You Must HOLE IN ONE To WIN! (Golf It)

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this gold fit map is so difficult that they give you 75 shots and 5 minutes to complete it will we need that I'm not sure you'll jelly need that absolutely are we going to have a very difficult time playing this yes jelly this is apparently extremely difficult um off we go okay I failed off the platform can I be around Josh can you have a look it says use the V to look around so that means again all right so we have to land in a tube that will hopefully bring us to the flag yes now jelly this is really difficult like so what if we miss the tube we can still do it I I have no idea all I'm telling you is that it's difficult it's to go in the tube that's the hole in one right okay it's best to just avoid that right sure I guess so I mean I I just avoided it and I'm doing okay I am doing terrible I'm doing absolutely terrible and I'm right by the hole and I'm in okay so oh good job Josh this is so difficult that they give us 75 shots 75 shots Shelly what that's how that's how many shots they give us fine Josh I just want to get in the hole so I'm guessing this first one isn't that difficult and it's gonna get harder okay well I I I'm struggling kind of like I'm on my seventh shot so oh what am I doing with my life Josh I mean probably no no no no no Are you seriously gonna fall again okay this is a very embarrassing star Josh why am I this terrible at this stupid little game a little over poop on my mat in my head yeah I mean that's because you're a poo poo at the game all right so that was the first level I don't think that was that bad though no that wasn't that bad next up we've got a secret hole that we can get for minus two right I mean uh there's there's a gap which looks a bit suspicious I see a gap as well oh I think I see the hole I'm gonna I'm just gonna be honest oh that's really quite difficult though oh whoa oh bro I feel like I was in there oh my God I wasn't okay are you sure that's the good one I mean I think so oh finished it in it's only the second round isn't it in the second round Josh listen mate you gotta stop struggling a little bit there you go there you go ah loser Josh okay is there oh there's also a secret hole here and it'll give you minus four okay so where oh my it's literally there though I see it there was a hole in there but it teleported me it's a fake so it's a lot it was a lie it was a face it was a lie we gotta we gotta look around Josh we gotta look around that's what that's what being is for yeah we've got like a five minute timer on these holes as well so should I just like go for the flag like it's not it's not that far no it's not unless somewhere else I mean it tells I did it right in front of you jelly no I was being so I didn't really see so you could have lied you know okay sorry it's trying to get myself out of uh oh wait we do have some weird stuff going on so we gotta like bounce oh nice all right I got it in at nine so there was clearly eight oh wait I think I know where the other hole is it was probably off of the other Target maybe no maybe not I don't think so all right off you go oh so you see that's not it nice no like I went I went off the left Target I don't know what you're doing bro this is really hard oh am I gonna go into first place oh no oh never mind okay oh wait all right yeah I still have one shot we're only on the third level I spent too much time trying to find a secret hole and there is another one in this map which will again remove four points from the scoreboard yeah I could do with that what if you shoot really hard there's a rainbow here you gotta get in the rain there's a there's a there's some sort of like pipe and I think it's probably to do with that wait that one oh oh oh oh oh oh oh what the heck yeah I see a pipe hole I do yeah what did you make it really I I mean I land on the platform and bounce though oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh come on I touched the pipe come on come on okay I'll be happy to just okay I'll take that oh are you kidding me wait why am I bouncing wait oh okay you did make it I was like what the hole is like super bouncy though I think you could bounce out of it oh okay uh that's it right that's it all right first place you're still bouncing jelly please don't bounce me out okay I imagine mine is minus eight what the heck find the secret hole I think it's this the one in the portal yeah oh are you kidding me ah all right nope this is really difficult Josh please get out of the way it's all right die was that right was it a lie no no it's definitely good that's a lie well I didn't waste ten shots on that okay so there were tools here maybe you have luck what is this bro I found the ending but I'm not sure like I'll be able to make this no no no this is so hard why is this so difficult you're on 17 shot Stars that's terrible well this is difficult why to do that stop rolling stupid ball Josh where are you serious yes in 17 shots I'm so confused oh wait where are you maybe you have luck what is this Josh is so terrible you're on 33 shots yes where'd you go [Music] what is happening this is where you gotta go this is this is the end Josh where was the secret I don't know that might be the most anyone's ever had you keep talking so I've got content jelly because I don't want to talk okay 47. [Music] 49. okay okay you're gonna do the 50 Josh good good number 50. and 50 shots don't worry I will come back from this that would be embarrassing minus eight for the secret hole Josh I will come back where would the secret be one way is correct okay will you know Josh I will return you dead oh thanks Jay you you are perfect thanks I just helped you I literally helped you wait so which way was correct I was left I saw it oh oh how from one with like 50 to five so that was not the secret though surely if you would have gone through oh yeah true we keep missing oh I see the secret I see the secret where would it be it's in that Barrel the green teleporter it's ripe next year I'm not going in there you could get minus points or jelly Josh I'm surprised you weren't trying for that okay all right hit hit what hit what the wall I guess uh okay bro Oh I thought we had to like can I smash our way through but oh nailed that bro why that was sick all right now I just gotta catch up by like uh I'm actually not that far behind that's close like considering I had a 50 I'm not that far behind oh stop it behind that that's maybe oh oh all right uh yeah you have what's this oh we gotta land in the in the golf cart I mean the mine cart the golf God what if I just don't do that what if I just like land on the how much is it worth how much is it worth uh I don't think that's the secret hole it didn't say anything about a secret I think it's not worth anything I don't know in six shots oh oh I did minus four for you I think you're on seven but there we go the ketchup begins all right the catch-up is indeed real I'm kind of scared you are catching up every single round since that yeah since that day oh oops bro threaten it bro what wait where am I supposed to go now bro what hey hey whoever is first has bad luck did I hit first already wait but that means you have bad luck though I guess so wait chest Josh but it's blocked for me oh it's a lie it's not blocked for me Josh did you go left or right I actually have no memory by having to get a chest it's gonna give me a minus 12. oh you're with me did I just hit you okay yeah you did did that reset me back oh I hit the rim hey Josh stop hitting me yeah I'm not trying to hit you but you are whoa gold you just got minus 12 for that oh I'm coming for you Jenny I'm Coming For You jelly okay I'm gonna see you today oh okay I gotta hit that I have to hit that I have to hit that oh no oh no oh no oh no no yeah yeah that's not too bad that's not too bad at all what's this whoa wait what okay how do I get to that this is not an easy shot it's a bit of a weird angle in four and Josh is falling behind officially officially he's two points behind again Josh you really gotta start catching I literally am catching up jelly did you see the secret at the start Josh no what nailed that Johnny nailed that where should we go from here this is difficult ah is there a right and a wrong way to go there's definitely a secret on this we'll go the other way why not I've been eating my bird a bird a bottom I've been eating him by plant not bird oh it actually kind of helped you went in did you are you not bro I'm so far behind now you got this big moves from jelly come on this is really difficult oh what how what are you doing there you go you made it around the corner oh go okay come on all day oh quick F oh F bro what am I so bad at f hey [Laughter] stop stop oh all right you got it if you mess this up I'm gonna be shocked what's that minus 15. there's no way no way it's a small box yet I don't think you're gonna get that it's not that hard oh my goodness oh oh my goodness I mean it's not like I'm catching up with -15 I just need it now yeah now now you now you need it to do well as long as this doesn't take me 15 shots um yeah you're like now you're over committed one eternity later Jenny are you familiar with the concept of the sunk cost fallacy yes cool yes you should maybe look it up sometime though because I think maybe you you haven't underst it could have been the next shot it's not as worse as 50. not as bad oh you wanted to keep it under mine yeah but on that one you've got 17. [Laughter] um all right hole in one is possible you just gotta shoot this doesn't seem that bad it does not never mind oh The Landing is a bit tricky I guess oh that is a really tricky go how come on boy I did it how did you just go forwards if you land on me what happened hello whoa oh let's go I'm just gonna hit you up [Music] yeah that's uh that's yes cool yep shout out to jelly for that performance this is hard oh I'll take that I'll take that just don't hit me off okay promise oh what the oh I you kind of hit me yes yes hey that was not my fault but it was kind of your fault three ways work oh nice Josh yes no minus 20. What minus 20. I didn't even get a choice I just have to hit the target no I don't think it's that easy I can try second try surely this is your third try okay second try second try come on second this is your fourth try I don't know second second all right this is your first try second try still you'd be okay six oh oh it's so hard okay somewhere you either shoot two lessons the ramp right it's the ramp's fault oh it's 16 shots what did I get it it's still worse than you but I made the secret hole and that's the fun part I gotta start looking at these secret halls I am having fun and you are not well I think I see the secret hole in this one but I don't know how you would get it in there all right I'm gonna go for this that's not possible can I only stay on the wood then is that like a thing would you believe it why did I do that uh am I supposed to be here I don't know Josh but I am gonna make it in my nine shot I am far behind I don't know how this happened but it happened you know just happened where's the secret shot then well there's there's a few there's like one to the right but it it resets you then there's a pipe this there's various different things going on oh yeah I see all kinds of things but I wish you the best of luck what okay are you gonna go for it no I'm not even gonna go for it because I already tried that one and that one resets you so there's there must be something else commit to it like I did what do you mean don't be this loser let me commit to it like you did I'm literally doing this no you gotta commit to the secret hole is what I'm trying to say but you didn't commit to it I never did the secret hole right so that's that's not committing to it is it um yeah but the difference is that when I commit to secret halls I finish them 15th shot and there is no blowing mechanism in this game jelly all 15 degrees whoa there's no secret there's always a secret why why is this design like that I wanted to fly over you know I don't see it neither what if you land on oh this is the hole from before I'll go left if you want to go right it doesn't no I'll wait and see what happens to you I guess but oh you got a minus six you know I'll try the other side what if that's like a minus 30. I I minus 30 would be impressive so I've got an easy way and a hard way yeah I I think I've got the same oh come on okay I did plus two strokes I want the easy way oh you're gonna make I mean I've definitely I've definitely definitely gonna make that okay how many did you do it all right I did it actually in seven but I got plus two right okay that's fine I don't mind you got minus six so you know all right secret hole is minus six here as well wait where is it where are we supposed to go we're not supposed to go on that ledge oh I'm not Legend it you're a legend jelly oh okay come on Josh oh this is this is where you can just shoot stay put out of the way okay so you gotta hit the cannon and then shoot somewhere what if there are other secrets there could be other secrets but potentially with the cannon I'm looking I'm looking I don't know where I'm supposed to shoot man uh help and what was it in there and where I don't know what you're talking about don't know what you're talking about hey what the did you get that what touchdown oh you nearly didn't get that by the way I'm still winning Five Points behind I could still get this no no I could still I could still get this there's no secret hole in this one that's interesting you're probably gonna struggle there I you don't know there's no secret hole sometimes it just doesn't tell us so you think it's Oh I thought I thought I could go against soda though all right we got a can in this Josh can you believe it stop what they're just they're not good jokes all right did I make a joke no clearly not all right where does this thing go then stay I can't stay see stay it's just a forest so I'll just shoot into the forest oh you just have to shoot into the forest and you make it no you lie what Okay I lied oh I see it what are you talking about you don't see anything what do you mean [Music] in seven shots Josh but I gotta do more than that to catch up what is this I don't know I think we probably went over the scenery in it it is it but what is this this one's kind of stand there then what what oh it's gonna bring you up ah don't roll off don't roll off don't roll off stay stay stay oh you son of ah I went down again did you yeah is it is it gonna set me back up well it does okay this is really hard that now where though it just stay stay I can't do this it's not difficult what are you on okay good anime two more levels to go this is really tough struggle wait you're still here yes Josh Big Shot Big Shot okay big shot oh you got that there you go oh roll will you be able to get uh caught up in Two Shots oh ten points behind man one secret is a secret hole we're all secret what are you doing what do you mean huh [Music] nice nailed that oh you made it oh it's not it's different on our screens oh we love it yes no not so good hey well I didn't get the secret hole but you're still here shut up I can do it this time I don't like it when they move I don't like it why are you shooting so hard okay I'm just giving up at this point you can't give up just five minutes or 75 shots you can literally just [Music] interesting I think you've really got a shot at this jelly where's the secret hole Yeah I don't know about that oh I actually have a feeling I know where it is I do know where it is or am I just diverting your attention what what is it minus what for the secret hole minus 40 please oh it just says one Seeker Hall well I do know where it is I'll be honest can you just tell me no Josh be nice two minutes 40 left jelly I'm just gonna look for it then two minutes 40 left so that is the whole you went into so the secret hole is going to be I found it but can you get to it that's the question just gotta stop that ball from Rolling you know I don't know why you're struggling on this bit so much okay there we go he's made it okay I'm gonna line it up can't wait for this to not give you anything it's gonna do it Josh you're on 27 at the moment why is there a skull behind it oh what was that four three four nice seriously that's a big help for you jelly not at all what are you talking about get out well that really helped me out thank you Josh oh okay so there is a secret hole on this one yeah but it only gives you a minus two I'm gonna need a little bit more than that and minus two on the last one well that's too bad oh I see it I actually see it should I go for it just for the fun yeah just go for it just go for it oh that's really difficult all right whoever makes the last hole first wins that would be me you can't I don't think you could just make rules up like that jelly oh brutal 21 Point defense yeah I know but you didn't ask hole first sure I think I still that's definitely how this works yeah
Channel: Slogo
Views: 708,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, You Must HOLE IN ONE To WIN!, golf it, hole in one, golf challenge, 1v1, hole in one challenge
Id: TpTIr_olBBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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