Packet Tracer - Exploring Internetworking Devices

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hi friends welcome tour in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity exploring internet working devices we will go through the object to use in part 1 we will identify physical characteristics of internetworking devices imparted to select character modules for connectivity and in part 3 we will connect devices coming to the background in this activity we will explore the different options available on internet working devices it will also be a record to determine which options provide the necessary connectivity when connecting multiple devices and finally we will add the character modules and to connect the devices they given a note here scoring for this activity is a combination of packet tracer automated scoring and our current answers to the questions forces in the instructions so see the suggested scoring rubric at the end of this activity and to consult with your instructor to determine your final score by this is regarding our packet phase or activity score now we will come to path to one identify physical characteristics of internetworking devices in that step one identify the management the ports of a Cisco router click the east router the physical tab should be active zoom in and expand the window to see the inter router which management ports are available alright we will verify that coming to the topology here we can see our East router we are going to click on that currently we are in physical tab and here we can see the physical device view we are going to give a zoom in option here right and we are going to go through this entire outer yes and you know we have to check the management ports here we can see aux and console these are the two - and ports now we will come to a step to identify the land and to run interfaces of a Cisco router which LAN and to when interfaces are available on the east router and how many are there right we will come back to our east router yes here it is and we are going to verify now yes here we can see there are two wine interfaces yes and here we can see two gigabit ethernet interfaces now we will come to be click the CLI tab and enter the following command we are going to enter show IP interface brief write the output verifies the correct number of interfaces and their designation the VLAN one interface is a virtual interface that only exists in software how many physical interfaces are listed right we will give this show command and we will verify that here we can see the CLI tab and here we are going to press ENTER enable here we are going to give a show IP interface brief yes here we can see here we can see one interface here is another one here is another one and here is another one yes so total we can see four interfaces this is a for physical interfaces coming to a see enter the following commands show interface the Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 what is the default bandwidth of this interface yes we will verify this now all right we will check that show interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 and we are going to present her now we have to check for the benefit here we will go through hardware right turn to here yes here we can see the band of it it's a 10 lakh club it next is Easter Show interface seriously Roslin 0/0 we are going to give this command and what is the default bandwidth of this interface I mean this interface zero zero zero zero zero right we will verify that we are going to give you right so interface serial Siro / 0 / 0 and we are going to verify that yes here we can see that 1 5 4 4 kilo bit here they given a not a bandwidth on sale interface is used by routing processors to determine the best path to a destination it does not indicate the actual bandwidth of the interface actual bandwidth is negotiated with a service provider now we will come to and step 3 I identify module expansion floats on sutures how many expansion slots are available to add additional modules to the Easter rotor right we will verify that click switch 2 or 2 to 3 how many expansion slots are available right we will come to these devices each rotor and switch it to 2 to 3 and we will verify and the number of expansion slots in this first of all we will come to the router East yes coming to physical here we can see yes so in this east router we can see one expansion slots now we will go to switch it to yes here we can see 1 2 3 4 5 yes and Institute 3 also we can see 1 2 3 4 5 expansion slots now we will come to party to select corrective modules for a connectivity that step 1 determine which two modules provide the required connectivity click east and then click the physical tab on the left beneath the modules label you see the available options to expand the capabilities of the rotor click each module a picture and a description displays at the bottom familiarize yourself with these options right we will do that and you need to connect the pcs 1 2 & 3 to the east router but you do not have the necessary funds to purchase in your suit which module can you use to connect the three pcs to the east router all right we will verify that first of all we will go to this east router and we will verify here is our East router coming to that here we can see the modules label right and here we can see under this module of four options we will go through each we will go to the first one and here we can see the details of it the picture right the HW I see to tes Cisco to pour cereal high-speed one interface card providing two serial ports yes so it provides two serial ports if we needed we can add to this expansion slots and here we can see the next 2 1 & 2 here is a description and the picture the h wi c 4 e SW provides for switching thoughts great and here we can see h wi c - 8 a provides up to 8 a synchronous e IA - 2 3 2 connections to console ports right and 2 here we can see the last 2 1 WIC cover so it cover plate provides protection for the internal electronic components it also helps maintain adequate cooling by normalizing air flow right so this is a use of this option here yes so obviously for connecting these three pcs pc-1 pc2 and DP c3 to this Easter router we can use this option H not this one yes this one h wi c - 4 e SW here we can see that description it provides a for switching thoughts yes so how many house can you connect to the router using this module yes here itself they mentioned we can connector for switching ports are available so we can connect a four host now we will come to be click a switch it to which a module can you insert to provide a gigabit optical connection to suit you 3 right so we have to click on switch you to and to be able to verify here we can see the different modules and also we can see the description here so yes here we can see the fiber so here we can see the PT - switch - n M - 1 FG e here we can see the description the single port Cisco Gigabit Ethernet network module so provides the Gigabit Ethernet optical connectivity for access routers right so we can use this module now we will come to a step to add the correct modules and the powerup devices click East and attempt to insert the appropriate module from step one a right we will try that we will come to the router East right until we are going to select this module and we are going to add it to the expansion slots right here we are going to do that message cannot add a module when the power is on yes so we have to power off the device and we have to add the module right now we will come to be that cannot add a module when the power is on message should display as we have seen that interfaces for this router model are not hot swappable yes that means we should power off the device and we have to add the module the device must be turned off click the power switch located to the right of the Cisco logo to turn off East instead of the appropriate module from the step one a when then click the power switch to power up east right we will do that now coming to the Easter outer areas here we can see the suit yes so we are going to switch off yes we can see that here one green light I am going to put off that yes now we will add the module we will let drag and put in this slot yes now it fixed now we are going to switch it on yes yes so here are they given a note if you insert the wrong module and need to remove it like the module down to its picture in the bottom right corner and release the mouse button right that also we can see that we have to put off and we can remove and drop here yes now we can see the empty expansion slot anyway we are going to add this back yes and we are going to switch it on right now we will come to a see using the same procedure insert the appropriate modules from step one be in the empty slot furthest to the right in the both switch to and the switch to three right we will do that first of all we will come to switch it to right here we can see that the PG - switch - and um - one fge yes so we have to put off the device yes here we can see the switch and now we are going to drag this right and we are going to switch it on yes now we will do it on suited three we will switch off yes and here is the module we are going to track it you're right and then we will switch it on now we will come to D use the show IP interface brief command to identify the slot in which the module was placed into which slot was it inserted all right we will verify that on all these three devices first of all we will come to east CL I write enable show IP interface brief and - here we can see that TS faster third 0 / 1 / 0 1 / 1 1 / 2 and 1/3 now we will verify your NASA - - CL I write enable here we are going to give us your IP interface brief until we can check that yes Gigabit Ethernet 9 + 1 okay right and we will come to such III actually here we can see that to be added in the first slot that is nine okay coming - so - 3 CL I enable show IP interface brief and here we can see it's added Gigabit Ethernet 5/1 right we will see that in physical yes 5 so high you 6 7 8 9 yes that's way great now we will come to e click the west router the physical tab should be active instead of the appropriate module that will add a seal interface to the enhanced high-speed one interface card slot on the right you can cover any unused slots to prevent the dust from entering the router optional right anyway we will do this now coming to West router as your we can see that and the modules HW I see - - T here we can see that before a fixing we have to switch off that device alright I am going to add this module here until we can see one unused slot we are going to cover it yes and now we will switch it on right until we will verify yes here we can see the router is starting yes so enable show IP interface brief and - here we can see the interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and CL 0 / 0 / 1 & 2 here we can see use the appropriate command to verify that the new serial interfaces are installed yes just now we check that yes now we will come to part 3 connected devices this may be the first activity you have done where you are required to connect your devices although you may not know the purpose of the different cable types use the table below and to follow these guidelines to successfully connect to all the devices right well we are going to connect all the devices now now select the appropriate cable type click the first two device and just selected a specified interface click the second device and to select the specified interface if you correctly connected two devices you will see your score increases right we will check that example to connect to East to switch to one select the copper straight through cable type click the east and choose gigabit ethernet 0/0 then click switch 1 and the choose gigabit ethernet 0/1 you are score should now be 4 out of 52 right ok we will verify that too while connecting these devices and they're given a not here for the purposes of this activity Ling lights are disabled the devices are not configured with any IP addressing so you are unable to test to connectivity well no problem we will come back to I mean we will do this connection now we will come to connection and here we are going to use copper straight through and coming to East cure we are going to connect two gigabit ethernet 0/0 and if we will come to a switch to one and here we are going to connect two gigabit ethernet to 0/1 right we will check the score here we can see 4 out of 52 yes now we are going to connect to these pcs pc-1 pc2 and the pc 3 to this east router so here I am going to select copper crossover cable right coming to faster Turner 0 / 1 / 0 on East - PC 1 right and will select a key in here we can see the score increased right so faster third 0 / 1 / 1 - PC 2 here we can see again score increased and now faster third 0 / 1 / 2 2 PC 3 first 2/3 R 0 & 2 here we can see the score 10 out of 52 now we will connect this east to this with 2 4 here we can see that you have to use a copper state through cable right we are going to use that we have to connect two gigabit ethernet to 0 / 1 and into this switch to 4 we are going to connect two gigabit ethernet 0 / 1 right now we are going to connect these pcs bc for pc v & p c6 - this a two to one so here we are going to select display through cable we can press ctrl and multiple devices can be connected so we will click on switch one faster turner - 0 / 1 - pc 4 right and to know from switch to faster than or 0 / 2 2 p c5 then from suture fastethernet 0/0 to pc 6 i'm going to press escape yes here we can see the score is increased rates now 26 out of 52 now we will connect this with 2 4 and switch it 3 here we can see that 2 to 4 and this 53 using copper crossover and we have to connect two gigabit at another 0 / 2 and gigabit ethernet the 3/1 yes we will do that now coming to the connection we are going to select the copper crossover cable yes here we can see that coming to switch for we are going to connect two gigabit ethernet 0 / 2 and coming to switch to 3 gigabit ethernet the 3/1 right and here we can see the score now 29 out of 52 now we will connect this su 2 3 and switch it to using a fiber we have to connect two gigabit ethernet phy / 1 - bigger we return it to 5/1 yes so we will come to that but there will be a problem because in such e to be given in the slot an iron not in the 5 so we can change that we can put off the switch and we can drag to 5 right I will remove and I lightly add it yes now we'll switch it on right actually this is not a problem because we can add to any slots I mean any empty slots so this is only for scoring these marks in this packet reserved activity that's why we put in this slot now we will select fiber yes you'll come to see two three four Gigabit Ethernet two fives last one and gigabit ethernet 5/1 yes we done touch now we will never see the score 32 out of 52 now we will connect these pcs pc-7 PCH and do pc 9 to switch to 2 here the ports of fastethernet 0/1 then once last one and it 2/1 and so on PC sevens a common faster that are 0 right we will do that now we will let's select a copper state through coming to switch it to faster third are 0 / 1 PC 7 then faster thurid's 1 / 1 - p c8 and first 2/3 2/1 2 pc 9 until we will check the completion status now here we can see 44 out of 52 right now we will come to the last connection east to west we are going to connect the interface here 0 / 0 / 0 on east then a 0 0 / 0 / 0 to the west and we have to come back to east first then west right we had to select a DC e serial right we will do that too here is our serial DCE and we will come to each to serial 0 / 0 / 0 and invest serial 0 / 0 / 0 right now here we can see the completion status only 46 out of 52 right we will verify the problem yes here we made the mistake here we can see from the router East to PC one we must use a copper plate through cable but be used to your crossover cable so we are going to remove that and we are going to use a copper straight through cable and we will connect one by one right yes and PC three now we will let see the status so yes now it's 52 out of 52 yes so this packet race or activity is for exploring the different options available on internet working devices here we we have seen on a router and switches also we have seen the expansion slots and how to add these modules into these expansion slots and finally we just connected all the devices will that's all in this packet tracer or activity fronts if you have any doubt - please comment below also if you like my video give a thump and it's your turn to subscribe the channel right now because if you subscribe you will get the latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 35,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Internetworking Devices
Id: iBX4n190I5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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