8-10-2020 WQAD Quad Cities Midwest Derecho Coverage Part 2

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from the wood hall to kiwani area very very strong winds there and while it starts in kiwani it will continue for a while as well looking right now as we zoom in toward hanover and elizabeth right now look at the hail that is coming down pretty sizably right now we are continuing to see very very strong winds here into the metro area looking back here at the metro at the velocities as we see them right now still ranging and these are doppler indicated very close to the radar site too and when we're getting these numbers i mean very close to the radar it tells us that the damage is continuing in the metro area at 207. so while we are tracking these uh storms off toward kiwani and princeton and sterling rock falls we're continuing to get the damage here so as it starts for you areas to the east it's going to last for quite a long time and this is quite a significant storm system as it moves through the area normally these types of storms they just blow through and blow out but you can see here's the gust so the gust comes through and then you've got all this wind that is coming down from the back side of the storm so it's just dumping the air right down below it to fill the void of that upward momentum that we had earlier on and so that's why we're continuing to see problems and this is going to kind of take out probably a lot of power for many of us as we head through the next um i dare i say a day or so or even more than that i just uh notice here iowa city close to 16 thousand people without power customers without power in iowa city just iowa city alone uh on the quad cities iowa side uh about uh just over 1400 right now on the illinois side in the quad cities uh just about 167 customers without power but likely those numbers will be increasing we actually have been seeing those numbers slowly increase in some of those major towns and cities uh west uh west of us and slowly making our way eastward so even though the numbers may be small in the immediate quad cities i think that number is going to continue to climb even higher not just the winds that already pass down through but the continuous winds as eric just mentioned that are still going on i just looked outside not much rain is falling but there is still tremendous amount of wind gusts that we are getting uh from this storm as it continues to make its way around the viewing area i think that's what like a two uh one hour loop i would say that's a one-hour loss one hour loop alone you can see with our wind velocity uh how the uh the raindrops are moving toward which is in that blue and then moving away from the radar which is your red or in this case uh yellow and orange as that makes its way from west to east so what i would say is pretty impressive meteorology school the way i remembered this is the red moving away are the tail lights are the tails the greener the headlights and the red are the taillights so for those novice meteorologists out there when you see the red on the velocity those are the the taillights so that's the storm moving um away from us and you can see it's moving away from the radar site right now in geneseo to kiwani but all of this as you can see here i'm going to get the live right now all of this here as this is the this yellow and orange is strong wind that will continue for 70 mile per hour wind for a half hour or more okay so that's going to take down a lot of trees and power lines because these trees and power lines are going to be battered um with this type of wind for a half hour or more we're still seeing that here um at uh news 8 and we got the beginning of the storm about an hour ago so this is going to continue for us um as we look through the next i'm i'm hoping that this uh lets up and one of the reasons why is you can see here that the worst of the storm the that rising motion is working off to the east so who pulled the anawan right now there's less rising motion out here all right so we'll continue to monitor that and hopefully the wind will subside now i having said that look at this new severe thunderstorm warning now to get your bearings this right here is in northern missouri but when we animate this guys this is moving toward burlington and keokuk and mount pleasant and so to track this stuff uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to take our tracker all right and bring this to the north and the east so we may continue to see severe thunderstorms burlington to mount pleasant 3 3 30. right now on the clock it's 2 11. so we're going to have a little bit time to go but i think these cells down here to the south are probably going to remain to the south of the quad cities i would say so yeah and got a nice little vote to go with that as well so that's an indication let's go back to that just real quick yeah that's just an indication right there because if you put this into motion you can see a little spin that's taking place right here that's a indication that this could be a long lasting event now whether it remains severe as it makes its way into southeastern iowa that's going to be uh in question we'll see how the data that we have out of here as far as um you know the sustain the winds that are going with it but there's still good storm energy with it likely there's some pretty good shear to go with it as well as you can see feeding its way into that storm so likely that's going to continue eastward north and east and could very likely produce an extended portion of that warning we'll see how that turns out but those are the two main ingredients folks if you have you got to have both if you have only have one and not the other then your chance of seeing a lengthy period of severe weather is going to drop dramatically okay not the case that we have here we got all the ingredients here the only thing that we are not seeing is any type of surface-based shear all the way aloft to produce any type of significant tornado activity but given the winds that we're dealing even though they may be straight line it's enough to do damage and that's why uh we have all these warnings are going on it's amazing how it's now we've got warnings just west of the chicagoland area because of this uh line that it's moving around 70 miles an hour so so keep in mind even though um the uh the uh the strong winds you may be feeling in areas around galesburg and princeton you may be feeling those right now the wind field still goes all the way back across the river so as eric mentioned this could go on for maybe an extra hour with these wind gusts that could be topping at least over 60 miles an hour so that's going to be the big concern that we have here andrew i was just curious been pretty quiet over there i'm a little worried i know you've been getting your your collage together with some of the videos and photos that has been uh coming in from some of our viewers and we appreciate some of our viewers uh sending in some of that information always very helpful as far as what's been really taking place from the storms that made its way through the area and the potential they could be seeing for our viewers even farther east of those storms yeah it appears i'm keeping in contact with several of my friends that are in the sterling rock falls area as this is plowing through there now they're saying the wind is really picking up in rock falls starting to see some power outages in that part of town also looking through our facebook live chat too as we're there a lot of you telling us what's going on saying no power in northwest davenport kelowna also without power no power in bluegrass earlier where a friend was telling me things were really starting to escalate with some very strong winds there earlier also some other comments saying that the lightning has been prolific in some areas especially up in parts of joe davis county they've had several close strikes lynell says there near elizabeth also power still out in northwest davenport some new storm reports that are coming in a measured wind gust of 80 miles 85 miles an hour rather on the i-74 bridge apparently there's a weather station on the bridge project there and that has measured a wind gust of 85 miles an hour also seeing some significant tree damage just down from the station here i believe that is at the motel 6. i believe that's down there near south park mall saying that there's significant tree damage on that stretch there too so very strong winds continuing to barrel through here and it still amazes me how you can hear the wind howling and how many minutes ago was it that we just had this storm initially move through it's been at least what a good half hour or so that we've still been seeing these strong sustained wind speeds of probably 50 to 60 miles an hour higher jim martin's in northwest stavenport reports he's got lines down um in his yard eight limbs down one's on the deck he's heard thumps on the roof and so that's probably um similar to what a lot of folks are dealing with here right now as these storms move through damaging straight-line winds but it's not just a gust of wind it's a gust of wind and then it just keeps going listen yeah it just doesn't let up it's just it's been counting and pounding and pounding in the past hour here one thing that we can tell you right now um here at 15 minutes after the hour i want to go to live doppler radar you can bring this full screen what i'm going to do is take off the radar and tell you that while we still can you find out andrew do we have a high wind warning i mean it seems odd that the severe thunderstorm warning for the quad cities is over even though that the wind is howling outside that's kind of odd to me i was going to say to folks at home that we can give the all clear for the quad city metro area however i still believe that there's going to be some strong winds yeah and they have expired that warning as you can see by the map there and just looking for the communication the national weather service no new alert or anything issued but yeah you look at the velocity data which we're putting on your screen right now uh look at some of the wind gusts still to the west of the city so i'm gonna get in touch with them really quick and see if there's any plans here you know i don't i want to stop short at saying um that we can give the all clear consider that the wind is going to continue for a while this is going for stevenson and eastern joe davies county until 2 30. severe thunderstorm warning eastern clinton county through carolyn whiteside county until 2 45. heading down to henry and bureau county until three o'clock severe thunderstorm warning for you knox county until 2 30 and then down here to mcdonough county until 2 30 these thunderstorms have a history of producing near 100 mile mile-per-hour winds and they will continue to move toward the east so heads up for areas east of us heading to the i-39 corridor by about 2 30 this afternoon but we continue to see heavy rain and thunder and lightning and even another uh looks like this one may be weakening just a little bit working into northeastern missouri let's hope so because that has a b line for us we hope that we can it probably will the atmosphere's got to be worked over i think you would think so i mean but more importantly you're going to get some nice rain out of this as well which is going to be a bonus for a lot of people who would just love to see a good drenching in their uh backyards but mostly some of the farmers i had some reports from farmers uh this morning not they're not all excited about all the winds of course we have to be worried about some of the crops that are out there the corn crops but i know that they were looking for some nice rain and uh certainly i think you you uh you are going to get it at least compared to what we've been seeing in the past couple of weeks or so but i think you were just showing can we get the rainfall amounts or a potential what we estimates again this is in the past couple of hours you can see where we have the yellow and the orange these are estimates anytime you see that that's at least a good inch of rain that has been taking place around looks like route 30 and points northwards sounds like we've got sirens going off is there another are they are they updating that uh warning no warning that i can see now well unless that's the emergency manager watching news 8 where we say that the threat is not over yet and we still got the winds and we still have that potential here into the metro quad cities so we want you to be on guard we want you to be indoors away from windows we've got thousands of you that are watching on our social streams and at wqad.com right now in addition to our nonstop coverage which has been going on for more than an hour right now to repeat what's going on we have severe thunderstorms that are moving through the area we've been tracking these since this morning we had 100 mile-per-hour winds around marshalltown earlier on some 90 mile per hour winds even in our metro area as that continues to push to the east and a reminder here as severe weather moves through it can cause obviously damage and i'm going to go back to this because it's been a while since we talked about the potential for damage from 100 mile per hour winds it goes off the scale here when we talk about a 60 mile an hour wind is classified as severe where you can get trees uprooted and power lines down but then you talk about 70 to 80 where mobile homes could be overturned we have had reports of 90 to 100 so if a mobile home was in the right spot and took a wind gust from the side it could be overturned at 90 or 100 miles per hour windows are blown out sturdy structures are damaged at 80 and here we are at um in dealing with a hundred and so that's what we've got to pay close attention to especially for those areas that are out ahead of the storm into north central illinois and here's the beginning of it um keep in mind that what we do have is the air the wind it can begin before the rain when it moved into the quad cities about an hour ago we had kind of an old-fashioned dust storm move through the area so really impressive yeah dangerous winds coming through dixon now shortly harmon down to walnut into princeton right now damaging wind but what is really incredible and i don't remember seeing this before is you have strong wind that continues from princeton all the way uh-huh to kelowna yeah it's just constant i mean it's like a hurricane it is outside right now it really is um in kiwani and galva and cambridge and hupol and i have no idea what this means for power outages i have no idea what this means for um for trees and power lines being i mean the only reports that we've been getting eric simply has been uh it's up let's see it's updated a little bit here but on the iowa side in the media quad cities um 1 600 customers without power iowa city 16 000 people without power given the small size of that and then on the illinois side at least for now and i do believe that's going to change over 300 customers are without power that is going to change given the winds that have been coming from this storm widespread wind gusts around 60 70 even over 80 miles an hour so likely we are going to be dealing with some power outages not just for the day but this could be lasting for several days in some rural areas uh um because of the extent of the winds that have been taking place when democracy showing that coming down right still going down in areas from dixon iowa all the way up to clarence strongest of the winds just covering all of henry county that's just amazing and heading its way down to northern max county i don't remember ever seeing anything like that no because usually it's like you know a half a county size when we usually see these uh winds that take place but this is certainly a very widespread event even as far north as prophets down all the way down near looks like near bringfield that's just northwest of peoria so extremely rare that we are seeing these type of conditions taking place seeing these extreme winds that are going on throughout the illinois side here from i-80 to i-80 corridor all the way down to i-74 you just don't see that unless you're experiencing like a hurricane event like they do usually see in the gulf coast state so pretty impressive that we're seeing these numbers coming from this storm that it quickly advances its way off to the east there's still some activity on the backside this system but nothing that's producing any type of the winds that we have been dealing with uh what's going to be probably going to be talking about here going the evening hours as maybe some clusters so some showers and thunderstorms nothing severe but maybe some nice rainfall given that we're trying to rinse all this very warm and very humid air just so juicy and just rinsing that out so even though this storm is pretty has produced a good amount of rain we're still seeing the effects of still some leftover humidity from early around that's being rinsed out in portions of the hawkeye state as that continues to make his way off to the east one of the things that i want to do james is take it um and and i don't want to blow this out of proportion but um it's something that we do what to do after a tornado and we have this graphic built for a worst case scenario and i think we don't know right now what is going on in some home towns and if you're watching us on social media we want you to remain calm if you've got damage and it's significant in your neighborhood pace yourself listen carefully deal with the urgent situations first if your building is damaged you have to get out of the building sometimes i have come upon tornado damage and there are gas leaks you forget about that then the fire department shows up and says there's gas lines treat all power lines is live if you are working in any damaged areas wear long pants long sleeves sturdy shoes take photos of damage for insurance claims these are all very important things and also do what authorities tell you to do even though this is not a tornado event we have had so much damage around the area in many of your neighborhoods it may look like a tornado here for today rounding out severe thunderstorm warnings that continue i think the best thing to do in this situation is to turn off the radar and you really get kind of get a scope of where this is from southern wisconsin getting in toward the collar counties of chicago look at that 1.4 million in that severe thunderstorm warning for the 90 mile an hour winds and you can see for dekalb and even into princeton and kiwani back down to peoria 471 thousand people in that particular severe thunderstorm warning so we're not the only ones the thing that concerns me at this point is if you have so many people without power and this storm that continues to rock its way to the east we're going to it's going to take a long time before we get that power restored unfortunately let's go over to andrew who's been monitoring the national weather service and what you are saying to us with respect to social media so what have you got going on right now 25 minutes after two i've got a lot of people chiming in from kiwani saying some significant tree damage also power is out for much of town same story for burlington power out for much of burlington at this time also looking at some other reports coming in looks like power is out in east moline off of kennedy road i've been watching some more wind gusts reports come in too at this time that have been coming in from the national weather service including a wind gust of looks like where was it i just lost my place there it is eldridge so this was near eldridge multiple trees down with very strong winds also near oak grove this is in rock island county a wind gust of 60 miles an hour so we're still seeing those winds howl though it appears maybe just in the last few minutes it may start to be tampering down a little bit here yeah there's still some wind i just took a look outside there's still some wind taking place still some nice rain that's going on but the worst of the winds it appears just by outside here in moline is that the worst the winds are are over with but still windy nonetheless and that's going to continue on at least for a little bit longer for the immediate quad cities but keep that in mind the strongest of the winds mainly on the illinois side as you can see right just west of right now around the rockford area and then trending its way all the way down into macomb that's where the strongest winds are going on this is an area where you're getting about at least 60 mile an hour winds some gusts maybe even higher maybe around 90 miles an hour as that swiftly makes its way off to the east and that's outside of our coverage area but right around lake i believe right yeah right over the beloit area but you know it could be worse i suppose and we're not dealing with that however in some neighborhoods it may look like a tornado has come through we have seen no evidence of any rotation in our coverage area here for late this morning and early this afternoon as the storms continue to move to the east one of the things even though we've got wind we look at the lightning data to determine where we have storms that are strengthening or where they are weakening and you can see that the worst of the lightning now continues to push to the east so that we may start to see things calm down just a little bit heading into the next hopefully hour or so and then we can see where we go from here on you know on picking up the pieces that sort of thing outside right now moline you can certainly see um it appears that there's a lot of wind that's still cheating by the camera just had a report over in the clinton municipal airport of a wind gust of 74 miles an hour that just came in about a couple of minutes ago yeah and that's still happening across the metro area here we go to the davenport eagle eye this camera may uh kind of blip on us from time to time because we use a microwave signal between the station and davenport and it's it's held so that's really good you can see here 87 i think that's an old report to be honest with you guys it could be i would say i don't think it's still 87 degrees in davenport how about we go to the moline eagle eye i know i think the temperature certainly has fallen from 87. someone's saying it's 87 somewhere it's 67 at the quad city airport you see the most recent report a sustained wind of 56 miles per hour you don't see that very often that's the current condition not a sustained at 56. that is for certain severe thunderstorm watch continues for our area until seven o'clock more than likely this is going to be kind of peeled back as the storms weaken just a little bit going through the next couple of hours and i would say we probably had about a good quarter half an inch of rainfall maybe slightly higher around places like around highway 20. i've had over an inch of rainfall and it continues to rain amazing with some of the history we've been getting from this storm starting early in the morning well before sunrise just west of the hawkeye state and then quickly advancing his way eastward all the icons that you see here not only reporting some hail that's just very few but we're getting wind damage reports we're getting some wind gusts reports here's a great example right around mariana about a 55 mile an hour wind gusts over the galesburg airport just over 50 miles an hour and at the regional airport over in burlington around 60 miles an hour so these are reporting all the wind gusts that have been going on courtesy of these little icons that's a wind gust icon that we have here others that we have are like a wind damage icon that we see we've got several of them right around the immediate quad cities eric let's go ahead and pop a couple of those up and we can get an idea exactly what kind of reports that we've been getting these are either coming from chasers or some viewers themselves that are reporting some of the wind gusts nothing in detail that we're getting from this but wind damage reported around coal valley that's just south and east of the quad cities and even around davenport and bettendorf reporting some of the wind damage as well likely from tree limbs that are down power outages maybe some of these tree limbs even blocking some of the roadways in and around town so that's probably what we're getting with some of these reports but impressive wind gusts that we have been seeing with these gusts over 60 miles an hour some areas even higher than that and that has been certainly the history of this storm making its way now on the illinois side so we're going to likely see more of these little icons begin to pop up indicating some of the wind damage as well as some of the wind reports uh that has been six hours of the loop that is pretty impressive i don't know you can actually do a loop on when it comes to those steel reports uh in addition to that we can put the radar on as the reports were coming in and you can see uh we don't have too many reports on the uh illinois side right now you can see how they kind of go away there's a reason for that is the national weather service has kind of lost a little bit of their incoming communication they can still forecast the storms they have the ability to put out the statements and the warnings and talk with us and we can talk with them but they're not able to get the reports in so that's why you're seeing how once it gets to the mississippi river we're not getting as many on the illinois side i don't want you to think that the storm is weakened because it has moved away it is still quite strong in that area right now so once again severe thunderstorm warnings lots of them east of the metro area and east of the river right now but we do know for those of you around kiwani and galva and galesburg it is really windy outside right now we want you to be indoors away from windows until those storms pass that's your best bet nobody should be out on the roads we've had semis that have overturned in many spots here with these types of storms and so that's what we're dealing with right now looking right now a grand detour down toward dixon hit hard right now with very heavy rain and also some wind also we're seeing that down toward princeton let's go down to street level right now into princeton and you can see how heavily it is raining now and moving in from the west so i-80 really hard to travel on right now especially considering that we do have the potential for overturned trucks nobody should be out on i-80 why not hit pretty hard right now and the strong winds now working in toward the lasalle peru area but back here toward the quad cities it's getting a little bit better and with respect to the the warnings that we have those continue off to the east of us right now once again we'll continue to keep you monitored on all this severe weather that is taking place across our viewing area once the threat is all said and done that we will truly go back to programming if we do have the power to go back to programming but that's going to be our role folks because we still are dealing with this line even though it may be quieting down around the immediate quad cities our viewers are still wants information update information as to the severity of this line as it continues to make his way off to the east we know we're packing winds over 60 70 even 80 miles an hour as it continues to make his way eastward we know we're getting a lot of reports of power outages tree limbs that are down as well very much almost a very common situation that we had back in what 1998 when we had that derecho that made his way in the early morning hours around the immediate quad cities kind of the same feature that we are kind of dealing with here with those same wind gusts wasn't so much rain or any tornadoes that were reported it was of just intense straight line winds that made its way across the area producing numerous power outages numerous trees that were down old trees some that were close to 100 years old that made its way through the immediate quad cities so almost a similar pattern and this is usually a time of the year that we are dealing with these storms that produce strong wind gusts not so much as far as tornadoes or even large hail so that's kind of what we're dealing with with this system as it continues to make its way off to the east you can still see some activity popping up in areas around southeastern iowa nothing severe but we are getting some very beneficial rain from all this activity as it makes its way in our neck of the woods and likely we'll continue that chance of wet weather as we go at least until the early evening hours until we dry out because once all this blows on by then we're back to some seasonal temperatures for tuesday and wednesday before we kind of warm up those numbers later on in the week and with the chance for some more showers and thunderstorms that will very likely be taking place as we have the upcoming weekend likely as we get to sometime on saturday it's far off of course we take a look at trends and things like that to see how that's all going to shape up but right now that looks like will be our next wave of wet weather heading the upcoming weekend this is a six hour loop showing the storms as they developed just around the iowa south dakota nebraska border and you can see how that particular part of the storm is the one that we've been watching ever since good morning quad cities holding its own had the right ingredients to work with that sustain it for a long period of time and we'll continue to do so it will make its way right through the chicagoland area in the next hour or so and we'll continue that eastward movement going into tonight for portions of northern indiana and even around the lower peninsula of michigan here's the future radar indicating about three hours in advance and it did a very good job as far as handling all this and it will continue to make his way off to the ease like we said with some of the heavy rain that has been going on andrew is just raising his hand proudly because we've got some more information from andrew what do you got for us andrew yeah we've got some new pictures and even some new video coming in from some of our photographers and reporters that are out in the field at this time i want to take you to max one if we can and i'll show you some of those pictures we've got an overturned semi this is at the u.s 61 and i-80 interchange looks like it's blocking some traffic there courtesy of one of our news eight photographers some strong winds some more uh video coming in this is from our own denise nitka at her location here look at some of the uh the tree damage that she's experienced in her yard i think i think her husband turner's gonna some got some work to do i think so too breaking and working on those trees oh my abram's little truck oh no no oh my goodness see the wind whipping up pretty good there as the storm was rolling through so thank you denise for sharing that uh damage with us there very powerful winds uh moving through and then just kind of recap earlier what we saw as the storm was moving through downtown davenport uh the the dust bloom or the mini haboob you could say almost a million that was moving through as those strong winds were pushing through first time i've ever seen that at least here in the quad cities anyway i made jim mertens proud because he loves that word yeah he doesn't address that later today on the newscast i bet one of the things that we have not seen too much in the way of is hail that's good news however with such a warm atmosphere we have seen very strong wind that continues across parts of the area we looked earlier we had some 100 mile-per-hour winds knocking down trees power lines taking some roofs off of homes and even in central iowa blowing down some grain silos 80 miles per hour is kind of the top end of our scale if you look very closely you can see it goes no damage little damage some considerable significant and extreme we have had 80 mile per hour winds reported across the metro area so that will give us extreme damage so if you're looking out your window right now and you're saying that doesn't look bad where i am consider yourself lucky because many spots have seen the very strong winds and the damaging winds through much of the morning and into the early afternoon hours what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back show you the six hour loop because one thing that i want to do is uh you can see here and and i may draw on the map a little bit so um forgive me for some some crude artistic work but this activity here this straight-line wind damage is heading towards chicago this activity that you see here through parts of missouri as it's developing is going to weaken and it probably will favor areas around quincy we're going to probably see this turn a little bit and then this cell to the south of the kansas city area has no way of getting here because of the cool air the downdraft winds so this is kind of what we're going to see over the next couple of hours now there still are some question marks as to what's going to happen with this batch as it's moving out of northeastern missouri so it may keep its act together so we'll watch macomb keokuk i think you probably have a better shot at getting this storm to move into your area so i'm going to track it one more time here for you so this storm right in here let me grab the pallet on this and the properties as this is moving to the northeast at 45 miles per hour so this if it holds together could be toward the keokuk area in about an hour la harp and macomb perhaps in an hour and a half or so so we'll be watching that sell because that's a significant sell and i believe that has a warning with it yeah so there's severe thunderstorm warnings down there as well so we'll continue to monitor that as it moves to the northeast yeah it looks like it is trying to steer a bit more to the east as you just mentioned that uh now the question will be i mean give we show the lightning with this too i'm not really sure but usually when you see a a cluster of nightingale that's where the the strongest of the storm is located so uh i'm not surprised that we're seeing a few warnings popping up ahead of that and that could very likely expand even farther eastward but the big question certainly as eric just mentioned is the level of stability that is still going out because that cell that's right now between cat and kia that could kind of take away some of the energy with this advancing storm that's coming in from the south and west i mean the storm energy is there but you have to look at the entire structure to see if that will hold its own and allow those a warning to expand maybe as far north as around the keokuk probably just south of the burlington area but we're showing that sign of it moving a bit more east than more north so areas from macomb quincy that's why we're thinking that storm will because the that particular storm will pie in fact those impact those towns and not so much farther north as you go but boy i'll tell you the radar has been lighting up but not just with the rain but with the wind that has been going on we can still notice or hear some of that wind just outside our station but nothing as intense as what it was about maybe a good solid hour ago when we had those wind gusts over 70 80 close to 90 miles an hour in the media quad cities so this is where really the strongest winds are located but still some substantial wind going on even near the river itself or still getting those wind gusts maybe around 60 miles an hour thunderstorm warnings as you can see still out but you know we don't have to go bit by bit as far as telling you the warnings we just know that this whole line itself is producing those uh dangerous winds that are going on and that's why we want to just project to you some of the winds that has been taking place and these are pretty accurate especially the closer to the radar site as you go these are pretty consistent farther east is go the radar beam coming getting a little bit more into the cloud itself so these may be a maybe just a bit overdone but not too much i mean all it takes is 60 mile an hour winds to produce some type of damage whether it may be structurally or when it comes to certainly when it comes to tree limbs and such so that's why we are keeping an eye on this and we'll continue to give you that coverage until the threat is all said and done i really like this this map that you put together there's a 3d as far as the lightning strikes that are going on you can see how they're really condensed right around areas from lasalle peru all the way down in peoria and then kind of tailing its way back into northeastern missouri behind that you know we've been talking about some of the activity that's still going on just south and east of the des moines area around fairfield we're not seeing much as far as any it is any lightning uh just some rain that are tick that is taking place which is certainly beneficial certainly that we would like to see a little bit more of given how dry has been of late so you can see how things are pretty quieting down as far as any lightning around the cedar rapids and waterloo area and we'll continue to see that chance at least going in the early evening hours before we begin to dry things out after that eric yeah so these storms could hold together and head into burlington but we will just have to wait and see on that and track them back toward our metro view right now and showing you what's going on here with respect to the storms the worst of the storms continue to push to the east now as they'll head in towards chicago if you're expecting anybody in from the airports there there are ground stops that are likely going to be in effect there as the strong winds continue but for us the winds continue to weaken just a little bit looking at what's ahead all right so what's blowing toward us right now we're not seeing quite as strong wind keep in mind that this is still aloft it is still very breezy outside we're likely going to have some 40 and 50 mile per hour winds uh here in the quad cities now one thing i do want to caution you about as the rain may be coming to an end you may be thinking to yourself all right we need to go out and we need to assess the damage it's not something that is wise to do especially when you still have 40 50 mile per hour winds because you can still have problems with respect to trees and power lines that are still going to come down maybe they were loosened as the strong winds came and then now you're going to put yourself in harm's way so we want you to be very careful for friends out toward rockford a new tornado warning there as the strongest of the cells now move to the east of us at quarter to three here in the afternoon on a monday so right now what we're looking at is what's going to happen out of this cell to the south and east of our south and west of us right now as that moves to the north and the east burlington we may continue with a heads up for you also one thing of note is this area is going to be prone to flash flooding as we head through the next couple of hours because you're not going to get one storm in burlington macomb you've got this next batch that's still yet to move in so flash flooding could be a problem in that area that i've highlighted whereas back here close to home we're going to see it drop off just a little bit here into the metro area and once again when we look at take the radar off you can see that the worst of the weather is now off to the east of us however kiwani princeton spring valley still in a severe thunderstorm warning until three o'clock this afternoon latest from mid-american energy over 1800 customers without power on the illinois side the immediate quad cities as well as 1800 customers on the iowa side of the media quad cities now over 16 000 customers in iowa city without power given all the winds that we had earlier on the the winds that were gusting over 60 70 even 80 miles an hour so we have been seeing that numbers slowly begin to rise especially on the illinois side and very likely will continue to see that as well from our davenport eagle eye on top of the cobbling and downtown davenport uh nice shot a much quieter calmer scene that we have been noticing still some rain uh taking place as you can see in the distance mainly in rock island county but other than that as eric just mentioned the worst of it here in the media quad cities is all said and done still maybe some pretty good wind gusts around 30 40 miles an hour will continue on for a little bit longer but as far as the severe wind gusts that is all said and done uh in the quad cities of course we got a lot of power outages that are out tree limbs that are down as well and we're likely going to be hearing more reports of that as we go into our newscast coming up at five six as well as over at 6 30. yes andrew got some more uh damage photos to share with you guys people are now seeing you andrew guys go for it i'm like the teacher's pet over here that's answering every question you are the farthest across the studio that's right well that's it that's one way of improving our social distancing that's right that's true i'm going to get a bell next time i'll just have a little bit of problem but here's the here's what we've got going on picture wise now earlier i showed you that picture of the overturned semi here's a better vantage point and this is from our own cory kuffler that's on us 61. you can see the wind has pushed that semi off the road and flipped it onto its side more damage also sent in by cory this is on i-74 near 7th avenue you can see the road sign there a little twisted and mangled on the side of the roadway but the next one is probably the most impressive one i've seen in terms of damage and this is why we have been taking this storm so seriously this was back in marshalltown which of course is west of us but this is where the winds were clocked at about 106 miles an hour i believe at one point ripping the roof off of this structure here so very very strong powerful winds especially when you're looking at a brick structure like that to be able to just tear the roof right off that's some impressive stuff one of the things that we do is meteorologists when we go back and and and size up the storm and look at the damage as we look at how well-built that structure was and when you look at that building right there in marshalltown you say that's a pretty well-built structure you know it's not an outbuilding that was built a century ago so when we see that type of damage i mean you know that there's more ground truth to that 100 mile per hour wind as it moves to the east don't forget you can send your photos your videos right to the app the app is a great way to do this all you've got to do is just open up the app you scroll down and then right here it says good afternoon to you as well it's it's a it's a very polite polite you know and uh and and so right here it says share share your selfies right now uh but you don't have to take a selfie you can um but share your videos and your photos if it is safe to do so as we head through the next few hours and don't forget to help out your neighbors and check them out too we live in a great place that has great people and and so especially if you're without power make sure you're checking on your your neighbors and maybe planning a neighborhood cookout as we have to take care of the the meat that's in the freezer i'm thinking man oh man did i just go to costco or what james well very true it's always important that to help your neighbors out in these situations uh especially if there is any type of um you know tree limbs that may be down and they don't have let's say a chainsaw or a rake um just not strong enough to do that that's always a a good thing did that in the last storm actually uh that we had in the quad cities uh not just about a month ago or so but uh once again these storms are pretty dangerous as they continue to make their way eastward um the line of storms themselves where the strongest of the winds are just getting ready to make his way out of our viewing area still the extent of those winds make the way as far west as i would say around geneseo maybe around the clinton area where just about i believe it was about 20 minutes ago we had a wind gust over 70 miles an hour and that was after the line itself moved on by so we're probably still dealing with some rain we're still getting some nice rainfall strongness of the wind so far reported from the storm if you're not just include the immediate quad cities but even farther west in the hawkeye state you have to go to marshall county a small town named legrand had a wind gust of 106 miles an hour so a pretty strong wind gusts indeed that very likely just took away all the power in that town and could very likely have done even more than that so that's kind of what we've been dealing with with this storm as it makes its way from west to east fortunately folks this is usually a situation that only happens once maybe twice a year that you get a situation like this with the winds it's even more rare that you're dealing with an area so widespread when it comes to these winds okay usually you're only dealing with maybe a couple of county wide as far as seeing the strongest of these winds but you can see it covered from this loop alone it covered just about all of our home towns with the strongest of the winds really located uh that have been reported has been like right around the i-80 corridor in kind of a county or so north and south of that corridor so that's where the strongest of the winds have been taking place so uh make sure that um you know the worst of it is over with that you are checking that app out to see where the strongest of the winds are now and you know we are going to definitely have a gallery too when it comes to all these photos all these videos and i'll eventually be putting it on our newscast tonight likely uh but more importantly do even our facebook page and we appreciate everyone has been uh giving their reports in giving us a detailed look at what actually took place in their hometown got a couple more storm reports for you as we see them right now 51 minutes after the hour one mile south southwest of moline near the let's see this is near south park mall numerous tree limbs down west burlington and des moines county tree limbs across the road and this occurring at 1 30 p.m mediapolis numerous tree branches down all over town reports the trained spotter the emergency manager in danville which is des moines county just west of burlington says six inch diameter tree limbs are down and then also we've got one coming in from clinton five miles north of clinton significant roof damage at radio station kmcn radio roofing and insulation material was blown into an adjacent field again that's five miles north of clinton at kmcn radio in clinton county so we're continuing to kind of look at those reports as they come in as you're looking at live storm track 8 doppler radar here as we continue to follow these storms which have had a history of producing damaging straight-line winds the good news is now when we look at the amount of cape this is the potential energy that's coming down considerably and you can see that the storm threat at least the severe threat is expected to go down over the course of the next couple of hours so we still have some rain we still have heavy rain we have lightning we have a lot of power outages and we have a lot of you who are watching right now on your social media devices because we want to make sure that we can communicate with you and you communicate with us and that's an important thing as well here at storm track eight i'm going to go over to andrew what you're working on right now still got some damage photos rolling in these are coming from the news 8 app now and i'll show you a couple of these that i've just arranged here coming in from geneseo several large tree limbs down and judging by my remote monitoring system it looks like my house is without power right now so hopefully cooper can find one of his toys to keep himself occupied uh instead of watching the television which is usually on for him while i'm gone maybe i'll chew on this cow i hope everything's still intact by the time i get home here in a bit but yeah it looks like some strong winds have certainly moved through geneseo really look at that that's that mother sh that we talked about yeah it's the mothership cloud that's jennifer davis from manliest as the storm was approaching there a lot of turbulence in the atmosphere today and that's what gives those clouds that mothership like appearance as the storm was rolling through so continue sending those photos in the news 8 app is honestly the easiest way to do it it integrates right with our website so we can get it from one place to where it needs to go very quickly make sure you get those photos into us if you can do so safely yeah i've just gotten uh several emails and and that's you know can i say that email is so 2012. you know so go to the app make sure you get the news 8 app it replaces the storm track 8 app and we just love it here at 2 54. james we're tracking this next round of storms moving into northeastern missouri heads up on that one yeah i would say that's one to be concerned about in fact let's go and check out the warnings that are going on with that storm as it continues to make his way off to the northeast there's quincy there's kia kuck and these are the storms that we're keeping an eye on there have been some warnings with this nothing has extended even farther north and east so that is some fairly good news maybe a sign that some of the cluster or storms ahead of it is maybe taking some of the the oomph out of this storm so we'll see how that turns out but we all we know for sure uh that this is going to produce some pretty good rainfall as that continues to make its way off to the north and east so if you're watching us in mount pleasant which is now all dry even around burlington that may change a little bit but i don't think you're going to argue about that you said you want the rain you're going to get some more rain which is going to be awfully nice still some lightning going on with this storm as that continues to make his way off to the northeast it's about looks like maybe about 40 to close to 60 miles away from mount pleasant to burlington you can see the times that eric put down as far as its arrival the ch if the speed of this storm doesn't change all too much but in the next i would say uh looks like 45 minutes to an hour is when that storm will be making its appearance in your neck of the woods but yeah it's still getting some severe weather and likely that severe weather is coming from some wind gusts maybe over 60 miles an hour not so much as far as 80 hail not so much as far as any twisting of the wind it's a straight line wind that can still do some damage and that's why they have those warnings out for areas around northeast missouri we're hoping that those warnings aren't going to expand even farther to north and east once again our wind velocity showing the winds moving away from the radar site the rain droplets moving away from the radar site and we're still getting some pretty good wind gusts still from around kiwani near wood hall even around just west of princeton getting some wind estimates of over 70 miles an hour and then those wind estimate winds kind of ease up even farther west as you make your way off across the river into iowa itself of course we've been getting plenty of warnings on tornado warning out around the rockford area but this is really the last of the warnings that are going on in our viewing area this severe thunderstorm warning at least for what three more minutes or so yeah so that is some good news hopefully that will be uh the picture and as we do we'll probably be able to even go back to regular programming on that but uh we want to keep you abreast of all the activity that has been going on since the storm started in the early morning hours already we're getting even some more reports of wind damage and uh even some of the wind speeds that have been going on with some of the icons that we've been reporting here wind damage from elmira the two lawn to wyoming that's all in stark county likely had wind gusts of over 60 miles an hour you can see around the immediate quad cities certainly get some more of those icons popping up that's reporting wind damage these icons are reporting when speeds wind gusts you can see from parkview all the way down to the davenport municipal airport had wind gusts of 70 to 75 miles an hour around bennett iowa and wind gusts of over 70 miles an hour and then you get these little icons reporting wind damage that we had even around a coal valley so likely in those particular areas we've got some trees that are down or and or even power outages that are taking place we've had about i think 1800 customers on the immediate quad cities on the illinois side without power even on the iowa side in the media quad cities even had a report of 16 000 of you uh excuse me uh customers in iowa city uh without power so uh pretty impressive uh from this storm that has made his way across our viewing area now what the model does it's amazing how accurate and consistent the model is because you showed this on good morning quad cities and it showed it very nicely showing that line coming on through you know we were a little we're kind of questioning as far as the stability off because we had a little bit of some warm air aloft but that really weakened considerably going in the early morning hours and that's why everything was on target as far as seeing some pretty active weather going into the afternoon hours around here but you can see how things quiet down and things will be a lot more seasonal as we'll be dropping those temperatures around the mid 60s as we head overnight and then seeing those daytime highs climb around the mid 80s for both tuesday and going into wednesday still thinks it's easy reports old reports old reports yeah the last report was just before two o'clock and we haven't heard a peep from it i think we had temperatures climb as high as 90 i think heat index values were close to a hundred so we rinsed all that out so any showers and storms that we have going on the illinois side or at least along and east of the river i should say um are going to be ending early this evening then quieter skies after that temperatures will be in the mid 60s overnight and then more mid 80s that we expect to see going to tuesday and wednesday but as we make our way to the upcoming weekend we start bringing back those warmer temperatures we start seeing those dew point temperatures get over 70 degrees so the humidity will be back and then combine that when approaching front and you've got that possibility of seeing some showers and thunderstorms across the area we'll see hopefully those won't be severe but we'll definitely be keeping eye on that as far as the timing and the tracking and once again as we've been addressing here on news 8 you can always check everything out on our news 8 app you have the severe weather alerts you have breaking news alerts and even some of the videos and photos that are coming in from you folks you'll be able to see it on our app as well and what's even nicer too is you can give and get a future radar of how this is going to take place in the next couple of hours and that has been extremely helpful for people viewers who have seen this storm making its way into eastern iowa and eventually going to making his way into northwestern illinois and that certainly played a big role in that eric all right that'll do it for us here it is three o'clock i'm going to bed well i'm going to sanitize all of this area first but as always for the three of us morgan working behind the scenes as well thank you for trusting us with your weather coverage here at three o'clock all right these guys continue to work we're gonna have the best coverage of the aftermath of these storms coming up on news eight at five this is a storm tracking severe weather update you
Channel: StormSpotterMike
Views: 2,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Derecho
Id: 5GAbbOlSuV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 43sec (3523 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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