10 MAJOR TIPS for NEW Youtubers to grow a Youtube channel!

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after watching this youtube video you will know all the basics in order to grow a youtube channel hey guys guy level here and today we're gonna be talking about a bunch of tips for new youtubers now i know that my audience are mostly live streamers and in the beginning of the year i asked a question on twitter i was like hey what are your new year's resolution and a lot of you responded hey i want to put more content on youtube i want to take youtube seriously and all that so here's a follow-up video i'm going to give you the tips in order to put you on the right track now if you're not a live streamer don't worry the tips will apply to every type of youtuber ever something that i'm gonna try to do is give you a perspective on the reality of how to grow naturally of how you would go about it if you had no tips at all basically what i had to learn the hard way and then give you the tips that will hopefully save you some time so you can skip steps so you don't have to learn anything the hard way because you know them as well not necessarily as a fact but some guy on youtube with an afro told you so i'm gonna try but as usual my videos are not scripted so you never know where i can go okay normal disclaimer every tip is good not every tip is for you you take the tips and you apply them to your own situation if it matches if it fits i don't know you i don't know what type of content you're gonna do so you ultimately decide what tip actually fits your specific situation anyways right before we start a message from our sponsor this portion of the video is sponsored by owned owned is your one stop shop for everything customizable for live streamers and content creators they have everything that you can possibly think of customizing from your profile picture your banner offline image your overlays your alerts your emotes your subscriber badges and everything else okay let's say you're trying to make sub badges you can either check out the pre-made ones and there's a lot of them or create your own using their badge maker just pick a style you like let's go with that first one you can add icons numbers characters whatever you prefer let's add a smiley for example boom let's select the color let's go with yellow it's like the second one add a hat and do the same thing until you have all the badges you desire look at all the icons available you have the characters and all the numbers they also have a channel trailer maker but i'll let you guys figure that out all you have to do is go to own dot gg slash get level that's o w n 3d dot gg slash get level all right what if i started with the bonus tip okay the body tip is start now stop thinking about it and it's time to act okay if you really want to start you will start now if you haven't started yet start now there's no i'm thinking of picking up photography and then you have a phone that has a camera and you don't take pictures what are you doing start start start start there's nothing there's all the research in the world will not help you understand the experience that you're gonna get once you actually started there's a lot of things that you need to pick up on the spot and you would have known all those things if you started a year ago so now is the next best best time to start i wish i didn't mess that up anyways tip number one is going to be the mindset understand what is youtube what is this new hobby that you're getting into or what is this new thing that you're trying to do uh maybe in order to be successful at and make money or maybe make a living off slow your horses okay i need you to understand the time frame all the time and effort it's going to take before you start seeing progress as like a strategy not taking into account luck because luck is the worst strategy you can possibly have right understand that it's gonna take you probably hundreds of videos before you even start making anything even close to decent money on this platform and even if sometimes youtube you know just straight up refuses channels to be part of the partner program even after they reached all the requirements so absolutely understand that you are in the most unpredictable activity hobby or profession ever now this might seem discouraging but it having this mindset will actually help you in the long run it's actually gonna help you strategize the way that you make videos and you're gonna see that all the tips are pretty much related to that for example tip number two is gonna be start small if you understand that it's on the long term and you're gonna have to put out a lot of videos you need to not overwhelm yourself from the get go and this is something that happened to me this is something that happens to some of my best friends they want to start youtube but they want to start right they want to put out great amazing content so they want their videos to have crazy cool shots to have b-roll to have sound effects to have you know subtitles and have like special effects to have motion tracking to have don't do that don't do that to yourself start with what you can do today start with a video that you can start and finish today that is the best way to start it's just like working out if you've never worked out and you're like you know what this year i'm gonna make a change and then the first thing you do is try to run a marathon first of all you're probably gonna die but but you're gonna overwhelm yourself and every time you need to start over again you're gonna think your brain is gonna think oh that that was hard that was horrible that lasted so long that was boring that was i didn't enjoy that and you know you're not gonna hold on very long if you're really overwhelming yourself with all those different things start small i have a video that is the intro called the introduction to video editing or something like that it shows you how to do the most basic things my videos you're watching right now on an 80 000 subscriber i will probably edit this video in less than an hour i don't do crazy stuff you don't need to do crazy stuff you just need to understand the type of content that you're making and just make it happen just cut simple cuts okay i'm probably going to cut the moments where i say oh or um i'm probably going to i'm definitely going to cut some laughter and stuff like that but this is all that i do you don't need to be a genius at video editing for that okay so mindset your first video don't over plan it don't overthink it don't over anything start by planning your first videos to be as easy as possible to make because you're just starting you don't have a workflow yet oh workflow that's the word that's gonna come back later okay tip number tweet tweet tip number three is gonna be pick a niche or don't pick a niche that's it thank you for watching no i'm just kidding no here are the two situations okay i want to tell you hey pick a niche you know just pick a niche do this one thing just one type of video imagine yourself in that one category are going to be a tech channel or going to be a tips tricks channel tutorial channel maybe are you going to be doing vlogs are you going to do be a reaction channel or you're going to do a cooking i want to tell you that right this would be the optimal advice for me to give you but i also understand that you need to try out a bunch of things first okay try anything that you feel like doing that you're passionate you'll get excited excited about like making those videos try them first okay try try try and whatever works you can stick to it and maybe the thing that works is something you don't enjoy doing don't stick to it if you don't enjoy doing it try to try more things until you find something that you both enjoy i hate my mic and that also works well for your channel when it comes to views and audience you know reception so picking a niche in the beginning might sound like a good idea but if that niche doesn't work you will essentially be wasting a lot of time trying to make it work if you don't pick a niche you might feel a little lost like you're shooting in the dark and stuff like that but this is this is how it works you you throw darts at the board and you see what sticks this very channel you're watching right now was a clips compilation channel at first and i made this one tutorial for live streaming and it worked really well so i stuck to it and boom here we are today making clips compilation sounded like a good strategy but it turns out it wasn't but i didn't know any better and that's how you are when you're starting you don't know all the strategies that work and that don't work tip number four let's talk about gear it's easy for me to sit down here and tell you hey gear doesn't matter okay i'm not gonna tell you that the gear doesn't matter uh it's not the best advice that i can give you but what you need to understand is pick what you need and what you don't need and this is where the actual tip is coming the most essential thing for a video is going to be your audio if your audio is absolute garbage it's pretty much impossible to watch your video whereas the opposite is completely fine if your video quality is not great you're filming maybe with an older phone this is a samsung galaxy s4 i've had videos with this phone on my channel and stuff like that and this is an s20 if you have any recent phones this is it's good it's perfect it's good enough but just make sure that your audio is good so try filming your first few videos with the audio that you have and if you really feel like it's hard to understand what you're saying or it's not even pleasant to the ears you definitely need to find a way to invest in audio that means that i don't know if you're gonna save up for money how much time is gonna be but in your list of priorities audio should be up top and then the rest really has to be essential i know it's easy to think oh if i film with a ten thousand dollar camera my content has to be great i am currently filming with an overpriced camera uh this is an 800 camera and you might be like whoa this is like cheap for a camera that like youtubers use honestly i can get a better quality a better looking image for way cheaper this is the sony xevi one i only bought it because i thought i was gonna travel a lot in 2020 and and i wanted to film vlogs and stuff like that wow anyways so really take some time if you're making a list of gear to upgrade uh to buy make sure you pick the essentials another thing that is being slept on a lot is lighting lighting is important lighting is is pretty much what makes my whole channel really stand out if i didn't have this lighting i would have been bad i should probably show you this is the light setup in my apartment this is my everyday lighting when i'm not filming for example if i just use that and i didn't invest in lighting this is what my videos would look like so just understand the priorities when it comes to gear you definitely want to sound good don't overpay do your research in order to have decent audio at least and then tip number actually going to be workflow which is pretty interesting because workflow has to do with the software that you use but it also has to do with the gear you know the gear is very much part of my workflow that means that i have my gear set up in a way that it's the easiest for me to just sit down here and start creating content my lights are voice um controlled also i have this remote for the for the colored light like this and you might be thinking this is overkill but the thing is i start to have a lot of light sources and just going around turning them on and off before and after shooting is an obstacle to me creating content i want to be able to sit down and make the content nothing should be in my way because the more things are on your way for you to sit down and start recording the less motivated you're gonna be the more it's gonna feel like a chore to even start and starting is the hardest thing to do another example of you know gear workflow is that my camera is actually connected to my computer instead of recording to a memory card to an sd card that i have to then transfer the files and wait for them to transfer and then put them in my editing software or if i have or if i had like a different audio that i have to sync up and also you know from an sd card and all of that this is also obstacles for me to be creative so i make sure that my gear is plugged to my computer i'm recording with obs studio so my audio is already in sync with my camera it's already on my computer if i click stop recording i can immediately open my editing software and start editing that video on the spot so i'm not wasting time i'm gaining time and and it helps me stay focused and and excited about you know one video idea that i can just get it done and get it out of my head okay software workflow now this is the part that is kind of important especially if you already picked a niche then it's gonna be easier for you to know hey you know what my videos are gonna be structured that way i record here i look at this camera i look at this camera and i optimize everything to go as fast as possible in my editing software i'm gonna pick the buttons that i press the most frequently i'm gonna change the keyboard shortcuts so that i don't have to move my hand a lot of times in doing shift and all of that i'm gonna keep my three fingers on a like for me for example i usually have the cut and i usually have the select and i also have the delete three fingers and this is pretty much all i do on all of my videos which helps me edit super super fast of course you can get something like a stream deck hey gear doesn't matter you can get something like a stream deck where you have what is it 16 is it 16 where you have 15 buttons and honestly that's what i used to edit and those 15 buttons mean that i never have to move my hand to even use my real keyboard but everything that i need to edit a full video is at the tip of my finger but again obviously you can use your real keyboard just move a couple a couple of shortcuts around and you'll have that that's what i used to have before elgato sent me a stream deck another cool way for software uh workflow is to legit look up workflow tips for your specific editing software that's what i do i use adobe premiere to edit i looked up hey this is a cool new workflow tip and someone shows you how they gained a bunch of time by having a specific shortcut or by using you know a macro software in order to do things faster and then the more you learn in you apply that to your own workflow and then you have something super strict that allows you to edit super fast when people say oh the worst part the part that i struggled the most with uh in my content creator journey is editing i'm like are you not learning how to improve like you're supposed to if you've been doing it for a while you're supposed to be good at it at some point you're supposed to be to be able to do it fast but i also understand that some people just the way that they edited the first day for the first youtube videos they still edit the same way you're supposed to learn how to improve and this is also something that i had to learn the hard way i worked as a professional video editor like for movies and in documentaries and advertisement and all of that i did not have a workflow but that's because i had three months to work on one project so i could take my time now that i'm you know pretty much a youtuber full time and i want to try to upload videos as fast as i can i had to sit down and be like okay this not i cannot take a week working on one video where i just sit down and i talk that's not possible so how do i improve my workflow and i did the research and i got used to you know new shortcuts new ways of editing and stuff like that and now i can edit in one or two hours i rarely go above two hours when i edit my videos all right tip number six we're getting a little serious here okay tip number six is competitive research this is the part where we're starting getting into strategy in order to make sure that everything works competitive research is finding out people that are doing similar content you know similar size as your channel and a good tip something that i like to do is find five of them you find like five people that you would like to be in their position or maybe they are like the top people in your specific niche and this is what i like to do i like to i like to find out their most viewed videos you go to their channel you start by most viewed and you check out the top five most viewed videos for those five people and you try to find similarities you try to find anything that seems like a pattern basically but here's the thing here's here's the weird thing because youtube is unsure you also need to do that for the worst videos they have the videos that really did not perf perform uh really well so the least amount of views basically because that will help you learn about their failures pretty much okay that will give you a general idea of what the target audience for this specific niche really wants what they really click on one thing i also like to do is for the top top five viewed videos is to screenshot the thumbnails put them together in some sort of board and find patterns again oh is there a face in the thumbnail how big is the text are they just showing an object are they just showing the subject are they doing a crazy reaction is there a lot of colors is it mostly black and white or you know what i mean competitive research basically it's not you copying other people it's not you you know trying to get an advantage i mean i guess but it's you figuring out what has been established in this specific domain already i need to stop hitting my mic tip number seven is it's kind of weird it's it's learning because in between all those steps you should be learning about specific things after one week of posting on youtube for example you need to realize hey you know what i've been putting whatever in my tags maybe i should look up how to optimize my tags maybe i should look up how to do better thumbnails or a specific thumbnail effect in in photoshop or photoshop alternatives for example of course we talked about workflow learn the keyboard shortcuts to your editing software and also learn you know certain techniques you're doing video and audio learn about you know cinematography for example learn about lighting learn about three-point lighting for example how to light an interview how to light a studio how to light a tv set because with that knowledge you're gonna be able to apply that to your own situation and really be versatile when it comes to your creativity and in your setup don't type lighting for youtubers don't type that audio and video existed way before youtube we have a lot to learn from you know from well-established people such as movie makers filmmakers tip number eight has to do with once you already did all of that you know you've been you've been doing it for like a month two months three months maybe and this is the part where you need to optimize this is the you know the next step you're like okay i have this unlock i have a list of things that i don't like about my videos that i need to improve that are other than you know yourself if you watch your own video and you're like oh i'm a little awkward you know work on that you know look at yourself in the mirror and try to have a conversation if you feel like your eyes are shifting a lot which i have that problem currently because i actually have a monitor here and i tend to look at myself in a monitor a little too often so my eyes are shifting between the camera and the monitor so that is something that i'm currently working on myself on you can optimize the gear if you feel like hey there's this one light in the background that i would like to replace the light bulb for a colored light bulb an rgb maybe a smart light bulb um that is optimizing your workflow hey i don't want to record external audio anymore i would like to have it straight to my camera maybe you're gonna buy a little mic like that that plugs directly into the camera so that you already have good audio straight into your camera and that works also if you're recording and editing from your phone you can actually also optimize your niche basically look at your videos your past videos and really see hey what worked what didn't work at all what kind of feedback did i have from my videos and stuff like that and you can maybe you know in the future i'm going to make less of that less of this less of that for example my channel i do tech reviews on this channel but i also give stream tips the stream tips always go really well but the tech reviews are a little you know lackluster depending on the tech i feel like tech that doesn't have to do with live streaming don't do really well on my channel this is why i created a different channel for that but i'm only doing this because i can right now if you're starting off you don't want to make multiple channels and upload to multiple channels you would want to just cut down on in my case the tech reviews and do more of that thing that is working that is you optimizing your viewership now since we talked about learning in between everything you can optimize your thumbnails okay my thumbnails this is basically this is a re-evaluation of your whole channel to take it to the next step you now know about better titles you know what keywords work well you know what tags to use the way you advertise your channel you should be more familiar with certain platforms and how to you know advertise your own videos on those platforms for example twitter twitter tend to limit the reach of certain tweets that contain links so what i would do is advertise with the thumbnail or a partial video actually a video a little snippet of the video is the best thing and then on another tweet i actually put the link to the video that's another thing i had to learn the hard way and the branding at this point if you want to start growing you're going to have to start being memorable visually memorable so your branding you know pick a couple colors a graphic style and then run with it make sure you show your face as much as possible if you are that type of youtuber if you don't show your face that's completely fine but make sure you have a very recognizable branding don't pick more than two colors or three colors make sure that this graphic design and also color pick is visible everywhere when i think of a graphic style in the color combination i want to immediately think of you basically that's that's the purpose of branding it makes you memorable eating it really puts you in people's memories and then tip number nine is a spicy one i want you to cheat wait hold on hold on okay i'm kind of joking cheating in the sense of i want you to use tools to your advantage first of all you can use chrome extensions that will actually help modify your youtube in a way that is more helpful that guides you a little bit more i personally use vid iq i have no affiliation with them i just installed it and now i have i actually go with the one of the premium versions i actually paid 10 bucks just for keyword research for example they tell you hey this keyword is hot this keyword is low this those keywords have low competition those keywords have high competition they even have a score for them so it kind of guides you to where you should be focusing more you might have a great idea but it's an idea that no one wants to watch and having something like vid iq or tubebuddy is another one that you can download um really helps you with that content you know it really assures that you're gonna make content that people want to see and vidiq is actually free well i mean there's a free version tubebuddy i believe is free i don't use to buddy but i know it they pretty much do the same thing you can also search stuff on google trends i used to do that when i first started and it's not really good but hey you never know depending on your niche you might find something there that helps your channel blow up really another way to optimize is when you're doing your research you can also look up hey what is the clickbait formula because everyone says clickbait clickbait you know the definition of clickbait on the internet seems to be um deception basically something deceptive a thumbnail and title when the real definition of click bait is just something that makes you want to click so having something like mystery a crazy reaction and all of that that is click bait that is not necessarily a negative thing it's just optimizing your title and thumbnail in order to guarantee that click in order to to make people to you basically play with people curiosity and make them click now of course if you name your video hey cute puppy does a backflip and then the video has nothing to do with a cute puppy doing a backflip then that is against uh youtube rules and i don't even consider that clickbait i consider that like spam you can also optimize your content structure your audience retention uh for example i'm gonna use tiktok as an example people have found that if you started tic talk like that for example people are scrolling by they're gonna see me speaking they're gonna most likely just scroll by but if i start the video like that and i jump into frame and there's something dynamic happening people tend to just sit you know you grab their attention easier that way you can do some research on that for youtube for example what is the best content structure how did i start this video i told you something i give you a promise i did my little intro and then i did the ad and then i started giving you all the tips a good way of figuring out how to improve your content structure is to go check your analytics you're gonna have a graph of basically the audience retention basically they're gonna tell you hey people tend to leave at this part of the video if your intro is too long there might be a lot of people clicking off the video during the intro they're like wow this has been going for 30 seconds that would mean hey shorten your intro or just don't put an intro something that i started doing is not putting in outro i used to say go out there make me proud get level out and then putting the little um the little videos that people can click on now i do it while i'm still in the video and i'm telling people hey this video is gonna take you to what youtube thinks is best the next one is gonna be my latest video check them out so i'm still grabbing their attention so they're still here and they're most likely to click on those instead of me saying bye and then those come up with some music in the background that is me optimizing my youtube videos all right this video is way longer than i expected tip number 10 is going to be preserve yourself which might be a little ironic with the previous tip cheat but preserve your dignity and your integrity and yourself now mostly yourself in general one thing to start to understand after you know when you start building a little viewership is to is to ask yourself hey what am i doing what is my ultimate goal and for example me my ultimate goal is to teach people that there are a lot of things that are super accessible on the internet when it comes to creating content that is more accessible than one might think that you don't need a million dollars you don't need to be rich in order to be creative on the internet and as easy as it is for me to be saying that with with you know probably more than 10k worth of equipment i started with a 200 laptop and that 200 laptop allowed me to make content and with that content i managed to get like a five six hundred dollar computer and that six hundred dollar computer allowed me to make content and with that content i made enough money to buy a thousand dollar computer and now i have something like a two 2.5 k computer so obviously the goal is not to keep making content with a 200 laptop but if you are the person with the 200 laptop this might be the future for you basically do not let that laptop tear you down and and make you think that oh it's because i have this that i don't have access to the rest no you need to be as creative as you can you can still be as creative as possible in order to reach the next level so that is my goal my goal is to share the message that i want people to believe in themselves even though everyone else is telling them not to i want people to understand that creativity has no boundaries you can accomplish amazing things even if you don't have the best tools not a lot of people are asking you know what kind of brush did the davinci use no one is really asking that people are just contemplating the art but for some reason when it comes to creating content online people are often asking hey what kind of headset are you using like that has nothing to do with my creativity another thing that's going to happen is you're going to get negative comments and it's going to it it's normal it's normal no matter what you do you can be making the best content ever even when you from the get-go you're still gonna get negative comments and you need to real you need to understand the difference between constructive criticism and just negative comments people are out there on the internet just to be mean to other people so going in you need to be mentally prepared for that for no reason people our people will focus on on stuff people like to tell me that i look like xxx celebrity people like to make fun of my hair hey you should cut your hair okay thank you for the view i guess as if like random profiles on youtube will control what i do i i don't care i really don't that is not constructive criticism now if someone is like hey you take way too long to get to the point you might be like let me write that down and if you post more videos and you get more comments like that hey dude this could have been a five minute video hey dude um you take too much time talking or or finding out what to say now you're gonna write that down as hey i need to optimize my speech i need to get to the point quicker if you really feel like it rewatch your video and make sure that this negative content can be turned into a positive optimization of your videos that being said there are negative comments i mean there are constructive criticism comments that are just not true i have videos doing super well with 99 of people liking the video and i'll have one comment that's like this video is totally worthless and then every other comment is like oh my god you just saved my life oh my god i was looking for this wow you helped me so much thank you in that case you know this video is worthless it's not a comment you should take into account another thing that happens and maybe that's more in the future and maybe that shouldn't be in this video at all is if everything works well and you grow your youtube channel you're going to be contacted by everyone everyone's going to want to collab and notice how i didn't put collab collab is not a way to to really grow your channel if you're already big and you have something to offer maybe but if you're starting out your value it's it's gonna sound negative it's gonna sound bad but your value as a content creator is basically zero so you collabing with someone else is basically you have everything to gain and they have nothing to gain from that collab with you and they're always gonna feel like you're trying to basically get more views and use them for that so don't go asking people for collabs when you're just starting out anyways there are shady companies that are going to contact you too and you know if you have a strong opinion against certain things learn how to say no basically learn how to say no people are going to dm you asking you to do this asking you to do that learn how to say no learn how to like straight up ignore some comments i don't check out my instagram dms anymore because all of my dms are always people asking me to do stuff that i don't do i will put in my bio i don't do commissions i don't do coaching and my dms are filled with hey how much would it take for you to do a commission how much for for coaching you know i don't do those things i'm not saying don't be useful to your community you can start a discord channel where you can give resources or you can talk to people from time to time but don't do it to your detriment basically put yourself first because everyone is going to want something from you and they don't care what impact that has to do on you if i said yes to every dm i get i would literally be homeless straight up so yeah tip number 10 is say no don't be a yes man all right i did not expect this video to be so long but you know i blah blah a little too long and this is what happens if you're a live streamer and you're looking for some dope overlays to make your channel look good you can go to gumroad.com get level i have a bunch of free overlays and if you want to learn more about you know youtube video editing i have a couple of videos about video editing on the channel so go check them out and remember that thing i told you about in the beginning hey youtube is going to tell you what what video you should watch next and at the bottom they will show you my latest video get yourself some streamer brain merch and i will see you guys next time thank you so so much for watching this video go out there make me proud get a level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 3,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, twitch tv, youtube, tips for youtube, tips for youtube gaming channel, tips for youtube gaming, tips for youtube beginners, tips for youtube channel beginners, tips for youtube videos, how to grow on youtube, how to grow a youtube channel, grow a youtube channel 2021, grow a youtube channel fast, grow a youtube gaming channel, tips to grow a youtube channel, new youtuber guide
Id: BLamAyO9x_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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