Oops She Did It Again! Kathy Orders A Tesla Model Y

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hello and welcome to another episode of out of spec day where I sitting here tonight with my lovely bride Kathy Connor out of spec mom and also Bailey where where is she on our laps and uh some of you may remember when we rented a Tesla Model y from Hertz a lot of fun that video If you haven't seen that check it out but you know at the during that video we actually really seriously considered trading in the gv60 for the model y because the gv60 is is an awesome car it's an expensive car but um you know at the time it was in very short supply and high demand and but at the end of the day after driving the Y for the cost that the Y was for the for the amount of money that the Y was was getting back then you were like I'm keeping my car right and then what happened the other day I made a video you made a video about the pricing of Tesla and you actually watched it I watched all your videos oh you do yeah okay well so you watch that video very good out of spec Dave I like your videos okay so you watched my video I watched your video and much to my surprise you said hey I wonder hey Dave I wonder how much Tesla would give me for my gv60 and I went like car deal are you kidding me I know and I know that's shocking because I've stated many times how much I love Michael oh yeah you love to do me 60. but let's get into this one because this is a fun one that doesn't happen very often to Conor household a potential car deal oh all right so Kathy I asked Tesla how much they would give you for your car I actually also asked vroom and I also asked carvana um this car was 71 000 brand new plus tax in the state of Connecticut over fifty thousand dollars is seven point seven five percent you you this is your car I feel like I paid like 75. 75 000 for the car right and you we last year were able to take advantage of the 7 500 federal tax credit on that car and so your net cost out of pocket holistically was 67 500 on that car after paying the taxes on it and everything okay and so I was thinking you know if you could get 60 000 for your car on a trade-in um that would be or you know if if carvana of room were to offer 60 Grand that would be a good deal carvana they just never answered my email yeah and so and then I put vroom King back and they said 52 Grand and you said well we're keeping the car right all right so and then I said let's see how much Tesla will give you for your gv60 now the thing about Tesla historically every time I've gone to trading in car to Tesla they usually lowball and they try to steal cars right which was an extent generally want cars to to flip they came back and said they will give you 59 300 for your car I know I was shocked and so now because of that if we were to look at buying a y you would not pay any sales tax on the Y 'all why I like that zero sales tax and the Y qualifies for another 7 500 federal tax credit for 2023. now we'd have to make sure that we're under the income levels and everybody has a different situation this is a personal thing on our side but for you out there who may qualify it's 150 000 per individual Filer and up to 300 000 filing jointly as long as your adjusted gross income is that number or less then you're able to claim the the federal tax credit so um you know just keep that in mind for yourself for us we're just looking at this as wow okay true cost of this car was was 75 grand less the 7567.5 and if Tesla gives us 59 300 for the car that's like getting an additional 3 800 if we were to sell it privately which is basically let's call it sixty three thousand dollars so so I said Kathy look you've had your GV 16 now for about 10 months which is a long time for me to have a car um because of you just saying okay that's a long time for me okay 10 months yeah and you've put a 8 500 miles on the car and uh you know and so if you were to sell it and you got effectively 63 000 for the car then you would get in effect it would be a cost of of roughly four to four thousand five hundred dollars five thousand dollars for the for the um whole ownership experience of a gv60 which in this down Market with cars especially because of the price pressure that Tesla's been putting on you know cars by just insanely reducing the prices of their cars that's when you said hey let's really look at the why and um and so and I I I've always liked the why I've had a y I ran into like more of an SUV okay so so unless yes is way too big so let's get into this right now we we have three cars right now we have the lucid which is my car that I don't have because Kyle's got it I was gonna say what Lucy I hope I get it back uh I think it's still in California I think it's in yeah I don't know I I don't really know last I saw it was at Lucid headquarters in Newark California and I'm not sure why it was there so I'm a little concerned but um but you know the thing is that we as a Connor family we we we're okay having one CCS car and that being the Lucid for our road trips and and even there it's it's it's a little bit challenged as far as the network reliability and all that but we definitely want to have a CCS car and a Tesla yes right and and so I said honey how do you feel about driving the model 3 and your feeling on that is I don't want to drive the three but I have personal reasons for not wanting to drive the model 3. again I like something it's easier to get it in out of the why I mean it's the same car really in effect and it's beautiful yeah but it wouldn't be good for me as a daily driver Okay so so the objective then is when we get assuming I do get the Lucid back then we're going to push the model three that's a big assumption yeah it was a big assumption so so when we get the Lucid back then we're going to have three cars we're going to have the gv60 we're going to have the model 3 and we're going to have the Lucid okay and so the idea is that in June when you go down to Florida for the summer we'll we'll Road Trip the model 3 down there and then I'll drive the gv60 and then when the Lucid comes back at some point in three months or so we'll figure out are we going to keep the gv60 or are we going to keep the model 3. but now we're on to a different discussion so now a different discussion comes up which is I really am intrigued by these prices and and let's let's go ahead and look at this you know if you look at the at the Tesla website and you go to the model y this is something I took everyone through on my previous video the other day but there are three versions of the car there's the model y why they call the all-wheel drive which is 46 990 dollars and this car three months ago four months ago was fifty nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars it's crazy right they lowered the price on this car by thirteen thirteen thousand dollars and now this car qualifies for the 7 500 federal tax credit again whether or not you qualified or we qualify this car qualifies for that which is a consideration so the effective cost if we were to trade in the GV 60 there'd be no tax on this car okay and and then um what we would be able to do is is really evaluate whether or not this is the car that you want if if you want to model y the question is which model y now one of the things that I had explained to you and we watched a couple of videos Corey from from Monroe yeah right so from Monroe yeah I don't know sorry Sandy and Corey um great video by the way but I learned a lot about the the new modular structure of the model y I think Tesla is doing it just because it's cheaper to produce the cars that way and they can increase their margins um but it's the future of the model y so when you look at the two model y's the long range versus the 4680 pack they're going to look exactly the same except in the 4680 car you'll get a shelf in the back you know like that blocks um what's in the back of your in the back of your car but they're pretty much the same cars from from an appearance standpoint but what's going on underneath the car and the future of the design of this car is very intriguing to me the 4687 loving that whole technology I I am because you know I I was watching this video by Elon the other day where he was talking about an ice skater and the way that they've moved the the whole structural rigidity of the pack and they they've they bolt the seats onto it and they moved everything to kind of like the center of the car and when you think about a skater when they're they're starting to spin and their arms are out like this am I going to demonstrate a spin here and then as they start to spin they bring their arms in and they accelerate and so one of the points it was really a great metaphor for me to visualize I don't know if this means that the car is put together more tightly or if it were to handle better around the center access but the fact is that he's saying that this thing will Corner better and it will handle better because they've put more of the weight towards the center of the car irrespective of that this is the new technology and what's more important is that would we want to spend if we were to get a model three a model three a model y an additional three thousand dollars for 50 extra miles of range you see I wouldn't okay so and you wouldn't why because what's your use case for this car daily commuting okay and if we take it on a road trip and I assume um I have such a comfort level with the Tesla supercharging Network yeah so I would never worry and if I have to stop and charge what what is it an extra 50 miles sooner or probably even less than that but you know for me I don't you just know that I don't think I need the benefit of long long range you have it in the Lucid yeah if I have the Tesla anywhere I never have ranging signs and what's the what's the range on your gv60 now it's 2 30 55 235. I was close 235 and it charges very fast yes and it's and it's a great you know nothing bad about any of these egmp platform cars that are all great but Tesla is just making these prices so compelling right now and the value that Tesla is willing to give us for the gv60 makes this like honey what do you want to do here right so so as you remember a few months ago I wasn't interested because the price yeah the prices it makes sense but now 20 500 dollars higher than so now you're talking about twenty thousand five hundred dollars less for this car and and you know two you're gonna have 40 39 miles 34 miles more range than you do on your gv60 plus you're gonna have the Tesla Network plus with the combo one adapter if you want to charge on an E8 you can sure and this car will charge pretty quickly so so performance isn't even a consideration the question only becomes which do you want to get so if we were to price out this car the model y you would want it let me guess white white okay very original okay the wheels you would get whatever the base wheel the base Wheels the 19 Geminis right you can see how it looks over here with the 19s with the 20s which is 2000 those are the induction Wheels right remember those were like similar to the wheels I had on my Model S that I bought from CarMax yeah I didn't love them no you know but I mean for you they look fine but I think for me I like the other one but but also with the 19s you're gonna have a higher sidewall you're gonna have less chance of getting a blowout and you're going to get better range and they'll be quieter okay so and they're there's no extra charge tow hitch I know you always want me to have a toe here 100 why because you can tow something up to I think it's 3 500 pounds which is true but you it's good to have it like you put a bike rack on the back right and it's just it's nice to have interior light white white okay we they don't even offer the seven seater not that we would want it's four grand by the way what is four grand so on the on the long range test the model y long range you can you can option the car with seven seats oh you're saying it's another four thousand on the 4680 all-wheel drive base model one they only need me you you and Bailey all right where is she here she is okay Bailey this girl just ate my my micro SD card she ate yeah so like you know the road trip that I don't know maybe she didn't want to have the footage of us at South of the Border because she ate the freaking micro SD card she's eating two of them now maybe if it wasn't laying around she wouldn't eat them who would think a dog would eat a micro SD card seriously dogs eat a lot they're plastic and metal why would you eat it dogs eat a lot of it I don't know I love this animal but tonight she's in trouble okay well so and we're in trouble because you weren't careful with you yeah okay just be careful you know with with uh enhanced autopilot and full self-driving we're not buying that for the car no if we ever want to try it we can for 199. I don't even use laying Authority charging we don't need any of this we have all that right so the question then is are we ordering it right now well hold on do you want to why not well so you're you're ready to do this deal I already said I wanted to do this deal you're sure I'm a thousand percent sure you're not going to have massaging seats okay I'm giving up two things I really am getting up you're not gonna have the the blinkers uh like the the blind spot assist in your mirrors you're not going to have everything you're not going to have Ford Collision warning or I'm sorry you're not going to have cross traffic alert in front Okay cross traffic alert you're talking me out of it I'm not I'm just yelling at my ears and the car doesn't do 3.8 seconds zero to 60. I don't care about that have you ever even pushed the power boost button never oh no once you made me just once I made you you did I don't I don't need that you're not gonna have cool seats I never used cooled seats you're not gonna have an apple leather I am going to have it heated seats heated seats heated steering wheel right okay so and I think I'm giving up two things crystal ball Dawn maybe I'm up to four things now crystal ball I love my crystal ball I should wait I don't care about carplay how about how about um heads up display that's the other thing so for me so you need to really think this through okay all right so let's just put on put that over here on the left side of the paper thinking it through let's look at the deal okay if we how does he do this to me no I this is I was ready now no I don't I don't want you to have regrets car right no regrets it's 48 990. all right I like that it's less expensive than the gv60 well a lot less expensive and and if we continue the payment you'll also have to pay tonight if we order this 250 dollars which is due today that's a non-refundable order fee and I don't know if that hey I don't know if that is actually applied to the price of the car it isn't it's just in addition to the cost of the car so you got 48 990 plus you're paying 250 for the privilege of putting in my order yeah and if you back out you lose your 250. so you gotta really think about this I I I I mean considering how much they've lowered the cost I don't think there's a problem okay all right I'm just saying but I'm not ordering right this second I really was ready to go and now you have any questioning no no I just think it's important for you to think and throw so so then there's 1 390 to ship it from this car was made in Austin Texas okay the battery was made in Fremont California and for them to ship it to wherever we're going to pick it up most likely once again Mount Kisco right with our friends there it's 50 630 dollars and then plus registration right but you're not going to pay any taxes because we're going to trade the gv60 in okay so what so what do you want to do I don't know you just I was ready to go and now you have me what's important to you all a flutter do we want to have two ccs cars okay that's the most important thing I don't want that okay so we want to have a Tesla that's how this all started and elusive right would you like to have a Model S no a Model X no and you don't want to drive a model 3. so there's only one other car besides the semi okay I would never drive back right or or the or the Cyber truck which is like what the heck is that thing right so so even though the Genesis gv60 has all those nice gadgets and whiz bangs really does have everything and it has buttons and it's gorgeous and natural leather and all that this is the difference in price now and the strong money that they're giving you I I actually think this would be a smart thing for us to do I really do well I thought it was too too it just made me stop and think about it so now I have to sleep on it really yeah you just that made me tell me I had to think about it all right I was ready to go why do you do that to me I don't know I don't either I'm just gonna I'm gonna order we're gonna order it because I know you're gonna wake up in the morning it doesn't have a crystal ball I'll get you a crystal ball I'll get you a crystal ball all right so we're gonna order it we're gonna pay with Apple pay is that how we do it I'll have to block all this out I think billing address invalid what are you kidding me order with a card all right look I'll I'll complete this transaction here we'll do this I will do this I want to do it but you want to do it but I have to just put in I have to put in the credit card information and do all that so I'm not going to do that in front of everyone then they'll then they'll have a credit card and they'll order their own model y oh yeah no but how do people see that is that recording this whole thing is being recorded the screen share everything don't you worry I'm not worried Bailey do you want to push the button this is getting she's really nice she's like Daddy she's like I want a Micro SD card for dessert is what I want all right um all right you think about it and then we will you want to sleep on it no I'm really I would like to do this you're sure yes all right all right let's annoyed that you were okay this is fun order with card come on I'm trying to buy something here oh enter Account Details okay here we go what's my name again can you put an out of spectrum no that's not my account I was kidding no some some of my accounts is it's that way okay wait to see what happens when you order this it's so cute you did white white uh yeah we'll check we'll check that hold on one second I gotta get my I gotta get my credit card that would help I can't believe you don't have the number memorized I kind of do but can I use your credit card no no all right let's see what do we have here and when do I know when I trade uh how long will it take and when will they take my car I don't know yeah they might have one right in stock in our area or it might take a month or it might take a week you know you know with Tesla you just never know you just really never know it seems like you wake up every day and there's a new pricing that's true that's pretty wild so don't be upset if they lower the price by two thousand dollars uh tomorrow morning if they do that we'll just cancel this order and put another one loose loose uh 250. so um okay the button you gotta hit plus place order no not it's not a touch screen oh use the track pad it's a laptop it didn't work dictionary okay don't ever make me push your button all right I think it's doing it now there it is and look you got the little uh is he a squirrel no he's a chipmunk no what is that you don't know what that is that's Katie's favorite animal what is it um not a slot slot Hedgehog right and he just said yes so okay congrats high five thanks again for watching another episode of aspect Dave she's getting the model y 'all have a good one take care [Music]
Channel: Out of Spec Dave
Views: 36,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, ev, electric car, review, charging, acceleration, vs
Id: 1XSfnKgfiD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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