This is An Expensive Flop

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danin said it's probably the worst hero shooter ever made which is an absolutely outrageous claim now admittedly my expectations are also kind of low on this going into it but I'm open-minded I would love to be proven wrong I would love for this to blow me away I don't know how likely that is though we'll see you didn't pre-order it did you you can play it for free on PlayStation last night chat was saying the only way to play it right now is by pre-ordering it so yeah I dumped $40 on it already is that right are you sure where am I oh here I am I'm Concord Defender I figured someone's got to this is cool I'll be this character oh I'm popping off that's Concord Defender for you laying down the law for my city oh yeah now I'm just cruising triple kill don't mind if I do sorry cowards oh I killed him with that idiots ah they can't face me oh I don't have unlimited ammo but yes I do I'm getting just insta killed him what an idiot go to bed what the [ __ ] get out of here kid this isn't safe I'm not going to let you have any fun in this game uhoh uhoh I couldn't I couldn't turn off in time man my aim is bad here oh my God here I come I am low on strength oh he's so low damn I shouldn't have pushed I got greedy here I come someone just shoot at me what a huge mistake all right there we go yep now I'm cooking that Concord Defender baby remember the name watch this all right well it is what it is I guess us the BS will sing songs of my effort man my team was trash I had like [ __ ] 30 kills this is the soldier 76 clone Soldier 77 cool he looks like one of the Batman impersonators from The Dark Knight where he goes what's the difference between you and me and he says I'm not wearing hockey pads that's this guy he's literally just wearing some [ __ ] hockey pads as many times as it not even like space Armor All right here I come my ear yep 40 clams on this puppy is this healing wow that does no damage got one I need healing smoke oh just cease through the smoke I see the Synergy now I'm still alive in here cool why does he feel so much tankier than when I played him I played him I was getting melted well this will take 45 magazines to kill him oh [ __ ] he's low okay that's a shame almost there keep it up oh my God there we are there we are I'll grab it that should get behind him clean the hero well I hated playing that character that that character did not feel good at all wait until you see the comp mode in this oh God what's the comp mode you get punished for being good explain what does that mean it's round based then if you win around you cannot play that character anymore oh so it's like having the the bumpers up in the bowling lane it's for babies if you're doing well you can't play the character you're do doing well with it give everyone else more of a chance to not get stomped that's cute oh that was a lot of damage got it nice three shots one kill didn't miss oh I'm popping sorry I'm bullying them out here they're going to report me for cheating I haven't missed okay does this lock on is that what's going on this actually hasn't missed well I am absolutely [ __ ] popping double kill easy make it a triple me clean oh my God is there anything they can do to stop me besides just uninstalling yikes I don't even know what my Q does and I killed someone with it blinded man the reload on this one took a while that was the worst fight ever recorded love that for us glad we could share it together all right that character was really strong probably the strongest so far rivalry oh this is the competitive mode isn't it let's go huge plant the cargo in the zone and defend it from Rivals capture the zone or eliminate Rivals those are the two game modes the movement is so slow it is extremely slow yeah I am noticing that oh I don't have a sh [Music] holy this might actually be the slowest movement I've ever seen in my life it's like I'm on a treadmill oh my my God what's my Q's on me don't know what that is what's my my sh we need healing hold on give me 45 minutes I'm flanking only one of us left we got this oh my God the reload that's [Music] tragic let me oh I can't I can't even play the charact okay you have to switch characters after each round that you win that sucks I thought it was only if you were doing like really well can you never play a character again that you went around with they're locked out for the rest of the game so you win a round and whatever character you won the round with you can't play again for the rest of the match they're back into a corner that sounds so awful they would have actually had a chance if they release this as a free game uh it wouldn't be dead on arrival but it's still just not very good even if it was free it's doesn't make it better just makes it less sad oh my God I just noticed their uh necklace is a spork that's actual Reddit tier [ __ ] that's huge holds up spork nuzzles you narwhal baconing at midnight I some of my some of my needles are going maybe I'm really not sure I I don't know I got a kill yeah so far the far type character and the crossbow explody type character are the two best ones and it's not close all right we're good I made it oh what why didn't this reload on oh God all right I'll take that I'm not picking those up need a toal oh look at those shots wait how are you wait how are you still here all right I'll take it get me the [ __ ] out so it's another hero shooter what makes it different they tone down the speed of the game by 40% so everyone looks like they're moving in slow motion like jogging in a dream so it's a generic hero shooter but at 05 speed them off me I'm cover I'm covering them all in oil you owned by damn it damn it oh I got him so this throws oil and I can detonate it like that I just accidentally learned that that's so big I'm not picking that [ __ ] up I want to keep ruining their Knight hey need a second to heal quick gotcha no I'm not touching that a blow watch you had such an easy layup there by just calling it slow OverWatch cuz this [ __ ] is extremely slow what a flank oh God I'm taking so much damage that melee does nothing holy melee plus full Magazine on a squishy character still quite a bit of Health I've done this before wow oh my God it's a spitball launcher Jiminy Christmas there we are there we are now we're popping me nice nice wait a minute I'm starting to really cook on him now I'm coming Squad hang on tight Concord Defender is here okay I don't know what I was thinking oh I was thinking I'mma [ __ ] him up it's starting to do some damage there we go I got you covered you stole my kill you piece of [ __ ] never helping you again my kdr is suffering CU of you I love work I don't lose one V ones not against these kids oh baby what a [ __ ] shot I'm clipping it for the Montage I'll be the first Concord Creator oh wow that was a head shot and still not a one shot huh that was though all right I'm really in my flow State Now cover me they got me good oh my God my shots are crazy coming up nothing really cooking them worth playing in favorite part of the game worth playing no favorite part of the game uh you come back to me I'll I'll find something nice to say about it I'm sure if I keep trying I don't know why he didn't just go heal what a fool wait how did I not kill you oh imagine the collateral that was close too assuming things even collateral in this one more head shot in your dead Buster okay there it is nailed it got you pal all right what's the next character oh hi trash dispenser deploying an air barrier I need to reload this is quite the fight we have going on here this just absorbs their [ __ ] I've got you covered for oh no I don't I don't have you covered anymore goodbye nice I got a kill I got a kill with this [ __ ] guy let's go oh God this is by far my least favorite character holy hold on I'm coming I'm coming take this [ __ ] all right I helped there we are there we are now I'm popping off reload this is how you do it you just hunt someone down and just stay on them oh wait that melee was kind of good good at it that was an AOE melee get back no oh get back coming up got another one oh my God wait the melee is kind of busted on this guy I think I see what you're supposed to do with him now [ __ ] the vacuum [ __ ] the air blower it's all about this I just dropped my Big Shiny ass on him that does so much more damage than everything else he has deploying healing please protect me while I heal no he's so low there we go I got him I wasn't going to let him get away with that one little Tiddly wink of Health not on my watch that looks like a good chance almost oh clean I need a hand oh God all right I'm still alive somehow 2 Hp need health I don't know if I did any damage I think I missed everything oh baby there we go there we go I hunted her down from across the world for that I'm going here falling back to he huge huge I don't know I kind of like this character well still got it that's on me that's that's just entirely on me I missed those shots still got the kill though I could have had all three if my aim was a little better that's my fault though no one to blame but me only an amateur blames the toolss good I'll take that healing help your all right huge huge huge still cooking need that Health chill I need toal nice they're just running into me right now and the wood shipper this character is pretty good got you and the buff oh boy I'm just knocking them down what are you thinking okay I'm out of ammo he missed every shot luckily everyone that's playing this game right now is actually six years old that's huge that's big I'm on my way like half the people I played against right now I'm pretty convinced as the first game they've ever touched [ __ ] that buff is crazy actually where's this other guy that gives me so much damage I just melted them and here comes the buff who's looking to catch this [ __ ] meat sandwich everyone ran away don't blame you I really don't they're all over me I got him I got got him I got him there we are now I'm cooking on thek all right everyone just stay behind me I'll carry I need time to recover okay now time for them to hide for the next 3 minutes just like last time this is awful what do they do where do they go they're not in the middle here we go I heard something they're on the side my [ __ ] left shoe that those weren't head shots yikes son of a [ __ ] oh I just crashed honestly a blessing in disguise uh Ah that's got to be a strong sign from the man upstairs it was just letting me know I can no longer refund it R are you ready to Concord it up I'm just kind of feeling a little Concord tonight I don't know man there's something in the air Feels Right game Just Hits different man all right you ready to climb I'm ready I'm ready okay cool cool who do you who do you like the Farah nice how' you like Ned from Spider-Man not amazing he does more damage than Soldier 77 though that's true soier 77 is [ __ ] worthless wait who's your man or who you liking the most so far the uh Scott Pilgrim girl okay yeah she's cool yeah she's pretty good but the beauty of ranked is there's no point in maning cuz as long as you I forgot about that as long as you win around you can't play them again so I'll start with her and then never see her again God this game's ranked is so stupid wait they are kind of cooking though they are no like they definitely know what they're doing like for sure wa is that gun lock on I have no idea it might just be a spectator bug okay now I guess I'll never touch that character again unlucky yeah was pretty pretty fun one yep locked out of playing her from now on uh it's also just a really not fun competitive mode like even aside from not being able to stay with the character you want to play it's still just a really bad game type I see like I feel like they should just stuck to the basics just have like a payload or like a king of the hill with like actual respawns but yeah I don't know this game doesn't work as a respawn like or uh not respawn but like a one lifee game I don't think it works works I'm yeah I completely agree okay like everyone just runs to the middle and that's it it's just a waiting game well when I did that last time I got [ __ ] blasted I'm going to try and go around I got the tank can't believe that missed got the knife girl okay that was wow yeah kind of steamrolled him wow that was a fun round cool cool cool you see like this is a stupid mode this is so stupid it's you actually get like 10 seconds of game play and then 45 seconds of character selction yeah that's that's just the Concord way man I say that's true that's just Concord baby Sony will release this and do nothing with bloodborne I do love that it's like no no we got to focus on Concord no one wants bloodborne everyone wants a hero shooter well it dude the worst oh well not the worst part not getting bloodborne is the worst part but they canceled Last of Us which had a really [ __ ] good multiplayer for like the original game they canceled that but they were like n this [ __ ] they shit's lit Concord that's what want everyone's begging for hero Shooters uhoh uh uh oh yikes I didn't know they were all there I got greedy all right well that was I know how he died yep that was a good competitive match woo yeah everything that we're complaining about will be fixed in a month though yeah no no no that's the whole point of the beta so they can fix everything this could be this could be where they hiding all the fun it's just Search and Destroy we still only have one life oh all right I'll plant it B oh wait no wait do you plant what do you do I have no idea actually here cargo where's the cargo en enem I'm so embarrassed that was almost the worst moment of my [ __ ] gaming career right there but I squeaked it out we're fine let's go don't let him get it God the sniper [ __ ] sucks if it's not head shot took three shots I'm extracting it's just uh McCree yep all all right good work somebody in your chat said they cancel a twisted metal game is that true I have no idea but I'll tell you what is true four team members over there just quit I wonder if they spawn nope I already found them oh I okay [ __ ] yeah wait you kind of popped off that yeah you should have seen it I threw all six there's a play of the game I threw all six grenades one oil drum and then I eventually just blasted her with my little finger rocket or whatever [ __ ] yeah dude that was so hyp badass it was badass like you wouldn't believe good match good match 2om minute wait to start the game 15 seconds of game play and at least 3 minutes of character select that's the ranked Concord experience God what a game what a game oh I I did a challenge let's go dude congrats congrats thanks hey top frag though baby wait really mhm wait that's actually huge that's big that's big you'll see me on the leaderboard about to start like a Concord team let's just do normal brawl cuz that is unbearable please and thank you like holy [ __ ] this rank mode sucks that is so bad oh that tracking whoa I might have to be the first [ __ ] Concord Pro going to set a pro team and you're going to be the only player on it I'll be the only player in the entire scene yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 430,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l1WsM6Tks78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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