10 Massive Mistakes HOLDING YOU BACK! - Valorant Guide

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there's way too much content nowadays telling you how to get out of ranks when you're stuck when you watch all these guides telling you to do all these different things to rank up you're naturally just going to be a little bit confused well thankfully we've been non-stop analyzing players literally at every single rank to craft this video that you're about to watch so here's some of the mistakes that we caught often and how you can fix all those mistakes today apply these 10 pieces of information to your gamep play and you're going to see results fast and that we can promise you so for our first mistake we're going to talk about post plants when you're the attacker and the Defenders are trying to diffuse your Spike you better know how to defend it properly have you ever seen this your team gets the spike down and four players run straight to long to play post plan you think hey strengthen numbers right well the enemy team floods on to site deals with your solo teammate still trying to hold sight and then it happens an omen smoke comes in and your team spams Des desperately through the smoke Spike Theus you lose the round this is just one of the many ways a post plant can go wrong for the attackers the way you can combat this one specifically is to take note of who's alive before deciding where everyone should go on post plant if they have no way at all to block your team's line of side off sometimes playing four long can work out in your favor more ways you can play a post plant is simply by not peing into the Defenders at all set up traps and crossfires across the side that the retaking team has to deal with set up safely in a fashion that allows you to Crossfire with your teammates or just in a way that allows you and your teammates to swing to help each other if necessary now we understand you won't always have teammates that'll be able to understand this concept but that's where you use this information to play off of them or you communicate with them your intentions to play off each other in mid to high ELO players are going to generally understand this and you can use that to your advantage to get a good post plant going fast if you're playing in lower ELO use this information to use your teammates as bait in a sense once the enemy swings them go for a quick trade and unpak to rebalance the scales in your favor rinse and repeat as necessary and remember the retaking team is fighting the clock they must go quick in order to come out on top here so don't give them the advantage for free by peeking into them and losing your life running out the clock is your job job as the attacking team when you have the spike down now look if you're really looking to climb we've basically simplified the entire process for you recently with our brand new wall hacks course it's basically going to tell you every single common position players like to play on every single map and also how they'll look to reposition throughout the rounds so that you can essentially track players through walls now it sounds complicated I get it but we make it all simple to remember with a couple of easy tricks that our coaches have put together through their years of experience playing the game any one of you could be a game since God and all you need is the right tools which are available for you right now over its skill capat don't believe us well we've got a rank Improvement guarantee so if you don't climb you don't pay more on that at the end of the video though the spike takes 7 Seconds to diffuse and 3 and 1/2 seconds to half that could be quick in some situations but can also be a relatively long long commitment during the heat of a round this means tapping the spike which makes the diffuse sound pressures the attackers into Gathering info what we see a lot of players do unfortunately is tapping and proceeding to make noise after the fact in a 1v1 you'd be surprised I've been playing in a mortal and radiant Lobby since episode 1 and I even see it at my own rank the reason this is bad if you need an explanation is if you make noise afterwards in a 1v1 you instantly make it so the attacker has the info that you're not even on the spike in the first place so stop stepping or making noise right after you tap Spike you can also tap the spike and start walking towards where you suspect the enemy if they're not peeking this serves to catch them off guard if they end up peeking and if they don't Peak you'll generally surprise them if you walk into their angle also don't be afraid to stick it to half even if the enemy shoulder Peaks and spots you it can be good we noticed that a lot of people tend to shoulder Peak and assume you got off the spike after their shoulder Peak so on that note don't be afraid to stick it either Spike 1 v1s are a mind game and should be treated as such it is a game in itself and people tend to treat it much too straightforward the majority of players tap and tap the spike like it's the only way to play a spike fight there's no set way to play this situation and really it all comes down to being in your your opponent's head since we're talking about the Spike let's talk about optimal plant positioning every site has a default plant position this is the position you'll generally see the problem is the default plant position is generally not the best plant position the default plant position is generally the best for the reasoning of lineups if your team has lineups it'll be for the default plant position thankfully these teammates will let you know if they have lineups if your team doesn't have lineups or if it's just you and another player it's usually best to plant optimally what defines an optimal plant position is how many angles the spike is exposed to let's take for example Haven aight when the spike is planted default there are only two lines of sight the attackers can take advantage of this means that if for some reason you have a lurk player or even a jet or Omen sitting in heaven they can't really do anything if the retaking team has made their way to the bomb the lurk and Heaven players in this instance now have to make their way back onto site in time to stop the plant and this usually means they're going to have to run giving away their positioning yes this position is great for lineups but that situational if you have no lineup players and the opposing team has dealt with the rest of your teammates on site this can be a fairly difficult plant position to defend from short and long optimals are good when you have players in positions on multiple areas around the map it also causes the retakers to be more afraid since there's a lot more angles to be concerned with and yes optimal plants are also situational too but in valerant let's be honest most things are take this plant position for example when planted in this position your potential lurk player or your Heaven player can take advantage of where it's planted it's a simple concept but rarely utilized at any rank below Immortal your plant position matters and it'll win you and your team Sur rounds you wouldn't have otherwise I'm sure we've all seen a player stuck in heaven and they've had to run down onto site only to get swung by a player and dealt with quickly so planting like this will help those players exponentially setups like this can be very difficult for the enemy team to deal with in a timely manner this brings us to our next mistake retaking too slow there's a time and a place for walking during a retake and it's mainly when you're in a position that the enemy won't expect this means that if you're coming from standard areas such as CT or garage here on Haven you don't need to walk all the way from a site to C- site even if it's not a 5v5 the enem is going to generally have a good grasp on where you're going to be retaking from giving them that info won't lose you the round now just to be clear this doesn't mean never walk while retaking if you think your positioning is going to surprise the enemy that is the time you should be walk walking time is just of the essence when you're retaking you should be moving with somewhat of a sense of urgency this doesn't mean throw caution to the wind but you don't have all the time in the world once you understand this retaking becomes just a lot easier coordinate pushes with your teammates use your flushing utility such as mollies or nades to clear out players that could be playing Crossfire setups and use your flashes to help you take space on the enemy team holding spike quick precise utility and swings as well as team coordination and trading is your best friend on retakes we see players waste time far too often on the retake scenario a lot of the times even they'll defeat their opponents would have run out of time due to them taking far too long for our next mistake we have predictable aggression this mistake can be present for attackers and Defenders but we're going to talk about the Defenders as it's usually just a little bit more detrimental have you ever been in this situation you're playing on split aide and you hear absolutely nothing as you're team struggles to hold on to middle you decide to take this opportunity to get an easy flank off and hopefully assist your team you work your way into a main and then into sewers all the way to middle you see three opponents back turned to you and you take your time picking them off quickly and winning the round for your team you think hey great that was a good play well it was you try it again the next round with poor results though you walk into a cipher staring right at you and you lose the fight and again the next round you hear nothing so you try it once more time cuz maybe this time it's going to work right and you only meet the same fate as the last round this is predictable aggression your aggression worked once and you were rewarded with three kills you're going to remember that and the enemy team is going to remember that too the round after your aggression the enemy team's just going to generally be hyper aware of it and be very wary of the possibility that you're going to do it again the longer the game goes on the less likely it's going to be for the enemy team to be ready for you to do the same play so make sure if you have a great aggressive play you're not doing it every single Round mix it up or even push into deep a main but not all the way through the middle holding that area in case they rotate back through the point is here don't do something find that it works and then try doing it over and over again now this can go for simple Peaks too raise Peaks this angle at the start of every round Phoenix decides to try to walk up through aain and loses the fight to rise Phoenix tries it a few rounds later and meets the same fate Phoenix decides that enough is enough he grabs two of his teammates and sites outside of aain Ray swings into them losing the fight your aggression should not be predictable one of the big reasons aggression works is when it's unpredictable but remember always that aggression is an important play style for both attackers and Defenders Defenders should be utilizing smart aggression to take space that the attackers may not be in this is why no aggression from the defensive side can be a major hindrance in some cases no you don't always need to be aggressive on defense but if you're getting run over by the enemy team it may be good to consider trying to force a change in Pace this can be accomplished in a few ways you can communicate with your team that you should try an aggressive play if the enemy team is meeting no resistance towards middle try throwing a few players middle and taking that space from the Enemy by using smokes flashes nades or mollies and solid trades you can take control of space as a Defender super easily displacing the attacking team if your team has all around been passive during the game this is generally going to surprise the enemy team and they're going to have a hard time reacting to it now if this doesn't work you can always take certain areas of the map that the attackers fail to watch let's say for example the enemy team doesn't really play near B main at all you give it a few moments after the round starts and hear a lot of presence in mid from here you push into B Main and secure cure this safe spot this forward positioning can be amazing for your team as it gives info that the enemy team is not around the bside this allows for your team to fill the other areas of the map more densely just note that the enemy team may reclear you if they decide to head back and you have to be prepared for that note also that from this forward positioning you have the choice of pushing all the way through just be careful as many teams are going to refrain from pushing into areas like B main but will sometimes set a player outside of it to watch the extremity now another big mistake that we see at almost every single rank is over rotating over rotation is a killer and can be a very devastating mistake over rotating is simply just rotating off your sight much too early this is where communication with your team comes in handy if you're playing your site and you hear a lot of action across the map it's best to ask questions to the player on that site like are they pushing in are they committing if the answer is no it's it's likely they're running a default and are just trying to bait your team's utility or rotates but keep this in mind at all times as there's no worse feeling than rotating getting to the site realizing there's nothing going on and then the enemy team is on the site you just left now a good way to prevent over rotation is to have a dedicated Extra Man that's free to rotate to sites with more presence we know that there isn't always going to be room for a player that's dedicated to rotations so that's why it's important to understand the Manpower concept not understanding the Manpower concept is a big issue we see in a lot of ranks the Manpower concept is simply that while playing Defender you're limited to a certain amount of Manpower this will always be dedicated to watching certain areas of the map let's take Haven for example as it's a three- sight map so Manpower is dramatically more important here when playing Haven four players is enough to watch every area of the the map effectively you'll have extra Manpower in the form of a player and usually this extra player will usually be where there's more pressure from the opposing team in this scenario we have Cipher locking down seasight Phoenix passively holding on to garage Astro playing passively and KO playing with jet on aside in these higher ranks how this will generally play out is the KO will knife for information if nothing is spotted usually the Jet's going to push up a little bit to take a forward position this means KO is now free to move to another area of the map from here KO can go assist other teammates in areas that may be receiving extra pressure it also means that if a player dies in any of these positions the Manpower is now spread much more thin and KO loses his ability to be that assist that his team may need understanding this concept is pretty easy yet it's crucial for all new players and experienced players alike every player on defense you lose is one less area that can be actively watched understand that a death for the Defenders is generally way more impactful than a death for the attackers due to this reason the attackers have the ability to move as one and outnumber Defenders so when they achieve a pick the defense is thinner and easier to break through understanding this can also help you determine how safe you should be playing when you're holding your sight as it helps you understand what role you being alive serves overthinking Improvement is Pretty Natural there's so much information floating around in the valerant scene that it's hard not to overthink things the way to truly improve though is to understand how to improve in the first place we gave off some pretty great tips in today's video and they're super easy to apply but outside of those tips what else should you even be doing in order to improve properly so aside from all these tips that are aiding you let's talk about the other facets of gameplay you need to be working on in order to improve your aim your game sense your positioning and your team play these are absolutely crucial once you have a basic grasp on playing the game these will be the four main areas you need to work at in order to improve so stop overthinking your settings and all the common myths floating around in the scene and focus on the four things that truly matter aim is developed through training it actively by utilizing the practice Range Death match or aim trainers game sense is worked on primarily by using your brain and thinking think about why you do what you do during the game learn from your mistakes and your game sense will improve rapidly over time positioning serves to get you kills when combined with your aim and your game sense learn how to properly position yourself to steal the advantage away from the opponents team play is important and you can combine it with positioning to set you and your team teammates up for easy plays it's also the core of the game itself so pay attention to what your teammates are doing while you're playing now with all of this being said we hope that you understand by now that your rank really doesn't matter all that much a majority of these mistakes are seen across every single rank in valorent and we get the urge to want to rank up but your focus should primarily be on improving rather than ranking up to the next shiny PNG that's beside your name plate the player that waits to play because they're scared to lose their rank will always lose to the player who simply doesn't care if they rank up or not the player that doesn't care will have 10 more chances to rank up by simply playing than the player who sits and waits for their carrier Duo to get on the more you improve the prettier your PNG will naturally become what's the point in being in a high rank if you're not even capable of playing well at that rank consistently so stop caring about what rank you're sitting at it'll all come with time if you take this information to Heart and we hope you do take it to heart because we all want to have fun playing games and valerant is freaking awesome and this information can all be applied right now so feel free to save this video and come back to it if you want to focus on a few things at a time
Channel: SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides
Views: 52,682
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Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant tips, Skillcapped valorant, Valorant Skillcapped, Skillcapped, Skill Capped, Gameleap Valorant, Pro Guides Valorant, Proguides, Proguides Valorant, Valorant Ascended, Dragonmar, Sero, Mistakes, Aim, Aim Guide, Aim Mistakes, Aim Tips, Aiming Tips, Aiming Guide, Aiming Fundamentals, Aiming Tips and Tricks, Mistakes Low Elo, Low Elo Mistakes
Id: 0WMeNwvk7TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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