9 Reasons Why Your Aim SUCKS!

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if you click this video chances are that you feel like you're missing every shot that you take we've all had those moments where your aim just doesn't line up no matter how hard you try I get it but here's the good news everyone has been exactly where you are now even myself I started in valerant right from the beta clawing my way up from the very bottom I started at the lowest rank in the game and felt every bit as frustrated as you are feeling right now don't let that stop you though over time I was able to push through refine my skills and even climbed all the way up to a mortal 3 peing at top 2,000 in North America today I'm going to spill with you everything that I learned along the way that helped me with this climb and give you the nine biggest factors that I believe to be affecting players aim today based on the thousands of students I've helped improve over the last few years I guarantee you whoever you are there is at least one thing on this list that is drastically hurting your aim and when fixed it will completely transform your game let's turn this into a bit of a game though maybe up the stakes a little bit let's say if I'm able to name one thing on this list that you struggle with you toss this video a like down below below and leave a comment however if you're doing everything on this list perfectly and don't find Value from this video feel free to give it a dislike and let us know that we need to try harder in the future don't worry you won't hurt my feelings all right let's break down the first reason why your aim might feel off you're over complicating the aiming process it's a trap that many players fall into they're getting tangled up in the complexities of aiming techniques yes Advanced Techniques like counter- strafing and dead zoning have their place but they're not always necessary there are tools in Your Arsenal meant to be used situationally not compulsively imagine you're on ice box and you spot an enemy in mid they haven't seen you yet or you're quickly trying to trade out a teammate this is where the principle of see stop shoot shines you don't need to counter strafe dead zone or Crouch spray your focus should be razor sharp just see the enemy stop your movement and take the shot it's that straightforward many players get caught up in the notion that they need to always be moving to avoid getting shot at but if the enemy is not aiming at you there's no risk of you dying in reality adding too many actions can distract you from the most critical part of aiming aligning your Crosshair with the opponent's head and clicking when the target isn't looking at you or when a quick reaction is needed Simplicity is your best friend think of it this way the less that you worry about integrating all these additional actions into every shot the more bandwidth that you can have to focus on what truly matters moving your Crosshair accurately and firing it's about minimizing the variables in play by reducing the complexities especially in situations where speed and precision are key you allow yourself to concentrate solely on aiming and shooting remember that valerant is a game of milliseconds by streamlining your process to see stop shoot you're not only making your aim more efficient but you also making it more effective keep it simple focus on the fundamentals and watches your aim improve significantly I know what a lot of you are thinking though easier said than done we all know that aiming is as easy as putting your Crosshair on the opponent's head and clicking but why is it so difficult to actually do that in game well this is exactly what we cover in our new course over at skill cap where we teach you our own unique aiming method to instantly start fragging in your matches the aim method was made by analyzing top tier players in the game such as shroud demon 1 and 10s and breaking down the things that they do to simplify the aiming process so they are able to whiff less and carry more matches and just six simple steps will completely transform how you aim or your money back that's right you heard me we offer a five division rankup guarantee meaning that if you don't climb will actively using our service then you don't pay that's just our promise to you that our service works and if it doesn't work you shouldn't pay check it out using our discount Link in the description below and other than that let's get into the next massive mistake that destroys players aim you're always playing as the defender in FPS games there's a crucial concept known as peer's Advantage this refers to the slight edge of player who actively Peaks or swings around an angle has over somebody passively holding that angle traditionally when people refer to peer's Advantage they're talking about a ping difference but even as hardware and network speed has improved reducing this ping discrepancy the advantage for the aggressor remains significant the reason is simple when you're the one peing you're mentally prepared for the encounter you even have the option to pre-fire if you so choose especially if you're expecting somebody in a common spot spot this leaves the defender with barely any time to react it's like being in bind knowing that the enemy is likely holding long if you swing them you're in control you dictate the engagement but how do you counter this if you find yourself on the defensive side the answer lies in jiggle peaking jiggle peaking allows you to stay mobile while making yourself a harder Target to hit it also gives you the opportunity to catch your opponent off guard imagine you're holding from Dice on a sense a sight instead of staying static you jiggle Peak your opponent swings expecting you to be in that fixed spot but you're not there they move on to clear other angles and that's when you Peak them by jiggling you not only gather information but also because you're the one peing now you become the aggressor this method puts you in a position where you're ready to react and take the fight to them it's about turning the tables shifting from being the predictable Defender to a less predictable aggressor in summary don't let the game's Dynamics always force you into a passive role challenge yourself to mix up your play style jiggle Peak gather information and be ready to take the initiative by doing this you'll find that your aim along with your overall game play will improve as you become more adaptable and proactive in every match moving on to our third point you lack discipline in shooting this is less about the physical act of rushing your shots and more about the mental aspect of panicking every time you see an opponent often players get so caught up in the Heat of the Moment that they start spraying wildly as soon as an enemy appears it's not a question of aim but rather of composure and simplicity inv valorant as in any tactical shooter patience and precision are key you need to resist the urge to immediately open fire and instead focus on lining up your shots this is where the Miyagi method comes into play a practice technique that can revolutionize how you approach each gunfight here's how you can implement the Miyagi method jump into a deathmatch but instead of going for kills Focus solely on tracking the heads of your opponents yes you'll get taken out occasionally but the Revelation here is to notice how often other players miss their first shots in these moments while your opponents are trying to correct their aim you have the opportunity to calmly line up a head shot and take them down this exercise is about slowing down the the game in your mind making you realize the ample time that you have to actually react in a gunfight it's about discipline understanding that not every encounter has to be a frenzied spray and prey instead it's about controlled deliberate shots you'll start to see that by taking an extra fraction of a second to aim you can drastically improve your accuracy and Effectiveness in combat in essence the goal here is to shift from a reactive to a proactive mindset instead of reacting in a panic you're calmly assessing the situation and acting with Precision this change in approach roach not only enhances your aim but also your overall decision-making in game by practicing the Miyagi method you train yourself to be more composed Under Pressure which in turn makes your shots more accurate and deadly tip number four is all about the art of dead zoning many players including myself during my climb from Iron to imortal often Overlook the significance of perfecting their dead zoning technique it's not just about being good enough at dead zoning it's about mastering it to the point where it becomes second nature so how do you know if your dead zoning is up to par a simple test is to head into the range and try consistently hitting the same spot while strafing back and forth if you find that your shots are scattered or not hitting their Mark it's a clear sign that your dead zoning needs work one effective way to practice this is to use the spawn 100 Bots feature in the range first position yourself in the corner by this metal beam your goal here isn't to hit the Bots necessarily it's to focus on maintaining a straight shot while you're strafing in dead zoning as you strafe back and forth around the pillar fire a single bullet each time that you change directions aiming for the bot's head the bullet should travel straight regardless of where you are aiming don't stress too much about the Bots initially concentrate on the straightness and consistency of your shots this exercise should be part of your warm-up routine and try to do it for about 300 Bots before each play session over time you'll notice a significant Improvement to your dead zoning ability once you feel more comfortable in your dead zoning while strafing revisit the wall test in the range attempt to land all of your shots in the same spot again it might be challenging at first but with dedication and consistent practice using this routine you'll get there eventually dead zoning especially for players stuck in ranks like gold can be a GameChanger while we mentioned the tip number one many players worry too much about dead zoning when nobody is aiming at them when the targets are aiming at you you need to know how to Dead Zone this skill not only improves your aim but also enhances your overall movement and shooting mechanics stick with your routine and you'll see how quickly your accuracy and confidence in gunfights increases let's move on to reason number five which is the overutilization of ads or aim down sights it's a trend that I've frequently observed especially in lower ranks players excessively using ads even in situations where it's not beneficial like running and gunning with a spectre this habit is surprisingly common even up to Gold lobbies for new players my advice is straightforward avoid using ads as much as possible it might seem counterintuitive especially if you come from other FPS games where ADS is crucial but in valerant it's a different ball game The Game's mechanics and Gunplay are designed in such a way that hip firing is often more effective especially in close to mid-range combat the issue with overusing ads and lower ranks is that it can become a crutch hindering your ability to dead zone or spray effectively that said ads does have its place in the game because it increases your accuracy it can be useful in Long range engagements where Precision is key and you're going for those one tap head shots however when you're in low ELO it's just best to not use it at all since it's more often incorrect to ads then it is correct in lower ranks just focus on hitfire now for possibly the biggest reason your aim sucks you just never use Deathmatch it's a scenario I encounter very frequently players lamenting about their poor aim yet when I check their stats there's next to zero time spent in Deathmatch it's just like taking a test without studying you're never going to be prepared for a real game if you don't DM it's an essential mode for honing your aiming skills and it's should be a staple in your training regime to put it into perspective consider this in a typical competitor match you might be engaging with 30 different gunfights over the course of an hour that's not a lot when you're looking to improve your aim now contrast this with a deathmatch session including the warm-up you can easily find yourself in over 40 gunfight the difference in the number of engagements is Stark and that's where the value in Death Match lies the key here is repetition and volume good aim is a skill that needs constant and focused practice you simply can't get enough of that in regular competitive matches this is why incorporating Deathmatch or aim trainers into your practice routine is critical these tools provide a concentrated environment where you can repeatedly work on your aim reflexes and shooting mechanics if you're serious about improving your aim you need to put in the work outside of competitive matches relying solely on C games for aim practice is like training for a marathon but only ever running when you're competing in the race so if you find that your aim is not where you want it to be and you haven't been dedicating time to Deathmatch or aim training it's time to start integrating these practices into your daily routine will make a notable difference in your aiming ability remember consistent and focus practice is key and death match is one of the best ways to ensure your aim doesn't just improve but becomes a formidable part of your skill set tip number seven is crucial and often overlooked you think way too much many players particularly those who spend a lot of time watching guide videos get deeply engrossed in the strategy aspects of valorin but here's a reality check if you're below the immortal rank the emphasis should primarily be on honing your mechanics and not overthinking the strategy if you're in Gold then classify yourself as an igl type player this tip is specifically for you at these levels mastering your mechanical skills like gaming movement and reflexes is what truly opens the door to higher ranks and subsequently more strategic gameplay consider this in professional teams in-game leaders or igls known for the Strategic prows often have lower individual performance stats why because focusing on strategy takes a toll on their mechanical play if you're watching this video you can't afford to be taking a hit to your mechanics you already suck and I mean that in the most loving way applying this to your games if you find yourself constantly trying to micromanage your team who might not even be listen in half the time you're not helping yourself this micromanagement and this overemphasis on strategy at the cost of your personal play is a trap you end up sacrificing your own performance getting caught up in trying to play optimally or calling complex strats then you bottom frag in matches and feel worse about yourself only hurting your confidence more the key to climbing out of lower ranks and improving your gameplay is to focus on winning your individual gunfights and taking smart engagements it's about simplifying your approach not every game needs to have a complex strategy sometimes it's just about pushing together and Landing your trads so if you find yourself bogged down by the Strategic side of things take a step back focus on your mechanics and make sure that you're winning those 1 V ones positioning yourself well and playing to your strengths as you climb higher and your mechanical skills solidify you'll naturally be able to incorporate more strategy into your gameplay but for now just keep it simple focus on improving your fundamentals and watch as your game improves significantly tip number eight and this is a big one cross replacement you've probably heard it a thousand times but it Bears repeating because of its immense importance now cross placement is a vast topic with many nuances and many players roll their eyes at the mention of it because it's been discussed so much but there are countless amounts of little details that go into improving your Crosshair placement at the top level what you want is for Anytime an enemy swings at angle you don't even need to move your Crosshair at all all you have to do is Click there's thousands of little things you can do to help accomplish this that would take me far too long to cover in just this one video I do go over all these intricacies though in our aim God course over at the skill C website there's so much to unpack that it ends up being about an hour long I could try try to summarize it all briefly here but it just wouldn't do it justice if you're serious about improving this aspect of your gameplay I highly recommend checking out the course here's why crossair placement is Paramount though in valerent split-second reactions can make the difference between winning and losing a gunfight if your Crosshair is already positioned where it needs to be you're eliminating the time that it takes to adjust midf fight this means that you're always a step ahead always ready for the encounter if you're not 100% prepared for the gunfight the likelihood of losing it increases dramatically in essence cross replacement is about efficiency and preparation by consistently keeping your Crosshair at head level and anticipating enemy positions you're setting yourself up for Success it reduces the need for major aim adjustments allowing you to focus on strategy and movement remember in a game where milliseconds matter having your Crosshair in the right place at the right time can be the deciding factor in your success so if you feel like this is an area where you need to improve don't hesitate to delve into our aim God course where it'll teach you all about it and now for our final tip your sensitivity is just way too high it's a common Pitfall for newcomers to FPS games to use a sensitivity setting that is excessively High there's a prevailing notion that sensitivity is a highly personalized setting which leads many players to think that it's acceptable to use an unusually high sensitivity however the reality is that it's a bit different especially when looking at professional players most Pro players sensitivities fall within a specified range with only a few deviations for those new to FPS games are struggling with aim it's worth noting that there's an average sensitivity that most Pros use and it's often a good starting point for most players this average sensitivity is typically around 800 DPI with an in-game sensitivity of 35 adopting this setting doesn't guarantee instant improve movement but it does provide a stable Foundation to develop your aiming skills the reason for this recommended sensitivity range is simple it strikes a balance it's low enough to allow for smooth controlled movements making it easier to track enemies and land head shot but it's also not so low that it hinders quick reactions High sensitivity will just hinder your ability to accurately micro adjust which is what most of the game is based around due to cross replacement while there are certainly examples of successful players who use higher sensitivities if you're just starting out or looking to improve it's advisable not to experiment too much stick with what's proven to work work for the majority of professional players this approach eliminates one variable in the complex equation of aiming we already know that your sensitivity is good so you don't need to worry about that allowing you to focus on more of the other aspects like crossair placement movement and game sense in summary if you're struggling with your aim and using a very high sensitivity consider adjusting it to a more standardized setting you might hate it at first but after a few games you'll get used to it and hardly notice a thing remember aim Improvement is a journey and finding the right sensitivity is a crucial step on that path all right though guys before we wrap this up let's tell you a little bit more about skill cap so we offer a five division rankup guarantee and think that is a pretty crazy thing to offer it's like a gym membership guaranteeing you'll get ripped your local gym would go bust if they offered you that not us though we've offered this for years because our service really does work it works so well in fact that we're able to produce by far the largest catalog of Premium valerant guides on the internet we add new courses every month with over a thousand guides curated into over 50 courses no one else can compare we also have a direct line of communication with subscribers in our Discord so that you can get connected immediately to some of the best players in the game who will respond to all of your questions asked sign up today using the discount Link in the description below and other than that that's going to be all for us today thank you all so much for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides
Views: 60,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant tips, Skillcapped valorant, Valorant Skillcapped, Skillcapped, Skill Capped, Gameleap Valorant, Pro Guides Valorant, Proguides, Proguides Valorant, Valorant Ascended, Dragonmar, Sero, Aim, Aim Valorant, Aiming Valorant, Aiming Tips and Tricks, Aiming Valorant Tips and tricks, Aim Guide, Aim Guide Valorant, Aim Sucks, Bad Aim, Bad Aim Valorant, Fix Bad Aim, Fix Bad Aim Valorant
Id: Fg553UuTYm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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