Packet Tracer - Subnetting Scenario

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- so welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity submitting scenario here is our objective of this a packet tracer activity in part two one a design an IP addressing scheme in pata to assign IP addresses to network devices and to verify connectivity also we will go through the scenario here in this activity you are given the network address of one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 100.0 slash twenty four to subnet and to provide the IP addressing for the network shown in the topology each line in the network or occurs in a space for at least twenty five addresses for in T devices the switch and router the connection between r1 and r2 will require an IP address for each end of the link we will come to path to one design an IP addressing scheme in that step one subnet the one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one hundred or 0/24 Network into the appropriate number of subnets based on the topology how many subnets are needed right coming to the topology here we can see we have a one two three four and the Curie's of five so total we have a five Network so we needed five in subnets next T so how many bits must be borrowed to support the number of subnets in the topology table yes the scenario itself they mentioned at least twenty five addresses for the entry devices such as or router so if you have to get this a twenty five addresses we have to borrow three bits right so how many subnets does this create so when we borrow three bits obviously we will get the two to the power of 3 that is equal to 8 subnets yes next is how many useable hosts does this create per subnet so when we borrow 3 bits that means we get a total 8 subnets so usually we get there to addresses so in that one network address and broadcast atrĂ¡s available so total we get 30 usable IP addresses and here they given and not if your answer is less than the 25 horse or a q8 then you borrowed too many bits right so now it's correct because now we get a total 30 useable horse right calculate the binary value for the FASTA file subnets the first subnet is already shown here we can see that one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot a hundred dot and the last octet given in binary that is a zero here is our spreadsheet here we are going to enter the remaining subnets now we will go to net one right here we have one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one hundred dot so we borrowed three bit so the first next 7000 one then five 0 so 1 2 3 4 5 right and now we will go to a network - so here we have one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot hundred dot zero one zero zero zero zero zero zero right now we'll go to net three so that's one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot hundred dot we have zero one one zero zero zero zero zero right and we will go to the network for some it for that is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot hundred door to one zero zero and two remaining five zeros who zero zero zero zero zero zero oops one extra right now we will come to F calculate the binary under decimal value of the new subnet to mask so here all already they given three octet and we have seen we borrowed three bits so we will put three ones and the remaining five zeroes then we will like find the decimal value of this binary right now we will find the sublet to mask so first two three octet we can write in binary so eight ones dot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 dot right then we borrowed 3 bits so we are going to put that bits on 1 2 3 and remaining 5 zeros 1 2 3 4 5 right now we are going to find the decimal value or values of this octet that is 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot here we have 1 1 1 and remaining zeros that means 128 plus 64 plus 32 so we get 192 Plus that that is 224 right so this is our subnet mask next is filled us fill in the submitted table reaching the decimal values of all available subnets the first and last usable horse atras and the broadcast atras repeat until all addresses are listed so you may not need to use all rows so here is our subnet table and we are going to fill this now we will come to our a subnet table here it is so this first a subnet address is one ninety two dot one sixty right dot hundred dot 0 and the first useable host address is obviously the next our trust that is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot hundred dot one and two the last usable ha structures so piously we know the broadcast address is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot hundred third 31 right so the last useable host address will be one less than this broadcast a trust that is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot hundred dot thirty the same fashion we can create for other subnet also here we can see our field subnet table here we can see all the eight sapna touches and here we can see the first usable host address of each subnet and here we can see the last usable host address in each subnet and here is the broker broadcast address for each subnet now we will come to a step to say in the subnets to the network shown in the topology a same subnet zero to the land connected to the gigabit ethernet 0/0 interface of r1 yes here we can see that r1 here is a gigabit or 0/0 so we are going to answer in the first subnet that is subnet zero to this land and I seen subnet to one to the LAN connected to the gigabit ethernet 0/1 interface of r1 yes here we are going to assign that a same subnet to to the LAN connected to the Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 interface of r2 here is that and a same subnet 3 to the land connected to the gigabit the third 0 / 1 interface of r2 so here we can see that PC for we're disconnected yes and I seen submit for to the one link between r1 and r2 yes 0 we can see that in between our R and R 2 for the interfaces serial 0 / 0 / 0 or an r1 and r2 coming to the spreadsheet so the first subnet we are going to a same Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 interface of r1 and the second one we are going to insane to here we can see that Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 so we will layer it here right 0 / 1 and next we are going to the third one we are going to assign two Gigabit Ethernet zero stars your interface over r2 and the fourth one that is here we can see subnet number three you are going to assign two gigabit across large one interface of r2 and the fifth one we are going to assign to the interface serial interface between r1 and r2 now we will come to a step 3 document that trusting scheme fill in the subnet table using the following guidelines I've seen the first usable IP addresses to r1 for the two LAN links and one links right so I say in the first usable IP addresses to r2 for the lands link I see in the last usable IP address for the wine link then I say in the second usable IP addresses to the switches I say in the last usable IP address to the host right so first we will the document this addressing scheme here we can see our fill the addressing scheme we can see the IP address of each interface on every devices and here we can see the subnet mask and default gateway now we will come to party to assign IP addresses to Network Devices and verify connectivity most of the IP are trusting is already configured on this network implement the following steps to complete the addressing configuration so we have to configure IP addressing on our one line interfaces then configure IP addressing on s3 including the default gateway then step three configure IP addressing on PC for including the default gateway and finally we have to verify the connectivity you can only verify connectivity from R 1 s 3 and PC for however you should be able to ping a very I PR cross listed in that table right so we will assign these IP addresses to different network devices now coming to our one CLI right he'll give enable configure terminal now we'll go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 so R 0 and we will set the IP address 192 dot 168 or 100.1 and next we had to set the subnet mask 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot to 24 I know we will give the no command yes coming to the next interface so that is interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and we are going to set the IP address so the IP address off this interface is a hundred or 33 and we will give no command here yes now we will configure s3 enable configure terminal and we will go to the interface vlan1 and we will set the IP address 192 door to one sixty eight dot hundred dot 66 and the subnet mask II set 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot to 24 and we will give a no-shit command now we will decide the default gateway so we have to give an IP default gateway is a one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot hundred dot 65 now we will listen on a PC for including the default the Gateway here we can see the IP address of a PC for IP at Rossi's 100.1 26 and here is the default gateway right we will set this now coming to the PC for the Stolp IP configuration here we are going to queue and I pee actress that is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot hundred dot 126 under here submit to mask you have to change to 224 and now we are going to give the default gateway so the default gateway is 197 right now we will verify the connectivity so I am going to ping from PC for two PC one so we will get the IP address of a PC one here is that that is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 130 so we will come to PC for command prompt - here I am going to ping to PC one yes we are getting a replay also we will the ping 200 dot one I'm going to give here that is router aureus here we can see our completion status 30 out of 30 so in this packet racer we have seen the subnetting scenario we have done submitting for at least 25 addresses for enter devices in this a topology so my dear friends if you have a need out in this packet is our activity please comment below also if you like my video give a thump and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 169,821
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Keywords: Subnetting
Id: eif1CtkDavc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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