8-10-2020 WQAD-TV Quad Cities Midwest Derecho Coverage Part 1

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now but all serious aside got a dangerous situation that's going on right off the bat big uh big uh pat on the back for eric and andrew as far as monitoring tracking these storms uh especially eric from early this morning he's been mentioning about it ever since 4 30 in the morning monitoring these storms before they even got into the hawkeye state and telling the importance of what we could expect from this line as it continues to make his way off to the east and a very fast moving line that we are seeing here uh i've been hearing it from you guys and even getting from the chats from our friends at the national weather service uh we're talking about a line that's moving around 70 miles an hour so factor in some of the winds coming down from the storm and you add to them that's why we've been getting some wind gusts around 80 90 miles an hour i even had a report around la grande iowa i believe that's in marshall county in iowa had a reported wind gust of 106 miles an hour and that was earlier on in the day so a very serious situation going on when i was actually coming into work there are people walking the sidewalks hearing the sirens like what's going on well we've got a dangerous situation going on uh with this storm that's quickly advancing his way from west to east and you can see the numerous thunderstorm warnings that are going on right along the river and points west all these are going on until about 1 30 uh this afternoon so by looking at the clock another 20 minutes or so but given what we've been seeing with the uh with this line that's going to be actually extending even farther eastward as far as the thunderstorm warnings are concerned here's our wind velocity there's the immediate quad cities and that's the line that we're watching very carefully it's only about 15 minutes away from the quad cities itself and you can see anytime we see those brighter colors and eventually going darker that's where we're seeing the strongest of the winds and we certainly have been clocking some of those winds that have been climbing around 90 to over 100 miles an hour now keep in mind uh those storms have been about a good hour hour and a half away from us before and so uh because the curvature of the of the ground itself of the earth uh you're probably getting some beaming going into the storm itself and not so much in the ground but these are as we're getting closer and closer uh to the quad cities with this line these are becoming even more and more accurate more consistent so those are the type of winds that we expect to see uh and with those type of winds now we have the possibility of seeing some trees down but we're going to see numerous power outages the fact this has been a storm that has been reducing uh power outages uh throughout this whole line especially right along interstate 80 and points north uh andrew i was just curious you've been keeping an eye on the weather chat and i was curious if any updates have come up from this line so far yeah we have more damage james being reported in muscatine county especially near west liberty that's where we have trained spotters that are reporting several large tree branches down along with several power flashes as the kind of the front edge of that bow echo continues to move in so now west liberty being impacted by some very strong winds yeah looking at some of these right now in fact we're able to get it in you know as you see there from andrew before it'll even plot on the screen there west liberty west branch 70 and then there's that mount pleasant to 58. 60 miles an hour is enough to do damage that's where you get a severe thunderstorm warning and these are running 80 90 mile per hour winds as we look into the next probably half hour to hour very consistent with the the winds that we're projecting on here so everything looks pretty consistent with the winds that we could potentially see within this line as that continues to make his way eastward i'm going to stress again too if you're watching up some sterling rock falls princeton kiwani galesburg even as far south as macomb maybe all quiet sunshine warm monkey temperatures around 90 but that will be changing very quickly in the next couple of hours for you with this line as it continues to make its way eastward uh it's going to be nice getting some rain i think a lot of us looking forward to seeing some rain unfortunately though that rain will come with extreme weather as far as with the frequent lightning and even some of those wind gusts that may be well over 60 miles an hour as eric just mentioned earlier there's no couplets that are being developed ahead of that so that is some fairly good news but there is an outside chance and even if the winds are spinning straight line it doesn't make a difference if you have those winds especially over 60 miles an hour that will cause some damage that will cause some power outages as well nice cluster of some thunderstorms going on right around highway 20 from galena eastward into around west point no thunderstorm warning out as of yet but they could very likely be issued here very shortly this is our way of tracking hail and this gives us a probability percentage of the type of hail that can actually do some damage and looks like just south of uh west point uh lauren loren would you say eric cause you're i think it's louran right i believe uh andrew and i both worked in rockford nonetheless i think we got a good chance of seeing some quarter-sized hail even spotty maybe nickel or pea-sized sale located around bellevue could that guy put you in a corner on that one i'm not well that's the thing but nonetheless a little hail going on there but really the main threat is going to be this wind that we're seeing you see even as eric makes his way down here uh with the hail map here it's not showing really much at all this storm is really not conducive as far as producing any type of hill but it certainly is when it comes to the winds and look how close those strong winds are and i think andrew as i came in here you were addressing the fact that this is not going to be a win event that's just going to last for like a minute this may last for a number of minutes because of the uh how how large this wind field is yeah just doing the a little measuring of the of the length and the distance of that wind field it goes some 20 to 30 miles an hour so we're so used to getting that initial rush of wind as the storm first moves in well now it looks like not only you're going to get that initial rush of wind but you're going to see sustained wind gusts of likely anywhere between 60 and 80 miles an hour after that initial rush of wind moves in and i think that could even further enhance some of the damage especially in terms of your tree damage and your power lines when you're talking about that magnitude of wind lasting that length of time and i want to just pass along another report that just came in this is to the north of cedar rapids just measuring a wind gust emergency management of 112 miles per hour just north of muscatine that is in midway iowa so the best thing you do right now folks if you are in the path of this storm if you are hearing the sirens and you think the weather looks pretty nice for now and it's going to blow on by don't think that way this is a very uh fast moving system change is going to take replace abruptly with this so if you have time know where that safe place is but also too if you have any potted plants outside in your deck good idea to bring them in or at least close to the house always a good idea because those can act like projectiles i did that actually before i came here because we got a lot of plants maybe in those hanging baskets make sure that they're down close to the house if you can or even you can put them in the garage maybe that would be a good thing as well but a very dangerous situation going on this happens only what once or twice out the whole year that we can have these type of winds in excess of 90 maybe even 100 miles an hour and we're pretty close in most cases with that line as that continues to make his way off toward the east moving about 70 miles an hour so so it's only minutes away from the immediate quad cities um let's see if we can get that eagle eye shot uh from downtown davenport maybe looking west if we can i got you you guys coming up it's coming up in just a little bit okay we're going to pop it up in just a little bit you might be able to see a classic shelf cloud or what we like to call even the mothership and i think this could be it right here you can see how close that is oh my goodness and certainly right behind that is where we're now getting some very heavy rain frequent lightning but also uh some of those strong winds that are going on all because of all the ingredients that are being put together into this storm we've got the the convective energy we've got the shear to go with it and more importantly if you've been outside today we've been dealing with some of that heat and tremendous amount of humidity all fueling this storm as it continues to make its way uh from west to east this is from our eagle eye also looking to the west and uh you know looks may be deceiving just from the camera but if you're outside actually looking at it this is probably a lot darker i bet and it's going to get even darker still as we get to about another 15 or 20 more minutes once it crosses over the river i wonder do we have do we have wheezy still up he is in eldridge i believe right now we've got him out there right now kind of a good vantage point he's got a place in a way to be safe there as the storm is moving into eldridge iowa here shortly of course you can see that iconic grain elevator so you know it's eldridge when you see that that's right and we're looking off to the west right now at the sky is darkening and more than likely we're going to get some damage you know you look at the trees at how calm it is right now it is literally the calm before the storm and that storm is about 15 minutes away from the eldridge area so there's the sirens let's listen to the sirens for just a second [Music] letting everybody know in scott county that we do have severe thunderstorms probably about 15 minutes away in the eldridge area keep in mind that these are outdoor warning sirens these are to let the people who are working outside know to come inside a lot of times people are like i can't hear the sirens inside my home and keep in mind that the sirens are really there to let people know who are outside uh when this is moving in but that's the vantage point yeah it's what it sounds like right now it's an eerie sound but here in the midwest we know what to do when we hear that sound and i have put a 15-mile track it's right now usually when you hear those sirens it's also good to uh make sure they get to that safe place they're going to be some power outages so i believe as eric and andrew have been mentioning throughout the the morning throughout this cast make sure you have that news 8 app ready to go okay because if you lose power at least you got the phone ready and you can actually monitor the storms monitor where the severe weather is taking place uh even some of the pictures that may be coming in from viewers from storm chasers that we know that will be giving us we have a new warning out this is going for northwestern illinois this is a severe thunderstorm warning until 2 15. and this you don't see this very often this is the national weather service typing this up saying this is a very dangerous storm with 90 mile per hour wind gusts expected 90 miles an hour going to take down trees power lines and that is going to be through davenport moline rock island bettendorf clinton east moline sterling rock falls maquoketa morrison durant mount carroll silvas geneseo eldridge dewitt milan kelowna comanche and leclair new severe thunderstorm warning it's that one right there until 2 15 for 90 mile per hour winds and i believe it's a pds too this uh whole storm the storm watch is a pbs watch but that's a warning with 90 mile per hour winds in its text right uh so that is a very serious situation there and we can actually even see that extend maybe even farther southward maybe uh sometime within the next 15 or 20 minutes or so but yeah that's the one that uh eric has just mentioned from sterling rock falls all the way down to uh anawan just north of cambridge uh this is the strongest part of the storm the nose of it actually right now just west of the immediate quad cities right maybe around walcott going to maysville that's where maybe the strongest winds are being located with that line as it continues to make his way off to the east so we are seeing the darkenings guys i just took a look outside we're seeing those darkening skies we're seeing a nice little shelf cloud actually developing that's the leading edge of those strong wind gusts going on with these storms and you can see even with our eagle eye it is getting pretty dark out there eric we're noticing with that storm yeah that's the gust front coming through right now what you may be able to see if you look closely on the horizon these types of situations keep in mind that the gust is actually going to happen before the rain so it can actually pick up lots of dust so what we may see is this thing works in from the west is a lot of dust being kicked up there on the horizon and so if you're out there even driving around not only can trees and power lines come down on your car but it can be blinding with respect to the dust and the debris that is in the air so that's coming into davenport right now at 18 minutes after one andrew do you have an update on some storm reports for us we're still seeing some reports coming in of winds gusting up to looks like now 65 miles an hour that's from muscatine just coming in from the airport really intimidating sky there on the eagle way by the way as i'm looking at that now that's what i have there also still some more reports coming in from the iowa city area just a little bit further to the west there several trees down weather station there recorded a wind gust of 69 knots which is equivalent to 80 miles an hour so very strong winds pushing through a reminder we're also on facebook live too so i'm kind of monitoring that chat section so we can see what's going on in your hometown so you can tell us either via the news 8 app or go to the facebook live stream and let us know what's going on in your backyard as these storms are rolling through and we're going to remain on the air until the threat is all said and done and i think eric made a good point about the dust sometimes uh when you see this dust kind of lift it sometimes it's mistaken for an actual tornado or a developing tornado okay uh we really don't expect to see any tornadoes pop up especially ahead of this line but there's always a chance maybe just a brief little couplet that could pop up and uh the event may last just for maybe a few minutes or so but this is more of a straight line event with those winds over 60 miles an hour and when you have those winds over 60 miles an hour no doubt that can cause some damage in fact can cause a lot of damage as well with some of the history from this storm as we made our way uh uh throughout this these past few hours or so um eric i want you to go ahead and just describe this because you're the one that put this great graphic together i love this now when i put this together um 80 mile per hour winds was pretty much the strongest that i could conceive out of a normal thunderstorm and we get a 70 to 80 mile per hour wind that's an ef-0 tornado and i figure well straight-line winds generally around here don't get above 80. well so far late this morning and early this afternoon we've had 100 mile per hour winds so you've got to take this one seriously because even an 80 mile per hour wind can blow out trees sturdy structures can be damaged this is not a good time to be in a mobile home however if it's if you're in a mobile home right now in and around scott county you've got to stay put where you are until this passes through but a serious situation taking place across the metro area with 90 mile per hour winds possible here over the next few minutes or so so uh there's the you can see some of the dust right there's the dust can we zoom in and go a little bit to the left you can see the dust as it's coming through because the gust front is out ahead of the precipitation so a lot of times what you do is you get the rain to fall and that can mean that it kind of makes things muddy and it brings all of that dust to the ground however we do have a you know a lot of dust coming through you can even see right under the word live there how it's swirling around and that's pretty significant from our davenport eagle eyes so we can just stay on that that's pretty amazing in fact eric can you go to a little bit to the left you uh move your camera to the left i know you can zoom in and this is coming in to the davenport area it's at 70 miles an hour so let's just stay on this because this is really some fascinating stuff this is not any type of fire or anything like that folks this is actual dust being blown up from those wind gusts that are coming ahead of that storm if we can go a little bit to the left i want to see as this crosses the centennial the centennial is not going to see if we can pan a little to the left okay look at it going underneath the centennial now keep going to the left this is a very fast moving storm as it's coming through you may even see some power flashes from the dust from the gust front as it's moving through and now let's keep going we're following this dust cloud um in the severe thunderstorm let's let's park it right there if we can the birds flying around like what is going on here and it almost looks like um an apocalyptic scene in uh downtown davenport right now wow there's a power outage there we go there's a transformer that just went let's say rock island this is a dangerous situation uh for the quad city metro area indoors away from windows until this passes preferably in the basement we have got a 90 mile an hour winds possible here and that's going to bring down trees power lines perhaps onto some homes we're not sure how long we're going to have this eagle eye up because the winds are strong enough we may lose this picture so what if we do uh eric who's in our booth um might be a good idea to even go to shake yep so we're getting a little bit of the line above our station here just in case but let's keep this shot going i think we'll just i just clicked to moline let's keep let's pan let's tilt up a little bit let's let's bring this in close to moline that's a great thing about having two live cameras we're going to get a vantage point from moline shortly here's davenport you can see that's the sign of the call building look at the sign is shaking on top of the the call building in downtown davenport right now as we're starting to get some sheets of rain that's going to take the the dust out the dust is really going to only be on the front side of this um as it's moving through from the moline eagle eye right now we're kind of tilting up a little bit let's go a little bit to the right because that's the rock island water tower there right right so let's go a little bit to the right and we're just going to hold on this because um because this is heading toward our direction here at news 8. the winds are just starting to pick up outside and it's just dark out to the west it is it's coming you can actually hear uh in the distance a little bit of the roaring that is going on which is kind of eerie you got an update andrew i'm just kind of checking out some of the traffic camera networks very ominous site on the i-74 bridge right now extremely dark to the west just looking at our traffic camera network but i'm also watching the eagle light there you can see that uh picture from the i-74 bridge so you might see the gust front go over the i-74 bridge on this camera too that's what i'm thinking yeah just moments away likely from impacting that region quality is a lot better too because you see the darkness and that's basically what we're seeing outside our station as well new severe thunderstorm warning i can read this off let's stay with this live shot right here i'll give you the information on the severe thunderstorm warning this is a new one for hancock henderson warren mcdonough mercer henry county in illinois bureau county des moines county and iowa and lee county in southeastern iowa 60 mile per hour winds expected for these communities if i read off your town be ready to be indoors away from windows burlington kiwani oh we just lost that camera we just lost burlington kiwani fort madison monmouth alito cambridge aquaka west burlington galva burgess roseville viola dallas city stronghurst woodhall millersville matherville kirkwood alpha and charade all in the potential crosshairs for severe thunderstorms that's what we've got right now everybody pretty much is going to be under a severe thunderstorm warning until this storm passes here but the good news is i mean they'll pass by pretty quickly and then they'll move on through and what we're seeing here is the winds kind of start to gust up from our molding eagle eye and we're going to see our camera shake a little bit what was that i'm sorry denise is uh yeah we've got denise and davenport available too i believe she's getting us a signal right now there we go um live shot right now at the wind and it's going to be a persistent wind for about 15-20 minutes keep in mind this could take down trees power lines so you need to be indoors away from windows now denise has set up this camera for us connected it to our live capabilities and moved away from the windows to a safe place so so we continue to monitor that here early this afternoon looking right now at our moline eagle eye you can certainly see the dust it's starting here this is if you can go yeah the dust coming in the distance and this is where that 70 mile per hour wind is going to come into the quad cities locally up to 90 mile per hour winds can be expected with these storms and as we as we look at these live pictures james i want you to describe to me what it was like the last time we had the 900 mile an hour winds the that big diracho event that was i think it was way back in the late 90s i think and i was on good morning quad cities with jim mertens and julie sisk and that was an ominous threat because we had those reports of that wind around 189 miles an hour if we can take max one i've got the traffic camera network up on river drive 23rd street amount of dust you can see blowing in the background there as the strong winds are moving in very dark yeah very dramatic scene also just now starting to hit the i-74 bridge too we may have just lost that camera here i'm going to switch this back over to the i-74 bridge for a second uh and there you can see yeah look at the cables the cables are shaking and that's hard to do for those cables to move like that that's and you're on the brakes now on the bridge no doubt you look at the white caps down on the water below um we're losing our vantage point let's go to max 2 moline eagle eye right now you can see that we're now into the heavy rain as that's pulling through the area so we go to the radar picture right now severe thunderstorms coming through the quad city metro area even tornado warnings now up to the north into southern wisconsin right now around platteville wisconsin severe thunderstorm warning up here toward joe davies county let me see if i can grab joe davis county and we just took a power bump here at the quan city uh station are we still on we've got it's it's we are still on the air here this morning i have lost the ability to move the radar of course so we're going to get starting to pop up here on the screen here but we've got strong winds at the station blowing in on the doors really coming down out there andrew if you've got max one holy cow control i'd like it if you got control i don't have any monitors here but we've got a multitude of different um i'm going to splashtop in on this computer so we've got a redundancy to be able to do this but um yeah eagle eye you can go to that would be great it's of course this mole neglige is on top of our station and uh if you're just joining us right now uh yes the storm is here in the immediate quad cities we've had some wind gusts 60 70 even as close as uh 90 miles an hour just in our viewing area alone and this is a big concern folks this is a very dangerous situation you're going to have power outages or power bumps like we just had at our station um not just the rain and the frequent lightning and that's going to be a big concern for us uh with this storm as it makes its way more on the illinois side here uh as we go through the next couple of hours or so but by the reports that we're getting uh we've been getting reports of not just trees down we've been getting reports just outside of cedar rapids of mobile homes that have been uh torn apart uh just because of of these winds that have been making their way across uh throughout the day across the hawkeye state and eventually making his way into northern illinois here very shortly numerous thunderstorm warnings we're trying to get these warnings out well ahead of the storm because the line itself is moving around 60 70 miles an hour so we want to give you advanced warning make sure you get your safe place make sure you have your news 8 app so you can monitor the situation as well and you can see with our wind velocity right there that's where the strongest of the winds are taking place just getting ready to knows his way in across the river itself remember when we see these colors it's actually indicating the raindrops moving toward and away from the radar site so all this is moving from west to east and you can see the nose of those strong winds just made his way around the airport that's really close to the radar there's probably going to be ground truth to that if this is a hundred miles an hour that within a couple of miles of the radar yeah we're gonna have significant damage in le claire port byron princeton pleasant valley east moline bettendorf significant damage is possible here and that's moving through scott county we're going to have less wind in the rock island county area than in scott county but that is significant eric let's do a tracker on this if we can just take him from the nose of that and then going eastward given the fact that this is moving so quickly uh might not be a bad idea to get that out there for everyone uh like you mentioned port byron leclair but you know even farther east if we can maybe get more of the bar if we can because given the the uh how wide this is uh that's something to be concerned about if you're watching us in uh in whiteside county this is going to be a very dangerous situation so eric's going to try and get a little graphic here a tracker and we'll be able to pinpoint this for all the other cities that are in on the illinois side i should say so it's not just leclaire and poor byron joslin hidsdale uh certainly uh get to your safe place right away if those numbers are two and they're pretty much uh right on target they've been that way of late that eric just showed you about those winds around 80 100 miles an hour uh given it's right at the radar side itself you know you're going to be seeing a peeking outside you're getting interested aren't you yes um you need to take uh you need to take action right away okay don't try and go outside and watch a storm come in very dangerous situation did you say don't do what i'm doing yeah i know lots we've got lots of leaves blowing around that have been taken off of trees earlier this morning we did have some reports of apples actually being taken off of trees uh because that was so strong that was just an incredible amounts that we have so indoors away from windows this is the time for the quad city metro area to be sure let's go and wind this shot out just a little bit if we can and there we go so once again the strongest of the winds are now taking place i would say from right near makoka monticello just west of savannah and then stretching his way southward as you go uh into about mercer county maybe just now east of preemption these are the strongest winds that we're seeing but the core of it right there that's where those strong winds are located and eric went ahead and put i don't want to break anything here uh we're going to put the tracker on so if you're watching us in geneseo it may be quiet for where you are but in just about 13 minutes yeah 13 minutes that storm will be right there knocking on your doorstep erie around 17 minutes you're watching us in whiteside county around morrison and chadwick around 23 to 29 minutes there's morrison right there and you can see the storm still about maybe about another uh well it looks like about maybe what 20 miles away or so the leading edge of that strong wind gusts not too far away and given the fact it's moving at 70 miles an hour it's not going to take all too long for that storm to be on top of you so make sure you're preparing for this storm planning getting to your safe place making sure that your potted plants are all in near the house or actually in your garage always a good thing because those act like projectiles we certainly don't want to have that of course we want to have the rain because it has been really dry of late so we are going to get some some decent rainfall out of this but given how fast the storm is moving we may only get maybe a quarter or a half an inch of rain could be some local areas that could be a little bit higher especially farther north of the quad cities as you go but nonetheless it will be some nice rain given how dry it's been of late but the big concern is a strong wind gusts that's the main threat had reports of maybe 90 100 miles an hour especially at the mount joy airport andrew i'm not sure if anything has been reported outside of the airport from our friends at the national weather service sometimes their employees will get some recordings for us out there moline airport just picking up a wind gust of 59 knots do the conversion that gets you about 68 miles an hour that just rolled through the airport and yeah i believe it with the sounds that we're hearing outside and what eric could describe there too we're getting a whole bunch of videos in from the field many of our reporters are sending us in the video as the storms are rolling through so i'm working now on ingesting some of that video so we can roll that to air here in just a few minutes but yeah the latest report that i've seen in here is that wind gusts of close to 70 miles an hour i believe there yeah airport and we're looking right now pleasant valley uh really on the thick of things near 80 mile per hour winds and this is wow that's impressive there so and this is just north we'll get on street level right now to tell you where the strongest winds are territorial road indiana avenue these areas have very very strong winds this is enough to cause problems to damage tpk bank sports complex there and getting in toward leclair we're getting some extreme amounts of wind here 80 miles per hour in hampton especially up the bluff there and this is going to be getting into leclair very very soon so that's very very dangerous wind and you know another thing that i look at here is the fact that right in here look at all of these neighborhoods right in here that are dealing with 90 to 100 mile per hour winds in this new luckily that a lot of this is new construction in and around the bettendorf area along devils glen road to 53rd avenue and even in toward the davenport country club but this is pretty significant stuff that we're going to deal with here into the metro area in the next few minutes we're going to have numerous power outages eventually we'll take a look at what's going on with our energy companies around the area and give us an idea of what kind of power outages are taking place but likely widespread power outages are going to be taking place especially around the immediate quad cities with those winds that could potentially be reaching around 90 miles an hour in some spots especially around the tbk sports complex i know there's some games still going on with some of the kids and hopefully uh they got those kids inside in a safe place a lot of walls between themselves and the storm outside that's always a key as far as uh being safe when it comes to these storms actually another power bump here but we're still on we're still doing okay uh so that is some good news but that may be a different story from probably where uh you live uh you can see the storms make their way even as far south to southeastern iowa here's that severe thunderstorm warning that eric mentioned that is until 2 15 for alito burlington kiwani as well as over in monmouth monmouth you're just east of that storm even going to rover country in northern knox county around galesburg you're just east of that storm as well you're probably noticing the darkening skies that are taking place just out to your west and you can see a new thunderstorm warning has popped up even farther eastward from galesburg all the way to princeville that's until 2 30. so abington knoxville you're also uh under the gun you're seeing something 60 miles an hour here at the station right now blowing at the uh it is something at the door over here on that side luckily we've got cinder block walls um here at the news 8 studio so we're safe here but if you have windows on the west facing side of your home that is a dangerous place to be because you think about even a tree limb or a branch if that gets thrown at your window at 60 70 miles per hour it's going to shatter that window getting some reports of damage in and around the burlington area some trees power lines down for you we'll look at that heading toward little york roseville here very shortly so keep in mind that the wind gust the damaging wind gusts may precede the rain it may happen before the rain even starts across these areas so clinton let's get to street level for you i want to get right down here and show you it's only lightly raining however when we look at the velocity you can see the strongest of the storm out toward lomow right there and that's where we have the potential of some 70 mile per hour winds thankfully clinton is in the valley which may mean that the wind is a little bit lighter into the valley than it is back up on the bluff but that's the most significant of the wind right now is quite concerning to us as we're looking here illinois 5 out toward the 88 clove relief 85 mile per hour winds pleasant valley still holding at 77. leclair 95. wow so that's that's the new data that's coming in right now and you can see the numbers as they change gives us data and once again for the people who know um who are just tuning in you can see how close it is to the radar beam itself over the mount joy airport there it is right there there's mount joy right there the airport the beams coming from their doppler radar and being so close to the ground these are pretty accurate numbers that we are seeing here especially the wind wind gusts just north of leclair around 86 miles an hour so if you're east of that be on guard especially around hinsdale west of geneseo right there on wolf road those are going to be areas to be really a big concern uh huppo tampico atkinson there's geneseo as we just mentioned putting on the tracker itself given the winds excuse me the movement of this storm around 70 miles an hour and you can see these are the st towns that will be impacting no question and you're going to expect to see very likely some power outages as well given how strong the winds are taking place from area to prophetstown in about 10 to 20 minutes or so we can extend this even farther eastward uh if we had to from sheffield going into princeton look look at this the storm is just crossing the river and very likely maybe in just a few minutes we're going to get a thunderstorm warning out for bureau county where that storm could be impacting princeton illinois in about 45 minutes or so a walnut in just over a half an hour so a very look how it's really impressive to see how this storm is uh quickly advancing from west to east once again this is not that wasn't rain that we were just showing you that was the wind velocity given that this is the main threat of the whole storm itself yes we're going to get some rain yes we're going to get some frequent lightning the rain's certainly going to be nice but it's that wind that we're really concerned about that could bring some power lines down some tree limbs down and yes even the possibility of some power outages as well uh just here is andrew any other storm reports that have been coming in or i know you've been trying to get uh some of those photos and videos together or else eric is there anything that you're noticing from our friends at the national weather service andrew i am noticing that their entire weather radio network is off the air for some reason whether it's a power outage or whatnot so if you have a weather radio you may not hear that go off as these warnings are pushing through so definitely make sure you're keeping us on your television or keeping up with us on social media in terms of new reports still getting some damage reports out of muscatine trees snapped in half just two miles to the north northeast of muscatine and we're still also seeing some very strong wind gusts in it around the burlington area where they earlier had a wind gust close to 65 miles per hour in fact we do have a new severe thunderstorm warning that now they have just put out for hancock and mcdonough county so that's south of the quad cities and now they're going to be extending this a little bit further out and there you can see james is pointing out that new morning there itself and we just had another power bump but i believe we're still keep rolling on the lights in here we're still on eric's are in our booth as well and uh eric's been keeping us updated he's one he's our director here and he's keeping us updated on if we're still live or not and eric's last name is cool so you know that that that bodes well for us you know to have a cool guy in the in the control room he's cool under pressure when it comes to air and he knows it too so uh thank you eric just keep us updated as well because we know we're not only trying to uh give you this coverage on news 8 but also on our facebook live page as well which is something that's always good too because sometimes when we lose the power here at the studio we're still able to broadcast on facebook live new warning for dixon until 3 15. going to lee county and i believe that's uh yeah yeah just uh north of uh bureau county correct east grove amboy yeah so that's until around 3 15 or so it's pretty much everybody is going to be under a warning i mean that's oh yeah i mean that that's just one of those things and and you know we can go over a lot of the warnings from north to south on this but you know it's it's maybe more important to just take it off and just say everybody's going to have a warning until the storm comes through and right now what i'm looking at here while we are taking it on the chin here in the quad cities i think the areas to the north are going to get um a little bit worse off in fact what i'm going to i thought there was some type of was there a tornado warning up for the illinois wisconsin border uh yeah it's just into south uh in southwestern wisconsin what i want to do here is go to echo tops um and this is just the thunderstorm height all right so keep in mind that the higher the storm all right the more energy that a storm has so mccoy do you see how it's bright red there that indicates that's just kind of one of the things that we got to pay attention to so a lot of times what we do is we look at the thunderstorm height and then we'll switch over to the lightning data and you'll see that the lightning is often corresponding to where the highest of the storm is so these are areas that we've got to watch carefully right here for the possibility of perhaps even some hail and flooding rain so watch out galena to savannah very very shortly for damaging winds in excess of 90 miles per hour we always have to be concerned too about you can where you see the curvature of this line of winds and how it extends its way up to around bellevue if we actually go right about here we got this inflow coming in like so we got these complex of storms just north of that this is some cases could be an area where you can actually get a brief little spin up too given the wind feel that is going on uh within this area so that's something of course uh we're keeping an eye on there wasn't a thunderstorm warning out for portions of jody county earlier but now there is you can see extending his way eastward all the way to uh looks like just west of rockford looks like but now the rockford station as you can see i'll get out of the way here you can see that winds when you check that out outside right now it's really going on pretty strong outside i think we had some more reports from weather service here trees are down in viola road rays are partially blocked in viola andrew what have you got for us i am kind of still looking at the traffic camera network to see if we can find any damage because of course you've got a lot of construction going on you've got several barricades out there and it looks like there may be a little bit of damage here if we can go to max1 this is at 19th street and 7th avenue the i-74 detour there you can see on the side of the road there looks like a few things have potentially been knocked over and moved around there as the strongest winds have pushed in otherwise do have some more video to show you too if we can stay on max one for a second as the strongest winds were moving into downtown davenport there you can see that plume of dust this coming in from our very own melissa sulek her vantage point you can see that dust being lofted in the background there let's go to an even better view showing some of the stronger winds moving like something out of a movie it is yeah it's just incredible to see something you certainly don't see every storm that rolls through here so thank you melissa for sending that i got some more video to load up here too but really impressive skies coming out of this storm i'm not sure if any of our eagle eyes are uh are working but it's i just took a sneak peek outside and it's just crazy that's taking place there it's listening to the wind the leaves are just flying out some of these trees uh just outside our station and it's amazing you can see how the the shaft of that rain is just making its way right near the ground itself pretty impressive to see that visibility a lot better than what we saw earlier on about maybe 10 minutes ago or so but that rain is is is coming down but it's the wind that is really the main feature here from this storm as it makes its way across our viewing area and once again we're talking about those wind gusts not just around 60 miles an hour but even over 80 miles an hour as we are noticing radar indicated in some spots especially just north of east the immediate quad cities and when you have that not only you're dealing with some windows maybe blown out some tree limbs that are flying but also the possibility of some structural damage as well when you're dealing with those type of winds so once again so important stay away from those windows get to that basement especially when there are no windows around under stairs is always a good idea as well but this is by far the best and then you certainly don't want to be outside when those storms are taking place boy a lot of flashing going on a lot of electricity going on yeah what's that there's a lot of electricity that is going through i was just checking mid-american energy on the outages and it's not reporting right now um conceivably they could have uh you know 50 000 without power you're seeing that we're going on generator power so you know getting the generators up and running here and we've got redundant systems so while you don't see it here it comes right back on and we're going to give you everything that we need to know as severe thunderstorms are moving through this is quite possibly one of the bigger storms that i've seen in my in my 21 years in uh forecasting this weather just reminds me so much as we mentioned earlier about that around here uh back in the late 90s or so that was a kind of eerie sight but more importantly the sound was eerie as well and we're hearing it just outside our station here with those winds are really uh chugging along as it crosses over the river and that's why we have all these warnings out especially the farther east as you go because of these this line itself is moving so quickly yes andrew i just got a new report in from the national weather service at the quatsi international airport just down the road from the station here 77 mile an hour wind gusts here in the quad cities and that's impressive when you get to 77 i mean you could really you know get quite a bit of uh damage i mean that could snap some trees um and take power lines down here we are you guys you know it's it's one of those things where we continue as much as we can as we're getting so much power we're on generator now so we should be okay we're all switched over oh my goodness i know you're officially okay i tell you what you know it's never a dull moment around no you know and it can be scary for folks too you know absolutely you know especially if you're in uh in kiwani or in the sauk valley and you're saying to yourself you know this is coming our way what do we need to do well you know we're giving you the opportunity to make the the decision to take that precaution to to protect your family because these types of situations can not only do we know that there's damage being done right this instant at 1 50 in the afternoon but we know that these can be injurious or even fatal if you're outside trees can fall onto cars offers no protection for you so these are very very serious situations uh moving through the area um the good news here in the quad cities let's give it another 15 20 minutes i think that we're probably going to be better off in about 15 20 minutes than we are right now but we're going to continue to follow these non-stop as they work off to the east i think it's really important too eric you made a good point about you know when it comes to these warnings i know we get some viewers that when they go on our facebook page i always talk about i'm really worried about this to him how bad is it going to be and it's sometimes a repetitive but that's okay with us we understand that because there are a lot of people who have this phobia this fear of when it comes to severe weather and i always say it doesn't make a difference how old or young you may be um you know we have those uh viewers that you happen to mention about that to us so the best advice we can give you it says is simply if you know where your safe place is if you're in your safe place if you have let's say your your app with you your news 8 app then the level your fear really goes down okay and that's the important thing when we get on the air keep you monitored on what's going on details of the storms that are making a way through all of our hometowns
Channel: StormSpotterMike
Views: 4,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Derecho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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