this ONE trick will make you a famous streamer...

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Ludwig made a good video about growing a youtube channel from scratch to prove it involves skill. Grow on youtube first using Ludwig's tips, then use your youtube to promote your twitch.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/logos__ 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

The inner working of streaming websites are always interesting

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/CouchMan0 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody it is me this guy's tote streamer extraordinaire and boy do i have a treat for you today i'm gonna be teaching you the number one secret to becoming a famous twitch streamer i've seen a lot of videos and guides and threads and discussions there's one problem with the majority of these guides they are all written by very irrelevant individuals it's like taking advice on how to play basketball from someone whose biggest achievement is feeding kids at a playground and now the michael jordan of streaming is here to teach you directly so forget everything you've ever heard from anyone else because i have the only true advice and that is to not stream on twitch but let me explain what i mean by that you should never begin your streaming career by making a twitch account and just starting the stream because you will not get any viewers you guys know how bad the twitch discovery system is i'm saying this despite yesterday signing on to twitch on a platform deal so twitch if you're watching i apologize your discovery system is let's go over to for a second let's click minecraft how do i find a streamer chances are i'm gonna check the top three or four 10k viewer 500 130 600 200 and this is recommended for you most people sort by high to low because if there's a lot of people watching that means the content's good if you're starting how many viewers do you have one maybe your girlfriend has your stream open two if you convinced your friend three if you have that one viewer who's just really really likes the one-on-one personal connection what you guys don't see is the thousands and hundreds i am just scrolling hundreds hundreds hundreds thousands you guys do not understand just how many no viewer streamers there are you guys don't really see this because nobody goes and scroll through this they stop at the first two page so as a streamer why do you think if you just start your stream that people can discover you can have great content i am not saying if you have no viewers you have bad content i'm just saying if you have no viewers it's really really hard to even find you on twitch we've gone through at least a thousand minecraft streamer i guarantee you like five of them are entertaining and deserve a lot of viewers but they cannot be found it's just not possible there's no talent scout there's no twitch employee that is getting paid a salary to go through all these streams and be like oh this guy's pretty pretty great so let's boost him or whatever so if your strategy to becoming a streamer is to just start streaming and pray for the best it won't work you would require luck like someone else to come along and be like hey person your content's great and i want you to like collab with me so i always say if you want to start content creation specifically streaming to never start streaming as your first plan of action fortnite is another big one because with fortnite you get a lot of young kids who are streaming from the playstation their xbox and the nintendo switch there's actually a huge console audience we don't really talk about them when it comes to streaming because most streamers stream off like 90 of streamers stream off pc right there's one in chat that says something tell us not everyone cares about viewers well this video is how to become a famous streamer not how to stream on twitch okay thank you yes some people do it for a hobby and they do it for what they love great shut up thank you let's go back to fortnite this isn't to illustrate like oh look they have no viewers it's more just there is so much streamers out there like when you think streamer you're like xqc psycuno lillypichu pokemane you don't see the hundreds and thousands of people trying and i really want to talk about this because you know what each of them went out and bought a webcam a hundred bucks they bought a microphone a hundred bucks on the low end goes up to 400 for these these are the industry standard the sm7b and then a mixer which is like 200 to 300 a pc that can run a game and stream it what 2k 3k internet software el gato lights and like hey streamer you need this product to stream you need this you need better lights the whole setup's gonna run you 6k but you'll have a banger stream setup now multiply all that product all that cost by all these streamers that is so much money so much time and so much effort and if you like watch some of these streamers who are trying to become a big streamer they stream a lot they stream hours five hours every day for like the last few months i'm talking about people who are trying to be a streamer because if you are entertaining if you have talent and if you are a good streamer it would be a shame to not be able to showcase that if you're spending all your time and money doing a strategy that won't get you noticed it's a waste of talent hey sabrosa perfect so there's generally two ways i see what a great time to point out one way number one is being an insanely good player at the game you played and this is the most straightforward way but i would say the hardest because there's a lot of good player in every single game fortnite valerant cs go league of legends apex legends if you're like the top of the top and i mean top 10 player you can have an audience because people love watching god gamer timmy acu god gamer hens subrosa god gamers they will have a base audience who just want to watch a god gamer shroud's a great example shroud is a very chill dude he's just like laid back and he's jumping around clicking heads and you watch him you're like holy crap faker look i haven't seen his stream from the outside perspective he's not very talkative while he speaks korean so i wouldn't be able to understand him but he's a god gamer right people will watch him just because he's faker even xqc a lot of people think oh excuse me is just he's a juicer he's loud he's like always making content drama but xqc started as a professional overwatch player right he was really good at overwatch and that got him some attention from like moon moon but it was his skill and his personality that kind of set him apart but even before that i'm pretty sure xqc was trying to stream league of legends to very little viewers at the start of his career because i remember seeing a clip of him from like years and years ago and he got like a big boost from overwatch ninja people think he was just really good at fortnite but no ninja started in uh halo he was a competitive halo player and when he played fortnite he had viewers watching him i think he went from halo to h1z1 and then fortnite right but he was just really good at the games he played very straightforward become a god gamer problem with that is it's really hard because there's a lot of good players as gaming become more and more popular throughout the years i've tried playing fortnite i get rolled by 12 year olds coming home from school and they take off their backpack they get their little sippy juice and they play fortnite every single day and they're building the eiffel tower while i'm in my one by one and they just absolutely destroy me [Music] and that's not even like a good kid player that's like an average kid player it is really hard but if you are lucky enough or if you train enough to be one of these top 10 player in the game of your choice you will have an audience and you don't necessarily have to be entertaining being entertaining is a huge plus though that's one of the things hearthstone always struggled with is you had a lot of great hearthstone player but 90 of them are boring as which is why it was easy for me above average player to kind of like differentiate myself because here comes a guy who is half decent at the game but is actually entertaining right number two which is the option everyone should go through and the way i did it is building up a presence on another platform youtube is my favorite i like reddit by the time tick-tock came out i was already famous so i couldn't like use tik-tok to become famous ludwig has an amazing video that you guys can check out editor put up a link somewhere but ludwig did a video where he dropped a video on a completely anonymous youtube channel he had an advantage of knowing what sells was clickbaitable but those are things people can learn you can learn to clickbait by looking at youtube videos like if you're interested in hearthstone look at hearthstone videos if you're interested in fortnite look at fortnite videos so what ludwig knows is streamer videos streamer highlights streamer recaps streamer drama like he did a video about miss kiff brand new channel zero subscribers and then he donated to miss kif to get a reaction out of him these are things you don't need an existing fan base for how i got started was i made statistical analysis on hearthstone cards and i'm talking even before my youtube i did something actually similar to lovely seven years ago i was 23. this was after a year like one or two years hearthstone's been established so i wasn't like the first guy on the hearthstone scene you had your you had your trump sc your rain ad and here i am complete nobody trying to make content and the first thing i did was it might not make any sense to you guys but all i did was compile nine new cards from a new expansion set that's it it's like oh there's these nine new cards and they're pretty cool let me post it on the subreddit right no it's anyone can do that i just took nine pictures and put it together anyone can do that but it's neat content it's like if you're a big hearthstone fan and someone presented you that you're like oh yeah i would love to like see what the new cars are after that i try to do something a little more original so i did a analysis on hearthstone decks for those who don't know hearthstone's a card game and you have 30 cards in one deck so i looked at professional decks writing off people who are popular these are all popular hearthstone streamers foursome kolento reyna strife pro ceviche all big hearthstone streamer and just look at the decks i look at what's in common the mulligan statistics like what wins more what wins less and i wouldn't say this is the most amazing graphic design i just learned a little bit to present information in a fun way and i did this for about a year and then i dropped my first youtube video now by then after one year of doing this people didn't know who i really was they just knew it was like oh that's the guy who posts math on reddit right and this is the video it's not like look at me playing hearthstone and being good at it let me play it 14 second video half a million views it was a funny easter egg right and people watch that stuff on youtube like people watch arcane easter eggs marvel movie easter eggs people like finding little trivias here and there i knew that and i found a little easter egg and hearthstone and i just presented it it's like hey here's a funny thing i also did something similar to ludd where i made a quiz a hearthstone quiz lucky enough someone not me i swear to god it was not me showed it to who was the biggest hearthstone streamer at the time and he just did the quiz and i took his reaction and posted it on my youtube video right that's how i got started and when i first started streaming i had a hundred viewers not a lot but enough to be like hey oh 100 viewers that we know who that is that's the math guy i didn't hit my boom until my face review and i didn't hit another boom until tft and then hit another boom until among us but i had a small platform and that's what a lot of new streamers should aim to do the youtube algorithm is good the tick tock algorithm is good the twitch algorithm is terrible people always say this thing too as long as you're consistent you'll get viewers and i always say if you're consistently bad you can be the most consistent person in the entire world if you're consistently bad you're not getting viewers and i feel really bad because some people hear that and i would check the streaming history and it would be eight hour streams every day for the last year and the dude is averaging two viewers and i'm like it it it breaks my heart i'm talking about once again people who want to be big streamers if you're happy with one viewer 2 viewer and just doing your thing great be happy with that nothing wrong with that but i think a lot of people stream on twitch because they want to be somebody they want to be a streamer they want to have an audience a community to watch and play games and it's a beautiful dream right but you gotta do the right thing to achieve it and not waste your time not waste your money on things that won't make a difference so that's my advice if you want to be a big twitch streamer don't start streaming on twitch start anywhere else with a good algorithm find out what's popular build an audience there and then eventually transition into streaming once you've given people a reason to care about your content you have to set yourself apart from everyone else good luck nailed it nailed it [Music]
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 668,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, twitch, income, streamer, streamers, youtuber, money, disguised, toast, hearthstone, streaming, ninja, fortnite, shroud, drdisrespect, twitch clips, streaming guide, streaming tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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