Live Iowa Derecho Coverage 8/10/20 - KGAN CBS2 Iowa's News Now

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and right now i just wanted to give you an update on things you may hang here for a little bit just to give warning to the control booth back there but we have a very intense thunderstorm that is ongoing right now there have been reports of substantial damage around tama around tama county and the national weather service is saying winds are possibly near 100 miles an hour or higher there's emergency managers in that area saying winds were likely 100 miles an hour they're saying tama county thama and toledo has substantial damage across both communities power lines trees roofs winds in excess of 80 miles an hour wind still continuing to blow raining hard incredibly intense thunderstorms ongoing here there is a severe thunderstorm warning for tema county that is for 90 mile an hour winds so this is not something that we see every day it's incredibly intense and we have a state center around highway 30 significant damage there numerous cars blown off highway 30 and flipped we have still portions of the rest of the area here this goes towards benton county iowa county keokuk county right here on the edge that are going to be dealing with these incredibly intense winds as the storm moves at about 70 miles an hour so now this is starting to move out of tama county still likely some strong winds and just to show you some of the numbers here i mean you just look at this these are incredibly bright velocities so just to show you the wind 73 miles an hour 61 77 that's just inside of the thunderstorm there 91 miles an hour showing up in some spots 66 i mean we have just incredibly incredibly intense thunderstorms ongoing at the moment that could be producing winds up to 100 miles an hour or greater meteorologist nick stewart is out in the road warrior right now and uh in this area and nick i don't know if you've seen other reports floating around on social media but we have had just numerous reports of power outages trees down and now you're out there watching the storms now yeah i i really believe that uh right now we're right on the leading edge of this storm we are just north of bell plain by van horn racing back east on 30. i don't know how well you can see it but the corn in the foreground is almost being knocked completely to the ground very intense winds now racing down highway 30 there's a lot of leaves flying through the air a lot of damage look at all the leaves and debris flying through the air right now the core of those winds upwards of 100 miles per hour probably about a mile or two behind us so we're trying to stay out ahead of this storm but i know at some point we're going to get a munched on this thing thankfully we're in a safe spot in terms of the vehicle we're making sure we're staying away from power lines and trees uh but there's an immense a lot of debris agricultural debris flying through the air corn stalks we saw big leaves of corn stalks look at these trees here the corn is flowing down as well so really intense winds racing right now down highway 30. i would venture guess we are probably about a mile or so ahead of the really intense winds which national weather service now says could be upwards of 100 miles per hour along what we call that book end which is just on 30 right now it looks like there's a pretty good indication of very intense winds just northwest of belle plain west of bel plain keystone area right now and this is coming right towards cedar rapids so cedar rapids we've been telling you you need to take these storms very very seriously uh these storms will pack quite the punch again we're talking wind gusts upwards of 100 miles per hour and we're already seeing indications of that on the very leading edge rebecca yeah and nick we've gotten reports now in marshall county of a 106 mile an hour wind gusts now we have uh this warning now sarah for linn county for cedar rapids is for 90 mile an hour winds this is for 90 mile an hour when so folks we're staying here we have a very very intense thunderstorm this is i'm treating this as if this is a tornado warning because you're going to have damage that's even more widespread than this we've had this happen before that we have seen intense damage and intense crop damage you're likely hearing the sirens go off because we have incredibly strong winds we have had confirmation of nearly 100 mile an hour or greater wind gusts twice now so we have storm in tama county 60 to 80 mile an hour winds buildings losing roofing materials and tree damage responders are going out that's from the emergency manager there a legrand in marshall county 106 mile an hour winds we have chelsea and tama county 90 mile an hour winds damage building at their public health office the the national weather service is continuing to communicate as nick just said 100 mile an hour winds or greater are possible with these thunderstorms and it is that little bookend nick was talking about that word uh there's just this little curl happening here and this is moving through belle plains heading towards new hall and heading toward the cedar rapids area especially south side of cedar rapids but really this this is an intense line here it's going to come up ohio 100 highway 30 i-80 highway 6 down toward morengo williamsburg along i-80 toward iowa city coralville north liberty everyone in between cedar rapids to iowa city this is an incredibly intense thunderstorm that is ongoing right now and we are going to continue to bring you some of the images too from out there and sarah maybe we can try and find some things on twitter on our scan do to see if we can get some some images up of what was happening out in uh western iowa you can take that one from aaron to there of the pool but i mean we have had such intense winds um of of just uh i mean 90 to 100 miles an hour that have been occurring here so this is not something to mess around with you want to stay away from windows we've had reports out in des moines of some of the sliding glass windows that have been broken fences going down and we have just these incredibly incredibly strong winds that are going to be moving through i'm going to time this out here because i know a lot of people have that question of when is it coming here so it's moving it's getting right to williamsburg and sigourney now and moving very fast to the east at around 70 miles an hour heading towards williamsburg about now sigourney in the next couple of minutes around 12 20. vinton around 12 30. cedar rapids 12 30 to 12 40 is about when this is going to arrive so we have about 20 minutes or so before the winds start to really pick up and we could be experiencing winds that perhaps get as high as 100 miles an hour at least we're looking at 80 to 90 mile an hour winds iowa city around 11 or 12 40 12 45 in washington 12 50 in west liberty and about 1255 and anamosa if we do have the peace can do available that would be great to show some of these images so this is from aaron and this was his aunt's pool in norwalk so that's further west uh but pool totally leveled from the winds there we have had just a lot of scenes like this of people's businesses doors coming in people's fences being taken down trampolines getting tossed into other people's yards so you are likely hearing the tornado sirens yes and you are likely hearing uh going to be hearing some very strong winds as this comes through as this intense line of thunderstorms comes through the area i'm going to go back out to meteorologist nick stewart in the road warrior what's going on nick wow hey robert i think you just hosted me yeah right now we're on highway 30. we're near the van horn area we are all right here's the strong winds we are just in the core now all right jason if you want to pull over safely you can do so we are now in the core of really intense winds we got a big burst right there you can see we're going probably about 40 to 50 and you can see the wind is going faster than we are the rain is going faster than we are intense wind with this storm right now we could probably see leaves flying through the air that's debris flying through the air as well uh jason let me get you a good crossroad here as soon as i can um we got a road coming up and again you can see really intense wind happening with this storm we got cars this car is just in in oncoming traffic i don't know what this guy is doing wow okay people you need to get off the road because i don't know what that was but that was big problems we got debris flying up the road with us right now in about a quarter of a mile we have a crossroad that we are going to pull off of uh you can see winds are uh ripping through right now uh these trees are on the left so let's slow down jason right this should be our crosstalk right about here yeah go right yep if you can actually no watch out you watch out the right watch out to the right you're good you're good uh so again really intense wins right now uh just we should be good here jason okay we are now in the really intense core of this storm you can just see how fast the wind is going right now a really really intense wind uh with the storms that moves down highway 30. right now we are right near van horn this is coming right towards you in cedar rapids very intense wind is flying with the storm right now you can see debris flying up the road i wouldn't be surprised if we do see power lines go down at some point as well very intense wind uh jason if you want to pull up a little bit more i'm a little concerned with the power lines behind us you can go ahead maybe about another 20 30 feet and we should be okay yeah i think we're good here we should be good here yep so again really intense wind with this again this is right now just technically south of van horn on highway 30. intense intense wind falling with the storm right now i can pull up our wind sensor the whole car is being moved as well with the storm that was a wind gust of 72 we just picked a gust of 72 miles an hour rebecca yeah nick um i am just in that area here so right around keystone right along highway 30 down to the south where nick is around belle plain uh or sorry van horn 90 miles an hour is one of the radar estimates and he's saying 72 mile an hour gusts i would not be i mean you you can see the corn bending and you hate to see that you hate to see and you can just see how how intense that is and nick is dealing with the you can see the incredibly low visibility the debris i mean the car a very very big car being blown off i mean starting to see some debris there we have seen so many reports of these homes and built businesses and buildings being damaged and unfortunately i mean there's going to be so much loss on these crops too so this is right along highway 30 this is coming to the east incredibly quickly and it is going to be an intense period of strong winds as it comes to the east here so this is the situation very very dangerous thunderstorm if you do not have to be out then please stay inside and you want to just be away from the windows is going to be the key thing here as we're dealing with these intense thunderstorms that are going to produce winds of 80 90 maybe even higher in terms of in terms of the wind speeds so this is heading to the east towards cedar rapids i'm gonna put on the reflectivity the radar without the lightning right now and just to show you this is a boeing segment so when you get this kind of bow that happens here this is indicating very intense straight-line winds this is continuing to the east so nick is about here this is coming to the east towards cedar rapids and it is likely a bit weaker on this north side here but still weaker means like 60 or 70 mile an hour winds as opposed to the 80 90 mile an hour winds so this is an intense thunderstorm that is going to continue to the east likely also impacting areas down to the south here going through williamsburg you're likely experiencing those heavy winds and those strong winds morango heading towards oxford norway new hall cedar rapids the airport and then going to continue to trek to the east here so if we can go to our scandal just just another example this is out on the highway on i-35 or no highway 169 around ogden out in western iowa west of des moines semi tipped over so we are experiencing incredibly intense winds this was from earlier and it is going to continue as we go through the next couple of hours here as it comes to the east sarah have you seen anything else from the national weather service that's come through sarah is on mike um some one of them i'm okay can we can we check your mic sarah but um so we do have um what did nick just say i'm sorry you can just tell me 92 mile an hour winds sustained at 70 miles an hour so we're seeing these very strong wind gusts sarah we can check your box on your microphone so we can get that on but we have uh i mean look at what where nick is at the corn is bending nick can you just i mean explain to me what you're seeing out there that's intense that's insane wow i don't i don't know if nick can hear me but nick if you can if you can just tell me what you're seeing out there it looks incredibly intense this is insane well that's i don't know if they can actually hear me that was 90. the scores are we lost the window we lost the back window okay so we're gonna if you guys can take next mike down we're gonna we're gonna let them uh make sure they get to somewhere safe but in an incredibly intense thunderstorm is coming through if you know anyone who's on the roads right now and that can get off of the roads that are on anywhere from around i-380 south of what waterloo to cedar rapids on highway 30 151 highway 6 highway 1 i-80 incredibly intense thunderstorms very low visibility this is a dangerous thunderstorm that is going through right now and going to continue to go to the east along highway 30 and this is heading towards new hall you can see that nick has already passed where the edge of the storm is and i mean he is still experiencing incredibly intense winds i don't know if it was the wind that literally blew out the back window of the road warrior but it it looks like it's getting even worse out there i mean that is incredibly strong he said 92 mile an hour winds and possibly higher than that it looks like that they were going up so just to show you if we can get some of the numbers maybe to show you on here but we have um bell plain is getting out of kind of the worst of it but heading towards new hall um we're getting a little bit of the radar debris in here but i'm anticipating that we're seeing a good swath of yeah that's not quite right of 80 mile an hour winds or so uh maybe 90 and just some incredibly intense stuff and i i don't know if uh anyone can let me know if we do we if we have facebook live going uh because we usually tend to get some reports through there um but sarah have you seen anything else come through on national weather service yes we talked about marshall county earlier that was the first one that was issued that 99 mile per hour winds they're saying large sections of roof blown off at this time we're seeing cars overturned on the highway trucks overturned especially near more central iowa after this storm passed through and it really hasn't weakened over the past couple minutes or really the hour at that and still getting tons of reports we're seeing a lot of things on twitter of power lines down it is expected that lots of areas are going to lose power here shortly as the storm continues to progress over there we're seeing lots of trees down really these winds are hurricane force winds i know nick mentioned that before but it seems like most reports are coming in 70 to 85 miles per hour but we have had some gusts upwards of 100 miles per hour so yeah i mean we've had we've had multiple reports of these incredibly intense winds and we've seen people sending these photos of i mean here's a business in urbandale so around the des moines area several trees down and the roof off of the building there so this is just going to continue to get worse we still have i mean we we can even still see some of the sun poking through probably in parts of cedar rapids but there's clouds starting to move in now we have the we are going to start to see this get very intense in the cedar rapids area in the next um just matter of minutes the next 10 to 15 minutes if anyone does have a any dot cameras or anything like that any of the cameras like that that we can see along this storm then uh we can also look at at that situation and see how things are going can we just take nick's picture we don't necessarily oh we don't have next picture so they had very very intense winds going on there and they are going to hopefully get out of the worst of that shortly here but we have these strong winds that have been in excess of 90 miles an hour moving into the cedar rapids area and going to come through linn county right now so nick is saying peak gusts to 92 miles an hour and we in the van horn area sustained at 70 miles an hour morengo has 60 mile an hour winds and that that's kind of on the southern side where it's a little bit weaker so you know around the cedar rapids williamsburg iowa city areas that's really where i'm i'm seeing the bigger concerns right now and even in some of these thunderstorms up to the north 50 60 mile an hour winds have been going on so just an incredible amount of damage has been ongoing storm chasers in marshall county marshalltown saying estimated winds of 90 to 100 miles an hour and that is just upsetting after they have just reached their anniversary and have been doing a lot of work there so hopefully not a lot of damage but marshalltown reports several large sections of roof blown off buildings on along old highway 30 in the south part of marshalltown and we have these these very very strong winds heading to the east and we are going to be seeing these issues come into the cedar rapids area very shortly so new hall is really getting in on those intense winds right now heading toward the vinton area and shellsburg cedar rapids payload eastern iowa airport if you're around the airport area cedar hills worthington acres eagley i'm just going to go in here and we're going to call out some names if you hear your town name you are going to be experiencing very intense winds here in the next 10 to 20 minutes fairfax in swisher walford is happening right now the oxford area tiffin north liberty coralville iowa city and it's going through williamsburg right now this is an incredibly incredibly intense thunderstorm and we are going to have the thunderstorms just continue to progress to the east with nothing really stopping them unfortunately so if we can take the skycam in coralville right now you can see the thunderstorm starting to approach the skies are getting dark the emergency managers may be putting the sirens out a couple of times this is for these thunderstorms producing winds of 70 miles an hour or greater this will do more widespread damage than what we will get with a with just a tornado unfortunately because we're not talking about just one singular thing we're talking about a big swath big area so i'm going to try and pull up some um d.o.t cameras too and try and see if we can get some other views of what's happening in the area because this is not here but we do have some very intense winds going on okay so if you guys can take my weather scandu this is you can see people are stopped um in the area highway 30 county home road v66 this is in benton county the camera is rocking they're just cars totally stopped visibility is down this is the intensity that is coming to cedar rapids and iowa city this is an incredibly dangerous thunderstorm lightning is ongoing there are likely going to be power poles that come down and trees that come down if you have to head out the door right now try to wait this is not something that you want to be driving out in incredibly low visibility there's going to be debris flying in the roadway nick stewart is a very experienced storm chaser who that storm caught up it is moving incredibly fast and they went through that and had debris flying toward the car the car is getting pushed off the road there are semis and trucks stopped here we've already seen trucks stopped in the area in and trucks that have been flipped over in the in the area from this thunderstorm i mean this like this is just incredible this is this is an insane insanely strong winds right now sarah are you seeing anything from the weather service any more reports yeah i mean mainly the threat with this storm is the winds obviously we've been talking about that there is reports of small hail along with it but again really you're just focusing on that winds that's what's causing the damage that's what's taking down the trees you can see on this right here or on the camera that she just showed you at us 30 trucks are being blown off the road that's how intense these winds are and that's really going to be the story for the next couple of minutes and i know rebecca said these storms are moving quickly across the area they continue to push east but for the most part for the time being as they head into cedar rapids and iowa city here shortly it's going to be very intense for the next several minutes expect these winds and expect lots of power to go out because we're already i'm sure starting to see that already as these storms push across so yeah i mean we i'm i'm sure if we i mean you can look on probably like mid-american and stuff like that and uh and a lion and see i'm gonna try and see if i can find some other other cameras out ahead of this but i mean we're gonna see this come into the cedar rapids area and especially the south side of town that's where i have my greatest concern on this northern side um you're you're probably not going to get into as intense of this of the winds but shellsburg you could be still experiencing 60 mile an hour winds we're still in a warning for 90 mile an hour winds here and we're likely going to see possibly another warning get issued as this thunderstorm continues to trek to the east so this is coming closer to cedar rapids along highway 30 especially toward the eastern iowa airport in walford i'm sure that the winds aren't getting incredibly intense in that area right now i'm going to see um if um i'm gonna see if i can find some more live video of what's going on but we do have we do have video from out in tama so this is a roof torn off of a building there yeah and bricks it looks like bricks are down in the street so this is in tama this just went through tema and it's heading toward the cedar rapids area along highway 30 and what you just saw nick go through in new hall norway toward eastern iowa airport on highway 151 and and highway 30 there where that cross section is your it's about to get very intense and it is going to continue to go along i-380 if you know someone who is possibly commuting along i-380 right now you need to let them know that this is a very dangerous thunderstorm and visibility is going to drop they can get off of the road i'm sure that there's going to be a lot of people that are going to stop and pull over and there's going to be a lot of issues there so here yeah highway 30 and 16th avenue southwest southwest side of cedar rapids here it goes it's starting now the wind is going to make this incredibly difficult to travel in because there's intense rain there's going to be debris we have seen this happen so just be aware that if you have to head out it's going to have to wait because there are going to be people that are stopping and they're hardly people on the roads right now and it is getting very intense it looks like people are having a hard time even driving in it and there's heavy rain very low visibility occurring right now and it's going to continue to the east toward the south side of the city of cedar rapids prolific lightning going on very heavy rain incredibly incredibly strong winds ongoing the national weather service is saying numerous winds of 90 miles an hour greater benton county several reports of damage it is going into the cedar rapids metro area into downtown we are going to be likely experiencing some power outages and seeing a lot of debris a lot of issues that are going to happen we have seen multiple reports here recently of the of the thunderstorm damage ongoing here so we have um just this intense line of thunderstorms that's going to continue to produce strong winds and heavy rainfall and it is heading toward the downtown cedar rapids area there are a lot of people on the highway i'm just clicking around on our d.o.t cameras and there are some people around the metro area but the skies are going to get dark sarah can you get um yeah we can we can go to the coralville camera too there's yeah there's highway 30 in williams boulevard you can't even see i can see some lights flashing but you can you can hardly see what's going on here and this is coming into cedar rapids now and it is going to go to iowa city next and we can see it the wind's starting to pick up in coralville could you go to our cedar rapids guy camera and we can we can see some of that too so you can you can see some of the lights flashing here sorry i think i might have control of that mouse there's the cedar rapids camera so you can see shelf cloud the northeast side of town may get a little spared by this meaning maybe we have 70 mile an hour winds or 60 mile an hour winds instead of the 90 to 100 mile an hour winds but it's still going to get very intense around here so there's the shelf clouds starting to come in and we are going to be experiencing very low visibility very strong winds here very shortly and we are going to um just watch this come to the east here as we go through the next basically hour out of out of eastern iowa so as this happens we're going to continue to see these intense winds so i would expect to see these 90 mile an hour winds probably extending from i mean close to highway 100 down i-380 to the airport here and then down toward the north liberty tiffin and going to the iowa city area and i don't want to discount what's going on up to the north here we do have multiple other severe thunderstorm warnings i don't want to exclude you but waterloo manchester guttenberg we have severe thunderstorm warnings that are ongoing and they are producing some 50 60 mile an hour winds some heavy rain there as well so did get in touch with meteorologist nick stewart and jason meyer who were in the road warrior they are doing okay but they did go through that very intense storm so just showing you that uh we there are some issues out there there are some oh we just had the power flash here so uh we we are going to continue to see issues on the roads and just experiencing power outages and a lot of damage likely going to occur unfortunately so if we go to the scan do here's highway 100 and covington road on the weather scando and this is i mean this is close we're getting close to the northwest side of town here a very very intense winds and low visibility it doesn't look like it's wanting to wanting to go anymore but this is just an incredibly intense thunderstorm continuing to produce winds of 100 miles an hour or possibly up to 100 miles an hour and multiple reports of 70 to 80 to 90 mile an hour winds um right now let's go back to the radar here and uh there is yes so the warning was extended and um okay so we have 80 mile an hour winds for that warning that now extends out of cedar rapids to the eastern part all the way to the um mississippi and um i'm trying to make sure that i know the people i've got texts that people have lost power now and um we are going to try and get this on facebook so everyone can see what's going on here but there is uh i mean it's getting really intense by the airport if uh around ely i'm assuming that ely is starting to get in on this now and heading towards bertram and lisbon so we have some very very intense winds here let me see what i can pick up on 71 miles an hour 85 miles an hour this is on the south side of cedar rapids and then in the cedar rapids area um 66 miles an hour let's see so i mean i i'm i'm guessing scattered uh 70 to 80 mile an hour winds are going to be the concern here with some gusts that could get up to 90. so definitely something to just be aware of that yes if you have not been hit by this storm yet and you're still listening you're likely going to lose power it is coming to the north liberty the iowa city area the solon area and sorry i mean it's really starting to move into iowa city now and it is going to be very intense at the moment so we are streaming on facebook live and so you can watch there if you do happen to lose power i think we might be having an internet issue where we can't get the dot cameras or they're maybe having an issue but um if i mean if we can look around the downtown cedar rapids area or anything like that but here's here's a look on the northeast side where the rain a wall of rain is starting to come in here and it is going to probably get intense here in the next minute or two it's it's coming this way and you can see all the people that are out on collins and we have some very very intense winds um starting to come in and there you go it's just picking up now and i can hear it so you you have these i mean the visibility is down people have their headlights on i'm guessing a lot of people are going to start stopping and we're going to have some issues on the highway or might be a couple of minutes here before we can get out of this but i don't know if our uh what's going on now we got a report of 73 miles per hour in cedar rapids 73 right in lynn county so i mean i know you said we might be have a little weaker wind 73 miles per hour certainly still intense not that 90 mile per hour gusts that we were seeing but again it still has room to pick up it hasn't really died down as it continues pushing through the area we may get a little bit stronger portion of the storm helping those winds to increase but yeah lots of tree damage already trees and streets apparently i am getting i did look up outages as far as alliant and 83 000 customers across the state are already out i got a lot of those will likely be in central iowa at this time still waiting for reports to come in with that as it pushes across really the major cities here in eastern iowa but definitely an intense storm you can see that camera shaking over the cedar rapids right now as it begins to move through lots of rain coming along with it you're starting to see cars obviously you see their headlights on they're driving really slow out there there's a couple pulled over um really stay home for the next couple of hours as this storm pushes through yeah i mean oh my the doors just blew open in the studio wow the doors just got blown open wow you can just hear the intensity yeah there it is it's 12 30 but it feels like very nighttime out there yeah i mean wow that i mean we have these very intense thunderstorms coming through we have seen businesses we have seen semis flipped over we have seen homes we have seen so many issues from these storms they looked like a power flash i think i just saw a power flash i mean we have uh we are going to be experiencing power outages and just the roar is going on and this is not a tornado this is simply a thunderstorm with straight-line winds that are likely upwards of 70 miles an hour or greater you can see debris flying it the tower that is above us you can just you can hear that it's always an eerie noise but if you're in your home right now you want to stay away from windows stay away from doors in your home and you want to just stay in the interior and treat it like a tornado lowest level of your home because we are dealing with very intense rain and wind with these thunderstorms this is heading through the cedar rapids area right now and heading towards solon lisbon going through north liberty and iowa city right now it was moving our camera up there on the tower hills and going to continue to the east i mean this sounds intense just from in here i'm sure it sounds very intense in your homes this is an incredibly strong storm it just it sounds very yeah very very strong so this is around the s curve in downtown cedar rapids i mean you can just see like it's you can hardly see but it doesn't look like there are many people out there right now and you can see some headlights some people look like they're slowing down some it's going to be very difficult to see out there and also just you know not a time to be out on the roads not a time to be going out of your home um there are some people out but they're moving very very slowly right now so we are going to just uh continue to have these issues here around the cedar rapids area as this comes through now when we get on the back side of this initial kind of wave and line things die down a little bit but we're talking about still talking about 60 mile an hour winds so we're still going to be experiencing some very strong winds as this comes through and um this and this is going through the cedar rapids metro right now this is in the northeast side of town where i mean on our skycam we can hardly see anything here's highway 30 and c street south side of town there's a semi just stopped there it sounds like a very i mean it sounds very intense inside of here and there's the there's the skycam and you can see i mean you can see the rising motion of the clouds there sarah it looks like i think it got pointed upward i really think something because there's no way i do think it has been blown over that is not unheard of i it is very eerie the building it oh my gosh the building is shaking the bill it sounds like something fell on the building i think we need to um we're gonna just assess how things are here but the lights are shaking please stay inside of your home please if you're driving pull over lots of cars have pulled over take shelter get inside a store it's this is again tornado force hurricane force winds our building is shaking yeah we have very intense winds going on we're going to go into the into our master control to take shelter we advise you to do the same very intense winds are going on i'm going to hope that you can still hear me while i do this we have a very intense thunderstorm going on here in cedar rapids where we let i mean we can see things swirling outside so we're walking through the building here we are trying to get to shelter here and if we look out the window we can look through the door right now it literally looks like a tornado is occurring that's how intense these winds are right now we could see power flashes the doors to the exterior part of our building are opening and closing it looks like a it looks like a tornado is occurring i mean we have things whipping around very very intense winds and we have this is going into iowa city there are trees coming down very large trees and we are we're in a safe place so i can't exactly tell you what's on your screen right now but i can tell you what's going on outside and you need to be in an interior room and away from doors and windows so in iowa city same deal quentin if you could ex if you could describe to me what's on the screen what it looks like in iowa city yeah so i can sort of see it a little yeah it's like there's rain falling there again it's not quite as intense it's not what we're seeing here in cedar rapids but you can see the rain the clouds moving in and it likely will be very intense there momentarily again the storm is moving pretty quickly across across eastern iowa winds aren't really dying down much it looks like cell towers are down it's things are hitting this building very large tree branches are down and i mean i know my phone has no cell data if you can if you are in advance of this thunderstorm if you're in anamosa if you're in the areas like iowa city you are going to be experiencing some incredibly intense winds you need to stay indoors and be prepared that you may lose power you may lose cell service we have incredibly incredibly intense thunderstorms coming through the area right now that are like i mean this is 90 mile an hour winds this could be this could be just very intense thunderstorms that we it's widespread this is not just a a tornado warning in one localized area it is a wide spread across the area and quentin if you have any more cameras you can pull up i'm watching you right now i can see from the control room take that cedar rapids camera i don't know where it exactly is pointing but we have we can yeah you can't see anything but there yeah there's flashes going on there's possibly thing i mean it could be pointed anywhere right now but we have visibility that is totally down large trees i can see outside i mean the wind is just rushing it is i've this is like you're in a hurricane and it's it's prolonged and intense so we are going to have to stay away from the studio for right now until this passes through but we can see yeah we can see the pentacrest camera and uh in iowa city there and it that's it's going to start to get more intense there so what you're seeing in cedar rapids that's starting to get into iowa city now and we are going to have the intensity pick up so you can see the lower visibility in cedar rapids it is going to start to drop in iowa city and it is i mean this is prolonged this has been 20 minutes maybe this has been ongoing here as it started to pick up in the cedar rapids area and we are going to get out of the worst of it here gradually but it's still likely going to be some very intense winds that are ongoing upwards of right you know 60 miles an hour winds or so as we go through here so um as you can see we have the thunderstorms ongoing and they are going to be going through cedar rapids and you can see the patio here so here's debris littered littered i don't know what hit our roof but something hit our roof does anybody know something hit our roof something came down and hit the roof of the studio and you may be hearing that too in your home this is intense this is a very strong thunderstorm it looks it doesn't look as bad as that sky cam looked but i'm still looking outside right now and it on towards collins and it just looks like a bit of a war zone like after a hurricane you're looking at widespread damage i'm sure that i mean i we've heard that trans the transformer blue i'm sure that there are trees and power lines that are down so we're going to take a deep breath we all are this is not over this is going to continue to go through eastern iowa and we are going to continue to see these incredibly strong winds that are going to come through the area here so the verdict is it was around or a little above 80 mile per hour as it moved through lynn county here fairfax that was the report it does seem like we've hit the worst of the winds at this time but it's still pushing through the area you're still going to it's still going to be windy just dying down slightly plenty of rainfall coming along with it still looks like it hasn't died down much out there um i mean it's still dark it looks like the worst of the winds are maybe starting to back off uh in this northeast cedar rapids but they're still i mean they're still it's intense there's just leaves splattered on our door there's um it's just a lightning and possibly power flashes of of these things going down and um yeah i'm trying to see if we can if we can pull up some more information on from the weather services we're out of the studio at the moment but once we can get back in there yeah okay well the doors are blowing open again so we're not quite out of the woods but we oh wow that was a very large tree very large tree just came down in in um right of broadcast park very large tree so we still have some some intense winds to get through we're not done as i said and we're still not done with the area either so um so they're saying 80 mile an hour winds in cedar rapids now we're looking at 70 miles per hour like we said when you first start moving that storm across you're gonna get probably the most gusty winds along with that now that cedar rapids is more in the central portion of the storm we're seeing 70 to 75 mile per hour winds sirens should be sounding out there i mean yeah i'm sure that they are if they if they can i know that they in the emergency uh wow i just that's just intense um in in the emergency headquarters they i was talking to steve o'connell earlier or oconic earlier and he was ready but uh i mean here's just a look i-3d collins road intense winds going on northeast side of town this is what we're experiencing here we're looking out the door we're away from the door i promise we're far enough away but you can just hear noises things are hitting the roof doors are being blown open there is just a lot of intense intense wind and rain ongoing here and we are going to continue to see tree damage power line damage transformer damage and all this kind of stuff we have multiple transformers have blown and large tree limbs down in iowa city we have large tree limbs down in fairfax we have a 90 mile an hour now severe thunderstorm warning for cedar clinton jackson johnson jones and lim county this is not over we are still going to be experiencing incredibly incredibly intense wins if you are hearing about these reports and you are in these areas if you're in these areas that are east of cedar rapids anamosa tipton wilton maquoketa eldridge davenport muscatine if you know anybody traveling on these highways on highway on i-380 still right now highway 30 i-80 heading to the east out of cedar rapids in iowa city this is heading that way it is incredibly intense right now and it is not done and uh we have one of our engineers just saw there's a very large tree down outside um hopefully everyone's cars are okay um maybe not but hopefully if you yeah we just got a wind gust report of 100 miles per hour in hiawatha wow so that is northeastern rapids so we thought that wow i mean it is very intense out there still right this is this it's hard to tell on on the radar when the way that this bent up to the north we thought maybe we would escape some of the worst of it but then it got intense again it picked up again in cedar rapids so we're talking about over 100 mile an hour winds and this is a look i i can't i mean you can kind of see debris flying i don't know what happened hopefully our camera's still on the roof we're not sure but um it is still low visibility going on uh we might just be pointed up at the clouds at this point i'm not really sure what it looks like but then again with the wind and the rain we have really no idea it just glitched a little bit as you saw might be losing some connection there as well but yeah we're basically centered in this storm right now so we're about halfway through the worst part of it theoretically it's going to continue to push through 70 to 80 mile per hour winds out there still again 100 mile per hour reported in northeast cedar rapids you can just hear the intensity of these winds coming in um we're in the hallway i don't know if you can hear that on our on on here but it is yeah it is very very loud and very intense okay so we have video from iowa city of uh it's from thomas yeah the storms made its way to iowa city again it did come a little bit later than we saw in cedar rapids you can see that curve there but for the most part iowa city is also centered in this storm not getting winds as great as we're getting here in cedar rapids i think the one i saw was 80 mile per hour there but still still very very intense that's still incredibly strong and we have just this damage is going to be extensive and it's not as i mentioned done mount vernon you're getting in on this on these very strong winds martell moving through springville anamosa and going towards morley olin stanwood tipton this bend that you're seeing on the radar on your screen that is a an intense duration a bow echo of a thunderstorm that is going to be coming through and leading to the leading to the intense winds that are going on out there the the building is still shaking here so here is a live look in iowa city and you can see the buses are stopped i mean rain and wind i mean you can just see the wind it's very very intense there um i don't think our cedar rapids camera is really quite capturing what's going on anymore but okay so here here's a live look inside of our studio we're walking why we're not overlapping right now but um the the lights the ceiling is shaking we could hear everything shaking in there so this is why it's so important for you to be in that lowest level of your home to be away from the windows and away from the doors because we have these intense winds that uh they're they're just kind of ebbing and flowing i just saw a flash outside it looks like these whirls are going on these like little whirls of uh like it doesn't necessarily look like it's a tornado but it does it's like these winds stay away from the windows i mean people are reporting that their doors are getting blown out i would not be shocked if ours got blown out here they keep flying open again we still about halfway to go with this storm for the time being most of uh lynn expires at 1 30 the western portion expires at 1 15 so you know in the next 20 minutes hopefully this is going to die down a little bit but that's still an extended amount of time that you have to be dealing with this storm and there's iowa city you can see on the ground and the winds blowing and then the pentacrest of you from higher up above we have um the it looks like it just stopped maybe but they they were you would see it shaking the doors here are you know blowing open and that's what you just heard there we are in the hallway so i just want to let you know that we are safe we are in a far enough away it might just sound a little loud but we are far enough away that we are okay uh and once this passes hopefully we can get back in the studio but we have very large trees that are down the tower's still up right guys the tower is shaking that's never good news um but here's a look from our camera i don't the camera might not be attached but um it's uh it's not showing much for us right now but just showing you whatever is going on up there it looks like we're looking straight up at the clouds i think but we have just these intense winds these flashes going on either it's a lightning flash or it's the camera actually flashing itself but um this is continuing to produce these very very strong winds on the order of 60 to as much as 100 miles an hour right it looks like a little bit further south towards iowa city far down towards washington winds are not as intense you can sort of see that on our radar a little bit but if you look in iowa city right now again they showed our radar there you go a little bit further south you do see it's slightly weaker but not by much like we said i think it's it's definitely going to be different at the ground level when you're just watching this um you know and this unfortunately i want you to stay away from your windows we will show you video we i'm sure we're getting video but we have these the wind and the leaves and the branches and everything that are just going to continue to just going to continue to come down and cause issues here and cause the power to go out so here's video from bell plain uh that they have uh and yeah this is what we're looking at you can you were just seeing the winds very intense the rainfall very intense and it is going to it's taken down trees we have i mean very large trees outside of broadcast park are like corey are they all down almost all of the trees are down um so we have the just this is going to be the case across the area here as this comes through we had reports of winds of 100 miles an hour in hiawatha here's iowa city where things maybe not quite as intense but you know it doesn't seem like they have as many reports of trees and branches in the street you can see that on that cam right there so they said 70 mile an hour winds yes minor damage new construction sites have on been ongoing in iowa city so we do have that um widespread street tree damage in cedar rapids numerous high wind reports numerous power outages trees down in west liberty if you are to the east of here and i'm going to emphasize this we are we are broadcasting on facebook live you are going to lose power you may briefly lose cell service mine came back um but if you were to the east of the cedar rapids area along highway 30 to i-80 be prepared for your power to go out unfortunately we're going to have tree and crop damage and we are going to have um we are going to have these power outages that may last several several hours just like we saw a couple of weeks ago but we are going to have um we're getting reports of most people in cedar rapids doing out of power not shocking with those wins i know i got a text from a few people they were asking if we were on facebook live we're on facebook live we're here and if you lose power you can go to your phone and see it there hopefully your phone is charged and uh this is going to be just a very intense period of time and here's a look at broadcast park right outside so i mean yeah everything's pretty much down and there's not many trees standing out there no um and and things are things are coming down there's just like leaves splattered it's likely going to look like a bit of a i mean like it reminds me like after hurricane you step outside and you're dealing with this very widespread damage um we have we have this very intense area of wind and just um just seeing the the the way that it's blowing open the doors and the way that the leaves are splattered again in there on the glass i mean and yeah i mean we have a big tower that sits above our our studio and we have the ceiling shaking in there luckily in the hallway that we are where we are um that it is um that it is it's shaking in that studio where we are here we are um we're in a more solid zone and we are still experiencing those win it has been i don't know when we first started to get those wins but shellsburg now saying estimated gusts over 100 miles an hour multiple campers blown over shelter at the roof blown off uh shelter roof of the park blown off um we have 100 miles still yeah still these have been multiple multiple reports of 100 mile an hour winds in the area that have been prolonged it looks like they're flashing here just now i mean we we have the transformer that was blown uh you can't really see much on our cedar rapids camera once we can get back in the studio maybe we can see some other things in the area if the rest of the cameras are still surviving but we have we can't tell you we can't show you everything right now but widespread tree damage widespread power outages and this is going to continue to the east we got about oh here's a we're showing powder power outages right now you can see widespread across cedar rapids i mean it's almost impossible to keep your power on with winds upwards of 90 to 100 miles per hour across the board it's probably going to take some time to get these all back on but again with these winds hurricane force tornado force winds it's going to blow over those power lines and if it's not doing that it's going to blow over all the trees again not very many standing here in broadcast park taking out the power lines we do have it looks like about for western linn county 15 more minutes in this warning hopefully by then we're just getting some widespread rain and thunderstorms not nearly as intense but far eastern linn county and far off towards the mississippi that one goes to 1 30. so we do still have a good amount of time that we're going to be seeing these damaging thunderstorms and winds and still here it doesn't look like it's died down much i do think it was most intense for those first couple minutes as the storm progressed in the area you can look at our studio though it's still shaking in there still can't head back in right now again those lights are rattling that's the camera that you're seeing there too i'm just looking at uh some of the estimates on my radar on my phone and i mean they're still showing some winds of around around 100 miles an hour now that doesn't necessarily mean that's translating totally to the surface um but we could still be seeing some some very intense winds so here's a look at cedar rapids damage uh in the area i mean the branches that are down it looks like possibly cars uh windows that were maybe blown out there but um i mean it is all coming down unfortunately and we have still some more of the storm to get through so it should it should kind of quiet down a little bit but this it looks like it just kind of cycled back up on the uh back behind here and um we've kind of just been having that kind of ebb and flow from what we've been seeing outside of the of the winds picking up and dying down and if you are heading towards anamosa or if you are in animosa olin loudon durant in areas like tipton you're probably getting in it right now wilton these are areas that are up next and these storms are moving at 50 to 60 miles an hour producing winds of upwards of 100 100 miles an hour 100 miles an hour we have had multiple reports confirmed reports of 100 mile an hour winds please stay away from the windows and even i want to stress this too where the storms have come through you need to wait i know that everyone gets antsy about the power being out please do not go driving around there are likely some power lines down there is likely going to be a lot of issues there's likely going to be some obstacles to go through some trees that are you're going to have to go through to drive so that's why we would prefer if you just wait let the cleanup crews get to what they can let this storm pass through because it is going to be likely dangerous to be outside it i mean i've been through a hurricane from florida like just knowing the afterwards of that you can sometimes get into these situations where there's widespread damage going on there's the pentacrest really quick there so it looks like it's died down a little bit in the city for the most south side looks like it's kind of it's just not as intense but there's still probably some good 60 70 mile an hour winds going on and we have just this little area what it looks like in cedar rapids of of rotation of where there's just this enough spin going on that that this is this clash this clash is leading to the winds that are continuing to be intense and um and that is what is causing the problem i think in the cedar rapids area and if we have the radar up um there you can see it kind of like bows back into cedar rapids and it's like it's we refer to this as like a comma head and so you draw a comma has that sometimes people draw with like a period and then a line down that comma head is that intense period intense area where there's likely rotation going on that's what's likely causing these 100 mile an hour winds yeah and so we're going to catch the back end of the storm here shortly like she said it is continuing to build with each radar scan we are seeing it so we're gonna we're gonna be dealing with some storms for the next couple of minutes at least again it is supposed to expire at 1 15. may get a little bit extended as the storm continues to kind of curve around that way but at least on the western side or the eastern side of cedar rapids again towards the quad cities towards the mississippi you've yet to see these storms and they're not dying down too much still producing these winds upwards of 70 mile per hour at this time not seeing again still getting the storm reports several trees down hasn't i mean i'm looking out the window here in cedar rapids we're still getting gusty winds out there it doesn't look like it's dying down much as rebecca mentioned we are seeing a level of rotation on the radar mainly because you can see that kind of spinning around there on our radar and it is you know gaining strength there and that's where we're seeing that rotation it does not necessarily mean we're seeing a tornado it does mean that we're seeing those winds though cycling and i'm sure if you're you can see anything outside right now you are experiencing that as well i'm still seeing branches and everything blowing down around there at least for the next i would say 15 to 20 minutes especially here in the cedar rapids metro area we're going to be dealing with these intense storms down south if you continue down again in iowa city washington really almost in the clear they're still experiencing some thunderstorms they weren't nearly as intense as what we saw beforehand um they're kind of on the back end of those now really just some widespread thunderstorms and heavy showers still seeing those winds but here in cedar rapids we're not done yet we're still kind of catching the back end there don't walk away from me just yet okay sure okay well we're having some issues i guess i wanted to steve was just outside kind of examining what was going on so i was just wondering if his his account of of how things were outside but we do have some very what what were you asking how it was outside uh every tree in the yard is down okay our tower is shaking very badly yes i could hear that the tower's shaking trees are down the white building is now green with leaves the building's green with leaves been just covered and it's you can't see across the street yeah i mean it's it's intense uh and i mean we we haven't been in the studio for probably uh 30 minutes maybe i don't know uh we left a while ago um so i haven't been able to move the radar it looks like it it's in a good enough spot that we can see everything um but i did want to talk about the fact i mean um i don't know if jordan wants to show here um that we have i can't change anything on our map in the studio but we have this area that we were talking about that comma head and then here's the values of the rotation and i know that's a little hard to see but this is radarscope and it's showing these very bright pink purple blue colors that's just showing you how intense the winds are and it just kind of cycled around the cedar rapids area and marion and robinson hiawatha and springville those are the areas we've been seeing those reports of 100 mile an hour winds and that is where the intensity has been occurring so we need that to move to the east but unfortunately as it does if that holds together it's going to go back it's going to go into springville springville is going to experience more of that and cedar rapids we've been stuck because we're stuck in that we're stuck in that comma head that we were talking about we're stuck in it and that's why it's been so prolonged here unfortunately and it has just been able to cycle and intensify and i mean i wish i could look at some like maps of the mesoscale you know atmospheric conditions but i can't exactly examine it we do know there are very intense winds ongoing right out there right now so jordan you can go back to the regular radar um i know this is a little difficult to see but this is what we got in the hallway at the moment the last report that i saw i did lose service on my phone again um we had power out in coralville north of i-80 east side of iowa i would expect most areas to lose power at least for a time being i mean especially here in cedar rapids we got several reports before i could not connect anymore but majority of the cedar rapids metro area not experiencing power right now down in iowa city especially to the north side of i-80 power outages and again that's where we did see those heavier or more damaging winds for the most part yeah and i mean um we are just still hearing of these more more of these reports come in so um you yeah we're just standing here in the hallway just uh just trying to give you guys an idea of what's going on so midway in lynn county wind gusts of 112 miles an hour i don't know where exactly midway is um do you know where midway is steve well i would imagine it's somewhere nearby and we are i'm not surprised by that unfortunately um it's between here and center point so northern limb county that's kind of that area i was talking about in the north there around marion springville and that zone where we have been stuck in that kind of rotate rotation of that area there and this is going to continue to the east um west branch already seeing 70 mile an hour wind so the southern side of this has progressed a lot more than the northern side and that is now where we have um you know these the warnings are going on for i think 90 mile an hour winds but west liberty in muscatine county several large branches down with power flashes so power going out there and we are still experiencing that intense wind here in cedar rapids but to the south down i-380 toward iowa city it's going to start to calm down now so we're going to maybe see those 40 to 50 mile an hour winds uh we are going to have it's going to end in northeast cedar rapids on the northern side of lynn county it's still kind of intense and we can hear it outside and hopefully they'll let us know that it's safe and the lights haven't all fallen in the studio but um for now we are we are dealing with this and and we're dealing with this uh i mean a semi over and we've seen this happen even when we don't have thunderstorms we have 70 mile an hour winds we're talking about possibly 90 mile an hour winds around the swisher area maybe 80 tipped over a semi on the highway that's why we were talking about you know let's let's not drive right now and if if you if you know anyone um that's out there yeah then this is the kind of stuff that we're seeing so midway is uh um by toddville okay so all the way up northern linn county yeah but um this is this is that was swisher where the gas station was yeah with the roof off and damage there yeah and um this is it's still intense in northeast cedar rapids i don't want to discount what's going on down to the south though here so we have these strong winds that are now moving through and it's not as strong as what we were seeing earlier you can actually see on the radar it's starting to like it's starting to become a little bit more orange rather than the red it's starting to become a little bit more broken up it's not as intense down to the south but it's still intense enough we're not talking about 100 mile an hour winds thankfully but we are still talking about um you know probably upwards of 70 80. um so we have large branch and muscatine down um a branch with four foot diameter and that's the other thing too a lot of these reports are coming in these are not just like little trees that are falling over they're big you know well-grown trees that are being blown over but when you have those winds upwards of 100 miles per hour i mean you can you can expect that i mean yeah so we had one of the warnings let go now in western lynn county in benton county we're starting to get into that relaxed stage but still parts of cedar rapids anamosa iowa city still including this but it's starting to kind of back off there mount vernon you're likely dealing with the intense winds i would say around springville mount vernon mechanicsville olin tipped in you're likely still dealing with some of this intensity and it's heading toward it's going to pick up in clearance um yeah i mean and this is what you have to look at that's going to happen this is southwest cedar rapids you can see these trees large trees very large trees blown down i've heard in my neighborhood there's trees there's a tree in my yard i guess so you know we're probably always we're probably all dealing with this uh and it is it has been very intense i'm going to try and see if i can see any more i've seen a lot of reports on the national weather service um on twitter yeah we just got one for 60 miles per hour in iowa city so like she said it's kind of backing off we're on the back side of that storm there that was actually a couple minutes ago that we got i'm getting them a little bit delayed here because of service but it is backing off looks like heavy rain in iowa city for the time being still windy but not nearly what they experienced a couple minutes ago yeah it's it's definitely kind of winding down but wilton now um they have a spotter in wilton which is just south of i-80 and heading towards the quad cities area but they are saying 90 80 90 mile an hour wind gusts limbs down eight inches in diameter so still very very intense stuff i mean um we have in hiawatha two foot diameter trees uprooted shingles torn off of house and power out i think we're all we're all kind of prepared for that if your power's already out we probably got a bit of a long road ahead because i would guess a lot of places also like des moines and ames are all out of power it's most of the state so yeah a big chunk of area here basically south of highway 20. now i don't have it on this radar on your screen but there are still some thunderstorms going up going on to the north luckily you've kind of been out of the worst of it but around monticello you know so probably some winds maybe like 60 70 miles an hour you can kind of see that at the top of the screen there it may get a little worse um for the time being that storm that we're kind of seeing in cedar rapids is progressing a little bit more northeast and so it's probably going to move through there um the warning that you're seeing on the screen the benton and lynn one was expired or is going to expire here shortly so again more benton lin just seeing heavy rainfall at this time eastern lynn still seeing those intense storms there goes it updated so this one that we're focused on right now goes to 1 30 for cedar clinton jackson jones muscatine and scott counties that's going to be there for the next couple of minutes wouldn't be surprised if it got extended a little bit for some of these counties um it has seemed to slow down just barely it just seems like the it's kind of cycled on the north too that it's it's just wrapped around kind of in the back and that's where it's just lasting a bit longer and really around tipped in to now the anamosa back towards cedar rapids marion springville is where it is the most intense and now like looking outside here now it it looks a little bit calmer we're still getting rain it's still raining and windy but we're not seeing that like i mean we literally had things constantly splattering against against the uh uh door and yeah so i mean the cedar rapids camera i'm not sure where the cedar rapids camera's at guys i think it might be pointed up to the sky or down to the could be on the ground we really don't yeah so i mean we have um a big tower this is about 500 feet up and you'd imagine the winds 500 feet up are actually more intense than what's happening at the surface unfortunately um so uh we we'll see how the state of the camera so um i was just talking to the to steve o'connick who's at the lynn county emergency management center and um we he's he's saying he's doing okay uh they are they're one sounding the sirens and keeping an eye on everything i'm gonna i'm gonna ask do you guys steve corey do you think we can go back into the studio should we wait let me take a look okay um i don't know if you guys can see the studio camera how how's the state of the lights oh looks like calmer a little a little shaky maybe we wait a little bit longer so it's a little shaky in there um if they if they let us go back that would help because we can we can kind of show you some more things um yeah sarah can go in there and move the radar just quickly so we can uh yeah so we can do a little bit of a better get a good view of what's going on as the storms move to the east but i'm gonna i'm gonna wait to see if the engineers say it's okay for us to go back because um yeah yeah we can take the power outage map i can come look in the window of the control room but oh they're telling me i can go back but yeah there's power outages like everywhere so everyone is they just laughed at me for saying that i can't really read it right now guys but um we do have some obviously okay 200 000 customers 460 what so 200 000 customers without power okay so we're back in the studio now you can do a little bit more so it looks like we got three major warnings in effect right now this main one for cedar clinton jackson jones muscatine and scott counties until 1 30. again it may get extended because like we said it is wrapping around sort of here in cedar rapids but for the most part then there's another warning extended almost out of our viewing area we get some of our counties in there for carol clinton henry rock island scott and whiteside counties that goes for almost an hour until 2 15 p.m again this store really this storm is really kind of dragging along a little bit further south again almost out of our area getting washington county just a little bit there but for the most part the one that we're focused on here is the one for cedar clinton jackson jones muscatine and scott counties it looks like the storms to the furthest north i know we were talking about one up in monticello a little bit there has expired that's let go so we're those are likely some some weaker on the weaker side um but this we're back in the studio things are not shaking luckily so their lights are still on we're okay um we hopefully you are okay as well uh so there you can see the studio everything's all right one of the lights it looks like it's flickering a little bit but everything looks okay um we know that there's extensive damage outside of our building um i am not going to go out there until that is deemed safe but i am going to check on everything that has been going on here and we we have been monitoring what the weather service has been saying um here and there but we have these intense winds ongoing so i'm going to show you a little bit more of what i was trying to show you on that ipad earlier but here's a look so it's right here in lisbon now where this intense wind is likely occurring and what is this going to show me i'm guessing 100 miles an hour 104 miles an hour lisbon going around mechanicsville to olin and i would imagine there's unfortunately going to be some extensive crop damage that's going on so so i'm gonna i'm just gonna go through this radar and kind of see how this kind of evolved but you can see these little ripples that were kind of happening and you see these purples and these greens pop up and that was a cycling of this storm and this incredibly intense swath of um of winds just going through this area here and continuing now to the east so if you have not yet lost power and you are in these areas around anamosa tipton wilton i'd imagine you probably have already now this is extended to the east and moving out of our area the worst of it at least and moving into the quad cities and toward the mississippi but we have just very intense thunderstorms still ongoing where power is going to go out and when and the trees are going to come down and the corn is going to be bent unfortunately from steve who is the emergency manager for linn county they're on generator power multiple reports of damage across lynn county uh he's still working on assessing it i just checking in with him we usually try and check in with each other i can see so my apparently neighbor's tree is on their house in marion there's a neighbors lost their three seasons room trees are down i'm just hearing a lot of it just sounds nasty and we have reports of businesses and homes that have had damage and this is um you know never something we want to see but we had something that intensified incredibly quickly and we had started to tell you this morning there was a possibility of strong winds and this is not something that um you can always tell right away how it's going to evolve but it evolved into a situation with winds of 100 miles an hour and possibly still ongoing in some parts of the area here so prolific lightning is likely what we've been seeing these flashes that have been kind of ongoing and we also have um these very intense winds on this line here so the worst of it at least on the east starting to move out of tipton and wilton there's probably still some pretty intense winds there around anamosa there's still likely some very strong winds just south of monticello and then that warning did get extended then into into dubuque county bernard and buick and cascade and such dealing with that and then around cedar rapids it seems like things have started to calm a little bit um sarah could we maybe see if we can get another skycam maybe we can get um i can just see a lot of the dot cams are either out or yeah maybe some very careful some internet problems i would imagine but um yeah so i don't know if our iowa city camera so yeah you can see this is that is that might be frozen um i would guess that was earlier when the when the right before it came through so here's coralville we can see so that's definitely calmed down a bit um and this is kind of getting on the back side of that now so some lighter rain still some winds you can see it shaking that's on top of the skogman realty building so definitely still some intensity going on there but calmer than what we saw earlier i'm clicking on riverside yeah not again windy there but for the most part and the worst has passed in those locations um i'll just calm it down just a little bit there yeah and uh we have i mean we have just trees down around cedar rapids i'm sure there's let me i'm gonna take over this computer for a second try and see if i can nick posted some things if he's seeing um okay so all right let's go to the peace candy so here's nick in van horn he is okay by the way barn has severe damage truck blown off of a road highway signs completely knocked over and corn flattened so here's the barn that was a stop sign that was totally knocked over oh man that's not what you want to see yeah you can see the ears of corn too it's just such a bad situation and i and unfortunately when we when we saw that this was that intense uh we knew that this is this was going to be an issue um and we knew that there was going to be some some damage like this so i'm going to check in with the weather service um so yeah i'm not seeing much coming in on there there's some green elevators i think they're just kind of like hearing of damage as it comes in but um you know sporadic reports of wind damage along highway 20 corridor from some of those thunderstorms they're up to the north now there's tornado warnings up in in wisconsin so we're not dealing with that but we i mean i don't i think we maybe would prefer something a little bit less widespread and intense but that's um just just very very intense stuff going on so fairfield we actually do have the fairfield camera i don't know if that's still on going down there but um winds small to medium tree limbs knocked in down knocked around downtown so we talked about the southern side oh my gosh southern side of the area was kind of de-intensifying so outside of our broadcast park studio we have a we have a patio i know there i know they're work they're working on getting you guys a shot of what's going on out there but there there's just leaves everywhere and i'm guessing you're probably seeing a lot of tree damage a lot of damage on going i'm gonna i'm gonna check in um there's i'm hearing people taking shelter the amana that's my friend that works at the whirlpool and amanda said they're taking shelter uh so luckily i think things are starting to calm down down that way but um we have just a widespread damage that's likely going on and still some areas that are probably dealing with it too so um i'm gonna just check in i don't know if our on our facebook feed and see if people have any questions or have any reports have been passed along there but marion damage to mobile homes on highway 13 and highway 151 estimated winds of 90 miles an hour which is also not surprising unfortunately um we have let's see if i can uh there's not yeah there's not much that's been passed along by the weather service but just to show you um you know we still have some intense winds going on this deep blue that's wind going to the east toward the radar and some very intense winds going on toward the uh the the um quad cities area it's starting to back off but we likely are still seeing like 40 50 mile an hour winds around cedar rapids i would imagine and let's see um i'm i've gotten i'm getting some some messages from people neighbors trampoline hit our house and took out our deck i'm not quite sure where that is located but just just some of the reports that we're hearing um yeah lots of people are writing in here that roof or shingles have been blown off yeah mitch commented a little ago very little visibility i mean we kind of mentioned that too looking out the door you can't see across the street for that time being it has backed off now visibility has regained as far as i can tell when looking outside now but lots of people saying sirens are sounding that's going to happen when you have winds greater of 70 mile per hour because it's very intense it's damaging we got lots of issues going on along with those gusts so my concern is now in mechanicsville in clarence just north of highway 30 maybe around morley towards olin knoxville junction and cedar inland counties that's probably where we're seeing some of the higher intensity winds now maybe getting to that 100 mile an hour mark and there's uh just i hope hopefully backing off some but we mean we're just hearing of so many reports uh roof damage just north of wilton's we had been talking about wilson earlier about south of i-80 significant tree and property damage and swisher roof damage in west burlington so we're starting to get into this area down to the south and east where that's where the intense intensity is located um and yeah this this thunderstorm warning that you're looking at here is supposed to expire in three minutes i would imagine it's going to get extended to a degree we're still seeing lots of lightning and wind with those storms but like she said it is it is dying down a little bit as it continues to progress but still another storm again sitting fairly far off to the east or a warning that's going to continue um for really the next 45 minutes i believe it expires at 2 15 but yeah yeah so we have this morning until 1 30. so they're gonna there and then there's another one that kind of encompasses cedar and jones counties until um 2 15 i believe yeah so um yeah still dealing with that still dealing with that um but very very very intense winds still it still reports a 75 mile an hour you know normally 75 mile an hour would be the tops for the day but we're talking about 100 mile an hour winds that have been ongoing so here's here's a look of what's currently the situation at broadcast park there is a very large part of the tree that's come down there and i mean if i don't know if we can point it down to the ground at some point but um we do have like just leaves all over the ground and just it's just all over the place yeah covering the ground and i would guess that your house probably looks the same that you're probably also dealing with via a lot of debris and likely no power there's still lightning going on out there there's still some rain going on out there there's still some wind going on out there so i know that we're all eager to kind of get outside and assess the situation um but i do want to just remind you to be safe when doing so because it is still you know we have power lines or transformers that are out and some of that stuff we don't want to we don't want to be caught up in so it'll be i'll see what the weather service has to say about this but uh muscatine 58 mile an hour winds 70 mile an hour winds um wapalow was about an hour ago they had 50 mile an hour winds that's also south so it's those areas down to the south where where it wasn't quite as intense but um we do still have um i mean just these incredibly intense winds that are doing damage still across the area so um it did look like they decided to expire i'm not saying they expired that morning now so they may be letting that just take over to the east here so we still have portions of our area that are dealing with the intense i mean wyoming is probably right in it now i'm kind of surprised because i think olin maybe still has a bit of the strong winds going on um right based on velocity it looks like they're still getting wins up there so um so next couple minutes at least it'll still be intense yeah around morley to olin oxford junction i'm still thinking that that's pretty strong stuff uh clarence loudon and stuff like that and we have just just really intense stuff i wanna i we do have something outside uh so i'll uh let her tell us a little bit about what you're seeing out there and then what it's been like the last like hour here in cedar rapids hi rebecca i mean i was right next to you in the hallway the doors were blowing open windows were shaking we saw trees blowing when we were first in our newsroom so we had to sprint back to the hallway to make sure we were in a safe place and it's finally safe enough to come outside you can see the rain is still coming down pretty hard it's not near as bad as it was a little bit ago but it still is coming down and we see leaves everywhere we saw a lot of trees around our building fall i want you to see that so i'm going to step out the way and just look at that tree that's right in our patio and it's hold on that's one of the smaller ones that we've seen with damage over here but we're starting to hear thunder i'm sure you can hear it right now haven't seen any lightning but the thunder is starting to boom again and the rain is just coming down pretty good and we're going to throw it back to you and keep assessing the damage out here we'll continue bringing you live updates thanks symphony and yeah i mean we we are starting to see things quiet down some which is good for us in cedar rapids but there's still this i mean intense marker of winds um so this is in cedar and jones counties where we're looking at and around wyoming 80 mile an hour showing up here 109 and 102 i mean there's still some spots where it's showing up um pretty pretty intense so what i do want you to be remember is the radar it goes um it goes up so it doesn't go straight across it the beam goes up gradually with with distance away so we're maybe catching winds are a little bit higher up but that still could be translating down to the surface into um 60 70 mile an hour winds we hear sirens outside i mean uh this is this is just uh going to be a lot of cleanup is going to happen so here's a look at northeast cedar rapids just like we are here roof damage wind and trees trees on the roofs um and it's just it's everywhere and you can just see this is this is extensive this is extensive damage that occurred in cedar rapids that occurred in the i mean northeast part of the city in the metro area i haven't seen much from downtown but it really we thought maybe we'd get out of the woods in the north but it cycled it cycled up to the north and just led to it being it was long lasting and it intensified so that is why we ended up seeing those stronger winds there and we you know we started to literally experience it here as it happened so the uh even the national weather service just reported their phone lines have gone down and they're asking if anybody has any reports to report pass it on social media i'm sure a lot of people are still experiencing the same issue with power outages and such um i was going to see um i think we got some we have a bunch of stuff from some of our reporters who are out and about um but here if we can go to the scan do the weather scan do emily is out in iowa city and she was saying you can just hear the wind a lot of debris around and you know it looks like the downtown area is in a bit better shape than what we've been seeing comparatively in cedar rapids so that is good news for iowa city but we have still i mean i'm sure some more damage that's ongoing in portions of cedar and jones counties now this is starting to break up or move out really out to the east at least the most intense part of it east of anamosa and clearance now anamosa monticello may still be dealing with some 60 mile an hour winds for a little bit we have some rain that's back here and that is still going to be ongoing for a bit so it's probably going to take a while for things to clean up and and the power to come back i don't know if we have any estimates from anywhere but i'm sure that it's going to take several hours for things to get cleaned up so just to kind of give you a look at everything here um and i can i can also pop on our all of our storm reports um but we have i mean it's littered you can just see where it went we talked about south of highway 20 around i-80 that's exactly where things set up here and these are reports of of the wind damage and the wind gusts and there are multiple wind reports that were 90 to 100 miles an hour incredibly incredibly intense thunderstorm complex that moved through and we have you know power lines down trees down extensive extensive corn damage i'm sure and just a lot of a lot of issues that are going to stem from this that are going to last a while so we have this power outage map and you can see over 200 000 people without power uh if we can maybe like go into the northeast cedar rapids area maybe just click on one of them they tell you like um oh well i can look too on the line but they can tell you how how long or what their estimation is um but uh you know i mean it's everywhere around the cedar rapids metro and you can just see why we had we had the very intense line of storms coming through so we can go back to the weather scandal sarah found dion broxton our reporter an hour ago yeah so this is in downtown cedar rapids i mean yeah it looks like night time we can go to the weather scandal jordan but also it also shows you the contrast of what can happen within an hour i think he posted this just as the storms were starting to move into downtown cedar rapids still see the wind like whipping around on the ground there and um just how dark it got i mean it looks like nighttime it does looks like nighttime so he he's like by the cedar river there you can see and um i mean just just intense so we we at least do have things starting to kind of quiet down in the cedar rapids area um there's still some strong winds here and portions of cedar and jones counties so wyoming and clarence and tipton new liberty still dealing with that we have this front edge here that you likely get the intense winds and then there's still some intensity back here that's maybe mounting more towards 60 to 70 miles an hour um but this is where we're probably finding some of the the stronger winds and then we're starting to see that kind of break up where we had that issue over cedar rapids worth the 100 mile an hour winds it's it seems to be kind of calming down a little bit so let's see um trees down in coralville and powers out um it does just seem like a lot of trees branches i mean you we talked about outside and our patios just really covered in branches and leaves at this time that seems to be the theme around the area um the power lines are down obviously we're losing power in the majority of the area but um yeah i mean i'm looking at our riverside skycam right now it has calmed down a little bit but the wind is still on the backside of the storm is continuing for the time being still raining out there like we said there's going to be a lot of showers behind this it is raining in cedar rapids probably will be for the next couple of hours but for the most part and the majority of our area those strong storms have moved off east for the time being but yeah so we we got um we got a little bit more uh just kind of south of monticello maybe where it's kind of still intense east of wyoming but that part is starting to move out before we before we let this go um we are going to i want to show you a video from nick stewart who was in benson county if we can go to our weather scandal but just along highway 30 in benson county you can see green bin like it looks like part of it just down wow i mean this farm has just got a lot of damage unfortunately um and you can just see the power of the bending that um silo i mean it's just it's intense yeah absolutely and so this was this is in benson county so he was in van horn um there's another green bin that's like right on the road where it's not supposed to be literally looks like tornado damage yeah but there wasn't it's it's straight line wind and just straight line winds just blowing things straight across you know the difference because it's blowing things straight across from the damage you'll see things kind of in a swirl but here you see things are just kind of tossed straight straight out these east winds going on i mean all this kind of tossed around along highway 30 there in benson county and that that's likely what it looks like in tema county we likely have a lot of these power lines down uh trees down large trees down uh corn down and there are going to be um very very intense just just i mean from these intense wins you're going to have this very very extensive damage i am seeing a lot of reports on social media that nearly almost everyone in linn county has lost power for a time being um i would guess yeah i mean lots of areas in the central portion of the state as well but it really did gain some strength as it moved into our area and people are probably going to be without power for the time being um yeah so um you know if you uh are watching us on facebook um we are we're going to wind down our coverage here shortly but um i i do want to try and get some information if people are um wondering about something i mean like at least with a lion we can maybe see like when they're looking at power coming back but it's going to be probably a while and this this was just such an intense widespread kind of swath here that we were dealing with of um of storms and it doesn't it's yeah i think the website it had i think just pulling them up too um so i mean yeah just like yeah lynn county is littered um and in like northeast cedar rapids i mean there's just tons of tons of these neighborhoods that are without power um so they're they're looking at like 3 p.m in northeast cedar rapids for restoration so an hour maybe but we know last time like the whole city was without power and we had um you know we had to write a little bit longer and it's important to note too that i mean we're still getting some of those wins i mean you can't you can't fix the power lines when it's pouring rain and you and you got the winds going and it's probably gonna take them a while it looks like around unity point hopefully i mean i know the hospital probably back up their um generator and there and such so i mean yeah it's like all of lynn county are dealing with this all of cedar rapids is dealing with this and um it doesn't want to show me all the what times but i'm guessing that it's going to be a couple of hours here that we're going to have to deal with these power outages uh and it if you are looking for more updates we are going to be you know updating you on facebook on twitter we'll be back at 5 00 pm hopefully the power is back up by then but we have a lot of still rain to get through here to the back on the back side the winds are dying down but the rain is and still some maybe 30 40 mile an hour winds are going to be going on so the intense part of this is starting to really back off here now so that is good news yeah and we actually our news director just came in that the marion police department is saying please stop the 9-1-1 calls for the storm damage okay they're aware of a lot of storm damage they're evaluating the situation but um do not call 9-1-1 for that reason obviously unless it's a life-threatening situation right i would imagine they want that cleared up to make sure if there are any injuries or there's anything serious that's going on any fires or anything electrical that's going on that's a big issue i would imagine that's the case like everywhere um that that's the case that you know if you uh just don't call the emergency line if you need to call the non-emergency line but i'm sure that all of the police departments around here they're all aware of the situation and they are they're going to be working on it here so we we do have um a lot of cleanup that we're going to have to get through across the area a big big area here and to show you some of that something is outside of our studio here broadcast park um oh she's inside here but she's going to talk about some of the damage that's gone on outside which we know is extensive symphony yeah that's right rebecca well i was just outside we had to come inside because we started seeing that lightning so it was too dangerous for us to be outside but things had settled down a bit but now i wanted to explain what was going on with this window we saw it just start to shake and it was booming and so that's why we ran and we went to the hallway but if i step out of the way you can see we've told you about all the damage around our station look at the tree that's a different tree that's down right there i'm told that if you go to the front of our station the whole tree line in front is down so we have trees down all around the building and we keep seeing the rain out there and i think things are slowing down a bit but we'll keep bringing you the latest we're going to try and get you a live hit of that other storm damage out in the front of the building but i'll send it back to you in the studio thanks symphony yeah i mean we we know there are very large trees here too and we've heard that like all of them are down um i'm hearing about a lot of damage in my neighborhood and marion i'm sure that when we both go home we are going to have to wait for the power to come back and this is going to be the case for a while for several hours here is we had just to recap a hundred mile an hour plus winds i believe 100 miles an hour in springville hiawatha reported around tama county they were saying they were sure it was 100 miles an hour winds i'm sure that we had a 100 mile an hour here in northeast cedar rapids it was it was quite intense so we had this this line of storms that just raced this is a three-hour loop and these storms erased from i-35 to the mississippi in that period of time so the combination of some very intense winds in the upper levels of the atmosphere and the storm motion of 60 70 miles an hour led to these winds of a hundred miles an hour being produced at the surface and now we have a lot of cleanup ahead of us here so we have um we obviously are gonna have to deal with power outages uh we're gonna have to deal with the trees being cleaned up and just another thing if you have not if you did not hear us earlier please don't call 9-1-1 to tell them about storm damage they want to leave that line open for life-threatening situations i'm gonna guess uh that was from marion pd they said that i'm gonna guess that's the case like in every pd and every town that's dealing with it right now uh and also another thing i wanna stress is just give it some time here and wait for things to get cleaned up before you start driving around and looking because it is going to be a lot of stuff in the way there's going to be a lot of um the trees and power lines that are down that may be dangerous that they're going to try and clean up so before we start looking around and stuff we want to let the emergency crews kind of take a take a look at everything so still some very intense thunderstorms heading to the east this is around dubuque bernard bellevue they had some wind damage up this way and now this is heading toward the mississippi and this warning does go until 2 15. i would imagine they're going to scale this back in cedar and jones counties it's starting to wind down some around wyoming there's still some kind of strong winds in the northeast there it's starting to back off it's definitely stronger around the wheatland area into clinton county and toward davenport and such so this is starting to to kind of to calm down in our area here and wind down if you were with us earlier meteorologist nick stewart is okay he was in the road warrior he did have the thunderstorm there basically raiden van horn likely was experiencing 90 mile an hour winds or greater he is doing okay he has been getting us video and showing us some reports of what's been going on there and now we have this activity moving out to the east and we are going to assess and bring you the latest on all the damage across the area and what has happened as this moves now out and we can get a look of how things are but i have you have you seen any more reports come across not really i mean like we're getting some win reports i guess it hasn't died down too much a win report of 77 miles per hour in rock island yeah but so that that part it's winding down inaudibly so that part toward the mississippi that that right ahead of it right there that's where we're going to see the intense part right so that's still going on for sure but back towards our area yeah not seeing any yeah anything what was the asbury in dubuque county and looked like there was a report there in dubuque trees down in viola roadblock um 70 foot tall tree top 70 foot tall tree toppled in asbury in dubuque county um that's pretty pretty strong there and that wasn't even really in the worst of it muscatine large trees down um you know the yeah this is all really starting to go to the east toward the mississippi where the where the intense parts are so um that that is good news at least but there's still like some very prolific lightning going on around dubuque and bernard heading now towards bellevue macoca welton clinton davenport and continuing now into illinois and continuing into wisconsin so unfortunately it is going to still persist down to our south and east but we're starting to see that calm down at least in our area for um cbs 2 and fox 28 now symphony is uh going to show us some more of the damage that's been going on just here in broadcast park northeastern wraps likely what a lot of people are uh probably seeing outside their windows symphony that's right rebecca you know you've been showing pictures and i've been trying to show what i could hear we're outside you can see the rain is coming down but there is a lot of damage out here i'm going to step out the way so you can see look our satellite is literally down there's a giant tree right next to the other side of lights it is pretty bad out here you know all the trees around this is exactly what you're seeing around the entire area if you can pan to the right quentin so over there all the trees our entire tree life has fallen down these are really really big trees and they have just completely split in half there's just a lot of damage out here and you know it's like this all around our building it's like it's all around the area and things have settled down you know all we're doing with now is that mild rain so it's really not bad but there is a ton of damage out here just covering the entire area we also have walk up here a little bit clinton can you show that the power lines are down so right there the power lines are down and um there's actually crews out working on the electricity right here right upside broadcast park and you know there's fruits all over the area because most of the people around the world and you know it is just pretty bad out here i'm sorry that you're having trouble hearing me we're working with a lot of different technical issues down here but this is all the damage that we're seeing out just in front of our station and there are so many trees down and even one of our satellites like i just showed you i'm going to send it back to you rebecca yeah i didn't think we were hearing noises and things hitting the roof shaking this room here so we are in an exterior room here in the studio and we have doors that go right out to our patio and then our satellite farm has driven past on collins and old marion road which you can't go on right now but um we do have um we we are right by the exterior and we were hearing things hitting the ceiling i don't think i've ever ever thought we would lose a satellite but we have a lot of big trees and a satellite down here at broadcast park and symphony if you could not hear her was saying we had power lines down there what looked like an alliance truck that was uh nearby that was uh trying to fix things up probably trying to clear out the road so we'll see if we can um actually drive around here we're not sure um and we do have just you know some some really intense thunderstorms that move through so the worst of it's really starting to get out and dubuque i'm not even sure how strong they're saying those winds were but maybe possibly up to 70 miles an hour our camera there has gone down so that's not live yeah that's i'm sorry yeah but yeah before so um you know we have a couple of reports around cedar rapids clinton's reporting 16 69 mile an hour winds um 75 knot wind gusts so that's probably close to what 80 something maybe close to 90. um and so they have i mean very strong winds still in the quad cities into the east cedar rapids heavy damage reported heavy housing equipment um i was just trying to see what dubuque's warning was for but they were saying i think 60 mile an hour wins maybe but it's back there so so i think things are starting to certainly um kind of calm down here in the eastern iowa area with the exception of right along the mississippi that's where the intense stuff still is and it's starting to kind of clear out of the davenport area and clinton and makoka and such but some very very intense winds had been ongoing and so um we we obviously have extensive damage that's been ongoing between areas basically south of highway 20 near north of i-80 we do have emily chavez who is out in iowa city and she had been sending us some videos and some pictures of what had been going on down that way and i think she's going to talk to us here shortly but she she has been um she was out there and uh saying that they had some strong wins as well it did not look as intense as cedar rapids so i'll be interested to see what exactly the damage looks like there but um we will go to emily now she was just sending things up there but emily tell us what you're seeing there out in iowa city yeah that's right back up well if you can take a look behind me you can kind of see all the debris that's going on as you can see all there's so much branches so many branches everything down in the ped mall earlier the wind was crazy the buses actually had to stop i we were in at the old memorial we were in the memorial mall and the lights were flickering the wi-fi cut out it was we heard sirens going on so right now people are starting to walk before people were very hesitant as you can see we're going to kind of show you all the damage around all the the debris falling now here's downtown iowa city i'm not sure if you can see but way down there there is actually a traffic light that is down a bunch of debris just all over now we've been in the memorial mall for about like two hours now and between them we could hear the wind inside of the mall we thought our lights were flickering our wi-fi was going in and out but now traffic is starting to pick up and before like i said i mentioned the buses were down everything it was it was kind of scary and i'm sure that you guys saw through the sky cam that it you just couldn't see outside so now it has lightened up we have heard a couple of thunderstorm thunder here and there and then lightning as well people are starting to walk out again traffic is starting to resume but there's just so much debris out there the wind is starting to pick up though as you can probably hear but we will be keeping you updated throughout and just all of the damage that's going so we'll keep you updated and make sure that you follow us on iowa's news now for all the updates live in iowa city emily chavez iowa's news now thank you emily and i and i don't know if she can still hear me but i heard and this is this is um from from a resource that uh the doors were blown off the main entrance of the uhc um so there it's possible that there was some damage to the hospital uh maybe emily can check that out and make sure that they're okay obviously a lot of glass at the front of the uhc so hopefully everything's okay there i mean the building the patient rooms aren't that close but uh it's possible that there are some issues there so hopefully i can get checked out and i am seeing some more from nick if we can go to our weather scan do here's a look at power lines down sheet metal wrapped around the lines near atkins inn in benton county i'm going to click to another one so you can stay here here is um trucks off the road lots of damage to barns and homes especially roofs in southern benton county so you can see the roof exposed here something that doesn't look like it belongs there and then a semi blown off the road i mean jackknifed and benson county you can see they're just totally pushed off of the road and into a power line and there's that but um there's uh this is from jillian um downtown in cedar rapids uh where i mean you can just you can see we were all dealing with this heavy rain and and the wind going on there so i mean i'm getting tons of reports from people of of this damage that has been that had been reported today and on center point road there was the radio station kxcl i guess had some damage there um so there's just a i mean there's a lot it is it is everywhere it's very extensive and nick is out still in benton county i think trying to get back with all the power lines down and such he's doing okay um cell service is probably kind of uh funky here and there um but it's uh you know we are all going to have to wait and just kind of wait for everything to get restored and come on back so um i'm hearing around my neighborhood um trees down in the streets trees uprooted very big trees i have a lot of big trees in my neighborhood my one neighbors trees very large apparently is down in the driveway in the street um they're shutting off one of my neighbors gas so that's obviously a big problem if we have gas leaks if we've had any damage and so that's a big problem i did have that report from a friend about uihc possibly having issues there i mean we have the the hospitals in downtown cedar rapids as well um a lion just emailed me saying they're hoping it's restored by 3 p.m that's great but i think it's probably going to take a while for everybody there are some people commenting on our facebook and it's not shocking given we thought the storms were a little bit weaker down in iowa city that there are areas that did maintain power down there so it does seem like the cedar rapids metro area kind of got the worst of it seems like lynn county just totally yes i know that was one of the counties that they were yeah you know stressing was having the most impact but for the most part for the time being a lot of us are without power it does seem like across the board yeah so um as we're you know just kind of gathering it's more information symphony is um symphony is going to join us in a second they're working on uh getting her ready outside so we're with the process here but she is going to talk to us more about uh some of the storm damage and an account of what's happened out there but we have so much that i'm still working through and i'm sure people that are just starting to get out and get pictures of things i had a friend one of our co-workers rachel roof patio and shed our um no longer standing or are damaged and um so you know she's saying they're okay they lost power though they're in southwest cedar rapids i believe um yeah so i'm trying to see if i'm sure i'm getting facebook messages kind of another update there as you would expect scaling back that severe thunderstorm watch that we did have an effect mainly for the western counties it seems like they're going to continue to scale it as the storm moves off more towards the mississippi and illinois yeah so so if you are wondering about that aspect of it thing of things here we are this is this is the thing for today and and this is this was a particularly dangerous situation watch that was um that was posted and now we're starting to get it scaled back and it will be exiting the area here shortly so symphony is outside right now and uh symphony tell us what's going on in northeast cedar rapids hi rebecca i just walked across the street to talk to our neighbors across from broadcast park and almost all of them have big trees in front of their house just like we do all around the station and i want you to see right here this one house their trees have fallen they told me they have three big trees over here and you can see limbs covering their area it just happened to miss their car luckily they parked in different spot for once we're gonna go and we're gonna talk to shelby and leah right now about their experience so this is shelby right here this is leah shelby start off with me tell me a little bit what you heard what you felt and what went down uh well in the beginning she was just kind of like yelling at me to get downstairs and i'm in iowa and so i'm like oh what's out the window are you sure and then all of a sudden it looked like you were on tv in florida you know and so i we heard the first big crash um on the roof and we're like oh no and we like screwed downstairs grabbed our kids a dog and cat i guess so um and then we were just downstairs and through all the windows we heard shatters and just clunk clunk clunk and we thought then we started hearing water come in our basement and it was freaky like nothing i've ever experienced before i was just shaking and how are you feeling well i was on the phone with my mom and then we like lost her in the middle of it so i was panicking a lot and just not knowing what was happening upstairs we just got our roof done last weekend so just trying to figure out like okay we have a wedding in two months and we just got our roof done and now how are we supposed to pay for all of this that we don't know what's happening upstairs and you told me that the power box is down yeah it got ripped out so we got a power box in the back and it just kind of the tree smashed it on the first clunk and so then water was just coming through our fuse box and flooding our basement floor and so i went back and it's like our whole um like eaves is what we call it our fascia is just completely bent down that tree is laying on our roof up there so and you said that part of your neighbor's roof is on your house as well right yeah yeah yep our neighbor molly she just got her roof done too and that's all over on our roof and all up in her yard over there so you said you're from here you and you've never experienced anything like this no i'm from iowa and so i always come out in the yard to see like is there a tornado is there not you know and i that's why i was looking out the window and then all of a sudden i was like oh okay we need to go downstairs would you imagine you know you heard it but did you imagine it was gonna be this bad when you walked outside no not at all no i thought there's just gonna be a couple trees but it clearly there's more than a couple trees you know so like we've been telling you all it is just pure devastation out here you've seen it we experienced it firsthand at broadcast park it is a bad situation there are trees down there's a lot of damage this is just going to be a big recovery for everybody all around the area and you know we saw it firsthand and just a really unfortunate situation but i'm going to send it back to you rebecca and thank you symphony i mean yeah you can just hear unfortunately what it was like for people here that we are you know if you didn't get into the most intense part of this thunderstorm and i had been mentioning it was like a hurricane and she said it was like you're on tv in florida seriously it's that kind of extensive you know damage and widespread strong prolonged winds and it just lasted so long in the cedar rapids area so luckily we do have things winding down severe thunderstorm watch is still out now i'm guessing this is going to get scaled back here but we are going to see some improvements here shortly i mean corey did what how what fell on the roof and antenna fell off the tower uh on our roof we heard i mean i heard things falling on the roof we have two air conditioners two air conditioners that are off one in the yard i saw the satellite what's that like all of our steerable satellite feeds are down all the satellite feeds are down so the road coming into the station is blocked so no one can come in and out just in case you're wondering anyone listening from home that needs to come into work nick said he's stuck on highway 30 in gridlock so nick stewart so um you know we got we are going to be experiencing a lot of this a lot of issues as we go through this afternoon the good news is it's 2pm uh if there's any if there's any good news most of the time right around maybe 4pm is when most of this stuff is starting and this is this was an early event and i'm going to just show you what i was seeing this morning because it has been quite interesting but i am at work in the early morning hours and there was a little area of thunderstorms if i can get out that far little area thunderstorms back here this is 6 a.m this is what originated right here this is what turned into what just came through came into sioux city you could see the shelf cloud started to intensify the lightning picked up here's 8 9 a.m and at this point we started to get an idea we have sunshine we have a lot of moisture and instability and the winds were just ripping in the upper levels of the atmosphere and that was true that translated to this intense bowing segment of thunderstorms that has quickly moved across the state in just a matter of hours and has left a lot of destruction in its path and you can just see that intense bowing line there and now that has started to wind down and move to the east so most of eastern iowa here we're doing pretty good uh now in terms of the weather currently in terms of the the pickup that has to happen that's going to take a while unfortunately hearing about a lot of damage and damage in crop damage and things that we don't want to hear about and we definitely don't want to see this time of year and we are going to be assessing that and we are going to have crews all across eastern iowa to give you that information um i think that we can go back to regular programming right now we are going to get some more updates on facebook and twitter if you have lost power and you're watching us on facebook live or you still have power and you're interested we'll be back at 5 pm hopefully everyone's power's backed by then or hopefully getting close we are going to provide updates on facebook and twitter and try and collect all of the damage reports and such and get some more information from everyone in the area and we have reporters already across the area i was going to check just one more thing which is our um our chime in and we had a tree down in anamosa someone sent us a pretty big tree so anamos is one of the spots that was kind of getting in on some of the pretty strong winds too um that's on our weather scandal if we want to go to that really quickly but otherwise we are going to just kind of collect some information about everything we obviously are just seeing the damage here we obviously can't leave broadcast park at the moment but symphony has uh just a look at what's been going on right outside the station uh symphony tell tell me what's going on right there all right i'm about 12 feet where i was just live talking to some other people with trees down and here is a huge roadblock on this tree i'm standing in the middle of it and just take a look at this this giant tree has fallen over it has literally busted the window of this car there's damage to the house not that much damage to the house but there is damage to that house and this is just a huge tree i'm literally just standing in the middle of it i'm standing by rubble in between it there's panels from the roof it is just an insane sight out here and unfortunately this is how the entire street in front of broadcast park looks like it's bad in front of our station it looks bad it's just like i've said it's devastating out here there's a lot of damage it's going to be a lot of cleanup it's going to take a lot of time and you know the people you just heard me talk to they were shocked they said they lived here their whole lives they've never heard anything like this i was in the station i was shocked i was scared you know it was loud things were rumbling the windows were shaking it's just a crazy situation to have winces high you know right outside of our station too so we felt it and we're just seeing all the devastation just right outside our doors it is just an awful sight out here rebecca and i'm gonna throw it back to you yeah i mean we were in here we were all in this building we were in this room where um we this isn't a shelter we we have a designated shelter in the building and we we did have to leave and i'm sure a lot of people were taking shelter once you realize how bad and intense it was for a long period of time and there's probably a lot of roads that look like that so venturing out is not going to be a good idea right now there may be people at home i'm at work i've been here since a long time 12 hours almost um and um the road's blocked but you know we're going to have to clean these things up the power lines the transformers that are blown it's going to take a while especially with these large trees that are down the city is going to get out and do what they can and we want to leave the emergency lines open for life-threatening emergencies so the police and the first responders can get out to those areas they know that there's storm damage they're working on it the energy companies are working on it and we're going to get things fixed up here but it's going to take a while we had a very very intense storm you do not hear about 100 mile an hour winds like this very often especially here with a straight line wind damage like we have seen so we are going to continue to gather some information about what's going on around the area we're going to get you some more reports some more pictures some more videos and we are going to be back at 5 00 p.m with more coverage on this of course and um we are going to talk about at least some calmer weather for tomorrow so we needed some rain we got some rain we got a little too much along with it with the thunderstorms um but i mean you likely went through a historic event in parts of eastern iowa here this is not something that you hear about every day with 100 mile an hour winds especially going through a metro area so we are going to collect all the storm damage we are going to do our best to get to get you everything that we know and let you know about clean up and likely having to pick up debris around the cedar rapids area and a lot of eastern iowa and we are going to continue to have updates on facebook and twitter on our instagram on our app so you can just search iowa's news now you'll find it all so we'll be back here on cbs 2 at 5 pm with the latest in news and weather and until then stay safe get weather warn alerts on all your devices stay ahead of the storm with iowa's news now weather first
Channel: TheNStew
Views: 172,206
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Id: FYbP_bZvUcg
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Length: 125min 4sec (7504 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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