Packet Tracer - Designing and Implementing a VLSM Addressing Scheme

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hi friends welcome tour in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity designing and implementing a VL as some Africans came here is our objective of this packet tracer in part 1 we will examine the network requirements in party 2d saying the VL as some addressing scheme and part 3 we will assign IP addresses to devices and to verify connectivity we will go through the background in this activity we are given is last 24 network address to use to design a vlsm addressing scheme so based on a set of requirements we will assign subnets and addressing configure devices and to verify connectivity we will come to part 1 examine the network requirements determine the number of subnets needed so you will submit the network address at 10.11 dot 48.0 slash 24 then it work has the following requirements here we can see that the land ASW 1 will require 14 host IP addresses for SW tool and will require 30 host IP addresses SW 3 land will require a 6 host IP addresses and a SW for LAN will require 60 host IP addresses so how many subnets are needed in the network topology right we will see that coming to the spreadsheet here we can see our a subnet table so here we given these description and the number of a host in needed in a descending order here we can foresee for the SW for venire 260 this is the massing maximum number of hosts needed and here we can see SW to 30 is w1 14 and a SW 3 6 and also we recreate a when link we record a to number of a horse now we will see the network occurs first usable host atras the last useable host atras and to broadcast our truss of ET subnet according to the number of a horse to needed we will come to a step to determine the submit to mask information for each subnet which the submit mask will accommodate the number of IP addresses are required for a SW - one and how many usable host addresses will be will this a subnet support right we will come to our spreadsheet here yes so for the SW one the some description we need total number of 14 host in this subnet here we can see the details so the network at Rosie's 10.11 dot forty eight dot ninety-six its last twenty eight here we can see the first usable host addresses 10.11 dot forty dot ninety seven and the last a usable Hostetler see is a 10.11 dot 48.1 ten and here we can see the broadcaster trusts 10.11 dot forty eight dot 1 1 1 so the number of four usable IP addresses here are 14 no we will come to B which is submit to mask will accommodate to the number of IP addresses are required for a SW - - how many usable host address or sir will this subnet support right we will come to our respirator and here we can see for the a SW - - we need the number of a horse needed is a 30 so here the network archer see is a 10.11 dot 48 dot 264 / 27 here we can see that the CIDR / 27 that means the subnet mask will be 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot - 24 and here we can see the first usable host I chose 10 dot 11.40 dot 265 and here is the last useable host at Rose 10.11 dot 48 dot ninety four and here is a broadcaster trust at 10.11 dot forty eight dot 95 and here i mentioned the number of usable IP addresses are a 30 now we will come to a C which is subnet mask will accommodate the number of IP address record for SW - three how many usable host addresses will this subnet support right coming to our spreadsheet - here we can see that SW 3 okay here the number of hosts needed ISA 6 and here are the network actress ISA 10.11 dot 48.9 toll and here the first useable host addresses 10.11 dot 48.9 13 and here the last usable host addresses at 10:30 11.40 818 and here the broadcaster to see is at 10.11 dot 48 dot under 19 also the number of usable IP address ro 6 now we will come to D which is submitted mask will accommodate the number of IP addresses on record for a SW - 4 and how many usable host addresses will this a subnet support right here is our spreadsheet and here we can see the summary description is w-4 and here we record a number of hosts is 60 and here the network address is a tendered 11.40 dot 0 this last 26 so here we can see the CIDR is last 26 so the submit to ask will be 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 192 and here we can see the first useable host a trust and dot 11.40 8.1 and the last usable hosted receives at 10.11 dot 48.62 here we can see the broadcast address or 10.11 dot 48.63 and the number of usable IP addresses are a 62 coming to e which is submitted mask will accommodate the number of IP addresses or record for the connection between building 1 and building 2 coming the topology here we can see building 1 and building 2 serial connection so here you know spreadsheet here we can see the van link the number of hosts needed is 2 and it work our trust so here we can see with the CIDR 10.11 dot 48 door to 121 20/30 and that means the submitter mask will be 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 2 fifty-two also here we can see the first usable hostage truss at 10.11 dot 48.2 121 and the last usable hosted receives at 10.11 dot 48.2 122 here at the broadcast I'd receives at 10:30 11.40 802 123 here the number of a usable IP addresses are 2 now we will come to a party to design the VL ISM addressing scheme step 1 divide the 10.11 dot 48.0 / 24 network based on the number of a hosts per subnet yes we have seen that already we have done that use the first two subnet to accommodate the largest tool and use the second submit accommodate to second largest land use the third submit to accommodate the third largest land use the fourth subnet to accommodate the fourth largest land use the fifth two subnet to accommodate the connection between building one and building to yes this is what we have seen in our spreadsheet so here we can see we given the largest subnet here 60 so in that order in descending order we noted that then we got all the NATO rocket reserved for these subnets next ISA I step to document the vlsm subnets complete the subnet table listing the separate descriptions here we can see that how we are to do that then number of hosts needed the network at rest so for the subnet the first useable las otras the broadcast a truss or repeat until all addresses are listed so here is the subnet table and we have done here in our spreadsheet now we will come to and step 3 document the actress in scheme I see in the first usable ie Pietra cells to building one for the two landings and the one link as in the first usable IP addresses to building two for the two lands link as say in the last usable IP address for the wine link then I say in the second usable IP addresses to the switches as in the last usable IP addresses to the host yes so we will document these are dressing schemes here we can see our addressing table according to the addressing scheme mentioned in our packet tracer activity the device interface and its IP address here we can see then it's up to mask also we can see the default gateway now we will come to a part 3 assign IP addresses to devices and to verify connectivity most of the IP addressing is already configured on this network implement the following steps to complete the adjusting configuration so here we are going to configure IP addressing on building one line interfaces then configure IP addressing on sw3 including the default gateway configure IP addressing on house 2d including the default gateway then finally we have to verify the connectivity you can only verify connectivity from building 1 SW 3 and host UD however you should be able to ping a very IP are just listed in that dressing table right we will assign these IP addresses English into the respective devices coming to building one CLI write enable configure terminal and we will go to the interface pick up the third 0/0 and we will set the IP our trust 10.11 dot 48 or 97 and here is a subnet to mask 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot to 40 right now we will give the notion command yes now we will do it on the other interface aligned interface so we have to go to the interface Gigabit a third to 0 / 1 and we are going to set the IP archer's 10.11 dot 240 8.65 and here or the subnet mask is at 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 224 now we will give the know shot command now we will configure IP addressing on SW 3 here we can see that SW 3 it's switch so coming to CL I enable configure terminal we will go to the interface vlan1 now we are going to set the IP atras 10.11 dot 48.1 month 4 and now we have to set the subnet mask 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot to 48 now we have to set the default gateway so we have to exit your IP default to gateway via to you that is a 10.11 dot or 48.1 1 3 right I think we did not give a no-shit command here in this interface so we will give that you'll go to the interface interface vlan1 and we will you know shut command yes now we will configure this host D so coming to host 2 D the stop command prompt oops we have to go to IP configuration so here is the IP or trust that is 10.11 dot 48.62 right here we can something to mask we have to change this default submit to mask to 255 dot 255 dot 255 u dot it's 192 and now we have to give that default gateway I'm going to copy this a truss it's a 48.1 yes now we are going to verify the connectivity we are we will ping from this house - D - this a host a so we have to get the IP address or host here here we can see that right coming to host city command prom - Here I am going you ping that the IPR truss wait for that yes we are getting the replay now we will ping from a host ID to the suti sw3 so coming to a command prompt here we are going to give ping and the IP address of that switch waiting for the replay because timed out yes we are getting the reply so once more figure you will get 100 percentage success right yes that's all in this a packet tracer activity here we can see the completion status 30 out of 30 so in this we have seen designing and implementing AVL as some friends if you have any doubt in this packet rational activity please comment below also if you like my video give a thump and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 135,409
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Keywords: VLSM
Id: PQ0hiLzzwJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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