"All Things New" | Rev. Brennan Claborn | 9.5.21

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oh what's up i chose liberated oh it's is um okay uh oh [Music] uh uh okay foreign [Music] you praise the lord everybody why don't we all stand why don't we lift up our hands and why don't we just begin to thank god hallelujah jesus we thank you lord jesus you are worthy in this house hallelujah come on somebody hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody just shout hallelujah come on there's liberty in this house where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus brother dawn back there can you pull can you pull me up romans 1 16. now before i read this scripture i have a little story i want to tell you so a couple days ago i was at the post office i just happened to be in the front and here comes this big sister all right now she had on this big t-shirt she had on this big t-shirt she was swimming in the shirt and she had the nerve to have on these red and black checkered pajama pants on but it doesn't stop there she had on some bright pink ugg boots and one of my co-workers and myself we happen to turn and we you know how like when dogs are trying to hear a certain voice you know they turn their head we we turned our heads and she's like uh honey she said i'm not ashamed i'm not ashamed of what i got on and something sparked inside of me something smart something resonated inside of me and here it is for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ i'm not ashamed i'm not ashamed here today but wait but wait but wait but wait but wait hold on it doesn't stop there doesn't stop there for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth i've come to tell somebody in the holy ghost [Music] i've come to tell somebody today that not only can you receive the power of jesus christ but you can receive salvation in this house come on come on we've got a baptismal back there come on somebody we're filling up with water in jesus name somebody's gonna get baptized today come on somebody's going to receive the holy ghost here today you might be looking at me you might think i'm crazy but i stumbled in i was a bus kid and let me tell you something when i walked in god begin to work on me as a child and let me tell you something i walked out with salvation and with power and i've come to tell somebody you walk out of this house today with salvation and power in the name of jesus somebody lift up your hands and declare it declare it over your family in the name of jesus god i pray let there be salvation in this house in the name of jesus clap your hands and worship with us hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's all right somebody put your hands together for jesus [Music] [Music] you're the same yesterday today foreign [Music] you're the same yesterday today and foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] omega [Music] omega and omega [Music] foreign is hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh thank you jesus i love what i feel in this house i thank you jesus my soul cries out hallelujah hallelujah my soul cries hallelujah come on y'all it don't matter what happened yesterday today's a new day this is the day i will rejoice and be glad hallelujah oh thank you jesus [Music] oh clap your hands unto jesus [Music] [Music] all through this house hooray [Music] that's your holy spirit [Music] [Music] holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] i believe this is [Music] [Applause] oh here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] baptized is [Music] oh [Music] here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you for the rain thank you for what you're about to do in this house [Music] oh praise the lord god uh sorry praise the lord church praise the lord god let's praise the lord god almighty that's what i meant to say all right how about that i feel some uh i feel some excitement in the house today i'm ready we're gonna have church we are going to have church today uh let's take a moment let's greet one another many guests and friends here today take just a couple moments to do that [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] how you guys doing [Music] all right [Music] well god bless each and every one of you today if you came here to have church you came to the right place i think all right give yourselves a hand i have a few announcements for you sunday uh excuse me i'm gonna back up a little bit prayer room is open 30 minutes before each and every service um we had a great group of people in there praying it helps the church become one it helps us get closer when we do that so let's let's be there if we can come early and meet us in the prayer room there will be chicken tostadas following service today oh i'm sorry that's a bad announcement that was the other day i'm sorry i might have got the wrong drop from pastor i was looking at this okay that's okay but how many is doing the bread program lift your hand if you're doing the bread look at all the look at all the hands for the bread program all right some of those have completed it overachievers obviously but there's a bunch of us that haven't oh thank you very much uh there's a bunch that have not there's a bunch that have not but you're not too late and we do have plenty of time to get caught up if you need to get caught up in the bread program that uh reading the bible in one year if you have completed i don't see elder johnson today he's not here but let elder johnson know we all know he plays the trumpet right here and good looking guy you know you know he's a he's doing his thing um now this month each tuesday night at 7 pm uh during september for this month is a special month everybody i want you to know it's a very very special month uh not only do we have reverend claiborne here and his wife which is already that's pretty good or real good i'll go above that um but each tuesday night at 7 00 p.m in the month of september we're going to be unlocking the church for church prayer so let's gather here and pray uh we're going to be in revival this entire month and it's going to start right here right now today so be ready for what's going to happen today in the house of the house of the lord wednesday night revival with uh brother claiborne at 7 pm bring a guest bring a friend you don't want to miss it and then another super exciting everybody say pursuit pursuit youth rally is going to be here this friday night at 8 pm uh brother claiborne is going to be preaching it you don't want to miss it it's going to be a great great time we're going to have many many guests friends visitors from from all around and uh really looking forward to that bible quizzing is kicking off saturday september 11th at noon at 12 p.m this is going to be held at the church food will be provided uh pl please sign up with brother dawn worley and he's in the sound booth back there that's the gentleman to speak to if you're planning on attending that they kind of need to get an idea of how many people are interested uh then we have a couple of birthday announcements and that was my main man elijah where are you at elijah all right happy birthday i'm sorry i missed wednesday but he shares a birthday with a guy who uh does announcements i'll just put it to you that way and god bless god bless y'all and uh that's my birthday that's my birthday pal right there and then september 9th sister seaward is birthday let's clap our hands for her this is a big one and we're gonna have to make sure we repeat this when they come back sister and elder johnson 49th wedding anniversary that's impressive that's great very very happy to announce that um also revival with uh reverend claiborne is gonna be the entire month of september so that uh every wednesday every sunday and plus we got a bunch of extra days thrown in there so i didn't realize we were going to really i didn't mean we were going to put you to work like that but hey sometimes that's that's what you got to do what you got to do correct invite somebody to the house of god there's a number of visitors here today and friends and family and that's awesome we need to pack this place out that's what we need to do there's another revival or youth rally coming in chico september 17th and 18th if you're interested please sign up to with sisterhood by this wednesday she needs to know who's planning on attending that um we have we have a guest we want to recognize uh brian and joanne is that did i meet you i met you just a minute ago god bless you welcome we're glad you're with us today there's a number of others out there we're going to get into our prayer requests right now we want to pray first and foremost we're going to pray for this fire and for the firefighters it's been going on a while and some of these firefighters they've been fighting not just the fire that's close to us but they've been fighting fires all up and down the state of california so we're going to keep them in prayer we've had them in prayer sister uh ashley has a prayer for uh is it foreign is that the name doreen joreen okay joreen uh she's on life support god knows what the situation is we're going to pray for joreen brother and sister bessler have a couple of prayer requests one is for reign young lady i'm not sure how old she is now but uh she used to come here all the time and she's 20. and we were praying for her to come back to church she's been baptized she's been filled with the holy ghost she just needs to be back in church with her church family brother and sister bessler also have a prayer request for lorraine this is a young mother and wife and has cancer and we pray that god's going to touch her today and then also sister pam has a prayer because for dennis maske maske for healing and for god to open doors and the last prayer request we have before i do the prayer request is a praise report actually we're going to be praying for uh this is from the rodriguez's for sister prickett and is that the same sister prickett which was uh reverend prickett's wife okay so we all know her she's been here many many times uh very faithful we're praying for her for healing and for strength and we're also for lorraine halverson for healing and the praise report is that her i'm not sure if this is her husband or significant so tom halverson we prayed for him a couple of months ago and now we're asking for prayer for his wife but the good news is he was healed in jesus name so we're not just praying in vain god knows god hears these prayers and he hears his people let's lift our hands and let's pray lord you are so great lord jesus i praise you i worship you i need you in my life god each and every day guide us deliver us from any harm or evil that is intended our direction god we just we want you to bring healing to all these lives and all these needs god no matter what the situation is you are able god and i trust in you my faith and my hope is in you above all things in jesus name amen we're going to take up our sunday offering and tithe and offering let's pray right now god we thank you for what you're doing in this church you're doing miracles you're doing great things you you are you are taking us to another level god and i believe this month is going to be a month like no other month in the history of arc god we love you we praise you and we thank you for what you're doing let us further the kingdom of god in jesus name and the church said amen god bless you all as you give and the praise team is going to continue to praise and worship [Music] [Music] my god [Music] hungry [Music] how great you are and we are responding to your love the oceans are rising rising [Music] at your worst [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my god how great you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] the oceans are rising rising and falling [Music] [Applause] by god how great you are my god oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] how [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] oh come on lift up your hands all across this building [Music] let's worship him for his greatness come on for his wonderful ex towards men try god [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah let's lift up our hands and let's love him all across this building come on let's give him great praise come on god is worthy of the highest praise hallelujah hallelujah the heavens declare the glory and the greatness of god and with our lips with our with our breath that's in our body that comes from you we also declare the goodness and the greatness of the lord hallelujah with our worship we declare god is good and god is great hallelujah let's praise him all across this building [Music] [Applause] thanks god praise god praise god amen why don't you turn to your neighbor and give him a high five and tell him god is great praise god amen turn the other neighbor to him god's been good to me hallelujah amen god bless you may be seated for a few moments [Music] we just have a few short announcements before we bring brother claiborne up to preach we would like to turn your attention back towards that strapping gentleman with a red pen elder bobo now we're right there this is our vision giving towards our building fund we are at 270 right there right now uh elder bubble we need to take that all the way up to 280 right now somebody give god a handclap of praise that may not mean a whole lot to some folks but i want to tell you that's exciting somebody give god praise [Music] hallelujah [Music] somebody shout praise god amen hallelujah now there will not be tostadas today that was last week so unless you got a time machine um or you want to put a vote and a ballot for my wife to make some more tostadas real quick i'm kidding no that's we try to do that on the last sunday of every month we like to have food and fellowship however there is a silver lining here today we're going to have our prayer covering service for our young people that have just started going back to school and what we're going to do is we're going to have brother claiborne preach and when he gets done preaching we're going to have altar call just as normal we're going to have church and let the holy ghost do what uh what he wants to do in this house and then after that we're going to invite our students up we're going to pray for them that god would touch him we're going to we're going to really touch heaven for our young people and then we're going to give away give them their backpacks and supplies thank you for donating uh to this cause that we do each year we like to try to give a little bit i know it's it's difficult money can get tight even if you already have it you don't need it you can find somebody else to give that backpack away to go ahead and do that but if you can use it either this year next year for your kids go ahead and use that but after all of that said and done there will be some ice cream afterwards for our young people and if some of the older ones want to sneak in there too they can probably get some so there is some silver lining there in jesus wonderful name as was mentioned in the announcements every tuesday night during the month of september for our revival we're going to take out tuesday nights we're going to unlock the doors at 7 00 pm uh we would encourage each and every individual to come and to pray with us if it's one of those things where you you can't come for a long time that's all right we want to encourage you to come by and just seek god's face for as much time as you can because we want to make this house so we want to lift up our city and our neighborhoods and our families in prayer and so every tuesday night at 7 pm we want to encourage our guests our visitors our church members to please come and pray with us and it's going to be a wonderful time of prayer and then also we have fasting every week of this month now that doesn't mean you're fasting all week of every day of the month but pick a day at least once a week where you can fast or maybe medically you can only fast one meal we just want to encourage uh you to do something amen do something spiritual turn to your neighbor tell them do something spiritual amen hallelujah and whatever it is i i think sometimes we see what we do as so little so we do little but if we can see the little that we do is much in god's hands i think we would honor it uh you know to you and i it may not seem like a whole deal but just if you were to take one day out of every week of the year and you were too fast may not seem like a whole lot but that's 52 days a year that you pushed away the plate and sought god it all adds up amen and if it's one meal today and the next week it's another meal before it's all said and what you've done is you said god i pushed away the plate i i set aside my flesh to seek the face of god and it all adds up a bed and the beautiful thing is not just in the natural does it add up it adds up in the supernatural god multiplies it and god hears our prayers and everybody said amen praise god it's good to have all of our guests and our visitors with us in the house of the lord here today we're so honored that you would join us we want to encourage you to be back here tuesday night for prayer and then of course wednesday night for service at 7 00 p.m it's good to have elder and sister bobo's grandson with us in the house of the lord amen amen and it is also good to have sister i want to say a welcome home to sister sharon and sister shortly they are now members of this church so if you see him as staples in the house of lord they're not just visiting anymore so let's give them a good arc welcome in jesus name praise god [Music] amen without any further delays we want to have the man of god come but we want to set the atmosphere those were necessary announcements but i want you to stand across the building and let's lift up our hands and let's see the face of god for just a few moments let's pray would you lift up your voice come on let's pray all across this building god we're praying for this revival lord that you would heal people god that you would fill people with the holy ghost that you would restore people lord we're praying god that backsliders would come home that those that we have reached out to and even those that we've not connected with yet god that you would draw them lord we're praying god that you would anoint the man of god as he preaches amen not just this service but the future services god and their entire time here god that you would even yoke us together in the spirit god we're praying that you would do a mighty work god give a word after word afterward to your people come on somebody pray in the house of the lord let's worship him in jesus name as the man of god come [Music] amen can we just one more time put our hands together for jesus amen has he been good to you if he's been good to you just praise him for a second i know we've worshipped a lot but that's what we're all about here amen he's worthy of our praise and worship jesus we magnify you we love you we praise you we give you all glory for all that you've done all that you're doing and all that you're going to do in jesus name we pray amen amen amen every time we praise him and worship him it matters it does something in the spirit amen and we are a people of worship and praise because we are a people of gratitude amen and as your pastor already mentioned we worship we praise to to bask in the goodness of god to acknowledge the greatness of god and to give him gratitude for all that he's done all that he's doing and all that he's going to do [Music] amen so for those of you that uh maybe are newer here or you've just started to check it out we're so glad you're here and and maybe you saw today and you've seen it before i'm sure people that are exuberant in their worship amen we like to lift our hands and lift our voice and and move and just do whatever we feel and and that's not for no reason i just want to take a quick minute really really quickly and say this that's not for no reason you don't know all the stories around around you yet if you stick around you'll get to hear some incredible things of what god has done but there are testimonies all over this building there's a testimony in this preacher and all of you and god's done so much in my life and god's done so much in their lives that we cannot help but just praise him and and sometimes people their their form of praise they like to stand and just let the tears run down their face and that's great other people they just get so excited about god they can't help but jump they can't help but shout they can't help but run up a little bit and you know what i say to each his own however we feel to express our gratitude and our adoration and our worship let it be so let it be done amen this is a place of freedom this is a place of liberty this is a place where we can worship however we feel to do so in the spirit amen and and so i'm just thankful for the liberty and the freedom that we feel here and i'm thankful around a bunch of other people who have a testimony and a reason to rejoice amen you know when you when you used to be in prison when you used to be a drug addict when you used to be an alcoholic when you used to be a prostitute and then god cleans you up and jesus takes you in and you're converted and you obey the gospel sorry but when you've been brought out of darkness into his marvelous light you can't help but jump you can't help but dance you can't help but sing hallelujah god's done too much for me to stay silent about it come on one more time why don't we praise him for his goodness amen amen i want to turn to the word of the lord i know you've been standing so i want to be mindful of your knees here but don't get too comfortable because god has something for us and i know you're going to preach with me today we're going to read from genesis chapter 1 verses 1 through 2 and then we're going to read revelation 21 and 5 then we're going to read second corinthians 5 and 17 so we're kind of hopping around the scripture today genesis 1 1-2 revelation 21-5 second corinthians 5 and 17 and while you're turning there i do want to just say what a privilege and honor it is to be back here with all of you at arc carson city my wife and i are honored to be here we love and appreciate all of you this church the saints of god every visitor this morning and of course your great pastor and first lady of this church the hoods we love and appreciate them very much they are our friends we are thankful god brought them into our lives and thankful that they would think to invite us to preach before this great assembly it's an honor to worship with you and minister to you um as as i'm sure has already been mentioned because it's been a little bit since the trip we did have the privilege to go to the great country of costa rica with your pastor and pastor's wife thank you for lending your pastor out for a little bit and i know other people were blessed the costa rican people were blessed my wife and i were also blessed we're so glad we got to go we got to hear your pastor and your pastor's wife tear it up in the holy ghost in costa rica that weekend amen uh your pastor preached multiple times i preached once and every time sisterhood was preaching with us translating so amen they were they were flowing in the holy ghost god anointed them god used them and it was an honor to get to hear your pastor preach and to preach alongside him thank you so much to the hoods for that opportunity and we're thankful for all the people that got the holy ghost in costa rica those were baptized in jesus name how many know god is doing great things all over the world amen amen amen so we appreciate all of you and your pastor for the hospitality i think i mentioned last time you know it takes a lot of courage to invite people to stay in your home for a month doesn't matter who they are doesn't matter if they're the archangel it doesn't matter who they are amen it takes some courage so thanks pastor hood and sisterhood for their courage for having us in their home for a month amen we will do our best to uh to behave ourselves amen it's such an honor to to be with them we love them always have such a great time with them and this church amen let's turn to the word of the lord without further ado i believe god wants to help us here today we've already felt his presence during the singing the worship thank you to the song team the singers the musicians for leading us into the presence of the lord genesis 1 1-2 says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters how many know in the beginning god created amen revelation 21-5 says and he that sat upon the throne said behold i make all things new somebody say all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and faithful the lord really wanted to make sure the author wrote down that sentence that says i make all things new god apparently thought this was very very important for readers like ourselves to read this thousands of years later and to be reminded that our lord is a god who makes all things new final passage of scripture second corinthians 5 and 17 second corinthians 5 and 17 amen therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature somebody say new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new that's what i want to preach to us about this morning just a simple message but with the help of the holy ghost i believe it will take root in our hearts and do something deep in our hearts and our minds this morning what i want to preach to us about is simply taken from these scriptures all things new all things new how many know that god is still in the business of making all things new if you believe that one more time before you're seated put your hands together for jesus give him praise in faith anticipation and expectation about what he's going to do lord thy kingdom come thy will be done today in carson city as it is in heaven in this church as it is in heaven and in every heart and in every mind as it is in heaven let it be done in jesus name and we give you praise and thanks for what you're going to do one more time [Applause] you may be seated thank you for standing amen humanity has an obsession with new things how many like new things everyone likes the feeling of opening a new package to find something new or unused inside everyone likes a new experience where they can see or hear something they have never heard before there is something about getting that amazon package in the mail or wherever you uh buy your your things and your products from and that package arrives and it doesn't matter if it's a a brand new engine or if it's something big and expensive like that or if it's something as small as a pair of tweezers or a box of q-tips there is something about taking that package and unwrapping the bubble wrap opening the cardboard and there you see something new inside that's never been touched or used hopefully and it is it is something for you that you asked for that you wanted there's there's a whole psychological component to to uh what happens inside of us when we see something and handle something new and there are those who like old things such as classic cars and old coins or old furniture however even those people who enjoy the old things usually have an instinctive desire to make the old things new again or at least to try to make them appear to be new again and so the classic cars will be cleaned and have new parts installed the old coins will be polished and the old furniture will be restored to looking as new as possible because there is something about newness that we all crave inside and and and the problem with this is though that once we acquire something new it doesn't take long before that things become old again once we touch something new it now becomes used and so the search for something new begins all over again we as humans are cursed with this and you will see funny examples of this for perhaps when people go to the store to find something that they need and sometimes a package at the store has to be opened in order to see if the product inside is what the customer actually wants right and what happens so many times you may have even done this is if the person decides that that is the product they want they will put the box that they opened back on the shelf and they will grab the same product but in a box that has not yet been opened you're laughing because you've done this and i've done it before guilty as charged even if we are the ones who open the box because no because it is no longer technically new once it's been opened we will reach for a different unopened box that contains the same product because we desperately want things to remain new but the moment we touch them they are no longer new we long for a newness that will never fade and we long for a newness that will never get old we long to be content and we long to be satisfied but the more new things that we acquire the more we search for satisfaction in this world we become disappointed and then the cycle begins all over again but i'm here to remind someone and to preach to someone perhaps for the first time that there is a well that never ever runs dry and there is a spring that never ever stops flowing there is a living water that constantly satisfies and constantly makes us new my bible tells me in revelation 21 that jesus makes all things new he is still in the creation business he is still creating new hearts he is still creating new minds he is still making marriages new again how many can say amen to that he is still giving new purpose new minds new callings new families new perspectives new joy new hopes hallelujah the spirit of god is still making things new that could have never been made new otherwise the spirit of god is still creating light out of darkness how many believe that that's true if you're willing to say amen go ahead and put your hands together and shout a man unto the lord [Applause] he is still creating new worlds out of emptiness new worlds where there was nothing but darkness and shallowness god can take that something that was without form and void and he is still taking it and molding it into making something beautiful out of something that was shapeless and dark and hopeless he still takes people and all of us are individual worlds we all our own individual little globes amen we all have our own world and existence that we live in and just as god created the world in the beginning of time he creates individual worlds every time a human being is born and just as he took a shapeless existence and from the very beginning of time darkness was the canvas for god's creation and he took that darkness and he began painting and riding mountains and oceans and everything that exists on that canvas and he does the same thing amen in a basic way when we are born we are made in his image amen but we will always remain somewhat shapeless and somewhat dark and somewhat void unless we make the decision when we reach the point where we are old enough to to give the pen to the author to give the pencil and the paint brush to the author and say god i want you to take this world take my existence and make something new out of me i'm not set i'm not satisfied with what i have this world that this this sinful world has not been kind to my world i've been beat up i've been abused i've been torn down i've been talked about i've been lied about i've been gossiped about i've been hurt and i've hurt others and i can't seem to fix it i can't seem to escape this cycle of dysfunction and sin god would you take this world and would you start to work on it and make all things new in my life amen amen he's still creating new worlds in genesis 1 god creates in revelation 21 near the very end of our bible god creates a new heaven and he creates a new earth do you see from the from the beginning all the way to the ending god is creating new things he never stops he is the master artist and the master creator and can i tell someone that i don't care if you if you if you're this is your first time here or this is your 50th time or you've been in church for 50 years we don't ever reach a place where god just runs out of material to work with and he says all right you're as polished as you'll ever be you're as new and perfect as you'll ever be no god is always in the newness business god always wants to take us and improve upon us and give us an upgrade and make us better and if you're here in the house of god today and you have a need and you've got something in your heart in your mind that you can't seem to shake and you can't seem to fix it on your own i'm here to tell you there's a god that's in this place we've already felt his presence that wants to make you new he wants to breathe new life new hope and new perspective into that situation that you believed is impossible come on our god is with god nothing shall be impossible he's the god that can take something that you thought would be broken forever you think that your heart will never be repaired not after what they did to you not after how they talked about you not after how they messed with you you think your heart will forever be shattered in pieces but god looks at that and says hey you're a broken vessel you are a prime candidate for me to take you and put you back together and to all the stitches and glue everything together and make you a new creature in christ jesus somebody praise him if you believe that i believe that he wants to do something new today in this house i believe that he wants to do something new in this church as a whole i believe that he wants to do something new this year in 2021. for some of you you ought to really be if god's done anything new for you thus far from january until now whether it was a healing that you never thought possible maybe it was a miracle in your family you never thought possible if you've seen the newness of god in operation then you ought to rejoice and shout with this preacher every step of the way and i believe god's not finished he wants to do more new things in 2021 in this revival and in this church i believe he wants to do something new in your heart today can i preach to somebody that might be new to this church if you've never been baptized in the name of jesus christ in water for the removal the remission of all your sins just like peter said to do in acts 2 and 38 and just like was said in mark 16 16 if you've never been baptized in jesus name you can have all your sins washed away today and you can receive a new life in jesus christ and if you've never been filled with that wonderful gift of the holy ghost just like they received it in the book of acts amen baptized in the spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues you can receive the spirit of jesus into your heart today and you can become a new creation in jesus christ it doesn't matter what your age is what your background is it doesn't matter if you're a child today i know we got many of the children sitting in today it's an honor to have them in i believe jesus can fill any hungry child's heart with the holy ghost today amen the bible says in acts 2 and 39 that the promise of the holy ghost is unto you to your children to all that are far off it's for every age every ethnicity every socioeconomic status god is not a respecter of persons but he is a respecter of faith and anybody that's got faith and hunger god will fill them god does not discriminate he wants anybody and everybody to be filled and to be saved today if you're a child if you're an elder if you're a visitor and you've never been filled with the wonderful spirit of jesus evidenced by speaking in tongues you don't have to leave this place without being made new in christ jesus hallelujah and jesus regardless of of your position today regardless of your situation no matter what jesus is the only one who can give you constant enduring satisfaction he's the only one i i know i'm young and i've got a lot to learn and still got some green on me but i have i have lived enough and sadly i've lived enough years away from god to be able to tell you i've bought the t-shirt i can testify to you that the things of this world that everybody in the world promises will satisfy you from the whole range of things from the most sinful to the not so bad all the carnal efforts none of them will result in the ultimate satisfaction i've tried it i've tried the addiction i've tried the relationships i've tried the drugs i've tried the entertainment i've tried the the money i've tried the fame i've had all these different things to pursue and i can tell you i may have not reached the the fullness of all of those roads but i didn't have to all i had to do was dip my toes and those sinful things enough to know that none of those things are the answers none of those things will satisfy none of those things will bring me hope none of those things will bring me joy and you know what we always talk about the sinful things but you know what there's some there's some decent good citizen things in life as well that we could talk about for example we know the bible says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and when i found my wife i found a very very very good thing amen she's blessed me she's made me a better man it was absolutely the will of god that we got married and god just demonstrates that every day but can i tell you that as wonderful as she is if if marrying her was my highest pursuit if marrying her but leaving out jesus of my life if if that was the path that i had taken then no matter how great she is she would never provide me with that ultimate satisfaction that only jesus christ can give and i mean she's a 10 out of a 10. you can't get any better than her but she still cannot fill all of those empty places in those voids that were created that were meant for only jesus christ and him alone to fill so maybe you're in a good relationship right now maybe you know you've been through some rough ones and maybe you've you know had to kiss some toads before you finally found your prince all right and maybe you're happy about it and maybe you're glad that you found a decent person but can i tell you this morning that if you don't put jesus first and if you don't put jesus at the center of that relationship then that prince will not give you the satisfaction that you're looking for that prince as nice as he might be will not give you all the joy and happiness that you're looking for you'll be disappointed once again but when you and him put jesus at the center of that relationship honey that's when everything starts changing that's when true joy and true peace and humility and meaning and virtue is possible hallelujah in john chapter 4 as an example of this jesus met a woman at a well most of you know this story and he told her this everyone who drinks of this water from the well will be thirsty again he said but whoever drinks of the water that i will give him will never be thirsty again he said the water that i will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life i'm paraphrasing this john chapter 4 13-14 you see jesus offered this woman living water that would quench her spiritual thirst forever and he also told her that he was aware of the sin that she was living in for she had multiple husbands in the past and now the man she was living with was not her husband jesus jesus listen you gotta understand jesus is he he made the rules so he can break the rules okay he's there's one thing above the law and that's the love of god right jesus jesus is a righteous rebel so to speak he did a lot of things that the religious community told him he wasn't supposed to do but because he's god and he knows what's right and they don't he decided to do it anyway and break their so-called laws and part of those rules he wasn't supposed to break was even being in that position even talking to that woman who was of a different ethnic group and even being there alone with her and talking to her he was he was breaking these different rules amen again that only he can do because only he is god he was there and he was actually asking this woman about her intimate life i mean he he was bold he was very hardcore but he was doing this for a reason he was doing this because he loved her he was trying to and successfully brilliantly showing her that she had been searching for something that would quench her thirst but she had been searching in all of the wrong places and jesus was letting her know hey i know you've been looking for satisfaction in men he said but i'm the only man that will ever satisfy you he was telling her that he was the only one that would ever complete her that he is the only well that would never ever become dry and he offered her a relationship with him something that would never ever grow stale and never grow old that's what jesus offers each and every one of us in this house today [Applause] and she ran into the town and she told everyone come see a man who told me all that i ever did could this be the messiah she was telling her friends listen i want you to come and see a man who saw me at my worst and loved me anyway he knew about my infidelity he knew about my promiscuity he knew about my loneliness and my insecurity and he's the only man that never flinched he's the only man that didn't try to take advantage of me in my weak situation no he's a man that said i love you i want to help you and i got to be honest and real with you in order to get you where you need to go in order to make you new amen we got to talk true and she went to that town and said come see a man named jesus who knew all my secrets knew all my mistakes knew everything in my closet and he loved me anyway and he still offered me eternal life that's the kind of god we serve that's how loving jesus is that's how amazing he is no matter what you've done no matter what mistakes you've made no matter what kind of darkness you've played with no matter what kind of darkness you may have been flirting with lately god can set you free he can bring you out and he can give you a new heart and a new mind in christ jesus somebody praise him if you believe that hallelujah i believe god wants to help help a man or help a woman today escape some cycles he is still the god that brings us out of our cycles pastor hood you know that's the truth he's still the god that brings us out of those cycles when other human beings look at us and they say man you've been doing the same stuff for 10 years you've been making the same mistakes you've been in those same thought patterns for five eight years and other humans will look at you and they may not always believe in you they might look at you and be like man that that person's god help them they're just going to be stuck there forever but that's not how jesus looks at you at all when jesus looks at you he sees the whole person past present and future he doesn't just see the mess you're in right now he sees all the potential that resides within you as well he considers that a part of you so he looks at you and says listen i know everyone else has written you off and i know you can't seem to get out of these cycles by yourself but jesus says that's what i'm here for that's what i'm here for yeah i know you're human and you're flawed and you're born into a sinful world and and maybe you didn't have a good family situation and you were never taught how to love or taught how to work or taught how to be kind or taught how to make friends and so you just keep yourself in this cycle you just keep doing the same old stuff jesus says that's what i'm here for that's what the church is for that's what preaching is for that's what the holy ghost is for i believe this morning god can give some of us revelation amen so we can see the things that we've been caught in and we can give those things to god and say god make me new i may have been battling this for five years but god you can make me new in a single service god i may have been battling this for 10 years but god you can make this new in a single service in one moment in the presence of god how many believe this with me come on how many believe our god is that powerful somebody praise him if you believe that with this preacher today [Applause] all over the world he's making things and making people new not too long ago i was preaching up in the northwest it was a young man that came to the service young hispanic gentleman i'd never met him before didn't know who he was but he came to an altar on a sunday morning he lifted his hands repented of his sins tears coming down his face and he was filled with the holy ghost speaking in tongues for the very first time a few days later i find out about his story his name is miguel miguel if you ever hear this i love you and you see he was an atheist he was in his mid-20s he didn't believe in anything to do with god or the bible he was starting to seriously consider some dark dark things but he said you know what why don't i give this church and give this jesus character a chance so he went to church and he heard the preacher that day just reading all of his mail just going right down the line the preacher preaching about the fact that god is is is real and present and uh and god god wants to help you and be very real and evident in your life and and god is so real that when he gives the spirit he doesn't just kind of give you a little goosebump and leave you wondering what happened to you whether you got the spirit or not no he gives a supernatural evidence of speaking in other tongues in order to testify how real he is and so that sermon went forth and this atheist came to the front lifted his hands was filled with the holy ghost he was baptized in jesus name a few days later he went from atheist to christian and he went from just entry-level christian to now he's a bilingual preacher of the gospel a man preaching in english to spanish to all who will listen i listen that's just one small example of all the amazing things all the amazing stories that god is still making new in 2021 come on somebody you might be weary by some sickness you've seen lately maybe people in your family have had the virus and i'm sorry for that maybe you're weary because of some of the political situations and maybe you're weary because you don't know what the futures hold because our world is a little uncertain right now but we need to make up in our mind i'm going to shake off that weariness because none of the stuff in this world is stopping god from doing what only god can do none of the craziness of this world is stopping god from saving people helping people healing people setting people free none of this craziness is stopping god from delivering people from depression from anxiety from fear from suicidal tendencies come on our god is still on the move no matter what kind of hell is breaking loose in our world today oh i wish somebody would praise him if you believe that with me jesus jesus jesus hallelujah don't let your faith be hampered for one moment by all of the chaos as we preached about god is the one who specializes in creating order out of chaos god is the one as i've mentioned here before last time we're here all the worldwide devastation god is going to use it and is using it to bring worldwide revelation that's how good our god is the god that we serve he didn't create all these problems he didn't create the chaos but he sure knows how to get beauty out of ashes he sure knows how to get glory out of the chaos come on i just feel like there's somebody here you've got a weary spirit you've got a tired spirit i don't know what you've seen i don't know what's been happening to you but there's something inside of you that's tired that's been hurt and your faith if you're being honest has been a little bit shaken guess what it's normal you're human sometimes our faith gets shaken but we need to make up in our minds when we realize our faith is shaken that we need to get back to our knees and lift our hands and say god increase my faith once again i'm going to praise you i'm going to worship you i'm going to trust you even when it doesn't all make sense god i believe but help my unbelief come on somebody let your spirit begin to rise let faith come back into your heart let god breathe life back into you open the door of your heart and let god put faith in you again come on one year ago two years ago you were full of faith what happened who lied to you who told you that god can't keep moving who told you that this is where the story ends who told you that god can't heal anymore who told you that god can't fix your seemingly hopeless situation what kind of lies have you believed that has left you tired and weary without your faith it's time to get your faith back it's time to claim what you've lost it's time to let god give you something new in return for what you've lost our god is the god that can help you reclaim everything you've lost our god is still the god that redeems the time and makes something new out of a way which seemed like there was no way that's the god that we serve hallelujah and i'm not here getting red in the face amen just to hype anyone up i'm preaching this to you today with passion with faith and confidence because i believe what i'm preaching because i've seen god reach his hand into the depths of hell and pull people out and do things that no one ever thought possible that's why the bible says even when we make our bed in hell he is still there and i feel like god is speaking to someone right now but you're having a hard time believing it and that's why i'm parking right here because there's someone here that's having a hard time believing that your heart wants to believe it you have a good heart and a good spirit and you want to believe it but you've been so beaten down you you're having a hard time believing that god can make you new and god can make your situation new you believe it for other people you'll come and pat someone else on the back but you don't believe it for yourself why is it that god is real for everyone else but god is not real for you you can't claim to be a true believer if you only believe that god is the god for the other 99 but not for you the one percent come on somebody he's your god too he's your lover too he's your spouse too he's your waymaker too he's your counselor too it's time to start claiming all the benefits of christianity that god has given to you come on there's incredible benefits that god will load you up with but you've got to claim it you've got to walk in it you've got to believe it you've got to read it you've got to live it and you'll experience all the benefits that god has to offer you he cares about you he loves you more than you could ever imagine and he wants to make you new it's not too late for him to help your family it's not too late for him to restore your marriage you know i've never told this story before it just came to my mind so it must be the lord i heard a story it was only a year or so ago blew my mind and it was confirmed multiple friends told me there was an apostolic live recording going on it was a a live album recording of an apostolic guy and his band and worship team was a powerful knight and i had the privilege of being there in person but for those that couldn't be there in person this was a few years ago but it was streamed online and we found out later that uh the parents of one a set of parents of one of the musicians who was actually playing in the live recording they were on the verge of getting a divorce and and it was not it was not the kind of situation where that was that was the answer right this was um the enemy was trying to tear their marriage apart and they were tuned in to this live stream and they saw one of their kids on the instruments over the live stream and this kid knew that his parents were on the verge and with tears in his eyes and an almost broken heart he played through that whole night probably about ten songs just playing praying for his parents and on that live recording that night through one of the songs through some of the lyrics god touched that mom and dad who were watching that live recording and they looked at each other with tears coming down their face they grabbed each other's hands and they started praying in the name of jesus amen they started praying for their marriage they started interceding for what they had amen they prayed for hours speaking in other tongues and by the time it was over they called their son one of the musicians that night and said son god has touched us and spoken to us he's helped us to get over ourselves and get over our selfishness and see what we've been missing son we're not going to get divorced no more we're going to work it out we're going to go to counseling do whatever we're going to do we're going to stick through this in jesus name amen and now they are still happily married today several years later don't tell me that god doesn't make things new if god can do that over an apostolic anointed recording don't you think god can do it in a service like this come on somebody but we've got to get humble hearts we've got to get on our knees and make up on our minds lord not my will but thy will be done whatever you got to do to me do it make me new make me new make me new this morning oh somebody praise him come on praise him praise him come on i need just a few more people to put your hands together and lift your faith come on come on come on just a few more people let your faith rise with this preacher today come up come on come on ten more seconds can you praise him can you praise him come on i need somebody to believe this god is trying to take root in somebody's heart today hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus make all things new in this place this morning i want the musician to come you know it's one thing to have possessions it's another thing to be able to enjoy those possessions it's one thing to have gifts given to you it's another thing to have the capacity to enjoy those gifts that have been given to you contentment is the greater gift than the object itself one man said it's not difficult to attain wealth really god hands that out as commonly as outlet stores hand out discounts what is a rare gift however is the gift of having the capacity to enjoy wealth true contentment is a gift from god whether we're talking about wealth possessions our homes our families there can be great things that we've been given that we have that we've worked for that we possess but if we don't have god in our lives we will never have true contentment and satisfaction with those good things that we possess do you see that only god can make those things new in our eyes only god can give us a fresh perspective a new appreciation for old things some of us are going and looking for new things out in the world when you have everything that you need in your life in front of you you just need a new perspective a fresh perspective to be able to see what you have you don't need to go out and acquire new tools you don't need to go out and acquire a new spouse you don't need to go out and do all those different things the world promises will make you happy no you need to look at what you've been given and pray that god would give you a new perspective and god will he's the god that makes everything new he doesn't just give new things he gives us a new perspective and a new appreciation for the things that we already possess come on somebody there's some people out there when things start going bad in their life they want to replace everything they want to replace all their friends replace their family replace their brothers and sisters in christ no no you don't need a replacement of all those things you need a fresh perspective to see how good all the things are that you've been given what would that be like if god had the same perspective where every time we did something wrong god just sought to replace us but that's not how god works you know what god says he looks at us and says no matter how you feel you are not replaceable you are repairable you are not replaceable but you are repairable that's how god sees us and and that's how we've got to see some of the situations in our own lives our family our our marriage whatever we're going through we've got to understand no this is repairable with god anything is possible hallelujah can i tell you he doesn't just make all things new but but as a part of making all things new he makes all things whole as well how many know that's true how god makes all things whole as well he brings disparate parts together can i ask somebody have you ever have you ever felt like your public and private life were drifting apart [Music] have you ever felt like the person you are in public is totally different than who you are in private have you ever and i'm not talking about just being kind and getting out of our comfort zone and smiling and shaking hands even when we don't feel like it all that's good all that's godly i'm talking about where you feel this disconnect in your soul this disconnect in your spirit and you're not satisfied and you're like no i'm not where i want to be i'm not who i'm supposed to be and and you kind of have a hard time con confusing the mask with your own self anybody know what that's like and that's because you're not whole i'm not saying it to be unkind i'm saying that in love you may not be whole yet but god wants to bring you together and make you one whole person he wants to bring all those different parts those different elements and help to make you feel whole again he doesn't want you to confuse your mask with your identity with who you really are the bible says in acts 17 and 28 in him we live and move and have our being only in him do we have our reality our true existence only in him will you be able to take off that mask that you've learned to wear and put it down and realize your true new identity in jesus christ jesus is not interested in perfecting our masks he's interested in affecting and perfecting our motivations he goes a step deeper he's not interested in only helping us improve our actions he also wants to help us work on our affections he doesn't just want to change the things we do he will go if we let him and change the very things that we want to do that's how deep god will go if we let him that's how god will make you one whole person i don't know about you but i don't want to be like the man in the new testament amen that that was filled with his own demons how many have ever dealt with with with demons of the past or demons of addiction i know i've i've had demons i had to give to god and let him deliver me from and there was a man in the bible so full of demons they asked him what are the demons names and he said legion for we are many this was a man that was not whole he would change from one minute to the next you've heard of a double-minded man this was like a i don't even have a number for it quadruple-minded man and on and on and on his his person was split and separated and fragmented and for some of us the world and trials of life and things we didn't ask for have done that to us they've left us feeling fragmented they've let us feel like we can't even get in touch with ourself we can't sit with our own thoughts and feelings and emotions because we are not yet a whole person but the god i serve wants to make you new and he wants to make you whole he wants to bring you to a place where you can feel comfortable within yourself not because you're so great but because he's so great and your trust is now in him he wants to help you not not just have a self-confidence but have a god confidence and realize who you are in him he wants to make you new he wants to bring all the parts together i don't know who that's for but i felt that in the holy ghost to share with someone i'm almost done and we're going to come to this altar we're going to pray but i hope that if god has spoken to you today you'll make up in your mind right now in this moment that you're going to respond to the word of the lord final scripture i'm coming to a close second corinthians 5 and 17 says that if any man be in christ he's a new creature we read about that remember in revelation 21-5 we read that as well scripture says jesus is making all things new and in both revelation 21 5 and 2nd corinthians 5 and 17 the greek word therefore new everyone with me i'm almost done the greek word for new is kainos and you know what this word means this word means fresh this word means new this word means unused unused one commentary says that it means never found exactly like this before maybe you're here and maybe you feel used because maybe you've been used maybe you're here and you feel spent like currency someone's used you and picked you up and dropped you and spent you jesus can take you and restore you to a new unused state just like after a fresh snow when you look at the mountaintops you look at that field and it's perfectly white and the sun reflects on it and it's beautiful and no one's taking a step on it no one's put their feet there it's just fresh it's new it's unused that's how god that's what god wants to do with you that's the state that god can bring you to maybe other people used you and hurt you and you feel you feel 10 years older than what you really are [Music] i'm telling you one touch from jesus can leave you fresh can leave you new can leave you unused he can make you clean again he can make you innocent again he can make you new again and you can go to those people that know you those friends or family and they can look at you and say my god what happened to you i haven't seen you smile like that in ages i haven't seen you crack a joke like that in forever and you can say what happened to me was one touch from jesus one moment at an altar call filled with the holy ghost one moment of giving myself back to the god one one moment uh giving my fears and my anxiety to him one moment in the presence of god letting him deliver me from depression one moment in a baptistery going down in water in jesus name can make me clean and new and for those that have never been baptized or filled with the holy ghost can i tell you there's a reason why the bible calls it a new birth there's a reason why jesus told nicodemus when nicodemus asked him how to be saved jesus said you must be born again you must be born of water in the spirit to enter the kingdom of god he's letting him know yeah nicodemus i know you've been born once but there's a second birth a new birth a spiritual birth that you need to go through in order for you to be redeemed set free and saved can i tell someone today the holy ghost will make you a new man or a new woman to face all of the problems in your life i'm closing but for those that don't know i need to explain this to you really quickly john 3 and 8 for those that are here and want the holy ghost to need the holy ghost and if you're a child and you want if you're older and you want it listen up this is going to help you understand john 3 and 8 1 scripture says the wind blows wherever it will and you hear the sound it makes but you don't know where it comes from and where it's going so it is with everyone somebody say everyone so it is with everyone that is born of the spirit when you are born of the spirit just as jesus prophesied and promised there will be a sound just like there was in acts 2 acts 8 acts 10 and acts 19 and that sound will be speaking in other tongues as god gives the utterance if you've never experienced this i know you can experience this today the kingdom of god is not meat and drink but it's righteousness joy and peace in the holy ghost righteousness joy and peace that can only come from the holy ghost if you've never been filled with his spirit there's a peace like you've never known there's a joy like you come on how many saints can testify with this preacher there's a hope like you've never known come on if it's been a long time since you've lifted your hands and allowed god to touch you you need to let him renew you today you need to let him pour over you today and let that heavenly experience come out of your mouth once again come on god is here today and he wants to make all things new all things new every heart every mind every spirit every family every marriage every body god wants to make all and everything new this morning somebody praise him right now come on this preacher's done preaching why don't we stand all over this house come on somebody lift your hands and lift your voice before we go any further come on somebody cry out to the lord today come on that's it if you need the holy ghost begin talking to jesus begin repenting of your sins go ahead and prepare your heart so that jesus can fill it hallelujah if you're a saint of god and you've been going through hell and your faith is on the low god's here to fill you back up and make you new again god's here to get you ready for several months of revival and harvest come on somebody lift your hands and praise him lift your hands and praise him before we go any further hallelujah jesus i need that's it lifts your need to him whatever need that you brought whatever pain you're carrying whatever load that's on your shoulders come on let him carry it with you you were not meant to carry that alone you were not meant to live life alone give that pain to jesus christ and let it make you new [Music] come on stay in that spirit of prayer if you're here and you need the holy ghost or you need deliverance i want to invite you to come to this front these altars are open this area is open if you want to take a step of faith and come forward and let god let god know you're wanting him to make you new this morning that's it if you need the holy ghost just come stand and lift your hands if you need something else come and do whatever you feel that's it that's it that's it there's still people coming that's beautiful jesus is here to do a mighty work hallelujah come on if you've never had the experience of speaking in tongues come to this front repent of your sins and lift your hands [Music] oh that's it jesus make me new jesus only you can make me whole jesus only you can help my life make sense oh that's it that's beautiful that's beautiful that's it just go ahead and pray go ahead and get lost in that spirit of prayer that's it go ahead and go in the spirit wherever god's wanting to take [Music] jesus name in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we praise jesus we worship come on that's it somebody get desperate for him somebody cry out to him jesus is here if you've already repented of your sins then just worship him just praise him and god will do the rest come on that's it you don't have to beg him he already heard you you don't have to beg him he sees you where you are just worship him praise him god will do the work in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name that's it keep on praying they're gonna sing keep on praying lift your hands and cry out to him if you need something don't leave here without it don't leave here without trying jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i'm moving forward [Applause] [Music] so [Music] what a moment [Music] who makes all things [Music] the past is over [Music] declared to is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of is i may do [Music] [Music] is [Music] moving forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] is you forward [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] will follow you forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will follow you [Music] oh [Music] will follow you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on church let's continue to pray for a few more moments he's making all things new right now god's making all things new right now maybe you need a healing in your body he's the one that created your body he can recreate your body as if there was no longer a disease as if there was no longer a sickness as if there never was somebody needs to pray right now maybe you need god to touch your mind right now he can make your mind nude amen he can renew your mind by the power of the holy ghost hallelujah maybe you need god to touch your heart let him touch your heart and make it new right now lift it up to him for a few moments [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you make all [Music] all things [Music] you make all this [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord amen what a wonderful touch of the holy ghost in this house hallelujah let's give the lord a handclap of praise in jesus name jesus name hallelujah we want to say thank you to all of our guests and visitors for coming again we want to encourage you to come pray with us on tuesday night at 7 pm as well as come and be a part of service at wednesday night at 7 00 pm uh 6 30 if you want to come early for prayer and join us with that we're just going to keep pressing on forward in revival in jesus name amen hallelujah at this time we'd like to have all of our children all of our young all of our sunday school kids visitors guests you can come as well all of our students if you're in school we want to have you come we're going to pray for you we're going to pray god's protection god's blessing and amen look at this good group of young young people that are coming amen amen we're gonna pray that god would touch him you know especially after 2020 it's been a kind of a wild year um they put two years in one it's just been crazy but uh they they they've got a lot of extra pressures you know they've they've done studies in the last year and they're noticing that kids that are school age from even as early as kindergarten are starting to show signs of anxiety and stress that's pretty wild at an age where they should be worried about dinosaurs and colors they're stressed out because their world is uncertain but we have a god that can make all things new amen and god is going to take these young people these kids and god's going to touch him he's going to keep him he's going to bless him we're going to pray a blessing over them but also we're going to pray that god would use them to be a witness in this world of the light of jesus christ amen church would you would you extend your hand we're going to pray brother clayborn if you'd help us we're going to pray young people could you lift up your hands we're going to pray for you okay we're going to we're going to lay hands on your shoulder and your head we're going to pray that god would bless you that god would touch you come on church let's pray right now for each of these young people god i pray right now a blessing amen upon them i pray protection god amen i pray that you would go with them as they go to school god amen as they interact with other students god hallelujah with the teachers hallelujah there's a lot of chaos and stuff in our world but god we're believing that you're going to bring order to the chaos amen i pray lord that you would endue them with your spirit god fill them with the holy ghost god amen that when they go through the halls of their school amen that the holy ghost would go with them that the power of god and the love of god would go with them lord we're giving you great praise for what you're going to do in their lives hallelujah we pray for your hand of protection god for your peace god that that that you would keep them healthy god that you'd keep them strong god that you give them the right words to say when people ask them about their faith hallelujah i'm praying lord that you would continue to move on of god some of them are going into middle schools and high schools god amen we're praying lord that that in this season that they would win their co their students that are uh their fellow students god that they'd be a witness that amen that in the midst of the anxieties and stresses of this generation lord we're praying god that you would be with him god hallelujah that you'd give him a reason amen an answer of the hope that lies within him and meek with meekness and fear god we're praying lord that you'd continue to bless continue to help god to continue to keep them amen bless their families amen i pray that you'd bring them to the house of the lord as well in jesus wonderful name we pray hallelujah let's clap our hands church in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah amen at this time uh what we want to do is we want to show all of our young people where their sunday school classrooms will be in the future so if you want to go follow sis rodriguez you're going to take one group with you the older group is going to follow brother rodriguez amen there you go the older group's going to follow brother rodriguez and then the rest of you follow sister rodriguez and they're going to be giving away backpacks and those kinds of things but they want to show you your classrooms and they're going to give the backpacks there and then we're gonna be doing some ice cream afterwards hey but everybody else let's give the lord a handclap of praise hallelujah shake hands be friendly love one another amen let's be praying and fasting this week for revival take some church cards with you and invite people to the house of lord this week in jesus name god bless you
Channel: Apostolic Revival Center
Views: 26
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 37sec (6937 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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