911 Calls Disguised as Normal Conversations | People Stories #260

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9-1-1 stroke 999 call operators of ridic how do you tell the difference between a distress call where someone may be trying to contact the police without alerting an attacker or just an accidental call gone off in someone's pocket how often do accidental cause discrete distress calls happen i'm not a 999 stroke 911 dispatcher i arrived at work one morning before anyone else as is normal the phone starts ringing so i answer it it's a lady who works one the 999 switchboard and tells me that they'd had a call from this number and wanted to check everything was okay i explained that has just arrived at work and that there's no one else here but me she asked if i was sure because a lady had called 999 screamed down the phone and then hung up i just about crap my pants they send a cop around and found everything to be normal we never found out what had gone on long time lurker first time poster not a call operator but i had a situation happen with me so i had been out of work for a while and been looking but no luck i was at an aaa meeting one friday night and was outside talking to some friends guy walks up and asks if any of us are looking for work i pop up and start discussing with him what the job would be limo driver dope i'm up for it so we arrange a beating the next day at 4 now the next day i start to realize i know nothing about this guy other than that he is supposedly sober i did meet him at an aaa meeting so i also have a galaxy s5 as a phone and playing around with it one day led me to an emergency setting where if you push the lock home button three times it will take a picture with the front and back camera and send a message to your emergency contacts with an approximate gps location i had told my sponsee mom and roommate about this and about my arrangement for the night and if they get a message to call the cops fast forward i meet up with the guy everything's fine phone's in my back pocket and i'm driving this late 90s cadillac stretch the car was awesome when out of nowhere i feel my phone vibrating off the hook i have the security partition up so i pull my phone out about 30 minutes prior my butt must have set the emergency setting off twice and all my emergency contacts are freaking out in a group text my heart drops i immediately start to respond to the text when i get a call from an unknown number it's the local sheriff my sponsee had called the cops and reported me as kidnapped i had to convince them that everything was cool and that i really was safe and not tied up in a basement all deliverance style so that's my story and that's why i don't keep the emergency setting on my phone anymore paramedic here depending on what the dispatchers here they'll also send ems and fire in addition to the police m's won't bill you for above dial but my fire department will build the caller 500 for a false alarm if you don't pay then they add it onto your or your landlord's property taxes this is why i don't pre-program 9-1-1 into my phone or have a phone with an emergency button my friend once called the cops about a shooting outside her apartment the operator just told her it was probably a firecracker and hung up without there being any follow-up before katrina the nopd did the test they went around different neighborhoods and discharge blanks hundreds of them to see how long it took people to call nine one one no one ever called i work for a large bank and managed a process that used to send huge numbers of automated fax confirmations some clients would request that we stop sending the facts with the usual crap tools at our disposal the easiest way to do that was to just change the number to some random non-working number so we used 1 billion and eleven million one hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and eleven what could possibly go wrong well you have to dial nine to get an external line so the automatic system dials nine one one one and wouldn't you know that goes to nine 9-1-1 so basically we launched an old-school dos attack on 9-1-1 the state police were about to shut down the power supply to the entire building before it could finally terminate the process little did they know the facts server was located in another state surprisingly i learned that 911 accepts faxes and had to go to the dispatch center to collect those that got through i also learned you don't need to dial nine to get an outside line four nine one one instinct you just get this feeling something isn't right have dispatched cops or medics just cause of a gut feeling has worked out a few times where it helped the person you may be wrong nine times out of ten but that one time you follow through it can save a life also looking a call history for a dress or phone number helps that has always been helpful not a 911 operator but i worked for audio video surveillance company for a while where we occasionally had to dispatch police and other emergency personnel when required i once received a panic button alarm activation from a hotel in california our standard protocol was to pull up the live video feed and call the location if a panic button had been triggered i pulled up the feed and called the hotel twice and didn't receive an answer and no one including workers appeared to be in the lobby but this was suspicious as there is at least one desk attendant at all times i had a co-worker go ahead and dispatch police for a standard walkthrough while i was reviewing the last 10 minutes or so of video footage what i saw was one of the most heartbreaking and tragic events i've ever witnessed i saw a woman carrying a young sleeping child probably aged two or three from floor to floor of the hotel at times i would see her walking up the stairs and at others i'd see her getting out of the elevators this woman was obviously distressed and was crying but i couldn't see any reason for her to be upset the hotel itself was a large square and there was a section in the middle of each side where there were large balcony areas for smoking the woman eventually took the elevator up to the sixth floor and walked out onto the balcony where she proceeded to throw her sleeping child down into the courtyard area below she then wrapped one end of an extension cord around her neck and the other onto the balcony railing and then flung herself as hard as she could over the edge the cord broke and she ended up falling onto a balcony two stories down dead from a broken neck for a couple that had been out on a balcony saw her fall and went inside to tell the desk attendant the couple ran outside to see what the woman had thrown over the balcony before herself and the desk clerk pressed the panic button so we would dispatch police in the time it took about 10 seconds for us to respond the couple had found the child and picked it up the attendant saw what they were holding and fainted behind the desk making it impossible for us to see her i'm so thankful for the 9-1-1 operators and police officers who handle situations like these on a daily basis i only worked in security for a few months but it made me realize how freaking courageous these people are i'm not a 9-1-1 call operator but i just want to commend 9-1-1 operators of being as calm as they are when an actual distress call comes to them speaking from experience my parents got into an argument which then escalated to a fight once my dad struck my mom and my mom started to defend herself and i immediately picked up the phone and called 9-1-1 out of terror that my father would potentially badly hurt or even kill my mom my voice was trembling and i kept stammering cause i was so afraid the 911 operator was just trying to keep me as calm as possible and for that i'm thankful you guys have definitely a seriously hard job and i want to thank you for your work as cliche as it may sound this moment in my life changed me a little bit i accidentally did the emergency call when my phone was locked i think i cancelled and they called back i quickly apologized and told them it was a pocket dial they seem relieved not mad or anything i've done it twice on my phone they appreciate it much better if you follow through with the initial call instead of having up both times i said it was an accident and there was no emergency and that i was in no danger and they thanked me and no trouble was had i know i'm way late big current dispatcher here working now actually on a typical day around forty percent minus sixty percent of the nine one one calls you answer tend to be pocket dials and contrary to what you see on tv very rarely do people try to discreetly call nine one one we are trained to handle situations where they do but in the two years experience i have so far i haven't had it happen and haven't been told any stories by my fellow dispatchers of them experiencing it to answer your question if people do discreetly call us and don't speak directly to us it is generally a bad thing tv has taught society that 9-1-1 can quickly and accurately triangulate your location if you call from a cell phone we can't with the new generation of 9-1-1 systems we can get roughly a 100 yard radius of where your phone is but if you are in an apartment or crowded urban street good luck finding that always give your location even if that is the only thing you can give that way we know where to go you learn to recognize pocket dials very quickly they are either just swishing sounds or a whole lot of buttons being pressed often times we get calls from children playing with disconnected but still powered phones all phones can call nine one one even if they aren't hooked up to a provider and those are the most difficult since they often call numerous times and we have no idea where the phone actually is when you only have five people working at that time that constant 9-1-1 call can get very frustrating i've commented this before i once received an emergency call from a bulldog the dog had knocked the phone over and dialed 9 every time it moved it was sleeping on the phone and it sounded like someone who was choking emergency services were sent out the dog was fine was a hotel clerk and was robbed at gunpoint they tied my hands together and my feet together once they left i was able to call nine one one i told them what happened and asked them to hurry for i was tied up the dumbass 911 operator laughed at me this is a really crap answer but in all honestly i think it's something that just comes with experience i can usually tell in the first five seconds of a call how it's going to play out but you ofc get the occasional one in someone's pocket where you unsure and we will devour to do everything we can to make sure all is well with the caller as for how often prank calls happen from adults very rarely like genuine prank absolutely nothing happening maybe only one or two a month tend to get regulars who come in waves and last a few days during school holidays we get numerous a day kids just messing about often the operator will confirm it was children on the line or that they sounded like they weren't genuine i keep reading comments about how people repeatedly but dial nine one one you're tying up the line for someone who may need it the first time it happens you should take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again i don't think it's something to be taken lightly if somebody calls in and hangs up they are called back a few attempts are made you cannot assume something is distressful by just hearing it a kid playing and screaming on a deactivated cell phone which cannot be called back may sound like a female screaming who is going to put money on making that distinction people in distress often are whispering you can hear screaming or crashing in the background and use your gut sometimes when you run the number it has a history of domestic disturbances and then the cops will go if it's a landline there's an address which makes it easier cell phones also have records which can take some time to pull from the record you have a name an address and can run any known history of calls or violence or whatever if you call nine one one by accident stay on the phone don't just hang up and screen the calls because then you're wasting police resources stay on the line and clearly say something like yes i called 911 by mistake it was in my pocket that way the operator knows that nobody who was in danger would be so blatant to say that kind of crap even still they will ask follow-up questions like is there any reason why you wouldn't be able to talk right now then again nothing is absolute sometimes a female will call and say oh sorry wrong number and you'll hear a male voice then you ask who they're with they say oh nobody it was an accident and then you know something's going on if they're not admitting there's somebody else there there is no real way of knowing if a call is accidental or being made discreetly without being able to talk to the caller a silent cutoff 999 call can never be filtered and ignored based on any technique which is why our unit will always be dispatched to it if a location is known background noise will be a big giveaway in most cases if it quite clearly is a pocket dial you may be able to exhaust non-emergency responses in the first instance but a mobile phone has an unknown location without someone to speak to there is only so much you can do ordinarily you will have a unit attend home address if that information is available to you by way of a link from the number whom dialed however for the reasons just stated a discreet genuine emergency 999 call without being able to communicate with the caller presents a difficulty you can dispatch a unit to the home address if known otherwise you are completely dependent on cues based on what the caller is saying what those in the background are saying or if other noises can be heard inside outside busy area in a vehicle indicator clickers are noisy as heck on a phone call if you can speak to a caller they may still be being discrete i want a taxi please could quite easily be seen as a hoax accidental call but the caller really does want the police which is why you should vet such a call with closed questions do you know you have called the police do you require the police is it an emergency are you injured are you at risk of harm are you at your home address tell them their own home address if you know it all yes no questions one thing i will say to you all accidental 999 dials happen never ever ever ever just hang up ever explain it was an accident be prepared to get asked some question to validate the authenticity of what you are saying primarily to ensure you are not under duress see closed questions prior a cut off 999 call is an absolute nightmare especially from a mobile phone especially one with no linked address person data the inconvenience of 10 seconds to verify an accidental call is a whole load better than thinking someone is being attacked killed raped and tried to summon assistance but could not how often do they happen silent cut off 999s happen frequently generally they turn out to just be accidental most calls do not warrant a 999 call a small percent of the total of taken 999 s are genuine i used to have a cell number that was x91-1xxx my friend tried to call me one day and he missed the first number on his phone and didn't know it the unfortunate part is that the guy that answered his mistaken 9-1-1 call sounded just like me my friend thinks it's me screwing with him and so he starts playing along saying that a bunch of men are trying to get into his house to rape him and a bunch of other messed up crap of course the guy on the phone thinks this is strange so he's trying to get more info but my friend thinks it's still me messing with him and starts in on the guy again he told me later when he got out of jail that he realized his mistake about five seconds before the cops kicked in his front door and hauled him off he also said the worst part of the whole thing wasn't the fines or the jail time but standing in a courtroom full of people in front of the judge having the phone call played and trying to explain his jokes this man is a doctor now we both still have six senses of humor though when i was a kid there was a cat up in a tree yes like in the movies i decided to be the responsible one and call 9-1-1 as the 9-1-1 dispatcher started to talk my dad yelled at me to hang up the phone and not bother the people who were there for emergencies a few seconds later the dispatcher called our phone again and my dad answered this time but the dispatcher wouldn't have it she he yelled at my dad that they didn't want to speak to him after he told them it was a misunderstanding but that they wanted to speak to the little girl so i got on the phone and told them that there was a cat up in the tree the 9-1-1 dispatcher was nice and told me that help was on the way i guess it was a slow day since two fire trucks one ambulance and a police car came to our house for a cat the firemen came out in their huge uniforms all ready for the unexpected they got on the ladder and tried to grab the cat but the cat just jumped and landed safely on the ground anyway my parents were yelled at by the police again saying that they should teach me when it's necessary to use 9-1-1 i was given a pat on the back and congratulated for being an outstanding citizen after all that was said and done the cat was back on the tree again an hour later my dad warned me not to call nine one one back for the cat my mom and grandma used to have me practice calling 9-1-1 on my plastic toy phone they would wait in one room to come rescue me and i would go in the other room to call the first time though i burst into panic tears my mom ran into comfort me thinking i was scared of the pretend emergency i managed to sob out i can't find the other one i once was making out with my girlfriend at the time and my phone went off we were going at it hot and heavy but i took a moment to check my phone caller it wasn't something i recognized so i answered this number contacted emergency services is there an emergency i stammered i apologize i must have but dialed making out with 911 girlfriend i'm very sorry the dispatcher didn't seem angry and we didn't have officers show up or check on us so i'm not sure what i said that saved us from that headache after i hung up i explained the situation to my gf and we continued our session tldr almost but dialed an emergency three-way in 1994 we were watching the oj simpson slow speed bronco chase live on tv unknown to us our toddler was playing with the phone and he hit the 911 speed dial the dispatcher heard an open line and sent a patrol car two cops rang our door and asked if we were okay we let them look around i found the phone and hung it up then the cops joined us as we watched oj on the tv until he reached his house when i was four i purposefully dialed 911 because my grandad was a police officer and i thought that was how you called them if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 9,060
Rating: 4.8816566 out of 5
Keywords: 911 calls disguised, best disguised 911 calls, disturbing 911 calls, best 911 calls, best 911 calls pizza, 911 call, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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