube that means we're getting close all right looks like there is a check like a real checkpoint there so all i have to do is here over stop perfect hey florida man how you doing you spitting up any teeth he's like yeah excellent that's how we know it's a good gta board let's do this oh yeah we're going back in time back in time to a point before i knew the agony of downloading the sport i guess the question i have is is this a real checkpoint or one of the fake checkpoints that i've been dealing with for a while okay another oh my god another wall right here we have some no signs coming up oh it's gonna touch me inappropriately okay thank god that was a real checkpoint oh my god all right go on here don't get yeti'd go through the middle most of this is oh god i was gonna say most of it is just luck i can only pray to the gods of gta which have never been very good to me that there are no wall transfers with this car don't you worry florida man we're in this together he's probably like yeah i feel like i'm the one getting my ass kicked all the time you're not wrong give me all of the satan oh my god oh oh oh oh no for stealing i fish chilling yes i can do it no there's no place for me to go see the struggles i have oh my god in gta it's just ah one big metaphor for life which is when life goes to kick you in the balls you need to just oh my god clench your teeth take it and say joke's on you i'm a masochist and i don't want to eat too fast yay checkpoint oh and the checkpoint counted what the hell what the hell are you supposed to do here i mean i assume you just fall off this oh my god i'm going to space i don't think i have enough speed for this i do not have anywhere enough speed for this oh pins okay um hmm all right so i think the idea is you need as much spot space as possible and then right before the end you jump and then deploy am i even going to be slightly close okay this can work you just have to do it pretty much perfectly italy meet nope okay this is all about timing you have to jump at the last possible millisecond i missed the jump that looks good and then at the very height oh yeah oh this is this is my best one yet man i can get even higher maybe i can cheat it underneath i cannot you've gotta pull back so hard that it's like you're almost looking up look at how close this is yes yes holy piss florida man's like see no no problem i did that first try really florida man cause it looks like you've been eating the steering wheel a lot you have two black eyes he's like no i'm so manly i cry blood and as usual this is what we call population control whoever it lands on you win the publisher's clearing house oh i just realized and we have a winner what the what is it a lie is it the final troll what is this we have a winner a winner is the end just a giant troll how would this have been why can't i get it there it is finally jesus a winner i like how my car is still christining around because it's possessed by satan which inhabited that board before i attempted to beat it anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of gta until next time stay foxy and much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,168,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 online stunt races, custom races, stunt races, gta 5 skill test races, best gta 5 races, gta 5 races, hardest gta 5 races, gta 5 hardest stunt race, gta 5 hardest stunt race ever, gta 5 hardest race, gta 5 mods, gta 5 ramp, gta 5 mega ramp, gta 5 super ramp, gta 5 noob pro legend, gta 5 noob pro hacker, graystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, impossible challenge, wallride, caylus, caylus gta, caylus gta 5, jelly, jelly gta, jelly gta 5
Id: ewyTbiKoHXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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