4-8-2020 WCPO Cincinnati Severe Weather Coverage

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okay so now we'll do this and then bring it out to 55 and then we'll be able to show you exactly where we're talking about in timing so Rising Sun it's gonna be there at 10:26 Union at 10:35 and independence at 1032 all of those areas you need to go to your tornado safe place I'm gonna tell you right now just by the look of this area here that looks pretty menacing across that area of Dillsboro at the moment so again a tornado warning that will be out until 10:45 we're talking about Ohio and Dearborn and Switzerland and Boone and the Gallatin County we're seeing this see this little green spot here let me highlight it for you this is as if you were looking at a blender because what's going on right now is this is moving so fast in a rotational sense that the rain is actually falling lightly in the middle just as if you were looking down at a blender is all of the mixture is pulled to the side that's what's going on in this area right now obviously there's frequent lightning with this let's take a look at it right in this panel that we're looking at there's 32 34 strikes so this storm looks to be growing in intensity winds have been clocked upwards of let me double check here we're talking about I'm gonna take a look at the very latest and see what we can find underneath the storm as we look at it here we've got winds going both ways 20 30 miles an hour that's just in circulation straight-line winds are at 60 to 70 mile an hour miles an hour so this is a very dangerous storm we're talking about a thunderstorm heading across this area that is in the polygon of red you'll see from Dillsboro over to Rising Sun we're in continuous coverage because we are now under a tornado warning for these folks across that area this was the area that we had warned earlier in the day that might very well be a problem now some folks are probably hearing sirens and have been because there are different emergency emergency managed meant kind of policies across the area but every county that you see yellowed is under a severe thunderstorm warning and the area that we're following is right here by Dillsboro and you can just barely see that red shade there across hills were on Rising Sun so for you folks we're talking about a storm now that's moving still at 55 miles an hour let's give you an updated area-wide nelson around the hartford area this is about where the core of the storm is State Route 262 you folks in the Buffalo area Cofield Corner you all need to be in your tornado safe place as well as communities like Camp Shore and Bellevue Waterloo and commissary Corner all small towns across Indiana and Boone County nevertheless folks in that area know exactly where I'm talking about we're talking about a threatening storm that clearly had some serious rotational properties across that area this warning came out from the National Weather Service just a short bit ago in the last few moments I'm looking at the very latest here we're looking at a population size of about 25,000 people within this tornado warned area now the warning has been moved so that is essentially cut down through about the area now approaching Rising Sun so for you folks there who are just probably hearing some sirens you are under an active tornado warning now this warnings going to continue as we go through about 10:45 so we're looking at a good 25 minutes or so as this continues across that area this includes also places like patriot and Beaver Lick that's a little bit more well known across that region even though it's not on the screen the core of the storm looks to be right around the Hartford area and Cofield Corner right at the moment these storms will continue to push off to the east southeast they're ripping across there at about 50 miles an hour let me see if I can catch an update from the National Weather Service and see if there's any further information they can give me it doesn't doesn't look like it right at the moment so as you look at it though you'll notice the intense lightning field not just in that area but also across the tri-state look up here with a box as total strikes for everybody eight hundred and some strikes within just this box you can see all of a flashing polygons these are active severe thunderstorm warnings we're talking about wind gusts to 60 miles an hour in many locations all across the tri-state most importantly and I'm going to draw it on the map here the end of this storm right here is the one that we're watching and then the line that continues straight up through here that is the cold front that's passing through the region that's the most potent part of the storm however I'm noticing out here by Mount Orab there is an intense amount of lightning there that's definitely going to put out some power across that region where you're seeing some of the red spikes here across the area you're talking about let me just see this here there's additional warnings going out but just assume if it's thunderstorm in your area it's likely a severe thunderstorm warning quite frankly now I don't want to leave the folks down here across southeast Indiana or Boone County hanging because right now they're either listening on their app or in the basement with the television turned up loud and again we're seeing still a little of this outflow here let's take a look underneath the storm and see if well not getting as much data as we need to really determine what the kind of circulation is within this storm but you'll notice these areas of green and red and what that means is these green areas are going away from the radar and the red is going toward so if you think about it you're talking about an area in here in the middle that's doing a little loop-de-loop going back and forth and that's where we end up getting rotation within that area so that's why these folks are under a tornado warning until 10:45 and many other areas are under a severe thunderstorm warning until 11 o'clock now as long as you folks in that box we're talking about in Boone County and across what is it we're talking about down through Ohio and Switzerland County are in your tornado safe place let me give you an update on the rest of the tri-state you folks in Hamilton County you're all under a severe thunderstorm warning you'll see the immense amount of lightning here let me bring in just hamilton county in this box 120 550 lightning strikes are happening just in hamilton county alone Butler in Warren County you're looking at 300 lightning strikes across the region you'll see Lebanon over by Hamilton up through Middletown down through Fairfield in Westchester now I'm going to set these storms in motion here and take off everything else so you can get a sense of how things are moving I'm going to show you just the last hour and how things have been going across the region and let me set it for you and there you go you'll see this has only been one hour and that has already moved across the region that line that you see is acting like a lawn mower and it has already knocked down power poles and other damage and roof and shingles as it has moved across southeast Indiana so that line that you see that stretching pretty much bisecting the tri-state here at 10:23 is the one will continue moving southeast at around 45 or 50 miles an hour meaning for you folks on the other side of this line that would be this area here you are going to see this line move through and likely cause some damage or at least have the potential for damage now you'll notice the purple shades here in our reflectivity this is some intense rain that's coming down across the area some of these areas will likely flood out in some of the county roads at least temporarily not that anybody's traveling but if you live in a low-lying area just keep that in mind okay now let's go back to seeing where we stand with the tornado warning it's active here until 10:45 as I mentioned by the look of the structure of this I would say that things are looking a little bit better as it starts jumping toward Boone County but nevertheless you're still under a tornado warning for the next 20 minutes and again we're looking at this storm that is likely right around the Rising Sun area North's landing probably right in through here so we're looking at Antioch Road we're looking at North Branch Road we're looking at bark works and in fact you'll see there's a little update in the radar there State Route 56 now I know no folks are traveling at this hour that's the good news everybody's in a safe at home position in their basement most likely especially in this area but I mention these things so that folks know approximately where the worst part of the storm is so that means for Bellevue commissary Corner you folks are right now just about in the worst part of the storm for you folks that are out by Oak Brook and Union and Bing Big Bone and Hume and Beaver Lick and Patriot you're on the outside of this storm right now but it's approaching you right at the moment and so as we look again at the entire tri-state we continue to see severe thunderstorm warnings out ahead of this storm there's a new one now you'll notice so for you folks across one and across Grant and across Pendleton County we have got ourselves another severe thunderstorm warning you folks that are also across Kenton and Campbell County now some of these counties you're gonna start to hear sirens going on if you're just tuning in unless you live in Boone or Ohio or Switzerland County you are not under a tornado warning there is a tornado warning in the counties that I just mentioned however because of some counties that will set off the sirens if there's a severe thunderstorm warning in a tornado watch some folks may be hearing them right now and that's in some cases what's going on around the tri-state because we are still under a tornado watch and still until 2:00 a.m. and a severe thunderstorm warnings are now out for just about every County we serve save phaeton Union that just got out of warnings and you folks in Mason and Brackett but you'll be next because this line of storms is heading for you and the Weather Service is correctly setting off the warnings in advance of this line because this line has already done damage as I mentioned a few moments ago across Southeast Indiana now I'm hearing a little update from my notification here let's see where we stand okay here's some good news for you folks across Clermont County you are actually being released oh goodness gracious we've got a new tornado warning okay here is the latest tornado warning effect it's not even crossing our nine first warning Doppler already picking it up I'll get the information momentarily from the Weather Service but it's right here from Northbrook to White Oak to Wyoming to Elmwood Playstore Norwood to Madeira to Blue Ash across Sycamore which means right in around Sims and Milford and Stone Lick out to about Newton's Ville and Goshen you guys are now under a tornado warning until 11 o'clock and in fact I think I hear some sirens outside the studio maybe someone I think Tonya is the only one left in our studio these days but maybe she can give me an update if she hears that but I think I hear that through some of our windows here okay most importantly we're looking at a tornado warning then for you folks of all of the towns I just mentioned it's essentially from about North Side over to the east side in Hamilton County and then half of Clermont County stretching from Batavia up to the northern part of the county so we have a new tornado warning that's out in fact it hasn't even been released by The Weather Service yet but our Doppler sirens aren't going on yet Tanya just came out to give me the thumbs up and just said that is indeed the case and we're getting the information in now from the National Weather Service who will pull the trigger on the tornado warning okay this is let's see here tornado warning yeah I got mentioned all that till 11 o'clock this is a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado which means we we're at the stage where it's so close the National Weather Service said we have to warn for a tornado because at any moment a tornado could drop down from this storm it's moving east at 45 miles an hour there's a lot of hell with this as well and as you see the lightning that's going off about this - we have got in the panel you're looking at folks look up in the corner 500 lightning strikes goodness gracious I rarely see something like that in this small an area I'll tell you where this is happening right now right in through Lincoln Heights and reading and Brookwood and golf Manor and Norwood Heights you folks in Deer Park Silverton dillonvale blue ash up by Evendale you all should be in your tornado safe place in fact all of the areas I mentioned a few moments ago you should be there as well this is the action and this is the area where undoubtedly the circulation is strongest and where those winds are twisting back and forth I'll go on to the storm nope don't have enough data there to to give you an update as to where things stand so I'll just tell you that this is what appears to be on the reflectivity the area where the circulation is happening I'll draw it on for you so you can get a better bigger view we're looking at about there for this storm and again this is pushing off to about the I want to get it right east at 45 miles an hour so let's get a little ETA as to what's going on with that portion of the storm we'll go right across this area here and 45 will bring us to there and here's our present ETA from where I marked the storm which is pretty close to the center we're talking about an area that's going out toward Madeira and out toward Stone Lick so these areas I've got just a second here going to clear that off so that I want to get it right centered on the place right there and then bring it out hold on a second we'll get a nice momentary cone here and here we go so you folks across what is a deer park blue ash Montgomery Medeiros Simms Terrace Park we're looking at Owensville betánia and Newton's Ville Newton's ville if this holds together in the next 26 minutes it'll be out by you likely this storm will still be severe weather it is still tornadic it will have to wait and see I'm going to leave this on the screen a little bit keep in mind as you may race to your basement grab your phone and you can either download our WCPO 9 app or WCPO dot-com / live WCPO dot-com / live and you can watch us live on your phone or get the app if you don't already have it now I want to get back to the other tornado warning that is down in Ohio in Switzerland County and see where we stand on that it appears to me that they've extended the warning so as an update for you folks across that region we are talking about a storm system around the Warsaw area right now I know it's difficult with all of these flashing polygons to see that I have got let's see hold on and that's a new tornado warning we have got now two areas that our tornado warned it is I'm gonna do something here folks if you'll bear with me I'm gonna take off these severe thunderstorm warnings because most likely there we go that'll help you out to be able to see this and then as we look at it you'll now see the active tornado warnings I'm going to take the lightning off because we know that that's just intense goodness gracious across the tri-state we're looking at eleven hundred and fifty set 56 strikes now you'll be able to see this better and now be able to see the tornado warned areas I know it's very difficult with everything on there and sometimes I'm so accustomed to seeing and I forget how difficult it is to see so here's where we are right at the moment first and foremost everywhere you see a red flashing box that those are tornado warnings I'm going to update you with the information here momentarily but what I wanted to do first is give you a chance to actually be able to see this so that you had a chance to get a sense of where these warnings are in case they obviously include you so now right at the present time here is tornado warning that is brand-new we are talking about well right along this area from a Rising Sun stretching down to Dry Ridge now Crittenden and Dry Ridge you need to take your tornado warning safe place now the storm is not near you don't think because it's not raining that it isn't heading for you this storm obviously is the potency of a tornado warning and it's going right through Glencoe Crittenton and Dry Ridge it's marching toward you now don't wait to see it that's what people make the mistake of doing there's a big sociology involved with that you want to be able to see it all not there around by me don't do that now the other warning that's out now is stretching from about Northbrook white oak Forest Park even Dale Wyoming golf Manor blue ash Norwood and Madeira this storm is heading off to the east at roughly 50 miles an hour right now that line takes it just out to Stone Lake right ahead of Batavia and Newton's Ville now folks like Milford and Goshen and merriment Newton excuse me Newtown all of these areas here you're not seeing much in the way of rain believe me it's going to come down torrential E and those winds are going to pick up hugely shortly this storm is heading right for you right now now I want to go back and give you a little ETA estimate as to when this storm is going to get to you I'm getting a new warning so I'm just gonna check out exactly what's going on this is another severe thunderstorm warning let me say this to you folks because I've got to stay on top of these tornado warnings for the obvious reasons if you feel there's under storms by you they are likely severe so there's likely 60 mile an hour wind gusts so as I back out the radar the most important areas oh goodness we've got another tornado warned area right now so we actively have four tornado warnings out in the tri-state at present I've mentioned the one on the east side going into Clermont County I've mentioned the ones in Boone County stretching down through also Gallatin and grant and also Pendleton we now have a new warning for you folks who are in also Kenton and Campbell County alright this is going to come out shortly it's not out just yet our nine first warning Doppler always takes it directly The Weather Service hasn't even put out the information but I'm going to tell you it's right here right now stretching from Erlanger and Villa Hills in Lakeside Park in Taylor Park Ryland Heights Highland Heights stretching out to New Richmond these storms are now just reaching downtown Cincinnati they're now going to be working across the area there's an intense amount of lightning there's winds at least to 60 miles an hour and in some cases as I've mentioned there are actively for tornado warnings across the tri-state so as we look at it at present I want to see where from the reflectivity I really can't see where the circulation might be most but the strongest portion of the storm is right around Crestview Hills right now so if I mentioned your town just a moment ago go take your tornado safe place we haven't had a report yet from the National Weather Service they have got their hands full as I do and they've got four they're trying to get all the information out as well so let me do this and take a look at where we're looking at some of the highest wind gusts across the tri-state and as we look at it we've got some very strong winds that are showing down through Northern Kentucky according to our Doppler we're looking at 70 mile an hour wind gusts look at this line of hail Tonya just showed me a small pea-sized hail but where let me just document some of this for you within some of the area around the tri-state you'll notice one two three four active tornado warnings now I want to show you some of the hell that's falling we have hail as big as an inch and a half 1/2 inch an inch and look at this stripe of half-inch hail so that's all just right down the spine of that cold front that cold front is all working to the east southeast it's moving at support anywhere from forty-five to fifty miles an hour it's going to continue to just move right across the entire tri-state as if it was a giant mower kind of knocking things down probably taking shingles perhaps doing even worse damage and certainly down here let me just find out exactly where that is because I want to see where that 70 mile gusts are coming right around Beaver Lake Verona area likely heading in and around Walton heading toward Piner all of those areas that's where you're going to see some very strong wind gusts and likely some rotation and circulation with these storms now as you look at it let's go back and recap we have a tornado warning out until 11 o'clock I see a little wind gusts in there hold on a second I want to find out where we stand there all right there's a 60 mile an hour wind gusts right there at that moment and that's around the Blue Ash Madeira area that doesn't mean there aren't other gusts it's just more pronounced and more sustained even though it is a gust it could be like gusts that are happening to 60 and that's what our radar generally picks up first so this is a tornado warning for this area that you see stretching from likely Sharonville Redding Amberly Norwood blue ash Sycamore Sims Milford Mara Mont Newtown Stone Lake Goshen you folks hopefully I think are all in your tornado safe place I as well as Terence Park when I mentioned Terrace Park I have good friends out there and I hope you guys Jan and Bruce are in your basement alright so as we look at it here's the story on the other tornado warning you'll notice that this is picking up some very heavy rain as well wanted to see this look at the torrential rain around Fort Wright and Lakeside Park we're talking about coming down at 5 inches an hour now it doesn't mean it's gonna collect to 5 inches because it's moving so fast but I mean that is really some heavy heavy rain you'll notice the half-inch hail that's there in pink as well or purple I guess Villa Hills Lakeside Park Erlanger Taylor Park Oak Ridge Ryland Heights out by Alexandria out by Melbourne Highland Heights while they're all under a tornado warning you need to get in your tornado safe place all right here's some of those gusts that are happening down in Northern Kentucky let me turn up there we go this this here comes the gust folks Walton and pine er get in your tornado safe place right now if you wanted if you were waiting now's not the time to wait any longer right crossing over 75 or 70 mile an hour gusts thank goodness that it's a shelter in place or a stay at home order we'd have folks on the interstate probably really having issues so these winds are heading right for you Piner right for you and they're heading right through morning view most likely where they're located right at the moment right around 75 by Beaver Road and state highway 14 you folks in that area you know where I'm talking about and that's the problem area right now all right we're continuing to get active warnings around here and I'm just going to continue to check out if there's anything more there's a lot of severe thunderstorm warnings so let's update everybody I've given the tornado warnings updated and you'll see what's going on here both in and across Kenton and Campbell County that tornado warning till 11:00 you'll notice the other warning across boone county is until 10:45 that we've highlighted it's also down through Switzerland and then Gallatin County and then the other warning is down here in through a grant and Pendleton County now I want to update you folks there for the simple reason that it's on the way to you Crittenden you're about to get whacked you're gonna see one of the most powerful parts of the storm it's going to continue to cut right across 75 and then it looks like it'll just continue to move into the Dry Ridge area and on its way to Butler over by Pendleton County so you folks need to be in your tornado safe locations now the rest of these storms that you see are likely all and I'm gonna find out right now for everybody else who's watching I'm going to turn on everything else and there we go just a mess of flashing polygons all use all those yellow polygons that you see all active severe thunderstorm warning that means the storms that are under there are all carrying wind gusts to at least 60 miles an hour and as we showed you just a few moments ago they're also carrying a terrific amount of hail damaging hail in some occasions now as we look at things at present that area in Highland County I want to highlight for you folks stretching through Hillsboro especially down in what would be the southwestern part of the county in fact the National Weather Service just issued a brand-new severe thunderstorm warning for that area okay so all I want to update that and take a look underneath the storm this is going to show you where some of the most intense parts of the storms are located for folks who are watching let me take this over here for a second do you see those black core areas these are going to be just chunks of hail and you'll see as I highlighted up toward Wilmington and over there where I was talking about in Highland County you're talking about two in jail that's like likely melting down only a quarter so we're talking about perhaps ping-pong sized hail coming out of those storms we're also seeing significant wind gusts there's one to sixty miles an hour there's more 60 mile an hour wind gusts here those are within the tornado warned areas here's some good news there's been an update in the tornado warning for you folks in Hamilton County let me shut these off just momentarily and I'll or turn off what I should say is the severe thunderstorm warnings and if I do that you'll be able to see the change that's happened across the area what's up 4,000 customers without power right now fourth that's okay you heard Tonya there in the background give you a little update I think we picked up her mic just there at the end so just to repeat 4,000 people without power Tonya's at mostly probably know that Mountain Lookout is out so most of like just the Cincinnati right now I'm trying to look at they're only either outage that kind of thing good let me update this area still an active tornado warning for the areas that you see right now some of the strongest wind gusts are happening right over Milford right now folks if you waited it was a mistake get in your basement now please as we look at Goshen and Stone Lake just out to Newton's Ville in Owensville you folks should be ready to get in your basement shortly if this storm progresses and the Weather Service determines to push the warning now for you folks on the east side of town you're still seeing some pretty intense storms you're still seeing severe thunderstorms Norwood up through Madeira however it is not tornado warned any longer that doesn't mean there's not strong wind gusts that could do damage thankfully those twisting winds they can do more damage are not in your area at present also in Kenton County well here we go we just got an update on the radar and that is across Campbell County right by Alexandria in fact it's right by NKU is right by excuse me right in through to the south of NKU down through Alexandria there's wind gusts let's just peg it for you at 60 miles an hour it's starting to move right by the double-a highway I think yeah there it is right there so it's on its way and this is a tornado warned area you folks in Alexandria over by Oneida and Carthage and New Richmond all get in your tornado safe locations California new Palestine all same idea for that area now let's go ahead and take a look at the other area that is tornado warned and there is some significant winds in a Piner area thank goodness you folks listen to me if you're watching online on the app or whatever there are some winds that are 270 miles an hour within the tornado warned area right in the Piner area morning view you are next it's heading for you get in your basement now if you're not already we're also seeing a much more significant line of winds now stacking up in fact stretching across thankfully mostly rural area but nevertheless the smaller towns of flings ville Sherman and Northcutt these winds are going to come whipping and likely damaging winds across that area all of this line of red that you see are 60 mile an hour gusts and they're all moving off to the east so you folks in there to Knoxville to Portland you're still under a tornado warning you need garner excuse me Gardner's ville and you all need to be in your tornado safe area there's going to be some damage there with those winds where you see the purple shades these are the large hail that you see at the next level after that dark purple the black shade that you see here is up to two inch inch-and-a-half one down three quarters and then a half with that other purple I don't want to sit and mark them here's a good example why you got to be ready folks look at this here is okay they've reissued for this area now they've reissued we right along the sims Milford area you'll see there's a red bar that just went up and here's why all of a sudden this portion of the storm started to show serious rotational properties again and once again we're seeing wind gusts to 70 miles an hour where is that located let's show you right now in street spot Mount repose right there at buckwheat road down by des Heights and Eleanor State Route 131 and over by Woodville pipe now this is moving off to the east you folks in Ashdale Belfast right by State Route 132 and cedarsville Road so that's going to head toward you and start moving off toward Newton's ville so all of you folks while you're not technically well there you are they've extended the warning now good for them okay so the National Weather Service has extended and moves a new tornado warning now it's located from Newton's ville stretching to Batavia Williamsburg Fayetteville and Mount Orab in Brown County welcome to the party folks I know it's one you didn't want to attend let's bring it down in through and there's a new warning down here as well tornado warning showing from a portion of Clermont County the southern portion of Campbell County down through Kenton County down through Grant excuse me Milton County and over now to Bracken County so let me bring this out to you that you can get a better sense of it for those of you who are watching on us watching us online and again if you are now in the path of these storms and I say that to you because you folks who are around Georgetown Maysville West Union Hillsboro up through Wilmington chances are these storms are going to stay severe now is your time to think about WCPO calm slash live or download our app you can watch us either way now back to business you'll see the red bars flashing right now essentially almost and this is really unusual almost all of Clermont County under a tornado warning so everybody if you are in Clermont County go to your basement now go to the inner - interior of your house and if you are new to the area that means this if you don't have a basement go to an interior probably bathrooms your best choice secondarily is going to be a closet you want to put essentially as many walls to the from the exterior away from you so go to the middle of your house and find a place there right now because this line is in fact almost intensifying we're starting to see a lineup of 60 to 70 mile-an-hour wind gusts all across this line with rotational properties and that's why the tornado warnings are out right at present so again now to update you folks in the panhandle of Brown County should be in your tornado safe place I know it's not even raining take a laptop put your television loud if you don't have one take your phone downstairs and you still have time to even download our app from the App Store but that line is heading for you Bethel same idea Felicity got it Brooksville Falmouth Butler now we're talking about folks who are threatened right now New Richmond down to Dry Ridge you are under the gun hopefully you're in your tornado safe place because as we look at it at present we're talking about 60 to 70 mile an hour wind gusts that are setting up and down that line there's a vivid example of what we're talking about nearly stretching from Dry Ridge to New Richmond off and on on that line 60 to 70 oh goodness it's even growing if you look at it now we just got that update if you're watching in another spot you'll see what's happened that line now is almost well let's see I'm just curious how long it is of 60 mile an hour winds you're talking about 15 miles as the crow flies to the southwest warnings are coming out all across the area if you have thunderstorms chances are they are severe meaning you have 60 mile an hour wind gusts or more I'm focusing because these are all tornado warnings we've got tornado warnings out now until 11:30 so we'll be in continuous coverage here and we'll be adding in when we find out other reports from our news team and Tonya will jump in when she has other information to deliver but we are going to be in continuous coverage because of this situation and you'll see what's happened we have nearly an unbroken area of a tornado warning all across this line that stretching from the top of Clermont County down through Northern Kentucky I don't know in 15 years that I've seen that there's been a tornado line that's 55 miles long as the crow flies you have an update based on what you just have this seem so trivial but there are 28 thousand Duke Energy customers now without power this is widespread so anyone who has power still text your friends whatever tell them to download our app or go to wcco.com on their phones so that they can keep track of what's happening as Steve has said over and over no Joe please do this for your family and friends yeah good idea and a good reminder here's a good reason why all the powers out in just the box that you see with this line you'll notice up in the corner 660 plus lightning strikes I mean that's pretty intense folks and across certain areas here look at this area and get another warning coming out let me update you with all the severe thunderstorm warnings here in a second since I've got all my folks hopefully in the basement I want to tell the rest of you what's going on look at this area here I mean look at this area here we're talking about a severe thunderstorm warranty with 400 lightning strikes and just from Goshen up to Clarksville Butler Ville Midland 280 I mean we're talking about definitely power going out for you folks who are in the line of these storms now I'm going to turn back on the reflectivity meaning how hard is it raining well you can tell because we're all familiar with radar that that red and that purple shade coming down in buckets I'm not worried about any flooding situations no one really is out or should be especially within these warned areas what I do want to do is let you know that the potential for other severe storms that could cause damage at your house are around the area right now okay now here's where we stand with all the severe thunderstorm warnings goodness gracious great balls of fire with that entire line if you think about it we're talking about everything that is east of downtown Cincinnati and actually downtown's included down through Florence down stretching through Owenton everywhere you see the flashing polygons and I realize not everybody can see this perhaps you folks are in your basement but take my word for it and for you folks who are watching who are in the counties that don't have any rain right now that what would be east of Greater Cincinnati Georgetown Brooksville Maysville West Union Hillsboro is under the gun right now you're going to see this and it is going to take some power out it will likely cause some minor to may be substantial damage I also notice they've extended the tornado warning to the south so I want to go back and update folks who need to know about this I'm going to take off the severe thunderstorm warnings essentially if it's storming in your area assume there are wind gusts to 60 miles an hour now here's the new tornado warning oh boy this is a big one too folks you'll notice it's extended out through what is excuse me likely around Crittenden and stretching out through Brooksville I'm going to show you the path of this storm and take everything off so that you can get a sense of how things are moving I want to show you this and then I'll do an ETA path to you that you know how fast it's moving this is one hour you're going to see this is just one hour okay so this is ripping at fifty and sixty miles an hour as you look at that I am just gonna grab a little drink here because my throat's getting a little dry so excuse me while I take a quick drink excuse me for googling there you know gurgling there on camera there but otherwise I'll really start coughing up a storm here so there you go there's that line that's really intense and that is essentially all severe and tornadic in some locations now what concerns me is what's happening down here heading to you folks in Falmouth don't wait go to your basement go to your basement from what I can tell here on the reflectivity we're looking at a potential hook echo right here which is right here is right around the Goforth area McNay Road Ballinger Road approaching Hayes and Falmouth let me take a look under the storm and see if I can see anything looks like that would be about the spot I don't have enough data to make sure of that but it does appear it might be at that location from what I can determine and what I can see and the data that I have available to me now as we look at it that's what's going to be heading off in that direction let me see if we can get a couple of ETA markers here right at present I just got attacks let me just give you a break so you could get another crinkle water for a second yeah I just got a text from Tamaki one of our senior reporters who retired earlier this in the last year he says powers out in the kenwood Madeira area 2800 customers there by the way the ETA to get that back on is sometime at 4:45 in the morning tomorrow so keep in mind folks as I said call friends call neighbors call whoever you can let them know how they can case they don't know how they can keep watching this because the storm as you're seeing it's very very fast it is it is moving quickly and Steve is keeping up as fast as he can I'll also tell you I'm getting text you cannot believe from people saying there is damage all over Fairfield big giant trees down and play Ridge Campbell County they're seeing trees and powerlines down it will not shock us to see a lot of damage from this at all so keep that in mind and you know send us stuff on Twitter on you know just send it to at WCPO and we will find it you can send it to me at Tonya work at Steve ATS in c WX man wits man and we will get these videos and pictures on as fast as we can Tonya thank you for the update it did give me a chance just to catch up here and get a swallow so this is important for you folks in the Falmouth area it appears to me that that is a hook echo by all accounts which means there could very well be a funnel cloud in this location we're talking at a possibility of the Goforth area approaching Hayes and Falmouth and I would say there is right now a growing likelihood of at least a funnel cloud or perhaps more around this area and this is why the National Weather Service has you folks under a tornado warning everybody please across let's see Hayes for Oaks Falmouth Morgan McKinney's burg Browning corner bachelors rest Catawba all around this area if I and Falmouth of course if you have heard your name please go to your basement go to the inner portion of your home a bathroom or a closet I believe this is a very threatening situation right now this is right located in the Hayes area Hayes Station Road Highway 330 West that only means something to those folks in Falmouth Hayes and four oaks in the areas surrounding it but that's approximately what looks like some circulation you'll notice what we call it it's called a hook echo because of that actual hook looking there is a lot of circulation around here in that area right at this present time my guess is there's some very strong circulation in there and there is actively what we sometimes see winds going away and toward the radar bumped up against each other so if you were to take a pen and put it in your hand and rub it back and forth you get the rotation and it looks and it appears to me right in that area of haze and for Oaks that's exactly where that rotation is happening exactly here where some of the winds are heading this way and by for Oaks that winds are heading this way and we're talking about a scant scant two miles across that area confirmed sighting Clermont officials of a funnel funnel cloud state route 222 that was at 10:57 three minutes ago all right I will update you across that area now Thank You Tanya okay across where was it again Tanya exactly safe state route 222 bike near 222 Clermont officials say that's yeah that's that's all the information I have okay okay let's see if we can get a little bit more information here hold on just a second see if we've got we've got a new tornado warning up by Blanchester as well so let's update you as to where we stand I'm going to tell you all of the towns where you should be in your basement Bethel New Richmond Felicity Butler Falmouth Brooksville Dry Ridge you all should be in your basement you folks across the panhandle of Brown County and now there's a new tornado warning that includes Midland and into Highland County in the rural section of Highland County we're talking by route 50 stretching out route 50 from Fayetteville to Hillsboro if you live in that area you are in a tornado warning and that tornado warning is out until 11:30 so we have got ourselves quite an evening and a night here folks let's run down where we stand right now for everybody who's watching and wondering what's going on we have got ourselves some very active weather stretching across all of the red polygons that you see we've been in continuous coverage because these are active tornado warnings look at how big the warnings are and how much room and area and depth they cover we're talking this one from Clermont County down through Pendleton County almost 31 miles long and it continues to press across this area we've talked about where the warnings are let's talk about where the warnings are going Brooksville Felicity Augusta Georgetown Mount Orab Maori stone new market you folks in Hillsborough in the more populated area of Highland County get ready for this storm likely it's heading right for you and in fact you folks in Fayetteville I want to show you what it looks like to have rotation over the top of your area and in Blanchester you'll remember I talked about how winds are going toward and away from the radar look how strong they are going and they are right next to each other here there is no question and here's the Blanchester area that we talked about and this is likely right where that rotation of a funnel cloud was most likely spotted right around the Curless Road area now as it moves it's moving off to the east it's just updated for us you folks in st. Martin and West burrow and Midland area you're all in the path of these potential tornadoes okay I've got an update we have evidence of a tornado on the ground in northern Brown County this is the one we're talking about moving Western Highland County this is right at 11 o'clock this is the area I just circled for you this is was the area that became all too obvious from the radar in our velocity here we're talking about an area right by the Fayetteville area just outside to the east right by Snow Hill Road we have evidence of a tornado on the ground and this is likely the spot just south of Saint Martin you folk folks in Dodson Ville and stretching out by anyone who's in the rural area by Brown Road Weber town all in Highland County the this potential tornado or tornado according to the National Weather Service is heading for you you are now just been extended into the tornado warning they've extended it outward across that area you can almost see that twisting nature to the winds if you consider this and this other area I'm concerned with just south of Midland as well I want to look on a broader area because of the other warnings and yep these areas to look like their potential funnel clouds riding around here too let's see where it is John vil on the way to wool cut and blade Stan and Gertrude all small towns folks take your basement or your tornado safe place the other locations and I lost it no there it is okay right here browning corner this area likely is also showing what likely could it be at least at least a funnel cloud or perhaps even more okay so the way it stands is we've got some very strong twisting winds and you can see them here now and I'm gonna give you some ETA updates in a moment but you see these little spikes here I need them to come up to date the problem becomes is is there a little behind there's so much action and my data that I would give you would be off and that wouldn't be any good so let's talk about what we're seeing here on radar right here you'll notice we're in this tornado warned area if you know folks are friends or relatives who are on the east side of that area call them let them know this is on the way it's moving off to the east and let me check just how fast here hold on looking it up and alright give me one second take me a second just to kind of get in here for a minute already and bring this up to date it's moving there's the tornado warning across the year and it looks like we've got an up this moving at 40 and 50 miles an hour so I'm gonna do an update for you looks like we have the tornado warning extended into Adams County now and also in through Mason County that is the latest that is new so what's happening here is let me draw this on the map for our friends who are off to the east of this line this line that you see from Wilmington stretching down and across into Northern Kentucky this is essentially tornadic line and it's going to continue to push off to the east southeast at about 40 and 50 miles an hour so if you were on the east side of this line just about everybody is there from Hillsboro to about West Union you're under a tornado warning or I would think you will be this is not going to fade not the way things have been going with this particular line so assume that you will shortly be going into your tornado safe location now I know in parts of Brown and Adams and in through Bracken and Mason County it's not even raining but you will see these strong storms head your way we're talking about get another warning coming out let me just check what it is here tornado possible and this is the area yeah these three bumps here that we're seeing there's actually yeah this one is the most concerning that's up here up at the head of the Panhandle moving into Highland County the I want to let you folks know right in that area this is this high probability there there is a tornado still on the ground up here right around Ferriss town Saint Martin Weber town Lynchburg Dodson Ville clocks crossing Russell Willits Ville Fairview you folks all need to be in your safe location up toward West burrow and middlin and Jonesboro this circulation is rather extensive I want to show you something we rarely see this in this part of the this part of the world but we likely have a tornado on the ground right around Sycamore Road right out by Township Highway 226 looks like State Route 123 County Road 312 County Highway 448 that area almost stretching up to Midland because what's going on is we're getting very strong winds twisting around in that location and in fact we're almost seeing the circulation there in its entirety if you look at this and you can see it that all of these wind gusts are heading away excuse me hold on all of these wind gusts are heading toward the radar and you'll see them from Ferris town to Midland and you see almost a curvature to this green shade here like this and you can see there's very strong rotation likely right around clocks cross and weber town now you folks need all to be in your tornado safe location this is moving toward Martinsville new Vienna and Leesburg take action now it won't cost you do it you are outside the tornado warning it's worth it from what I can see on the radar now there are a couple other concerning areas this one here north of Georgetown by White Oak Valley east walls burg by West Arnhem you folks should consider taking making sure you're in your tornado safe location this is a tornado warned area now also here along this line you'll see it stretching right along Rock Springs Walcott blades town Gertrude this area as well looks to be a high rotation area you are under a tornado warning another area as well here stretching down toward Pietra it looks like Powers Ville also hit Ville Bridgeville Stonewall is outside the warning but you'll likely be included here shortly another warning also is set up let's see it's flashing right out by Mount Olivet you folks don't even have any rain happening by you but you're under the warning because they assume this line that you see here now is heading for you sure jump in see I just want to let folks know because I know we're not out and running around right now but just FYI we are hearing the over scanners this is scanner traffic then we're getting that Clinton Clermont County there are trees down on route 133 at Bishop it's just blocking access we have to confirm this still but in case that's something in your area and you need to know that we are telling you this because it may be blocking road access the ability to drive I'm sorry I say that again guys and I did an update on the amount of homes without power 55,000 at this time so we are talking about widespread issues all over as I've mentioned before call or text your friends if they're not aware of what's going on so you can make them aware to turn on their the it'll go on our website or get our or app going so that they can help them Steve I know you have so much to do I just wanted to break in with that no I'm glad you did it gives me a second to to just slurp down a little something to drink we've got another active warning just being issued let me just see if I can grab okay this is canceling some warnings and I think I'm gonna clear some folks here too now I know we have some active tornado warnings and everybody's stretching from southern Clinton County the eastern third of Highland and frankly you folks in Hillsborough just go ahead to your tornado safe place just do it now because I think that's the wise choice given what I'm seeing on radar stretching down through all of Brown County now all of Brown County virtually under a tornado warning and virtually all of Mason and Bracken and Mount I'll excuse me Robertson County all under a tornado warning the line that you see here now for everybody else if you're watching and you're in the more populated area around Greater Cincinnati you'll see what's going on you are seeing intense rain you are also seeing sporadic lightning but the line of storms the severe line has pushed through now that doesn't mean we couldn't see an isolated Torm turned severe however if you are watching right now and you're around Greater Cincinnati out through the 275 Belt or right around that area you likely are under strong thunderstorms but not severe we aren't seeing any severe weather for West Chester and white oak and Cincinnati in Florence and Aurora and Batavia and up through Oxford in Batesville and over by Lebanon West Chester now those areas you could still see a storm flare up and become severe but the line that is really most devastating the one is put out a lot of power that has obviously caused damage across the region that we're going to find out is likely cause some tornadoes is now stretching across to some of our eastern neighbors and as we look at it let me recap where we stand because as I look at this I am the only thing I can say this is some highly concern for the folks that are up this way that we're looking at right now we're looking at a pure doughnut we don't see this very often and this area is rather extensive it is called a bounded weak echo region to that magnitude there is so much rotation stretching from Martinsville down for about route 50 it is really causing a giant centrifuge and the strongest rain is wrapping around and within it it is so strong and the winds are so powerful it actually creates that mixer effect where there's lighter or you can see down through sort of speak there's no question in my mind there's there's probably some kind of funnel cloud or worse by around Lynchburg and allensburg I know all you folks have already been smart enough to take your tornado safe locations I'm waiting for the National Weather Service to issue a tornado warning for Hillsboro that will likely come momentarily but as I say for you folks go ahead alright there is a new updates tornado warning I'm catching it here continues bracken okay it's just changed the warning a little bit for some areas this is just shifting eastward you folks in Clermont County you are now behind that severe line okay just that's till 11:45 that's the severe thunderstorm warning if you've got thunderstorms now from Clinton County Brown Highland down through Brown down through Mason and Bracken County excuse me not Mason but Bracken County you are likely under a severe thunderstorm warning if you're not already under this three tornado warnings now a lot of circulation as I mentioned there I'm seeing less circulation for you folks in the panhandle of Brown County I'll be interested to see if that warning continues from Fayetteville down a mount or above it's quite possible that could be allowed to expire it is up at 11:15 right now let's see if that is moved I would think that's going to be allowed to be expired now as we stand right at the moment there are folks who are going to see some severe weather we're seeing some very strong winds with some twisting winds from Georgetown down through Brooksville we are seeing what is likely a very strong danger twisting winds and at last report we did have a tornado on the ground when it was in brown excuse me yes Brown County in the Panhandle so as you're looking at it we're talking about an area that was just outside of Fayetteville around that general area now that donut that circulation has moved into the area which would be northwest of Hillsboro now I want to show you how this is moving for you folks in that region because anybody in that area should be in their tornado safe place as I see it so that includes Leesburg and Hillsboro there's a lot of dangerous twisting winds in that area the good news is you folks now in Brown County are clear that's mentioning that a few moments ago now let's show you what's happening as we look at it I'm going to set this to let's say 30 minutes and this is the last 30 minutes I know it's tough to see cuz it's so tight I got to push it out a little bit for you folks so you'll see it better okay there's a general push East but also northeast if you look at it that storm and storms like this that are twisting generally move from Southwest to Northeast not always but most of the time meaning that this storm for you folks in and around the Leesburg area you could very well be in the direct path of this storm as it continues to move as we look at the general movement of the storm let's get a little idea of this section of the storm you're looking at Hillsborough at 11:39 but I'm more concerned and you'll see that the radar and some of these what we call skits are analyzed ations here's Leesburg for this part of the storm that's the back side though and the more potent side is up already in front of it 11 17 37 this yeah this is the area the storm this is going to get analyzed in a minute some of these skits are National Weather Service skits we put them all on as well as our own Doppler I think they're going to move one that's down right about here shortly this looks to be the circulation area it looks to be including Martinsville farmers Jonesboro will its ville so it's all heading up through the area and buy new viana and then eventually Leesburg okay alright so let's see where we stand here you'll notice that there's another line that is included as a tornado warning stretching across from what is about mid Brown County by approaching Winchester you folks in the Winchester area find your tornado safe place you folks in Ripley find your tornado safe place as we stretch down through all of Mason and County you need to get ready for this storm heading to you in fact it looks like the storm and you'll see this has got a Southwest northeast tilt this is probably some of the rotation that we were looking at a little earlier and this is this is you'll see see TBS that's an indication for tornadic storm so there is a lot of rotation in this storm now so what we've got is this making it to you in Maysville according to our Doppler at 11:41 so you're what 22 minutes away is that right 23 minutes away let's see Brooksville you're in the thick of things now so this storm is moving in that direction Maysville go to your tornado safe place now go now okay so with that said let's also take a look at the storms up through that Hillsborough area still waiting for them I sure would like to see this get extended a little bit you'll notice they have now moved the tornado warning over that area that we were looking at so all of you folks that I mentioned once before across Highland and N through Clermont excuse me Clinton County Clinton County not Clermont Clinton County Clinton and Highland County going to your tornado safe place all would be a good idea now for everybody else who's watching and I know a lot of folks are you'll see across the tri-state boy there is a lot of rain it is either moderate to heavy to torrential think about what you look at on a radar we're talking about the upper bands here you don't see a lot of green right so as a result this rain is really coming down so there were likely some roads probably at least minorly getting flooded but that's hardly a concern given the fact that everybody is at home that's at least one valuable thing that's happening here tonight okay so I'm getting an update here from the Weather Service they're continuing this warning now through 11:30 that you see here that's in Highland and also in Clinton County let's get a little quick update and see what they if there is any other while you're doing that while you're looking at that take a second look at let me just go over a couple things folks here now what Tonya let me just mention is I did get an update The Weather Service is saying at 10:57 so that was about 30 minutes ago that tornado warned area was producing both tornadoes plural and extensive straight-line wind damage okay so that was 10 57 but that area and I'll get to you just in one seconds on you I want to mention that because I am greatly concerned about this particular area this is where you need to be in your tornado safe location anybody around the Highland County area or Clinton County from Martinsville over to Leesburg also Hillsborough Tonia an update just giving you an update right now 62,000 people without power we have reports of damage in hail we also know that Boone and Campbell counties have told us have told our Tyson Thorp that they have reports of damage across those counties Brown County is not dispatch says they don't have anything about tornadoes yet but they do have damage of trees down and that type of thing there is a tree down across Kenwood Road in Madeira that our Craig McKee has been sending in to us I'm not sure if that's entirely blocking traffic but it's it seems to be a pretty good one so I'm just trying to let you know folks there are there is sincere damage across our area we'll keep updating that when we get more information for you this is unbelievable torn Tonya look you've been around here longer than I have I want it I want to ask you have you seen this look at this rotation that's happening on the radar right there in that same area we're talking about you can see the rotation of the radar it looks like a hurricane that's very interesting that's it you know you can see a rotation similar to that in fact you'll notice is I stopped this the most intense part of that radar nearly is locking in this entire area I'll draw it around for those of you maybe right through here this is greatly concerning this is a huge huge circulation and we're going to hear about some damage across that area I'm hoping that it missed any small towns in it stayed in the rural portion of the counties because that is more highly rural you'll notice as I dive down in there there are small towns though from Lynchburg - well it's Ville across Hillsboro this is the region look at this you can see it on the radar how there's almost a circle right here you just don't see that folks you just don't see that and I'm gonna tell you I haven't seen it unless I see radar that's in the middle of the country out through Tornado Alley now as we look down here I want to show you this incredible line that's also and I wanna put the warnings back on here's what we're looking at in fact yeah now the this is what we're talking about there's a new tornado warning up through that area I want to just update you now it's official it's what I said to you 20 minutes ago that this was going to get extended and now Hillsboro through Leesburg all through Highland County all under a tornado warning okay so essentially if you are north of Newmar Newmarket Marshall you're still you're going to see some real strong winds even though you're not in the tornado warning there's some very strong likely straight-line winds that are gonna come through there let's just take a look at what we can find underneath there right at the moment right as quick gusts there's some 60 and 70 mile an hour wind gusts some of this hail is on the larger side that's up through Clinton County this is smaller sized hail this actually does happen because the rotation is so strong in that area you don't often see unless they're storms begin to tower and we don't get that here bigger sized hail you sometimes get that giant hail in the middle of the country because we're talking about 50 60,000 feet thunderstorms and we're not seeing that here I could go in and check what size the thunderstorms are but it's hardly worth the time and effort more importantly is to tell you folks across that area where you see these red flashing polygons now folks who live in that area here's what happens in at this point in juncture okay Chillicothe over to Jeffersonville out by Clarksburg and Frankfort they're out of our area these folks don't even watch us but I'll bet you you have friends or relatives out that way give them a call and let them know this is on the way this is a demo goodness gracious okay I'm glad I went into this mode you folks in Maysville if you have waited to get into your basement please do it at this very very moment at this exact time there are gusts now to 80 miles an hour and there gusts to 70 on the outside of this band and it's a rotational band it's likely some kind of funnel cloud that's moving toward you right now let's see if there is analyzation going on there isn't let me go under the storm see if I can see it in better form or fashion it looks like it the rotation is right around the Moran burg and Huntington Park area I can give you historia roughly in that area that's what I would say but we are seeing some severe wind gusts just let's mark it for you seven miles away okay and this band that you're seeing even within this portion here that's stretching 22 miles across the county stretching up through Brown County there's 60 mile and wind gusts all across there there's going to be damage all across here and frankly I only hope here it comes Maysville in the basement into the safe location this is a significant and dangerous storm approaching you right now there will be damage with this storm as it moves across the Maysville area this is why its tornado warned this is why it's cutting across there for you folks who are in that area let me show you where it is it's right by Huntington Park excuse me not show you cuz unless you're watching on the app or at wcco.com you can go to slash live WCPO dot-com slash live and you can watch us there get into a safe location as well as in Clayton and Paradise Hills in Brady's Ville and Ellsbury most importantly now let's just I want to walk this back just a bit so I can see how it's moving see it's moving and yeah okay it's coming down in intensity a little bit okay you'll see the yellow is starting to Dan it's moving right to Ellsbury you folks in Maysville you're going to see strong winds but the strongest winds are going to move right through Ellsbury and so right there and then it's gonna head toward what is Brady's Ville and Paradise Hills I know there's small towns folks live there though and please stay safe there's some very strong winds showing up through Highland County I'm noticing again here - looks like 60 mile an hour gusts right on 73 by State Route as I mentioned 73 and county highway 11 it is let's see heading toward Leesburg folks you are going to get those very strong winds as well as you'll notice the hail that's involved there's the very strong winds moving into Maysville this line of storms these tornado warned areas are going to continue to move eastward they're moving in about 50 miles an hour so let's give you a little ETA as to what we're talking about with these storms and the line where they stand for folks Wow how about this there's that circulation boy look at that huh I got to tell you there they're gonna do Studies on this look at this look at that very heavy band of rain just wrapping around and this is a bounded week echo region in other words the echoes as the region is inside here and these that area is got some very strong circulation and the center of that circulation at present is pretty obvious and it wouldn't surprise me if perhaps there's a too NATO on the ground or at least a very noticeable funnel cloud right around that area I was mentioning before by State Route 73 and county highway 11 we would be talking about moving into Samantha and then moving through Leesburg and bridges next so it will be moving it's moving in a 50 mile an hour fashion here I'm not even going to be able to get it on the screen let's see here and let's see 1140 it's gonna be faster than that because I couldn't even get it on the screen so you figure it's going to be there in the next I would say three to five minutes for Leesburg from what I could tell there on that band there is some significant rotation here folks we don't generally see things like that right at the present time I hope everybody is in there tornado safe location and you folks especially in the Samantha area all across their bridges very very important you can hear by the tone of my voice I'm a little concerned about that area and frankly I should be okay other areas to be concerned with right around that corner now a brown and Adams County it's a highly rural little corner there so that's good news and it's going to start skipping in an out of area and over and across into Eastern Kentucky now we're looking at these warnings let's just time them out for you want to go back to reflectivity and you can see the line of storms much better let's see where the lightning is located right we're now seeing these storms moving out of the County of Highland but these are all and here's the thing about this folks I have not there's a good look at it for everybody else and let me just update everybody else it's probably good to do a reset at this juncture and as you look at it here's where we stand okay so the most severe storms you'll notice are now east of what is a panhandle of Brown County stretching down through Clermont over down through Grant and Pendleton County in Owen County now that's not to say there's not some thunderstorms around but they are not severe they could turn severe but the line of severe weather is now past you so for the Greater Cincinnati area we're talking about the severe threat I won't say is over but is likely limited at this juncture but for anybody who is obviously in that area that you see flashing for our friends who are not under warnings who are still following this coverage because of friends or relatives or interest we're talking about still a lot of areas under tornado warnings or severe thunderstorm warnings now I'm going to take the severe thunderstorm warnings off and see where we stand with the tornadic warnings here's where we are it is now going to be affecting you folks in Adams County you haven't had your share yet it is now heading to you Manchester West unions and let's put Peebles on the map this storm is now passing Winchester but you folks are still somewhat under the gun Peebles you're about to get whacked West Union Manchester there's a lot of rotation within that storm by you you should be in your tornado safe place Peebles West Union Manchester Maysville you're already there and need to stay there now as we look at our friends who are up here in Highland County we now see that giant rotation moving through the county in the northern half northern let's say north eastern portion from Hillsboro up to Leesburg this rotation is Bayou now there's a lot of very strong storms excuse-me winds is what I meant to say we're seeing gusts to 60 and 70 miles an hour as well as larger sized hail there's an inch mark right there for you and you'll see a lot of lightning is off to the south and southeast that will be coming and whipping around you here shortly tornado possible down in through as we were talking about in Adams County I'm just trying to read these I've got her okay I've got two port from 10:40 coming from the emergency manager multiple reports of trees down in Clermont County in Loveland so that's not surprising given the fact that this storm the one that has been most concerning has been tornadic for quite some time that is a powerful storm that is still in and around Highland County what we're looking at is actually underneath the storm and it gives me a chance to see where the strongest wind gusts are and right at present time as I mentioned you folks in the Manchester area you will likely see some 60 and 70 mile an hour wind gusts right at present we're looking at 80 mile an hour wind gusts that could very well start pinwheeling up toward you so as I say being your tornado safe location West Union as well as these warnings propagate we will stay with time here's some good news we're starting to see less in the way of rotation not that we can't get damaging winds but obviously when we're talking about those dangerous twisting winds there's more damage to be had but we're seeing severe thunderstorm warnings more than tornadic warnings being issued by the National Weather Service hold on one second let me just grab a sip here well I mean we've got some wires arcing down on Boone Air Road in Florence I mean there's just widespread damage all over the place I we have one of the photographer's Beata Schmidt is down in Florence and just sent back some video and see if it's really interesting it's Midway up a telephone pole it snapped in half and on its side so I don't know what that says I mean obviously it could just be bursts of wind but you know obviously there's going to be a ton of ton of problems with all of this tomorrow that not that we needed more things to think about and in our in our world right now but obviously we're going to have some more things to deal with in our communities I am Sonya I'm going to tell you something I tomorrow we're gonna be talking about tornado damage across the area I'd be shocked if we're not and in fact looking at this radar for those of you who might be meteorologists or serious weather enthusiasts let me just take you through what I'm seeing here and why I think we're the reason why The Weather Service has done a marvelous job on this take a look at this one section this was back at 10:59 so it wasn't much longer ago see these little hooks here 1 2 3 look at this area of rotation up in here that's even stronger now watch as I continue and see them ripple across the area you can see the turn of that radar in there and then you can see that giant turning that happens remember we were talking about damage in Loveland back here where Loveland is let me just mark this off look at this area here right through this region ok just focus your eye on that and watch this watch this turn see it turning and then if you look along the line that's been moving it's all bent or Natick in several areas this is this is really disturbing across the area this is a major outbreak for us oh goodness for graces yeah that just took the tree down 7 foot around 8 foot around tree in Amberleigh village just snapped in half I don't know if we hard to see how be able to zoom in on it so but this is where we stand right now folks I wanted to give you the reality of what we're what we're seeing for your friends and why we have been in and continuing coverage this is is almost as bad as we get it for around here we'll see to what level it turns out tomorrow but at the bottom line and where we stand right now we're looking at still severe weather and tornadic weather stretching across the tri-state we have one left tornado warning so we're going to stay with this until that is done outside of our area there's a tornado warning down to the south this incredible rotation area that's still up here is the still the concerning area that we've been focusing on because of the enormity of the size of this of the rotation I'm hoping that at this juncture a lot of this rotation is happening a little bit higher in the atmosphere but likely not it's probably heading wow you can see the inflow here and everything else for those of you who know meteorology probably saying wow - you'll see there's a real inflow of air here and this wraparound back through here and that's creating the rotation that's likely right about here and now it's moving up through the county in Highland thankfully Highland is highly rural County you'll notice that as I even dive in deeper here there are small towns here there are places like New Petersburg and string town in East Monroe and Greenfield I know you're in your tornado safe locations you're smart folks you got in there and that's a good thing because you're in store for a lot of very very strong winds moving across your area and ripping around looks like rotationally that's why we continue to see a tornado warning across this area and this is out until 11:45 so this has been extended this was at first at 11:30 and now it's 11:45 and there's a good reason why as you look at the larger part of the storms bad news for the folks just outside of our area but you'll see that that line of storms is now pushing out of our counties there's still a tornado warning to the south heading to about the Moorhead area if you've got friends or relatives there you folks in Adams County I haven't forgotten about you Peebles this is what I was talking about an intense amount of lightning your way right now right in this screen this field of view that you see you'll notice up in the corner there's 625 strikes in Adams County alone I'll bring it down here 330 strikes and there's wind gusts to 60 and 70 miles an hour across your area in the Peebles regions stay safe stay safe in Highland County we are going to stay with this until 11:45 my folks and the reason why is for our friends who are round here we've got to notify them to make sure that they know when it's going to be safe and it ain't safe now Wow this is a look at the winds and I don't even think you have to be a meteorologist to get this if you just understand that winds are going away and toward the radar so as you look at it and these you can see the rotation here of these winds and that spot that's just to the south east of Leesburg and the general rotation around this area this is what we're looking at I'd I'd be hard-pressed to think they were given what we're seeing there isn't some type of funnel cloud or the potential for even a tornado on the ground I'm afraid to say around the bridge's area State Route 771 it looks like it's now pushing off to the to the Northeast it's moving up in through just I would say east and southeast of East Monroe Leesburg new Petersburg you need to all be in your tornado safe location Green field as well these are some very strong twisting winds on I know you're in your tornado safe locations please stay in there now stay with us we will let you know when you are clear and you're clearly not across that area there is some very strong twisting winds going on in that region a good example of what we always watch for and don't worry about this this has something to do with the fact of our Wilmington radar in fact I'll just block it so forget that out of your mind you'll see how these different winds going in different directions are so tight look at the rest of the field across the tri-state do you see all the wind direction almost going in one way all in red in other words then take a look over here where that line is crossing Adams County and almost out of here you'll notice how the winds again are going in two different directions very close to the storm now these aren't as strong so we're creating certain rotation in the upper atmosphere and that's why it's creating these very strong storms but it's not so violent that's going on oh good news good news for you folks it looks like this tornado warning is going to expire but I'm gonna tell you something you're gonna see this red box pop off here but given what I'm seeing on this radar you folks in Greenfield you folks in New Petersburg and East Monroe hang tight hang tight here I think this is this warning is going to expire in three minutes here coming up or shortly I'm seeing a weather service saying they're expiring the tornado for Highland County yep but I still think that there's probably some very dangerous winds in that area for you folks so I would take it that you still are under the gun for everybody else while we just wait these two or three minutes for this warning to expire let me give you the update because I know a lot of folks are probably wondering is there any more severe weather to be had well you can see by what's going on right now that we still have a flashing polygon on the screen over here in Highland County otherwise and hold on one second let me just make sure I'm right on this severe thunderstorm warnings yeah there are some severe thunderstorm warnings still showing up these are still across a portion of Adams County okay and stretching up across Highland but we've talked about that so for you folks in Adams County West Union Peebles you are under a severe thunderstorm warning this is going to be out until 12:45 but I'm going to tell you while that's the case this warning is going to be over before then for you for the Greater Cincinnati area thunderstorms are around and mostly to Northern Kentucky just you'll see the lightning it's here and there and you'll see a little bit here and there by Westchester or anywhere else but we are pretty much done for the night and obviously you folks you see back across Southeast Indiana and portions of Butler County and really almost really the west side I can clear you there too if you're certainly west of 275 I would say that you're fine hold on one second tornado warning for Adam say Oh doh okay so now they're seeing some rotation back in this storm here's the good news for you folks in Adams County this is going to cut across that incredibly rural area that only includes Squirrel town and sunshine but for those two towns you are now in a tornado warning Vance burg is a fairly well known town across Kentucky as you may well know I am NOT going to start forecasting for things outside of our area but stout squirrel town sunshine these folks live there and right now in that stout area that's probably where some of that rotation is happening let me just check underneath the radar and it sure is there's the high winds right down to the southwest and those winds are heading to you and they're at 80 miles an hour and they're twisting they are heading for you stout and squirrel town I want to let you know that that's happening there while I talked to the rest of the tri-state that is heading in your direction otherwise these storms now you folks across Highland County you are not quite done there's still wind gusts to 60 miles an hour on the other side of Hillsboro but you'll notice across the tri-state we are not seeing any pink any red shades and a yellow except where we were just talking about down there and across Northern Kentucky and a portion of our viewing area so as we look at the reflectivity we're still seeing intense rain in a lot of areas across Boone Kenton Campbell County cross downtown a little bit and certainly in Claremont and then you'll see everywhere else and where it's orange and red stretching up by Warren County and Clinton in Highland and brown and certainly in Adams and then still approaching Mason in Bracken in Pendleton in Grant and stretching across Owen so there's going to be a lot of rain but right now you have a chance of severe thunderstorms but the severe weather for the most part is passing by for folks who are on the west side of Cincinnati you'll notice from white oak and then stretching over to southeast Indiana Indiana and Lora it's Berg the rain is ending and your night is done I hope you didn't have any damage a lot of folks are going to turn out to have plenty this is maybe one of those times start thinking about checking your neighbors check in with folks who are who are seniors nearby make sure they're okay because this is there's going to be a lot of problems across the area as you do that be careful of power lines down assume they are hot I know a lot of folks know that but it's worth reminding for anybody who has not gone through severe weather I ran into a couple of folks recently who we were talking about severe weather and they came from a portion of the country in the Northeast where they don't have this kind of continuous and widespread severe weather where as many of you who have lived here for awhile know how this can go still hanging in there because of this tornado warning across that area at this point and at this juncture we're at 11:47 we've got nothing but information for you if you're watching there's a good reason a 71 mile an hour wind gust in fact just coming in from the Fleming Mason Airport in Mason County so that area that's moving across Adams County was producing 70 mile an hour wind gusts we just saw gusts to 80 on our nine first warning Doppler so as we go under the storm again we might as well stick with this to let these good folks know what's going on there are 70 mile an hour winds that are heading right for you in the small towns across that region once this moves through we are gonna call it a night and say a prayer for folks who have gone through some of these areas that we mentioned this is going to turn out to be one of I'm afraid one of our more notable severe weather outbreaks that we've seen in some time and as we just take things back again to show you the radar you'll notice as we kind of wait out the next just few minutes you'll see how this storm started it's an interesting structure if you think about it started back here as you look at the time it's 9:59 you'll see it back up here in the corner we started with some severe thunderstorm warnings and you'll also notice and the interesting thing about propagation these winds came out of these storms and it created a whole nother arm of thunderstorms that were severe that moved up in and ahead of the main line that turned tornadic essentially all across that region and the entire line at one point wow just a lot of just rotation across that line as it continued to move with all those red bars that you see and all of the heavy rain that's still falling on many folks here in the tri-state we've just got a couple of minutes left on this warning so I'm going to hang in here and then we'll return to programming because quite frankly we've covered Nightline rather extensively and that way we'll get off in time for Kimmel for those of you who want to make sure you watch that so again for you folks in and around this region you are under a tornado warning here for the next few minutes you'll notice the intense lightning here we're talking about squirrel town just it's popping all over the place there you'll notice there's about a hundred lightning strikes in this region that you see on the screen sunshine stout squirrel town pink you folks all should be in your tornado safe location if you've got friends or relatives over in Seattle County and a lot of folks do especially across Brown Adams and Mason County give them a call this line of severe storms and likely tornadic storms will be heading what looks like potentially potentially towards in fact looking closely it does appear they're under severe thunderstorm warning or a tornado warning as far north as Portsmouth okay so I think we've done what we can here tonight time you've got any final words or any updates before we kind of wrap this up as you know we have had multiple multiple reports of you know Duke Energy has about I think it was that we're up to about 80,000 homes without any power so as you mentioned thank goodness it's relatively warm out right now but they do be careful and but some of this might not get brought back online for quite some time so do check in with some other folks we have some video and some pictures we could show you real quickly before we sign off here if you want to do that let's do that oh what the guys okay good this is Price Hill and you can hear those sirens and so this was probably at least an hour ago when that tornado or warning first started and you see the thunder in the distance there I [Music] will bet you that if folks go to at Sen cwx man and Tonya tell them your Twitter handle mine is just my name at Tonya O'Rourke Tonya's ta nya but okay but I'll bet you there are a lot of folks who have tweeted at us with pictures and damage that unfortunately are going to be significant keyShot that that's Kenwood Road in Madeira and so you see there's debris all across I said it's a tree down I believe but that's the debris it looks like looks like see that tree line I I'm making a supposition but it looks like that trees been stripped almost it does look like it's been stripped and I gotta tell you so I don't lived all that far from there and I'm sounding like a lot of damage in my neighborhood as well it sounds a little bit you know dicey as we talked about like high winds or bursts or tornadoes or something like that boy and I know we have some video that Maddie Schmidt shot and I was talking to you about this in Florence I don't if we can take that real quickly I know I'm asking for a lot from these guys that they're back there so if you can fly with me guys tell you what I'm gonna do Tonya well you're just well we're looking at some of this video I'm gonna set up a quick understanding of what's going to be happening at these for tomorrow because there's gonna be a lot of unfortunate cleanup here for a lot of folks and I'm sure you're gonna have to help your neighbors oh boy look at that okay there you go so that's video and by the way we're 76,000 people without power and and you can see that Steve I told you I talked to you about that a little bit ago that's a picture that was sent to us from Florence I mean that's he's odd to me there's there so that's yeah I will say this that was part of the tornado warning from earlier he and then I know there's a picture from Amberleigh village that we have as well as you as you start as you're looking at that one Steve I know if those guys can get that all queued up yeah there have been so many pictures and videos and it is we are gonna you know obviously in the situation we are in putting as much of that as possible we are spread out covin spread out you know what I'm saying there you go so that's a tree tree down that's a medium-sized tree or so yeah it's an independence and there's another one that I sent in from a neighbor that take a look that is a humongous tree that I think we have as well this one's an independence Kentucky and that's like a Bradford pear kind of tree so not particularly large but boy that could seriously do a lot of damage for sure I don't know what this video is from the guys if you could tell me that is a huge tree that Madeira this is in Madeira I'd probably Craig McKee shot this as well oh that's into someone's house oh my gosh that is into someone's home you can see that he led us right to that and shining his light on it for us to watch his video and that spotlight that he has put on it a flashlight showing us that it's that large tree just twisted or snapped over and into someone's poor home we sure hope the very best for the folks in that home then that no one was in that top floor that attic space at the time that this hit I'm sure even if they were not that they are incredibly shaken right now I'm looking at some of some of my feet as we look at that there's some pictures of no it looks like a really giant bass tree that's almost pulled from the roots so that was either straight-line winds or perhaps tornadic obviously a lot of lightning lightning was a big feature clearly because of all of the power that's been out if we get some more video or pictures Tonya you worth noting I'm guys go ahead and take I'm gonna produce from the desk here real quickly guys there's a bunch of stuff that we that just came in slack and one is a gigantic piece of hail please and some pictures from Maine Ville some like larger than quarter size I'd say you know coin dollar size you know probably half dollar or maybe as much as would you say ping-pong size about this big so it may be close to ping-pong supposed to ping-pong okay that's probably an inch and a half piece of hail that fell out of the sky you guys I know it's hard guys but if you can turn that those those things around for us real quickly so we can take a look at what guys I know we're kind of producing and it's you know that these guys are all there when you get a chance that would be great if we can see that and in the meantime I can give a little little kibbutzim with Tanya here and that is is we're going to have some rain here now for the next few hours across the tri-state so quite frankly folks I know there's obviously some people who have have extensive damages we've just witnessed there and that can't be the only one please be safe because it's dark and obviously it's going to take some time for Duke to get out and attack those power lines you were saying I think earlier it was going to take several hours to get out to restore power and there's so much down there's going to be live lines out there so it would be a mistake to try and get out there and do too much tonight unless obviously you've got a tree in your house or something that you've got to attend to it will be there in the morning the damage will be there we hope for those folks that you'll be able to take care of that as you were saying T it's just an Anna o goodness there's another as you go attend to that real quickly I'll just tell you you know you're absolutely correct Jake rile was just sent me a screenshot screenshot of like a digital scanner a police scanner fire scanner and there is a tree down a bellevue road in chicka pan this is probably all in the northern kentucky florence area a tree down in walton Verona Road a tree down us 42 and Richwood Road wires down a Dixie Highway in Brookwood Drive wires down at Circle Drive I mean tree down the south interstate seventy-five in Walton Kentucky so and that was just one screengrab that he took and sent to me are as if our fire and emergency crews weren't busy enough these days they're gonna have plenty to be doing over the next little while in fact they're doing plenty right now to help us out I know that I have a friend who said that there is a tree down that's a very large tree it snapped in half and we have that picture somewhere and half of that tree has gone into a home it is just what a tree that you could just you couldn't get your arms around kind of gigantic oak tree I've gotten messages to people from people saying lots of oak trees down my sister actually just sent me a text just this very second can you see that you can kind of see that that's hail on her hand Steve you see that yeah I can that's like quarter sized I'll bet you almost everybody saw a little of that across the tri-state tonight because that's technically severe hail that's kind of the threshold right there and then anything larger than that becomes unusual certainly for this area Tonya gotta do a quick update here's guys if we can go to the maps when you get a chance we do have if you can believe this new severe thunderstorm warning and it frankly stretches over a large portion of the tri-state apparently what's going on here is right from about Hillsboro West Union and down through Maysville I can't turn off all of these polygons but you'll let me try and outline what we're talking about here we're talking about this region here including Hillsborough that area that you see there all under a severe thunderstorm warning meaning there are wind gusts to 60 miles an hour across that area right now so all across that region this is what I was talking about that while the main line is pushed off to the east there are still cells in there that are creating gusts that could be damaging at your home or wherever you may be so let's take a look at some of these areas I'm not seeing any wind gusts at present I'm seeing some a little bit of hail but across that region the gusts have obviously been happening the good news is we're not seeing the dangerous twisting winds we had earlier as you found some folks have probably learned tonight in our little weather 101 segment that when you see the green and the red together that's bad news those are the twisting winds but you'll see them all going in one fashion alright that warning has been lifted that's the good news because I don't see any 60 mile an hour wind gusts either so Sonia let me do this guys hang in on the maps for a second I'm going to jump over to here and give the folks at home a little update and then you can take it away here's a story as we head into your Friday now we're going to see a chance for showers in the morning but it's going to be very early frankly by the looks of thing right now I think we'll probably just see some clouds so it's nothing else it's going to be a quiet day for cleanup the one thing it will be is chilly temperatures will be in the upper 40s at about 7 o'clock and then afternoon you'll notice 55 and going into the weekend you'll see I'm keeping things cold in the morning just flat out cold it might get frosty so I know this is a minor note given what we've gone through but for those of you who are lucky enough not to have any damage or problems cover your plants over the next few nights because you're gonna need to John you just planted you said huh yeah plenty in my yard so I'll be throwing out all kinds of stuff but while we're focused on this Steve we do have those hail pictures we can show you this is someone's video they sent to us that's a good size that's all over their yard too so trying to look back to see I'm sorry we don't have all of our courtesies in to say thank you to whomever sent these to us but I'm telling you right now we're just moving as fast as we can and that takes a little extra time that's Kathy Young I believe right there that sent us those and that hail and Williams were I'm not sure who sent that to us but that was from Williamsburg we also have that Amber Lee village picture there it is see that tree Steve Gees yeah that tree you cannot put your arms around I don't believe it's a pretty big tree big giant sizable tree and as I understand it it has obviously poked a hole of some sort large hole into one of the homes there one of the branches you can imagine is probably as big as some trees and newer developments it's an older neighborhood in Amber Lee village and and so as I understand it hoping that those folks are okay of course that that is that you know that tree oh and that those there by those folks that live there I hope that that's that's pretty significant there now I will say it does look fairly dried out but even so snapping a tree like that of that size that takes some extremely strong winds and likely twisting winds because you're looking at Wow very strong very strong wind gusts whether they were straight line or most likely in this case and I say that could very well be a tornadic one little note and I just pulled this up just as long as we're kind of we probably should dump out here just so we get into Kimmel but take a look at this and it'll leave you here you were talking about we're not going to Kimmel okay we're gonna try to get as many of these pictures and okay that's fine by me because that's my preference anyway take a look at this here are your severe threats when it comes to hail and this will give you an idea we're looking at that little piece there that was likely close to ping-pong size so we're talking about an inch and a half it is unlikely for us to see the ones on the bottom we have on rare occasion we did back on March 12 2012 some folks showed me some that were golf ball-sized even upwards of tennis ball-sized but that's when we had f3 and f4 tornadoes in the area back in March 2nd but as you look we have to get it to quarter size for it to rate into a severe storm a lot of time we get that dime penny maybe even nickel and pea is just your regular garden-variety thunderstorm showing up so with that done let me give you a little update as to where we are with the thunderstorms and we'll try and catch up with the or let the story catch up with us sort of speak if you're watching us now chances are at least for half of the viewing area you're dry you can see there how the storms have passed on and the heavy rain have moved off for a lot of the Greater Cincinnati area as we bring it in tight you'll see certainly around 275 and Greater Cincinnati we're talking about some moderate rain on the east side and stretching out the Clermont and down through Kenton and Campbell County but that's about it for our friends who are east of Greater Cincinnati still some very heavy rain let me show you what went on tonight I think it's worth wild to look at the entire storm itself if you're watching now then there's a high interest level that you want to see this and I'm going to take off the other attributes including the lightning only because it'll be easier to see for you and I'm backing it up here manually and we bring it back let's bring it back three hours here and as we do that you'll be able to see how the entire storm formed here it wasn't 921 we got our first warnings in for Southeast Indiana just before 10 o'clock and that line continued to expand and this was our first tornado warning if you look down here and let me highlight it for you you'll notice this area right there was our first tornado warning down through southeast Indiana and also in through Northern Kentucky and we often call it a hook echo because of the rotation in the winds within the storm it creates this hook and it happens along the lines periodically and you're going to see this a number of times now as I push it across the tri-state as we continue here we started to continue to pop off with other tornado warnings we started to see that incredible rotation showing up in through Warren County set up and a tornado warning starting to form that you see here as you follow my cursor up through the almost really breaking into the east side but really north side and then we continued here with this area down through Boone County as a tornado warning then those warnings continued as these storms just rolled across and if you remember what I said about a hook echo look right here on the east side see that kind of almost thumb effect that's happening okay there it is there and then we continued to see this notching happening across Northern Kentucky all indicating some high rotation areas it pushed on and really started to become significant I say that because we started to see up and down this line all little what clearly was rotation in this storm on a line basis more than just one or even two we started to see three or four of these and why we started to get what was essentially a solid line stretching across all of Clermont County down into Northern Kentucky as a tornado warning something we rarely see it was because this storm really started to get together in fact as I look at it there's this little knuckle and fist that's right here north of Batavia and then you'll notice down in through Northern Kentucky there's this notching effect that's happening here and by Dry Ridge notching as in there's a wind flow happening we continue to see all of that notching happening across the line itself look on the E and Dry Ridge I can't lift that off but there it is there's a little bit more here in southern Campbell and what would be northern Pendleton County then there's a little bit more in Clermont County and under Batavia then there's some notching starting up here in northern Clermont County and we still have this big rotation that's really starting to happen up by Southern Warren County heading toward Clinton in Highland County this was just a 1051 so think about it this was an hour and a half and we already are seeing these storms form up and down this line which is essentially a line of tornado warnings again we move it forward even just a few minutes and if you watch it you can now start to see how these things are happening now that I'm describing and look at this here this is a four hook echo another one hire some notching in the county there's Clermont County with a bounded week echo region indicating high rotation then there's this wrapping up that's happening right now you see how the reflectivity hold on we've got the potential warning or something setting up here hold on want to make sure we update everything here storms can you move okay this is just a canceling of something else outside of our area so we're good so watch this continue to happen now as it rolls across the area now you're starting to see it you don't have to be a meteorologist and quite frankly it's rather pronounced a lot more than we would see this hook down here is something we rarely see that that's that's almost a classic hook you would teach a first-year med student that's so easy to see and then it continues as it rolls all across here you start to see them still there and they continue to propagate all across that line and there's that line all across there and then pushing off and then we start to see a little bit in less severe from a tornadic standpoint but these storms are still severe oh and by the way just for the record now I want you to spot out here and I'm gonna highlight this area for you so you watch it only and you'll see why if you were watching coverage why I was so concerned for those folks watch just this area can't you see it just churning up there into a circle always indicate Steve since you're showing us that night I felt you're the gravity of the situation yeah in your demeanor as you started talking about that you started seeing that develop I mean obviously you're leaving me to believe that there was some sort of traumatic activity out there yeah and it became quite apparent at that juncture even earlier before we then if you'll remember right about this point we got a confirmation and I'm not sure I can get exactly what time it was here evidence and there it is I've got it it was right at 11 o'clock and right there there's 1106 in fact on the radar if you look at the corner so right at let's break it back and there's 11 right there at the corner of that confluence that we're talking about and as you look at it you can see the wrapping of that area that's where we have evidence of a tornado on the ground in northern Brown County moving into western Highland County take shelter immediately come that was from the National Weather Service and that's likely the area that they were talking about now it's possible as I look at things it could have been in another area but I would imagine they were talking about that area there just because of the high rotation that was going on and we don't see that kind of broad circulation and then if you look at it we sometimes call this and I don't want to get too technical or in the weeds sort of speak but gate to gate shear and if you look at this and right here you'll see how this green shade in this red shade essentially are together now there's gray around there we sometimes call that gray ghost what's happening is there's so many bands of winds going back and forth the radar is located up here and how this is happening and what's going on and in fact let me push it forward because I think it's even more pronounced see how that's that's probably really quite good there and it starts breaking away but this is gate to gate meaning it's right next to each other so what's going on is this on one side we've got winds that are going toward the radar so they're going in here but right next to it I mean right next to it we're talking about winds like that so within this you're getting this kind of winds that are starting to curl yeah guys come out to here come up to me in a second we'll show this and this this will show the properties what we're talking about I sometimes use this if you think about winds going toward winds going away right so you've got this happening with my hands so if you've got a pin in there you start seeing how the winds begin to roll within that area the tighter that that happens the better chance of that wind roll sort of speak then we've got updraft and that's what rolls it up and we end up that's starting to get that very strong twisting winds and then we get obviously funnel clouds or tornadoes out of it so you can take that from tonight if nothing else and boy this has been a heck of a night Tonya anything new to bring to the table here actually we do have a couple things that we can bring to your attention actually guys be just a e Union lighting if we can just pull that up real quick we have some pretty nice shots that people are sending in to us from various portions of the of the city of the Greater Cincinnati area in fact so any of those photos that you can bring up folks and we'll just talk through them as we see them there by the way I got to tell you someone sent in Amy Applegate tweeted to me and to you Steve some photo my goodness where is this you're seeing look at that hail on the ground but I gotta tell you well hopefully we can get this turned around for you to see but Amy Applegate sent and some photos of hail and it looks to me larger than ping-pong size and I did get a tweet by the way as you're looking at more of this weather video coming in that we were shooting around town I did get a tweet from someone sort of reminding me that it was April 3rd of 1974 we're talking about large sized hail tonight we're used to pea-sized hail in this area but that on in 1974 when those monster tornadoes roll through this area that we were getting you know softball baseball sized right hail right and that's the price he'll we showed you this just a little bit ago those are the sirens coming through for on the west side of town so early in the evening when that happened [Music] and folks folks who are back in our booth that they're doing such Gilman's work back there we appreciate what you're doing if you can see there's some updated stuff in slack that people are sending in with names of pictures that you can bring up for us to so I'm sorry that we're doing a little bit of a cleanup work on the air with you folks I hope that you'll understand I think folks understand this you know very fluid situation yeah you were talking about Steve as we're looking at this I don't remember exactly where this video came out of but I think this is still Price Hill and you're just seeing you know just the the amount of of rain and little bits of hail falling down this was not even that bad this was when we're still thinking okay this is a good sized storm but wait till you see what's coming next unfortunately yeah you know you've you've talked about how big that swath I remember when you showed it to us tonight there it is Amy Applegate sent this to me Wow look at that so that's bigger than ping pong wouldn't you say those are I would say almost basement well no that's not quite baseball but no they're not now that I see it from that side they look bigger from the other way they're certainly I would say ping pong say those they look larger than ping pong right I mean it's just large and regardless whatever size it is you could see folks there that you know that causes damage that hits things that hurts that causes how about tennis ball size or golf ball size of a golf ball yeah I'd say golf ball you know that we're looking at probably an inch and three quarters or so and but that's gonna cause some damage it was that might be we might have vehicle damage damage to all kinds of property one of my neighbors Melissa her porch furniture on her front porch yes gone just gone yeah that's what was in my backyard that wasn't held down well that might be gone when I'd come home early this morning and find out but lots happening like this but you were talking and there was a point and this is this is that large tree we were talking about on grand Vista and amber like at the cul-de-sac there at Amber Lee village it's part of it as Pleasant Ridge some folks have been telling at me about that but this part is Amber Lee village but anyway you think about when you were talking about that that wide swath it was like 55 miles that you were this is now we're down Boone County showing you some video from down there that our Maddy Schmidt shot so as I'm talking about that Steve we're showing you this what I'm trying to get out is that that years of showing us this huge belt of of whether that was coming in and you like you asked me had I ever seen anything that intense and large yeah no I don't think so and not in my time and you know there's very few folks I think in this building in this town and broadcasting that rate you see so yeah it has been an ugly night you know Lightning has been a huge factor we see a picture there from bill Jennings thank you bill we were looking at hundreds of lightning strokes every 15 minutes we were looking at gosh four I think the peak was around six or seven hundred strikes within 15 minutes in certain areas just an amazing kind of display of severe weather and you now understand why folks at home who are with us when we talk about an enhanced area and widespread that's why it's so concerning to us and why we call a weather alert day because when we start climbing that chart on categories and for us a slight risk means isolated but when we get to enhanced this is what we're talking about and quite frankly given the outbreak we could have been in a moderate category because we saw in numerous potential tornadoes and certainly we had warnings across the area let me show you how the evolution of this happened guys if you can go to the maps here I think it's kind of interesting and it's a good point to remind folks when we talk about how storms like this can happen we all know I have breaking news we're gonna take a look at that and we'll show you the maps and this back at about we were doing our 6 o'clock news we were talking about and this was at 6:17 take a look at the map with the exception of a couple of storms down to the south this is the way things looked alright I'm gonna go to Craig our co-anchor Craig McKee is on the phone he's in Madeira and he has been sending in video Craig I know that you've seen some pretty significant damage you actually sent us video a tree that you you followed it with your camera to show that it landed into a home what can you tell us about what you're seeing in your area Craigie with us all right you know what I'm gonna do folks go ahead and hang that up to the control room hang that up I'm just gonna call him on my cell phone and put on my speaker so that you can hear through my microphone just so we can do this real quickly so Craig hang up with them if you can and I'm just gonna do that instead because you're looking at Craig's video right now and I want to let him tell you what he's seeing he's talking about some significant damages he has seen going out and by the way I can hear you okay Craig les here's the question say that again okay so you know aiming straight towards the Madera area and surrounding areas here so my entire family we went into the basement like so many in the area but as soon as it was safe enough and that that storm had passed I went ahead and did what we all do in this business of course and you go out and as safely as you can start assessing things and to the Madeira area there are a number of trees down power is completely out completely dark in this area in parts of Sycamore Township they twelve around this tree you mentioned just a moment ago over in Sycamore Township that is a huge tree over into a neighbor's yard smashed up against the car in the driveway but it goes over and and it just it took out the second story of the house home do we know are they okay yeah people are okay they're fine people little shaken up but otherwise they're fine they're a couple other trees and other homes in that area as well every single trash can and this is obviously not a big deal right now but tomorrow morning was trash day in this area and it's kind of dangerous to drive around because everything that was inside those trash cans is now all over in Wood Road surrounding areas but there's just a lot of tree limbs down complete darkness pretty much the only people driving around right now for the most part of Police Fire ambulance responding Craig I know that you know some some police officers in that area I don't know if you've been able to speak with them and if they've been able to tell you what there are what they're experiencing what they're going out on tonight making its way through this area with no power people need that sometimes oxygen machines etc so I'm sure there's gonna be some medical calls coming out I suppose need that medical attention for those types of reasons all right Craig thanks so much call us back keep looking around and letting us know what you see and give me a shout back when you're ready to talk again we thank you so much for checking in you know it's it's great to have all of our folks are out there I know that we now have a couple of our photographers even some of our reporters who have live shots going up for us so that we can show you what's going on in fact I believe in folks I know I'm asking you to do a lot back there Fettig but I understand that Maddy Maddy shot is up live if we in that Cortney Francisco is with her I'm not sure that they're ready to go yet but I but I'd if we can get those shots up soon and so we can show folks what's happening from those perspectives that would be great meanwhile you're looking at that shot that Amy Applegate tweeted to me a little bit ago I tell you what T I got my Twitter up with a lot of pictures from folks some brand new pictures folks at home haven't seen and while the folks are trying to get the live shut up I can show you here on our big monitor what we're talking about I placed it in here so you can take a look okay I believe that's Maddie Schmidt's shot she was down in Florence Maddie's at you can you hear us yes this is Courtenay Francisco we can hear you hey Courtney okay tell us where you are and we see a bunch of emergency crews there what are we looking at and what's going on okay let me show you what's happening here we're on Kentucky 18 highway you can see the power line is down here at the road and they have some crews working on fixing that right now Boone County Sheriff is out here this is completely blocked off what is this road right here centennial road is blocked off at Kentucky 18 and on the other side of this as well also Kentucky 18 it loops around there so on that side you if you are on Kentucky 18 you will run into sheriff's deputies that are blocking the road and that is because a traffic light is down on one end and on the other end this power line is down Tania okay Courtney thanks so much I mean obviously it is 12 25 at night there is no traffic going through there and considering that we're all supposed to be sort of sheltering at home anyway not a lot of problems there but I don't know if you've been able to speak with these folks who are out there working on this or if you've seen any police or fire but if you do certainly stop them and find out what they're hearing as far as any other sorts of damage in that area Courtney I know you live in Northern Kentucky as you drove down there can you describe for me what that was like and Maddy Schmidt I know also was saying that she was struggling to drive to that locate to her locations that she was going to in Florence because of that's really the torrential rain and the hail and and such so I'm curious to get both of your perspectives if possible yeah Tonya let me tell you as I was driving in from my house in Covington you see a lot of trees down limbs down not on the highway but whenever you take the exit to get here what exit is that that you take to get here from Covington sir I'm here with a sheriff's deputy right now from 75 you're taking exit 181 and at that point you will see some car dealerships and there are some limbs down there and that's when you run in about a mile down Kentucky 18 you run into power lines and traffic lights down okay and and that and if you can interview Maddie Courtney at all about what she experienced as she was driving around yeah Maddie talk to me about what you experienced yeah Tanya while I was driving down here like like you said I gotta kind of described it it was a little you know trench 'el poor you could just see the the lightning just arcing in the sky and then you know the first thing that I got to off the highway was a snapped in half power line yeah and and that was that's a problem when you run into that Tonya because these power lines are down and the deputies are saying if you go any further you could get electrocuted oh really so there I mean obviously so we have wires arcing and that type of thing so now they have got to turn off power if they have not already which means power will be off in that area not just on the street but if they are surrounding businesses and homes in that area just another layer of issues right Courtney that's right so when I talked to deputies as I was coming in here they said power will be out for quite some time they're not sure when it will be back on here at this gas station where we're sitting on the 18 and Centennial looks like lights are on and some of the businesses around here but of course they have to cut that power to fix this line okay so guys stay with us um you know stand by gather whatever information you have we appreciate it we'll get back to you just as soon as we possibly can to get some more from you I know Kristin Swilley what's working on getting her shot up as well folks do we have that one yet ah there she is Kristin Swilley I don't know if you even know you're on TV right now you probably don't you're typing in but as soon as we can let her know that she said oh yeah hey so okay guys I'm sorry about that a couple technical difficulties out here there's a lot going on out here on Betty Lane and Milford I can tell you serving my shoulder here powerline obviously down it's really hard to make out because this area's lost power completely but come all the way behind me there is a tree that is blocking this street entirely so if you live on Betty Lane in Milford okay and I'm actually a Lots pointing me around this way excuse me as I move this microphone a little bit but you can see this is just one of the several trees that are down in people's yards as well so that's what's going on here there's similar situation across the street this is sort of a narrow residential street here in Milford but um and it's really and it's not until you turn on here that you really notice obviously you can see the power is out everywhere but just some of the damage that's down not really seeing much on people's homes that's good news but definitely seeing obviously we're showing the fact that the road is closed right there but just sort of obviously the power's out trees are down just soften people sort stuff out of their home to survey any possible damage but from what we've seen and again there's it's low light out here that there really isn't much damage to homes it looks like at this point the major thing seems to be different trees are down so we will send it on back to you guys for right now I'll try and make sure I could hear you guys next time coming out but for now reporting live Kristin Swilley see po9 news all right Kristin thanks so much I gather what you can we appreciate you doing that and know it's really dark out there it's hard to see and so of course been by daylight we will be experiencing a totally different and you know scene outside our many of our doors and windows see if I do want to ask you if I can the National Weather Service it takes them a bit to determine what we actually had occur in our communities but are they saying anything right now that tells us that indicates maybe what did happen but we know there was a lot of rain and wind and all that but I'm talking about if there was any tornadic activity at all well yeah what it'll be is the proverbial surveys in the morning what they're going to do is they do a great job up there and breaking up in teams and they'll start hitting the areas that they feel probably were most notable that could very well have been something along those lines so that will happen and it may not happen tomorrow but likely it will because of the severity and the enormous outbreak where they get around to two or three or maybe four different places they may get some help from Columbus if they can or other offices as well you know you were talking about the different things that are happening guys if we can take this full I thought I would add to the picture realm here only from the standpoint that there's some pretty notable pictures in the way of some hail that seems to be a big factor tonight across the tri-state as well as the obvious winds and other damages you'll see some of these pictures here there's the one that we looked at earlier from Amy these were interesting because they show if you look up here look at the rotation of the clouds you can see the wrapping of the clouds that were caught here this was from the Ohio weather specialists thanks guys for that here's a varying degree of hail I'm sure a lot of folks saw some different types of hail for tonight I got a lot of different video in let me show you this here this here's a damage picture this just came in from Arlington Heights you can see some of the siding and and it looks like is that a tree against the house it looks like it is that's done Thank You dawn from Arlington Heights some of the other pictures here's Don's picture underneath that awning that looks like it was damaged as well once again the swingset can't handle the winds according to Terry again got knocked over they're not sure where Terry is she didn't mention that as we look here's a piece of video for you and Cincy photography sent this and you'll see what's going on there with some hail that's all falling across look at how much is falling is the interesting part right and here's a spot of a lot of lightning from Sara that was Mason here's some more hail showing from Nikki and Brown County she got a lot as well look at all the hail on the ground here that's quite a hail and this one what is that about an inch looks like that it is that came from Evan thanks Evan on that here's a little more video let's see where that's from Jeff Hester sent it in didn't say where it's from but there's some of the intense lightning that we saw as we talked about there was quite a bit and I'm quite certain anybody who's listening to us now had quite a bit as well here's a little more from Covington and some of the lightning that Charlie saw there and you can see it lighting up the sky in fact our own Meghan Wesley had sent in a picture I don't know if I'll come to it because we got a lot here but she had taken a picture and much like that lightning all of a sudden it was as if hold on a sec I just wanna say oh I see why he sent this in take a look at this video again here watch this play out right at the end I think it was right at the end let's see hey look at that not sure hard to say but that sure does look like a lowering bass there doesn't it can't tell completely it have to stop it down and look at the single frames but you get my meaning there it does kind of look like it might have been a funnel cloud I was just saying that Meghan Wesley had sent in a picture showing that it just lit up the night sky like it was daylight daylight rather sorry getting a little late here but here's a good example of some of that frequent lightning my goodness just just cracking there across the area here's a few Wow those are the pictures from a little bit earlier I think and let's see if there's anything else worth noting I think these are some of the other pictures here's some more video you can take a look at this here's from Harrison this is from West Chester Cincinnati Dayton Road and some of the thunderstorms that were popping off across there for you folks look at the flag just standing out straight almost and the strong winds let's see what this is some Lightning it looks like across the area you know what's interesting to me Steve as you're looking through this and like I'm looking through my stuff that's being sent to me on Twitter it's Latonia it's Silverton it's it's you know Brown County it's everywhere John yeah I'm not hold on oh this from John Scott our family oh goodness gracious I thought this was my house I thought my wife took this until I saw John's this is a tree like mine but look at this how about this Tanya hmm because I have a basketball court right there at my driveway and then a big tree by it as well it's kind of gave me a start John I'm so sorry that's it's tough that's that's tough going there let's see if there's anything I know there's some more hail showing up just popping down got some more that's more of that let's see where this is from Anderson Township it looks like it was probably some lightning just lighting up the sky and let's see here this is from Clinton County TJ Riley says the sheer energy of Mother Nature is astounding you got that right just a lot of lightning showing up and I think that's probably about it some other graphics that some Mets that follow me there's a oh there's a good lightning strike right there doesn't say from behind my house didn't say where it was oh yeah this was one that I saw earlier East Fork Lake area a 40-foot tree ripped from the ground look at that that's the base of the tree that's what she was trying to show is pulled out of the ground 40-foot tree Danielle Donnelly thanks Danielle gosh sorry to hear that can't see what that oh there it is oh there's perspective look at this that's a person next to that tree then you get the idea how you have good eyes I couldn't tell that tree I really couldn't so you got somebody in a vest and there's the tree the you know the 40-footer and then there's the base of the tree that we're looking at so you really get wow that was that was some winds up by East Fork Lake yeah that looks like that's that's pretty much it on on Twitter then near 222 some damage there this just came in I didn't show you that that was from Matt oh wow looks like a metal barn stripped apart there or oh I see storage area yeah storage area huh okay you know I've got I've got some similar pictures that I know that we're trying to get up right now as you're doing this Steve's and I just have you know it's a - scream I know you're some puter so yeah most folks know what that is very clever but that that last storage facility does it say the folks say where that was near 222 huh okay wherever that is it does hey Matt you may be watching if you are just tweet me again yeah let me know there was and we can tell the folks there's anything else I would like it if we could pull up some of the pictures that were just added folks I'm sorry to be asking you to do so much but there's one from Silverton I'd like to see and there's one that's a ring doorbell video it's OAD ring okay so they're working on getting those for us when they get them for us I'd like you to see that someone sent via Twitter to me that the Hales set off their ring doorbell oh that uh yeah I've heard of that yeah I'm actually yeah I have heard of that here's another okay there's a shot for you there's there's Amy Keller's shot I've got another couple of shots for you two guys too when you get back when you get a chance there's a Rebecca Pike look at the size of that one that's that's that's good size it's tennis ball and then we have a video of a potential funnel cloud Steve take take close attention to this because the sky lights up quickly okay it's you can see rotation of it's a huge supercell but I don't know that I'm seeing see that a couple times so he can see this yeah I see they're in the middle what we're true that might be a wall cloud it might be a little dropping that right there yeah it's you'd have to take that one frame that's lit and then kind of stop it and take a look and I'm not even trying to do that on my computer and I failed terribly but but that's you know because I think someone was thinking that that's what they were seeing in the night sky there thank you Greg Webber for sending that in why don't we thank you all of you who've been sending things in because as you can tell it's extremely helpful as we continue to span out our crews and I'll tell you for sure you know just to pull back the curtain a little bit we have Kristen Swilley and our lot Tanner moving from the location where they just were they're showing us those trees down it was very dark to an area where they understand there's significantly more damage to be able to try to bring that to us so we're tap dancing a little bit so that they can get to those locations and be able to bring that to us but it's helpful that we can show you these things as well because like folks like Greg and others who are sent Amy who have sent in pictures we appreciate it that way we can give you like a slice of life of what happened in each community and it's so different to see all of these different perspectives and you become the reporters for us you you journalists out in the field for us we appreciate that there's the ring doorbell video look at Wow Thank You Brittany for this I'm assuming that's Hale or is that just high winter without heavy winds and rain it looks like it's rain but you know it it's hard to tell because it's coming in from all sections I don't see I guess it could be that the Rings not picking up the I don't know it looks like do you hear that siren going off and see the sunset in the distance I think that's just a car yeah hey by the way I gotta jump in here our friend Matt come back to us Matt thanks for watching and thanks for giving us the update just before we talk about this let me just say that was an Amelia that was at route 222 in Amelia so Matt thanks very much appreciate this is from Celeste Taylor Steve sorry to interrupt you talking about in Silverton it looks a lot to me like what happened in that one area that one figure you were showing us of the friends up with Matt was showing us I'm not sure of the storage facility but this looks like a business in Silverton and it goes like that's a garage door or like a rollup garage door but you can see half of that roof is off that's always going to say it looks like it's lifted up that's the underside of the roof or fell in yeah it's like it's flip top and then you can see it depends if it was a flat roof or a pitched roof I guess is that missing the other side of the pitch I'm not quite sure but you can see it's - all that debris in front of that open doorway as well and and that that roof behind looks awfully odd the way it's standing up yeah it sure does oh yeah I got a couple more damaged pictures here guys if you don't have any more well I would like to do is go back to Courtney Francisco if that's okay with you Steve real quick so Courtney you're standing by you're in Northern Kentucky tell us exactly where and what's going on there I'm here on Kentucky highway 18 at Centennial right at the divide between Burlington and Florence let me show you what we see here a crew is working to fix that power line that fell down when this storm blew through here people saw damage in central and northern Boone Burlington area possibly got the brunt of everything now again I'm here between Burlington and Florence at Kentucky 18 this highway is closed at Centennial all the way around it circles around and we have a power line down here power lights are down on the other side of town more toward Burlington you have a lot of light poles that were turning down people saw hail trees down everywhere deputies tell me blocking roads transformers were blown a majority of the damage is resolved and right here Tonya we expected this road to be back open in one hour we will keep you updated I gotta say Courtney I am absolutely impressed at how quickly this crew is working to get this this intersection up and running and open for folks it is it seems really pretty johnny-on-the-spot as far as I can tell oh yeah these people work very quickly yeah impressive thanks so much we do appreciate that very much Steve I know you had some things you wanted to show us if you can Courtney thanks we'll get back to you in just a little bit Steve what do you have obviously I put up my Twitter page and folks are now just pushing stuff in and there's one here that shows some pretty significant damage and that is we'll show it here momentarily but it's from Julie in Gallatin County it's for the folks who know that area she said it's at 42 near hammies in Gallatin County and you'll look at the video here in a second but it looks like some significant damage across the roadway this is what we were talking about and what you were talking about where Courtney is and I think this is going to be really problematic for a lot of folks in the morning there's going to be a lot of areas that are going to be facing the same thing with a lot of power lines and power poles and trees and everything else that are going to be around the area the problem becomes is for those folks who do have to go to work a lot of folks are working from home but for those who do there's going to be some difficulties guys can we take take this full so you can see this off of the maps thank you here's the story here's Julie and hammies and you'll see what we're talking about right there you'll see whoever this was a I don't know if it was Julie or somebody else but is that a tree or is that power line or what do you think T I'm not really sure myself here maybe a tree tree to me to tell hard to see my power line thanks very much julie for sending this in look at Michelle Hummel here from Independence Kentucky looks like there's going to be an insurance call on this one that's a pergola she said that came down there's a couple other notable ones this is actually we showed this earlier it's worth showing again only because we now know it was from Blue Ash you'll see that curvature of the storm itself and look at these pictures of hail all across the area goodness that's a lot of hail a fall in one area look at this looks like she was salting or he was salting the area but in fact it was hail coming down huh those Mathew Thank You Matthew very much we've got a lightning picture here cloud two clouds showing up in this picture is well from Newtown all of these areas of course were struck with all of this severe weather here's just a flashing of lights from Jennifer Lind look at here's a good picture of the lightning and showing going from night today huh this is what I was talking about a little bit earlier from Megan who works with us she had shown a picture like this it's so much lightning what's happening across the area at one time if you do have some pictures we certainly would love to see them Britney's just sent this in from Mount Orab let's take a look at this that looks certainly scary hard to say what it could mean but certainly scary there Mount Orab was one of the area's under a tornado warning so oh wow I see what you're showing there so the potential little wedge something going on there hard to say very nicely caught though who was this this was Brittany thank you Brittany for Renee Vance Oh Brittany sent it but Renee Vance got this this is from Mount Orab you know hard to say exactly but boy there sure does look like some formation there doesn't it and it looks like it might have been on the ground it wouldn't surprise us it wouldn't surprise us given everything that we've seen so far tonight here's some more damage Ronald sent this in not sure from where but there you go another tree down into some property that's going to be a real problem in the morning we're we're gonna hear the the whirr of chainsaws all across the tri-state in the morning I'm afraid great and I mean look this is on top of as if we need to even say it this is on top of coronavirus and all the things that we're dealing with and we people are gonna have a tendency they're gonna want to gather together in the morning and stuff please you got to remember that we got a state with that as well as hard this is just going to add another level of difficulty to our lives and into this sheltering in place or self quarantine that we're doing so just remember that we have orders from governors into in the two states we're talking about here and of course Indiana as well so all three of our tri-state we have to do what they are asking us to do but we also have to take care of our properties as well so we know that this is going to be extraordinarily difficult for so many people we'll work real hard tomorrow to make sure that we get as many opportunities for you guys to get the help that you need and try to find out how to do all of that but this is going to be a trying time even more so for so many people they got that right here's Shannon roll sent this in some pretty good lightning in Milford lighting up the sky this one here from Andrew Monaghan Andrew thank you in Blue Ash look at all the hail on the ground quite a bit smaller sized thankfully but these are the kind you know don't underestimate this because I don't know if it's happened anybody else it happened to me a few years ago well we had a pretty good hail storm and my car I have a garage at the house was left outside and I had enough hail where it pinged right off the hood and I ended up having to get some body work done because it was all these dimples all over the front hood so even though it's you tap f11 to make the browser fullscreen thank you Kevin here's some other well when you make that bigger I don't know yeah go down in the bottom corner on that right I normally right there down there and see that that yeah yeah but it it does that I guess it's okay okay I guess works yeah yeah good all right learning something every day thank you was it Kevin thanks Kevin oh there you go that's what we're talking about I think I caught the worst frame there yeah and that was that area of low pressure moving across the area out here in Loveland Steve so there's Loveland there you go look at look at the winds in the rain you can see it going sideways there Loveland was hit pretty hard under a tornado warning there for a time you know what if I can interrupt you for a minute why you don't leave for other things we have our Josh bazan who is standing by live in Fayetteville and Josh I think gosh it looks pitch-black behind you but you've been headed there you're there now what are you seeing hi Tanya yeah we just got here in Lake Lorelei in Fayetteville and I'll show you this is what we're seeing this is a massive pine tree it's up rooted you can see it's taller than I am six and a half feet in the air this and there are several trees that have been knocked over in this neighborhood we just saw a crew drive through we're on Ifill Cove they were checking on neighbors to make sure everyone's okay there's a little bit of damage to house I was speaking to some neighbors hear a tree fell onto their back porch damaged their porch there's a lot of damage like this and we're also hearing from those neighbors that the other side of the lake may have been hit even worse but as you can see from this tree here this gives you sort of a sense of the damage that this storm had here in Fayetteville this is in Brown County of course you just hope that everyone was able to get inside we know Steve was telling them to do so as the storm was coming through this part of our area and I know the neighbors I spoke to everyone that I've seen so far is safe which is good and they're checking on their neighbors to make sure everyone's okay we do know house over here has a tree fell onto that damaged that house as I mentioned a tree fell onto the back porch of the neighbors I was speaking to damage that you can see this you know this does better than any words this shows you the damage here it's taller than me this massive pine tree were again we're in Lake Lorelei in Fayetteville we'll send it back to you for now but this is you can see what we're seeing out here damage-wise all right you keep roaming around and let us know that the root ball of a pine tree taller and I see Josh Pisans just about six feet tall that is one large root ball for what is probably an extremely tall tea tree let's go now to Kristin Swilley she is say it again to be standing all right she is in Milford right in front of that road closed sign okay but you got Kristin hey Tonya we are here on 131 in mocha men who haven't stepped out of the way here so you can see just the fact that Duke crews out here sort of a welcome sight work working on things power obviously out to this area that's RB there's a about half a mile from where we were earlier the road closed here again this is a major out this is State Route 131 traffic backed up a little bit behind this Duke truck as they try and restore power to this area obviously going to be a sort of a long pursuit out here though with so much debris down again we're not really seeing a lot in terms of property damage so that's obviously good news but they've had to put some flares in the road just to keep people from sort of going through this road closure where we are right now and there is appears to be some more people perhaps providing some backup to again address but it's obviously a pretty large power outage right here so all this has just happened within the past five minutes or so this was not here and we came we just came down this road together we were the prior 15 minutes or so to show you guys the first time so all of this rapidly evolving out here but again good news in the fact that Duke Energy crews are out here responding we know that they've been giving like a 4:30 a.m. response time in terms of hoping to have things up in different parts of the city no word yet on exactly when things will be fixed out here but again 131 is closed really in both directions out here as they work to restore things again there's a lot of debris on the ground so they've had to put some flares out some cars up and driving over things and doing some damage to the undercarriage of their cars just trying to get through so they have blocked this office again they work to restore power to this area all right well we thank you Kristen swirly for bringing that to us I know that it's very difficult for you guys to see it's hard to cover such a visual thing in complete darkness but it's great to see those Duke Energy crews out there already effecting change and trying to get our lives back to the weird and new normal in which we are currently living so we appreciate them doing that I want to go one more time to Josh Bazar we told you just a moment ago he is in Fayetteville Indiana what's going on you're sorry you're in Fayetteville exactly tell us exactly where you are Josh that's on you were in Fayetteville Ohio out in Brown County one of the areas that was hit with this storm pretty bad you can see here this pine tree that was uprooted we're in Lake Lorelei the neighborhood here you can see it's much taller than me I'll actually bring you around the side here you can see if we walk through a little bit just how massive this tree really is and it came down in you know the side yard here for some of these neighbors luckily this didn't fall on anybody's house no damage to any homes from this tree but we do know some of these houses on the end of this cul-de-sac here one of the homes did have damage to the back porch some windows broken on another home a tree across the street from us did fall onto a portion of a home there we just saw crews coming through to check on neighbors make sure everybody's okay the neighbors I spoke to were able to get inside into their basement everyone in those families is safe which is important and we know they were listening to the recommendations from meteorologists like Steve was telling everybody get inside when this storm was coming through but you can see here this tree and I'll bring you around just to sort of show the roots where it was uprooted again this sort of gives you a really good picture of the damage that we're seeing out here this is again Brown County you can see right here just how tall this tree is just massive damage that they're seeing in this neighborhood here we're gonna continue looking around Lake Laurel I gonna drive around Fayetteville just to see the extent of this damage we'll have more for you on good morning tri-state proned will send it back to you Tanya thanks so much Josh you know Josh brings up something really important we have not heard of any injuries any loss of life in any of these humongous storms that have rolled through our community so that is excellent news Josh thanks so much we hope that we continue to not have reports of anything like that as the days and the hours we're on and as we start getting more and more reports from different communities but for now we are not hearing any of that Josh thanks so much I want to go over to Steve Raleigh Steve you're got so many photos coming in but one that you've talked about is a UDF that has some damage yeah there is let me skip up to that and show you what's going on guys if we can take this full when you get a chance I'll show you that yeah I'll pull up here and there's a couple other pictures worth showing but this the old Milford UDF let's see William Morton and you'll see some of the damage it also pops up look at the window there something obviously went through the window so there was some winds flying around you'll see all the damage on the ground as well so it gives you an idea what happened over there in Milford also as you look at it here this was in Villa Hills and this was someone's backyard just knocked over everything that was there was knocked over that's not surprising given all the winds and in fact there was some damage over here in Mount healthy it's a smaller tree snap there but nevertheless takes a little damage there's there's a tree through the fence alright and there's some of the other well there's the tree kind of a moderate smaller size so it's a pretty good sized tree I guess probably six eight inches or so maybe diameter and so that shows you know as we kind of gone around here with all of these videos and things that folks have sent in it gives you an idea this was not an isolated event here's something new that's just come in from Owensville off of 50 take a closer look at this this gives you an idea what they were going through and they said in the descriptor that there was some debris flying around at the time looks like maybe the doors cracked remember folks always take great care don't worry about getting video and such but boy you get a sense of just how ferocious that storm was coming in and across that area let's see here a couple other pieces of video this was Germantown let's see if we can see and it's kind of dark out that way obviously but you while you're doing that I want to go out to Courtney Francis one more time before we go off the air here she is it between Florence and Burlington on Kentucky 18 hi Courtney Tanya I came to the other side here just show you that this is blocked off because traffic lights are down here let me show you the problem we're running into when semis come to this intersection where the sheriff's deputies have it blocked off there's really hard for them to turn around here and go the other way we are dealing with a lot of damage around central and northern Boone Burlington area possibly at the Braun of everything again I'm here at the divider between the furnace I do know that oak burger community a lot of people live there deputies tell me trees were down in that area but luckily Tories have been able to clean most of that damage up so far Tania alright thanks so much Courtney we appreciate that I am getting a message from Jay Kyle who is reminding me of this when we covered the tornadoes that rolled through Dayton that first responders EMT crews firefighters that kind of thing went door to door in the some areas that were hardest hit just to make sure that everyone was okay we're expecting them is because we're hearing this coming off the scanners in Brown County to be doing much of the same as we progress Steve we're going to sign off here in a second is there one any last thought you have before we go just get out and help your folks in the neighbors tomorrow that's the big thing that's going to be important because there's so many folks that are probably going to have damage the seniors things like that it from what we saw tonight Tonya I know there's going to be quite quite a lot of damage and we've already showed a lot anyway so it's very sad night to me but on an upside at least things are going to be a dry and better for us so we can clean up and get out of this yes Steven similarly I just want to say I hope everyone out there is okay things are things homes can be repaired we know this from our perspective the story has just begun and we will continue to stay on top of it we will fan out across this tri-state we know this is a widespread story and we will do as much as we can to help each and every one of you through this process you can count on us for that I'm trying to work that's Steve Raleigh and we appreciate you joining us tonight we're going to send you to our programming in progress
Channel: StormSpotterMike
Views: 8,747
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Id: gUOWo3s5NIk
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Length: 168min 18sec (10098 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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