£13.2M Super Yacht Tour : Sunseeker 116 Yacht

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my friend Tom wills from sans akitoki recently sold this magnificent Sunseeker one one six yacht and his mat organized a yacht tour for me so this is gonna be the full alcoholic tour its guest areas its crew cabins its garage engine decks everywhere we're going through every inch this boat so this is what I'm particularly interested to see it's a boat I've not been on before and it is absolutely stunning starting from the outside I love the way they've done the styling of this with these angles it just looks brilliant but anyway this head on board let's take a look now this is a shoes off zone because this is immaculate so we're gonna head on here take a turn towards the back of the boat head inside and show you what these boats are all about because this this is special I think I don't want to see this one so we'll start at the back with the aft cockpit this is pretty much what you'd expect it's got the big overhang for plenty of shade layers of seating and loads of space and then we're going to take a head on inside you go through this whole boat here we go so this is the main saloon area look at that now this has got the dark wenge wood in it satin finish and I think that it's a super classy very subtle very discreet very very nice this cabinet here so that leads got a TV in it so this rises up so you can watch TV at night you can sit around here and that's where that is but it's got the thing I really like on sunseekers which is huge floor-to-ceiling windows so the view out of this boat is magnificent when it's out here we head over to the side we're down in southern Spain in a minute where it's 30 degrees although cooler in here with the air-conditioning on but that's the view we've got out of here today just brilliant okay let's head on in a bit further dining area is ahead of this and these are big storage areas on both sides in fact if we have a look in this one you'll be able to see that it's got things like all of the crockery and cutlery just tucked away in here a lot of thought runs this boat a huge amount but what a fabulous area that is look at that stunning and we're going to keep on moving because a lot of ground to cover on this boat so there's a passageway and this takes us forward side access door so the crew can come and go in fact the crew areas are off on this side we're going to take a look at those in the moment but we're going to head forward first of all there is incidentally a day heads this is so good you have to go down into the cabins to use blue now if they're for passengers during the day on the main deck also on the main deck is the master cabin now that is a full beam of the boat the decks go up over this so first of all you get maximum footprint in here but also you get maximum privacy because of course people can't walk past these windows and they're on both sides of the boat as you'd expect so again you've got that great view out of this cabin but the cabin itself pretty spectacular AV system on the wall of course there's wardrobes doctor run place I'll show you those in a moment but the bathroom is worth seeing that's up ahead down a couple of steps beautiful I love these designer taps for example the way everything is done it's just so much thought going into it and the toilet itself is tucked away I will see if a bit of privacy but the rest of its wonderfully open plan with access on both sides it's lots of storage around here but also there's a walk-in wardrobe one of two in this cabin so you can get change before you merge if you want to love this dressing table with a view out of that big window amazing love the lighting till this subtle lighting that's built in around here works really well let's head back through here because there is another of those big walk-in wardrobes that's on this side so you're not short of space for all you design here what a creek I mean that is anyway they tell them through the boat as I say a lot of ground to cover I'm gonna take a look next at the guest areas so you've got four more cabins down these steps you can see how the box freshness both ends look I still got all the wrappings on all the carpets ok we'll head forward first of all there are two guest cabins up here at the front these are booked twin beds in but actually you can slide these together to make a double if people want to have a double bed in here they can do there's a big wardrobe of course in behind this mirror and these as you would expect has their own ensuite obviously smaller than the master one but similar quality beautiful AV system again and all of these cabins have these touch screens so all of the things like the blinds and the lights you can have presets on here so you can choose how you want me to set up so we go into that and then in turn there you can choose what lights you have on at what time and and how bright they are but there are also conventional switches down by the bed you can see them over there so when you're in bed you have to hop out and start playing with that if you don't want to okay on the other side is a pretty identical cabinet except for the fact this one has been made it was a double so you can see how that works again wardrobe there's drawers underneath the beds as well house they're using every interest for storage space and another of those magnificent bathrooms excellent touchscreen Ian okay now further back our two VIP guests Kevin so these are a little larger and a little better specified so for example you've got dressing cables in here you've got a lot more floor space another way they put these beds at 45 degrees really makes them most of this area huge windows this is a wardrobe in here but actually that's not the only storage space ensuite as larger as well not your shortchanging there's other ones I'd be very happy in this I think as veterans but these are next level in fact you've even got over here this is the air conditioning controls for each going by the way that's a proper walking or wardrobe so plenty of storage and that is mirrored on this side by another one same kind of setup it's got the dressing table that's got the walk-in wardrobe and it's got the lovely ensuite staying cool that's the lower deck that's the walking wardrobe is there on this one and terms of using every inch even areas like this they used so that's to give a great linen cupboard for bedding or towels whatever you wanna put in there excellent let's head up here and we're gonna take a look in the crew area because that's pretty much Jason and then work our way through the rest of the boat side access door here if the crew did better come and go but if we had forward will find this door take us into a crew lobby area this is all storage here by the way trap door ahead is into the galley we're gonna go into there in a moment but first of all head downstairs into the crew area now this is a really good size very comfortable to queue on here so not shortchange you up this terrific social area it's a printed room to relax which we're the TV are in cooking equipment in here loads of storage there are three cabins down here this is a single cabin so it's got a single bed in an ensuite we're not going into the X after captain's cabin he's not here so we've not been Alaskan we would gear so we don't wanna start looking through his personal effects but we can look under the two cabins which are the same except that these are twin cabins so you've got bunks in here again loads of storage here and each of these cabins has its own on Suites as a proper shower room and of course toilet so very well catered for air conditioning controls as well either water in separate climate control another one on this side so the crew are very well it's after on this boat again that one suite was aloof excellent and this then when we come up from here it takes you straight into the galley so that's through this tool first thing it creates this is massive fridge freezers on this cycle but take a look at this what that is is actually bigger than I ever hope that's a great size masses are storage or professional cooking equipment the oven and the hole and there's more cooking facilities down here dishwasher big sinks it's a really good size area and it's quite cleverly laid out because if we head back down through here plus the wine cooler then we find a side access door so they can go straight out of the boat that go through any of the guest areas if they want to and then this door takes us back into this dining area so for serving to this table it's a perfect ok let's go through here and this time we're going to take a left I'm gonna go up another set of stairs because this takes us through to the wheelhouse this is where you actually command about from look at that that is stunning so you got these three screens here and three screens here which display your navigation radar operating systems whatever you want them to display basically and then across here is your communication systems trusters throttles autopilot everything you need to drive this boat from this wonderful Sunseeker helm seat and there's also space in here for other people to come and enjoy the ride if you want to see what's going on they can certainly do that and then over here on the port side is this Golding door so that takes us out onto the decks again now this has probably the best for deck area I've ever seen on a boat this is magnificent look at this what a great social area and what a great view from it this table it's flight adjustable so if you want a different height there like a little coffee table you can D but it's a wonderful seating area right at the front of the boat and ahead of that big sun loungers and you've probably spotted it already this jacuzzi how cool would that be to sit up there yeah anchor in lovely bay taking the world enjoying life just brilliant we sit on down to the front of the say we're going to every area of this boat so we'll have a look at this this is more of a crew area again really so this is ground tackle for anchoring cleats of that kind of thing loads of storage here's our big storage would under here this is all storage storage so you can get everything out of the way and while we're here this is a great place to stand and take in a look at this incredible boat as soon as you get one one six yard beautiful anyway let's not linger lots left to see so we know back through this area back pasture jacuzzi and these Sun pads and this cockpit area I'm looking ahead for the flybridge now the easiest way to get to that from here is to go around this area one here is that this is above the master cabin this is what I mean about the master cabin being full beam so the crew are going over it not past it but then as they come back you have the steps at the back that drop down take you back to the back of the boat but we're going to go this way through here and up these steps at the back because this will take us out onto flybridge and the first thing we find up here is this bar area so this is great for catering to this area you can sit have a drink in the chat as you'd expect this fridges in here and there's an icemaker and storage of course so that's a terrific catering area and unusually it's also a home position up here no this is as high as where sometimes owners might want to have a drive and they don't necessary want to be inside doing it so this allows somebody to drive the boat from here out in the fresh air with all their guests and with this tremendous view out across the front of the boat stunning okay let's head on back because what we find behind it one thing to mention is this hardtop so you've got loads of shade here but this whole canvas bit you can see that will Motul the way back so if you do want this open you can certainly have the open to the elements and the sunshine but if you want shade as we have with a minute well then you've got that big seating area here this is great for having a meal around you put a couple of directors chairs on the outside of it and that's a great area in the shade but outside just sit and have lunch and then you've got this social area on this side and then back behind is a Sun pattern so again different anchor in the bay this is a great area to lay out taking the view and in fact if we go right to the back you get another sense of scale of this area and you get to see what's on top of it because this all the communications systems these big domes these are for satellite communications and TV which means that you've got phones you've got internet and you've got television wherever you are even if you're right out at sea and then above that this is obviously antennas radars lights and everything else you'd expect they like this okay so this access here takes us back down to that after cockpit and we're gonna have a beach club next so what they've done is as well as this area you can head right to the very back of a boat should you wish and the idea of this is to create what they call a beach club area and what that does is it puts you right in touch with the water so this is normally flush but you can fold these seats downs we've got them in a minute but also this is you can see there's a lift up shower so when you can from swimming snorkeling whatever you can shower on the back of the boat there and this low is hydraulically into the water so he can use it to paddling area and it also gives you access for your tender because behind here is a massive tender gauge when they have a look at that in a moment and this whole area lifts up and allows a tender to slide out also for this lowered and launched into the water and indeed of course jet skis so let's go across here and we'll take a look at that and the engine room and all the other systems next because that is pretty spectacular so back through this area and up onto the side deck and this is where we found the access down into those engineering spaces okay so first integritas it's laundry facilities and then behind that you've got a lot of the plumbing systems this I believe I'm right in saying it's a water maker so the boat crash to create its own fresh water and you've got a lot more of the plumbing systems at the back and you may have noticed as we came down is what looks suspiciously like the steering wheel and that is exactly what this is this is an emergency steering system so in absolute worst case scenarios and failure of the hydraulics you can still position your rudders and you can still get the boat to shore so that has a total backup should it ever be needed probably won't good to have it there and I think while we're here we're going to do the garage first which is through this door [Music] so this is well first of all it's full light as you come into here second of all it's just fantastic Williams five six five diesel Jared so this has a diesel engine has no petrol needed for this at all and it's a jet drive so there's no propeller and it means Allah pray tin very shallow water so that makes it a perfect super your tender layers of seating space for running people ashore a bit of water skiing whatever you want to do that's the bow to do it with and that's it's on a cradle and the idea this is that you raise that back door that's that transom area the beach club area drop the platform this will slide straight into the water and he may have noticed as we came in that there's this little v-shape cutouts here that's so you consider jet ski on here there's one on the other side as well and when the dingey is out of the way and you can lift these jet skis using this crane facility raise them up slide them across lure them onto this cradle drop them into the water so that allows you to carry a really good-sized tender and two jet skis okay engine-room next is that's pretty spectacular and that is ahead of us right here let's close that one up here we go [Music] as clean and as magnificent as the rest of the boat that's stunning now these are MTU diesel engines they are v16 and yes that does mean they are 16 cylinders they're about 36 liters each from memory and they're about 2,600 horse passes a massive amount of power in their engine and of course the same again over on this side now that's given the boat speeds I believe up to water 25 knots somewhere in that area so there's a massive amount of power and a massive amount of performance but if you drop the speed back it depends on what tankers you've got because you can have long-range tanks on these boats but your range then is up to about 1,500 miles a lot of very impressive wiring and plumbing going on and these things really are a work of art these are the hot water systems up above so I Parry that's for your bow and stern thrusters twin generators of course on their outboard of the engines you can see one of them here there's one of them on the other side as well but it's worth having a little look around here because as I said earlier it's just a work of art it's plumbing on the back wall just stunning these fellas here these the triple turbo charges that it's a beast his exhaust systems and everyone's gonna wonder what's behind this door here say we'll have a look and what we'll find little bit noisier in here I apologize this is the electrical systems also in here this is an escape route so you have another route out of this area that's over needed in an emergency as we go back here this is all the ships of electrical systems will tucked away in here so again everything's real easy to get at and you've even got things like a monitoring system this mirrors the one on the bridge so all the systems on the boat what have we got we hit the home button you can go to whatever you want to go into Shore power see exactly what's going on down here you can go into daily settings and see what everything is doing so that gives you access to everything on the boat there hundred leave this area there right to the back and they wonder why was a huge printer here and the reason for that is but that yellow cable we could have see it disappearing up there that's a short power cable that's plugged into the shore and giving us 240 volts in the boat and when you're not using it that recoils through here and then coils up in there everything is thought of as empty green stuff okay let's get back out of here that's that emergency exit this everything is just so neatly done it's stunning absolutely stunning okay back out through these these are watertight doors that's why they have these huge catches on them so that you have separate watertight compartments within the boat okay let's get back out here we'll take it walk back up these steps and head out back along the side deck so this you can see is where we came in these steps up here so ending up past those and these take us back up to that four deck area that is above the master cabinet and we are going to finish up with a little sit and this wonderful area here so that is it that is the Sunseeker one one six yacht thank you very much tom wheels for arranging that because that has been absolutely brilliant I love looking at that I hope you've enjoyed it too if you have to please give us the thumbs up a quick click that always helps the analytics and also please do subscribe if you haven't already and click the little bell and that way it'll keep you informed of more videos coming because we've got some really great stuff lined up for you thanks very much for watching and we'll catch you on the next one take care the way you
Views: 2,157,769
Rating: 4.9188628 out of 5
Keywords: superyacht, super yacht, super yacht tour, superyacht tour, yacht tour, yacht, yacht life, millionaire lifestyle, millionaire, boat, boating, boat life, Jon Olssen, Princess V65 yacht tour, Sunseeker, 95 Yacht, yacht crew, crew, ocean, offshore, AQUAHOLIC, Mediterranean, luxury, cruising, worldwide, marine, Princess Yachts, Sunseeker International, Sunseeker 131 Yacht, Sunseeker 116 Yacht, Williams Dieseljet, Nick Burnham
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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