Packet Tracer - Configuring IPv6 Addressing

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hi front so welcome to this video on packet tracer activity configuring ipv6 addressing in this packet tracer activity we are going to configure ipv6 accessing on the router on servers on clients and finally we are going to verify network connectivity here we can see the accessing table for this packet tracer activity configuring IP v6 addressing we have different devices are run here we can see the r1 and s1 s2 and the number of clients so that is sales billing accounting design engineering and CAD we are coming to the part 1 configure ipv6 addressing on the router before configuring ipv6 addressing in this are 1 rotor we have to enable the router to forward ipv6 packets your friends we must keep in mind the rotor by default not forwarding ipv6 packets so we must enable that option here we can see that ipv6 unicast routing we have to give this command in global configuration mode so enter the ipv6 unicast routing global configuration command this command must be configured to enable the rotor to forward ipv6 packets exactly so we must enable this command this command will be discussed in a later semester right so we have in a depth in other module we will see that later so we will enable this command ipv6 unicast routing on r1 we are coming to the router r1 CLI so we are going to enable configure terminal here we are going to give ipv6 we have a unicast routing yes so now we enabled ipv6 a unicast routing now we are going to stupid - that is configure ipv6 accessing on a Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 on our one click r1 and then the CLI tab must enter enter privileged exit mode enter the commands necessary to transition to interface configuration mode for Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 this is nothing we have to go the specific interface mode ok configure the ipv6 obsess with the following command yes we have to use this command ipv6 archers and to be how to give this ipv6 address for the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 R 0 also we have to configure the link local ipv6 address with the following command so that is ipv6 options fe80 colon colon 1 space a link local and we have to activate the interface using no shut command so we will do this configuration now we will come through r1 right now we are in a global configuration mode now we have to go to the interface mode we have to go to the interface big arbiter net 0/0 right so we have to go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet - 0/0 and we have to give the ipv6 our trust and so we will check the uh trucks here yes here it is I'm going to paste it the center now we have to set the link local ipv6 address so for that we have to give ipv6 address on to this address yes I'm going to copy that yes you'll come to ipv6 address and the address is here and we have a link-local now we have to activate this interface gigabit authority 0/0 using no shutdown command yes now we got the message interface the Garbutt authority 0/0 change it is stayed to up or so here we can see the line protocol on interface gigabit authority 0/0 change it stayed to up now we will move to step three configure IP v6 addressing orna Gigabit Ethernet is 0/1 enter the commands and necessary to transition to interface configuration mode for gigabit ethernet to 0/1 refer to the addressing table to obtain the correct ipv6 address configure the ipv6 address the link local address and activate the interface so how we have done in gigabit authority 0/0 the same way we are going to do in a gigabit authority 0/1 also so we have to refer our addressing table here we can see the addressing table and here we have our ipv6 address for gigabit a third 0/1 we are going to set this ipv6 are just so on gigabit a third of 0/1 right now we are in the interface gigabit ethernet 0/0 we can exit and we can go to interface gigabit a third to 0 / 1 and 2 we are going to set the ipv6 archer's purussaurus now we are going to set the link local ipv6 address so ipv6 atras purus or a link local address and we had to give link - local and we have to activate this interface the Gigabit Ethernet is 0/1 using no shut command yes we received the message interfaces up and it's a proline protocol also up next step is to configure ipv6 addressing on CD l 0 / 0 / 0 enter the commands necessary to transition to interface configuration mode for serial 0 / 0 0 0 we have it refer the addressing table to get this ipv6 address for this interface and we have to configure ipv6 address the link local and finally we have to activate this interface we will check the IP even for this interface ipv6 address here we can see the address office CDLs 0 / 0 / 0 we will come to the configuration we can go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and we are going to set the ipv6 address also we are going to set the link local here it is IPV cedrus fe80 double colon 1 link local and - finally we are going to activate this interface using no shutdown command now we will come to part to configure ipv6 addressing on the servers configure IP v is addressing on the accounting server click on accounting and decrypt the stop tap IP configuration set the ipv6 address to this address and here we can see the prefix of / 64 set the ipv6 gateway to the link local address fe80 double colon 1 we will set this ipv6 addressing on the server accounting now here is our accounting server we have to come to the stove IP configuration here we can see ipv6 address yes here is or ipv6 observe Santa prefix length is of 64 and we have to give the ipv6 gateway so that is a fee eight zero double colon one we're going to specify that here now we are going to configure the ipv6 addressing on cat server repeat steps 1 a 2 1 C for the cat server refer to the addressing table for the ipv6 address we will let's check the ipv6 address of server cat here we can see the cat device and here is ipv6 address we will go to cat server IP configuration here we have ipv6 address yes on to the prefix length is 264 we have to set the ipv6 gateway fe80 a double colon 1 now we are going to path to 3 configuring ipv6 of sourcing on the clients configure ipv6 obsessing on the sales and building clients we are going to set ipv6 for these two clients we have to go to desktop IP configuration and we have to give this ipv6 address and prefix is 64 and ipv6 gateway is fe80 double colon 1 we are going to set these on sales and billing here we can see the ipv6 address of of the client building yes I am going to copy that coming to the client building desktop IP configuration coming to the IP access here we can give the prefix that is our 64 ipv6 or gateway is a fe80 double colon one here we can see an ipv6 address off the device of sale so that is here it is double colon - I am going to copy that and the prefixes large 64 we will come to sales products tope IP configuration and here is ipv6 address prefixes 64 and we have to give ipv6 gateway that is fe80 double colon 1 next we are going to configure ipv6 archers on the engineering Android design clients same thing we are going to set the ipv6 address ipv6 gateway we have - we will verify the are tossing table sure we can see engineering here is the ipv6 address we will come to the client engineering the stove IP configuration and here is our IP address and to the prefixes 64 and we have to set the ipv6 gateway that is fe80 double colon 1 here we can see the ipv6 address of the device design here series over ipv6 abstruse we are going to set these unsure so on that design yes here is our design coming to desktop IP configuration here we are going to give the access and the prefix is so 64 now we are going to set the ipv6 gateway that is fe80 double colon one yes great job we configured ipv6 addressing on all the devices they specified and now we are going to part two for that is a test and verify network connectivity open the server web pages from the clients click sales and click the desktop tap close IP configuration window if necessary ok click web browser enter this address ok in that URL and to click go the accounting website should appear ok we will verify that also we have to enter this URL also which belongs to card server so repeat steps one air through one tea for the rest of declines right we are going to access these servers accounting and CAD from their different clients come to sales here we have a browser and here is our URL I am going to give this IP address that's of accounting yes here we can see that the accounting webpage accounting server next we will go to building web browser and we will give the URL and go yes we are getting accounting server now we will go to design client web browser and I am going to give the uh trucks here yes here also we are getting accounting server now we will go to engineering web browser here also we are going to check it yes we are getting accounting server even we can check in this cat server web browser and I am going to access the web page on accounting yes we are getting now we are going to check the cat website here is our URL we will start from the sales browser and we are going to give yes we got cat server will come to billing the browser yes we are getting care server even we will check in accounting server yes we will verify InDesign yes we will come to engineering yes and in order to do in card anyway finally verify in CAD we are getting care right now we are going to the final step pink the ISP open any client computer configuration window by clicking the icon we have to go to desktop or command prompt testing on activity to the ISP by answering the following command we have to give pink space under this ipv6 address repeat the ping command with other clients and in full connectivity is verified yes we will verify the ping command now we will let's start from this sales it go to command prompt here we are going to give you the ping command I am going to paste that ISP ipv6 address we are getting the reply will go to building command prompt here we have the address yes we are getting the replay go to accounting command prompt you are going to pink it yes we are getting the replay design the IP address is here yes we are getting the replay engineering going to get IP archers we are getting the replay and finally we are going to check from the care server yes we are getting the replying here we can see the completion status 100 opt of 100 also we will let check results here we can see all the assessment items completed yes friends if you liked my videos give a thump share my videos with your friends share my channel with your friends also if you like to get new uploading video information into your Gmail you can subscribe my channel right now we will meet again with new video bye bye take care
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 73,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IPv6
Id: h7XP3Gu6nkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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