€6,450,000 Superyacht Tour : Classic Hakvoort 34 Metre

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the boat behind me Espada she's 834 meter heartful to sail with ocean independence and they very kindly arranged for me to get on board this one and do a full yacht tour this is what I'm really excited about seeing because it's a real classic let's get it now if you have any interest in boats whatsoever and I presume you do if you're watching this child and you need to stay with me to the end of this one because this is I don't say this likely the most beautiful yacht I have ever been on and we're gonna start it's alright back here and I'm gonna tell you that this is actually built in 1998 but she's just had a complete refit right throughout completely repainted she's had all the teak done everything just looks like new and that's all just been done and the interesting thing about it is although it's a classic in terms of the styling it is actually a lot wider than the sort of 70s and 80s boats you normally find so there's a huge amount of space in it and I'll show you that next but let's start right at the back because here you've got to cut away that can come out and it's a passerelle built in hydraulic so that when it's turned to you've got easy boarding and his central section of table you can lift out so you've got direct access right through out really good flow but anyway let's head on inside and I'll show you what she's all about this is a work of art okay here we go now this boat is all about long-distance cruising in great comfort and in great style and it starts right here look at this the bar is over on this side anyway it's great when there's a course all the way around so you've got a terrific view out but it's a real classic isn't it I think that's stunning and it just gets more and more stunning as we go through the boat to the writing desk over here and you've got this lobby area that's through to the galley over there we will look at that in a bit with all the crew areas on Machinery you can do the whole tour on this boat but this is like an atrium here so you got a stairway down to the lower accommodation and a stairway up but look at this how beautiful is that but before we go into those areas we're going to head forward into the owners domain in fact as we go past that's the day heads but everything from this door forward is the owners little personal domain and the first thing you find is this beautiful little office space and then we'll head forward again and it takes this round and we'll go right to the front I think first of all and have a look at the actual cabin because well I don't even need to say anything do I that is just stunning absolutely stunning I think my description of the work of art was accurate it's just beautiful love this boat so much okay in here is the ensuite to this cabin with proper bath and then of course we have a shower just here and the toilet then is separate that's through this door and there and that door there actually then takes it back out so you can have that from the actual bedroom part straight into there as an ensuite at night amazing okay let's head on back out lots more of this boat to see and I think what we're going to do next is we're going to head down to the lower deck and have a look at the combination for guests and then we'll work our way up through the boat so here we go first thing it greets forces in this great little lobby area and then your bedrooms are off of here of course so there is a guest bedroom here this is a Pullman berth so you've got kids in here you can drop that down and sleep three well we can have it is at the moment and just sleep too of course and as it expect ensuite with the actual toilet then touching there okay let's come back out and head around to the other side and we will find very similar cabin and again and ensuite that's here same kind of situation sharing behind and then living through that door keeping moving because there's a lot of ground to cover in this boat okay let's head back here and this is your main of VIP cabin I mean that again just incredible masses of storage all the way across the back here I love these Art Deco style lights I love the whole feel of this it's amazing and this one also has a proper bathroom and then again your toilet is separate and off of here it's a bday thanks though okay let's come back out of here I'm gonna head up a deck and carry on though that door there that is a service door from the crew area but I think we're going to go into that from the galley area give a better idea of how this flows but I'll point it out when we're in that area of the boat in a moment so around here will take us to the galley and we'll look at some of the crew domain so this is the galley really great size and lovely view out as his cans were anchored I just don't care anyway as I say we'll carry on moving because also through here then is accessed down to the true area so there's a door there out onto the deck so again the crew can come and go without having to go through the guest accommodation and if we head down here is the mess area for the crew which is currently being occupied by Dave who is the captain and Toby from ocean independence is my who is my new best friend for getting me on this boat just incredible okay let's head on forward we'll have a quick look at the crew areas so these have got crew bedrooms tucked away like this on either side I don't go too deeply into those because obviously the crew are on board of the minute and using it and if we head up here that's a little laundry area with all the washing facilities and opposite that is walk-in freezer when others mentioned earlier this is all about on distance cruising and then a pantry right at the front and another access out up onto the deck okay let's go back through here and actually the last crew cabin in here it's just down here so you've another cabin there for engineers or whoever you want running the boat okay let's head back on up and we'll have a look at some of the upper deck areas so let's go back through the kitchen and there's a stairway there which takes you up to the wheelhouse but we're going to go out I think through the atrium but just because it is so very very nice so this lovely atrium area and this time instead of going down as we did before we are going to head a little bit further round and we'll find a stairway up and this then takes us through to the upper deck and look at that isn't that stunning so you've got this wonderful dining area you've got these huge windows for a great view out a nice little cozy smoke there another bar area it's come right back and have a look at this properly isn't that amazing okay let's head on forward keep on going and up here is the bridge I think sometimes of this boat I just don't need to say anything I just need to show you because I just Wow that incidentally was from the galley area so that's the cruise way up without having to go through the guest accommodation it's a very cleverly laid out boat right let's go out of this side and we'll work our way around some of the decks beautiful water so up here is the Portuguese bridge and these are winged stations you can control the boat from here so if you're docking the boat you can really see exactly what you're doing with it let's go around the Portuguese bridge another docking station on this side and then we'll head down this deck and this will take us back to the upper deck after area now up here you have got an outside eating area and two big cranes and this is where the tender lives the tender that we came across on would go on those chalks they're lifted out by this crane and this is a pair of Pico sailing he's the owner of this boat its massively inter sailing so he's got those that they can launch to have some fun with when they want to let's go right to the back of here take a look forward I'm just this is just beautiful just beautiful and as you probably spotted I'm not done yet there's another deck right on top of the boat so this is the Sun Deck okay let's head on up here and this is the top of that atrium dimension when we first came in stay awake winding its way up and there's another Health Edition that is accessed from the bridge down below this is just astonishing and then of course some bits at the back so if you want to catch some rays that is the place to do it and water view good afternoon Kanna amazing absolutely amazing it sounds like hyperbole but honestly I can't find the words for this bow Disney just almost leave me speechless but not quite okay so the very last thing to look at then is the engines and if we head down here this is a direct route down to that aft deck that will allow us to spin round here and head down to the engine space right head down these backwards I think absolutely [Music] so the first thing greets us is this great little work area we've got generators running at the minute so it's a little noisier down here of course one of them is in behind here and then the engines themselves are up ahead now these are caterpillar engines twin engines and they are 482 horsepower each now all these engines and generators have complete rebuild to bring up to zero our spec so this has been completely rebuilt throughout here and the boat is just absolutely incredible condition [Music] and I think because of the noise I will come back out and give you the reports and rain triggers over here whereas a little bit quieter [Music] okay let's head on up I think we'll finish off up on the bow and I'll tell you about speed and range just to finish off few the toys are now up here at the moment here we go let's get right up on the front so those engines as I say they're 482 horsepower each be given about about 10 knots flat out there abouts cruising at eight to nine knots but the impressive thing about it you've got a range of six and a half thousand miles this is a serious long-distance Explorer but for my money what this is most of all is a work of art I said when I came on and I say it again I think this is the most beautiful boat I've been on just stunning so there you go that's the spot a huge thanks to ocean dependence for getting me on board of this when I can't thank you enough because it's just it's just amazing just love it I've been really taking with this boat I hope you've enjoyed that talk and hope you'll catch the next one if you hit the subscribe button and the little bell it'll keep you informed of more coming thanks for watching take care bye
Views: 306,423
Rating: 4.9284878 out of 5
Keywords: Hakvoort, Spada, Cannes Yachting Festival, Boat Show, Aquaholic, yacht tours, superyacht tours, super yacht tours, Princess Yachts, Yacht, luxury, millionaire, lifestyle, Cannes, superyacht, super yacht, Ben Metcalfe
Id: eD6mishsYak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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