Packet Tracer - Configuring VLANs

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welcome to war in this video we are going to see a CCNA routing and switching module to like a tracer activity configuring VLANs in this packet tracer we are going to verify the default VLAN configuration and we are going to configure VLANs finally we will assign VLANs to different thoughts now we will come to path to one view the default VLAN configuration display the current VLANs on s1 issue the command that displays all VLANs configured by default all interfaces are assigned to VLAN 1 yes so we will let's check this on s1 here is our s1 yes we enable this with a command show we learn brief and here we can see all the interfaces from fast eternal to 0 / 1 to 24 and the two gigabit earth owners are belongs to the default the VLAN 1 now we will come to a step to verify connectivity between pcs on the same network I notice that each PC can pink the other PC that shares the same network so PC one can ping PC for PC 2 camping PC 5 pc 3 can ping pc 6 pin 2 pcs in Ethernet works fails coming to the topology here we can see pc1 & pc2 communicate PC 2 and DPC fiber than the same network and the PC 3 and PC 6 in the same network so we will check it first we will come to PC 1 and we will ping to PC for using the pink one 72 . 17.10.2011 we will try to pink from pc1 to pc2 that is 170 202 17.8 2002 25 yes we are not getting the reply because you see one and pc5 are different the network so it won't communicate now we will check from PC to pink 170 2.17 dot 20.25 yes we are getting the replay and also we will check from PC 3 to PC 6 we have a pink 172 dot 17.31 t6 yes we are getting a reply so what is the benefit will configuring VLANs provide to the current configuration yes so the primary benefits are like security cost reduction high performance broadcast or mitigations etcetera now we will go to a party to configure VLANs step one create and name VLANs on s1 create the following VLANs names are case sensitive yes for scoring the marks for this packet restore activity these names I mean the VLAN names are case sensitive we are going to create this realign the VLAN turn faculty / snap VLAN 20 students we learnt 30 August default VLAN 99 management and native now we are going to create the surveillance on s1 right so we have to go to configure terminal here we are going to create two VLAN 10 and we have to specify the name we will check the name of faculty / staff so yes now we will create two VLAN 20 under the name is students VLAN 30 a name is just default ok and VLAN 99 and here the name is management and turn a to you yes now we will come to a step to verify the VLAN configuration which command will only display the villain name status and associated ports on a switch yes in the beginning itself we verified with the help of a show command that is a show VLAN brief we will verify this VLAN configuration on all the switches s1 s2 and s3 after configuring a VLAN now we will come to the next step create the wheel lands on is 2 and s 3 by using the same command so from step 1 create and you name the same VLAN so on s2 and s3 yes we have seen here for real answer 10 20 30 or 99 with names all these VLANs we are going to create on s2 and s3 we will do it on s2 configure terminal we are given able configure terminal and we are going to create the VLAN 10 and we are going to name as the Faculty's class staff next is the VLAN 20 name is the students VLAN 30 name is just default and VLAN 99 name is the management and net you now we are going to do it on a yes 3 enable configure terminal we are going to create two VLAN 10 and the name is so cycle is large staff VLAN 20 name is students VLAN 30 name is glitched default and traveler 99 for the management and a to you it will do the name management and native yes we configure VLAN only s2 and s3 also now we will come to a step for a verify the VLAN configuration we will verify on each switch s1 s2 and s3 coming to s1 we will check with the show VLAN brief yes here we can see the VLAN but we created will come - yes - so we learn briefs yes here we can see the four VLANs created and coming - yes three show VLAN briefs here also we can see the four VLAN what we created now we will come to a path to three a same VLANs two ports so step one a say in VLANs to the active port zone yes to ascend the VLANs to the following ports VLAN 10 we must have seen to faster 32 0 / 11 a VLAN 20 if we had to say into faster 32 0 / 18 and the 31st 1/3 0 / 6 no we will come two years to entity will configure VLAN I mean we design the VLAN two ports ok enable configure terminal so this VLAN 10 we are going to assign to your faster third 0 / 11 so we have to get into that interface a faster third a 2-0 / 11 and two you're going to Marseilles in VLAN 10 so switch port access VLAN 10 and to VLAN 20 VI to assign to faster throne at 0 / 18 so we have to go to interface the faster thrown at 0 / 18 and we are going to assign future port access VLAN 20 we learn 30 we have to assign to first or third at 0 / 6 so we have to go to the interface fastethernet 0/1 we are going to have seen that support access VLAN 30 now we will come to a step to assign VLANs to the active ports on s3 is three uses the same VLAN access port assignments as cs2 yes so s3 also we are going to assign VLANs to these interfaces I mean every FA 0 / 11 0 / 18 and 0 / 6 yes a 1 s 3 in this topology we can see here the interface 0 / 11 this is 0 / 18 and this is 0 / 6 coming - yes 3 okay configure terminal we have to go to the interface the faster thrown at 0 / 11 and so we will assign as which port access VLAN 10 now we will go to the interface fastethernet 0/1 and we will say in a support access VLAN 20 and to find lee to the interface the faster 32 0 / 6 and the support access Velen is 30 yes now we will go to the final step verify a loss of connectivity previously pcs that share the same network could ping each other successfully a try pinging between PC one and PC for although the access ports are assigned to the appropriate VLANs where the ping successful why what could be done to resolve this issue yes before this question so we will ping from pc1 to pc2 coming to pc one command prompt here I am going to ping to pc 4 that is a 10 to 24 yes here it is waiting for the reply we can see you request timed out we are not getting a reply yes it is a request timed out now we are not getting the replay yes we seen that the ping from pc1 to pc2 is failed so why it is failed because obviously the pores between the switches again the poor - between the switches are in VLAN 1 & 2 PC 1 & 2 pc 4 are in VLAN 10 so that's why these 2 PC so PC 1 and PC for not communicated each other then how we can resolve this issue yes we have a concept called trunk ports we have to configure ports between these sutures as trunk thoughts we got another packet tracer activity for a configuring this trunk ports yes we turn the packet tracer activity configuring VLANs from CCNA routing and the switching module - if you like my videos give a thump and also if you have any doubt you can comment below also if you like to get my uploading video information into a Gmail you can subscribe my channel stay tuned thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 211,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VLANs
Id: e88BqYBuZr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
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