10.4.4 Packet Tracer - Build a Switch and Router Network - Physical Mode

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okay the topology the addressing table in this packarizer physical mode you will cable equipment as shown in the topology diagram you will then configure the devices to match the addressing table after the configurations have been saved you will verify your configurations by testing the network connectivity set up the topology move the required router and switch from the shelf to the rack okay go to topology you need a router and switch r1 and s1 okay look at the names r1 and s1 r1 as well move the required pcs from the shelf to the table pci and pcb pci and pcb cable the devices okay from gigabit zero zero one on r1 to faster not five on s1 and use a green cable uh copper straight through from gigabit zero zero one on r1 to faster.5 on s1 from gigabit 000 to pcb okay from gigabit zero zero zero on the router from gigabit zero zero on the router to pcb this is pcb fast ethernet interface not rs2302 use faster than red okay very good and from positive.6 and s1 to pci further not six almost one to faster than pca power on all the devices click here to power on the router now you can see the green indicator and the switch is connected by the file to the power distribution device so the power connection for s1 is enough to power on the device configure devices and verify connectivity assign a static ip information to the pc interface on pca configure ipl subnet mask default gateway on pcb ipad subnet mask default gateway okay and pci click desktop okay don't forget to power on pca don't forget to power on pcb okay click on pca desktop ipconfiguration [Music] go to addressing table and configure this okay prefix 24 and the full gateway is this one one when i do 16811 go to pcb desktop ipconfiguration [Music] and configure this okay 192.168.03 so my nap mask 24 before that way zero one 192.168.01 okay and now configure ipv6 on pca configure ipv6 okay go to pca configuration two zero zero one dba hcad one column column three okay prefix 64. and link local ladders not specified and default gateway fe80 column color one the forget with fb h0 column column one okay very good go to pcb and pcb ipv6 address okay pcb series here one dba acad column column three prefix 64. okay is uh column zero two zero zero one dba ac column zero column column three but it's the same to use to zero zero one dba hcid column column three okay it's the same and don't worry and for gateway fe h0 column one link local letters not specified from a command prompt window on pci phpcb why were the pinks not successful okay pca come on prom and pinch ipv4 others of pcb okay from pca pink pcb from pca peak pcb and ip address of pcb is this when i do 16803 and pink will fail okay why were the things not successful the router interfaces default gateways have not been configured yet so layer 3 traffic is not being routed between subnets okay remember between pci and pcb there is a router r1 that should be configured configure the router console into the router and enable privilege exec mode okay from pca from pca i will connect the console on the router use a light blue cable console cable run pci rs232 port to a console port on the router okay very good click on pca close command prompt open terminal okay enter would you like to enter initial configuration dialog no enter enter enable privilege excel mode enable this is privilege exact mode enter configuration mode configure terminal assign the device name okay hostname r1 case sensitive assign class is the privilege encrypted password enable secret class okay encrypt that password use secret for an encrypted password and class is the password as science is the console password okay first access to line console and there is only one console it's number zero okay remember only one console this this this port okay number zero and cisco is the console password password cisco and enable login login to enable the the login and exit from line configuration mode exit from line configuration mode to global configuration mode and science is cause the bty password okay access line bty lines from 0 to 15 16 lines from 0 to 15 cisco is the pty password cisco and enable logging logging then exit from line configuration mode remember pty is the telnet access configuration encrypt the plain text passwords so use service password dash encryption create a banner that warns anyone accessing the device that unauthorized access is prohibited banner message of the day boon out to rise access is prohibit that notarized access is prohibited enter configure and activate bot interfaces on the router okay our one gigabit zero zero zero configure all this the physical bit zero zero zero ipls when i do at 6801 24 is this 255 divided by 250 by zero i beat six others zero zero one zero zero one dba acad column column 1 profit 64. okay remember is a column 0 bit is the same to use color color one and enter don't forget link local address so that's why you will use the link local address is the default gateway on the pcs okay the link local address ipv6 address fvh0 cloud column 1 link dash local enter and not shut down to enable the interface and now you will see the green indicator here on the router and on the switch now it's blinking the traffic exists okay enter and gigabit zero zero one zero zero one ipv4 address 180 168 one one twenty four ipv6 hours i use six hours to zero one dba acad column 1 column column 1 prefix 64. link local address the same ipv6 address fva 0.01 link local not shut down to enable the interface now you can see the the indicator okay also indicators on the pcs configuring interface description for each interface indicating which device is connected to it okay add descriptions on interfaces okay remember gigabit zero zero is connected to pcb go to gigabit zero zero zero description connection to pcb okay you can use any description it's only a label enter and gigabit zero zero one is connected to s1 interface gigabit series u1 description connection to s1 enter okay exit from interface configuration mode to go global configuration mode and to enable ipv6 router enter the ipv6 unicast routing command ipv6 unicast dash routing save the running configuration to the startup configuration and and do this on privilege exec mode and copy running config to start up copy okay copy the contents of running configuration to the startup config so since running startup his destination running is the ram and start up mbram enter enter again okay set the clock on the router use the question mark to help with the correct sequence of parameters needed to execute this command okay and do this on privilege exec mode and use the commands okay the command is clogged set and use a question mark for help okay question mark for help and use hour minute and second okay now is 12 44 [Music] 15. okay hour minute and second and question mark use the day or month okay i will use the day now is 11. question mark specify the month is august boost question mark and the year 2021 enter very nice okay and from command prompt window of pci ping pcb okay pca and close the terminal open command okay remember previously the ping failed because the router was not configured and now try again okay success also you can use ipv6 to ping ipv6 others of pcb p2001 dba acid column column 3 success if things are not successful the windows firewall may need to be turned off okay this is for we are not were the ping successful explained yes the router is routing traffic across the two subnets the default settings for the 3960 switch will automatically turn up the interfaces that are connected to the devices configure the switch you will configure the hostname language interfacing it's the full gateway console into the switch okay i will console the switch using pcb using a console cable this and from rs to theory to on pcb connect the switch as well but where is the console port right click inspect rear and console is here right click here and now you have the connection from pcb to s1 using console okay click on s1 and [Music] click on pcb terminal okay enter enable okay you are on privilege exec mode privilege action mode and under configuration mode your terminal the hostname assign a device name to the switch hostname remember as one case sensitive capital s configure and activate the vlog interface on the switch as well okay this is okay according the other scene table on interface vlan 1 okay it's a virtual interface a virtual interface okay for management and interface will have one ip address 182 16812 subnet mask 24 is this okay no ipv6 address and enabled interface with no shutdown enter and exit from interface configuration mode exit and set the default way repeat the dash gateway 192.168.11 very good configure the default gateway for the switch okay is this save the running configuration to the startup configuration file okay and copy running dash config to start up dash config enter enter a very good compression 100 but verify connectivity and to end connectivity from pca pcb okay go to pca remember this is the common prompt after configuring the switch ping from pca to pcb enter success [Music] using using ipv6 ping from pca to pcb okay success from s1 pink pcb okay from s1 big pcb okay go to console on remember the console of pcb is connected to s1 [Music] and from s1 being ip address or pcb ipv4 others okay 182.168.03 success success and all pings should be successful very good display device information you will use show commands to retrieve interface and routing information from the router and switch display the routing table on the router use the show ap root command on r1 to answer the following questions okay remember pca is connected to the console of r1 so click on pca close command prompt open terminal okay and show ib root show ap root enter okay what code is used in the routing table to indicate the directly connected network okay and okay and the answer is c designates a directly connected subnet okay see it's connected and l designates a local interface okay it's local interface how many root entries are coded with a c code in the routing table okay one two the answer is two what interface types are associated to the c code that roots okay and gigabit zero zero zero and gigabit zero zero one use show ipv6 root command on r1 to display the iv6 routes okay show ipv6 route okay two directly connected networks and local networks okay and very similar to ipv4 routing table display the interface information on r1 show interface gigabit zero zero one so interface gigabit zero zero one okay what is the operational status of the gigabit 001 interface interface gigabit 001 is up and live protocol is up what is the midi access control mac address of the gigabit 001 interface this is a hardware address is zero zero six zero four seven three one a one zero two okay board net in address is the same okay okay this is the hardware address and this another address is the same for now but you can change this by software but the board net in address will remain this how is the internet address displayed in this command okay internet address is 1816811 prefix 24. for the ipv6 information enter show ipv6 interface okay space show show ipv6 interfacing with 001 so you can see the status is our protocol app you can see the global unicast address and also you can see the link local address display a summary list of the interfaces on the router and switch there are several commands that can be used to verify an interface configuration one of the most useful is the show ip interface brief commands the command output displays a summary list of the interface on the device and provides immediate feedback about the status of each interface okay on r1 show ip interface brief show ap interface brief okay very good the interfaces with ip address and status status app and protocol app okay another interfaces no ip address on assign ad and now okay show ipv6 interface brief okay the analog command bit for ipv6 show ipv6 interface brief now you can see the interfaces the status up ipv6 addresses very good show ip interface brief command on this one okay remember the console of s1 is connected to pcb okay so go to pcb you are on command line of s1 enter and show ap interface brief okay 24 factor net ports two gigabit ports and one virtual interface milan one now you can see five and six are in use okay and virtual interface is up okay very nice reflection questions if the gigabit zero zero one interface showed that it was administratively down one interface configuration command would you use to bring the interface up okay use no shutdown command on interface configuration mode what would happen if you had incorrectly configured interface you with 001 on the router with the iprs of and the answer is pca will not be able to ping pcb this is because pcb is on a different network than pca which requires the default gateway router to root these packets pca is configured to use the ip address of 180 168 one one for the default gateway router but this address is not assigned it to any device on the lamp any packets that need to be sent to the default gateway for routing will never reach their destination okay look at this gigabit zero zero one on router has the ips 180 168 one one and pca close this ip configuration pca has the default gateway 182 168 1 1 if you change the ip address of gigabit 001 on r1 to 1.2 pca will not will not be able to reach the default gateway so pca needs the default gateway to reach pcb to reach another network so the ping will fail okay 100 thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 28,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, itn, introduction to networks, version 7, switch 2960, router, ipv4, ipv6, ipv6 unicast-routing, addressing, show ip route, routing table, show ip interface brief, v7.02, physical mode, packet tracer
Id: zoClTnXrKo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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