8 Helldivers 2 Settings You Need to Turn Off Now

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fellow hell divers it's time for the latest propaganda video from the super Earth Ministry of information and as always your undivided attention is mandatory in the spirit of spreading managed democracy and pushing back the automatons this officially published broadcast will legally inform you about a ton of settings that you should literally never turn on and yet you probably still use them some of these settings will actually make you worse at the game and are even turned on by default so make the most important decision of your life see Exotic Life forms in all their glory and drop down into battle like a pro with the eight settings in Hell divers 2 that you need to turn off most games these days are better played at higher fields of view especially if you've got a current gen console or highend PC that can handle the maximum settings which can turn any game into a real life simulator hell divers 2 is no different and it really is as next gen as they come from the stunning cut scenes to the awesome character models and visual effects spreading managed democracy really leans into what the now discontinued Auto Destin rare game engine can offer and I know that the dev team has spent a ton of time optimizing the game for it and this is why I think you should 100% change this setting so you can see the most this game has to offer your eyes as the bugs race down on you by default hell divers field of view is set to 60 which really Narrows down what you can see with the fast-paced free flowing combat and although it can feel good to play you absolutely should be cranking this setting all the way up to be honest this is fine but bigger is always better and don't let anybody else tell you otherwise with a field of view at 90 the graphical upgrade you receive from this is huge positive in my opinion and as the game runs at a standard 60 FPS on console and PC it really grants some huge immersion into the World created by Arrowhead game studios combined with the rest of the setting changes in this video you're really not going to miss playing at a lower field of view and the fishball effect you can get from higher field of view is minimal to be honest but the IE candy you get from making this simple change will more than make up for it again fiddle with this one as much as you want but if like I mentioned earlier you will benefit from seeing more of the breathtaking scenery by changing this setting sticking with the video options there's a ton more options that go hand inh hand with field of view and to be honest I'd look at keeping most of these settings turned on as default just to add to that cinematic Vibe this game offers motion blur is basically a setting that you only keep on if you want to see less stuff in the game it adds an awful smear effect to your screen whenever there's any amount of movement and in Hell divers there's a lot of movement plus with the setting changes in this video there's going to be a lot more movement more often and so I think you're definitely going to want to turn this motion blur setting off with the high enemy density in the majority of the game having motion blur on is going to make them way harder to see especially if you're turning around to face them and therefore it'll make aim in your weapons and abilities more difficult as you literally won't be able to see them until you stopped moving it also makes enemies appear bigger because of the blur so you can easily miss your shots because of it it makes you react slower and less accurately it can be a benefit at super low frame rates but you have to trust me on this one and just turn it off it is definitely not a setting that you want to be using this is just one of the many post-processing options that can slow the game down especially on PC it will impact your accuracy at targeting them pesky bugs and just generally gives you a bit of a headache like you've just been smacked over there head by a hell pod spreading managed democracy is quite the opposite of a fanless task it fills you with pride honor and dignity all for super Earth however you want to make sure your aim is steady as you blow up the real feel of being in the action is perfectly realized in Hell divers 2 and Camera shaking is a great way to add some real feel to the game it's great for signifying the action and making your camera feel more real but if you want to feel like you've gone 10 Rounds with Mike Tyson just after one mission I highly recommend that you change this set in fortunately hell divers 2 has a ton of options for this one which will vary the intensity of the screen Shake applied after explosions or from Simply being shot in the face I've personally turned this one off but I think if you still want to feel some of the immersion that this setting offers without the mindboggling side effects then maybe weak is the option for you just don't let your fellow hell divers know that you're a weakling speaking of combat there's an absolute metric ton of it in hell diers as you might expect so unless you want to end your epic play session feeling like you spent a full day pumping lead into the biggest automaton you can find with the machine gun you may want to turn vibration off this is aimed at controller players and is an option on both console and PC you can leave it on if you really want but I recommend turning it off if you care about hitting your targets or placing your abilities exactly where you want them this only applies to controller vibration and even though I understand you might love the immersion provided by this neat bit of Technology but turning it off might just extend the lifespan of your controller as you don't need to hold it so hard and it's also going to make your hands feel less tired in the long run it also drains your battery quicker with it turned on and you won't miss it if you get used to relying on the in-game radar sound effects and keeping an eye on your health bar or visuals provided especially the one where your teammate accidentally killed you with Friendly Fire hell divers 2 has a ton of customization from the war bond system to upgrade your Troopers appearance adding modules to your ship or the abundance of graphic settings littered throughout the menu options tons of these will be set by default depending on your PC's specifications or your console and there's a ton of options that can be tweaked to optimize your rig's performance but just because they are turned on it doesn't mean they should be there's one setting that can drastically reduce the performance of the game and that's vsync vsync only helps with screen tearing and it only really does that by limiting FPS windows necessary if your monitor can't keep up with the FPS of a particular game then vsync can make a difference however vsync cannot improve the resolution colors or brightness levels like HDR it's a preventative technology that's focused on stopping a specific problem rather than making an improvement it also tends to harm performance even if it's useful at what it does it can affect your gaming experience which is a problem no real hell divers want generally only bad for Competitive Gaming but we're not in a competition we're in a wall with the Enemy so any advantage you can get over the automatons is an advantage worth taking so super Earth highly recommends you turn this setting off anti-aliasing works by adding gray pixels along the edge of a line or curve in order to blend it in with the background color this blending process reduces visibility of the jagged edges so they appear smoother and less noticeable the issue is that this has downsides in the process of anti-aliasing the the image it creates new issues such as a considerable amount of blur which results in a loss of sharpness and detail all good hell divers and some bad ones too know that you need to turn this setting off this leans back into the motion blur setting we've already discussed and honestly I think it just makes the game look way sharper technically having it turned on will improve the graphic quality of the game but this is generally at the cost of performance meaning the lower frames per second unless you've got the most lavish upto-date gaming rig that you comply with new tech every day I definitely turn this setting off likewise as a bonus Point here Shadows are just the pesky nuisance in the fight to push back the enemy in Hell divers 2 the bugs and robots can already be hard to see as they blend into the environment so you definitely don't want them lurking into the Shadows too turn Shadows off the next setting is a super minor one to be honest and ultimately probably comes down to personal preference the hood for hell divers 2 is very busy and with lots of stuff to take taking when it comes to adjusting your character's loadouts or finding that next Target to keep the pyramids at Bay having subtitles turned on can be immersion breaking especially during important gameplay moments as my eyes are constantly drawn down to reading instead of just playing so I definitely turn subtitles off however if you do need subtitles on so that you're not disturbing your household during a late night gaming session whilst you're representing super Earth and spreading managed democracy you can switch it on with options to even adjust a tech size color and background I personally use a monitor and sit a few feet away from the screen so I find normal is a good setting for me but definitely fiddle with this one for your own preference on top of this hell divers comes with a ton of accessibility options you can cycle through these as to which is the best for your personal circumstances even if you don't need to change these settings to make the game more accessible you can change the colors to suit your preference to make the reticle stand out spreading managed democracy is an important thing to remember in held divers too but an accurate shot is always the best way to start an encounter and the better you are at taking off the heads of the automatons or the pyramids the easier it will be to score a win for super Earth all weapons have a variety of adjustments available that you probably didn't know about pistols have flashlights that can be turned on and off or set to auto mode assault rifles and maxman rifles can be tweaked to firing burst full auto or semi-automatic and Scopes can be adjusted for various levels of Zoom to help with long range encounters to bring up this menu in game simply hold down the square button or the r key on PC with the specific weapon equipped which then brings up the options for that weapon to adjust the settings use the d-pad buttons on the mouse wheel and right Mouse button to toggle between the various options this way you can make the most out of your team's configurations and fight more effectively by turning this setting on the game will remember what you used last for that weapon a Nifty little option if you ask me the battle to defend super Earth never ends fellow hell divers but with these settings adjusted you're now better equipped than ever this has been a mandatory broadcast by the super earth authority of information now get to your HELLP pods and go spread more managed democracy
Channel: Truds
Views: 188,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8 Helldivers 2 Settings You Need to Turn Off Now, helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 settings, best settings for helldivers 2, helldivers 2 settings for pc, helldivers 2 settings for ps5, ps5 helldivers 2, best graphic settings, best gameplay settings, best display settings, best fov helldivers 2, best field of view helldivers 2, helldivers 2 best options, stratgems, what is helldivers 2, how to get helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 options, truds
Id: 8I3whAlIW50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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