How to Reach IMMORTAL in 2024

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the truth is that if you're heart stuck it's because of one main thing your mentality either you have the wrong mindset and don't improve on your mistakes or you tilt too easily and let it mess with your performance the brutal truth is that you aren't heart stuck because of your teammate or bad luck but because of you it may be hard to swallow but if you truly want to get out of their rank you've been stuck in you have to convince yourself that you need to get better that if you get good enough you can overcome luck do you really think that all these Pros that climbed from gold to radiant didn't get bad teammates behind you do you really think Curry who soloed to Radiance on every role never got unlucky with terrible teammates ter don't continue watching this video unless you actually take ownership of your improvement because if you want to continue blaming luck then this isn't a video for you but if you're ready to point the finger at yourself and realize that you need to and can improve then I'm glad to tell you that you're already ahead of 90% of people now that you've given up the BS excuses I want to give you the three key principles that if applied guarantee that you rank up number one make Improvement fun and you win the problem is that people focus on the output rather than on the input everyone is focused on whether they won the game whether they ranked up rather on how they can improve this is the mindset that keeps you hard stuck your rank is the product of consistent Improvement habits not a onetime event forget your teammates for a moment and ask yourself how much did I improved in the last week if you can't instantly say my aim got better my game sense got better my coms are clear Etc then it's clear while you're not ranking up once you fall in love with the process of getting better losses won't weigh you down you'll enjoy playing more you'll have more motivation and eventually you'll actually reach the rank you want the good news is that you can make make aim training VOD reviewing learning from pros and everything else fun because honestly getting better is fun in and of itself once your aim gets better you will win more gunfights and have more fun once you learn some crazy setup you'll outplay the enemies and want to learn more the more you link your fun in game to you improving the more fun the improving itself will actually be and one of the most fun ways to improve is by using coach camel coach camel is a brand new AI coach that I have been developing for about a year now you can simply push a button to ask any question you want and receive instant advice struggling to push B site coach keml will provide Pro strategies for how to execute have to fill killjoy and don't know any setups coach KL got you with the latest tricks losing and want to counter shat the opponents simply ask how to counter the enemy agents no need to provide coach camel info on what agents you're playing what map you're on what the score line is or any anything else because it already knows and since coach cam is powered by our very own valerant language model it's going to stay up to date with all the latest Pro strategies one of my favorite features is the postmatch reflection where you can tell coach camel anything new you've learned or any mistakes you want to be aware of in future games coach camel will then automatically sort that information into organized bullet points which you can look back at at any time additionally all users will have access to the coach camel Discord where I'll host weekly 10 man create a team with your friends to compete for cash prizes while learning among other motivated players and to celebrate the launch of Coach camel I'll be giving away $500 worth of valerant points to you guys to enter the giveaway simply follow coach camel on Twitter retweet the post and tag two friends to get a bonus entry follow the coach camel account on Tik Tok the 50 winners will be announced on Twitter within the next 2 weeks if you download coach Cel now you'll also also receive access to 10 highquality in-depth guides for absolutely free so if you want to give Coach camel a try click the first link in the description or pin in the comments so now that your improvement addiction is satisfied let's jump right into the second key principle of ranking up and that's identifying your weaknesses you need to understand that your rank is determined not based off your greatest strength but by your biggest weakness think of your skills as a pipe with flowing water leading you to a ranking up if one part of the the pipe SL skill is very weak it will hold back the rest of the water flow even if the other skills are amazing however once you improve and increase that small pipe a lot more water can flow leading you to ranking up it's crucial to understand that you can be extremely good at one aspect but for you to overall improve and rank up you need to put all of your attention on fixing your biggest weaknesses so how do I know my weaknesses there are four main ways looking at your common complaints analyzing deaths that lost your team to Advantage vwing and checking stats let's start with complaints while playing notice what you're complaining about most often because tilting is likely the result of you getting punished for the same mistake over and over again I used to tilt about constantly having to play retake on defense feeling disadvantaged and like the rounds were out of my hands draining the fun I blamed bad luck until I owned up that it was my fault for not being active enough pre-round to read the enem is likely execute the truth is we all have these complaints reflecting weaknesses in our play style the second way to identify weaknesses is by analyzing Debs that lost your team the advantage actively notice which Debs are giving away your team's Advantage such that the round changes from winning to losing examples include dying first failing to trade your teammates dying with bomb or important abilities and Etc sure there's hundreds of tiny mistakes that you can pick up on but noticing the most important mistakes the ones that lose your team to Advantage is actually what's going to change your win rate ask yourself which play caus our team to lose the advantage the Third Way is through VOD reviews either recording a game and analyzing it yourself or asking a better player to watch it for you most of the time when you're playing you will Overlook all of the times you could have played differently but with a third person perspective you can slowly analyze how you played additionally better players will likely pick up on the mistakes in both decision- making and in your aim that you wouldn't have noticed otherwise a bonus way of identifying your weaknesses is by looking at your stats you can simply go over to valant tracker and check out your account here you can find so much useful info your kill assist surviv trade ratio your map and agent run rate and much more if your kill assist survive trade ratio is low that means you need to play with your team and trade your teammates more often if you have a bad win rate on a specific map per agent maybe it's time to learn a new strategy or even a new agent on the map if you have a 60% win rate on as scent but a 40% win rate on Lotus then you probably need to focus your effort into improving on Lotus remember that if you don't change your win rate won't change by accepting your weaknesses you shift your mindset which gives you room to grow so now that you know your mistakes how do you get better change complaints into how questions I Whi an easy shot into how can I be more common gunfights my team sucks at holding B site into how can we change our setup I keep getting one tapped into how can I improve my movement to be harder to hit pay attention since this is where most of you mess up very often when players make a mistake and go to analyze why they simply make you an excuse and pass it off I'm definitely behind the wall there rather than saying oh I was expecting my teammates to swing with me you can decide to directly communicate with your teammates without assum assuming by saying let's swing this guy or even counting down let's double peak in 3 2 1 again you want to avoid sliding off these mistakes as oh I got unlucky and genuinely think how can you improve in that situation it's easier to complain than to find solutions to problems which is why most people don't get better but none of this will work if you only have this mindset for a day or two and that brings me to the third point which is build the foundation the one important thing that people just don't understand is that you can't skip steps if you want to reach the highest rank possible then you have to put in the work to build up your aim movement game sense positioning Etc all from the ground up what most people do is they aim train and begin to win more du which causes them to rank up they noticed that aim training got them from Silver to Plat so they think they need more of it to keep ranking up they think that if they crank the knob on AIM training enough that's what's going to get them to Immortal however what they really need to do is develop their game sense teamwork Communications and all of the other skills alongside their aim by being in a rush you build up your entire skill set Foundation wrong where a lot of important pieces are lacking causing you to be stuck you can picture your skill set as a tower by trying to skip steps and just max out your aim you will have a flimsy Tower and no foundation of the remaining skills the higher you go without building the rest of the foundation the more unstable the entire Tower will be however if you take one step back and rebuild your entire Foundation you can build way higher than before because now it is stable if you're currently silver and want to reach IM mortal then you solely should focus on the fundamental skills that will get you out of silver this is because the skills needed to go from silver to gold aren't the same as the skills needed to go from ascendant to Immortal in order to rank up from silver to gold you might need to fully learn fundamental mechanics such as Crosshair placement or positioning however in order to rank up from ascendant to Immortal you instead need to focus on Advanced mechanics such as site executes and agent Synergy the point is you need to stop trying to speedrun to a high rank you have to master all the skills of each stage before you go on to the next I know this isn't that fun to hear but the truth is you have to accept a long period of sucking before you notice any real Improvement High ranked players and top your professionals have all put in thousands if not tens of thousands of hours into improving at FPS games they have put in the work that you haven't so expecting to reach close to the level of skill in only a fraction of the time doesn't make any sense so if you feel stuck and like you can't make progress you need to go back to the beginning and realize you built your skill set Tower wrong to begin with however the good news is that anyone including you can improve even if you don't think you're naturally talented with just some motivation and a strong work work ethic you can improve tremendously at valerant and luckily the odds are in your favor because the truth is that most people are just lazy they would rather complain about their teammates than focus on their mistakes and put in the work in order to improve so if you just put in a little bit of work I promise that you'll start seeing Improvement so to recap number one make Improvement fun and you win fix the inputs and the results fix themselves number two identify your weaknesses by looking at your freaking complaints analyzing round losing deaths V reviewing and checking map win rate stats number three put in the work to build the foundation everyone tries to rank up as fast as possible and doesn't get anywhere don't be like everyone else and that's it for this video guys thank you for watching peace
Channel: Sero
Views: 179,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant guide, rank up valorant, valorant hardstuck, how to rank up to immortal, rank up guide, sero rank up, sero, valorant aim guide, Valorant mentality, bad teammates valorant, how to get better aim valorant, i suck at valorant, hardstuck silver valorant, aim train valorant, valorant immortal guide, valorant tips and tricks, how to get immortal valorant, valorant guide to rank up, get better at valorant, immortal sero, reach immortal 2024, sero immortal, valorant, prems
Id: fUOHrzUPQps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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