WINTER Survival Challenge with a Girl (NO Food, NO Water, NO Shelter!) | Axe, Knife, Saw, Line, Hook

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I really wanted to cook the snowshoe hare I caught (with a snare) over the fire, but it was frozen solid as a block of ice by the time I got my fire running by friction fire, so I had to catch a fish, or so it goes, using just a branch, some line and a hook. We built a small shelter out of what we could find, evergreen branches, cedar and debris, plus snow. She not really a survivalist, by any stretch, but she enjoyed herself and got to experience the highs and lows of bushcraft, catching fish though the ice, shelter building, making friction fire from scratch and all the nuance that comes with being outdoors. You could call it "team" building, with a message about how to work together, or bushcraft, or survival, but it was certainly fun! She even said she'd join me again!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChristopherPhilip πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh wow i didnt know you Reddit man. I have been watching your Youtube channel for a year now :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fightfordetroit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I literally came across your channel last night and watched over 3 hours of videos. Great stuff, man.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mantis217 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

When I watched and saw you were going to do a bow drill I was concerned and paused the video to talk to my wife who is watching with me.

I told her that while I believe having and practicing bow drill skills is a fantastic thing to do, if someone going to carry a bow drill kit or any sort of flint and steel kit then they should just carry a damned lighter and waterproof matches LOL

Then when I continued the video you said you had other forms of starting a fire and that you were just doing this for practice! I'm glad to see great minds think alike.

My wife thoroughly enjoyed the video and the funny thing was I had told her I was going to watch something on YouTube and she probably wasn't going to enjoy it and instead she sat and watched the entire thing!

We did a 3 night backcountry camping trip a year ago and it was the first for her to be out in the bush away from civilization with no cell phone. We have always camped but never in that extreme.

When we went she made me bring the shotgun for predator defense. I didn't mind but I recognized it was more a security blanket for her. We used proper camp craft to avoid problems and had bear spray anyway.

I did get my wife out for a winter camping trip a couple years ago. We went to Algonquin in -8c and did one night. Generally it went well but we discovered some issues with her sleeping system that left her cold at night (too long and she discovered she doesn't like mummy bags as they make her feel trapped).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was interesting as fuck. I watched this with my girlfriend and now we're both bushcrafters.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheCreamyGentleman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right hey yes oh yeah that's a great one whoa check it out check that guy out Oh beautiful Oh No oh you want to become trout eat it you come in you can hold you can kick ourselves the throat over the grill okay so we are going to cook this ah that is an afterthought I may still do we'll have to go out to keep why didn't we do it so trout all right let's clean this guy up well what great so this is kind of an ice fishing trip gone wrong we've got a little bit of gear with us and thing is a snowed all day all morning and we can't figure out where we're going so we have to do is get in the woods now and we decided to stick it out and wait till tomorrow morning to pack out and or wait for rescue we do have some supplies with us a little bit ice fishing gear fire-starting gear we'll go through that in a second we do have lunch with that I don't know if that looks like what it's supposed to look like that's just no sure hair I caught in a snare and that's going to be our food today unless we can catch some fish what do you think what are the other this is Courtney she's my wife we've been together for almost 20 years almost all right let's get out of the wind and get into the bush we'll make a shelter and get a fire going sounds good I'll show you what kind of gear we have to work with so this video is all about creating order from disorder you know we live in a disorganized world and natural world and it's all about creating tameness so that we can enjoy comforts that nature can provide so this is about taking all the things around us and creating comfort so I brought my wife out for our particular reason I wanted to show you that you can use teamwork in your relationships with women so talking to the men out there and to the girls I want you guys to know that you're capable of doing this stuff too and this is like a captain first mate relationship because my wife is really good at certain things but being outdoors is not one of her main things she likes being outside but she likes the more tame things about being outside so this is about providing those tameness providing that tameness for her and those creature comforts for her so that she's comfortable when she goes outside so this is a provisionary thing and she's gonna be taking guidance from me to figure out what it is that she needs to do she's well aware that she doesn't have the outdoor skills that I do so I'm gonna be conveying that to her about what she needs to be doing throughout the challenge and I'll be doing probably the most amount of grunt work brute force cutting wood and she's gonna be doing the smaller things smaller tasks but equally important tasks such as life to get things done so you can work as a team and that's the kind of relationships you should foster with your spouse your girlfriend your boyfriend if you're out there so the girls this is the kind of thing that you want to find in men as men who are able to take take nature which is generally disordered and create order from it building structures creating fire these are things that man was tasked to do through our evolution to provide order and create abundance so that we could flourish and provide for our children and without this we can't do it and it's the same thing in our modern world although the tasks are different we still need to collaborate and we still need to have a captain first mate relationship I want to talk more about this a little bit later about how the captain made man-woman relationship works and how it's a really productive way to carry on your life so join us and I want you to keep those themes in mind as you see what it is what we're doing and the different tasks we have assigned ourselves based on our capabilities we're both twenty yards in from the woods and I found myself a perfect spot right here this is the perfect spot to set up a shelter we have a giant rock face and then down below is a great area to get out of the elements and we build a fire how fun here in this area and all the heat that will be generated we'll be collecting the rock and reflect back on us a lot of people make the mistake of putting their fire on the front here and then sitting in front of the fire but then your back is all exposed exposed over here so you end up getting cold so what we're gonna do is build a shelter over top here just something really simple to break the front part of the wind and we'll go the fire up front where our gear we have a kid's plastic shovel I have my bow drill kit bow and bottom board baseboard I have a knife I have two stainless steel pots we have a little small axe or hatchet you prefer little axe an axe and we have a blanket so from here we need to make shelter so shelters gonna be first cortney's gonna dig out the snow here it's a job for you okay sounds good okay and then I'm gonna go out I might go out on the lake and start chipping myself a hole not a very standard tool for getting through the ice it's actually very cumbersome and I might get wet doing it but it's what we got even though we're out here ice fishing it's kind of a weird thing we don't have a better tool to get to the ice but hey that's how it worked out we just forgot the auger okay so you're gonna take a shovel over here yes we're gonna put this back in the bag so doesn't get too wet okay till we build a shelter and you're gonna dig oh god it's good I can do that alright okay so you just want me to take it all the way down to the bottom as far as I can go yeah well see it's nice and dry in here yeah underneath there we can actually talk in there we probably don't need very much of a shelter we're all we need to do is cover this kind of area here but it's dry you down there really really dry and it's gonna as the heat comes up its gonna get captured and then come down here and heat that rock up which is exactly what we want so what we want to do is get down to dirt here because if we make a fire on top of the snow what will happen is as it melts yeah some of its gonna come down the hill which is good without all of out of it it's gonna put down put out the ashes and coals and we want to build up a nice big bed of Ash and coal over the day so that it's heated up at night so yeah we need to take all this snow out completely down the bottom like as if you're raking that's the most efficient way of the wood that we're gonna burn today so okay good - it is your job for you well we'll see right now it's easy all right I've got a bit of a secret guys I'm uh I got an extra challenge I'm working on up here I'm gonna let you guys know but I'm not gonna let Courtney know because obviously that would spoil it but we've been together for probably 20 years probably we've been together about 20 years and we did an overnight camp and a Quincy Quincy on the other side of the lake new years it's almost its own ears right now just a little bit past and we also did a spring overnighter over here and it was a cold today and I guess might challenge them you know as a young man was to make her comfortable enough to you know the ultimate survival challenge if you get my drift so I'm gonna see while we're doing all this if I can get to that point where she's warm and comfortable and as a man that's exactly what you're designed to do so we've done a little talk before on the squirrel hunt video about masculinity but this is what men were designed to do work against nature are the forces of nature to build comfort and yes my wife will be doing a lot of work today and helping me but men were designed to build structures so that women could be comfortable and then men can gain favor from them and if they do really well and they provide so we're looking at providing a meal today to that men will gain favor and there's nothing wrong with that type of arrangement because it works for men and for a woman so I'm gonna keep this between you and me and I'm not gonna kiss and tell so we'll see how this video ends out or this day and so for me we'll see if I am able to conquer nature so while my wife is digging us out a nice little house being home keeper I am going to try to get through the ice we have probably 10 to 12 inches of ice doesn't sound like a lot but if you've ever cut ice with an axe you know it's not the easiest thing in the world plus once you get down to the bottom the last little bit of ice once you get through watch the wants to bubble up the water down below the ice surface wants to push up and out so you have to do it very carefully so you're gonna if you ever do it you're gonna do it in a concentric circles you're gonna go around and around and around you're gonna start with a big wide hole just like you're digging the hole in the dirt and then you're gonna get narrower and narrower but if you start off real tiny you're not gonna be able to get down very deep because you're gonna you're gonna start it in the edges so let's get going I see how long this takes [Music] so now we're getting close because the ice town here is turning black and black ice is relatively thin ice doesn't always mean it's thin but it's a good indication in this case was returned from an opaque colored ice to a black colored ice so I want to do is be very careful the chip evenly around here because once I finally get through that water's gonna come all the way up and you can imagine if this is a big puddle here and I'm hitting with ax down all that water is gonna be flying up in my face and on my snow suit getting me wet and cold I don't want to do that that'd be the last thing I want to do oh I don't want to start a new hall I just need to figure out where exactly I need to chip around you really want to make sure you hold on to this RLC it's going all the way on the bottom and you'll never see it again okay you want the feedback okay think I did well it's a good start okay I would easily mit's and go down further and use my hands as a rake and then I would pull back like this stuff here which might mean it's pretty good right I did some now if you could see ya know this is like you could you could lay in here and you'd be fine if you had a fire right there reflecting all that all this edge here is gonna get super warm I mean it's not big enough for two people oh sure it is all right come on in yeah [Laughter] and one more thing we forgot is Courtney's got bells in her pocket for a reason they're part of the ice fishing gear which we didn't go over so now that I've got a hole made I think I'll set a line now because think about fishing is line in the water right it's longer you have your line in the water that you get a chance to have a catching fish so since we're gonna be busy doing a lot of work here we mazels headline we can put the bells on it you want feel about just a little Christmas bells here and if you get a big enough fish on there you can hear that for a fair distance and I'm gonna show you how simple way a really simple way to fifth with with these bells and a stick okay good so I think you're gonna be what next there Oh super don't ya and you already started collecting a little bit of oh yeah kindling yeah so you're gonna continue doing that right yes good stuff are you warm or cold I'm warm except for my toes okay well we'll have to do something with that we need to get fire going yeah so this is a good stick for ice fishing rig so we're gonna bust this off just a little whippy sapling all we did all I did is snapped it and pulled it back on itself and I'll leave these little branches here we're just pulling off all the branches off the main stem we don't need any of those so we got a little whoopee stick let's get back out on the lake schway disruption holidays is a mess of little hooks I use number four but it doesn't really matter just little J hooks real simple you know you can hold a bait holder bait holder hook and a little tiny split shot very very small that's it that's all you need for trout there's uh I believe some splake in this lake so we could give that a shot the only other thing that we need besides the hook and sinker is some line just some I use six pound test line that's plenty you don't need anything bigger than that that'll catch most fish I should go in for something like pike at the end of the line here get our hook and we're gonna tie that on so the truth of the matter is I only know about three different knots and one of them is a fishing not so alright you're not gonna look see what I'm doing here but you're gonna know exactly I'm doing so I'm taking the hook and I'm gonna twist it around and around and around and around and around and around juice about eight times then I'm gonna draw up that and I'm gonna find the tail end of the line this is really simple really simple guys skate watch so I made a loop here down by the hook end and that tends to open up on you so if you want you're gonna go through that and they're gonna keep it all straight here okay keep it up bend it and now you've made another loop so you've made one loop here one loop here back to the same loop here so the first loop the loop you just made and then gonna grab the tail end again and never let go the tail end and you're gonna pull tight and then that's gonna cinch down on itself a little suppose spit like it's slippery and that lock locks down on itself right there and this is a trick kids don't do this it's really bad for your teeth but fishermen don't always have stuff to cut with here in front teeth hair I didn't bite there you go and over time your teeth are gonna chip away like mine so there you go it was simple split shot we're gonna put up six inches up from that and we are going to tip this with a little chub minnow so you can see just in that little bit of time that ice is already frozen back up I tell cold it is up here so your split shot six inches up and you don't want to put your hand in the water break that ice just use your foot bust it up you should have good waterproofing boots on or waterproof boots there we go so we got to rig this up so that it doesn't fall down this is going to be our tip up it's basically more or less going to sit like that and we're going to tie on to this end and drop the minnow down and then when we have a fish of course it's going to bounce up and down and we'll be able to hear it in the woods but what we need to do is make a nice big mound of snow over here and get it wet to hold this up just a little bit higher because higher it is the better because it gives a bit more whip and you can see it from a distance too so the minnow we just hook just behind the head here drop that down once line goes slack here you know we got the bottom and then we're just gonna pull up a little bit and we're gonna loop it around here and our bail I'll make sure you don't drop this in the lake tie on here and then we want this to be tight up against the stick so that we get a fish it'll bounce and that's it we're fishing up weight shelters all dug out going you did a good job on that I mean either couple ridgepoles to go over to start building the shelter that one will do Oh get it done the hood up sometimes things just engineer themselves okay so here's the basic structure ever main beam the secondary beam over here to shelter on this side here we have one coming across this side and we've tied off to the tree over here and from there back up here we can see the full structure here now I can go from here across to make some trusses and then on top of the trusses we can lay down a roof of spruce if you can find enough to cover the top we'll be all set and then our fire is going to lay down there where my gloves are and that area here smoke will come up and then we'll have a nice warm area down in this in this space here got a roof we got a wall now we got a we got a frame of a roof we still gotta fill this all in which is gonna be tricky cuz we're a little bit short on kind of spruce that we need so we're gonna do our best to see how it turns out it's pretty cool when you get a piece that just works on six we're gonna go under this one over this one over the other one over here put it in there and then slide it down perfect walked in here here here here I've only used one rope this entire time one rope there this is as you know that's their first Ridge this is over on the other on the ground over here these ones are wedged up underneath here and then they're locked in by branches here so we're making a nice tight structure we'll put one more over here and that'll form our canopy and Courtney's got some spruce tops because it's fairly sheltered here it's mostly the top part of the trees here that get the sunlight and they end up green so if we're in a more open area and we might have some thicker spruce but now they're spindly at the bottom so we're gonna have to work a little bit harder to get those rooftop pieces that we need anyway so that's how it's gonna go like that so obviously we need a lot of them before you know the snow just goes through and the heat as well I'm taking all the branches off to use on top of our structure or a protection from the wind and the snow so be nice understand the idea is to fill it in so you can't see sunlight which is pretty tricky because there's always going to be sunlight like a roof yeah no Christmasy get in there all right here's a load of boughs we're gonna use this for our bedding we've got a roof taken care of you need something to insulate ourselves from the cold ground and as it melts all that water is gonna well the snows gonna turn the water rather we don't waste sitting on it anybody's gonna complain about cutting these boughs down just save it we're doing is cutting some of the lower branches off and the trees you know they're not getting a lot of sunlight from the lower range anyway so it's not it's not hurting the trees as severely as you might think and nature recovers that's exactly what it's designed to do so in a couple years they will probably notice no difference and animals are out here picking twigs and buds and that's not damaging the trees either as long as they have time to recover they will and you know you can see around me it's pretty much undisturbed out here so the impact that we make is pretty small so anyway let's grab this big load and we'll spread it out on the bottom and we'll have a nice bed Cosi sticks in your beard fixing my beard all right so we've done a pretty good job getting down to the bottom but it's still you know there's still some water in here although it's in frozen form so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start the back corney's already started back there under the lock which is going to be the warmest parts we can tuck in there and then the rest of it we're just gonna work our way back out and tie these in nicely so that we have a little bit of loft obviously the more the better if you can get you know if we get eight inches that'd be great but that's probably what happened today because this is a short term thing and we don't actually don't want to break that money trees down so and we're lazy we're tired and we're old anyway okay you're going okay now that's a decent start but we need a few more few more load good shelter yeah fires gonna be right in front of us alright hey that's a good one read it the whole ah it was a good fish too rudl oh I was the one that caught away that would have been my day made my day it was about a pound fish there's a good-sized fish I had it right at the hole I don't know if you guys saw that or not but it I almost I almost had it with my hand that's how close I had it but anyway the bell worked we heard in the woods for a while so I thought it was well hooked but guess not quite not enough keep the line now it's all reset now so as you say it might come back but it probably won't but we you know we may get another one so our wind is coming from this direction here and it's bullying into our shelter this way so the easiest simple way because gravity is on our side here is just gonna pile of snow real simple so I'm gonna pile of snow up on this side till it's almost full or full if I can manage we're gonna need a lot of snow because it likes to pack down in center but yeah we're gonna fill this side in because it's the wind side and then we should be nice and nice and snug in there Courtney do you want to do this alright I'll go cut some wood [Music] no will tend not to fall back inside as much no when your pile of snow bank and wants to flow in both sides and over time it will harden up and as we get a fire then it's gonna harden up too it's interesting as you make a shelter it becomes less camera worthy because then it just starts to look like natural pile of snow or natural pile of twigs but I can assure you the inside is nice and comfy even on the outside looks more natural than man-made but that's what you get when you're using natural products 100% biodegradable give me back on the earth to come back in two or three years you won't even notice we did anything that's a fact because I've made these before so I've just laid down some boards down here some logs and I've got some birch bark here I've got my bow drill I am not totally expecting to be successful with my bow drill we have two other sources of fire a lighter and I also have a fire steel but I am going to try to get myself an ember as a goal I probably won't be able to blow it into flames I mean I could if that's all I wanted to do for the rest of today but I don't so if this doesn't go I'm going to probably just use the lighter cuz this thing is solid as a rock now so it's not edible in this condition and it's gonna take a long time to solve which is you know part of the reason why animals don't do so well in the wild because they have to deal with this and how do they defrost an animal I mean how do you eat an animal that's totally frozen so you can see the problem with you know predators top predators like wolves and foxes where they have to eat the animal right away or spend weeks picking away at it but humans have fire and we can eat animals that are cold like this but we do have a limited time so I'm going to try to make myself an ember and I'm gonna call it a success if I can blow it into flame I'll say I'm a master and we'll see about this this is gonna be interesting I don't know if I can cook this I'm having my doubts now you have tinder so we have some some tinder that I saved it's a bundle of cedar and that's been kept dry and warm in Courtney's pocket and it actually feels a little damp so anyway that's a bunch of shavings cedar shavings and I have some birch bark mixed in there so we only use half of that you can keep that dry I've done a complete bow drill set build so if you want to go back and look at that I would advise you do it's under the bone marrow video you know I ideal conditions to be doing bull Joe fire is just cursing the fact that I didn't bring my good top boy with me my bearing block you see what this does probably gonna twist out all over me hey so we made some smoke a smoke so you're gonna make her triangle cut in you wish we caught that fish yep me too how long do you think this is gonna take to defrost we might be going hungry on our survival challenge because we have a frozen here I'm only trying this once it doesn't work I'm going to use a lighter for no shame because I packed three lighters because you're gonna do a survival challenge you're gonna go outdoors you should be prepared you could never get a bow-drill fire going and opens you really need the one you could never do it a little bit of birch bark or a catch there's no rush before you start not much of a rush after - as long as you don't get dosed with this oh then you're screwed cuz it's gonna land on your ember to kill it I'm gonna sharpen this up again probably not enough there's some dust in there it's worth protecting we're gonna sharpen up the tip again to reduce the friction of the top-end oh wait here's my one chance got dust there I'm going to start off slow and then we're gonna go for broke and we're gonna hopefully not pop out or top board again make sure it's nice and locked in here [Laughter] we got a call we can't let it blow out mezzotint already okay no I'm gonna keep the video rolling so you can see it at the risk of losing my ambert by screwing around so cameras rolling tripod so there's proof no I'm gonna do is we're gonna protect this night read the whole thing here hey camera still rolling here we're gonna get a gust of wind here so we're gonna protect it you see ya hey you see the coal see how it's going more good see how red it is okay let's get the knife okay so maybe that cool look at that go you know okay so carefully we're gonna move this into our tinder bundle look at that Col go beauty Cole look at it mmm okay so now we got to do this real carefully yeah I got too much in here I had to get just the top one okay I'm just gonna drop it in there let it settle down I wanted to keep in a clump okay so they don't care for the wind every time it picks up okay and when it goes I'm going to put it in here okay good yeah my backlit beautiful fire there we go ah I'm such a fancy youtuber dawn they're gone now we're not screwing around here we are going to go big fire in case we get a gust of wind thanks Courtney for grabbing the excessive amounts of too bad my trout in the lake still I didn't think I was gonna do that I'm impressed myself yes [Music] yes whoo yeah oh man that's a great that's a great one check it out these fish are splake it's a cross between a brook and electro you get the qualities of both you have the quality of a Laker and the quality of a brook trout or a speckled trout as spa Blake oh I swallowed it real good no you gotta be real careful when you get hands wet like this let's get them washed off I'll show you guys check that guy out check it out beauty that's gonna be good and I got to clean this off before it freezes solid like that hair jeez I don't know if I mean not hair anymore this is what I'm heating yes Oh beautiful hold it no no you want to become trout have to eat it you come in you gonna hold on the fire we still can ha ok the fire going still yeah you can check ourselves at wrote over the grill ok so we are going to cook this ah that isn't an afterthought I may still do we'll have to go out to keep light and see if we do so trout real easy to clean it Danno middle at the front simple PV easy peasy simple peasy laughing alright so we are going to take the gills out without head off let's get hot in the kitchen okay Gill plates out it's all I'm gonna do is find a stick and I'm going to stir it and cook it over the fire like that there we go that's all we need little stick like that we're gonna thread the fish up in there and put it over the fire you cook it like that thoth I'm going to go ahead now we're going to find a spot in the back muscle tissue if I can hang on to this slimy fish we're just going right along the back into the muscle I want to keep it as far back as we can without coming out of the skin and see I'm through the most because we don't want the fish to fall off obviously how's your face lining how's your face doing do you like fish once it's cooked okay open this place up on the inside there well that clogs okay stop them if there's a bunch and you see there's a bunch in there it's hard to see I'm just gonna spread that around and all we're gonna do is hang this over the fire just to the point where you can't keep your hand there for longer than five seconds that's the cooking height so you put your hand over the fire one two three four five ah too hot that's exactly the height you want and it's gonna slow-cook it's gonna stick yeah I think good yeah it's good smoke like this really good perfect and I'll make some cedar tea so I need some water now you have some options when you're gonna get water but starters you could just eat the snow and there's nothing really wrong with eating my fault no go cool you got a little bit of a cold but you can eat it as long as you're moving and active you're not gonna get hypothermia now it is a lot windier out here that's the next thing if you want to get out of the cold get in the bush it's significantly different in the bush and we're in such a fashion that the wind is crosswise so that's one thing so you have options as far as getting water snow problem is snow is almost 100% air so if you feel that impact it you'd be alright but you got to get all that air out and air is an insulator so you put it on the fire and you wait for two hours or an hour or something that I'm being I'm exaggerating but points the same you got to bring that to temperature and you got to you got to get rid of the insulating properties of the snow so we don't use snow what we use is lake water now if your Lakes not pure I would use snow but our lakes in Canada are really pure the point where you could probably drink that right out of the lake although it's gonna be cold and you know there could be some parasites in it but in the winter time I'd say it's pretty slim chance that you'd have any parasites in there still to be that's not a fish that was my hat to be safe I always boil my water so that's exactly what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get rid of the slush got myself a nice big pot of water that bring it back to the fire boil it I think we'll make some sea dirty I'll throw some Cedar boughs in there and make a tea and see how my wife likes it tell me about your jacket this is my mother-in-law's circa 1983 she figures made in Canada incredibly warm it's got wool first layer it's got all these cool Eskimo embroidery you made in Canada - yeah made in Canada so is Chris's wicked snow suit circa 1990 maybe and you guys you got full snow pants they could stay warm today would you wear oh how many layers you have on what you were long gone I have tights I have a tank top I have a shirt a hoodie and then the jacket good scarf that my mom knit and then sweet snow pants with a bib that my wonderful husband bought me for Christmas you have all the way out that's important yeah it's got some really nice features good pockets unzipped all the way up full length jacket full bin yeah yeah and so any advice for girls who want to go out lots of layers furs nice but not necessary yeah that's real fair probably yeah it is for sure yeah get good boots my boots are okay we go too tight we talked about that yeah have loose loose fitting boot not fashion they can't be fashionable with all their other clothes that have to be bulky that chop air well my boots are rated to minus 30 but or even minus 40 I got good boots but I'm still a bit cold with my my 30 today no it's not a little bit not bad away from the fire right the sea dirty all we do is we have a bunch of a bunch of these you never know how much depends on strong you want it to be and that's it shutting your water and boil it or you can boil your water first and let it steep this way because I'm lazy that in there a little bit more than that but it's probably I may show it off a stick Raven came to visit yes mr. stick Pushkar for that I'd see your team before I believe I have we don't have a cup so we're gonna use yeah there you go welcome you want to wait a little bit I'd have a trove I hide myself I caught you a delicious trout I do I want to eat this whole thing you get the don't eat the you know getting spins really high out of I gotta feed you to you if it's gross say it's good no it's good okay I prefer it actually if it's like a little bit under then over it's it's probably a little under that's that's the good part that's like the that's the well-done part I can't put it back on now well I could we read the mostly done parts though strictly cooking over an open fire here this is done thanks you don't want to dry out your fish it's disgusting if it's dried over okay that's a good piece thank you know what's good yeah and it's well cooked uh-huh that's what it looks like there the skin is like perfect skin am i of course you always eat the skin you forgot a fin fin - okay that's good the skin is totally edible there's no there's no scales on the trout well this size trout you don't worry about them rainbow you probably scale but these ones are avoid one dot that's where fat is I see I lost it it's just pretty standard for me there you go a little eyeball mm-hmm you got to eat the whole fish your survival don't waste anything except the bones want some more sure I'm green mm-hmm all right turn that camera off and we'll show you when I'm done that this entire thing will be stripped completely because we didn't fillet it there's gonna be absolutely zero waste there see dirty and I had a little taste taste like see dirty tastes like cedar tree it tastes like a cedar tree tape smells all right yeah whatever well it's high in vitamin C just so you know so you won't get scared we know perfect your survival is great you're surviving now I didn't press with your shelter mm-hmm you did a good job it's pretty warm in here yeah mmm like the rock face here yeah I feel safe chillin animal comes over the crack and then you kill it and we eat it it's all good that's true mm-hmm there you go so any better job than that you risk pulling the bones out like you can pull the piece of meat like that off and I would and I will should say but as you pick them off those little bones come out so that's probably when I would start to cool I would I would quit is when I get more bone than meat oh you can pretty much eat an entire trout so that fish all I'm doing is cooking it No so it's done stop complaining complaining that don't cook it all right so the comments section over the last few months have really improved so thank you guys for leaving nice comments there's a couple comments and I'd like to point out some people like to wanted to do some shout outs so Courtney will do a father-daughter shout out shout out have I got good at doing that like this anyway so Courtney's gonna do the shout out for the father-daughter one and I'm gonna do a father-son one so Chet P says my daughter and I love watching your vids we're looking forward to trying your strawberry and corn gruel we are also going to try the squirrel thank you again Chet and Haley hey Haley and Bret Stallings writes beardsman my son and I love your videos we are considering doing a survival challenge in South Texas I don't know if you do shout outs this is the first consider yourselves lucky but if you do mention my son Nolan he will be ecstatic hi Nolan how's it going buddy so guys keep watching our corner you gonna come back out for another one did you enjoy yourself yeah are you sure you enjoyed yourself you're just saying that yeah it's not your style of fun but thanks for coming out and thanks guys for watching we will do another one if you liked it let us know and maybe you can encourage Gordy to come out if you enjoyed her company cheers guys okay girls you want to know how to pee in the woods it's the worst part of being out here I hold my pee as long as I can you want to be armed with as much toilet paper as possible take the whole roll you don't want to have to go back and walk away from camp far far away and you want to try and be on a bit of a hill that's always helpful and then face up the hill okay my new snow pants are amazing they have this great feature let me show you if I can find it there yeah check out that but if you don't have that you just have to pull your snow pants down pull everything else down around your ankles squat show me how you pull down on your ankles people don't know the girls don't know that they get like huh cuz you don't want to pee on your pants no so how do you pee without being in your pants and this is why you so all the way down no no but you stop at your knee you don't go all the way down you stop then you have to like punch it won't you know and then go ahead oh we don't oh okay you bunch it up all the way down then you squat over them and you pull use your hands show me you're using your hands to pull it to bunch it up when you pull it forward right okay good then you squat there goes you know you still have all your dignity you're helping young girls because they don't know how to do that I mean if they're out with their dad's they're dad's don't know what to tell them yeah so don't drink hot chocolate even if you're really cool no you need to drink fluids especially cold temperatures did you not a survivalist I just yeah but you have peed in the woods enough time I know how to do it last and I had to figure out how to do it for you because the only time I need to do that it'll hide poo in the woods because you can drink all you want but you know you you can stifle your number too you can't step on your number one and when you gotta go you go okay alright good knows it coat back on okay thank you for that and I'm sure all the girls watching appreciated wonderful all right guys made out of life I'm a backup my house my mom thought she should say she's got the Christmas lights and Christmas music fired up and use a streetlight here for some lighting I part of being responsible as a man is making sure that your wife doesn't die out in the will and it's cold it's like minus 20 Celsius cold brutal so I was gonna vote to make her stay overnight it was a bit of a ruse sort of guys I never intended to actually stay overnight but you know I survived a challenge cause it was pretty good it's but but as much as you can expect from my wife who's not a very outdoorsy person and to make her even come outside in the winter is a tricky proposition so if you guys enjoyed this please leave a comment down below if you want my wife to go on another swabbo challenge like this please be respectful leave her lots of comments themselves thumbs up and encouragement and maybe she will so anyway I'm gonna show you the lights that my mom's got going she's got the Christmas the little Griswold family deal going on here these Christmas lights are on every night all winter long and the music plays timed with the music all the way till 11 p.m. so swing by and I will be cheers guys [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] my nose is always drippy the hair on the left side of the frame is a nice touch maybe the right I can't tell why we survived that's not an outtake we're gonna roll with it I gotta say the comments section has really improved over the years well okay years
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 1,381,882
Rating: 4.8136959 out of 5
Keywords: survival challenge, ice fishing, how to survive in the cold winter, can you eat snow, bushcraft shelter, how to cook trout on a stick, winter camp, solo overnight, bushcraft camp, primitive survival, bushcraft knife, bushcraft canada, bushcraft build off, survival shelter, friction fire, primitive fire, primitive skills, wilderness technology, primitive living, primitive shelter, survival with a girl
Id: wJXlJyv2EyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 24sec (3864 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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