Severe Storm Coverage -- August 10, 2020 --- South Bend / Michiana Derecho

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home i'm serious here folks again we're doing our best we have our crews out there to report the news don't make the news you do not want to be part of the news story and again we're telling them for south bend we've got about 20 minutes now we're at the top of the hour 20 minutes before this rolls through south bend and we're trying to get you to avoid a serious situation so let me roll through all the graphics here you can see this line is coming together it slowed down a little bit probably moving about 50 miles per hour so good number of lightning strikes from north to south some good clusters here and here's the updates on the warnings as well they've not been extended yet but we've got a lot of lead time elkhart county kosciuszko county lagrange county cass st joseph county michigan you'll be included in a warning eventually we're warning about 30 minutes in advance with this line slowing down your warning may not come out to about 6 15 or 6 30 but this is the situation that we're watching very closely right now and we are seeing some portions of this storm that again have a much greater concern i'm going to kind of travel down along this line a little bit of a bow in here not seeing anything that is extremely critical at this time but again this does give me a lot of concern right now as we look inside the velocity as we see still very bright green the indication here of still some very strong wind that's working its way towards us if we just give you an idea on the distance here this is where the start of that strong wind is and it's about 20 miles to about 22 miles from south bend mishawaka that's not very far for something doing 50 to 60 miles per hour you know that's only going to take about 20 minutes so what's it look like in mishawaka right now what a rewarding do you know people in missile walker right now that might have kids out you know somebody who might be in the park right now do you know anybody who might be out for their evening walk can we take if we can take that live shot i'm very interested in that because what i want to tell people is you need to get inside you need to go home we have again about 22 miles from south bend mission walking that's our area of concern right now and that's where we're seeing some of the strongest wind gusts right now uh as this all is kind of moving towards us so i'm going to kind of kind of pan around here and we'll work our way down the map as you can see here anything really as we start to see the bright green and the bright blue it is an indication of some very strong winds so this line is now about 20 22 miles away from from south bend mishawaka here's the live shot out of mishawaka this evening and we're telling people again to stay home to stay prepared i'm being told in my year that we have that live shot here we go here's now again there's live site misha walka people less people than where were earlier jonathan bailey is there but still what we don't want to see kids that are out and about and i'm just going to say it over the air i'm going to say to jonathan i hope he's listening to and i know our our team's relaying this yell at him again it is time to go home this is a dangerous situation this is something that we don't like to see i'm giving you 20 minutes lead time this is sometimes unheard of in weather sometimes we teach kids in project tornado that you've got maybe five minutes lead time i'm giving you 20 minutes get someplace safe get someplace safe get inside again we don't want anything bad to come of anybody from all this and let's continue to work our way down and it's this area in here that we're really kind of still seeing kind of those notches in here and i'm going to go back to the radar picture and we're going to reset and i'll kind of kind of circle some stuff in here and we're still seeing a lot of these notches circling that one circling this one and so walkerton koontz lake knox north of knox anything along indiana 23 through southern st joseph county all the way through stark county dead ends around indiana 10 towards the south that's just north of culver is the area of concern it's these notches in here weak returns nothing there was some other things that there are some other things there are some other things that are a little hollow in there that could be the possibility of a tornado or a spin up dave we're going to get to you in just a second as i'm highlighting these areas we have a live shot from plymouth i'm hearing and let's take a look at that and see what's building in from you can see again what is building in right now from the west dark clouds we're not seeing a defined shelf cloud just yet that may actually come in moments so especially with this kind of really good shot of that horizon let us know if you see a lowering of those clouds but it's going to get very close to plymouth and now that we know we have that shot dave i'm talking to you as well let's watch that as we get close we'll go back to that shot but i've highlighted these two areas here in stark county in southern laporte county so this is south of kingsford heights near walkerton between walkerton and coons lake and near knox for a reason and they may be more of a tornado threat there is a wind threat for everyone and we're probably going to be delayed on the reports coming in but what is it with these highlighted areas here dave yeah so when we talk about these types of storms tom we're talking about the main threat of the straight line winds but those notches those eddies they can develop very quickly and they can turn into spin-up tornadoes very quickly and so that just adds to the danger of this extremely dangerous line of showers and thunderstorms i'm looking here to see if there was any sort of update over the last couple of minutes this warning that basically we're all under here is for 80 mile per hour straight line winds and the possibility of a tornado so those areas that tom highlighted i'm going to show you in a little bit of a different way so this is doppler radar and what we have here is basically a uh a measure of debris or potential debris in a storm now it's not going to be the classic look which is a bunch of red and then blue that is basically a tornado on the ground however i want you to look at the leading edge here you see that difference and there was just a radar update so the stuff in walkerton and kuns lake there may be some turning trying to happen there so if you are in that area you should be inside already but pay close attention hopefully that does not come to pass but the area just to the east of knox has the most concerning look to it right now tom in terms of what we call correlation coefficient or just the debris finder there yeah it is our debris finder is what we kind of call it on the radar so again highlighting these areas everyone needs to be inside away from windows but really if you're anywhere around the walkerton area and if you're downstream that's lapaz that's bremen again the tiner area a little small areas i'm giving you that heads up of you may even have a tornado threat in addition to strong straight-line wind for everyone it's these notches right in here and that's not always a good sign we're going to go kind of just county by county as i go through we're going to go back to velocity here just a second and again showing you the wind factor in here the wind factor is critical as we id some of these points towards the surface we are seeing on top of a road there but we're seeing the wind speed estimated up towards 70 miles per hour now we're hopeful this is a good trend the closer we get to the radar the closer we get towards bremen and eventually kosciuszko county the lower the sampling of the radar height so we're closer to the surface that's a good thing so we're going to get more accurate we're hopeful again we're on air right now wall-to-wall for the warning up to 80 miles per hour but we're not rooting for that we're hoping as we get more confirmation and those ground truths of what damage we're seeing that it's less than that and that is a possibility and i've seen that trend a little bit with the radar and i'm going to continue to uh kind of search around here and we'll continue to head down towards the south let me uh do a reset on this we'll get back to our normal radar mode and then we'll we'll continue to head up up along the lake shore but again we're still still watching again we pan down towards the south this is a different warning there's a bow out here around monterey the culvert areas probably some strong wind in there now this part of the storm has been lagging a little bit to the west this has been a little bit slower in our bow and so we may have slightly slower winds around winamac star city monterey but lighters ford towards the kiwana area in rochester dave let's do an updated track for our southern counties here again we're watching everybody i know you're watching this is still a concerning part of the storm but not as concerning i think it's the northern part this warning is still updated for 80 miles per hour that's the warning for the wind speed but the storm itself moving at about 50 to 55 and even this part might be lagging just a little bit more so here is that updated timeline here this is about the next hour so star city right now on towards kiwana kiwani 617 richland center by 620 rochester 628 so bottom of the hour rochester then clearing the macy akron area and southern uh portions of our viewing area by around 6 40 to 6 45. so again we continue to track all portions of missionary we go for this wider scan here and i'll go in for a closer scan we'll start back up towards the top of our viewing area as we look in towards barion county a decent now bow in this line so this is a little bit more concerning the bows and buckles in here always indication of what can be some strong wind or part of the storm that's moving faster than another part of the storm let's use our scope scope tool similar tool here and i can just look right over let's peek inside see if i can get this to work peek right inside the storm so think of it like an x-ray i'm looking inside the storm looking at the velocity here and again we're still pinging some pretty strong as far as wind gusts right now inside this storm so again looking inside the storm here we're still estimating and this isn't directly in line with the radar and so we're estimating at level 62 mile per hour and this isn't moving directly towards the storm that this is still likely worn this is all part of that warning for up to 80 mile per hour wind so even though that says 50 or 60 it's moving in a different direction and you can see here as we put this into motion the movement of this as the ominous clouds are coming on shore so let's get to that livestock in saint joe available because things are probably going to start getting rough there and probably get our first confirmation of the wind watching the trees very closely there that front again we're getting very close you can see the lowering of that cloud base right there we're starting to see a little bit of that notch so let me get in a little bit closer i'll get my finger on the right tool there and we're watching all this come in right here live on radar so you can see radar with me this is lifting up towards the north so this is actually coming up from the southwest and in the picture we're looking roughly in that same direction directors i want you to keep an eye on that picture especially if the wind starts to really pick up we're going to go back to that shot so keep that handy as we kind of keep things looking very closely up and down boeing line of storms bearing springs it's about to start where you are right now again this is the possibility of those wind gusts up to about 80 miles per hour or so along this boeing line dave let's do an updated track here let me get back back down and i want to do it across northern bering county from about south bend north up towards the kasopoulos area we have this boeing line and this is kind of moving in this direction here so let's update that storm track and kind of keep everybody updated about what the timeline is on this but this is a severe thunderstorm these are strong storms that are currently moving through uh and this is moving towards the east i gotta pop off here so it's easier for for dave to uh to draw on they may need to click a cancel but again this is what we're watching right now you can see that line of storms moving across towards the cassopolis area and towards the east right now a line of storms again a little feedback in my ifb right now i'm hearing some radio chatter unsure what that is just letting people in the bus know in the back know because again this is live this is live weather coverage but towards niles towards the kasopoulos area here's your updated timeline 6 31 casopolis casopolis it's time to be inside it's time to be away from windows you're going to start giving us those storm reports if you're in the michigan city area the storms are now past you but now we're into that critical time frame we told you after six this is when this is all going to be moving through so south bengalus elkhart by 638 bristol by 645 middlebury by 653 moving towards from niles towards the casopolis area we'll clear this information off here again we'll do another reset and i want to go back and i will look up towards towards the uh towards the silver beach and st joe area as we get back on top of this so right up towards benton harbor right towards st joe as we're seeing this information i'm going to switch back to our data we're going to look at our velocity and so the estimates here aren't going to be quite as as great as what we would see on the southern portion of the storm but because this part isn't moving directly towards the radar but let's get back to another shot that we have up towards st joe right now and you can see it's angry on the lake and look at what we're seeing with just the camera shaking and that water moving that's really a telltale sign of the wind that is coming out of the southwest and pushing up against the pier that's what we're seeing at least right here so let me go back uh and again you'll see right through here as i try and do a uh a push i've got some updated information if you want me to yeah go back and take go back and take a look at that dave of what you see or at least right yeah so we just got some storm reports in from berrien county and a train spotter reporting hail of about a quarter size that's one inch hail the size of a quarter coin not quarter inch hail that's two different things and estimated wind gusts of about 50 miles per hour a lot of small to medium tree limbs down at this point also we are getting uh word that the tornado sirens might be going off in new carlisle so that's also something that we wanted to pass into you and we can see that at this point we just got an update on this warning still looking at the potential for 80 mile per hour winds and this is right on south bend and plymouth's doorstep basically everywhere along u.s 31 you have about five more minutes until the start of the very strong winds gets to you and we're still looking at a couple of notches along this as this continues to move through berrien county now into st joseph county indiana and marshall county so at this point 80 mile per hour straight line winds are possible and we're looking at an extremely dangerous situation because while this is not a tornado necessarily again there may be spin-ups here and there this these are tornado-like winds that is how strong these things are i want to give you a sense of when we talk about these numbers 70 versus 80 versus 90 mile per hour winds it may sound great but what does it actually mean to you so we made this wind gust impact map so generally we talk about severe weather around 60 mile per hour winds that's an isolated tree or power line down but really you're not going to be all that affected by it however once it gets to 70 and potentially 80 miles per hour the impacts go up dramatically so 80 mile per hour winds that's what these storms are being warned for hopefully we don't actually see those verify but this storm does have a history of being very very strong as it moved through iowa illinois and wisconsin now in indiana and michiana so widespread tree and power line damage possible those smaller to medium tree limbs don't stand a chance against 80 mile per hour winds and we could be looking at widespread power outages we've already seen a dramatic increase in that and the storms are not even halfway through michiana so that number is only going to go up and it's this storm system in iowa has even produced some wind gusts of about 100 miles per hour that's when you start to get structural damage likely to your house so these are very dangerous storms and we're looking at a number of threats straight line winds being number one number two is that quick spin up tornado there's also some hail being reported at points and some torrential downpours and lightning strikes as well tom yeah dave and i want to get back to st joe right now we're starting at a live image here's the storms that are moving through if we can take that imagery but we got to give you verification we're getting a delay on some of these reports because i think a lot of people are inside taking shelter already losing power so often there's a delay and actually the damage coming in but you could really see the wind just whipping in here uh with this portion of the storm uh up around up around saint joe so again this is still a very big concerning portion of the storm uh and and we'll kind of zoom in here dave if you can uh get me a little bit closer here we go uh and it's right up into here where we're seeing that wind coming on shore uh the area the wind is moving like this so again that is the movement of the wind right in here and we're seeing the wind go back and forth so if we want to go back to side by side imagery uh please let's go let's let's go ahead but it's moving through stephensville up towards benton harbor through sodas township through berrien springs we're seeing that we've actually lost the picture there we're going back and forth but this is uh again pretty consistent you can see this even kind of shaking some of the road signs there that is significant you can see things that are kind of tossed over the wind the trees right now how they're being pushed about being brushed about dave looked like there was an update on that warning as well let me know when you get the updated skit information as far as the warning as we go through they may have just reduced what has actually cleared but you can see the flashing box here indicating there has been an update to this warning of some kind but stevensville up towards benton harbor saint joe sotis township towards berrien springs this is moving through right there and that's the first first pictures as we have our team spread out across the area of the wind that we're seeing i'm looking outside our window at the station and things are still pretty calm right now and it's a very eerie calm it is the definite calm before the storm we're about to cross the cass county line so dewan jack be ready dwajak ready niles moments away moments away so dave i think we need to do an updated storm track here let me get in a good position and then i'll move off here and let's storm track this area because we are now minutes minutes away niles south bend roseland elkhart cleveland township ocelot township dunlap all those areas i'm listing off you are next new earth in the next 15 minutes or so here's the updated storm track this is the most populated area of our viewing area the most populated area of our viewing area 623 south bend it's now 6 20. let's go back to saint joe i'm going to give you a preview we're going to get more shots very soon you can see a sailboat there look at that like the sail just kind of lufting in the breeze again not good if you're a boater but again there's nothing you can do right now the trees are really blowing this is at least 60 and possibly gusts up to 70 miles per hour the possibility of power outages are a real thing stay on the shot but i do want you to get ready for the south bend and plymouth live shots as well because we're definitely getting close the view from howard park is probably going to pick up but this is the view from saint joe what you're seeing with strong wind right now blowing those trees about and dave we're getting many reports coming in much on the wires mostly from berrien county there's just trees down basically every township that they're reporting at this point there are trees down that includes st joe lincoln township baroda township uh grand beach in berrien county uh so i mean this is not a surprise this is what we've been talking about for the past hour or two that tree damage is going to be likely no matter where you look and hopefully you avoid the power outages but winds are strong to potentially take out your power that latest update to the warning that tom was talking about really just sort of got out of the warning the areas which this storm went through still the potential for 80 mile per hour wind gusts one inch hail so hail the size of quarters and some brief spin up tornadoes still possible as this line pushes east and uh power outages are just starting to come in just getting updated moment by moment i think we have some updated numbers again this is just the map but the numbers say over 2 000 so far and really this is just burying county numbers and we've just begun this is the instantaneous update and as dave said we've got already a number of trees down across berrien county here's the full full map here and again i can see up in the upper left hand corner of the screen uh 1935. come back to the radar pivot image again you're not going to see much on that map but we are going to watch that number very closely but this is that updated timeline niles edgersberg south bend it's about to happen let's get that downtown south bend shot if we can get that up now up at the ready south bend 6 23 here we are right here we're now on the edge of south bend this is where we're really seeing this all start to move in here so i'm going to do a reset on this and we'll go in for a little closer uh look as far as that wind that's starting to work into downtown south bend but was just now crossing 31. so here's south bend here's a little bit of a bow in here and let's go back to that side-by-side live shot let's bring you into the storm this is from howard park the new howard park look at the difference in the sky it is really gray if we can get yeah just a little bit of a pan possibly we have our reporters there even our sports person everybody's on weather day everybody's a weather man right now on the abc 57 first morning neighborhood weather team because we're telling you we're taking you inside the storm look at the bend now those are some of the young trees that are that are planted go back and focus on that but you can see get if we can get a zoom in some of those trees again that's really showing the bend with the wind yeah they're they're fresh plantings from probably the last year when they just finished howard park but that's still showing you that the wind speed is up to 60 or 70 miles per hour dave you have an update on this shot up i have velocity up right now so as this line just starts to enter south bend these numbers that are coming through at least our velocity this is about 55 to 60 miles per hour as this moves through but look just to the west not too far away about five to ten minutes away you see those darker shades of blue that's even stronger winds now this again is a little bit aloft it's not exactly on the ground but even just about five minutes away potentially 75 mile per hour winds five minutes outside of that 80 to 85 mile per hour winds are still possible so just because the winds get to you it's not going to be like a normal situation when we have these lines of storms where the winds kick up for about two minutes and then we're done whoopty do that's not the case here we're going to get strong winds and then potentially even stronger winds to move through couple that with a hail threat and some spin up tornadoes in spots and you have a very dangerous situation still across most of michiana yeah everyone inside away from windows i don't care what you are i don't care what you think the warning is this is a dangerous situation and let's go down to street level this is now crossing downtown we can bring up that downtown south bend shot leave this up for a little bit i'm just going to kind of go around the south bend area and what this is actually crossing so here's eddie street here's indiana 23. that front of the wind is now crossing here's the latest radar image now keep in mind the radar is a snapshot in time and so this is just updated this is just updated and so this is now moving towards mishawaka here's old 20. here's mckinley highway and you can see what the leading edge of that storm this is now behind that portion what we're seeing downtown south bend still winds still blowing around quite a bit and we're probably going to see the power outage numbers and here's what it looks like on the velocity and the radar assuming the radar picture and we're still seeing a lot of red and orange so there's heavy rain and there's gusty wind with that and that's the view what we're seeing downtown south bend this is the radar image you can see again this is kind of all towards downtown uh at least right now as we uh as we'll zoom out here just for just for a second um as we'll do a quick little zoom out you can see here's greater south bend here's southbound towards mishawaka and here's the area in the red heavy rain boeing line to this storm as we kind of zoom out still a little bit more you'll see kind of a defined bow and that is the wind that is the velocity uh with this storm that is so strong let's do a loop on here and again you'll see just how things have been playing out the movement this is just the past hour this is just quickly rushing into our area and the rain is really coming down downtown south bend next up mishawaka bogo township osceola penn township outside of our studios as well if we can get our outdoor camera on we may start to catch what we're seeing here as well but here we are back to full screen you can see the bow in this now some things that have looked a little bit more promising is i do think we've seen the velocity lighten up just a little bit we've also seen uh again i think an improvement here in just the bowing of this line we're seeing some returns that are bright green bright green isn't always an indicator of the worst of the wind and so that is a good thing there anything in the brighter green that's going to be a wind speed up to possibly 60 or 70 miles per hour but not necessarily the 70 or 80 miles per hour so this is estimating 55. we're kind of looking out there dave i can barely see outside it's gotten so dark and remember it is still daylight right now so let's take a live look outside if we can get that camera uh this is outside of our studios and it's kind of dark out there and the wind is just going to start picking up we're looking up towards those trees and that may just start to change over the next few minutes but this is the shot just outside of our back door and going to be watching that very closely but the radar estimating about 60 maybe up to 70 mile per hour wind right now the warning is up to 80 and so we'll watch this very very closely across much of the area let's come back to full screen mode but i want you to keep an eye out that back door for what for what we're kind of looking at i still want to pan down because i don't want to ignore anybody else we're still sitting along this this is now crossing towards the plymouth area if we have that live camera out of plymouth uh that camera went down we probably lost signal the storm has already pushed through plymouth it's now headed towards the bourbon area uh so even the bourbon air this is again a big line of storms and we're seeing uh still some notches in here dave i'm still kind of concerned about areas through um through portions of marshall county with again those notches as i'll kind of outline here all through here these are those eddies in the stream what that is a signature of is strong wind if i get on this side these are different portions of the storm moving at different speeds faster speeds here faster wind speed out of the west here faster wind speed here and you can get a little bit of a spin up but that's also probably we're seeing the most damaging wind this is this is crossing 131 this is crossing 1 3 us 331 or about 2 through portions of marshall county and i'm going to advance forward here as we go out a little bit wider we do have some new new video coming in out of roseland here as well i i don't have the wording on on that but again this is uh heard this weather looking more into our area here's what here's what it looks like and again you can see the wind that's kind of moving through whipping through right now um and you can send our videos to facebook twitter again contact us get on our facebook page if you can flip the monitors back so i can see myself and that that's good there but this is video that we had coming in out of roseland this evening as this line continues to push through we have some new warnings coming in as well and dave i'll toss it to you as we update this laporte county stark county you're clear of the warning south bend you're almost clear the worst of this so now this elkhart county kosciuszko county and lagrange county this looks like it goes until 7 30. what's the update on this warning dave yeah we have the storm slowing down once again so the line tom is moving closer to about 45 miles per hour at this point and again we've been talking about it when this slows down you get two things you get your hail reports to go up and you get the possibility of those spin up tornadoes and we are monitoring we just got word over the last couple of minutes that we are monitoring a small circulation just north of marsh town in fulton county and you could see that this is uh pretty close to a richland center at least i i believe that is uh the couplet that they're talking about it actually could be multiple at this point but this is the clearest one to me tom wouldn't you say that this is what they're watching okay so this is uh michigan road right here just south of argus and uh we're looking at again nothing too concerning right now this is what we call broad rotation uh so if this tightens a little bit if we start to see some colors show up that are different than the green here if we start to see some red that is an indication of some rotation so the storm is trying to rotate at this point but this couplet will watch it over the next couple of scans very closely just south of argus this is basically on the marshall fulton county line near richland center so as this moves to the to the east we're still watching spots in south southeastern marshall county closer to mentone over the next five or ten minutes or so you need to be on guard that latest update really starting to show at least some rotation wanting to happen in that area of the storm time all right dave coming back to me i've got an update nearly 75 000 people are without power uh 7 500 people see me without power right now that number likely to go up a large warning what's the skid on this morning dave is this up to 80 miles per hour this latest still up to 80. 80. so for the entire eastern half of the viewing area remember what we said it's now 6 30 now 6 32. we're now into the latter half of the area 6 30 everything towards the east you're under the warning this is a look downtown south bend and you notice the trees are not whipping around anymore so this is right along that gust front it's that leading edge and actually in front of the rain where the wind is then then the rain just comes pouring down so i do want to uh let the back know and our own tiffany salman know that she's live in elkhart be ready we're going to be coming to elkhart soon and so is this line of storms so elkhart you've got about 15 minutes or less by about 6 45 this is going to be moving into the elkhart area but it's just coming down rain uh the trees still kind of bending there the worst of this looks to now move through still number of power outages the good part about what we have been watching here is the warnings up to 80 but so far i think we've been seeing at least right now not the worst of this scenario what we saw back towards the west so we have seen some weakening with this line of storm still a good number of lightning strikes across the entire area so this is still a serious storm and part of the area i was looking up dave as far as looking very closely at what we're seeing that whole marsh town area it's really almost all of these notches pretty much from marshall county towards the south marsh town is towards the kiwana area but again this is between winamac rochester and now through here but it's all these notches so whatever even the weather service is saying that they're watching we're watching this very closely right through here we're watching little notches in here if you're under this warning anything a tornado can spin up and more likely what we're going to end up finding is maybe tornado damage a day later because overall everyone's seeing the wall of wind that is pushing through but there's going to be more of this as we continue to push off towards the west here we go here is the elkhart county line here is the kosciuszko county line bourbon area you're getting hit pretty hard right now 331 right through bourbon aetna green bourbon aetna green so i'm going to let people know in the back i'd be very curious about asking this area right through here bourbon to etna green and i'm very interested in this area as well because the data of velocity is going to be a little sharper right in here and we're already seeing this so this is returns near the bourbon etna green area this is a boeing line of thunderstorms right here and if i click on this right through here we're seeing an estimated velocity of 76 uh to 80 miles per hour so this is already remember this i'm letting people know in the back we're calling bourbon we're calling it in a green let's get a live look outside from the weather patio see how things have changed out there as well and the rain is coming down here at the station not seeing a lot of wind and this can be typical with parts of storm rewarding for a large area but it may only be portions of this line of storm where we see the strongest wind gusts and we're seeing this right here towards the bourbon aetna green area eventually on towards portions of the warsaw area dave i'm going to be focused in on this part of the storm if you find another part looks like we're going to continue up towards the bremen area i'm seeing what you're looking at right now let's send it over to you with just towards the north of this bourbon etna green area yeah i mean tom we're getting a better sense of uh what the the velocity is as this moves a little bit closer to the radar and we've really seen a more complete picture of those a strong wind so we've seen the numbers really start to go up and it's tough you know because we can't be everywhere and we can't be everywhere when a strong storm like this is coming down but you know just seeing a couple of spots here this is north of bremen still technically in saint joseph county this is to the south and west of wakarusa here and these numbers are still pretty high that's into the 90s as far as the velocity goes remember we need to subtract a few miles per hour from that but still we could be talking about more than 80 mile per hour wind gusts at times these storms tend to as they move to the east they can pulse up a little bit just like we get with those small thunderstorms during the summer where they can sort of come out of nowhere just because that line is moving doesn't mean that individual parts can't strengthen or weaken so we may have seen that in portions of st joseph county and moving through bremen still some pretty bright colors there so bremen could be looking at some very strong winds just getting through there on highway six so napanee and wakarusa over the next five minutes or so you need to be on guard because these strong winds are heading your way let's send it back to here again those seem to be the two spots on the radar right now dave i want you to get your area ready let's get a cone track on your portion of the storm i'm going to contract just this portion of the storm as it moves off just towards the east towards the leesburg area so clement is the next little town 6 42 as this moves into portions of kosciuszko county near aetna green just north of etna green is where we're seeing now is we're really kind of focused in here on we can kind of identify the two areas where there may be the greatest damage this is crossing uh they already crossed 331 it's crossing 19. so south of napanee and this is down towards etna green north of etna green towards the clement area again that that's the area that we're kind of that we're watching very closely as well we're also going to take some live shots out of misha walker right now where the storm is currently moving through as well and we have some first responders on scene trees down so again we have confirmation this storm is validating as far as the damage that has been done and the number of power outages again this is this is live video this is some video coming in just off of phone right now but again in neighborhoods where we're seeing lightning we're seeing rain and we're hearing the wind and seeing the impact of the wind uh right now and so i'm looking at this portion of the storm and this is again near the yetna green area moving now towards warsaw and just north of warsaw uh as i'll reset here um this portion of the storm just north of etna green um let me reset that and again this portion right here as this continues to track across the area and watching this very closely updated timeline leesburg by 645 arrowhead park between the lakes park all this as we head towards the syracuse area tornado warning tornado warning now for that same notch again we are watching that that area why we have been zoomed in on this because because we are most concerned about this portion of the storm tornado warning get to your safe spot now from aetna green all the way to leesburg towards syracuse this is why we've been watching that portion of the storm dave give me an updated skid on this i'm going to assume this is probably radar indicated radar indicated about where this may actually be on the radar it is radar indicated so again this is not saying no one has seen this just yet but this is a radar indicated tornado but here's why we're going to be zooming in and this is the area where that tornado would most likely be north of aetna green this is now the junction where we see that jog of indiana 19 around west three west 900 north west night 900 north as we continue to look that very clear very quickly i just got a message from my director in my ear can you repeat that message to me all right here is the tornado warning right now again this is for etna green up to napanee naponi you are not included in that but this is aetna green towards leesburg right now this is where the tornado is this is the most likely area of that circulation and it's moving off towards the east dave you're going to zoom in on that and look at velocity here in just a second i do want an updated storm track as we'll look at this also in just a minute or so but this is the most likely area where that tornado is nappanee between napoli and etna green towards leesburg so again right in here we'll get you an updated storm track of that portion of the storm here's where the most likely area is for that tornado you see that kind of bigger pulse in the velocity it's getting close also to this radar site in north johnson or somewhere in north webster right now and the proximity to the radar is giving us very good sampling so this is north of etna green this is the most likely area right around that jog of 19 down between napoli and etna green if we're if we're even listening here in the back this is kind of the area we're most concerned about is just north of etna green for the possibility of that tornado leesburg leesburg leesburg leesburg your timeline is critical right now as far as the possibility of that tornado you need to get your safe spot right now if you're anywhere in the leesburg area right now you are currently under a tornado warning tornado warning for the leesburg area looks like we've got a second rotation coming up towards the north dave that was the portion you were looking at as well so again we've been on top of the two portions of the storm of greatest concern here and so dave i'll have you zoom in on that here in just a second two tornado warnings now one for southern elkhart county one for northern kosciuszko county goshen millersburg you're included in this but it's most likely this area this notch right in there i can see it right through here from this far away that's my area of top concern right now as far as where this tornado might be let's go into ground level dave i'll let you do the velocity when you got it up just give me the vantage point this is just to the east of wakarusa right through here so wakarusa crossing 19 there's waterfront street to county road 40. here's 119 the roundabout right there on 19 you know where that is many people do it's going to slow you down right along 19 that's the area where we may have the possible tornado this is the bullseye right in here does not mean that a tornado is happening it definitely means the strongest wind is here it definitely means that we're seeing the velocity somewhere upwards of 90 miles per hour or possible inside this let's take a look right on top of the blue rare 84 mile per hour 84 as you look inside the storm this is one of the most dangerous portions of the storm right now crossing 19. if you are in wakarusa you're in your safe spot now you're not on the roads you're not traveling to napanee wakarusa to napanee don't go anyone along indiana 119 out of wakarusa towards goshen inside now at the moment this is probably tracking just towards the south of the area let's go out for a little bit of a wider scan and again we'll see kind of the movement of this i'm going to loop the velocity and so here's our loop here and you'll see just the past hour moving through pretty much west to east right there dave you want to do an updated storm track on your computer i'll stay on this with the velocity and we'll go back to you come back to me dave's just getting that storm track ready uh but again here's what we're looking at right now here's the most dangerous portion of the storm this is around the wakarusa area so this is where we have tornado warning number one tornado warning number one and we were expecting this we are in on top of this portion of the storm these are radar indicated and here's number two and this may not be lasting very long these often sometimes just kind of flare up and then can kind of fade away so i'm going to go back to our scope tool and we're going to go look back at the velocity and we'll look right through here and you'll see where we might have some circulation it's kind of vague as this is bowing out there's a notch in here and so there's not definite these are lasting very long but i will say that the signature for the southern tornado warning fermenting green to leesburg is probably a little bit less concerning now as far as things spinning around but as far as wind gusts up to 80 miles per hour that's still there so even if there's not a tornado threat you are inside your house you're in your safe spot right now lowest level of your home away from windows possibly a basement because trees can fall down with strong wind gusts it does not take a tornado dave you've got that updated storm track for the northern tornado warning let's go back to you yeah so we have this uh updated storm track moving already moved through the wakarusa area this is moving east at about 40 to 50 miles per hour now with tornado tracks it's a little bit tough with these linear systems because they are so broad and sometimes that circulation can go away but we're looking at this passing at least close enough to the goshen area over the next 10 minutes or so so 6 45 now 6 55 that makes its way into goshen and then millersburg by about seven so this is moving quickly and the circulation is sort of tough to pin down what does that mean you need to get to your tornado safe spot remember away from windows put as many walls in between you and the potential severe weather as possible you know your tornado safe spot maybe it's a basement maybe it's an interior room of your house but as this thing continues to evolve and continues to push to the east you're going to want to get to your tornado safe spot right now if you're not already there and this is what we've been seeing over the past couple of hours with this where we have the straight-line wind threat but these spin-ups can happen quickly you saw it as tom was talking two popped up over the span of about a minute a minute and a half so it doesn't matter as tom was saying what color warning box you're under it's basically all the same name dangerous weather on the way you need to be in a safe portion of your home uh to stay away from these storms tom all right uh come back to media we're gonna go to that video first or we want an update on this all right come back to me i have some important things to talk about i'm hearing reports that sirens are going off in south bend that is true those are triggered for any warning in saint joseph county that would be a tornado warning south bend you are not in the danger zone here's the highlight here there are two tornado warnings one across southern elkhart county and one across most of kosciuszko county notice how a little bit of marshall and a little bit of saint joseph county are included doesn't matter the warnings the sirens are auto trigger they're not smart they are not smart like the first warning neighborhood mobile weather app that'll gps coordinate where your warning is if you have the first warning neighborhood weather app you are not getting the tornado warning if you're in south bend if you're just listening to storm sirens that's all you're going to hear because it's just an on off does the county include a tornado warning or not and technically saint joseph county is under a tornado warning but it's not the entire county it's bigger than that as dave talked about that storm track towards the south end of goshen uh that area possibly the new paris area leading up to that that's where we're seeing the strongest part of the storm this is all moving through i want to take a look at some video though things that have already gone through we have video from south bend from meteorologist macy tetrick at the apartment complex that got hit earlier uh of the storms that moved through there and do we have the elkhart live shot as well i'm just going to kind of prep people there for what we're waiting for this is the wind look at those trees whipping down and really giving a bend definitely 60 mile per hour wind gusts with that i think we're tipping up towards 70 in spots and we're seeing with these areas under a tornado warning in elkhart county and kosciuszko county if you're watching right now if you're in southern elkhart county in northern kosciuszko county you were under that tornado warning but this is the video coming in of south bend come back to me full screen and i want you to get set and see if we can see anything out of elkhart if we can get that light we've lost the elkhart shop which which is not which is not surprising but i want to let you know that the biggest area of concern is right here south of goshen it is south of goshen we're seeing the worst of this and i'm going to go back in we're going to look at the velocity uh the velocity data inside the store in fact let's look at the sheer tracks and see if we can see a little bit of spin we're probably not going to see a lot but again this is the measurement of the spin inside this storm you're going to see little spots here and there that mark where there may have been just a little bit of spin in the atmosphere a little bit of prolonged spin and if we go through here you're kind of seeing probably the area of greatest concern dave is still across your portion of the storm and this is across portions of southern elkhart county along county road 46 county ward 46 county road 142 county road 46 to county road 142 i'll switch over towards velocity and we'll go back to some info here and i'll kind of be able to pinpoint this area it's right in here as part of the area probably the greatest concern right now if i highlight this area in blue you're seeing that wind speed it's kind of broad not necessarily rotation but we're seeing these hits of about 69 to 70 miles per hour which is concerning enough even if this wasn't a tornado i would still tell you get inside get away from windows and be prepared so i think this is now we're identifying dave as the most serious spot on the radar at this moment is across southern elkhart county with this bit of a boeing line right here so new paris new paris you are about to see the wind move in it's about to start right now so it has crossed county road looks like 13 here county road 46 leading right into new paris you're up next you're about to see what could be a tornado and is definitely strong straight-line wind but we are on top of the most dangerous portion of the storm right now across southern elkhart county i'm relaying this to everyone in the back i'm interested in storm reports from wakarusa to new paris to millersburg as far as that area of damage uh at least right now and dave you're looking a little closer at this storm as well yeah um just after or before the tornado warning occurred or popped up we did have some reports of widespread damage in the bourbon area and it was right after this move through bourbon that the tornado warnings started to spawn and i have a velocity up here this is new paris and you can see those notches right there and really where we see that rapid change of color that's where we're most concerned because this is wind that's not that strong and over a very short distance that's going to very strong winds this is 70 to 80 possibly even higher estimated wind speeds here now i also want to look to see if there is any debris that we can see now this is a little tough where this is on the map because the radar is right here so we're starting to get a little bit of clutter and just got a new update here but there still could be something there as we're looking at a bit of a difference in color but not enough for me to confidently say that there is a tornado remember this is radar indicated rotation but we're definitely still seeing that rotation on the map so hopefully we get a new scan on our velocity radar over the next couple of minutes also i'll go down just a little bit here and you can see that leesburg just north of leesburg another area and that has really tightened over the last scan or so on the northeast side of leesburg and that wind's starting to move through new paris as well so still two to possibly even three sections of that line there very concerning as it pushes closer to syracuse i would agree with it there dave i was just watching you on that radar mike down now it looks like we have almost three targets right now as we're leesburg near syracuse and it's pretty much all the major notches as we go out just a little bit wider uh you can kind of see in detail what we're watching this is pretty typical with the big name as a quasi-linear line of thunderstorms because it's not quite a straight line and the quasi portion is what's really most concerning it's these little little divots right in here right in there and a little boeing portion right in there that's kind of our targets that's what we have to go upon it's a lot different than our friends that are meteorologists in oklahoma and they just have these huge big wedge spin up tornadoes that are easy to spot on radar this is not you have to have an eye for it you've got to be looking right in here so again this is one possible tornado setup definitely strong wind leesburg now north webster syracuse so if you're anywhere from indiana 15 to indiana 13 get in your safe spot now if you are in kosciuszko county indiana 15 to indiana 13. this is the line right here we're watching very closely and dave we'll do an update here with a storm track on two portions of the storm let's uh let's storm track this out i'm going to go in for a little bit closer scan trying to get towards mildersburg i'll take this down and let's storm track from new paris towards millersburg that portion of the storm which has the possibility of a tornado and heads up for people in southern lagrange county you're on standby as well the update from new paris to millersburg towards topeka millersburg 658 so we're 6 53 right now five minutes safe spot now i'm giving you five minutes lead time millersburg to get to your safe spot now you will definitely see strong straight-line wind there's the possibility some could see a tornado with these spin spin ups ligonier by 703 topeka 706 so as we head towards the southern portion of lagrange county you were also on standby and possibly could see a tornado that's one portion of the storm we're watching very very closely let's go back to the scope tool and again we'll look we'll look inside the velocity here right in here this is kind of the area that i'm kind of most concerned with and you can see right through new paris looks like that notch might be fading a little bit the green and less of the blue indicating the wind speed is likely decreasing just a little bit so again that is a good sign as well uh we'll go back i'm going to reset things we're going to go back to a wider view and we're going to take a look at some video coming in out of rochester we've had some storms that have moved through really the entire area everyone under a warning but two tornado warnings this is coming in out of rochester right now i'm looking this for the first time as well and look at just the rain moving across the fields it could be from an apartment complex just sheets of rain and you can see how it's just blowing arborwood apartments is what i'm hearing this is out of the rochester area and this is just a sheet of rain moving through so this is giving you a glimpse in time of the capability of these storms now there aren't a lot of trees here that are tall but this would definitely bring down some big branches on higher trees we may even see some crop damage out of this where you can have portions of corn fields that are laid over with portions of the storm always an area of concern but right now this moment there are two active tornado warnings still a good number of lightning strikes and i'm just going to kind of cycle through the details here the updates on this warning here's the latest two tornado warnings we've not seen an extension of this top one through elkhart county but this stretches out of kosciuszko county these warnings going until 7 pm and may be extended maybe some extension on some portions of this warning to keep us updated with severe thunderstorm warnings strong storms still moving through cass county almost clear elkhart county watching this very closely let's go county by county i know we're focused everywhere and we always think well tornado that must be the worst portion of the storm well everyone's seeing straight line wind everyone and so we're seeing the strongest wind and here's an interesting notch here dave dave here's something also to keep an eye on just north of bristol that is quite the notch that has my alarm just a little bit the problem with this on radar velocity is not going to show very much because it's kind of getting towards 12 noon on the radar and so with that you don't get the best sampling of a wind that's going west to east you're going to get a zero velocity uh because of that so if we look at the velocity it's not going to look very impressive but we've been talking about notches on the radar where different portions of the storm are moving faster and slower and that's concerning to me that's telling me that this portion of the storm just north moving faster this portion of the south about to move into middlebury moving faster and then we've got this kind of zero zone where well this is moving faster this is moving faster and you can get kind of a spin up in there so right along the state line i believe that would be 215 in michigan the road that kind of connects 12 to 15 there just north of bristol an area of concern where there could be tornadic winds at least definitely strong winds so possibility if we get any more confirmation that would be an area of concern as well let's continue to pande pan down middlebury to ship shawanda middlebury wind about to start ship shawana five minutes five minutes ship shawana you are next and this has now kind of left the goshen area millersburg millersburg the wind is moving into your area millersburg towards syracuse now i am kind of seeing a broadening of this this does not look as impressive on radar to me as it once did as we'll go back to data and we'll kind of look at the velocity and i'm hopeful here that again this may not look as scary also we're getting towards kind of 12 noon on the radar and so we're not going to get the best sampling but i'm not seeing anything a spot that's really flaring up or standing out that says hey this could be a tornado or something of any great concern but strong wind millersburg to syracuse to north webster i'm going to be very interested on the weather wire when we get updates of this storm moving through north webster that is the home of the national weather service so we have more fellow meteorologists on our team they're going to watch that very very closely and see what actually validates as this moves through resetting the situation we're seeing this right now as we see here still that tornado warning for that part of the area as well so here we are at 6 58 6 58 almost the top of the hour and i kind of want to give you a play by play of what's going on right now as we get towards the warnings going to highlight the warning map la porte county you're still under the watch st joseph county under the watch but anybody who's just seen the pink your severe threat is pretty much done and we've probably got about 15 more minutes of warnings and active severe weather telling everybody in the back about 15 more minutes of active severe weather with these warnings before things that threat starts to go down dave you have an update yeah the northern tornado warning is going to expire that's for elkhart county and northern kosciuszko county that will expire in the next couple of minutes and that's sort of in line with what tom and i have been talking about where we've seen a weakening of the velocities yes it is close to the radar but it's not as impressive there are not other notches though in other areas of storm still forming that we're keeping a close eye on all right and we've got some shots coming in out of el cardo and tiffany salami actually took shelter once the sirens were going off and the reasons the sirens go off is because if there is a warning in the county all they have is an on off switch it's automatic but it's just going to blare is there a tornado warning in the county or not it's not smart like your phone with the first warning neighborhood mobile weather app that knows oh i'm near millersburg i'm in the tornado warning that's why the app is better than the siren but we take similar action with that and again you can see uh the warnings that are in place right here the one for southern elkhart county both warnings now expiring here at the top of the hour so here we are at seven o'clock where along with you no longer a tornado warning for either elkhart or kosciuszko county they have expired you're watching this in real time as they expire the severe threat is starting to wind down but it is not over keep in mind we started our wall-to-wall weather coverage at 5 45. we've been going since then without a commercial break because this is a life-threatening situation but we were covering this all day long we've been on top of this as this whole line of storms continues to move through dave i'm going to i'm going to get this in position and we're just going to do a very broad storm track for basically the whole eastern half of this storm until it clears so let's go all the way towards fort wayne and let's give you a good storm track of how much longer are we going to be wall-to-wall on air at least as far as active storm tracking it's going to be down to about 15 minutes and i'm not just helping you the viewer i'm helping our new staff as well because now we're going to start switching into a mode where we're thinking about where are the trees down where are we getting the worst reports and i think it's around that bourbon area that may be most critical but this is about the next 15 minutes or so towards fort wayne it's going to be in fort wayne by 7 30. so ship shawana 704 three minutes to ship shawana sturgis 712 the milford township area the milford township area in southern lagrange county that's by 722-23 and so by 723 the dangerous portion of this storm is going to be now clear of our area and we're getting an update in my ear of nearly 20 000 right now without power that number is only going to continue to grow and the number of reports that are going to come in i'm going to start kind of kind of telling a lot of people as i clear this off here and we go back to our home view it's raining out there you probably don't want to necessarily go outside especially if there's any lightning and i'm going to advance on towards a lightning tree
Channel: Tom Coomes
Views: 6,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FGxzXiHZDhk
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Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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