9.21.21 | "A Generation In Need Of Giant Killers" | Reverend David Stewart

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somebody tell your sickness [Music] [Music] i don't care what the symptoms are can do come is is [Applause] [Applause] lord you are good you've been so good lord you are good you've been better than god [Music] if you've been so good lift your boys come on tell them today you are so good come on say lord you are somebody say even if i tried [Music] come on [Music] voices [Music] thank you because [Music] [Music] we're getting tonight to testify of the goodness of our been better than savior to anybody so many ways so many times [Music] better than good oh me when i think of the goodness [Music] i was sitting over the dishes with tears in my eyes come on let's stand in this house tonight come on somebody why don't you stand in this place let's usher in the presence of the lord come on hallelujah if you know he's worthy to be praised if you know he deserves all glory and honor somebody open up your mouth and give god praise right now hallelujah [Music] oh we've come to lift up the name of jesus a little higher tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh mercy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] and take your place [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] say you are good [Music] [Applause] [Music] real [Music] [Music] we're good [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] yay [Music] myself come on and help me you've been better than [Music] been better than me [Applause] [Music] your [Music] [Applause] mercy endures forever [Music] praise the lord church hallelujah i'm so thankful to know our god he's a good god the strong story's always says oh rise oh god there's something powerful about that any time you open the scripture and it says arise oh god it's because the people of god they're anticipating for their gods to come forth and do something great come on somebody the song says arise oh god and take your place as if god isn't already in his place as if god but there's something about a people of god they anticipate god moving for their behalf amen psalm 76 says arise o lord in thine anger lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies and awake for me to the judgment that thou has commanded you know he says arise and instantly says consume my enemies because the word of god is true the word of god says judgment is mine saith the lord but his mercy endures forever his mercy endures forever sometimes his mercy endures forever so much and we're anticipating at least the people of the old were anticipating just destroy them lord just get them out my way lord they're coming against me they're speaking lies against me just just just arise oh god come on somebody he's merciful he's merciful we ought to have that same anticipation whenever we're going through anything in our life whenever our finances are going on or are messed up or or maybe our children are messing up oh rise oh god your word is true your word is true [Music] psalm 12 and 3 says the lord shall cut off all flattering lips the tongue that speaketh proud things who have said with our tongue we will prevail our lips are our own who is lord over us for the oppression of the poor for the signing of the needy now will i arise saith the lord i will set him in safety for him that puffeth him up the words of the lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times his word is purified seven times you can stand on the word of god i'm telling someone right now it's something powerful about waiting on the lord anticipating for him to come you know my wife and i we bishop we are going to go for our anniversary to tennessee and i'm just anticipating i'm like man when is this going to happen next week am i going to get there but what's powerful about it is i know we're going i don't have to question whether or not we're going brother ramirez god's word is true he means what he says if the word of god says you shall be the head and not the tail we don't need to question that if the word of god said that you shall be healed just call upon his name we don't have to question that we don't have to to doubt it at all hallelujah i'm so thankful to be in a an understanding that god is alive and that we can we can call upon him and we can tell god i need you to arise in my situation hallelujah there's some prayers that are needed in this house and across the world right now we're asking continual prayers for brother wang who was still in the hospital prayers are for healing and strength for his family brother wang is a world changer amen and he is being spiritually attacked there's a lot of things going on in the background but i'm trusting god that he will arise in this situation amen we also want to continue to pray for brother pack who is back home keep this precious man of god in your prayers thank you jesus thank you jesus we're going to pray for brother moses who is sick with the flu right now god is able amen prayers are being asked for carolyn rivera and her husband they need a miracle in their life we don't need to know what's going on we don't need all the details but we know the one who answers all prayers amen thank you jesus please lift up kathleen and jeff up in your prayers throughout the week kathleen has been very sick and going through multiple tests her husband jeff has been diagnosed recently with prostate cancer they need jesus to intervene in their situation we all need jesus to intervene in our situation we can't do this without him we can't we can't decide to run our lives without him if we do it will fail if if we do it will fall but we can trust in him who holds us who keeps us who knows the end for the beginning let's not lift our hands right now let's pray for these needs as if they were your own needs and as you're praying for these needs let's also remember one another if there's people in your mind right now let's keep in prayer brother steve lundy come after my brother steve london we'll keep him in prayer right now jesus we thank you for all that you do god and lord we don't thank you just because we know that's the right thing to say god well we understand that's the right thing to do god but lord we thank you because you have never failed us god you have never left us god jesus two thousand years away from calvary and you are still here today god you still go people with your precious spirit god you still are saving souls god you still are healing people lord so therefore god all the things that you've done before we thank you for it lord let me trust and believe god that you will continue to move god you will continue to pour out your spirit your presence god lord let them understand this you are god jesus you are god alone you sit on the throne god you have all power in your hand lord we thank you jesus somebody lift your hands somebody lifts your voice lift your voice right now in the name of jesus thank you lord hallelujah i'm so thankful to be here on a tuesday night as you make your way back to your seat we're going to go through the tuesday night announcements parents time off will be going to ihop saturday september 25th from 10 a.m to 1 p.m please reach out to sister glenda for more details amen early morning prayer every single day monday through friday and also saturday and sunday your own house amen 6 a.m start your day out right youth bible study is this wednesday at 6 30 p.m to 7 30 p.m located in the meeting center please see the clerks for more information family prayer is this thursday at 7 00 p.m invite your co-workers invite somebody out to thursday night prayer if you can't get them in the house with the lord get them here at the prayer and they will feel something powerful amen iron man's breakfast will be october 2nd at 8 am located at the pavilion please rsvp with brother dominguez for more information outreach will be this saturday at 1 pm amen street ministry every friday and saturday night at 7 30 pm sisters connect invites all ladies somebody say all ladies to a night of fun and bowling they will leave at 6 45 p.m so please don't be late bring some cash for bowling and food we invite you to come and fellowship with your sisters even if you don't like bowling and who doesn't like bowling i'm saying it's fun for more if listen if you don't like bowling just just get the bumpers all right it's fun i don't care how old you are it's fun all right for more information please see sister illumise alexandre search for truth will be postponed this saturday no someone say oh he and kids will be meeting at the church this friday at 7 00 pm for youth service if you're between the ages of 1 and 101 you are invited and there's going to be a fire word preached amen so please come forth praise god all nations sunday october 24th this saturday yeah this saturday at 6 00 p.m meet me in the meeting center we have a lot to go over last year in all the craziness and uncertainty uh in october all nation sunday we had 602 people in attendance for all nations so we're expecting more this year so we have a lot to prepare for so please meet me there six o'clock we need help with setup tear down trash food decor and anything else you could think of so thank you in advance for your attendance hallelujah all nations amazing there's every time i go and to people's homes i get to see um just how they live their lives just based off of what's on their walls and what they put up and there's a lot of people that they just have different cultures around i so happen to see every year around all nations sunday and every year it does not fail that i'm able to bring somebody to all nations sunday and they're just so thankful that there's people that can worship different cultures amen and and i guess worship wasn't the right word but celebrate different cultures amen um but it's absolutely amazing please be there on saturday amen we're so thankful for all the guests and the visitors that we have here tonight and they're streaming online let's all stand up out of our seats and greet each other in the matchless name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praising our church said praise the lord church can we give our great god a great praise tonight come on i said can we give our great god a great praise tonight as we make our way back to our seats if the huskies could come forth you know something i've been um listening to was um bishops teaching about walking through open doors and i was kind of like meditating on it and just kind of like go back and listen to it and i said god my bishop is crazy you know just the fact that this man just showed up at a building act as if he's a real estate agent and you know basically walking through the door must be crazy you know and god you know god basically started speaking into my soul and um i started to reminisce on and moses and his church and if you look back in the book of exodus i believe chapter 35 where his church was given so much that moses had to say hey stop now i've been in church 22 years and i've never seen such thing you know but if you think about it god honors a grateful giver right and if we if we read on a little bit further down the bible said that god spoke to moses and said leave them let them give let them give on to the ministry so we come up here every week and we try to encourage each other that we have to you know sow into the ministry because god at the end of the day he honors a grateful giver so tonight i encourage you tonight just give unto god right because he said that he will open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing amen and in his word there's only one place in the bible that god actually say test me in this so let's do it tonight let's let's see if god will actually pour out a blessing amen so as we stand up and let's pray and ask god to bless this offering and ask god to speak to our hearts tonight and let's bless this ministry amen god we thank you in this moment god we thank you for showing up tonight in this service lord jesus we ask you lord god that you may bless our hearts lord god as we prepare to give lord we ask you that you may open up the witness of heaven lord god and pour it on that blessing lord jesus father god as we prepare for the word tonight lord we ask you that you may hope in our hearts open our understanding give us the wisdom the knowledge and the understanding lord god so we maybe receive that word from you tonight bless him as we give in jesus name [Music] come on somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god is on our side he has overcome yes he has overcome we will not be shaken we will not be moved jesus [Music] no no no no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] i will [Music] in jesus name [Music] is [Music] hmm [Music] enemies [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] one more time [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] come on if you know god's fighting for you give him a praise tonight come on if you know god's fighting for you hallelujah hallelujah how many of you understand that in one place god said the battle doesn't belong to you but the battle is the lord's i remember one battle in the word of the lord where god said all i need you to do is get out of the way send judah in front of the battle and then step out of the way for ye shall not have to fight this battle sometimes all god needs you to do is quit worrying about the enemy and just show up and give him the praise quit worrying about your haters quit worrying about your circumstances quit worrying about the trouble when you come through the door make up in your mind i ain't got time for the distraction i've got to give god somebody ought to just do it right now somebody ought to just take about 60 seconds on this tuesday night and lift up the king of kings come on he's higher than your trouble he's higher than your conflict he's greater than your hallelujah [Applause] i have about six people on the way to feet tell him he's higher he's higher he's higher anybody walking in victory on this tuesday night tonight come on is there anybody walking in victory on this night amen you can be seated for just a few moments i want to take a a couple of moments to say thank you to everybody that was faithful to the house of the lord tonight amen the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and washed half the saints of god out amen i don't know about you but i serve a god that walks on the water and bids me to come amen somebody amen thank god turn to your neighbor tell them it's good to see you here tonight amen to all of those joining us online tonight we're so glad that you jumped on and connected with us there's no telling what god's going to do in this place before we leave tonight amen so good to look out tonight and i uh saw mcgill here in the house of the lord with us tonight wednesday i think it was wednesday brother leo and i don't know who all was with him brother donnelly maybe somebody else and they were teaching him a bible study when he got the revelation of jesus name baptism and they said let's not even wait to get to the house of the lord they went over to the swimming pool and he was baptized in jesus name for the remission of his sins came out of the water speaking in tongues as god filled him with the holy ghost and he's in the house of the lord on tuesday night let's give god a praise for this new brother in christ tonight amen amen we're so grateful for what the lord is doing how many of you are thankful for what we experienced in the house here on sunday amen what a powerful touch from god if you weren't here sunday night you missed it sister tabitha holt preached the pain off the walls the sifter is no match for the master and uh what a great time in the holy ghost we've had this week and what an exciting week we have coming up so many amazing things going on in the house of the lord how many of you remember this upcoming sunday will be revival sunday with pastor miles young first lady sheila young will be in the building with him it's going to be an incredible weekend you don't want to miss it get everybody you can load them up and get them to the house of the lord god's going to be doing something special amen amen i am very honored tonight to bring to this desk a uh a man who in recent days has become part of the fabric of what god is doing here at the rock church i do not remember exactly the first time that i met brother stewart's acquaintance over the years i traveled many times to the church that he grew up in and somewhere along the way in the past few years we were uh introduced to each other and i knew of him and just in the past years time in a way that only god can do god's sovereign way of doing things and in his divine providence god began to move on this man's heart and his family and in such an incredible and unique way god connected them to this house and i don't know how long ago it's been now a few months several months ago at this point i got a phone call one evening from this dear man and the will and the plan of god begin to unfold in such a powerful powerful way and we are blessed beyond measure that god saw fit to bring the stewart family to fort myers florida how many of you thank god for this precious family amen and they they are just first class people and brother stewart and sister stewart both have a powerful anointing upon their lives and it is evidenced in the anointing that is fruitful in the lives of their two amazing children sister skylar and brother mason we love them these are some amazing amazing young people and fruit lemons don't come from apple trees y'all understand that and apples don't come from pear trees and so when you see young people and children who uh display incredible traits of godliness it is a testament to the tree that they are connected to and uh we are so grateful for this family that god has brought them to fort myers florida and brother stewart is a powerful preacher a great man of god and i am so excited if we just stand as we prepare for the word of the lord in this place tonight i want him to come tonight and deliver whatever god has put on his heart brother stewart we love you and your family so much we're grateful you're here you're at home tonight we love you would you help me give him a great home field advantage hand clap tonight preach the word brother stewart i love you hallelujah let's turn this hand clap to god right now in the name of jesus come on is he be good to you this week come on i know you may be tired in your body but does he deserve your best praise i don't want a hospital bed for me to give my best praise to god i don't need my finances turned upside down for me to thank god hallelujah hallelujah i'm so thankful to be in the house of god tonight you can't make this story up and every day just like bishop's story me and my wife we wake up and we don't understand why and we don't know how we don't feel like we deserve it but we thank god that we're in paradise not just geographically speaking but i've never met a more hospitable wonderful church family as the rock church of fort myers i'm not saying that to make you feel good but we're so thankful i'd like to say just a couple words real quick i'm very thankful for everybody that has welcomed me and my family here with open arms it means it means a great deal to me to move your family halfway across the globe it seems like and to have them just pick up right where we left off thank you so much tonight i'm gonna preach what god's put on my heart we're gonna go i'll try to be uh timely tonight but i really truly believe in the holy ghost that god knew who was gonna be here tonight i said he doesn't get it wrong he doesn't make mistakes he he knows who's here he knows your needs he hears your prayers and god has a word for you in second samuel chapter 21. we'll start at verse 20. ii samuel 21 say amen when you got it and there was yet a battle in gath where was a man of great stature that had on every hand six fingers on every foot six toes four and twenty in number and he also was born to the giant and when he defied israel jonathan the son of shemia the brother of david slew him these four were born to the giant in gath and fell by the hand of david and by the hand of his servants can you say with me by the hand of his servants the help of the holy ghost tonight i want to talk to us for a few short moments about a generation in need of giant killers a generation in need of giant killers i said the world doesn't need another performer they don't need another entertainer we don't need another social media we don't need another actor with the world's agenda but we need some holy ghost-filled armies [Music] i said we need somebody that knows hero israel the lord our god is one lord i said we need an army that knows acts 2 38 they need an army that knows there is one lord one faith in one baptism they need a an army that says we know his name is jesus i said we know his name is jesus in the demons tremble hallelujah let us give him a hand clap of praise as we're seated in the fear of the lord [Music] the world would have us believe that they are killing our own giants for us uh the church needs to take a back seat because the world's paving the way for victory restoration and a new world order ah they seem to be tearing down multi-generational strongholds and walls that they are bringing us closer together by dividing us more than we've ever been they're claiming new territories they're breaking barriers we seem to have men athletes and male role models wearing dresses in the name of fashion i said women are so independent that they've cut them on selves out of their own circle couples who don't believe in the sanctity of marriage anymore or commitment that's just old-fashioned and if we're not careful tonight we'll start to listen to the voices of this world as they so often do they list their giants that they've killed and eventually we'll start to believe that our purpose on this battlefield of life is simply to exist i got a message for the devil tonight i want every devil in hell to hear me right now you were made to be a giant killer you didn't miss the wrong generation the bible said for a generation such as this i said you were born for this hour as i lay the groundwork tonight we tend to lean on entertainers and politicians and athletes for our influence and what the world really needs is some more bishop william seymour's and bishop holmes and godairs and elders and youngs and wilson's maybe some cavinuses and coons and gta woods maybe then we can establish what a real world order would look like we would seemingly think that the ship has sailed for us but tonight god has strategically placed you in this hour on purpose he knew the giants you would face the devils you would see and still he called your number as you were tonight i'll read from you two mainly texts first starting with first samuel 17 both dealing with david the bible says and david is trying to convince all that he's the man for the job to defeat goliath and he says david says to saul let no man's heart fail because of him thy servant will go and fight with this philistine and saul said to david thou are not able to go against this philistine to fight with him for thou art but a youth when i look at this church tonight i've been to a bunch of churches maybe you have too and some may say that youth is a disadvantage but i'm here to tell you tonight that youth has nothing to do with the battle age has nothing to do with anointing it has everything to do with discipline it has everything to do with your commitment it has everything to do with your personal consecration the bible tends to show us two parallels right here between saul and david and their direct correlation of how the anointing is utilized i can't help but wonder the bible says that if you delight in the lord he will give you the desires of your heart and israel saying that they wanted a king and god advising that this wasn't a good idea he tends to give them saul desires after their own heart and what they tend to learn is that while saul's stature is physically greater while saul comes from a more prestigious family while saul is older in age and while saul has seemingly more experience it has no bearing whatsoever on god's anointing of who he lays his hand on if you'll get it mistaken at night you'll start to think that you're not old enough to serve in the kingdom of god you'll start to think that you ain't had the holy ghost long enough to teach a bible study you'll start to believe that god hasn't had a relationship with you long enough to let the anointing of god flow through you this isn't how god uses people it's not so much on the outward appearance or what a man has accumulated on this earth but it's all on the inward man it's everything to do with no size limitations or age restrictions there's no experience required in this office in the office of a giant killer first timothy 4 and 12 says let no man despise thy youth be thou an example of the believers i hope i don't run nobody the wrong way but it says in word in conversation and in charity i'ma dig in a little deeper right here because in word has to do not only with how you speak in the house of god i said it's got to do with how you conduct yourself in your school it has to do with how you speak on your job site it's got to do with when you're with your friends how are you going to carry yourself he says in conversation in word and i've been around out just for y'all's two cents i was born in the pentecost thank god 33 years i've been seeing the church and while we've got many great things it says in charity i've been to more restaurants had at more tables with christians and they have no idea what the heart of god is when it comes to charity we have no problem asking god to deliver when there's no more bank account at the end of the month and when the funds have dried up but where were you at whenever you got the bonus on your job or when you didn't have the money to give but god pulled at your heart's strings to be a blessing to somebody else he says in charity and spirit and faith and impurity first timothy 4 and 14 says neglect not the gift that is in thee there's a common analogy that's used between two dogs and when it talks about the gift that is within you i want you to understand that who you are sitting on this pew the gift is with you when you're in this church and it's when it's with you when you're outside of this church at the end of the day whatever you choose to feast your mind on whatever you choose to place before your eyes whatever you choose to place in front of your children's eyes whatever boundaries you ultimately decide to for your family you're deciding how you're guarding that gift and that analogy says that at the end of the day whatever dog you feed most whatever dog you tend to see it don't matter if you run the aisles and it doesn't matter if you travail until tears are running off the altar but as soon as you get in your vehicle you got that certain music you can't put down [Music] it just seems that there's something before your eyes that nobody else has in your circle of conviction over but god is steady dealing with you i said be careful when god deals deals with you on an individual level there's nothing more personal or intimate with god when god says for you i'm setting another boundary for you you can't go there for you you can't partake of it why because you're delicate you're a treasure i'm going somewhere just stay with me tonight first timothy 4 and 16 tells us to take heed unto thyself and unto thy doctrine continue [Music] in them for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee can i just teach you for one moment it would be a tragedy on judgment day when the people that are a part of your circle don't know anything about god and you're seemingly standing in the line of judgment trying to justify to god why you deserve to be in heaven in all your accounts and they don't know the individual in front of them it says that when you know your doctrine and when you are digesting it when you're taking heed to not just what your pastor is preaching but you're living it it won't only save you but it will ultimately save the people around you and you won't even have to try at it because when you really live for god hard i said when you really live for god hard people know which way you walk in first samuel 17 the bible's talking about thy servant david thy servant kept his father's sheep and i've heard this and i would tend to agree with it and i'd like to expound on it a lot of people say that whenever samuel came looking for the next king to anoint that jesse hit him yeah he put him in a back field because as a parent you don't know what your children's worth is and as a parent you don't know what your children's potential is and as a parent you'd have no idea what they are going to do or what they can do i tend to believe the latter that jesse in his parental intuition knew who david was he knew who david was he knew who he was as a person but he also knew that there was something different about david there he knew something was a little bit different about the way he walked i tend to believe that jesse realized that there was something peculiar with david maybe he didn't go to the same place as some of the other youth went maybe he carried himself different maybe jesse found him all alone trying to hear the voice of god at a young age maybe he wasn't out in the streets trying to find trouble but he actually had a love for the things of god and i have to believe tonight i felt in the holy ghost i'll take just a little bit of liberty but he says that you know thy servant kept his father's sheep you can't tell me that a father that owns farm animals doesn't understand the inherent dangers of keeping sheep so a man owns a flock of sheep and he places his boy out there and a father's love could be tough love but at the end of the day he understands the hardships what might come when you have to stay overnight out in the open with your sheep he understood that there were some dangers that would maybe take place the barry and the lion never took jesse by surprise because in my mind's eye i see jesse sending david out to oversee a flock but at the end of the day he was thinking david this is far from the giants you'll exceed in your day this is far than just a bear or a lion you're going to see a in your ministry but son you're going to lead a kingdom much like some of us in our flesh carnal nature we seldom see the benefit of where our father where our father our shepherd where our pastor where our preacher where he may put us is insignificant as it may seem at the moment he sees that the nature of the task that you're doing and the propensities and the things in your spirit things you have to learn but he understands that there's some lessons that are going to benefit you for your full potential where god's leading you first samuel 17 and 32 says and he is basically pleading with saul and he's telling him he's listing his criteria there came a lion and a bear and and took a lamb out of the flock and i went out after him and we usually get so caught up in the fact that a fleshly man was wrestling with wild apex predators that we skim over the fact that number one these were not even his sheep they were his father's sheep he's willing to sacrifice his life i can tell you that the first key attribute of a giant killer is whenever you can lay aside your own agendas in your own schedules in your own life and you find joy and you find peace in purpose in somebody else's mission that is seemingly nothing to do with your own ministry he says and i smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he rose against me i caught him by his beard and smote him slew him thy servants flew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised philistines shall be as one of them david has a trend and i can kind of personal i can view his personality and he's dealing with this lying in this bear and he knows nobody else knows because before david's promotion ever took place before he was ever known as king david before he ever had a kingdom he had a private anointing he had a job that nobody cared about and he did things that nobody ever knew about and i can't help but think that god has a similar mindset in the kingdom of god you may get by for a while but i've never seen the longevity of a ministry see its way through to the end of somebody that takes shortcuts or they think they're getting one passed but everything has a process everything goes through a trying time and david was no exception but he found peace in his period of trying david gets his boldness you can tell by the scripture and i'm a visual learner so i can just imagine david and he's looking at these men who are much older than him they got some men at this table that he probably has to say excuse me and pardon me and he's trying to contain himself but he already knows what he's capable of because god's already proved it to himself he says uh i've done done all these battles with these predators protecting my father's flock and he lists his battles that he's already won i got news for somebody tonight the first the second step to being a giant killer is that the next time you find yourself in the valley with a giant you start listing off the giants that god defeated for you yesterday i know it's not popular but you start telling them the time when you were in the hospital when the doctor said there were zero percent and you weren't supposed to brother wang when you weren't supposed to make it and god seen you through has he done it for you i said has anybody in the house ever experienced the grace and mercy because i shouldn't be here the grace and mercy of god has kept me so david david i understand that you're zealous because of your youth and you don't understand boy this is a man that's known war he's known war since you were a boy he has been in war second samuel 21 we find david in his old age where our text came from the night it's talking about the philistine giants the bible says in chapter 21 which was of the sons of the giant the weight of whose spear weighed 300 shekels of brass and weight he being girded with a new sword thought to have slain david and another another transliteration of this same scripture says that the whose spear was 300 shekels of bronze was armed with a new sword and he intended to kill david there's something about this new sword i read past this several times and it never really stood out to me you know it's popular that david's in his old age and he's still out there swinging a sword and if you haven't caught on by now there's a parallel in the church and if you can't see it it's taking place many of our great great forefathers in the faith are slowly dying off one by one they're retiring they're moving to an office of a bishop they're becoming our elders but i can see it in my mind i can see that i used to listen to this one and i i used to go to this meeting and he was running the backs of the pews and god used him so mightily in this this meeting and all of a sudden there's this gap in this span of time and the natural flesh says who's going to fill those shoes in this message of a generation in need of giant killers uh i can't help but tell you that my flesh would tell me that i didn't i felt very inadequate to even think of a consideration that i could do half the things that these men's did it was almost incomprehensible to understand the shoes these men put on in the places they walked the meetings they preached the demons they defeated such as the same of david in psalm 21. we have an experienced man he's an older man further down in scripture we'll get to it but this this giant by this point in david's life there's really nothing david has not seen at this point david has fought his own demons and he's overcome them and he's faulted and failed but he's always been a man after god's own heart he's been able to pick himself up after a failure i think the biggest key to being a giant killer because if you wanted to find a man of perfection you would not pick david out of the bible but when we talk about giant killers he's the first one that comes to mind but he'd be the first to tell you i've sinned i haven't always had it all together i failed i've had my shortcomings i've done things when i shouldn't have but by the grace and mercy of god i've picked myself up i've placed myself onto an altar and i've repented we're getting there david in his old age is not a man that has not seen the battlefield this man knows what battle is he knows what it's like to defeat giants from an a younger age even into his older age to the point to where it almost starts costing him his own life this transliteration says when he was armed with this new sword i want to tell you tonight there's always going to be giants in the land the thought that you came to this altar and got the holy ghost and thought that was the biggest giant you'll ever defeat is a is a delusion from the devil you before you get out of this world you're going to have a few scars on your wrist you're going to have some scars on your knees and your back because you're going to learn what it's like to live like a giant killer if you're going to make it in this last age if your kids are going to make it to heaven you're going to know what spiritual warfare is in this hour we don't live in what they would call peacetime pentecost this is the battlefield this is the place where souls are not only one but it's where they're kept this new sword it's still there there's a delusion from the devil that the giants won't be there the giants will be there but can i tell you this was not the first giant that david faced it says that he was from the family of the giant so i could just in my own mind say that i could see him thinking you know he's got that vengeful spirit that he's about to get david i've heard about david and can i tell every child of god this morning your biggest testimony is when you wake up and the devil knows you by name i said when you wake up in the morning when nobody's around you i'm talking to some intercessors that know what it's like to pray in the midnight when the devil knows who you are even when you're bleeding whenever you're hurt and you can't function the devil knows who you are that's the kind of legacy i want to have tonight this new sword he says okay i got something for david i got this new sword there's no new thing under the sun and there's an adversary that will tell you that you came all this way to get saved yeah you came all the way to get baptized and you finally know you finally know who your savior is you finally know who jesus is and you finally got some bible studies under your belt and you know who the name of jesus is and what it means and the power that it holds the adversary would tell you that you've come this far and maybe you've been in church one or two years and you're finally starting to figure things out and you're getting some discernment and you're understanding that what spiritual warfare is and you're understanding how we win our battles the adversary will tell you lies that this is as far as you're going to make it just like he's telling david i got something new for you you ain't seen this yet david you ain't seen this one yet and i came to encourage some families tonight i felt this for the last few weeks even if they're not here there's a spirit in the church for new mamas in a spirit of depression creeps into the home and you think this beautiful baby the adversary nobody's talking about it nobody's mentioning nobody sees everybody's glad to see my baby they don't understand the web of deceit and lies from the adversary of postpartum i know this is really specific i'm just going to preach what god gave me he says that whenever you get to church you need to put this smile on your face i'm telling you right now if you continue to carry this weight and you've got to get to the altar it's not just good enough just to speak in tongues it's not just good enough to find a place of repentance it's not just good enough to hold your husband's hand and walk to the front and get prayed for you've got to break your flesh you've got to break it it is going to be the biggest giant you've ever faced but in the face of the devil i don't care what new sword he thinks he has to show you tell him i'm a child of god i've got more anointing i have uncut hair on my head and make him know your name i said the devil will lie to you if you'll let him if you listen to him long enough he'll start to tell you what you've been fearing to hear he'll web a weeb of lies that come into your mind just like david he says david i got something new for you something you've never seen before while some of us are trying to be overly precautious and trying to steer our families away or in ourselves we're trying to set boundaries to navigate this world that's so confusing sometimes and scary some of us have decided to go the other way and rather than understand that your adversary is holding something to kill you rather than acknowledging the fact that it's not just shiny for you to look at it's not just shiny for you to come and touch and hold i said but our youth group better get into their spirit that everything out in that world is in meant for your ministry it's not meant to make you get closer to god snapchat and tick-tock and all these things and the whatsapp with fake phone numbers and nobody knows what you're doing it's not meant for you i know it's tempting it's tanolating because social media has such a way to cast this image in such a special light ain't that how they sell it we got something new for you you've never seen it before if you're not careful if you're not watching where your kids are going and what they're watching and what they're looking at they used to have a public broadcasting network network that predominantly was known for good literature information for children to learn for your babies to learn for your grandbabies to learn just to come to find out that they have these ads that stream uncontrollably and it's it's during the viewing period of whatever lesson they're in it's teaching them that at a very young age it's okay to question who you are you see this new shiny thing i got you ain't seen this one yet david and in my spirit i began to weft because there's things that i know are bad but i'm not always with my children but can i tell you one way to defeat the adversary one way to become a giant killer is not just coming to church on sunday morning it's not just coming to church on sunday night but it's on a tuesday night it's on a friday night youth service why because you're not going to be there for your babies i said you better let them be in a church that knows truth a church in those boundaries a church that has power to pull them from the pits of hell david i got something you ain't never seen before i feel the holy ghost right now let us pray let us pray in the name of jesus let that intercession flow come on somebody that's watching right now could get the holy ghost somebody's kid that's struggling could be delivered we better pray against goliath's descendants we better pray against the the devices and the inventions of goliath's descendants he said david i got something you never seen before and the fact of the matter is the scripture says he intended to kill david now only a giant killer knows this and if i'm on too much faith y'all forgive me david has a careless in the world i feel the holy ghost there's some mamas right now that know what i'm feeling yeah you've seen the devil before you know his adversary you kid you're worried about your children i don't have to see the sword that goliath descended has but there's some praying mamas in this church that know what it's like to plead the blood of jesus over your children when they leave their home even when they're working in the church and they're trying to do right for god you know what it's like that even though goliath's dead there's a descendant after goliath he said this new sword i got something you've never seen before david could care less in my mind the scripture doesn't tell us but if i know david david still has the same five smooth stones that he had back when he took goliath out the reason i feel like that is because the world would have you believe that you don't have to put the work into a prayer life that you don't have to really put all that effort into fasting and consecration that there's this shortcut that's called emotionalism then if i play the chords right and if the songs are key just right then you'll feel something but there's no power there's no substance holmes preach something to the the name of the oldest weapons of the best weapons and can i just speak to the church i've watched you pray i've watched you minister to people in the holy ghost and altar i just want to reassure you that it has not changed the assignment has not changed it is still prayer and fasting it is still a walk with god it is still consecration it is still fasting it is still coming to the house of god when you don't feel like coming to the house of god it is still inviting your neighbors and your people in your neighborhood when nobody else is doing it it still works church david with his old weapons he's watching this new kid on the block and he's got maybe gray on his face in his hair whatever he's got and he's looking at this john and he's thinking this one's going to be easy the scripture tells us that they did kill him but the new sword of this generation worries me so you have to understand i've been around for a while seeming i know i'm young but i've in church i've seen a lot of things come and go and i've seen some different demons and different things take me to god down and things that pull families off the pews that seemingly nobody ever thought was an issue come to find out their pastor had been coaching them in a cares kind of way because some people can't be coached i'll say it again because it's a little quiet some people we have an issue with our flesh and sometimes when it comes across even no matter how small the kid gloves are we have a way of not receiving what the man of god in our life tells us there wasn't nothing wrong pastor you didn't have they didn't the pastor didn't have to tell them to do that and why do you have to go and tell them to do that and they shouldn't be that hard on them it's the same giants just new swords it's the same giants people it's the same giants it's the same thing over and over again look it might look different it might smell different it might taste different but at the end of the day the devil has the same vices so he says this new sword of this generation and what i've seen in the church is you you know i'm all for i'm for holiness i'm prepping this prefacing this on purpose i am for holiness and separation i believe the scriptures i believe that yeah we can clap that is right holiness is of god separation is of god we shouldn't look like the world we shouldn't talk like the world but while as a movement we have captured those so very well i feel this so strong in the holy ghost that when we capture those things that if we're not careful we got people parading around with goliath's head full of maggots it's old that's the giant you killed 30 years ago if the church is going to be saved you better be relevant i said sin is still in hollywood but it's still in social media i said if you're going to preach against hollywood make sure you touch on instagram and having some boundaries for your family make sure you touch on facebook in the post that you're making for the world to see i can't help but see the church and we're carrying goliath's head around the stench of it the maggots coming from his face and we we just love to tell the world how we're winning and we've got it all figured out you know people can say what they want about people that know god my dad didn't know god until the last two years of his life whatever you want to think those paid people can read you like a book before you ever step on their door before they ever get to your doorstep they know what you're going to tell them they know if you're real they know if you're fake they know if what you're trying to sell them is a bill of goods that'll take them to heaven that's why the white shirt policy on the doorstep hasn't really worked because there's no power there's no name of jesus there's no baptism there's no hope there's no mercy there's no grace i'm going somewhere so he says this new sword is going to beat all the weapons you've ever seen david david times himself out in chapter 21 verse 17 it says but abasha the son of jeriah suckered him smoth the philistine and killed him then the men of david swear on them saying thou shalt go no more out with us to battle they seemingly hung him up that thou quenched not the light of israel david's age began to be affected not for the battle these men had watched and i can just tell my generation if the youth would hear me tonight that if you could just watch the steps of your man of god if you could just pattern yourself and see that why didn't pastor go there and why didn't he say those things when he could have said him and how he his demeanor is in a room full of men you will understand that you're watching your own giant killer why because one day he knows that his shoes will have to be filled david's training up and he'd been training he's been letting these men watch and take note of them but they didn't want to risk him on the battlefield but i can imagine david i can imagine david back at the camp off the battlefield a king like david doesn't really sit his feet up and say it's over his giant killers are out there if i had to imagine david i imagine david with his men coming in bloodied scraped beat up they're bleeding men have died there's bodies strode off of the battlefield david's sitting back at camp tantali just waiting because he can't be out there and he know he can't be out there but his body's telling him one thing but his mind is still working and i can tell you that if you ever lose place for elders or leadership or your pastor your man of god in your life it's not the fact that they can't fight no more but god put them in your life to shield you from things you didn't have to experience hallelujah the importance of leadership understanding our role models understanding what they contribute to our lives and as i come to a close i want to tell us that from that scripture forward david's name is not mentioned anymore as a giant killer after verse 17 you will no longer hear him giving his accolades is almost a resume to kill the next giant but in second samuel 21 and 22 these four were born to the giant in gath fell by the hand of david and by the hand of his servants i can tell you that i can see it doesn't take nobody's special but i can see the structure that god is so eloquently placed in this church your position for one of the greatest revivals florida's ever seen your pastor has seen it i'm telling you that i've seen it you don't have this many people that are well equipped and people that are anointed in one place for no reason you're here on purpose you're here because god has a work for you to do but if there's anything that i've learned is that sometimes the church sometimes people like me and my generation we sit beside the sidelines and we like to spectate and we like to tell people we had such powerful service and we tell people that do we know what the power of anointing of god is and that we saw some people get healed in our altars and we might even share it on our platforms and we might even tag the church in order to get over to the crossover of the next dimension god said i gotta have some giant killers god said i've got to have some people that know what it's like to take a look in the face of the adversary not to be weak need and not to be well and not misinformed but to know that with this with this mindset we can take on hell's chief demon he says i'm looking for some giant killers maybe it's with you tonight consecrating before god all to yourself the call of god that god's put into your life the word of god that god is speaking into you right now that's telling you to find a ministry in this church that tonight's the night of the cross over and i don't have to wait until new year's i don't have to wait until revival and i don't have to wait till impact 2022 but maybe tonight on a tuesday night whenever it's raining outside i gave my life i sacrificed my life for my calling and by the hands of his servants church the orders have not changed our mission to fulfill the world with the gospel is still the truth it's still to reach the highways and the hedges it's the byways it's bus ministry it's knocking the doors it's in the pulpit it's at the grocery store it's at the restaurant it's when you meet your cashier it's when you buy your groceries it's when you tip your doordash just when uber comes and picks you up what i feel in the holy ghost tonight is that the consecration at this altar that god's been speaking to you you've never even talked to your wife yet because you can't trust the devil has sent you a delusion for you not to believe the voice of god he likes to fill you with i i truly i've been in the church while like i said but i truly believe that the greatest demon to take more people out the church is condemnation it's the voice of the devil that says you've been too deep and you've been too far and you can't do anything if you read the bible just a little bit you'd understand that anybody everybo that god has ever decided to put his anointing on with somebody that had scars in a sketchy past this giant the giants that we face as a generation as we cross over people that have lived for god any amount of time know that there are ebbs and flows to your walk with god there's mountaintops and there's valleys there's good days and bad days and i've got enough scars for everybody underneath this suit coat but if i can really just help anybody tonight i ran from my call of god because frankly the adversary told me that i didn't have a familial heritage of ministry this is hard for me to to articulate because i truly realized how close i was to hell and how close i was to heaven at the same time on a pew my mother fought for her children to go to church my whole life i was a spoiled brat raised in church i didn't have an appreciation for the things of god but with my father he didn't know anything about the church i'd play those uh i'd play those differences and so i knew what were touchy subjects and i'd get my way one way or another as i started to feel the call of god the adversary would creep in and say well you know so-and-so's father has a church and gets him to preach on tuesdays and fridays and sundays and whenever whenever he wants to preach he can preach my dad wasn't a preacher i had no family that were preachers the nail in the coffin that i want to drive tonight is that there's such thing as a first generation giant killer i said there's such thing as a first generational giant killer you don't have to walk the way your daddy walks you don't have to talk the way your mama talks you don't have to raise your kids the way that you were raised you don't have to let them experience the demons that you experienced but you could be a first generational giant killer i pray that we don't come casually to this altar rather as a moment of significance in your walk with god i'd like to to visualize right now with every eye closed every head bowed i want you to visualize the person that you once were you know the one that the devil has reminded you of before you go to this next dimension god's called you to be you've heard the voices of the adversary say you're not good enough you don't have the pedigree you don't have the family to live this oneness life but if god's calling you to a deeper place if god's calling you to ministry of some sort if god's calling you to reach the lost and reach your city or reach your family i want you not to vow to me i want you to make a vow with god and yourself that you're finally going to bury the past that god does not even remember as you make steps towards the front you can be a first generation giant killer you can understand what a life of peace is you can understand what the mercies of god are and not have to watch over your back and you can raise your family with the blessings of god as we talk to god this isn't about nobody else around you if this is for one person my my mission would have been fulfilled but that god reaches the full potential in your life tonight to cross over to carry the torch to defeat the giants your parents maybe didn't have the strength to defeat come on to win the family that your family couldn't win to live a life that your mother always wanted you to live let us pray let us pray in the holy ghost come on this service this type of service demands a response in the spirit [Music] come on god's made an appointment for you in your journey i know it's tuesday night i know we're tired but god is the god of small things giant killer not added crap not addict giant killer not alcoholic giant killer not adulterer giant killer come on not a liar giant killer let him make your name great let it make your family's name great come on hear the call hear the call come on god's drawing you [Music] that's come on you may have fell off the track you may have stumbled a little bit tonight's the night it's okay it's okay you're gonna have a lot more scars before you get out of here pick yourself up pick yourself up pick yourself up come on deep consecration when nobody's watching when nobody hears you [Music] that's it that's it mama in the name of jesus victory victory over depression victory over depression [Music] come on take that sword out of that giant's hand come on the old weapons still work the old weapons still work prayer prayer intercession in the holy ghost [Music] push past your flesh push [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on first generation your mama don't know god your daddy doesn't know god come on but god's got something for you to be in the crossover god's got justice for you to be in a revival a pastor's life [Music] come on baby you don't need anything travail in tonight holy ghost over your family [Music] how about you plead the blood of jesus over your children [Music] yeah i see the giants falling i see the giants falling i see the giant sword hitting the ground [Music] generational addiction [Music] you're not going to be addicted like the rest of your family you're not going to be addicted to the things of this life come on you can break it you can break it you can break it yes come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] i hear some chains falling [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on intercessor come on intercessor come on first generational giant killer [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] come on victory in the face of the adversary first come on victory in the face of the adversary victory in the face [Music] don't stop praying you are different you are unique you're fearfully wonderfully made [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] you just need to tell the adversary i'm not the same person i was when you met me come on i've learned how to pray i know how to plead the blood of jesus i know what it's like to ask god for mercy and it'd be given i know what it's like to ask for grace and be given unto me walk in your gift [Music] walk in your gift walk in your gift [Music] yes [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] come on lift those hands all over this house [Music] i want you to lift your hands all over this sanctuary we're going to continue praying hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah i want us to stand all across this house i want us to stand if you're here tonight and you've got something in your spirit that says god i've got to do something for you i want you to get as close to this altar as you can tonight i want you to get as close as you can to this altar god i've got to do something for your kingdom i've got to do something for you god i want you to get as close as you can how many of you understand when you begin to read the scripture it is not coincidence that at this moment of transition from david being the giant killer to his servants being the giant killer it was one battle brother stewart referenced the scripture tonight it was one battle in which david was entangled with a particular giant and despite david's success in killing all the previous giants he had fought this particular giant got the best of david to the point that when they looked at him they thought that david had been killed by the giant and you want to know what that giant's name was his name was ishbi banab and the name is means to sit back and do nothing there is one giant that cannot be destroyed by the angel of the church there is one giant that a pastor a man of god cannot defeat himself that is the giant of sit back and do nothing if that giant ever takes control of a people it will destroy a man of god it will destroy a church if that giant is going to be defeated it is because somebody else stands up and makes up in their mind i refuse to let him be the only giant killer in the land uh somebody move out of my way because i refuse to sit back and do nothing i want to speak for just a moment to people who are sitting around and you're saying i'm waiting on god i want to do something but i'm waiting on god i find it interesting to note that when the man of god came to select the next king nobody who showed up and stood in line to be anointed was chosen god looked for somebody who was out doing something the anointing isn't coming to those that are sitting around waiting as if by some special thing when god comes by then you'll start doing something no the anointing comes to empower and enable those who have already put action to what's in their heart and said i'm gonna work and do whatever i can for the kingdom of god you're not waiting on god god is waiting on you i said you're not waiting on god god is waiting on you if you're waiting on some special moment to happen before you get busy and get started doing something it'll never come you're under the influence of the giant of sit back and do nothing when the anointing when the mantle came and it was time for elijah to pass by his successor i find it interesting that god said you're going to find him in a field working you're going to find him behind a plow doing something god's anointing is always going to come to those that have their hand in the field that have their hand on the plow that are big come on somebody right now all over this house there's a lot of us right now praying saying god i want to be a giant killer god use me god anoint me god's saying all right i'm just waiting on you to get up and get busy i'm waiting on you to quit making excuses i'm waiting on you to stop blaming everybody else for why you're not doing anything come on somebody right now lift up your hands if you're here tonight and you've got a commitment in your spirit that says god i've got to do something for you i want you to lift your hands right now and begin to pray god help me to get to work help me to get busy in your kingdom jesus help me to get off the sidelines god help me to quit sitting around jesus waiting for some special moment to happen come on somebody right now uh jesus didn't said pray for more harvest he said pray for laborers there's a shortage of people that are going to work there's a shortage of people who are willing to put their hand to the plow that are willing to show up that are will come on somebody right now god's got an anointing that's waiting on you to get busy tonight come on in the name of jesus come on young person uh what do you think is the magic age before you start winning souls before you start showing up before you start getting to work in the kingdom of god come on you're not waiting on god god's waiting on you tonight [Music] come on in jesus name come on i know it's tuesday night but before we leave this house somebody's disposition is going to change before we leave this house [Music] come on lift your voice [Music] talk to him talk to him [Music] whatever i can do god come on come on [Music] jesus [Music] come on come on [Music] come on just a few more moments tonight [Music] [Music] oh [Music] feel [Music] come on one more time let's lift our hands and give god some praise tonight come on let's lift our hands and our voices tonight and give god some praise yes jesus hallelujah you've heard me say it many times but i want to say it again tonight and i want you to carry it home with you your greatest ability is availability and depend ability all of your giftings all of your talent all of the things you could contribute to the kingdom of god mean absolutely nothing if you're not available for him to use you come on and once you become available then you have to become dependable some of us say i don't know why i'm not used more you might want to check the dependability category oh my lions and tigers and bears oh my brother gene i would rather have a car that either works or doesn't work than one that works sometimes because you can't depend on it you go to lean on it and it's not there some of us this time it's time to become dependable to the kingdom of god oh that's really good preaching it's time to become dependable to the kingdom i'm going to be where i'm supposed to be when i'm supposed to be there you can depend on me god come on somebody i'm going to be consistent about it how many of you know you serve a consistent god when you receive the holy ghost it ought to start making you available dependable and consistent in your life something about the nature of god ought to start getting a hold of you you ain't got to worry about me quitting every time i have a bad day you ain't got to worry about me resigning every time i get uh upset about something you ain't got to worry about me put no no no no i'm available i'm dependable i'm come on somebody in jesus name sometimes the mechanics of a giant killer have nothing to do with how good you can handle a sword but your ability to just show up to the battle come on sometimes killing a giant is more about being there and picking up the sword that it is how qualified you are to [Applause] an absent soldier is not as effective as a present shepherd boy all those trained military men were ineffective with 500 excuses but it was a shepherd boy who said i'm available and i'm willing god that god said that's who i'm going to anoint that's who i'm going to use i don't care if he's younger brother stewart i don't care if he doesn't have a name in pentecost i don't care any of those things he's available he's dependable he's willing i'm going to anoint him come on one more time let's lift our hands here i am god here i am god here i am here i am jesus oh here i am jesus here i am jesus here i am god hallelujah how many of you gonna make up in your mind that you're gonna leave this house tonight and make a difference this week come on i i didn't come to the altar just to just to act religious with anybody else but when i came to the altar tonight and i told god i'm available i mean it how many of you feel that way tonight [Music] i'm going to be a prayer this week i'm going to be at outreach this week i'm going to get involved in whatever i've got to get involved in sign me up let's get to work let's slay a giant amen somebody amen let's remember all of the announcements for this week let's remember revival sunday this sunday we're going to be here thursday night for prayer youth service friday night outreach saturday street ministry friday and saturday night let's believe god for great things this week in jesus name amen brother stewart know what an awesome job he did preaching tonight thank you brother stewart for following the holy ghost god bless you you're dismissed in jesus name [Music]
Channel: Rock Church Fort Myers
Views: 489
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0gs-tdqMLGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 12sec (7632 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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