$9,500,000 Super Yacht Tour : Gulf Craft Majesty 110

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the boat you can see behind me is the majesty 110 from gulf craft it's absolutely magnificent 34 meter super yacht and golf craft to pray kindly allow me through an access all areas torn this one so we're gonna gonna have a look round I'm a little bit everything look at the guest spaces we look at a deck space is the engine room the crew area for lot let's go now the first thing to mention as we step on board is this which is called a transformer now rather than the pathology often half as you can see of these other boats this makes a really easy step on but it does more than that if we actually step on to it you can see it's got steps down to the boat and inside there is the garage for the tender and a jet rib and what this transformer does is it actually comes right down flush and then you can put your jet ski or your tender on it and launch it you can also drop this right down to the water in these steps instead of going up go down and that makes a great access to the water but anyway let's press on because there is much to see on this boat and all of it is spectacular so we'll start off with this aft cockpit area and then there's a nice cockpit under the shade of this overhang so Massa's a space at the back here just sit and enjoy but we're gonna head inside first of all so this area is as you can see absolutely spectacular you've got this fantastic social area just here I love some of the details like these chairs the way they've design that is everything on this boat is made in-house by golf crafts they don't import anything in just the raw materials I love this balcony on the side and the wood in here is eucalyptus and it's a natural finish looks really good very subtle very nice okay ahead of this is the dining area you also got the AV system on the wall there that's all Bang & Olsen so it's a real top-quality gear on here let's head on through a lot of ground to cover on this boat of course and we will find access there out onto the side decks on that side and in here there is the day toilet so that's obviously forgets to you so you don't need to go into any cabins right further fall on the main deck there is this huge cabin this is normally the master cabin and you understand why I say normally in a moment but this is a really great area so you've got this office as you come in a big window so a terrific view out of can today because we're down at the can Boat Show and then ahead of this is the actual bedroom lovely is that this of course is all storage here here all the way across here there's a nice little dressing table on this side and then we go on round we will find the ensuite that's a big rainfall shower as you might expect on the back there twin sinks really good size for your beautifully finished even the details like this is Bang & Olufsen remote control for the a/v system so you can control the sound in here if you want to but what a great cabin that is superb but as I say incredibly on this one not the master we will come to that okay this are done round back through the office and actually another thing worth mentioning as we go past here this it's all the servers and AV system I think what we'll do next is will actually head into the crew area and then we'll come back out and down to the lower accommodation so there's a concealed door here excess in to the laundry area and a lobby and then as we head on through here we can't recourse a Gary this is a full-on kitchen look at the size of this how impressive is that so you've got your cooking gear here and then there's more as a wine cooler down here coffee maker and all of this this is all your chilled area so all of this is things like freezers there's one there one on that site and Phidias so there's masses of a chilled food area and drinks of course and then leading off from here if we come back round and down to the left we have got a crew cabins tucked away down here there are two of them they are both twins I'll just show you one because they're exactly the same let's speed things up so this is what you get for the crew cabin and of course this has an ensuite as you can see through there and the one I'm nervous about these are wardrobes of course and that is the other one exactly the same okay let's head on out here now what you can also do from here of course some quite clever crew routing because there is a side door so the crew can go straight out onto the side deck and down and off the boat or up to the fore deck without going through the guest areas but also this door here of course allows you to serve straight out to this dining table but let's go on around and we'll head down to the lower deck and I'll show you some more of the guest cabins so thanks for here and we find the stairwell just around here and we'll head on down can they finish this is absolutely beautiful so at the back there are two big double guest cabins that's one of them it's got obviously again all your a B equipment is in here nice little dressing table area and this of course has its own ensuite and we come back out of here we will find pretty much the same thing next door these are our wardrobes down here there's a bracelet cabin and then a head you have two more cabins and these are singles so two singles in here one sweet of course and it's going out of here and we found the same thing here and one interesting thing in here you can see it displayed if they have Pullman berths in so you want to sleep three if you've got kids on board for example you can drop that one down and that just gives a bit of extra sleeping capacity if you need it okay let's head on around here again the ensuite to this cabin okay we're going to go up two decks now no this is a 34 meter yacht but unusually it is a proper triple decker so we've got a staircase here head on around and if you follow it on around we'll find another staircase now quite often on a triple decker yacht what you get up here because is another saloon area but they've done something a little bit different on these now these are semi custom built so you can have pretty much whatever you want and what's been chosen on this boat rather impressively is a really fantastic master cabin up on this deck so this whole area is for the owner look at that that is just superb and that then opens straight out onto this mid-level deck where you find a jacuzzi and access up to the Sun Deck but before we do that let's just have another quick look in here and also head forward because the bridge is on this level as well so we head on through here actually well worth having a look while we're here at the master bathroom as well because it is quite literally a bathroom check out the baths of course with such a cozy bath as well and that big mirror has a TV built into it so if you want to lie in the bath and watch TV you can do there's a magnificent area okay let's head on forward and we'll take a look at the bridge so that is up through here and this is where the your is actually operated from at the minute we've got the forward sunshade up so what a great view out also you would never run with a boat like that but we'll have a look at that area in a moment but this is obviously well worth a look at it's a very impressive bridge area you've got full control of the boat this here for example is all your systems so everything is controlled on this from your tank it's two electrics to whatever you want really okay let's compare here and we will take a look at the Sun Deck so we'll come back through this cabin looking back on ourselves a little bit but hopefully it excuse that head out here and these steps then take us on up to the Sunday so up here you've got this big shade over it of course a great seating area and a bar and then at the back this is left completely open so you can have as some pads you've got here we can put extra seating on here and another thing worth noting is that there is a sunshade that comes out of this trailing edge so if you want to put some shade over your cot tub you can do and at the head of this there is another hand position so that can be driven from up here if required and of course also up here tremendous view out across the front very nice okay let's head on down and I'll show you some of the deck areas and then we'll look at the engine room because that is pretty spectacular too as you can imagine so from here we're going to take a walk up to the side of the boat will go past the access to the bridge that's over here on the left and this takes us up to the fore deck area so this is this four deck entertaining area to save got the shade here if you want it you've got a great sunbathing area ahead of that and if you go right down to the front of the boat then of course this is another crew area so for handling lines anchoring that kind of thing you can see it's got a twin anchor winch is here we'll go right to the front and we'll take a look back down as both how cool is that okay let's head on back because the last thing to show you is the mechanical areas and they're pretty spectacular now this gives you a good idea of the crew routing because you can come right around the side of the boat you don't need to go through it at all steps then down here and I mentioned earlier when we're in the kitchen that there was a door that took you straight out with that door is this one just here so crew can come out of the kitchen area straight on the side of the boat it don't need to go through the guest areas so that just keeps it all nice and discreet and we'll head right to the back but back into this aft deck and then over on this side this is where we access the engine space so let's head on down here and take a look now down here nothing worth pointing out is that there is a little crew mess area so they've got their own area to come down you know something to eat and some of them to relax but also in here is the captain's cabin so that's our totally separate little zone for him there's a bed in here storage of course as you'd expect he gets his own ensuite shower toilet and so on so that's pretty cool but we're down here to really see is the engine space and that if we get back around here is through this door here we go now these are caterpillar c-32 engines they are just under 2,000 horsepower each and they are giving this boat top speed of about 24 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots and that's at cruising speed giving a range of about 1,500 miles so it's got some serious reach but this is a great area it is full standing headroom of course as you'd expect it's a very nice area to move around really clean really well laid out and if you go right to the back then there is engineering spaces back behind the engine room there down here so you've got for example pumps and air conditioning areas and so on the generators as well you can just see one over there and the other one is over on that side and then you've got the controls are on here they're easy to get to and up ahead is all of the distribution boards and the switch panels very nicely laid out excellent ok let's head on back up so that as they say is that the golf crafts majesty 110 that is an absolutely magnificent super yacht hope enjoy that tall if you have to give the thumbs up a quick click for me and if hit subscribe and little bear icon we got a load more leaves towards coming see you soon thanks for watching
Views: 570,985
Rating: 4.9418526 out of 5
Keywords: Superyacht, super yacht, superyacht tour, Gulf Craft, Majesty 110, Gulf Craft Majesty 110, Cannes Boat Show, Cannes Yachting Festival, boat show, Cannes, luxury, millionaire, lifestyle, high performance, speedboat, boat, yacht, yacht tour, tender, superyacht, superyacht tender, Nick Burnham, MBY, Motor Boat & Yachting, yachting, GoPro, crew, superboat, cool, fast, GTA, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto yacht, Grand Theft Auto superyacht, GTA 5, Grand Theft Auto 5, Grand Theft Auto Super Yacht
Id: FzZCJbSzVcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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