Your Movement is the Real Problem | Gunfight Hygiene

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hello YouTube coach for hujin here and I'd like to give you a quick rundown of an underappreciated Concept in valorant which I like to refer to as gunfight hijin in this video I'm going to show you how to VOD review your own aim duels correctly many people like to blame their lost gunfights on AIM and I'd like to propose another perspective before you jump to conclusions and boot up aim labs Shameless plug I do tons of free VOD reviews on my stream over at wuhujin every morning I'm not going to say I'm the best coach in the world but I'm pretty damn good and I've gotten multiple students into radiant I'd love for you to show up and learn with us before we go any further there's a setting that I'd like to make sure you have turned on if you go into your video settings and stats and scroll all the way down there's this setting called shooting error and set it to show both in the closed settings what this shooting error does is you'll see this graph over here in the top right when you shoot without moving there will be these orange bars and the bars get longer as you get further into your spray if you happen to be moving while you shoot there will be blue in the buzz this is important this will let you know if during a gunfight you missed a shot because of movement inaccuracy or because you missed the bullet so gunfights can be broken down into four categories there's the zero to five meter range the 5 to 15 meter range 15 to 30 meter range and then anything beyond that so 30 meters and up for a zero to five meter gun fight I highly recommend that you focus on running gun or even Crouch spraying and walking here's a demonstration of that for these gunfights the key is that your opponent doesn't hit you at this range your bullets are certainly going to hit them even if you're moving and crouching and spraying so it's more important to make yourself a harder moving Target than it is to aim directly on their head for gunfights at 5 to 15 meters we're going to introduce A New Concept called two-tap bursting and moving in order to tap bursts to move you're just going to shoot two bullets and move and then do it again and it's important that on our shooting at our graph there's no movement in accuracy you see nothing but Orange so now for the 5 to 15 meter range gunfight we're gonna start with that technique but once we connect the bullet it's fine to enter a spray so let's pretend I missed my first two shots and then I'm going to connect the bullet and that is a demonstration of good gunfight hygiene in a mid-range gunfight for 15 to 30 meter gun fights we really want to just be aiming for head shots and be fully accurate we do not want to be spraying so we're going to rely on that two-tap burst and strafe pretty much exclusively so nothing but aiming for the head we'll know we have good gunfight hygiene for this fight if we don't shoot more than three bullets in a burst and there's no movement in accuracy between our shots make sure you get creative with this and don't always move back right and left sometimes walk the same direction twice in a row then for super long range gunfights we still use our two-tap burst but optionally we can implement adsing you can also use single bullets if it feels more accurate all right let's head into a death match and I'll show you how to practice this so we're heading into the death match now and we want to be very mentally aware of how far away our opponents are when we start a gunfight with them it's important we build our good habits in Deathmatch but we need to also be able to translate them over into competitive queue that's why I recommend you focus on this while playing ranked for at least a week foreign ah one kill remaining gameplay bro they're done started
Channel: Woohoojin
Views: 1,925,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fJ5ClU3EzWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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