Valorant Tips And Tricks Sent By You - Part 63

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before I start did you ever scare someone to death boo I can just hear the scream of gecko anyway welcome to another episode of the fellan tips and tricks sent by you series a series by I show ferin tips and tricks that you guys sent to me like always I'll be giving away a battle pass to a random submission so if you want the chance to win beautiful skins feel free to submit your tricks in the lowlander Discord server this week's battle pass goes to bring in the drums it's genx congrats my friend if you like this series feel free to subscribe on the channel because with your help we might be able to beat our rifles little one day maybe and also before I start this video did you know that you are making a big mistake because I bet that almost every Watcher over here is using the same old browser for way too long well my friends today is the day to move on break a with your old browser and start using the sponsor of this video opra GX opra GX is a web browser with tons of different features designed for gamers first of all you like putting on skins in games right why not try to put on skins on your web browsers well with the oera GX mod feature you can do that if I choose the kill Joy one for example the tee and color of the web browser changes I get a dedicated wallpaper the opening and closing tab sounds are changing the keyboard sounds change and I got a new background music very nice but there's way more my friends because opra GX also got Smarter with the generative AI integration if you have any questions about Fen You can just go to the sidebar ask a question like how do you counter Cipher trip wires and look at that you get nice answers within a few seconds and this my friends was just a tip of the iceberg with GX control you have the ability to control your RAM and CPU usage it has a built-in Force Dark mode feature so you don't get flexed in the middle of the night a built-in VPN to browse safely and way more so what I would say try it out yourself with the link in the description and the cool part it's completely free so try it out today my friends and now let's continue the video with a nice way to counter the neon ultimate if you ever hear neon say this hi I'm pissed you know that she's probably going to rush towards you but no worries if you play that look you got to try to listen to the steps and as soon as you think the enemy is running around the corner throw your ca ability and easy kill for you straight shows you how it's done throwing NS she will get catched and neon without any Mobility is way easier to kill here's another example it's a very nice trick now let's go to this box on Sunset I think most of us have tried to do this jump over here but as we all know by now this jump is not possible however did you know that there's actually a way to boost yourself up without any abilities all you got to do is go to this corner mesh all your buttons Crouch midair and uh if you are doing it right you should be standing on the box but as you see in the background it's an extremely hard jump and I'm not good enough for that so here's FL doing it you can look at the left that but he presses on his keyboard it's a pretty hard jump so let me show an easy jump now with the cool mechanic behind it we all know this jump on the generator right press crouch on the last second and you get on it but here's the cool mechanic did you know that the initial jump doesn't make any sound you only make sound if you stepped after you jumped on Jen take a listen and this mechanic you can use because if you jump on the generator and then immediately shift walk you don't make any sound at all listen cool Mr lowlander but what can I do with it well if you know for certain that there's only one enemy left and he's behind the Gen you can silently jump on the Gen and kill him without him knowing you were on top of it a bit like it's genus did in this game one enemy remaining see no sound well played my friend and it's genx is a genius because here's another clippy of him this is a bit of an older lot to stck but I don't see a lot of people using this one so in case the stage players have forgotten it if you place your Sage ball like this and the enemy opens the doors it will slowly destroy your wall while you can jump on the door and then take some easy kills well Play It Again the H begins a very useful one in those half by rounds the shotgun suddenly becomes very op now a cool fact about ISO that not a lot of people know about when you use your e ability to get a shield you will do an animation and it looks like you won't be able to do anything else during that animation but this is wrong my friends because you're actually able to interact with things for example closing the door on a scent or picking things off the ground this might be a very small mechanic and very situational but now you know ISO Mains might be useful one day and about situational mechanics last day I played a game and this happened alarming he can set on my ability away I didn't know that was a thing that's actually pretty cool yeah apparently race is able to satel the alarm bol of killjoy away but I actually still didn't believe it so I hoped into a game for some tests and this is what I found out if kill places alarm mod down and it becomes invisible the Rayo won't be able to move it however if the alarm B is still in its animation and Not Invisible yet then Razer SEO is able to move the alarm B again this is also a very Niche mechanic that's not very useful but it's cool to know I guess it kind of reminds me of sing a down KO to safety and yes my friends this mechanic is also still possible so save some satel to revive KO also did you know that you can do this with your satel you can boost your boom all the way up to the platform again very useless but cool to know now one for all the aggressive yodu Mains out there if you want to go for an aggressive Peak a lot of Yu Mains will flesh once and then Peak with their flesh but there's a problem because a lot of people will Dodge the flesh like this not very good right so here's a tricky you can do it's actually so simple but not a lot of people are doing it just use two fleshes for example one against the wall after that one on the ground and there's a big chance that the enemies will get fleshed by at least one of the two just look at the clip of Chee Apprentice oh yeah monster on the loose oh now cool tricky for all the cipher players out there a thing that a lot of Cipher players are doing is placing their traps very close to the entrance of a side for example over here on Haven although this isn't a bad tactic it's very predictable for the enemies so instead what you also can do is place your trip a bit more on the side this way it's less predictable for the enemies and you might get an easy kill like exia found okay enough tricks for now let's take a small break and go to the trick shots I always love this part of the video because it's so satisfying to see people buny hopping like crazy CL make two kills with one tap through a smoke a one enemy remaining or through a wall easy peasy for stone chest plate back to the tricks let's go to a site on Abyss if you want to push the site the very common smoke is this one annoy right but there's actually a way to counter it just jump on this box over here then go for some jumps and if an enemy is chilling in that corner over there you can Bank through the smoke and easy kill for you get back okay and since we're here on Abyss we need to about this pillar I've talked about this pillar before in an earlier video but at the moment when I talked about it I didn't realize how good this pillar actually is for the people who didn't see that video you actually able to jump around the pillar like this and I thought oh you'll be standing in the open nobody's going to make kills with this one until my enemy started using it against me what how the heck did he what and this is not where the story ends because actually a lot of people were sending in Clips how they got kills on this spot kills with Omen I know you can do that but inspecting him inspecting him kills with jet on bottom head on top with race en many more so a big tip to everyone first of all try to use it yourself so now and then and second of all always pay attention to that spot okay what are we doing on a team deathmatch map Mr lowlander well my friends usually I don't give tips for Team Deathmatch but I found this one pretty cool I don't even know what the name of this map is but you see this ball over here you can place your Sage ball behind it and you have a nasty head glitch b a cool thing to know I guess now Tippy for the omen players a tactic you should consider is using your ultimate in combination with the teammate what you have to do is teleport behind the enemies distract them and when the enemy is shooting on your teleport your teammate Peaks behind them and makes some easy kills look at this watch them run one enemy remaining and here's another Omen trick this time on Haven all you got to do is place your smoke in the wall over there when the barriers are going down then teleport on the boxes and look at that you got a nice one way the Legends might remember this trick from 3 years ago and and now you can still do it since Haven is back and while we're on Haven here's a cool Sage ball that you can use all you're going to do is place your wall like this Mr lowlander this is just a normal wall that blocks off the enemies right well from the enem perspective it looks like that Gap but what you can do is stand on these boxes and then you have a nasty head glitch B on the enemy there's not high chance that they will expect it so easy kills for you and while we're talking about Sage here's another old trick but stop placing your wall like this if you want to diffuse the instead place your wall vertically so it's way harder for the enemies to destroy all the segments and this way you can easily go for a ninja diff remaining last player standing now it's time for a unique way to defend bite on Ascent imagine you play kill joy and you got your ultimate ready what you can do is place your ultimate Behind these boxes over here and look at that the enemies won't be able to enter the site wait a second look at that map what is that exactly there's a small little corner on B Main and we can use that because there's a chance that the enemies will hide in that corner so a little before the ultimate goes down what you you can do a stand over here aim at the middle of the window and go up till you hit the roof and throw your n swarm the enemies won't be able to go anywhere so you might get an easy kill now take a look at this clip bacon pancakes took the test of playing in off angle to the extreme all right what you want to do is smoke the other side of I have no idea how but it worked out while played bacon pancakes and this my friends this was the last one of the video big shout out to everyone who submitted the trick I hope you learned something and I see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: MrLowlander
Views: 49,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant tricks, valorant tips and tricks, valorant tips, valorant tips sent by you, valorant tricks sent by you, valorant tips all maps, valorant tips all agents, valorant trick, valorant new tricks, valorant new tips and tricks, valorant new tips, new tricks valorant, valorant new map tricks, mrlowlander, tips and tricks valorant, beginner tips valorant, valorant beginner tips, valorant beginner tricks, advanced valorant tips, tricks valorant, valorant tricks 2024
Id: N2XQlwJXdOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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