€46,000,000 Superyacht Tour : Alia Yachts 60m

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this is the most yacht samurai she's a 60 meter steel and aluminium super yacht built in 2016 she is absolutely incredible by far the biggest super yacht I have ever been on and I'm gonna do the full talk so we're going to step on board but if you like super yachts you are gonna love this let's start with this area here this is your main deck aft cockpit area you'll notice possibly as we came on the beach club we were going to come to that but we're gonna start here we're gonna head inside I'm going to do the tour here we go so this is the main saloon there at a boat show at the minute so there's other filming and activity going on so you'll have to excuse there'll be a few other people in shot as we go around but that shouldn't detract from what an incredible area this is if I come right back over in this corner look at that absolutely incredible and there's a slightly Japanese themed tour you probably noticed which just feels so cool so we're going to head on through here and take a look at the rest of the main deck and then with a walk away upwards and downwards and hopefully we will get the whole boat so the dining area is up ahead and if we head up towards here this will take us onwards and forwards now on this yacht pretty much all of the guest cabins are on this main deck so if we head on through here this is a wonderful lobby area and in fact there is another side access door just here so guests can come in onto the boat this way if it's preferred and that brings them into the center of this boat so that's head on forward let's see what we can find so if we hadn't poured on this main deck this is pretty much all of the guest areas and then the master cabin right at the front so what we have here are cabins like this they have got twin beds and you can bring these best together and make a double if you prefer and of course you've got things like a dressing area and there's an ensuite in here somewhere here we go so it's a way like that very very nice this of course is all hanging lockers as you expect this is mirrored directly opposite another cabin that is the same again ensuite so that mirrors of the cabin opposite or head forward again and we will find another couple of cabins very similar now this one again is a twin so all of these pretty much identical so nobody feels that they're in a smaller cabin than in anybody else which is a nice touch this one on this side has been made up as a double so you can see the bed's been brought together you can just hit a little gap in the center there so if you do want a double that's how that works and of course the ensuite so all those cabins are the same what isn't the same of course is the master cabin and that is up here so this is by far the most incredible master cabin I've ever seen on a boat pretty pretty much anywhere but look at this wonderful little snug here and then we head on forward again this is all one room this is the bathroom area and if you have a look over here how does the tallit and then on the other side shower massive shower I mean has just come right into here it's incredible that's just the shower and okay what was it this is a little office area and I'm a dressing area ahead of that but that I think you'll agree it's magnificent excellent lot of ground to cover on this boat as I say is a boat show so we're gonna have to be little bit careful where we go lots of people are around at the moment but we will cover the best we can so let's head back down this massive corridor past these guest cabins and then we will head on up this wonderful stairway this whole atrium area just look spectacular this big last power living natural lighting as well so we're head on round here trying to avoid the people who are on board and show you what we can find so what's in here that is a day heads and there's also another cabin up here so you've got the four guest cabins plus the master downstairs and then another one that takes the sleeping up to six cabins so this one here here's another guest cabin and that uses of that day heads that I just showed you so at night you lock that door into the passageway and this wood will all be for this cabin and then during the day of course that can be used as the day hits okay let's head on across here for the stairway on up which we'll go to in a moment this takes us into the crew area and there's a pantry up here as well that's not the galley it's just a pantry let's come back out of here forward and this we have a very quick pokin is the captain's cabin but it's in use of the minute there is an ensuite of course which is just around there but I'm not going to lawyer they're gonna say that one is in use okay let's head on forward so up here is of the bridge and it is as spectacular as you would have hoped on a boat of this caliber just to try to look at this crop a little ship stuff seating area here if anybody wants to join in the ride and see what's going on when the helmsman course is here and then this is all the screens for navigation boat operation radar you name it Ct TV this is watching who's coming on board at the moment huge chart area over here and there's even a little desk area at the back cool I think what we're going to do because there are some people up on the front of the minute is head back through this area and we'll take a look at the aft area at this upper deck so let's go right on back through here there's gonna be a little bit of a mishmash I'm trying to avoid other clients and people who are on the boat but if we come back this is the lobby area where we came in and then this little button here take us into here so this is like a sunroom up on the upper deck just beautiful and if I come right the way across on this side this is the pantry which we touched on very quickly earlier and there's also access from there down to the crew area anyway let's go on back take a look at the aft upper deck and that looks like this so wonderful outdoor dining area is huge shade over it which is beautiful and of course they've added the shade here as well I think while we're here we will head on up again and we'll take in the Sun Deck which is right up on the top okay here we go again shades out of them with it I can see it across the top here but that can be taken off because preferred so you can have this one other in the shade as it is now or open to the sunshine now if we head on forward we'll find on this side there is a shower so you've been some amazing on the back you're gonna cool down you can do and opposite that is another day head so it each deck you got a head you have to head off downstairs anytime we use the blue on this boat and then forward you've got this area now this is under the shade of a permanent a hardtop and it's got this big screen into that natural light through but also provide some shade as well and as you come right to the very front leaves your Sun Loungers and ahead of that but you kuzey fantastic okay now this route here we'll take us back down and it says people have moved off the front organ see if we can film up there okay it's a battery of the bridge okay here we go so up here under this big four deck area is a rescue tender that's not however the garage to gouge as a separate area which I will show you because that is pretty spectacular but there's a wonderful little area under this shade great place friends of the sunset cruise sit there their legs that looking out over the front beautiful and head of that of course then is a working area for the crew so all your anchor handling it cleats that kind of stuff that is all down here it's quite some superyacht okay let's head on around we'll go down to the lower areas and see if I can show you the crew areas garage is pretty spectacular and of course the engine space so back down here and we will work our way back I think what we're gonna do it's heading through here and see if I could follow the crew routine down so just here there's a way through into the crew area past the pantry on this deck and then the steps here will take us down okay so this is the main deck pantry and side door if we go down again areas so this is the galley and this is proper professional stuff in here as you can see I'm not lingering in here because it is in use of the minute so I'm gonna head on out and look at some of the other areas so this is the actual crew cabins there are seven of them they're all exactly the same they're all in use so I'm just gonna show one which they've been very kindly allowing me to film just give you an idea of what the true areas are like so you've got storage in here and then in behind here there's an ensuite and separate shower so there are seven cabins all like this one but as I say they are all in use so we're gonna say thank you very much letting me look at that one and we're gonna head on back a look at the engine space on the garage and that it's all the way back here there's a mess area on our left we're not going to stop because that is also in use and then we're going to head on through and this then this is the engine space so there is an actual engineers office here but over here is the engine room and then the engine room itself is in through here so these are of the engines will come around this side these are NTU 16v 4000 series they're 3860 horsepower each there's also three caterpillar generators in here these given about 21 knots of grass out and show cruise at 11 to 12 knots so this place also got transatlantic range it'll do over 4,000 miles at its cruising speed there's a serious long-distance boat the other engine of course we're gonna head right on through this area because back here is defending erage this is the toy store these as you can see all the paddle boards there's all kinds of kit in here including if we come right around pair of jet skis and the ships tender which is a pretty decent rib and as you can see on the back wall there then there are towing toys for it there are sea Bob's it's a really capacious area [Music] amazing really amazing okay wanna keep going because the last thing to see is the beach club and that is as spectacular as everything else on this amazing ship okay here we go check this out how amazing is that so it's been set up as a gym at the moment as you can see once you can put whatever you want in here and you'll notice this is teak faced on here that's because this whole area will drop down flat level with the water and open this right up so it makes for a brilliant area right at water level and if we head on a cross on this side we will find for example the sauna I mentioned there's a day heads on every level just to prove it there we go and a shower as well and that then leads right out of the back this is where we came on the walkway just here and in the transom of the boat the flat section here hinges all the way down flat and that's what makes this area just here so that is what gives you the Beach Club feel right at water level you can imagine being out at anchor and sitting out here with this magnificent ship right behind you unbelievable so that is it that is the 60 meter yacht by Ailee as they were at the boat show it's been a bit of a rush round but I hope that has covered all the areas for you because that is one of the most incredible boats I've ever been on I hate them do it that tour if you have please do subscribe if you're not already there's more coming thanks very much for watching catch your next one take care
Views: 1,362,569
Rating: 4.931231 out of 5
Keywords: Superyacht, Megayacht, M/Y Samurai, Samurai, super yacht, superyacht tour, Cannes Boat Show, Cannes Yachting Festival, boat show, Cannes, luxury, millionaire, lifestyle, high performance, speedboat, boat, yacht, yacht tour, tender, superyacht, superyacht tender, Nick Burnham, MBY, Motor Boat & Yachting, yachting, GoPro, crew, superboat, cool, fast, Monaco Yacht Show
Id: WX_dzQP3iyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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