Dayton, OH Destructive EF-4 Memorial Day Tornado [2019] (Includes Recap via Dayton 24/7 Now)

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destruction not seen here in decades chaos everywhere our job to alert you that's a tornado and to help bring relief to our neighbors we were ABC 22 and Fox 45 News the dark and the Preble warnings are until 10:15 so those will clearly get extended as well until 10:45 or perhaps later and I understand that we now have Rachel Aragon on the phone Rachel can you hear me I can hear you damn that's right okay where are you located first of all sure right now we're on 70 East and 49th South in play and we've seen a little bit of rain but mostly lightning okay I don't know if you guys can see what we can see right now but lightning has been bringing on stop about 15 to 20 seconds apart okay so she's in Clayton so she's right here around the eastern edge of the storm and Rachel you are in a safe place right now right now begin the car is not okay well your your your fee would be fine in the car right now because they're ways away from from wherever the tornado could be and this is what she's seeing right now with the Lightning off in the distance some light rain as she mentioned she's on the southeastern edge of this storm still in a safe place we're gonna make sure we keep you safe but it's also valuable to see our way here in the Dayton metro area as there's a lot I mean the radar wasn't showing that much lightly to know that I'm seeing this live shot I'm really there's a lot more lightning than the radar is showing us right now a lot of cloud to ground now I should say the Lightning display on the radar is just cloud to ground strokes so we may be looking at some in cloud lightning here that does not get displayed on the radar the reason we only display the cloud to ground strokes on the radar is because if we showed you all the Lightning it would just be crazy you wouldn't be able to see the radar underneath it and of course cloud to ground strikes are the only ones that we have a danger of being on the ground as human beings and our property being on the ground as well so that's why we only show those but yeah there's a lot of lightning winds look like they're still pretty calm right there winds not so bad a little bit of thunder but mostly lightning and some light rain okay okay all right well we'll check back with you certainly as we head through this coverage which I'm sure is going to be lasting a while longer here with the way that these storms are looking both north and south and we are seeing still the threat for some some damaging winds at least if not a potential tornado spin up at some point in time with this storm here in Wayne County let's check the hail again with this weakening it is weakening the hail threat is weakening the initial hail core which was showing potential one and a half inch to two inch hail is this one which is weakened this is where we have the greatest hail threat because this southwestern part of the storm is taking over this one is dying out the reason that this happens is is the rainfall eventually on the southwestern side of the initial storm cools the air and as that happens we then have a cooler inflow to the storm and that starts to weaken the storm a bit so the again there's still some heavy rain there's going to be some gusty winds with this northeastern cell right here but this is the ones taking over and now look at this right here boom the Lightning is increasing we've got what could be a new circulation on the tail end of this storm developing right here so there's the inflow there's the rain wrapping around right here so this is the new tornado threat right here northwest side of Richmond that's the tornado threat all this lightning indicating a strong updraft right in this area here this is going to end up being the new hail core right here so this storm has weekend's and in the exact same place that this storm was this new part of the storm is strengthening and it's going to start the head right along the prevalent dark county line and the tornadic threats probably going to be at or just south of the Preble and dark county line so the new warning is probably going to end up being something like this I would say and they may extend it east where they have until I say they the National Weather Service again they've got another ten minutes here's the eastern edge of that warning right here so once we get to 10:15 they'll reconfigure all this with a new warning I do believe and that'll be our next starting point and we'll move on from that all right let's go back up to Mercer County where we also have a tornado warning don't forget about you folks and the area where there could be rotation to this particular storm is actually getting close to Salina now so if you're in the Salina area you need to be in your safe spot right now this is probably the area here could be up here as all this rain it's hard to pinpoint and we don't have a real good view of these storms velocity wise with the radars because as I mentioned earlier we're looking up high in these storms so if this is a situation where I would say play it safe better safe than sorry get to your safe spots right here st. Mary's you're gonna need to head to your safe spot pretty soon here as well and the reason I believe that probably The Weather Service is figuring this is the part of the storm of most interest is because it's right in the center of where this warning is that's the northern edge that's the southern edge they want to make this warning kind of equidistant on either side of where that is in Salina and that's headed for you in st. Marys as well Wapakoneta eventually you may get into this as well with this northern cell now there's the one in between it looked like it was strengthening oh we have a news no we don't no no no no new warning for that this one this one here from south east of Portland back down through Albany strong but not severe storm at the moment we've got a strong but not severe storm here because there is a severe thunderstorm warning right here and they have not extended it eastward into dark County so our National Weather Service office this is an area where the responsibilities change from the Indianapolis office to the Wilmington office our office when the storms passed the state line so they've issued no new our offices issued no new warning for this one so they're suggesting that it's a strong but not severe storm with just some gusty winds most likely headed for you on the north side of Greenville and then our storms to the southwest here which are continuing to move eastward into really the worst of it's about to cross over into dark and Preble County as we speak and then the Dayton area is still rain free for the moment and then some heavier rain here on the south side of Greenville I want to readjust my radar here for a second as we are as we cool off at night we start to get some ground clutter so I want to clear a little bit of that out and that's not going to be it's not going to take away from what we are seeing there we go that's pretty good with the stronger storms all right I'm going to toss it over to you Adam and Megan because I am in dire need of some water right now and you deserve it if you're just joining us tonight meteorologist Jeremy Simpson has been on the air for the last hour updating people in our northern counties regarding tornado warnings that have been popping up again and again over the past hour I believe we've had three so far and Counting and this could could get worse as it continues so that is why we are live here on the air tonight I know some of you were watching some shows tonight we interrupted program that you do that we do that for a very specific reason is because the viewers in these markets matter and it's very important that we keep them safe Jamie is he just mentioned said the viewers in Salina get to your safe spot now because of that exact reason because there is a warning there until 10:30 tonight it's really easy to set a home where it's quiet where you are and think that it's not a big deal but for a lot of folks especially in our northern counties this is a very big deal what has happening all around them right now as far as the outage map goes we want to touch on that real quick we've been keeping a close eye this is the DP NL outage map right now relatively quiet at this point you can see some outages reported there around saying Henry just about 50 customers affected they're sick 177 and it looks like another one just popped up there around doramin that's only two so relatively quiet at this point but we do expect to see that number continued to jump as Jamie's been talking about just a strength of the winds they're moving across to the area right now one of course is always much more frightening right now because of course it is dark you're not going to see it but you will hear it and you will feel it and Jamie had mentioned throughout the evening tonight that this is a track of storms that could progress in well into the evening there was a tornado watch issued till 2:00 a.m. for many areas in the Miami Valley he said even a warning we should be treating yes or a watch excuse me we should be treating like a warning tonight just because you can't see storms moving in in the dark which is why we are on the air trying to give everybody this advance warning because that is what it is all about as far as staying safe is knowing what's coming your way yeah and so we are gonna continue to stay on we will continue to update you throughout however long it takes until these tornado warnings are passed and we pray that there won't be any actual touchdowns but you the viewer helped us out a lot in the regards of what is happening around you we've had phone calls we have had emails we have had Facebook messages etc letting us know about what they are seeing and feeling and experiencing as long as it is safe to do so please either give us a call and let us know what you're seeing you are our storm spotters tonight let us know what you're seeing you can send us photos you can send us videos but again the point here is as long as it is safe to do so as we mentioned before Jamie mentioned folks in Salina need to be in their safe spot we obviously do not want you to be out there taking photos and videos however once this warning passes you can let us know what you saw in experience we also have our own crews going out right now but if you've been with us throughout the evening you've been hearing Jaime we're very diligent in making sure that we are not sending them directly into the path of a storm so I know we've been kind of staging moving people around here on-air Rachel should be kind of getting into position now I'm sure we'll be checking on with her in just a couple minutes yep and so again we continue to monitor it we want to send it back to Jaime now to get an update on on these warnings which several of them are exciting into the 10:30 part of the hour Jaime yeah and we have a new one this is a new tornado warning I've just outlined here for southern dark that's it until 10:45 so we'll probably get a new one also for northern Preble here coming up shortly but this is a brand new morning I know we have a lot of warnings we also have some new flood advisories let me take you through this and I'll try to do this graphically as best as I can here yeah we just got actually was getting a brand new severe thunderstorm warning let me show you that just popped up and that is for the areas between the two tornado warnings okay yeah go ahead Megan Adam Lee up someone from Trumbull County on the phone we're gonna take it back for just a couple minutes Jamie we have captain Brad more we understand from the Preble County Sheriff's Office joining us by phone right now captain mark and Harris yes ma'am thanks so much for taking time we understand that there may be some tornado sirens going off in your area can kind of tell us what you're seeing there yes everything's kind of calm right now lots of lightning above me right now but us throughout 40 in favor up 3:20 we're setting off the tornado signs as a northern counties right now there's a pre warning for people to take shelter with the second though coming in and for your office I imagine that you are spread out right now I mean this is this is something that you're taking obviously very serious yes I'm up here I'm actually getting ready to head north on State Route 121 to the most northwest part of our County to see if I could be a funnel cloud or anything that maybe touched it down in the area yeah little report it back to dispatch to get ahead of it this is the one thing you know we always talk about and if you're in a car not to be in a car that's the worst place that you can be hopefully you're not seeing much traffic out as you're out patrolling right now I'm sorry can you repeat that question just the fact that it's so dangerous to be in a car we often talk about how that's the worst place that you can be and never try to outrun a tornado are you seeing much traffic out about or is it pretty quiet right now no it's very quiet we haven't seen the traffic that was at the turns up when just before the first L came in so and everybody got alerts from her father with something out the dispatch over a countywide broadcast but I'm not being hardly in traffic out right now now captain Moore you had mentioned that the northern part of Preble County now has the sirens going off can you give us an idea of the cutoff line I guess with the areas you're more concerned about as a department right now the village of new pairs no other Monroe Township albariño area everything in the northern half Burke County at Lewisburg Verona up in the northern part of the county where the show seems to be coming the heat lightning hasn't hasn't led up that it's kind of raining off and on and the weather pick up there and then die down well alright thank you so much captain Brad more from the pebble County Sheriff's Office we appreciate your time stay safe out there and you're gonna be out like you said keeping an eye on everything we also have our own crew Rachel Aragon is out for us right now Rachel what are you seeing where you're at right now it sounds like there's some lightning in the distance at least I don't know if you can see what I'm seeing that lightning has been picking up in the last 30 minutes or so I would say lightning every about 10 to 15 seconds rain has definitely picked up here on a 70 East Newark Lee and I was mentioning earlier it's pretty dry but just in the last 10 minutes or seems heavier rain cars still come by cars on the road and for good reason as Jamie was saying to find a safe spot but again addressing that lady right now hanging up more and more as the minutes go on but ivory says warm gust of air but mostly a lot of lightning here and playin back to you guys alright thank you very much now Jamie I want to bring you in on this because the The Weather Service in Wilmington just tweeted two minutes ago that their radar shows a tornado likely on the ground just east of Salina moving toward st. Mary's and Mercer okay well that's glad you passed that along to me first of all a new severe thunderstorm warning right here for the areas between the two tornado warning clear the Mercer tornado warning the southern dark tornado warning this is a new thunderstorm warning in between that's until 11 o'clock let's take a look at up there in Mercer County and see if we can sort this out okay so well where was the location of that Apple again tweet list that it's headed towards it's just east of Salina moving towards st. Mary's in Mercer County and that's where we were pinpointing the potential area before yes so let's take a look at velocity this is not helping at all but you know what might help is if we can switch over to the we actually have what's called a terminal radar at the Dayton Airport and let's check the velocity on that one and that is not doing what I wanted it to do here come on okay so that is add sex to the terminal radars down at the Dayton Airport that's unfortunate that would really help oh here we go here we go okay this is a brand new image here yeah so we've got the warning off again there that outs boom here you go oh my goodness gate to gate sheer 92 miles an hour velocity 83 miles an hour so yeah absolutely right where I'm highlighting here let me zoom in on this so this is again we're looking up higher in the storm here but this is pretty much what we were seeing in Wayne County earlier as well where we're seeing some really high gate to gauge shears and just as weather service mentioned this is east of Salina south of Neptune this would be the area in fact let me zoom in a bit more and get you some roads Howick old town Riley this is just in the vicinity here Hayes Rice Salina mendon Mercer ah glaze Line Road Beach Line Road for Turkey Road to the east of there Glenwood Road Myer barber Road and then into the st. Mary's area as well as it heads eastward so that is the area yeah it's going to pacify just on the north side of st. Mary's it looks like and then head for Wapakoneta also so I would not be surprised if we have ended up getting the warning extended eastward with this particular cell here as it heads really across the northern shore of Grand Lake st. Mary's which is interesting because that is one area where the possibility of a tornado can actually be enhanced and I'll explain why that is the lake is essentially right here okay we're looking at this storm right in this area here the winds that feed into these storms from the southwest there's no friction on the water compared to the lands with trees and fields and buildings so the winds that feed into these storms can actually accelerate a little bit across the lake and that can enhance the potential for spin up of a tornado as it does movies again so line is right on the edge of your screen here there's st. Mary's Wapakoneta on the other edge of your screen so those of you north of Grand Lake st. Mary's in the st. Mary's area have to be in your safe spot right now we are past sunset it's dark there's rain you can't see these yeah so yes and they've also put out a statement of an observed tornado observed tornado now for Mercer in Mercer County and a glaze also included in this warning for an observed tornado north of Grand Lake st. Mary's that warning goes until 10:30 that's another ten minutes so that will get extended eastward almost certainly as well let me try to sort out what's going on with all these warnings right now okay so we have we have the watch which continues until two o'clock that is the large area shaded in yellow we also have any sec here manipulate this come on come on that's why that's why okay check that okay here we go yeah no I'm gonna do this okay so bear with me here bear with me here trying to do three things at once okay so we've got the watch which is the large area shaded in yellow the red our tornado warnings except for this one that's a flash flood warning so the red or tornado warnings Mercer and AW glaze southern dark northern Preble and also northeastern Wayne County the orange for Mercer aughh lays dark County our severe thunderstorm warnings now the other we have the flash flood warning west of Mercer County and what's left here are flood advisories where areas where the rain could become problematic over time so that is what we have there's the flash flood added back there's a severe thunderstorm warning added back there's the tornado warnings added back and there's your watch as well so there's an update on all of those for you across the area back to the radar now and let's see we've got that's not new information okay we get some it's a my radar here yeah go ahead Adam Megan once you go ahead and and while I get myself resituated here with the radar what we want to update you on power outages because obviously as the storm moves through Mercer specifically as Jamie's been talking about with Salina and st. Mary's there you're looking at the live outage map as we speak currently there are nineteen hundred and forty five customers in Mercer County without power that number exploded in just the last 10 minutes yeah the last time we checked it was less than 200 all over the Miami Valley so you can see a couple sporadic spots but yes Mercer County definitely the hardest hit area as far as power outages go at this point so again if you're just joining us on the air tonight our chief meteorologist Jamie Simpson has been on the air since 905 this evening and the reason why is we tornado warnings popping up they began near the indiana ohio line and they have now spread into our viewing area which includes mercer county dark Preble counties here so jamie is continuing to update us on those and we want to show you this this is a live look it's not a st. Mary's I so Mary's right now you can see the rain coming down the Lightning as well and we've had lots of reports of lightning not just in Mercer County but all over the Miami Valley we're also giving Nowra reports into the newsroom from viewers calling in saying that there is damage in dart County I've been kind of keeping an eye on our Facebook page and I'm seeing some reports of trees down power lines down that's in the new Madison area so again this is widespread this is not just going to be an isolated storm that is impacting any single area tonight well we want to mention too that we had captain Brad more of the Preble County Sheriff's Office live on the phone not too long ago and he talked about setting off the sirens in the northern part of that County specifically because of what we've been seeing all this evening which is tornado warnings popping up left and right and there have been reports from the National Weather Service that we saw on Twitter of of a of seeing a path of a tornado near the Salina in st. Mary's area so there is certainly lots of activity dangerous activity that this is why we are live on the air right now and you know we're seeing modern technology people saying that municipalities are now sending out warnings to let people know I'm hearing pick what just received a full warning so this is again something that we're taking very seriously everyone else should as well well and also we want to mention to Jamie before we go back to you we are broadcasting this live on Facebook we have been following comments from folks giving us updates about what's happening what they're seeing in their area those comments really help us to be able to tell the story of what's happening and keep everybody safe tonight because at the end of the day that's the most important part absolutely yeah and when we get these warnings and you need to go to your safe spot we're there for you live on Facebook so you can just keep your phone with you and we'll get you through this and that's why when we start to alert you to the potential for severe weather make sure you start charging that phone for that very reason this is a brand new torn a warning for southeastern dark County and now Miami County as well including Troy including tip city including West Milton including Pleasant Hill and the report from that damage that you guys were mentioning a moment ago in the new Madison area the amateur radio person that reported that said possibly caused by a tornado I'm going to state this again it's gonna be hard to see these tonight with the rain and the fact that it is dark but we have potential here for this continuing also this lightning concentration is indicating to me that we're getting a strong updraft again right now which means the hail threat is increasing for those of you living Troy area and points west also here's the inflow there's the rain wrapping around this is the area where there could be a circulation this is the area that just came over new Madison this is the area that just caused damage this is the area of the storm track and east that will likely cause more damage be prepared for damage as these storms do roll on through so that new warning was until 11 o'clock that 11 o'clock for this new warning tornado warning in Miami County get to your safe spot Pleasant Hill West Milton tip city Troy even in Piqua I would get to your safe spot just to be safe as this is headed your way as well now an update on the warnings here we have had Wayne County has been allowed to expire that tornado warning has been allowed to expire and the reason why is because the most dangerous part of this entire storm so here's how much in the warnings off for a second here and confirm that there are sirens going off in Huber Heights okay there should not be okay there should not be you're not under a tornado warning in Huber Heights okay you're not at the moment could you be yes you could be eventually but you're not at the moment so the the most dangerous part of all of these storms right now is what I'm showing you here right 127 and and 70 now if Rachel is still in Clayton I think we need to move her back south a bit just to be safe I don't really feel comfortable where she is right now she is here this is where there's rotation this is where there's hail and this continues to move eastward so let's get her down south just take her back down 49 and we'll get her safely south of this part but those of you watching us from Lewisburg Clay Township eventually Clayton Englewood Vandalia as well we are going to yes we're going to continue to watch this tracking eastward Ellen Henry's going to be heading up towards the Troy area we got to make sure that we keep him safe as well do we have his current location he's just left okay just let me know when he gets close to i-70 I want to know where he is make sure he doesn't get in the path of this as well we're not tip city sirens yes absolutely they are in the tornado warnings Hipp city your sirens should be going off Chelsie give me one second here and we'll little touch base in a moment on their cruise I really just want to make sure we don't get them in the path of these storms because that would not be smart strong storm here in northern dark county severe thunderstorm warning with that one let's get you back up into this area here where we have the tornado warning Salina you're in the clear now from this and we have a new warning that's been issued yes we do new warning has been issued until 11 o'clock for Mercer and all glaze County in fact it is pretty much all of Audrey's County and then just here's the western edge of this warning so it's basically a sliver of Eastern Mercer County and also ugly it's kind of do we have that st. Mary's camera available yeah the water tower if we can get that up let's see what it's something like right now there we go so now we're looking south in this one right here we're looking south in that direction here and the worst of us on the other side I was just wondering how much lightning there was and not a ton but again this is an area that you need to be in your safe spot right now certainly rachel says lightnings getting bad it is getting bad yeah that's one thing that I yeah one of the reasons I want to get her down down to the south of where she is in the Clayton area is that is that I want to make sure that she stays south of an area where there may be some hail and certainly that or is that possibility okay let me see that again Adam but just go ahead and read it yeah this is from the north what National Weather Service in Wilmington Ohio they just tweeted out it's highly likely that a tornado is on the ground in southeastern Darke County moving into southwestern Miami County yep if you're near Potsdam Laura or Ludlow Falls take cover now all caps yeah okay so yeah okay let me turn the lightning off absolutely I know exactly yeah oh yeah okay so they're looking at this right here let's flip over to the velocity and check this out okay very nervous and these off give me this one only there we go okay so here is the area that he was just mentioning and we are let's check out some of these velocity - I'm working off again gate to gate shear a hundred and fifty eight miles an hour that doesn't mean the winds are 158 miles an hour again the difference between the winds out bounds from the radar and in bounds to the radar are 158 miles an hour I fully fully agree with the Weather Service that there is likely a tornado on the ground right now in this area so this just changes everything here yeah so let's see here let me turn off the lightning again yes this is the area right in here potsdam Laura West Milton those of you and Troy and tip said he gets your safe spot now absolutely gets your safe spot now there's probably we may be seeing the circulation this is a rain rap tornado - that's the the worst thing about this is we're seeing probably the circulation right in here as it's kind of spinning the rain in an area right here in western now I believe Western right on the right on the line between dark and Miami County is most likely where this is so you everybody that's in a warning get to your safe spot there's probably going to be areas we're gonna wake up in the morning and there's just going to be we're gonna find a lot of damage I'm just telling you right now we're gonna find a lot of damage all right so let me get back to the only the Wilmington radar let me save this say this don't maybe save it okay okay so zooming back in Lightning off yeah Ludlow falls between Ludlow Falls and Lora without a doubt that's where that's where there's likely a tornado on the ground so yeah absolutely that's what we're looking now checks a couple other things here see see okay go would tell 11:15 new warning new warning Trotwood Vandalia Englewood Ohio if you live in those cities get to your safe spot right now yep so this is tremendous shear in the storm here just like the just like the hail product the shear product takes some process time so it's lagging behind the radar radar showing it right in this area here this is where the shear is this is the highest year we've seen with any storm so far tonight and I'm talking about including the ones that have been producing tornadoes West in Indiana so this is why they're saying there's likely a tornado on the ground so Ludlow Falls West Milton Pleasant Hill Troy tip city all points in between get to your safe spot right now this is likely a tornado on the ground as The Weather Service was alluding to in fact yeah they're also now saying observed tornado with this one we have a tornado warning now for Montgomery County until 11:15 as Adam was alluding to let's show you that one right here real quick all right this is getting to be a busy night now and as I suspected it might be alright new warning here does include downtown Dayton it includes let me just draw it out for you okay we need to get we need to get Rachel back South Moore yeah there's there's the outline for the new warning we'll get to that in just a second Chelsea let's just take a look at this storm a little bit more here and then we're Alan Henry is south of Troy we need to make sure he's in a safe place he needs to be out of the car he needs to be in a safe and sturdy building up there and that needs to happen immediately okay so Lewisburg is the area right now where the circulation is with this particular cell you've probably got hail between Lewisburg and Clay Township as well safe spots Lewisburg Clay Township Union City Clayton Trotwood Vandalia Huber Heights Dayton as well Drexel all points in between if you're south of downtown Dayton you're probably in fine shape and will not have to deal with the worst of this but basically anybody from downtown Dayton from us 35 North us 35 north and all points in between to Mercer County you are under the risk of having damage if not a tornado we know we've had some they've been observed so that's absolutely what's going on all right if you guys want to go ahead and bring out one on go ahead and I'm gonna take a look at the radar a bit more here all right Allan Henry who's been out here on the roads Allan what are you seeing where you are he tell us where you're at do we have Allan on the phone all right he might have actually lost service considering the night that we've had so far towards the Troy area we have had to turn him around reroute kind of get him back into a safe spot as this is all kind of changing I believe we have the Troy yeah you can see the live webcam there you can see the lightning in the distance heavy rain falling as well Troy one of many cities that are under under warnings here what's really interesting is the flag is completely still yeah which we watch the shot yes as Jamie just said for now and you can see the tree so that storm in the distance but definitely moving too and this has been a storm we came on the air at 9:05 tonight Jamie's been going wall-to-wall weather coverage since then because we started getting warnings right near the Ohio Indiana border since then those have now moved all the way into Montgomery County so this is a storm system that's continuing to drop tornado warnings and as Jamie mentioned Jamie you say guys hold on Mercer County Sheriff's Office staging area report tornado touchdown in the Celina area so they're at a staging area that's being set up so we apparently have had a touchdown for certain up in this line area okay okay so just everybody if you're not in your safe spot think about where you would go let's go through them again basements get down as low in interior as you can we now know that we've had at least a couple of tornadoes touch down this evening so far we're not done we're not done we still may have two more hours of this to go as this is so slowly moving across and that means that the heavy rains may bring up a flood threat as well for some of you as we head through the night hail could be one to two inches in size a wins without tornadoes could be 60 70 miles an hour so this is a serious serious situation that we're dealing with tonight get to the basement if you have one you don't have a basement lowest interior room you possibly can closets bathrooms stay away from windows if you have to be in a room with a window cover yourself with a blanket put a bike helmet on football helmet whatever you have head protection is important if you live in an apartment you want to get down and low interior as you can maybe that's the laundry room maybe that's the stairwell maybe that's your downstairs neighbor maybe there's a building at your apartment complex that's sturdier than yours where the office is they're probably closed I know but maybe there's someplace you can go that's safer you want to you know if it means going down stairs and knocking on your neighbor's door and say Kay can we stay to be safer hopefully they'll be understanding to that if you're in a mobile home you need to get to a safer building than that without a doubt what happens with mobile homes is the air can't get underneath them and lift them up because they're not always properly secured to the ground they're very very dangerous most of the deaths we've just had in some of these tornadoes in Oklahoma and earlier the spring in the south have been people that live in mobile homes and cars are not safe either that's why I want to make sure that we get our crews in safe places I don't want them in their cars I want to actually retreat them and then once the storms pass I want to go up this I don't think it's safe for that for them to be in the paths of these storms right now so they need to get back and overpasses you don't want to take cover in an overpass under no under a highway because the winds can get funneled and actually gets stronger as they go through there so that's an important thing to realize as well something all right garage ripped off a home on Brook Avenue in Salina so that's probably the touchdown that we are getting word of now in Salina so we fully believe a tornado has touched down in Salina we believe new Madison may have had a touchdown as well I wouldn't be surprised if we learn of a touchdown that that happens as well for Wayne County okay the dark County tornado warning has been canceled or allowed to expire we have still okay I've got a couple we've got a couple of other and for me okay yeah so darks been darks been canceled Miami continues let's leave first of all let's just go from south to north okay we have tornado warning continuing for northern préval until 10:45 that's six more minutes they'll probably let that one go as the storm is now passing into Montgomery County we have wind hail threat for a tornado from essentially u.s. 35 north in Montgomery County that tornado warning is until 11:15 this may be the strongest storm we have right now oh yeah so those of you in Troy need to get tears can we pop that Troy camera up again I want to take a look at the Lightning there that we do have let's take a look at that okay so interesting we're looking west that's the other thing I want to see how much lightning we have and I'll see this flag which is moving from what looks to be north-to-south so expect it to be well maybe from east to west more interesting okay so anyway back to the radar if we could and there we go so the circulations right in here West Milton and Troy between the two of you tip city to Troy in the path of this storm and it will continue to head probably a little bit north of East so eventually to those of you in eastern Miami County as well West Milton your threat is almost over Ludlow Falls your threat is almost over but don't get out of your safe spot just yet in those two particular locations this warning continues until 11:00 o'clock and yes let me check a couple of things let's go back into Mercer County as well because we now are pretty certain that we have had severe damage in Northwest Salina thankfully the storm is gone and that's probably why we're starting to get these reports because people can get out and about now so severe damage Northwest Salina yeah interesting okay so we have let me check the velocity on this one okay so it's probably it's moving into Wapakoneta right now that's where Wapakoneta safe spot now this is where we are seeing this particular storm you check the North Webster waiter radar - that's too high and that one's down okay so bear with me here yeah it's hard to tell where this is now it's hard to tell where this is now from the velocity fields but as I take a look at the the radar here and let me just cover okay so there's that getting an update here I would say it's yeah you know what it is right here this is a new it's a new circulation south of where the first one was the first one was this which is weakened now you got this right here so new knoxville kepler's ville and southern awe glaze county i wonder if we may get a another warning just to the south of Uglies county because this is now the threat area right here south east of st. mary st. mary's you're in the clear Salina you're in the clear those of you in awe glazed in far far northern Shelby County are not yet in the clear let's check the shear on this one in fact we'll check the share on all these not seeing much with that one minsters got a little bit here you go now I mentioned before that these products are delayed from the radar so there's the radar and then there's the shear so you got to kind of kind of think about these being farther to the east but the strongest shear which would indicate the highest potential for wind damage and potentially a tornado is the one that's moving towards Troy right now we've got less shear here moving into northwestern Montgomery County but still some shear let's check the hail on these two storms as well that's the wrong thing there we go okay so there's hail in Northwest Montgomery County and less hail in Troy moving into Troy we also may have some hail here in this storm here that's north of Greenville so that's also something to consider as well so we've got multiple threats with these storms we will continue to have multiple threats with these storms over the next couple of hours turn the Lightning off again okay so again we got some rotation here in northwestern Montgomery County trees Town Hall Road Union Township some porch damage in Cedarville along some one road that may be from the earlier storms actually we've got we've got a we've got hail clay Township and Clayton you're about to get Hale Clayton is about to get Hale Trotwood may get some hail on the north side Huber Heights you could get Hale Englewood Vandalia you probably have some hail that's about to head your way I would not take the chance on get in the car in the garage at this point it's too late we are now seeing the circulation here just to the west of clay Township this is where if there's going to be a tornado it's going to be right in this area here but we're seeing less of a threat with that with this this is more of a hail producing storm whereas this one is more of a potentially tornadic storm with the circulation right here showing up right here there's the inflow into the storm right there so west of Troy is where we have the potential for a tornado with us now I'm saying potential because we don't know right now if it's if there's anything on the ground but we believe that there was a tornado on the ground back in dark County towards the Miami dark County line new Madison has some damage and this is headed right over downtown Troy keep an eye on that camera for me if the winds really start to pick up let me know and because we're gonna want ya in Troy because we're gonna want to we're gonna want to get get that taken care of where is Rachel at this point location wise dude do we have a place where she is okay yeah I want to make it okay so the rains really picked up considerably a lot of lightening up of that area there the flag not that not that bad yet you know what I think we might want to roll on this just in case okay okay I meant just that can we roll on just a troy cam alone is that a possibility okay cool because we may end up getting some significant wind coming through door when I say a roll to the focus now that means we're recording it because we don't want to miss anything if if we do get all of a sudden some very very strong winds coming through there I hate to see the fact there's people on the roads maybe they don't know what's going on it's a possibility maybe they have to be out I don't know but I would not advise driving in any of these areas under a tornado warning right now by any means because just think about this if there was a tornado a couple hundred yards back there you're not gonna see it until it's right on top of you because of the rain and because the darkness and that's the danger that we have tonight with these storms because of the rain because of the fact of this dark Preble County your morning has been allowed to expire so that's good we have a new tornado warning now for Champaign Clark and Miami we have a new tornado warning for Logan and Union County as well these are both until 11:15 so let's take a look at these all right let's see here [Applause] where's the with the red in the radar it gets difficult to see the edges of these warnings here okay here's this one sirens are going off in Harrison Township I'm being told as they should be so here's the new warning so basically it's Troy East and this it takes you into the western suburbs of Springfield includes new carlisle basically all of western clark county north to st. paris in Champaign County so that is that new tornado warning that goes until 11:15 to the north of there Oh interesting okay this is a brand new tornado warning for a brand new cell and that is whoops that's the wrong thing I want I want this one that's for here folks and that's the new warning until 11:15 and this is for for this cell right here in West Liberty so this is a brand new tornado warning West Liberty up to pickletown showing signs of rotation that's why The Weather Service has issued a warning there so those of you in southeastern Logan County also need to be in your safe spot Bellefontaine is not included in this particular warning so that's one thing and since rain because the radar signature around West Liberty was looking very similar to the one that we're seeing here as well along the Shelby and Uglies County lines so where there's no warning but we'll see there may be there'd be a warning for that so let me head back over to where's my map here there we go because the National Weather Service is coming in saying there's okay likely one on the ground that is the cell that we were looking at a little while ago so now they're saying we're hearing thunder now here at the station so luck so that they're talking about this this cell right here yeah okay yeah we're bringing all our crews back and keeping them inside until the storm to pass I think that's a wise decision it's just too dangerous for us to be out there I hope the other stations are following suits as well and not putting their people in harm's way so to check the velocity with this one oh my goodness yes absolutely I can I can see why they're saying that take a look at these we have we have a wind here towards the radar hold on a second you get just the Wilmington radar on okay here we go so towards the radar of 83 mile an hour winds and this is much closer to the ground but that's towards the radar at 60 miles an hour that is a gate to gate share of 124 miles an hour and up in this area here we have a wins weight yeah there's definitely there's two if there's not tornado on the ground there's about to be on this area here so Trotwood and Clayton and Englewood and Vandalia this is headed right for you there may be a tornado on the ground as we speak you need to be in your safe spot right now this is a very very I can't stress this enough this is a really serious situation that we have here tonight with the rain and the darkness and we know we've had tornados on the grounds gate to gate sheer 145 miles an hour this is indicating winds not just the tornado but winds themselves of over a hundred miles an hour right there that's the velocity the winds in this storm could be over 100 miles an hour you need to be in your safe spot right now you have to be you can't take the chance we're talking we're talking tire roofs coming off of homes here that's why we want you to get as low as we possibly can we're going to have entire trees coming down on homes in this area as well this is marching eastward towards a very populated area clay Township and angle wooden Trotwood and eventually the North Ridge area and Vandalia as well Huber Heights this could be headed to you also so yeah we've got we may have three tornadoes three or four tornadoes on the grounds right now so the tornado damage threat from the weather's have they've read a statement on this this area here for montgomery county tornado damage threat is considerable I saw the same wording on warnings like this in Oklahoma over the last week considerable potential considerable damage we may be looking at 100 plus mile an hour winds with this particular storm this is absolutely a very very serious situation in fact take a look at this boom there it is it's right there that's a tornado folks right here that's a tornado on the ground and it's tracking eastward West Brook Road there's diamond mills Shiloh Springs Haywood there's i-70 this is a tornado on the ground this is what they look like we were seeing these signatures on the tomatoes out in Oklahoma the last several days Northview headed for you clay Township you got to got to be in your safe spot folks this is a tornado on the ground and you can't see it coming because it's dark in the training all right so it's gonna track on this not really getting see if I can do that let's put this on here and see what comes up I start rax boom there we go okay there you go there's a track for that cell right there and it is indicating rotation so we got a couple of them here okay we've got this one that's headed down to the north side of Dayton we've gotten this one in Troy I'm not sure I believe it's headed southeast as much as it's suggesting it is buts that's showing rotation we've got rotation with this new cell to the west of Bellefontaine that's that's a broader rotation not necessarily tornadic and thankfully back up towards Salina we're not seeing rotation so we've got a couple of areas here we've got some broad rotation with this storm that we have the severe thunderstorm warning for and the Greenville area but right now this is the concern right here that is a tornado on the ground I do believe okay so we need to we need to start making some calls and see if okay yeah let's let's get him on the air the EMA director from Mercer County yes yeah Mike what can you tell us what's what's what's been seen up there what damage do you have we're reporting that there was a staging area set up yeah we are still sorry we are still gathering information we know the northwest corner of Salina got a lot of damage and farther west of Salina there's a lot damage we have a lot of wires down we have a lot of roof damage we have trees down we're still in the response stage so I have not personally been out there yet I can do more good in the office right now but the mutual aid with the fire departments is working they're getting their search and rescue done I did speak to The Weather Service force at this point we don't know if it was tornado but they will probably be doing this damage survey tomorrow we have not set that at all yet as far as times but we definitely had some major damage so far we only know of a few minor injuries but the the search and rescue effort is just getting underway so we don't have any details yet ok thank you very much for that update I want to pass along a couple of things that I'm seeing now there was a funnel cloud reported in Lewisburg at 1046 that's 10 minutes ago I believe that has touched down now as it moves through between Trotwood and Clayton as we speak as you can see that right there we have a one inch hail that was observed in our Khanum that was on the north side of that cell that's now in troy north of the area where where we believe there may have been some damage from a potential tornado touched down in where was that at that was in new Madison New Madison where we have some damage there as well new Madison we've got trees and power lines down possibly caused by a tornado also in new Madison we have a tree down on a house possibly caused oh that's the line I'm sorry that's Salina building in Ohio 121 in 72 with a door blown off damage possibly caused by a tornado tornado warning oh my goodness they've upgraded now the tornado damage threat from considerable for Montgomery County everybody listen this very carefully The Weather Service has updated the tornado damage start from considerable to catastrophic catastrophic so we've got a tornado on the ground it is potentially gonna do a lot of damage please get to your safe spot please heed these warnings it's right here Clayton and Trotwood heading eastward about to pass over 48 this is why we brought Rachel Aragon back south again because we did not want her to be in the path of this maybe some hail probably some hail here at 70 and 75 let's see if we can get up the let's see if I get the O doc hammer up for 70 and 75 here I'll take a look at that meanwhile I'm gonna zoom this radar in more on on this right here let me say this I've been here 20 years in Dayton and this is the most significant tornadic radar signature I've seen here in 20 years if that puts thing into perspective for you yeah I hope it does I know that people that I'm get still getting social media comments and I'm being overdramatic but this is a serious serious situation here let's get 1775 up where is it here we go well you can't really see anything because it's raining so hard unfortunately well a lot of lightning okay so yeah this is an area just east of there in fact see this is gonna be I was gonna check some cameras also to the west of there but this is south of i-70 so a little Clayton let me check some others here see if we can find see if we can see seventy at 70 at Miss 40s for them crest way that camera is down that cameras down that's in the area where we're tracking this that camera is down oka yeah it's just too dark and too wet to really see anything okay so we um let's go back to the Raider Meghan's gonna try to see if she can just he can find something so now we're right here this is the tornado on the ground right here Regina heights is Westbrook it's staying pretty pretty much due east here Westbrook in Philadelphia and right in this is 1775 that's where the really heavy rain is and maybe some hail as well that's a possibility there is serious concern with this without a doubt the National Weather Service as I mentioned a moment ago is saying potentially catastrophic damage from a tornado here in Montgomery County headed for i-75 headed for you in Harrison Township about to hit as a matter of fact in Harrison Township Huber Heights Riverside you may be in the path of this a lot of people living in these areas and we believe there is a tornado on the ground as we speak back up to Troy Troy you are now west of that circulation so you're in better shape now without a doubts and then just a stronger thunderstorm that's actually weakening a bit here to the east of Greenville so still some rain to come with that one we also still have this tornado warning up into southeastern Logan County with this particular cell that's going to move off to the east and there's also still a tornado warning now for eastern most all glaze County but this storm looks to be weakening now this one that we know produce some damage on the northwest side of Salina perhaps a tornado touched down with that we may have had a tornado touchdown back in southwestern Darke County and a funnel cloud spotted in Lewisburg and this is as classic a radar signature as I've seen in in this area in my 20 years here this is a tornado on the ground this is the hook echo and this may be debris ball what we call the debris ball well the radar is actually picking up here is not only the funnel but stuff that is being thrown in the air we have damage this is potentially life-threatening situation here as it continues to track eastward across areas north of date and we're looking southeast away from the storm from this particular camera here Troy things are calming down the storms have moved on through does look like some and don't have any damage here at the square it appears so this is the storm that we need to focus on we've got a little bit of an update there so Harrison Township moving in believe that I see here this is 48 right here and there's 49 so it's now to the east of 49 about to cross over 48 so so that's north main street I believe isn't it 48 continuing to head east toward but again we're seeing this hook echo and tornado on the ground as we speak right there so this is a deadly situation potentially that we're we're dealing with right now I want to check a couple of other fields here the shear the shear is is the highest year we've seen with any storm today right here 49 meters per second which is essentially a hundred miles an hour of shear we've been seeing that with with these storms the whole time let me check this right here this is a product that I'll explain in just a moment take the warning off again clear that out see see that's gonna be one okay it's gonna be 98 98 49 okay yeah that's it right there get back to their radar okay so we just got an update here more than 3,500 without power I'm being told on the DPL outage map okay alright so here it is gonna get the Lightning off there it is okay so there it is right over silo right now moving into Harrison Township got some roads down here this is moving pretty much due east so 75 and you know we should do is pull up the the o dot camera for 75 and like Webster or or need more 75 and it's gonna pass right over 75 and need more so let's get that camera up here so many if I even need more boom there it is okay so but keep an eye on that camera 75 need more it may pass right over the okay confirmed large and dangerous tornado on the grounds near Trotwood this came out a little while ago so we we have confirmation now that this is on the ground which I fully suspected based on the radar imagery that we are seeing port of a house collapsed in Brookville female trapped we read that again report of a house collapsed in Brookville female trapped this is what word this is what we're gonna we're gonna hear more of this as we head through the night because this is a tornado on the ground right here shoot Mill Road this is need more right here Frederick pike there are 75 continuing to move off to these there's Webster right there to the north again that is the funnel on the ground the tornado if you will that's going to continue to pass right over 75 here coming up in the next few minutes keep an eye on that on that Oh dot camera 75 need more we may see something although we're looking north and it's probably going to pass just on the south side of there but this continues to head eastward so this is it this is the main storm that we need to continue to watch yes yeah apparently people are seeing this tornado on the ground from Dayton now we're getting reports from amateur radio Lord standard tornado on ground looking to north from five miles west-northwest of downtown so it's just about where we are continuing to move to the east cameras locked up Jamie yeah well it's probably lost power to be honest with you with with what's going on well the light we've had and whatnot so again this see this is a situation you need to be in your safe spot without a doubt there's the tornado right there as it continues to move it's probably about to pass over 75 as we speak so let's move this radar a little bit more to the east now and yeah continuing Wagner Ford Road it's gonna be right in that area there let's see if we can get that camera actually so if I have a need where was me more I need more need morning more need no I don't think we happen to need more doesn't look like we do there it is there's need more oh that's - no I want Wagner I want magnet if we can get wet there's one for Wagner all right so uh yeah okay did we that extended eastward so apparently green part of green counties in this warning as well oh this is a no this is a new warning this is a new tornado warning replacing the last one let me give you the outline of this because this is from this includes Kettering this includes Oakwood this includes zinnia that's the new warning includes Beaver Creek Fairborn Riverside all those areas included in this belt Brooke as well although I believe this probably stays to the to the south to the north I should say if Bellbrook area I'm gonna zoom back in here because now this is over 75 and the tornado here is you don't need these warnings we know these warnings are here there we go okay so here it is there's a tornado on the ground across 75 here's Stanley right here what need more continuing there's 202 201 Valley pike Harshman I sure hope this stays through an area here where there's a little bit less in terms of people living instead of heading down to the south it would be a horrible if this headed for Children's Hospital it should stay north of there a lot more population up into the southern Huber Heights area here there's there's need more and Harshman as I mentioned a valley street valley pike Kittridge Road off to the northeast this has been pretty much moving to just south of East so I would say a track like this it's going to take it right down into this area here and will continue to I don't see this thing okay there's an update they actually did just jump a little bit farther south now oh it's still on the ground without a doubt given the way this radar looks it's probably past it's past 75 now so we're not gonna see it on any of those cameras at this point Riverside you're in the path of this without a doubt the base the base is in the path of this tornado on the ground yeah absolutely the base is the bases in the path of this so so right Pat so again it's gonna answer Riverside this is the base right here and hopefully it lifts before it gets there because we certainly wouldn't want we hope I hope it lifts right now I do but certainly it looks like it's still on the ground without a doubt we have confirmations on the ground we have spotters that have seen it on the ground we know we have damage because it's been on the ground it continues to be on the ground it's going to cause more damage it is going to cause more damage as it heads eastward all right Danielle's on the phone Montgomery County Sheriff's Office yeah well what do you got yes I am at the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office they were kind enough to let us inside when we were told to seek shelter we have heard sirens go off about a couple of times here now we're seeing a lot of lightning the sky is lighting up constantly the rain has died down here but really what we're seeing is the lightning and what we've been hearing are those sirens going off all right thank you keep us updated with whatever information you get I have a facebook viewer post from a viewer on Facebook that says house and barn flattened between Potsdam and Laura so that's where we were tracking that that's one in Miami County Miami County and we'll continue to track that sir Melissa to really just get a quick update on that one because that one doesn't look as serious as it as it had been just to the west of Northampton we still have what looks like it could be a circulation with this we do have this tornado warning that continues east of there the Logan County warning has expired this is the new warning for Clark and Champaign with this one that goes until midnight so that includes Urbana let me give you the outline of this one it's going to include Urbana South Charleston Springfield basically southern Champaign in northern Clark County and that is for right in here that's where there would be the most likely rotation with that particular storm so that's that this is just a strong storm here not severe or not tornadic I should say in Miami County still plenty of lightning with it same thing back towards Greenville we had a touchdown with damage in Salina you're in much better shape just some rain right now and this storm now about to lift north of Logan County so that's good news that's our the storm to the east of Logan County so I think we can sound the all-clear now for Logan she'll be ah glaze Mercer County's dark in Miami County your tornado threat should be over should be still the threat though in Clark and especially with these storms down here which are now moving into moving through Riverside so there you are there's where the tornado on the ground is that's where there may be sting showing debris on the grounds here Paige Manor with a lot of people living in this area here that's the base there's 675 where it makes the turn those of you in Beaver Creek this is headed your way as well we zoom out a little bit Fairfield mall this is headed for the Fairfield mall which is located in this area right here that's the Fairfield mall we just got an update this is about to cross over 675 and the Fairfield mall our sewing camera is down unfortunately which would be looking right towards this we but we don't have that we're going to keep an eye on the 675 of North Fairfield Oh dot camera that we do have up here in the studio but those of you on the north side north of 35 in Beaver Creek get in your safe spot right now those of you in the south side of Fairborn get in your safe spot right now those of you that live in the Xenia area this could be headed for you as well it's making a beeline along 35 here there's Xenia in the southeastern part of your screen and then you have yeah take that o dot full okay yeah so this is 76 75 our Colonel Glenn look how much it's shaking here so we've got at least some pretty strong wind looks like we may have just lost it there let's switch that over to Fairfield now because that'll be up next and so we were looking at right in this area here there you go there it is that was the camera we were just looking at right there and it was shaking from the winds now we're just to the east of there and what I want to just hold on this for a minute here what direction er is this looking looking South okay so we're looking south so let me keep an eye on this here because we may see something here coming up as this does come on through I hope these motorists are aware of what's going on they probably aren't a lot of people don't get warnings while they're in their vehicles and a lot of lightning got some heavy rain certainly let's just stay with us for a minute here actually that's good Matt keep an eye on that and holler if you see anything let's go back to the radar real quick and we'll go back so we're looking we were right here this is Fairfield right here so it's still just to the west of there but this is 675 this is the base the base it's probably going to pass just south of the base there's Colonel Glen highway right there there's Fairfield there's the Fairfield Commons mall this is going to pass right over it's good it's late it's good it's a holiday and nobody's in there because those large expanse roofs will often come down we'll continue to track this as it does head eastward all right we are looking yeah it's it's hard to make anything out here given the quality of the video that we get from these at nights but what I'm what I'm actually looking for is flashes because if there is a tornado there when it hits things that have electrical systems and transformers and and the things you see at the top of the of the poles it'll cause flashes and that's what I'm looking for right now if we see any of those it's hard to tell hard to tell because we've got so much lightning here if we're seeing any flashes from lightning or for seeing any flashes from other things but certainly this is I'm surprised that the trees aren't blowing around a lot more than they are right now but we may not be looking exactly in the right direction all right let's go back to the radar then and get an update here as to where this is there we are okay so now it is yeah it's still west of there so it's it's moving it's probably passing into the Fairfield Commons mall area as we speak right now but still looks like there's a tornado still on the ground to me from what I'm seeing from the radar imagery all right four miles west of Wapakoneta emergency manager reports a tornado at 10:30 how severely damaged on County Road 33 a and kepler's ville Road barn moved 1/8 of a mile the tornado warning for Montgomery County the tornado damage threat has been downgraded from catastrophic to considerable I would say that considerable is pretty serious still we've got a second report from three miles north of downtown Dayton of a large tornado on the ground so two of our spotters have seen a tornado on the ground north of downtown Dayton we know we've had damage we've had several reports of the tornado on the grounds Huber Heights had one inch hail on the north side of that tornadic producing cell and that's the updates that I do have in terms of from the weather service okay so this is still this is still on the grounds those in new Germany Trey vine Kemp continuing to head eastward continuing to head east toward alright so when I pass this along from a viewer my phone says we need to take cover but you haven't said anything about West Carrollton you are not in the path of this storm in West Carrollton your phone is giving you that because Montgomery County has gone into a tornado more tornado warning all right so here we go so we're continuing this is Beaver Creek now we're talking about the northern northern edge of Beaver Creek new Germany tre binds to the Beaver Creek Golf Club is right in this area here just for reference there's Kemp Road that's fairfield heads down towards the center of Beaver Creek if you live south of 35 and Beaver Creek you look like you're in ok shape right now Beaver Valley Road right there Trey vine road that heads up towards yellow Dayton Yellow Springs Road it's probably the stay south of you and Dayton Yellow Springs Road those of you in Fairborn you're probably ok in terms of the worst of this staying south of you as it continues to move on but it's showing no signs of weakening which is a really unfortunate thing that we have here and also that the strongest and most damaging and dangerous cell has been affecting the greatest populated area of any of the storms tonight is is really an unfortunate serious situation as this continues to move eastward no Chelsey's to say they again all right Adam Megan all right Jamie things want to give you a break here because you jamie has been on the air if you're just joining us now we've been on the air live since about 9:00 tonight when the first tornado warning popped up on the Ohio Indiana line that line has continued it well into our area now under the Dayton area and you've been sending in and giving us phone calls and letting us know what you're seeing we have a video we want to show you this was some Shelley Meyers this was a facebook video sent in to us Shelley's in dark County yeah you can see the Lightning flaring up something we've been seeing all over the place from the traffic cameras to obviously on Jamie's radar and and this is a night that this is why we talk about having a safe spot and we want to go over that really quickly with you if you see this kind of stuff coming if you're in a house get to your basement you don't have one go to a closet get in the bathroom on the lowest level get under a sturdy table or beneath a staircase or in any other windowless room is also safe if you're out in a car which we sure hope you are not in this storm but again never try to outrun a tornado if you are out on the roads and said leave your vehicle immediately take cover in a ditch never take shelter and one of those highway overpasses the high winds that tornado will accelerate in that confined space meaning any flying debris is going to be even more dangerous also if you live in a mobile home get out immediately do not hide underneath that trailer as the storm could pick up your house and drop it right on top of you instead find a nearby shelter most parks have a community room or office that you can take shelter in place in if that's not an option again take cover in a ditch or culvert as far away from homes as possible but again this is nothing to mess with your videos your pictures help us tell the story but only if it's safe to do so so if you're seeing damage if the storm has passed and it's safe to do so you can go outside take a picture send that in to us we appreciate it or you can just call our newsroom to six to 1400 is that number let us know what we're seeing we're also keeping a close eye on our live stream on Facebook right now lots of reports coming in I just thought one golf Sal golf ball-sized hail and Fairborn right now so again this storm is as it's moving across causing havoc everywhere for sure well we want to take a live look now at the DP NL map one of the the power companies that are trying to keep the power on for folks tonight you can see that they still have about close to 4,000 outages across the area many of those in Mercer County and Mercer County was one of those places where there have been reports of tornadoes touching down or at least in the very least strong winds that are causing damage in that part of the area and I know right now we have our own lease coulter our morning anchor up late right now she's in the Fairborn area and a lease for joining us by phone what are you seeing or hearing right now to be perfectly honest Megan I'm not really seeing a whole lot because my dogs and my husband and I are hiding in the basement all the way in the back corner wasteful windows because we're hearing a lot of very large hail a lot of heavy wind a lot of heavy rain and a lot of thunder and I can see just through the blinds my Faceman a lot of lightning so there's a it sounds very active right now my husband and I decided to take shelter once we heard that the storm was moving our way the tornado sirens actually started going off probably about 20 minutes or so ago so I've actually been tuning into you guys live via phone on Facebook by watching to make sure that my family and I are safe at this point well we're glad to hear that ELISA in case you are wondering we do have reporters out in this but they are not outside of course they are taking shelter one of our reporters is at the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office they were kind enough to to give shelter to her as we wait this out and unfortunately will be probably seeing lots of damage here especially north of Dayton and the more that the night has gone on the more that those reports have picked up again Jaime said earlier the damage reports from Montgomery County going from considerable to what they're calling catastrophic so this is just the very early stages of what we are hearing as far as the reports that are coming in only gonna get worse as the night continues and we start to wake up tomorrow to get a true grasp of what has happened tonight and if you're concerned about your power going out we are broadcasting this live on Facebook to keep you informed to keep you safe Jaime has been on the air since again nine o'clock tonight when the first tornado warning popped up continually giving updates on this so if you are losing power or you're worried about power you can get onto our Facebook page right now watch our live stream and give us updates because we've been getting a lot from viewers we have it up right now getting a lot of reports from viewers about what they're seeing around where they live Jaime looks like Jaime are you still getting you still getting preview what's at least at least just told us that her power just went out as well so and she's a fair warning owner and Wright Patterson reported hail as well so we still have the tornado on the ground I do believe this is new Germany Trey vine Road there and Trayvon rode here so we're getting into a bit more rural area here this is 235 that heads from Yellow Springs Danielle Springs Road right here down into Xenia and there's 68 so looks like the north side of Xenia maybe up next for this as we are still looking at potential tornado on the ground I actually am seeing something a little encouraging and that is that the yeah this is not going to hit downtown Xenia it's going to stay north of downtown Xenia so here's the yeah and this is going to continue to head down in this direction here Wilberforce perhaps more in the path then Xenia is but certainly the north side of Xenia there's fairground road right there so the fairgrounds are right here Greene County Fairgrounds but I want to show you something that that is interesting because we may be seeing our first positive here in quite a while as I take you back a little bit zoom back out here okay back when this was moving across 75 see how distinct and separate this is from the hook there's the hook but there's the debris in the funnel okay that was back at 11:10 so that was 20 minutes ago and now as we move forward in time again back up to the current time it is still fairly just distinct there but then right here still distinct there but up to the current time see how it's getting wrapped into the circulation here it's not ask to think this is fill this is filling in here which is good and bad it means there's more rain around it but it also may be indicating that it's time for this thing to start 675 and Woodman tornado spotted 675 in Woodman tornado was spotted this may be starting to weaken a little bit we're gonna be getting that video apparently I'm told pictures of the Torrio 675 and Woodman so north side of Xenia Yellow Springs you're more of a threat for hail like Elise was telling us in Fairborn then than anything else the tornado is going to stay south of you and yellow Springs but Wilberforce and Cedarville certainly in the path of this so those of you in Bieber he cited Beaver Creek Yellow Springs get to your safe spot anyway to be safe north side of Xenia safe spot to be safe Wilberforce and Cedarville safe spots need to be there right now one inch hail in Huber Heights tornado warning canceled for champagne and Clark observed tornado that's for the back in Miami County that's right where Clark Fayette Greene and Madison so let me check on this this may be for the north side of this one where's this warning at Clark oh this is she okay so this is the new warning this is the new warning here in two areas east of there it is so there's the new warning so Montgomery County Dayton area this is passed on by but hang on one second Hardin Montgomery cancels my Camry I want to make sure I'm not missing anything here so that's the new warning for basically green in far southern Clark counties get back over to here okay that is a that is a that's it where is this tornado is a new tornado warning for Miami tornado warning okay so this is a new this is a new one here we have a new tornado warning for north of i-70 let's get back to the radar just check on that one first before we do anything else okay so there oh this is yeah okay well this is a new tornado warning and this is not looking good either so again Union City to Clayton Vandalia you're in the path of this one the the cell is is looking certainly it's got a hook here whereas the inflow is right there so we have a potential tornado with this one headed towards you in Huber Heights headed towards you in Vandalia this is going to be another potential tornado here that's eventually going to move eastward and into Far southwestern Clark County as well so we've got a new brand new threat here with this one this one goes until 11:45 so we've got two tornado warnings the one here for northern Montgomery and southern Miami which is a new warning and then we've got the tornado warning for essentially green in southern most clark for the one that we know has been on the ground and has caused damage in montgomery county perhaps to the west of there as well both of these considerable threats for some significant damage that we do have across the area then new warning is 12-15 yeah if we got Alan with live video from Vandalia let's yeah let's get it out on the air right now in the background there is the sound of thunder and lightning right now we're here at the Kroger in Vandalia on North Woods Boulevard here our phone right now is sending out those alerts sending that tornado warning that'll last until midnight tonight let me just set the stage here it's about an hour ago Jamie that you were telling us to turn around we were on our way up towards tips that he up towards Troy when those strong track of storms came through from the West there we turned around came here we took shelter with a bunch of people here shopping at this Kroger on North Woods Boulevard and you've heard that thunder that lightning that wind the power in the parking lot here has gone out the powers to on inside the store though thankfully so there are a lot of people here waiting to wonder you wanting to know when it's safe to leave where they can head to safely we've been gathered around in the back of a dairy cooler in the back of the store watching you live from my phone Jamie just trying to get those latest updates in this information so a lot of people here huddled down concerned because just based on the look at this parking lot a lot of people here are hunkering down they do not want to leave this safe space ourselves included as we watched that radar turn red orange even purple just a little bit to the south a little bit to the west of us where we're seeing a lot of those reports of damage so it sounds like more might be heading straight towards us so we're gonna break this down go back inside the store and get to that safe spot and based on what we're seeing I'm encouraging anybody who is in the vandalia to do that as well back to you Jamie not yet because we right when they're talking about going and finding his safe spot that is exactly what we want you to do if you are in this area that is on your screen right now again if you were in your house get to your basement if you don't have one go to an interior room that doesn't have any windows also you can use sturdy furniture put that over top of you but the main thing is to stay away from windows that is where you're gonna run into problems yeah and obviously do not get into a car if you're in one leave immediately take cover do not take shelter in a highway overpass because the high winds of a potential tornado can actually accelerate in the confined space meaning flying debris will be even more dangerous and I know that all of our reporters that are currently in the field are taking shelter as we speak Danielle malla Gary is at the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Allen who you just heard from is over at the Kroger in Vandalia yes safety obviously a top priority as the storm has moved through we've watched throughout the night I want to hit real quickly on D P&L outages because we talked early on we only had about 200 that was around 9 o'clock that number has now skyrocketed to more than 4,500 now the majority of them being right there you can see centered around downtown Dayton Beaver Creek North Miami County so again you can see that it is widespread right now and this is that storm directs the path as it's moved across the Miami Valley tonight and Chelsea our producer Chelsea can you can you tell me again you said Miami County okay Miami County this is this is obviously awful they're saying that they're getting so many calls that they can't get through them currently because there's so much widespread damage this is in Miami County so obviously this is just one of the counties that have been impacted by these tornado warnings and potential touchdowns that we've seen tonight so that just goes to show you just what we're dealing with we do okay I understand we have the sheriff hold on come to me real quick first okay our just we have a brand new tornado warning here that includes downtown Dayton Kettering portions of Washington Township again for Beaver Creek in Fairborn as well as the north side of Dayton because of this storm right here which is expected to take a similar path we may be places they get hit twice here that's a possibility we you destruction unseen year in decades chaos everywhere our job to alert you that's a tornado and to help bring relief to our neighbors we're ABC 22 and Fox 45 News but you need critical information quickly turn to the new and improved Fox 45 News [Music] welcome to weather extra I'm chief meteorologist Jamie Simpson we had a helicopter over the Dayton area tornado damage today let me take you through some of what I saw all right so we start you off here in Brookville and I want to point out that the difference here between this house this house in this house that's the high school parking lot by the way and look at this roof completely torn off that's ef3 but interior rooms get to the interior rooms you're going to be in better shape this is Trotwood now and we're seeing the trees look knocked down in all sorts of different directions that's the sign that it was a circulation instead of straight-line winds now this is also Trotwood look how the display has been strewn far from that house there's in fact that the roofing structure right there and now we're into the Harrison Township area and this is where we're seeing some more intense damage and this is also the location where it was determined to be an ef-4 because some bark was actually stripped off of trees the trees were demarked that's a steel structured roof this wall completely gone that's close to EF for damage because it is a concrete and steel roof and the same thing with this right here this is the lace factory where the roof has completely gone tractor-trailers knocked over and this roof also completely gone so there's just debris everywhere the cleanup is going to take so long in this area because of the strength of them and this also is the area where at its widest it was a half mile wide again difference between one house and another because as the circulation moves through there's actually smaller circulations within the bigger circulation and that's why we get some damage that's more intense than others almost no damage significant damage roof gone we're seeing this again this tree here stripped of its leaves that's what these tornadoes can do so it's really crazy in some of these neighborhoods you know folks are seeing their houses fine their neighbor's house is completely destroyed it's got to be just very difficult to be dealing with how close to call it was for some this is Beaver Creek now and these are garage doors with an auto repair facility here and once the doors go and they're often the weak spot in these buildings then the air same thing this is Mike's carwash then the air can get in the winds can get in and lift and that's why we're seeing the roof con on structures where the winds can get in and there are some other places where you break and opening up and then we can get in and this is the Aldi right here and I believe what happened is is the windows and fronts here got broken out and then the winds could get in and lift and also once the roof structure was gone it weakens the building and part of that far wall had also come down as well so this is the worst commercial damage that we saw in the Beaver Creek area and again just not good in a lot of places all right when we come back our weather images of the day plus your weekend and your 10 day forecast you're watching weather extra right here on Fox 45 your morning weather and traffic every 10 minutes watch Fox 45 News in the morning [Music] welcome to weather extra I'm meteorologist Mike choice let me take you to exactly 168 hours ago 10:48 p.m. last Monday we had a massive supercell thunderstorm and the debris ball on that radar radar signature moving through Brookville and then it went through the north side of Trotwood harrison township taking a right turn or a southerly path through Old North Dayton and Riverside before moving through Beaver Creek as it recycled as an ef3 tornado I want to break down all the paths from this that first tornado that you saw with a debris ball that was a 19 mile path through northern Montgomery County with the EF 4 wind in this area near waggers and Gardens Harrison Township along Riverside Drive and the Stillwater River that EF 4 damage ceased right around North Dixie Drive it was almost three-quarters of mile wide at that point and then moving through Greene County into Beaver Creek 140 mile per hour wind it was still three-quarters of a mile wide and this tornado stretched about 10 miles ending near us 68 north of Xenia then that same storm produced two tornadoes an EF one 250 yards wide 5.4 miles long and then another one just south of that 4.2 miles wide or long and 250 yards wide that again near the southern portion of Greene County then I want to hop back out to this one near Vandalia this was a quarter mile wide seven point six miles long 135 mile per hour wind as it crossed through Butler Township and then this tornado this was near Phillipsburg 50 yards wide and EF 0 80 miles per hour the top wind and it had a path of three miles but then we also had the 0.775 mile wide 3/4 mile wide tornado up in Miami County 10.8 miles in length 140 miles per hour near West Milton that same storm produced another tornado near Troy on the south side that was on the ground for 5.7 miles and then the EF 3 up near Salina that was on the ground for 6.6 miles two hundred yards wide had a maximum wind speed of 150 miles per hour so to put it all into perspective we had 15 tornadoes all of the tornadoes combined traveled 80 point six miles across our viewing area and the damaged area in square miles it damaged 258 points square miles of property absolutely staggering certainly the worst outbreak since 1974 but you need critical information quickly turn to the new and improved box 40 Bond music welcome I'm chief meteorologist Jamie Simpson tonight we answer more viewer questions about the tornado outbreak early last week our first question comes from Dennis Snyder what made this system differ from others over the last 50 years the answer is a combinations of things and we have had a major two-week outbreak look at all these redder tornado warnings the dark red triangles are tornadoes 295 of them however very few have been this widespread the key was a persistent jet stream pattern they kept pumping Gulf moisture up into the central United States while at the same time producing snow over the central Rockies that temperature combination was crucial for a tornadic activity as well as the flooding in the central United States locally across Ohio we had tremendous wind shear that Monday night mean the turning of the winds with height were ideal for tornadoes to form our next question from Heather Rose how do tornadoes behave differently in a valley versus a flat prairie tornadoes do behave differently in mountainous terrain for example West Virginia sees far fewer than Ohio however our terrain here is so subtle it really doesn't make any difference at all next up from Jessie snow is it normal to have that many tornadoes the same day we blew the Daily Record away for our viewing area I mean blew it away for last Monday the most in one day was 6 by early Tuesday morning we were up to 15 for the state as a whole there were 19 statewide the previous Ohio record was 12 said on May 2nd 2012 the 74 super outbreak produced 11 tornadoes in Ohio from Tanya Knopf singer did this caused more property damage than the Xenia tornado this outbreak absolutely did do to the square miles impacted last Monday but more importantly the areas that were so much more highly populated other than Xenia itself and the Cedarville in Wilberforce areas 1974's tornado was mainly for farmlands the ef4 alone from Brookville through Trotwood Northridge Harrison Township and Old North Dayton alone caused more property damage and that doesn't include any of the other tornadoes like the ef3 from Riverside to Beaver Creek when we come back a bit more on how rare the Montgomery County tornadoes work plus we'll look at your weekend in detail you're watching weather extra right here on Fox 45 [Music] welcome back to weather extra before last Monday a Montgomery County had recorded 13 tornadoes since 1950 only one was rated above an ef-1 this one right here all the way back in 1969 it killed none and injured 25 the only other injuries from a tornado over the prior 68 years were from this one right here the vandalia tornado in 2013 Monday brought an ef-4 EF 3 EF 2 and EF 0 in Montgomery County we know of one fatality and while we don't have specific injury numbers for Montgomery County alone it certainly is in the hundreds now to a trending story that we're pretty proud of here at Fox 45 our chief meteorologist Jamie Simpson worked tirelessly all evening overnight and all day today to make sure that you knew about severe weather so last night when we started getting negative feedback for cutting into ABC's The Bachelorette we have viewers complaining already just go back to the show no we're not going back to the show folks this is a dangerous situation ok it's nice right think about this this was your neighborhood I'm sick and tired of people complaining about this our job here is to keep people safe and that is what we're gonna do some even complain that this is all about my ego stop okay just stop right now it's not I'm done with you people I really am this is pathetic dangerous situation here so a little bit mater's are no joke our newsroom was getting so many calls that it was making it difficult to check in with our crews out in the field to make sure that they were in safe locations a lot of folks also may not realize that we're required by the FCC broadcast these warnings right so all of us here at Fox 45 just want to say how proud we are of Jane me and thankful for all of you that listened to his warnings have made this tornado the outcome that it was and it could have been a lot worse the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and I am greatly appreciative of that to all the people that have reached out to me from around the country in support I am greatly appreciative of that but I'm most appreciative of the local folks who said thank you if it wasn't for what you said we might not have gotten to our safe spot you made us take it seriously that's why I do it that's exactly why we do it all right we're headed over to ABC 23 News at 11:00 we'll see you there
Channel: VideOH
Views: 109,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dayton, Tornado, Destructive Tornado, EF4, EF4 Tornado, Trotwood Tornado, Northridge Tornado, Dayton Tornado, Vandalia Tornado, Butler Township Tornado, Trotwood, Northridge, Vandalia, Huber Heights, WPAFB, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Beavercreek, Riverside, Xenia, Montgomery County, Greene County, Miami County, Jamie Simpson
Id: cvXCuAtfE40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 2sec (6422 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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