8.9.20 | "Satan, You Can't Have Me" | Pastor R. L. Williams

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[Music] your [Music] thank you jesus [Music] take my victory [Music] [Music] huh [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] he's my comfort he's my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time hallelujah [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] lord you are good you've been so good lord you are good you've been better than good i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today to me everybody [Music] it's because i owe you jesus [Music] [Music] lift up those voices [Music] if tried it wouldn't work because [Music] i'm gonna lift up your voices [Music] i don't know [Music] because [Music] tonight [Music] no listen we're getting ready to testify of the goodness of our savior so many times you've been better than good to me been better you've been better when you bless me [Music] you'll be good to me i should have lost the glory tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] i was sitting over the dishes good morning church come on let's let's dance our feet in the house of the lord this morning he's been so good to us we ought to give us some praise this morning come on church let's lift up our hands listen to my voices this morning let's praise him for what he's about to do in this place hallelujah jesus lord we can't do anything without you oh god we need you in this place this morning oh lord have your way in our hearts this morning god hallelujah we bless your name jesus come on and clap your hands unto the lord come on church trap your hands unto god this morning hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] crazy oh oh oh crazy open your mouth come on is up [Music] come on lift him up lift him up lift him up he's worthy of the glory hallelujah hallelujah somebody put your hands on it [Music] yeah yeah is in control god's hating on my trail but i'm singing all his well he's attacking every day but i'm watching while i pray no matter the attack i won't turn that is attacking everyday but i'm watching while i pray no matter the attacks together in this place is yeah yeah yeah you can't have my oh i'm not comfortable anymore wow get everything is glory hey second corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations in every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of god and bringing captivity every thought to the obedience of christ this means war this means war you got a rage war on the enemy he can't have your family he can't have your increase he can't have your breakthrough all of that is in jesus the word of god says casting down imaginations in every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of god that knowledge is gnosis and the original means knowing they act by implication the knowledge of god is intelligent it's the knowledge of things lawful and unlawful moral it's wisdom as such as living right last year in california new york and texas were the top three rated states with the highest number of human human trafficking san francisco san diego and los angeles being the top reported cases no wonder why they want to shut down the church no wonder why they want to close the mouths of the saints this means war according to the national criminal justice reference service there has been between 600 and 800 000 men and women in traffic and children trafficked across the international borders not to say the least last year 2019 there were 42.4 million legal induced abortions reported to the cdc this is all that i see in the headlines when are we gonna go back to normal but i'm sorry this is the new normal this is the new normal let me tell you something i'm apostolic and i love it from the top of my head to the soul of my feet i live a separated life that's unto god but that doesn't negate the fact that our world is experiencing atrocities and just because it hasn't hit home yet doesn't mean this not means war this is war this is war we as the party of christ's commission to rage war on the enemy no matter what there is no normal there is no god god is shaking things up in this nation he's shaking things up he is tired of darkness he is tired of sin and he's shaking it up this means war for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness in this world against spiritual wickedness in high places there is spiritual wickedness in this world that is sitting in high places but god has equipped us with the holy ghost and the knowledge of god to cast them down this means war this means war this means war i don't know why you're sitting on your seat right now but the coming of the lord is soon and if you want to get into this battle you do it right here in the house of the lord you stand on your feet and you declare the name of the lord because this is war there's no reason it's too late in the day to be backsliding it's too late in the day to be sitting down it's too late in the day we have a job to do do you love the song are you concerned about the loss look at all these beautiful babies that the outreach team and the in the menace children's ministry dream are bringing in if i'm not mistaken pastor hammond you said that some of these families have been affected by truman trafficking and some of us are coming in here into the house of the lord as if like it's religion and we're just marking something on the calendar i come to rage war on the enemy i come to rage war on the enemy we do that in prayer there's no reason our pre-service prayer should be silent we come to rage war on the enemy i want to know if there's anybody in this house that is going through atrocities in their personal life if there's anybody in this house that doesn't know what to do day to day come down to these altars where the water is stern come down and come before the lord we're going to pray with you we're going to usher in the presence of god i come to rage war on dead church i come to rage war on that church [Music] you can sit in your seat but i'm not i'm gonna give it all to the lord i'm gonna give my arm to the lord that's right i'm gonna give my arm to the lord because this means war lift your hands lift your hands lift your voices the factually fervent prayer of the righteous avail as much god we need you jesus do you have a need today do you have a name today the bible says to cry loud and spare not guard it pray in the holy ghost tear down the strongholds the strongholds of your mind the strongholds of your life pray in the holy ghost declare the name of the lord satan you are a liar we rebuke you right now in the name of jesus you do not control the church you will not exert your authority over the church this is church that's been bought with the blood of jesus i plead the blood of jesus right now i plead the blood of jesus right now over every soul in this place god that you would tear down the strongholds of the mind god that you would enter into our midst god that you would save set free and deliver in the name of jesus we pray [Music] walking around these walls i thought by now they'd [Music] [Music] [Music] for you have never failed [Music] your promised distance great is your faithfulness faithful i'm still in your hands this is my confidence never fail me yes i know [Music] my heart jesus again i'm is i wonder if there's anybody in here that has that testimony to perform oh i see is great is your faithfulness your faithfulness i'm stealing your hands and this is my confidence [Music] and i believe i'll see me can i don't care what the situation is somebody wouldn't mind just lifting up your hand as a testimony that my god has moved a mountain my god moved a mountain in my life and if he did it before if he did it for me i know he'll do it again and i know he'll do it for you is is is is come on somebody all across this house come on you might feel like you're at your lowest point come on you might feel like your back's up against the wall but can i just say that late in the midnight hour when things look like they're not going your way god's gonna make a way when there was no way come on somebody you might be sick in your body and the doctors are telling you there's no hope there's nothing we can do but late in the midnight hour god's gonna turn your situation around it's gonna work together for the good come on somebody your situation is working together hallelujah somebody clap your hands in this place come on somebody clap your hands like you mean it clap your hands like he's never left you clap your hands somebody lift your voice and shout because he's worthy hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus my god come on it might not seem like god's working but god's working all things for your good god's working all things for your good somebody come on god's been so good to us god has never left us god has never forsaken us why would he leave us now in your situation he's not gonna leave you he's gonna show his hands strong that it's for his glory that it could be a testimony to somebody jesus thank you jesus you can make your way back to your seats i'm up here for the sunday morning announcements please join us this thursday at 4 45 for kid zone and youth outreach amen let us reach the youth of our city for more information please see the hammonds search for truth bible study class happens every wednesday at 7 30 p.m at the ramirez residence amen everybody say kid zone kid zone will be meeting this friday at 7 p.m early morning prayer will be at 6 a.m monday through friday start your weekday off right financial peace university is wednesday at 7 00 pm the clean team will be organizing a deep cleaning days here at the church on august 14th at 6 00 pm and august 15th at 4 pm please see sis leteria for more information and if you would like to help i'm telling you many hands make light work if we can all just pitch in just a little bit it'll be done in no time outreach will be meeting this saturday at 10 30 a.m family prayer is thursday night at 7 00 pm amen heat will be having servant's night this friday at the church at 7 00 pm until 9 30. impact is less than two weeks away let's do whatever we can to be a helping hand with the things of god if you'd like to get involved please see myself or my wife for more information let's clap our hands and let's welcome all the guests and all the visitors who made it into the house of the lord today come on rock church we can do a little bit better than that let's stand all across this house and welcome all the guests and visitors if you could just take a few moments step out of your seats and greet someone in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] think of you and reminisce of all the things you [Music] what you did on calvary i never knew [Music] foreign the only one that makes me so happy [Music] [Music] oh i'm gonna be so happy friday it run it so i never do i could be so happy [Music] praise the lord everybody praise him so thankful to be in the house of the lord this morning amen i just love that song it's gonna be a brighter day no matter what you're going through god's gonna make it he's gonna help you he's gonna show you he's gonna lead you he's gonna direct your paths amen it's going to be a brighter day hallelujah hallelujah anybody thankful to be in the house of lord this morning anybody thankful to be alive this morning if you have breath this morning you ought to be praising the lord where it's appropriate check your neighbor check their pulse and ask them are you breathing you ought to be praising the lord then if you're breathing amen amen ushers you can make your way down to the front praise the lord i just want to share a testimony a a praise report um last week you know where we take up my wife and i we take home a lot of the the youth home um from sunday morning sunday night tuesday nights now they want to come thursday nights but we got to make a way for that and friday nights but anyways my wife was taking home some of the some of the kids to their house and um i i received the envelope from somebody but i never looked at it just put in my jacket we had church on my way home i was like hey let me go check that envelope out check the envelope out and there was a lot of money in that envelope and i was like hold on i have my i had our name on it said hammonds so i called up brother slaws i was like hey brother sloths this envelope um is it supposed to go to like sunday school is this for the bus ministry like what is this and he's like i don't know all i know is somebody gave you something and i can't even tell you what's in it it's like okay well you know is it for ministry or something he says honestly i don't think so i think it's for you guys so i was like wow bless god you know and while that happened i called my wife and i told her and one of the children asked my wife a funny question he said if money is evil why does the church ask for money and she corrected him say the money is not evil it's the love of money that's the root to all evil amen so she explained to them when you are faithful you're tithing and offering god will bless you god will will honor you he will he will provide cree who will take care of you before you even realize that you need to be taken care of amen so you know it was it wasn't a lot of money but you know it was it was a nice amount of money friday comes around i get paid every friday um jesus name every friday and usually my money comes in around 12 2 o'clock the latest 2 p.m i got to get another bank because i need that money like 6 a.m amen can i get amen my god so it was about 4 p.m and i realized there was nothing in my bank account and i just worked like probably 45 hours the week before so i could text my boss and he's like you know what ask your bank account call my bank they have no idea what's going on texting my boss back and it was already too late for them to even fix my paycheck i have to wait until monday to get my paycheck but i looked back and said i thought about like wow i just received this momentary blessing beforehand and without this paycheck you know we we can't we can't get groceries for the weekend do anything but now we were able to get groceries for my family i'm telling you church there is a blessing when you pay your tithing and offering amen god provided for us before we even knew there was something that was going to happen amen i'm telling you church you need to he says prove me now there with he says prove me that's something we can actually prove god we just sing a song and it says i've seen you move you've moved mountains something that's powerful about that people to say you know what i don't know where god is i can't find him i can't see him but you see when somebody's out there when when something is going on when when um a shepherd his sheep are dying in and he doesn't know what's killing it his flock is is dying he just always killing it he looks to go and find the footprints he sees a track he might not see that animal but he sees the track we might not see god physically but we could see him moving in our lives we could see him moving whenever whenever we we trusted him we have faith in him we see the changes he brought in our own life when he used to be depressed and addicted to drugs but god turned us around we've seen god move amen church and you can see him move also in your tithing and offering proof him give him that 10 it's already his don't rob god i said don't rob god it's already his give it to him i guarantee there will be a blessing for your household whether it's monetary blessings whether it's whether it's a peace in your home whatever it's a sound mind whether it's revelation that god drops into your spirit god is going to make a way church amen let us all stand for this sunday morning tithing and offering you gotta remember that the 10 is god this is already his he just wants to see are you going to believe in him are you going to trust in him you might say brother hammond you know i got to pay the bills i i have rent i have this i have that well if you give him your 10 your first fruits god will honor he will help you out with everything else amen and and here's the thing before you before you quote me wrong that doesn't mean spend all your money unwisely then give your ten percent and then maybe go no no no no you need to you need to use be a good steward with god's money god's blessed you with that money god's bless you with a job god's bless you with this that you have a right mind and you ought to take that money and use it wisely amen but the wisest investment is giving back to god what he i already gave you the 10 amen let's all lift our hands right now jesus we thank you for providing for us god we thank you father for for always being there for us lord jesus you know the end from the beginning god we can't even tell you what's going to happen five minutes from now god but jesus you know what's going on in our next week god you know what's going on next year god you know what's going on tomorrow jesus so lord we're gonna trust in you right now god we're gonna give in faith jesus we're gonna give willingly this morning god because we believe in your word jesus we stand upon your word god we thank you father for the blessings you've already given us god whether it's tomorrow blessings of the past blessings of the future god we give you praise already lord because you are a good god and you change that lord we thank you father for your goodness jesus and everybody say in jesus [Music] can you help me praise jesus can you help me lift up jesus [Music] [Music] no matter what the doctor said jehovah has the final say no matter what my pills [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord is my life tell me my the lord is [Music] [Music] is is i have not [Music] i have no reason [Music] [Music] me oh [Music] is [Music] somebody ought to lift your voice right now and declare i have no reason to fear her for god is not giving us a spirit of fear but a [Music] oh put your hands together one more time and give god a praise in this house whoa high five about eight people on the way to your seat tell them i have no reason to fear no no no no y'all ain't doing it right you gotta tell them i have no reason to fear [Music] anybody thankful for god's keeping hand upon your life amen you can be seated for just a few moments this morning i want to take a brief moment to again say welcome to all of our guests and our visitors that are here in the house of the lord this morning would you help me one more time rock church put your hands together and help me make some noise for all of our guests that are in the house of the lord that's it we ought to give them a standing ovation we are so so delighted to have you here in the house of the lord with us and it is our honor that you came to spend your sunday morning in the house of the lord and worship with us today we have a little saying in this church that you are only a guest for the first five minutes that you come through the door after that you're just part of the family amen rock church so i just want to tell you this morning welcome home welcome home would you help me just turn to somebody on your right somebody on your left somebody in front of you and just tell them welcome home this morning come on i need your help i can't reach everybody don't leave anybody in touch tell them welcome home welcome home amen hallelujah so good to see all of the saints of the lord in the house this morning if you are a first time guest here at the rock church when you came through the door this morning you should have received a vip invitation card and if you're here this morning for the first time and you did not receive one of those cards if you would just raise your hand very quickly we will make sure and get one to you immediately amen i see one hand right here from a lady in the back that needs a card make sure she gets one amen but we want to invite you immediately following the service this morning we have a room prepared with some light refreshments and we have a small gift that we'd like to give you just as a token of our appreciation for having you in the house of the lord with us and we want to get a chance just to get to know you a little bit and so as soon as we dismiss the service if you go into the lobby you're going to see a red carpet and if you'll just go to that red carpet there'll be somebody there to meet you and escort you into the vip room we cannot wait to meet you amen hallelujah i'm grateful for what god's doing in this house this week we've had several people baptized in jesus name filled with the holy ghost oh yes and then this morning before we even started service gerlain was baptized in jesus name amen where's she at i know she's here hallelujah she's here in the building we are so grateful for what the lord is doing in her life and as revival continues we are just so amazed anybody excited about impact [Music] whoa it is going to be absolutely incredible i'm just telling you make plans to get off work early and get here early because it's going to be hard to find a seat in this house we sold out uh last week we sold out our first hotel completely and had to open up a second hotel to accommodate all of the requests amen [Music] we have uh i think we're approaching or maybe we've surpassed i haven't got the latest update this morning 25 states at least half i believe of the states in this country will be represented right here at the conference and counting amen we are officially transitioning from a national youth conference to an international youth conference we've got saints of god coming all the way from haiti that'll be in the building with us we've got folks coming from laos that'll be in the building with us i got a message of two people that are coming all the way from the philippines to be with us in the conference and uh we're so excited about what god's going to be doing make sure you get here early it's going to be i guess the way they say it now is lit it's going to be tell your neighbor's going to be lit lit if you don't know what that means just ask your kids when you get home amen but i'm excited about what the lord is doing and uh looking forward to that it is a an absolute honor and and pleasure of us for us to have with us this morning all the way from memphis tennessee pastor julio may in service with us today would y'all help me honor this great man of god this morning amen amen amen and uh he pastors an absolutely incredible i mean incredible it reminds me of home it reminds me of here an incredible revival church in the city of memphis tabernacle de is that right yeah the tabernacle of christian life for those of you a christian life tabernacle i guess is how you would translate that in english and i love this man and his precious family and have had the privilege and honor of preaching for them in their uh local church services and have the honor of preaching one of their conferences this past year pastor may came and visited with us last year for impact and uh he called me up several weeks ago and said listen i'm i i'm taking a little a little sabbatical break and uh i needed a place that i could go and just plug in get charged up would you mind if i just came and hung out with y'all for a couple weeks before the conference his family's coming to the conference i think he's got a whole group from memphis coming to the conference and uh we're just honored that he came uh we're giving him a little bit of time off this week from the pulpit because normally we would just snatched him right up uh but he's going to be he is consented to preach for us next weekend and we're looking forward to that tremendous uh tremendous weekend but i want him to come this morning and just greet this congregation would you help me one more time put your hands together and welcome pastor julio may to this pulpit this morning i love you friend juan gloria senor i'm going to say praise the lord [Music] that really caused my attention it is i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord [Music] there are two groups that are excited about coming to the house of the lord i was glad when they said unto me now in english it doesn't quite say it the same way it says in the heavenly language in spanish but but what it says it says i was glad it says i was glad with those who said unto me in other words the people that said let's go to church they were excited about church they said you got to come to church then again you got to like bless you because god has a blessing for you god wants to give you a word just to get it god wants to raise you up just to get a name on god god wants to heal you yourself [Applause] my god somebody that's excited to be here give him a praise somebody that's glad to be in the house of the lord give him a praise this morning [Music] my god he could have just kept on going right there [Music] my god i don't know about you i got happy just just them telling me we were going to church i got excited [Applause] you know what i'm talking about some of y'all tell your kids now tomorrow we're going to disney world for 24 hours we're going to disney world we're going to disney world gonna dig and you can't come ain't even got there yet and they're excited that's how i feel about the house of the lord come saturday afternoon i start getting excited i start getting giddy because i'm getting ready to go into the place of the miraculous i'm going to step into the place of anointing her i'm about to go into the house of blessing my god my god i'm grateful to be here this morning grab your bibles i want to hasten to the word of the lord today uh if you'll go with me to the book of luke chapter number 22 capicciolo [Music] vente edos hallelujah [Music] hallelujah don't let my last name fool you i was raised in a latino home my mom's first language was spanish my grandparents barely spoke english amen i know what the chunk lie is hey man you know if you you was raised in a latino home you know what the chancla is for those of you who uh who are wondering what what is a chancla what is a chancla the best way to describe it it's kind of like the slide sandals you know but mama could take that thing and it was a weapon of mass destruction [Music] and uh she didn't need anything else when it was time to go she just reached down and grabbed i mean quit like a like a os cowboy quick draw my mom could throw that chancla with an accuracy all the way up to 100 yards i didn't understand it i would duck in the hall out of the hallway into the bedroom and she put a spin like a baseball pitcher on that thing and it would go down the hall turn the corner how does she do that does she do that amen oh jesus help me lord i'm supposed to be preaching god not doing stand-up comedy okay luke chapter number 22 i want to read beginning in verse number 31 verse number 31 and the lord said simon simon behold satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat but i have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not simon simon satan have desired to have you this morning they sang you can't have my family [Music] they sang you can't have my increase [Music] they sang you can't have my breakthrough and if i was simon i would have responded like this and this is my subject this morning satan you can't have me i wish somebody would make that declaration all across this sanctuary this morning uh satan uh you can't have me you can't have my family uh you can't have my blessing uh you can't have my breakthrough you can't have me somebody put your hands together one more time and give god a praise all over this sanctuary today [Music] my god i feel the holy ghost so strong in this place you may be seated if you were to do a survey and go through the old and the new testament and collect a list of what we might call the most valuable players of the bible the nvps of scripture there is no doubt in my mind that on that list would be the apostle peter as a matter of fact every time we quote acts 2 and 38 we rehearse his name then peter said unto them remind the right church this morning repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost peter declared that it was peter at the inquisition of jesus to his disciples when he asked the question whom do men say that i the son of men am some of the disciples answered and said some say thou art elias others jeremiah or one of the prophets but it was peter that stood up in the midst of his brethren and said i know who you are thou art the christ the son of the living god it was peter that had the revelation of who jesus was it was peter who was commended by jesus for his spiritual perspicuity when he said blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee but my father which is in heaven it was peter that jesus looked at him and said upon this rock coincidentally the name peter comes from the word petra which means a rock upon this rock his namesake is the foundation of the revelation of who jesus is i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it every time you say the name peter it is a reminder of the promise and the predestined victory of god's church it was peter whom jesus said i'm going to give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever you bind on earth shall be loosed in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven it was peter it was peter and this scripture is situated uniquely in a portion of text that we are familiar with jesus has just sat with his disciples for the very last time at what we uh know colloquially as the last supper and as he is finishing his dissertation to them concerning her servanthood and his example in foot washing and communion the bible says that he pulls peter off to the side and he begins to talk to peter it is here that we find this dialogue in which we have read our text this morning when the lord looks at peter and he says simon simon now it is notable to uh to to take a note that he calls him twice by name this isn't very common in scripture but wherever you find god calling the name of someone twice moses moses abraham abraham simon simon it is because whatever god is about to say he wants to make sure simon i need your full attention right now simon i don't want you to just pass over her what i'm about to tell you i don't want you to casually receive what i'm about to say don't get distracted in the moment and missed the word that this isn't for the other 12 uh simon this word is for you and i feel like telling somebody in the building don't you dare sit there this morning huh and miss a word from god that god has for you this isn't for your neighbor this isn't for your mama this isn't for somebody else don't be distracted by what's going on around you i feel like telling somebody in the holy ghost god wants us to speak to you this morning simon simon satan hath desired to have you now this reminds me of another time in which there is a conversation between heaven and hell concerning one of god's generals you will remember that the scripture tells us that it was a day when the sons of men came before the lord and the bible said that satan came also and the lord asked him from whence cometh thou he said from going to and fro in the earth and the lord said hast thou considered my servant job listen to the testimony that there is none like him in all of the earth one that fears god and issues evil hub and you know the story satan responds to god and says he serves you for not yea all that a man have will he give us he begins to tell god the only reason that job lives for you is because you've blessed him the only reason he serves you look at the job you gave him look at the house he lives in look at the family he's blessed with look at all of the stuff that you've put in his life but yeah i tell you if you would just let me put my hand on all of his stuff he'll curse you to your face there was a question concerning the integrity of job's relationship with god and there was a question concerning the righteous judgment of god and his blessing over job's life and so god said all right i'm going to open the door and i'm going to let you at everything that he has you can mess with his house you can fool with his family you can take all of his money you can get it all of his stuff just don't take up his life and so job has no idea that all of this is going on but all hell begins to break loose in job's life while he's trying to serve god while he's being faithful to god while he's doing his best everything starts falling apart and the entire time he has no idea that god needed somebody that he could trust her with trouble god needed somebody that he could trust with his reputation he needed somebody that he knew her when the going gets tougher they're not going to backslide when everything falls apart they're not going to get angry when everything falls apart they're not going to get bitter when they lose all their stuff they're not going to question me has it ever occurred to you that maybe sometimes uh the reason you're going through what you're going through really has nothing to do with you at all but god needed somebody that he could trust with his power and trust with trouble [Applause] i just feel like preaching this while job's going through her he has no idea that over the portals the balcony of the heavenly side you have all of the angelic host looking at his response and you have all of hell that has cast their lots against him i'm telling somebody that while you're going through all of heaven and all of hell is watching your response and hell has been everything it's got against you but there's a god in heaven that said i believe they're going to make it i believe they'll keep standing her i believe they'll keep doing what's right i believe they'll remain faithful to me [Applause] and when you get to the end of the book job never does know god never shows him what it was all about but in this case somehow jesus has discerned the intention of the enemy against peter and he comes to peter to tell him squarely peter satan hath desired to have you now something interesting if you study etymologically the word you and you break it down all the way to its root it is a little bit of a a almost a mistranslation because in the king james in the english most references have it as a singular word but it is actually a plural rendering of the word it is not just that satan desires to have you it is a reference to all of the disciples satan has a desire to have all of you and peter he desires to sift you as we there is a question peter concerning your integrity peter i know that you are the one that got up with revelation you are the one that got up and had all of this wisdom from above but peter there is a question mark from hell that says you're not the real thing that says you're not authentic that says you're just playing the part can i just stop here long enough to preach to somebody did you really think that you could have the anointing without the process of certification did you really think that you can carry god's glory without god ever testing whether or not you're real did you ever really think that you could be anointed and that god would never prove the authenticity of your anointing and your calling satan have desired to have you and to sift you as we what does that mean preacher if you begin to study agriculture in scripture you understand that that agriculture is a common uh a nomenclature that is used in scripture to convey principles of the kingdom to us he uses the ideas concerning the agriculture one place the bible says that one man plants another man waters and it is god that gives the increase and over and over again there is the idea of agriculture but when you begin to study and reference agriculture and scripture you will find that there is a process of agriculture where the farmer plants the seed and he waters the fields up and he kills the fields up and when it comes time for harvesta he he understands the bible says that the wheat and the tares come up together and if you go home and study it you will find that the wheat and the tares look almost exactly uh alike to the normal eye you almost cannot separate the two and certainly in a field of wheat and tears it becomes almost impossible and so the farmer understands that not everything that i've planted not everything that comes up out of the ground is the real thing not everything that grows up in this field is authentic they shared the same soil they enjoyed the same sunshine the same water was given but not everything that came up out of the ground is the real thing they look the same think oh is that anybody with me this morning they look the same they sound the same and to the naked eye of the human being you may not even be able to tell them apart but there is a process by which the harvester takes everything that has come up out of the ground the wheat and the tares are harvested together and they take that harvest and they put it on what is known as the threshing floor and when that wheat and tear is on the threshing floor it all looks like the same thing but then somebody grabs what is called a winnowing fork and they put that winnowing fork into what has been harvested and they toss it into the air and when they put it into the air there is somebody else up that has a big fan in their hand and they're blowing with the fan and what happens is that the difference between the wheat and the tear is that the wheat has a weightiness to it that there is a weight to the wheat that the tares do not have and so when they throw them both up together and the wind hits them both the wheat falls right back down to the ground and the tares are blown to the side and they are separated can i tell you that there is always a process of authentication that god has by which he separates that which is authentic from that which is not authentic there is always a processor by which god is going to find out if what came out of the ground is the real thing or is it just a terror my god you see as a pastor i am a gatherer it's part of my nature when i plant and i water i pray and i labor and those things start coming out of the ground i want to believe that everything coming out of the ground is the real thing i don't want to lose any of it i don't want to lose any i want all of it to be a part of the harvester i want all of it to be the real thing but you hear me huh there is a processor that is unavoidable because the bible talks about the lord stepping onto the threshing floor and he has up his fan in his hand and there are two things as a pastor that i dread almost more than anything else number one is when god steps on the threshing floor with his fan in his hand and now watch as the wind blows and god tosses up everything and the wind blows and some of what i thought was real is driven by the wind is blown to the side it's cut off when god steps on the threshing floor there's nothing you can do about it you can pray against satan you can pray against your flesh but when god's doing it all you can do is stand to the side and just pray there's there are times when i watch the wind of god's fan begin to blow and i watch people and i begin to say god no not them and god said you step out of the way i am proving her what is real and what is not real i have let them grow up in the same environment i have let them share the same soil and nutrients i have left them receive the same care but there comes a time when my law of harvester must be justified and i must prove that thing that has come out of the ground whether or not it is real fruit the second thing i dread is when god gives satan permission to take the fan in his hand go ahead blow against job we're going to find out everything in his environment that's real simon satan hath desired to have you and to shift you as wait satan has made the allegation that you're not the real thing satan believes that you don't love me like you say you do satan believes that given the right circumstance and the right scenarios that you'll walk away and simon he said i have prayed for you you see it's something when jesus says i'm praying for you i appreciate when sister donnelly prays for me and i appreciate when brother michael is praying for me and i appreciate when sister rebecca is praying for me but there's something else all together when i know that god is praying for me people will get tired of praying for you when they don't see results people oh my god people will take you off their prayer list after they get frustrated enough but it's something else all together when god says that i'm praying for you so you can forget mia if you want to you can put me in a room and shut the door if you want to but god knows my name [Applause] oh i'm praying for you but he's not praying for him the way that we would pray for him because if i was praying what did you say satan's coming after simon okay let's pray our prayers would sound like this lord we come against every evil worker god we come against the enemy uh lord we come against every attack of satan can i get a witness in the building lord i pray for simon that he can withstand the devil lord i pray you said no weapon formed against me shall be able to lord i come against you i rebuke the devil in the name of jesus but that's not what jesus prayed jesus said i'm not praying that you'll be healed of cancer i'm not praying that your money will get better than what it is i'm not praying that you don't lose the house i'm not praying that they don't take your car away from you i'm not praying her that all this stuff goes away i'm praying that your faith fails not my god i feel like preaching her your house can be burnt to the ground but if you got your faith you can make it through they can take all the cars out of your driveway huh but if you've got your favor you can make it her through her you might be hooked up to an oxygen tanker and an iv in your armor but if you got faith you can make it through who am i preaching to this morning god cares more about your faith than he does your money he cares more about your faith than he does all your finances [Applause] who am i preaching to you lose your house you can get another one my god i feel like preaching the house doesn't make me i made the house and if i bought one baby i'll work hard and buy another who am i preaching to that car doesn't make me somewhere we got to divorce ourselves from symbols of success and redefine what real success is in all heights [Applause] they can come get that car i know you think mercedes is a prestigious name but my name's worth more than all of those things [Applause] i pray for you that's your faith peter i'm not praying against satan he's coming he's coming for you and i'm not praying that he stops he's coming and i'm not praying that he makes a mistake and picks the another person he's coming for you peter and my prayer is that your faith fails not now the problem here is that most of us equate the idea of faith with an inability to fail if i got faith i'll never fall can i submit to you something just a few verses later jesus tells peter before the crows three times you're gonna fail you're gonna deny me three times now this don't make no sense god if you know i'm going to fail why are you praying for my faith god knew when he was going to fail and how he was going to fail and yet god said i'm praying that your faith fail not can i submit to you that satan having you has more to do with what you do after a failure and not the failure itself god i wish i had some honest people in the building i said satan having you has more to do with what you do after her you fail than it does the failure itself i came to tell somebody god knew the mistakes you were going to make her god knew her the trouble you were going to get yourself into her god knew the trapper that the enemy laid for you god knows your frame that you are just duster and yet god prayed that your faith failed not [Applause] listen there is somebody else that god knew was going to fail he stands before his disciples and he said i have chosen this book of john he said i have chosen 12 of you and one of you is a devil he knew he knew before he picked him in another place he said friend whatever you do do it quickly god knew god knew peter was going to fail i came to preach to somebody in this building that your weakness doesn't intimidate god your proclivities don't challenge your god he's the author and the finisher of your faith and he knew the road you would take before you ever walk down that road and your failure does not scare your god your faith is not predicated on the failures of your life the bible said that a righteous man falls seven times but his faith says that every time he falls he gets back up again that's what you need faith for huh you don't need faith to stop your failure you need faith to recover you when you fall [Applause] it's not a matter of if it's when you make a mistake it's when you fall short i just wish i had 100 honest people in the building [Applause] i just wish i had 100 honest uh people in the building that weren't ashamed to say i've messed up i have failed i have fallen short i have disappointed god i have disappointed people uh you better hear me that didn't stop jesus from praying for peter peter i'm still praying for you i know you're gonna fall i know you're gonna mess up her i know you're gonna make a mistake uh what i wanna know is what are you going to do when you fall that's where your faith comes into play you see we like to quote all of the time a book of hebrews it says without faith it's impossible to please god for he that cometh to god must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him my faith is what and we often relegate that to a new convert when the bible never gives it that distinction my bible says that i must come boldly before the throne of grace in the time of trouble that i may receive mercy it takes faith up to go to an altar and say lord i messed up god i failed god i can't come on who am i i'm going to preach till somebody gets out of their pew this morning i'm going to preach until the chains that are shackled around your ankles are broken this morning somewhere you got to reach counter and grab a hold of some faith that says god i know i came short and i'm messed up but i'm coming to you again god i'm coming to an altar satan you can't have me i know i failed her but you can't have me i know i made a mistake but yeah i wish i had a witness uh in the building i got off the road but i refused to let satan keep me i made a mistake but i refuse to let satan [Applause] i'm preaching to people in this building who have fallen short and it is now that satan is making a play for your soul all of hell is betting against you i'm sifting them as wheat you see god i told you they weren't real you remember them shouting all up in the altars about being apostolic look at them now you remember all those tears they cried in the altar god they were just crocodile tears look at them now all of hell is betting against you but there's somebody in this building that had better stand up in the midst of your failure and say satan you can't have me i refuse to quit i refuse the backslider i refuse to quit praying up i refuse to quit going to church i refuse what's the difference i'll show you the difference second corinthians chapter 10 it's chapter 7 verse number 10 says that godly sorrow worketh repentance when somebody is authentic it doesn't negate failure from their life but when they fail there's something inside of him that has a sorrow that says i gotta repent i gotta get this right oh come on what defines your righteousness is not your dress dragging on the floor is not your tie around your neck but it's your disposition to god concerning your shortcomings and your failures god wants to know when you get into trouble do you still love me when you get into trouble do you run to an altar and make things right when you get into trouble are you quick to turn god knew peter was going to fail god knew judas was going to fail but here's the difference godly sorrow worketh repentance that word repentance is the word metanoia in the original greek it's the word metanoia which means to be sorrowful for something and for your sorrow to be attached to correlating actions it's not just feeling sorry it's not just saying sorry but it's the act of your sorrow causing you to turn around and stop and walk the other direction [Music] [Applause] how many of you know the bible says that judas repented read your bible the book of matthew chapter 27 verse number three says that judas repented himself but the word repented in matthew 27 and 3 is different than the word repented in second corinthians chapter 7 verse number 10. second corinthians chapter 7 verse number 10 godly sorrow works metanoia but in this verse you look it up when you get home it says that judas it's a different kind of repentance second corinthians chapter 7 goes on to say that not only is there godly sorrow but the sorrow of the world worketh death that was the difference between judas and peter we make a big deal about judas selling god out that was one failure but peter had three peter cussed everybody out and denounced that he even knew jesus what was the difference peter i'm praying that your faith fails you not when judas realized what had happened he didn't have godly sorrow he had worldly sorrow worldly sorrow will cause you to run to the money changers instead of running to jesus when judas had an opportunity to repent he should have ran straight to the foot of the cross and said lord i've sinned against you would you forgive me his concern was not being right with god his concern was the illegal transaction that he had just committed with the money changers so he ran to the high priestess and tried to get a refund on his transaction but there are no refunds for sin he was worried about getting caught with his name on a most wanted poster music come when you read about peter i feel the holy ghost peter got discouraged i know i know it looked like he was mad at jesus it looked like he was mad at the other disciples but can i just tell you he was disappointed in himself you'll remember he told god i'll never do that to you i'll never do i'll never do that and now look at him and as he's standing on that boat the sea of tiberias he hears a voice from the shore simon peter have you caught any fish cast your net on the other side all of a sudden peter says i know that voice i recognize that voice and here's the difference when he heard the voice he responded by running to the voice the difference is there are people in this room right now that as the voice of god begins to call your name you're gonna run to the altar he recognized oh my god it's him and all of a sudden he understood if there was ever a chance for me to repent it's right here and it's right now and the bible said that peter jumped out of the boat he could he wasn't going to wait for everybody else to recognize whose voice it was he wasn't even going to wait for the ship to make it to the shore he said i don't care what anybody else does i don't care how long you wait i've got to get it right with god right now and he jumped out of the boat and he swam to the shore [Music] peter i prayed we can stand all over this house peter i've i've prayed for you [Music] that your faith doesn't fail you that when you make a mistake and you find yourself in trouble that somewhere your faith can gather yourself up one more time and go to an altar of repentance where you begin to call on the name of the lord one more time god i know i'm not worthy god i know i don't deserve it god i know i told you that i that i wasn't going to fall god i know the promises i made god i know the commitments that i made to you and i know i stand here guilty come on somebody doesn't need to wait uh for the altar call you need to come running to the altar god i know uh i know what i told you i know what i prayed to you but lord here i am i'm broken i'm in trouble i messed up god but i know that if i put myself into your answer that you can make me all over again god that you can put your hand up on my brokenness and you can put all of the pieces back together come on somebody would you come and pray come on that's it these altars are already full but somebody just come on uh step out of your seat uh as an act toward god if that seat represents your boat would you just climb out of your seater and come to an hour listen i'm gonna preach something here this halter i want everybody to listen to me this altar is your friend i wanna i wanna preach to you that when you look at the example of the old testament tabernacle there was an altar in the temple for a reason god designated a particular place that you were to come and the sacrifice was to be killed i'm going to tell you that there is a particular place in this church that is designated for us to bring our flesh and our flesh to be broken before god and i understand god can reach you wherever you're at but i'm telling us some of us have gotten too comfortable sitting in our seat during an altar call and we've grown we've gone cold to the idea of walking down to the front and coming to an altar why because our flesh doesn't want to die our sinful nature doesn't want to surrender and this altar represents a complete surrender to god and so i'm praying right now let somebody as we lift our hands up that you will make the move to get out of your seat don't you pray in your seat not today not right now don't you bound over and bow over in your seat you need to come to the altar you need to come to the place of death you need to come to the place of dying out and you need to lift up your hands or fall on your face and surrender to your god this morning come on [Music] you can't have me somebody needs to declare that this morning satan uh you can't have me come on i know i messed up i know i failed her but satan you can't have me come on come on let those tears go god knows your weakness he knows your frailty he knows your faults he knew you were gonna fall before you ever did but yet he loves you and he's praying for you and he's praying for your faith come on [Music] i need you jesus i need you jesus i need you jesus come on now come on come on somebody oughta lift their voice [Music] oh [Music] i know you want to take advantage of my weakness but satan you can't have me [Music] come on somebody lift your voice somebody left your voice [Music] somebody needs to talk to god this morning somebody needs to talk to god this morning somebody needs to talk to him come on [Music] eat come on jesus said i prayed for you simon that your faith doesn't fail that you'll lift your hands in repentance [Music] come on somebody needs to repent somebody needs to repent today somebody needs to run back into the arms of your savior today come on somebody right now right now right [Music] now come on [Music] come on come on come on [Music] let your heart be broken before i god [Applause] come on come on come on come on in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name come on come on there it is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on your power me [Music] [Music] is [Applause] but jesus said i'm praying for you that your faith doesn't fail you her that your favor doesn't fail come on that lift your voice lift your voice lift your voice he hears you he knows where you're at [Music] [Music] is can stop me [Music] come on that's it come on all of heaven is standing behind you this morning all of heaven is saying come on get back up all of heaven is shouting your name come on simon get back up come on simon go to the altar and repent come on simon lay it out to god come on simon you can do it come on simon you can make come on somebody this is your moment come on somebody this is your moment satan you can't have me i'm gonna repent i'm getting it right this morning i'm getting my heart right this morning i'm surrendering to god this morning i'm turning around this morning [Music] come on come on simon come on [Music] come on come on simon jesus is standing with you come on simon come on [Music] is [Music] [Music] is within [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] satan you can't have me
Channel: Rock Church Fort Myers
Views: 628
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QvAK4nGKffc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 18sec (7758 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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