8 Camping Gadgets You Must Know About #29

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i love these mini stoves for camping they are awesome but guess what this one is totally different design the way they unfold i never seen one like that and i have put to the test quite a few of them wow check this out so you got it here definitely not the smallest lenta comes with this super cool holder and a starter i think yep so hopefully that starter will work so we don't need a lighter matches so how do they unfold wow check this out don't lose that so it's a spin loaded you just close it and put this thing in beautiful there's information about it wow that's so cool so i guess i'll keep it on and then just grab one of these glasses and just put it on and spin it around so then you open it and there you go you have right here mini stuff okay uh spin it this way wow smooth spin whoa i'll tell you what very very smooth adjustable flame over here a very very big flame i'm all go somewhere in the dark so you can actually see what it looks like when it's burning and it's pretty wide holder so you can put a big teapot on it no problem let's demonstrate real quick i'm gonna turn it off for example medium part over here no problem check this out it can hold it it's a bit wobbly it's probably the biggest you could put on obviously get a camping one not the kitchen one but nevertheless you see you could have a really big parts on it and it's pretty sturdy as long as you find a flat space but yeah be careful don't spill it it's probably made for much smaller parts but nevertheless it is very very steady even with the bigger ones so obviously with the smaller parts and mugs like kimber mugs it will work just as well so again i can't believe how easy it is boom you're done so this is what it will look like in a dark you see how very adjustable and sensitive that is just a beautiful stove that's for sure let me know in comments below what do you think that is so cool the way it's burning definitely emits a lot of flame check this out it's definitely not the smallest this is a maximum but at the same time it is very unique boom love it got it here hand pump let's see what this thing is all about because it's super collapsible looks pretty awesome always looking for advanced camping gadgets looks like this one one one of them okay it looks like it unpacks pretty easily and you just pump it like this let's start out see if it's actually going to work i have here air matters let's see how well it plugs in plugs in just fine i guess i'll grab it like that okay this is so weird my hands is way too big for this thing there you go plug it in all the way i guess it's filling up it's just kind of very sideways for me this is so weird i never seen a pump like that you see that matas is filling up pretty good now wow let's see if we can get it all the way [Applause] again this re-stop is it adjustable doesn't look like it would be a lot easier if it would fit my hand but as you can see we filled up that matas pretty good look at that it's all the way full [Applause] so very very unique as you can see you stick two fingers in here and then plug it in into the hole which is pretty easy and then just pump it but again you really have to stick your hand into here and it's made for small hands but as you can see it works i'll tell you what very very weird pump over here for sure i love that mud oscars all i have to do is just press here to release the air how cool is that and then just push it back up to stop it here love that hair matas so yeah let me know in comments below what do you think about this air pump gotta hear folding mini grill let's open it up see what it's all about okay comes with the grill and this is the legs wow really easy to unfold what is this that is crazy okay this is the step for the grill and then there's legs there's one more leg over here wow that's pretty unique this table is a little bit sideways but okay [Music] then i guess this thing goes on top somehow no opposite this is the leg this is the grill holder okay that makes sense okay and the girl goes on top of it and i guess the flame gonna go from the bottom so you build small fire over here wait till it gets a lot of hot coals and you can cook it over course so this thing is kind of pretty unique and cool never seen a design of a camping grill that small then you fold it up and close it all off well probably should fold it one at a time it's pretty tight that's good boom and then it comes in one of this uh holders boom and boom they go super cool and there is a quick example how it's going to look like when it's burning so i'm not going to start the five to show it to you i'm gonna show you another one but much bigger one this one is way bigger as you can see can the box fall apart and shipping so it has a little bit extra items into here and kind of flutter this thing no similar but just taller legs for the bigger fight wow oh yeah definitely much much taller even have to back up my camera so then this unfold all the way out and let's go in like that simple wow the only difference with this grill there's one uh holder over here because it's a tripod not four legs so that way it doesn't pull together that way it's now good and sturdy that way you'll have a lot of food you don't have to worry about this thing collapsing they're moving so you could put a teapot steak hot dogs whatnot so boil water and glue hot dogs and burgers super unique to bed this thing is not foldable would have been nice because these things fall into very little things maybe they could have fold this in half but i really love the tripod over here so just a really cool folding stuff over here and it goes into here [Applause] one i guess this is gonna go two and three and you cut and stuff ready to go much much bigger one so i wish the grill actually folded a couple of times as well but rather than that still really awesome at the thai part setup gathered here five pull over coffee makers uh so it is very very lightweight just four plastic spoons on the sides or whatever you want to call them boom cut right here camping pot it works so well okay one two probably enough for just one cup of coffee check this out and then we're just going to put it over look how well it's brewing so you can really pull it well you know what make sure it's like kind of stays up this table a little bit sideways there you go check this out i can really make a lot of coffee with this but the floor is kind of stone but this is same time it stays long enough for the coffee get booed that's a big big um pot of coffee right here almost probably a couple of cups easily then it just comes off over here by the way the reason it's peeled this user error so you can just wash it out and make another one this is just amazing next one is a little bit bigger but this one has a plastic cover around it so that way you can submerge the coffee so kind of a little bit more steady and spill proof but i still like the first one a lot more because it's so much lighter it's all it is as a net and teaspoons so you just can put your coffee into here easily lots of coffee there's a couple mugs over here so it can go into those bigger pots and then pour some boiled water in that you see you can really fill it up and don't have to worry about spilling it and it's uh slowly dipping the problem with this gadget though it's really hard to say when are we done when is it going to be full so i like the other gadget for that reason a little bit better because you can see how much coffee has been poured over but again i do like it that is dripping too not super fast because you want to have enough time for the coffee to boot to it but i guess we can just lift it up and pick no problem taping pretty good it's a half a part over here also you can just leave it inside there submerged because it has low profile that way you can make the coffee a little bit stronger next one i got here coffee rocket that sounds really interesting most advanced one maybe let's check this out i feel like you can use all this gadget camping all at home look at all the strainers seems like a lot to be cleaning okay i think that's gonna go on top let's look at the instructions so there's a thrillia flops that's gonna go over the mug they're gonna lock in okay and oh wow okay this is a t-strainer obviously you can pull coffee or tea that's gonna go on top of it yeah this is how it's gonna go in and there's four holes in there cool so put your coffee in carefully one two that's great then we're gonna pour this in so now it's kind of holds everything i'll kind of sip through some of the coffee that's okay okay is it big enough yes it is plenty of size to be putting on this kind of mug almost like a camping pot okay further away view you just can fill it up all the way to the top it will hold the water and it will dip to it that's kind of cool so that way you don't have to constantly add onto it you just pour a bunch wait till it sips too and it looks awesome you probably need one more depends how much you want an amount of water almost that is super cool so yeah pretty unique definitely made really really dark coffee wow it's almost black that's crazy so that's pretty cool coffee maker never seen one like that before next one is metal kind of big so it's unfolds like that and you will need coffee filter for these ones so i have here standard coffee filter not quietly fit in here perfectly so you'd have to buy a separate ones but any kind of filter will work looks like just put a couple scoops and just pull it over as you can see it pulls over pretty good okay pretty awesome so then you can just discard from this boom close it nice but again first one is way smaller and you don't need any kind of coffee filters so unless you don't like plastic then you might want to go with this one and the last one looks like a little spring so you just unfold it uh all the way out and it comes off you can stretch it out a bit there you go and goes over your teapot that's definitely also lightweight but kind of wide wooded coffee filter in here standard one as you can see you could probably buy better filters that fit in here but i think this one will do so you can definitely make a whole pot of coffee with this one let's see how it holds up whenever i pull on it yeah it holds a lot of liquid on top and it's pulls over from the sides they're really really good oh no one always peel it but yeah that works so good too pretty funny this one i thought i would include into the list but i think the first one that was definitely the lightest weight and um does the job the best and you don't need this whole bulky thing so i think the first one was definitely by far the best one out of all of them they go pot of coffee super fast
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 275,262
Rating: 4.8745646 out of 5
Keywords: Camping Gadgets, survival gaadgets, crazyrussianhacker, taras kul, camping
Id: fRsvLPo0kQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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