9.5.21 | "A Dirty Offering" | Bro. Trevor Sloss

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[Music] now oh god we know that a great harvest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] he said this let's go [Music] [Music] we open wide as we grind god will lift your name [Music] jesus [Music] open wide as we cry [Music] place tonight [Music] let all the other names [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] come on somebody just open up your mouth and say that say let all the other names [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no other name higher than the name of jesus [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] no one else deserves to worship is [Music] [Music] we live too high [Music] we've come to lift you up [Music] sing it [Music] your again is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] god in our lives [Music] [Music] praise the lord why don't we stand in this house this morning come on somebody why don't you open up your mouth and give god praise in this place come on he woke me up this morning and started me on my way i've got a right to give god praise come on somebody why don't you worship him for a little bit here this morning hey hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for your patience [Music] no greater love in this world [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] another day [Music] [Music] in this place [Music] [Music] yes somebody give god a praise in this house hallelujah come on if you know god is in control somebody give god a head pepper praise come on if you really believe the true god is in control of every situation you ought to praise him right now [Music] trump [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] what's up what's up [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] god is in control god is in [Music] is in control [Music] oh [Music] [Music] kids [Music] two [Music] a person's behavior or if you look around you today it is not it is apparent that there are all types of things out there instances occurrences people that are trying to appear as if they are in control influence to change one's behavior or events you see satan thought he was in control when he was in that garden deceiving humanity he thought that he could trick god's people into disobeying god's word so that he can gain control but the bible tells me in genesis chapter 3 verse 15 god said i will pronounce the teeth between thy seed and who woman's seed that she shall bruise your head control god in revelation 13 said he was the lamb slain from the foundation of the earth see what they thought is that he would get in there and interject and change the curse of events but what he didn't know that god had already gone to the cross before the foundation of the world would try to mess with your mind especially when you're physically weak he would try to interject his will into your life especially when you're down and out but i come to tell every one of you that god is in control circumstances are not in control sickness is not in control disease is not in control your carnal mind is not in control we gotta preach this this morning i don't care if it's two people or fifty or a thousand we gotta preach this this morning because some of you are locked up in your mind because satan is trying to control your life but i come to declare the word of the lord he god is in control god is in control [Music] [Music] [Music] my situation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you gotta lift your hands right there you got to lift up your voice right there [Music] you got to bless his name right there the power the power of life and death life and death is in the power of the tongue god is in control god you're in control god you're in control thank you jesus why don't you give him another clap of praise a resounding praise a resounding praise with the fruit of your lips it takes instances and circumstances to recalibrate our hearts and to bring our minds and understanding that it is god who is always and forever will remain in control and you know the garden that was a distraction that was a major distraction instead of focused on the dominion and the authority and the power that god had given this couple who lived in a state of complete innocence instead of focusing on dominion they were focusing on the one thing that they could not do they were focusing on what god said not to do and it's a distraction from hell and i've come to reach war on the enemy this morning if you're at home right now it's a distraction from hell god has given us his spirit he's given us the holy ghost he's given us power he's given us authority over the enemy and the enemy knows that that's why he wants to distract us with the very thing that god said don't do my god let's lift our hands this morning prayers are being asked for brother wayne in this family he's still in the hospital and needs our prayers you know what brother wayne and family i had the privilege of beating them in hope court some years ago brother and sister wayne god is in control he never fails he's faithful he's faithful he's a constant in our lives prayers are being asked for brother moses who is sick let's pray for speedy recovery brother moses god is in control don't you listen to the lies of the enemy don't you succumb to his deception god is in control please keep sister dominguez in prayer who is very sick as well as brother ramirez sister dominguez we love you brother ramirez the same god's in control god's in control you know the enemy is cunning he likes to hit you when you're down that's a coward he don't want to stand and face you face to face when you're up in the spirit and full of the holy ghost he wants to get you when you're down but god is in control there are many prayers represented here many unspoken needs represented in this house this morning oh i compel you right now god is stirring the waters right now if you have a need if you have a sickness whatever the case may be come to the altars right now let's get this out before the lord right now we don't want to miss what god is going to continue to do in this service but we have a responsibility right at the outset to get it right with god to establish his name god you're in control god that you would take control of this atmosphere right now i need you to remain in control i need you on the throne of my heart this morning lord there are many represented in this house god you know the thoughts in the intents of the heart you know what's going on in each and every one individual in this house of god i pray right now that your spirits overshadow us lord god that there be souls that leave here baptized in your name and filled with your holy ghost god take your privilege in this church right now take your privilege in the atmosphere in the name of jesus can we lift our hands in this house this morning hallelujah come on the miracle worker is here right now somebody lifts your hands [Music] signs and wonders we believe in your power we believe in your power [Music] miracles [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can do the impossible jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're the god of miracles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody with a little faith in [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can do anything but [Music] [Applause] yes you are [Music] i is believe [Music] [Music] whatever he promised [Music] i still [Music] [Applause] this [Music] there is no sicknesses [Applause] [Music] that you feel [Music] [Music] no problem is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that right now this isn't just a song somebody declare that today [Music] come on why don't we all lift our hands in this house right now we're just saying that he's a miracle worker come on but why don't you show it in faith by raising our hands knowing that he can take care of every situation come on we rebuke disease and pestilence right now we rebuke anyone that's sick in the mighty name of jesus we want them healed in jesus name right now no matter what the problem no matter what's attacking you whether it be depression whether it be lust whether it be anger god is able well able to take away whatever the situation is in your life come on you came into this house expecting a change you came into this house because you needed something from god you came in here because you know the world can't give it to you come on the world has been trying to change us since the day that we were born he is always trying to tell us that we're not good enough that we'll never make it that there is no god but we're here to tell you today as you can feel it in this house that there is a god and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him so why don't you give him praise right now come on he's worthy come on if you're sick be healed in jesus name anybody watching online you're healed in jesus name where's your faith today amen hallelujah do you really believe that god is in control do you really believe that he's a miracle worker he is the problem with most of us is when when we say that god is in control we're saying that we're not and we like to be in control of our own destiny supposedly amen that we have choices to make that's going to affect our life and people don't serve god because of that there's like i don't want to believe that there's a god someone hire someone greater that is actually molding and shaping the things around us but when we get past ourselves and truly realize that there's a god who loves us more than we will ever know he doesn't want any of us to perish he wants all of us to make it home to heaven but it's your choice so do you choose today to serve god with all of your heart with all of your mind and with all of your strength it starts today you could have stayed home you didn't even have to walk into this sanctuary today but something inside you said i'm tired of the same old same old i'm tired of living the same way each and every day with no victory getting up every morning and saying is this what life is just going through a routine god is so much more it's not a routine he has a plan for your life come on give him praise right now give him praise right now give him praise right now oh he's so good to us hallelujah man i'm glad to see everyone in the house of the lord today amen there's nothing like spending time with god's people i want to say from bishop that he's away on assignment in georgia and he loves each and every one of you you know bishop he would much rather be here than anybody anyplace else amen but he says his love to all of us today all right let's go into the sunday morning announcements is probably afternoon by now or close to it early morning prayer starts at 6 a.m monday through friday amen all right everybody listen to this this is so cool on september 18th at 5 00 pm the rock church is cordially invited i just said the rock church that means everybody everybody is invited to the wedding of wayne walden and yolanda roberts give it up for them man i love them folk now with the wedding that starts here at 5 8 uh 5 a.m that'd be a great time 5 p.m uh there will be an adult dinner to follow the wedding is here the the reception is going to be held in the fellowship hall uh because they're inviting everybody out but this is really really important okay you need to rsvp with either brother wayne sister yolanda or sister sloth or myself because they need to know how many people are going to show up amen so please rsvp by today and i'd hate to say this but if you don't rsvp you don't get to eat well right i mean so please if you want i mean they're inviting the whole church all you got to do is say i'll be there amen so do that today amen amen family prayer is thursday night at 7 pm youth bible study will be starting a brand new series the love of the truth please sign up with the clarks today everybody say outreach will be this saturday at 1 pm street ministry happens every friday and saturday night at 7 30 p.m and then search for truth will be this saturday at 11 a.m let's welcome all the guests and the visitors and everyone that's here we're so thankful that you're here with us everybody that's streaming online i know charles is here today he said that he has been streaming online on facebook watching he said i had to come in i had to see what was actually happening in the sanctuary we're glad that he's here today why don't you step out of your seats greet someone in the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord church how good is it to be in the house of the lord this morning we are truly blessed to be in the house this morning amen not too many churches have this opportunity that throughout the pandemic we're able to have service amen [Music] i'm up here this morning for the ties and offering as we make our way back to our seats and ushers may begin to come forward i was asked yesterday to um to represent this morning ties an offering and as a truck driver you have a lot of time to think believe me and i started to wonder and asked god lord what is it that you would like me to say this morning in regards to a tizen offering and my mind brought me back when i was a paramedic in new york city i've saved a lot of lives i've lost a lot of lives trying to save lives right and a thought came to me that when someone passed away or i pronounced someone declare them dead the only thing that person's left with is just what they were born with nothing right and that brought me to the thought of when someone passed away they don't get to take anything with them in fact you never seen a hearse behind a well a u-haul truck behind a hearse right so a lot of times we pray and ask god to bless us bless our families god we need a job we need this and god blessed us with a job we begin to save and you know there's a thought that says save some for the rainy day right but we never put the thought in what if we die today then what what happens to that money right and god has blessed us so much that you know this is a beautiful church and we all know that it takes a lot to run this building right so my thought this morning is in the book of malachi right when god says you know the question was asked will a man rob god right yes we will because we ask god to bless us and we forget that he blessed us right so this morning i challenge you this morning if we believe in truth and we believe in the word of the god right let's challenge yourself this morning and really bless god and we are a blessed people not only we are blessed people but this country is blessed and if you look back in in the country of haiti what they're going through and we got churches over there amen so you know we go out every day and we you know we spend a lot of money and if you you know if you study numbers you know you may spend five dollars a year and ten dollars there and it all adds up right so why don't we give god the best of what he bless us with amen so you may stand up and i challenge you this morning to you know give a little bit more to god amen let's let's give back to god what he gave it to us amen god we thank you this morning for everyone this year this morning god we ask you to bless the giver this morning god we ask you lord that you may bless those who have to give so that they may provide lord god we actually this morning lord god that you may look up into our hearts lord and receive this blessing that we are about to give back to you jesus and we ask you god that you may continue lord god to bless this church bless every family that's here today lord in the name of jesus let's think to god as we give this morning amen somebody put those hands together as you give this morning [Music] step out of the shadow step out of the grave break into the wild and don't be afraid run into wide open spaces graces waiting for you dance like the weight has been lifted grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] come back to community [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] yeah the chains will fall press and shake at the sound of jesus name [Music] lines made whole hearts awake at the sound of jesus jesus [Music] christ of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the way [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] set [Music] [Music] hey [Music] crazy [Music] she yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] for me [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] somebody give god a shout of praise like he did it for you somebody give god a shout of praise like he did it you know i must be real sometimes it amazes me when you look out from this perspective i'm just be honest and somebody's up here singing this choir isn't perfect these musicians ain't perfect i'm not perfect but i'll tell you what when i think about where i used to be and i think about where i should be and i think about where i could be listen you may not have that testimony there may be a bunch of perfect people sitting on these pews and if that's the case and i'm glad about it but this is a hospital full of imperfect people that remember he did it for me then remember he did it when i began to think about how down and dirty i was when i began to think about the clubs that i used to wake up when i used to wake up on saturday morning with a headache from a hangover when i used to wake up not knowing where i was god did it for me baby i can't sit there be quiet i can't sit there and be quiet i've got to give god praise so it's interesting from this perspective when i think about me i'm not saying anything about you [Music] because what god did for me you can't tell i have to tell it what god did for you or what god is doing for you i can't tell it you gotta tell it you gotta testify you got to stand up on your feet and you got to testify the choir can't do all the testifying up in here first lady can't be the only one standing up and testifying about how god did it i wish we had a couple people in here that recognized where they came from i wasn't always perfect i wasn't always put together but i'm so thankful that god didn't leave me where i was i'm so thankful that god didn't write me off like everybody else did i'm so thankful that god so valued man maybe we should just have a testimony service when we bring up people that have been down and out ex-drug addicts ex-drug dealers ex-prostitutes ex-game bangers people that were on their deathbed people that got in car accidents and shouldn't have lived maybe we should just bring some people up here testify a little bit because i still feel like there's a few people that just don't get it just don't recognize the goodness of our god the goodness of our god if it had not been for jesus you wouldn't be here today if it had not been for god's grace and mercy you wouldn't be here today [Music] ah i'm not pastor john though i'm not past his flaws man mama ella said he did it you shouldn't be here today you shouldn't be i'm sorry i'm not i'm really not trying to pump people up i just wonder if there's some people that have forgotten about what god has done for you you shouldn't be here today brother john you shouldn't be here when i think of his goodness and all that is done for me when i think of how we made a way out of no way when i think of how he picked me up when i was in the mirey clay when i think about how dirty i was how nobody loved me how i should have been in the devil's hell but i'm still kid today i've got to give him i've got to give him pray somebody give god a praise thank you jesus for your mercy thank you jesus for your grace [Music] [Music] there's some families that should be completely broken up you shouldn't be married today you shouldn't have your kids today you shouldn't be in your right mind think about the alternative i'm here i'm breathing my legs work my arms work i've got a mind that's my god it feels good in the house this morning my god it feels good in the house this morning hallelujah we serve an excellent god we serve a great god we serve a merciful god we serve a perfect god a god that's never lost to battle a god that doesn't know what it means to fail a god that's that has a perfect track record brother james wang don't you ever forget what god has done for you don't you ever forget that your god is still a killer don't you ever forget that your god is still a waymaker he's still a provider he's still a miracle worker i guess i'm just crazy enough to believe that if he did it for me he can do it for you i guess i'm just crazy enough to believe that if he can do it for brother leo he can do it for brother quinn i need to lose weight thankful to be in this house this morning you can make your way back to your seats and i'm so thankful for the presence of god in this place we can stand in this house or to go straight to the word of god just want to say thank you bishop for this opportunity i don't take it lightly i wish you were here wish you were here it's so much easier to preach when your man of god is here so much easier it's almost as if i can feel his spirit here that brings me comfort i uh want to take a moment and say um that i'm i'm thankful for the people of god i love the people of god we just a bunch of messed up folk i wouldn't want it any other way i wouldn't want it any other way thankful to be a part of the kingdom of god and part of the body of christ amen i also want to take a moment and say i don't normally do this i just want to say i'm very very very very thankful for my wife and yeah my life is so much better now that she's in it my house is clean my laundry's done there's actually food in the refrigerator i'm not as grumpy i am extremely extremely grateful for my wife babe i love you i love you and i'm excited to do continue to do life with you uh i felt this burden um sometime last week i can't remember i was god speaks to me in really really weird ways as i'm sure he does a lot of people i was listening to an audio drama i focus on the family shout out focus on the family and this passage of scripture that we're going to read came up in the audio drama and the way that it was worded or maybe it was just it was just god i think it was just god but it was as if it was as if a bolt of lightning had struck me and i was i was in the middle of cutting grass and i had to put the weed eater down because i was began to just fall and weep because of of how powerful it was the challenge is getting you to see what god gave me to get you to see it the way god gave me so i pray that that's what will happen today that god will speak to us he'll speak through me and that lives will be changed because that's what i'm all about that's what i'm here for not here to just fill space and fill time if if that isn't the main goal then then we might as well just go home you may have not just you should have just not come at all if you weren't intending on being changed if you had no intention of changing then it's not worth it you just wasted time so i pray that god will speak to us today i pray that he'll open our ears give us understanding the book of luke chapter number seven four verses of scripture chapter verse 36-39 luke chapter 7 verse 36 reads like this and one of the pharisees desired him that he would eat with him and he went into the pharisees house and sat down to meet and behold a woman in the city which was a sinner everybody say was a sinner when she knew that jesus sat at meat in the pharisees house she brought an alabaster box of ointment and stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with tears and did wipe them with the hairs of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment and when the pharisee which had bitten him saw it he spake within himself saying this man if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner of woman this is that touches him for she is a sinner everyone say for she is a sinner very very i'd say probably pretty well known passage of scripture if you've been in church for any amount of time um it's i'm a very simple preacher so if this is too simple for you then i apologize but um i just i feel like god placed this burden on me for some people here um so with the help of the holy ghost we're gonna we're gonna dive into this a little bit um the title of my message is simply a dirty offering a dirty offering so if you wouldn't mind let's take a few moments let's set our bibles down and lift our hands to heaven lord we need you in this place lord we need your anointing we need your glory we need your power god have your way in this house move like never before god anoint our ears anoint our minds to receive and do your word let it fall on good soil that it might take root jesus god i pray that you would that you would speak through this servant today these lips of clay anoint them anoint my mind to speak your word god help me to give what you gave to me to your people today i will be careful to give you all the praise glory and honor and everyone said in jesus name amen you may be seated without much much research one could almost assume that this version of accounts that is told by luke is very similar if not the same account as in the books of matthew mark and john however after close inspection we can determine that it is likely that these are two different accounts i'm thankful for my family for deliberating with me last night i was up in the air about if this was even the same account hit me out of nowhere for example luke's account doesn't give us the name of the woman kneeling at jesus's feet all we know is that she's a sinful woman her reputation precedes her in fact it seems as if the entire city knows that she's a sinful woman it's actually implied in a few other transliterations that she's a prostitute and the other versions matthew mark and john we understand that this woman that comes into the room breaks open the alabaster box appointment over jesus is actually mary the sister of lazarus and martha with a few other variables we we can kind of determine that these are two different occasions and so if you wouldn't mind i would like to take you on a bit of a mental journey it's going to be a little different this morning but i got to follow the holy ghost so bear with me the first scripture in luke chapter number 7 verse 36 says and one of the pharisees desired him that he would eat with him and he went into the pharisees house and sat down to meet no doubt there was intention behind this request having jesus come into your house was one of the highest honors as a matter of fact they would actually invite rabbis to come into their houses and do just that to teach rabbi is another word for teacher they would come into their houses and they would teach and it was common practice that if there was a rabbi at someone's house everyone was invited didn't matter who you were where you were from you were invited to stop by and to listen to the rabbi or to the teacher as he taught out of the old testament however jesus wasn't just any rabbi he wasn't just another teacher that was passing through the town too many people wanted to label him that way and i would venture to say too many people today want to label him as just that as just a really good teacher but you must understand that he was not just a good teacher he was the teacher he was not just a rabbi he was the rabbi but of course this would not just be another encounter with jesus encounters with him are actually very rarely normal as a matter of fact it would be considered normal that every single one of them is life-changing or abnormal think about that for a little bit this encounter was no different as it does word spread that jesus of nazareth had made his way to the little town of galilee i can picture in my mind's eye as the woman probably preparing for yet another night of the usual another night of going out on the town and getting what she can get making a little bit of money just to scrape by she she catches wind that there's another rabbi in town she catches with it there's another teacher again this isn't uncommon this is a this is a very common practice rabbis are all throughout she finds out that it's it's simon's house oh simon's a pharisee so that kind of makes sense simon's always trying to get a rabbi at his house to you know kind of show how cool he is and how connected he is and i know people like that yeah yeah we have lunch all the time no you don't go and sit down somewhere he was always inviting important people over to his house however news quickly began to circulate that this wasn't just another teacher this wasn't just another one of simon of simon's social gatherings this was jesus this was the man that it was noise abroad he was healing people he was setting people free he was delivering people he was opening blinded eyes and unstopping deaf ears he was raising people from the dead this was this was more than just a teacher and so i can imagine that this house is a little more packed than usual i remember last year at impact we invited people to my parents house and my parents have a decent sized house it's not huge it's not small the floor out the floor plan is really cool and there ended up being like 150 people there i think we invited like 20. you know how that goes we all going oh we're going to the salsa's house you have the address yeah i got it right here who are these people my parents came up to me at some point it was like hey this is cool and everything but just who in the world are all these people and i was like i have no idea honestly i'm i only only know a few of them so i can imagine this is the feel this is the feel of the of the the of the scene the scenario simon is there and he's he's invited a few people over the rabbis there but word quickly spreads and no no i got i got to get over there but as it was custom and as my parents were thankfully okay with it anybody and everybody was allowed even though there wasn't enough parking everybody was allowed and so i can imagine that they as people pulling up to the house are thinking there's no way i'm gonna get in there there's no way and so they're just i can imagine them all just getting close as they can to the doors and the four walls and they're listening intently and as much as they can to hear what jesus has to say because this is more than just a man this is more than just a teacher and this encounter is not an everyday encounter galilee was a very very small town so the fact that jesus was there was extremely was extremely heavy the impetus was extremely heavy this was an opportunity for her to for her life to change i'm going a little bit slow this morning but if you'll follow me we'll go somewhere today this was an opportunity for her life to be forever changed but as sin would have it and all too often what begins to happen is condemnation i'm kind of reading between the lines but i can imagine she's there in her room and she's getting ready and she's looking at herself maybe in the reflecting glass and she's thinking there's no way i could i could approach jesus there's they wouldn't let me into that house now i everybody knows who i am everybody knows what i do what i've done there's no way that that that i'd be allowed i'm not of the right social standing i can see after much internal deliberation she makes up in her mind that this may be the only opportunity that i ever have to see jesus face to face this may be the only opportunity that i ever have to have an encounter with the messiah with with the rabbi the teacher so she goes into her little closet and i can see she's rummaging through and she pulls out a little box a little alabaster box and it's got ointment in it precious ointment some transliterations call it perfume and it was a very very expensive perfume i can see in her mind's eye that she has no idea what she's going to do with it but she just feels like it's right and so she tucks in underneath her arm and she's she's carefully clutching it close and she says you know what this is i'm just going to go and we'll see what happens and i can see she makes her way out the door and she she's kind of ducking and weaving behind all the different houses and down the alleyways and the streets and she makes her way over to simon's house and it's not very very hard to miss because there's throngs of people there and they can hear someone talking from the inside but it's kind of inaudible so she makes her way a little bit closer and and she sees the door the door is open there are people standing around it and she thinks it should i go along with this and the thoughts come back to her that those people in there are just too put together those people are a little bit better of of class than i am and there's there's no way that i can go through those doors and and and and even talk to jesus much less worship him they'll drag me out as soon as i go there they can see as she walks up to the door and she's thinking to herself you know what it's now or never this is my only opportunity for change i'm sick and tired of living the way that i've been living i'm sick and tired of just of just holding the cards that life dealt me and just and and living the way that that things have always been there's never going to be any change and so i guess i might as well just live this way but this was her one opportunity this was the one time that jesus was going to pass through galilee and she figured if this is the last time that i might as well make the most of it so i can see as she walks up to the door and and there's people looking at her from the outside and they're thinking what is she doing here takes a deep breath and she kicks open the door and as she's standing in the doorway you can imagine all eyes immediately fixate on her and realization begins to dawn one by one as the person silhouetted in the door frame standing there scantily dressed hair all done up with makeup on probably one by one realization starts to set in on all the people there's and then they start to say is that is that who i think it is is that that woman is that is that her and as people do i can imagine people start to talk one to another and kind of whisper like what is she doing here she doesn't belong here what are we gonna do we gotta get her out of here and in that split second of realization i can see simon the head of the house the guy that throws the best parties the guy that that's the religious leader in the area and he says and he's the one that has jesus over he's well connected he's got all the friends and the and the prestige and the esteem and i can see him realizing who it is and he's thinking man i've got to get her out of here she's going to ruin this she's going to ruin my reputation people are going to know that i had a wicked woman in my house people are going to know i had a prostitute in my house and and they're going to talk the city's going to talk the town's going to talk word's going to spread my reputation's going to be ruined jesus is never going to come back he's shocked and he's embarrassed to see this woman standing in the doorway he stands to his feet and i can see him about to yell i'm about to tell two of the guys that are maybe standing by the door to get this woman out of here but in that split second she made up in her mind she locked eyes on jesus and she ran over to him she runs behind him and she falls to the ground and as she as she's running maybe she trips over her over her legs and the box falls out of her hand and onto the ground and and she's so close to jesus she can feel peace emanating from him much like the woman with the issue of blood as she gets closer and closer to jesus all she has to do is touch the hem and as soon as she touches it she can feel virtue flowing and her body was immediately healed this woman gets as close to jesus as she dares she gets behind him because she's not worthy to stand in front of him she's not worthy to even bow in front of his feet so she goes behind him and she bows bows at his feet and she begins to weep as she feels the love of god emanating from this man as she feels the peace that passes all understanding as she feels joy as she feels relief she feels like all of these burdens are being lifted off her and she begins to cry and she lets the tears fall down onto his feet and and she begins to let the just kind of wipe them away and then she takes the the the stick out of her hair and she lets it fall to the side as she grabs her hair and she begins to wipe up his feet but as soon as she wipes it up more tears are being replaced and it's as if a constant stream of of tears and her wiping up his feet is happening and she can't get a hold of herself because she's overcome with emotion she's overcome with joy with peace she can't explain it has anybody ever been there were you just coming to a service and jesus is there and you you just can't explain it but all you feel is peace all you feel is love all you feel is joy and it's it's as if you can't get enough and you just stand there for hours and you can just stand in this presence and you never want to leave that's what this i can imagine this woman feeling at this point she's wiped up the tears she's got her hair in her hands and she's wiping up the tears and she remembers i brought that oil i brought that ointment and she looks up and it's broken into pieces and so she grabs a little bit here and a little bit there and she begins to just let it fall over jesus's feet she begins to anoint his feet this was an ointment that was just in a in a value form wasn't a box of women you can get at sam's club or or costco it wasn't just something you could pick up pick up off the shelf at ross or or target or whatever this was ointment that she saved up a long time for this was ointment this was perfume that that she that she took her hard-earned money and she saved up and she put it away and she said one day i'll have really really good use for this this was special ointment this was special oil it was special oil bought with dirty money her lifestyle is what got her to that point selling her body day in and day out collecting money just to get by just to kind of make it through life she'd stay put some over here maybe for the kids maybe for retirement maybe for for the future for college and she's saving up as much as she can and she takes the moment and she says you know what i'm gonna purchase this because you just never know never know what's going to happen one day and she's got this ointment purchased with dirty money purchased with with sinful sinful money it's overshadowed by the fact that it was purchased through less than desirable means can i just tell somebody here today that i don't care exactly how you got here i don't care what your past is i don't care what your present is i don't care what you're doing outside of these four walls whatever you've got to do to get to jesus and whatever offering you've got to bring to him you need to just bring it to him and lay it at his feet the problem that ends up happening is is we put people in church on a pedestal too many people look at tbn and look at a television and all these guys that got money and then looks like nothing's going on their instagram is perfect their youtube channel is perfect they got 3 000 people every service and the money's great everybody's doing great and we put people on a pedestal when we come into your local church and you think that everybody here must be the same way everybody's got a cadillac everybody's got a three-story home everybody's got everything all together but can i tell you we're all broken people here today we're all broken people here today limping along in life just trying to make it to heaven and just trying to bring a few people with us it doesn't matter how you come to god as long as you come to god and you kneel at his feet in submission as long as you kneel at his feet and say all right god here's everything i've got i know it's dirty money i know it's i know it's a dirty offering but god this is what i've got i know it may not be worth much to you and and maybe not to the kingdom of god and there may be other people in that building that they have a little more and they they may have things together they may have their dad or they may have their mom or they may be still in a marriage and they may have their kids but god this is all i've got the cost of the offering was so much greater than anybody could imagine was so much more valuable than anybody could even imagine and i can see as jesus is letting this happen not being caught by surprise at all he's letting this happen i can almost see him looking out into the future as he can see himself dragging his carcass dragging his body into a garden and he's praying let this cup pass from me and as she begins to wipe up his feet i can see him he's fixated on something in the future and he can see a bloody bruised body a dirty body an ugly body a depiction of sin he can see himself who who knew no sin was tempted and all like in all points as we were but without sin he can see himself he who knew no sin becoming sin he can see himself with stripes on his back and and with tears running down his face a crown of thorns on his head he's got slap marks across his cheeks spits rolling down his face he's dirty he's got a cross on his back and he's walking up a hill i can see him seeing himself offering up a dirty offering a sinful offering don't get me wrong jesus was perfect but he became sin so that he might destroy sin through his body and so there's a bit of a connection there and while all this is going down i can imagine she's thinking okay we're coming up to the point where i'm gonna be dragged out maybe the tears have subsided a little bit she's kind of regaining her composure she realizes all of a sudden all eyes are on her that condemnation begins to to rear its head again what am i doing here i don't belong here i don't belong with these people i've got to get out of here somehow and simon over in the corner the pharisee the guy that's got it all together he doesn't say it out loud but he's thinking to himself man if jesus only knew who this woman was if jesus only knew what she was what she did then he would have sent her away doubt begins to creep into his mind maybe this really isn't the messiah because if he knew he would have sent this woman away but don't you see simon that that's exactly what jesus came to do don't you see simon that this is the exact person that jesus came for this is exactly what he came to do was to reach the prostitutes was to reach the drug dealers can i say that if we don't have a few people coming in here that are out of sorts that got a checkered past and what are we doing this has no longer become a hospital this has become this has become a a social gathering it's become another one of simon's events it's become another it's become another local gathering that all of the elitists of the town come to and all the the people that got the money and the ferraris and the and the house and the life put together that's all this ever becomes if we're not here to do exactly what jesus did and that is to seek and save that which was lost let's stand in this house i can see simon as he's overcome with anger this woman has just disgraced his home she's brought shame upon his house she's a dirty woman bringing a dirty offering and all the while jesus is looking at him and saying simon why didn't you do this to me when i walked in the door you didn't you didn't anoint my head with oil you didn't kiss me this woman hasn't stopped kissing me all simon can think about his reputation all simon can think about is himself can i just talk to some simons today may we never get to a place may we never get to a place where we look down on the offerings of other people may we never get to a place where where a sinner can't walk through the back door without all eyes on them and and looking them up and down and trying to figure out their past and trying to analyze and fix them and see if they can fit in or if they can belong may we never get to a place where we we're the judge we're we're the person that feels like we need to expose them simon was more interested in tea being spilled than he was the woman actually being saved he was more interested in her laundry being aired out he said if if jesus knew who she was he would have sent her on her way he would have told everybody in here this woman's a sinner he would have exposed her and said she doesn't belong here simon don't you realize that's who i came for all of this everything we do in this house that's that's what it's for you may have brought a dirty offering into this house this morning you may have come into this place dragging your feet feeling like you don't belong feeling out of place feeling like all eyes are on you because i'm not quite i don't quite look the same way or i don't i don't know all the songs or i don't even know what he's preaching can i tell you today that that doesn't matter to god that doesn't matter to god in the grand scheme of eternity throughout the portals of time no one's going to look back and say that person was such and such that's not what we need to be fixated on today if you've come in this house and all you've got is a dirty offering all you've got is a life that's stained all you've got is a life that's bruised it's been dragged through the mud a life that that was treated treated in a way that it shouldn't have been treated taken advantage of a life that that's full of sin a life that's that's full of rejection if that's all you brought today that's all you need that's all jesus needs the offering doesn't have to be pretty the offering doesn't have to be amazing as long as it's an offering as long as you're coming to god and saying you know what this is what i've got this is what i've got i'm not gonna i'm not gonna talk about people today but if you went throughout this house and you talk to people that are here today they'll tell you when they first came to church they weren't dressed the best they were living the best lifestyle they didn't have all their ducks in a row you couldn't tell them from a hole in around whether or not they were saved or not there's some broken people in here that gave some dirty offerings come on let's lift our hands in this house this morning come on let's lift our hands in this house simon instead of judging [Music] simon instead of judging you ought to be on your feet right next to the woman you ought to be on your feet right next to the woman offering up a sacrifice of praise you ought to be on your feet right next to the center and say come on we'll make it together come on we'll get there together this is what it's all about [Music] i'm gonna make an official call in this place if you want to leave here changed if you really want to leave here changed different than the way that you came in these altars are open and i'm wanting i want to invite you to come we're not going to make a big deal out of it we're not going to make a spectacle of it but this altar right here is where the change happens falling on your feet right here at this altar with your broken offering with your sacrifice of praise and worship this is where the change can truly happen this is where it can truly happen i wonder if there's anybody in here that feels that way come on this offering is or this altar is open somebody why don't you make your way down [Music] on somebody why don't you make your way down to this front [Music] come on you may not be as bad as the prostitute you may not be as bad you may not be as bad as the drug dealer as the as the sinner but you still need jesus today too [Music] you still need jesus today just as much as that woman needed him two thousand years ago and today is the day of salvation today is a day that everything can change today is the day that everything can change in your [Music] lord life am broken my life is in pieces but your strength is perfect in all come on somebody why don't you sing that today lord my life is broken lord my life is in pieces god i'm not worth much i don't have much value but what i do have god i'm leaving it at your feet god when i do have i'm leaving it in your presence god i want to be changed i want to be transformed today i don't want to leave here the same way that i came in god would you work away working in my life [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on simon quit standing off to the side quit standing off to the side judging come on you want to be right up here right along with the woman right along with the center [Music] come on i need jesus just as much as she does i need to be at his street just as much as she does is is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] so take this off your lord as it is [Music] [Music] is [Music] let jesus do the rest [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus the salvation is [Music] jesus call on the name of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] sick he's sickies [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus jesus i'm calling [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus jesus i'm calling you jesus [Music] jesus come on when you have no other words to say just speak the name come on when you've run out of options just speak the name come on now that you're at your wit's end somebody there's nothing else to do but to call the name of jesus [Music] jesus jesus my master jesus yes jesus [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] know that i'm broken i know i'm wrong [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] at the end of this story the end of this passage jesus is talking to simon and he's talking to him about how those that are forgiven much will love much and those that are forgiven little will love little what he's talking about is there's some people that feel like they don't have a lot that need to be forgiven and so what little they do get forgiven what little they do bring it to jesus and lay at his feet that's how much they'll love him in return but for those that are willing to lay everything down at his feet there's a different sense of love there's a different sense of urgency and appreciation and at the end of it he says i say unto her her sins which are many are forgiven and he tells a woman my faith has saved thee go in peace and i can see if this was another this was a little bit after his death burial and resurrection he'd say to her you need to repent you need to be baptized in the name of jesus and the promise that you were you will receive the gift of the holy ghost will happen because that's what happened on the day of pentecost there was a bunch of broken people a bunch of messed up people in an upper room that received the gift of the holy ghost and there was a man that denied jesus three times it was a man that told jesus to his face i'll never deny you and then a couple days later he's out on the town denying that he ever knew jesus it's that man that stands up a broken man that stands up full of the holy ghost and says repent be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the mission of sins and you will receive the gift of the holy ghost don't stop at just bring in the offering and laying it down at his feet don't stop at just crying tears of repentance and repenting and saying god forgive me i want to leave change but you've got to do something with that opportunity that's been granted to you you've got to do something with that opportunity god will forgive sins but you've got to make you've got to meet him he's not going to baptize you with whether you want to or not you've got to get into the water you've got to make the decision you have to repent of your sins you have to turn away one more time can we lift our hands and thank god from this place god we love you god we love you thank you jesus lord would you help us to leave change today god i pray that you would stir the waters of baptism this morning lord i pray that your word will fall on good soil [Music] the name of jesus in the name of jesus listen if you if you feel in this place that you really want to leave change that is the only way to truly live leave changed that is the only way to truly be saved according to the bible according to the word of god there is no sinner's prayer there is no shaking of the pastor's hand there is no giving a certain amount of money in the offering plate to be saved the biblical pattern the biblical model to be saved is acts 2 and 38. so if you're interested in this house we're going to have a few ministers down here at the front we've got water what does hinder there's nothing between you and god today except for you if you're interested you have questions come down to the front we've got ministers that'll be here to help you get baptized and we'll make it happen today and today you can leave truly changed today you can walk out of here with your sins really forgiving and washed away never to be remembered thank you jesus let's remember the announcements from this morning tonight we're going to be back let's remember we'll be back tonight at 6 6 for prayer 6 30 for service brother pastors for lazzo we bring in the word i am looking forward to what god is going to do in this house you don't want to miss it you don't want to pastor laza he's incredible you don't want to miss it do your best to be here tonight at 6 30. completely different service god's going to move in this place if you have a vip card don't forget we'd love to connect with you after service there's a red carpet right in the four you can make your way over there and you can make your way to the back and we love to connect with you get to know you a little bit better let's let's meet and greet someone after this in jesus name let's shake hands be friendly you're dismissed in jesus name [Music]
Channel: Rock Church Fort Myers
Views: 483
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Lf_0HnCi6sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 43sec (7183 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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