COMMUNISM vs CAPITALISM: Who Made Better Power Tools?

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[Music] painkillers these evil little pills in addition to their intended purpose they also give you that everything's going to be fine man just relax feeling just lay down in that comfy bed man stare at that phone screen for a few hours do some online shopping I shouldn't be making purchasing decisions late at night while sober let alone High own cating on eBay mistakes get made anyway fresh from the former Soviet Union I bought a new drill 30 bucks for the drill pretty cheap plus 50 bucks to ship it here from Lithuania and then through customs and onto the front door of this capitalist Pig invoice I don't know what part of Europe you're from Judith but you have a lovely smile power cord is nice and flexible good for those cold Moscow Winters neat switch is a little sticky smells like stale cigarettes and ozone got to love the cerlic alphabet it's basically just a Greek alphabet with a Slavic expansion pack and like Greek it is completely unintelligible to real American like me who politely refuse to learn a second language [Music] Soviet stuff has such style a 5-year-old Drew what he thinks a drill should look like and they took that drawing to the factory Serge here's your blant build for me this we make unchanged for half century I used to buy a lot of cheap mechanical antique Soviet wrist watches from an eBay seller in the Ukraine you know back before Putin put the boot in over there beautiful looking pieces but they all ran like I hope he's okay if you're bored search USSR watch on eBay you won't be disappointed this symbol means beware of snakes in pyramid hats this I believe is the serial number this is the chuck size 9 mm or 38 on this side of the wall this means 800 RPM which is of course on 50 htz so we shall see what we get 220 volts 340 watts 1.6 amps this is the manufacturer Bosch Tool Company no wait it say Bor Tool company had to make at least one corny Pun It's in my contract I doubt all my precon Notions about the quality of life in the USSR are accurate after all propaganda existed on our side too but you have to feel bad for the poor guy responsible for stamping the year 1973 on these name plates day after day after day this is the symbol for double insulated I knew it was a universal symbol but I didn't know it was that Universal it's cool to see double insulation is quite important for metal body tools it just means there's a secondary insulation system inside the tool so if any angry electrons escape the body of the tool doesn't light you up in the US standards for double insulation are determined by the National Electric Code and in Soviet Russia let's just say I'm going to check the insulation before I plug it in and touch it so uh Siberian tiger in the room it did not ship with any power adapter of course Europe doesn't have our fondness for political lobbyists and as a result there's no 120 in Europe tinfoil Hat Time the wire gauge you need is determined by amps not volts or Watts watts is power and power is what determines Your Capacity to do work and if there's one thing Russians and Americans both do too much of it's work and crystal meth so if you double your volts you can get the same amount of usable power with half the amps and therefore you can use half the copper when am was setting up its power grid copper suppliers lobbied for 110 presumably because it's safer realistically they sold twice as much copper I mean G to my head I'd rather stick my finger in an American Outlet than a European one cuz you know 120 always hurts but usually it only kills you if you happen to be standing at the top of a tall ladder when it bites you so I guess it's safer anyway there's no chance the country that still uses wrenches withing fractions on them was going to revamp it's all already established electrical standard just to conform to what a bunch of frogs krauts and Red Coats were doing so here we are today in 2024 with 120 starting to wonder if I've worked on this one before sure looks like me yes I know this is a 50 amp plug yes I know the drill is rated for 1.6 amps no I don't need a fuse this line cord I'm using is 13 gauge it is my fuse [Music] turns out 13 gauge wire is way too thin to clamp down inside a 50 amp plug so yeah Jesus Take the Wheel we do have 240 of course but it's not quite the same flavor we use 2 120 volt 60 HZ legs 180° out of phase to make R 240 forgive the Jitters frame rate is 24 cuz my scope is older than me from ground to one side 120 volt sine wave from ground to the other side 120 volt sine wave 180° out of phase from the first from one side to the other however a sine wave of double amplitude in layman's terms 120 on one side and negative 120 on the other for a total of 240 in Russia I believe I've never been there it's 230 50 HZ on one side and Z volt neutral on the other so basically the same voltage difference potato potato this should work Famous Last Words then there's the pesky frequency issue I doubt there's going to be any Sputnik style Electronics in here so nothing sensitive just a cal burning motor and a chunky mechanical switch extra chunky in theory it should take the 60 Freedom Hertz like a champ might spin a little faster and it'll probably get a little warm with heavy use but it'll be fine sticky switch cool so it's rated for 800 RPM running on 50 HZ at 220 I've got it running on 60 HZ at 242 volts it's a brushed motor so I don't know if frequency makes a difference or not I'm sure the extra 22 volts will add some RPM so takeing all bet I'm betting 1,000 [Music] RPM 1,800 I think my laser attack is reading the tape twice or something it should be half that I own more tachometers than testicles let's try contact [Music] Tech same thing what the hell I have no clue who installed the nitrous on this thing but it's running over 100% faster and now I know why it smells like ozone those poor sweet communist brushes let's see if it you know drills luckily it came with a Chuck key of course not this is the dullest bit I have seemed appropriate I'm going to put Old Rasputin here against some genuine American Southern Pine from the heart of capitalism the timber forest of Alabama this thing's going to break my wrists longer power cord next time going have to figure out that sticky trigger anyone else want to see your naked got the bake a light handle apart M4 by7 screws in case you were dying to know switch is extremely sloppy just a well I wouldn't call it a drift pin it's a vaguely round piece of Steel there's my sticky switch a cool as I've never seen a switch like that I've also never taken apart vintage 220 volt tools so maybe this is super common and I'm just ignorant but I love how simple and symmetrical this is oops got it B I might have to check the tape on this one got it this is the plastic backing plate see how chewed up it is that's why the switch is sticking I'm not going to tell a bunch of dead Russian Engineers how to design a tool but maybe this piece should have been made out of sheet metal wait sheet metal would short out the switch oh blame that one on the painkillers back at the business end I hate slotted screws the only thing worse than Phillips baby H it's all plastic inside surprising I guess that's why it didn't zap me commutator is heavily used but totally serviceable what's under here start and run cap wait fool me once shame on me fool me twice we good careing 250b that's 250 volts not used to seeing capacitors rated so close to the design voltage of the tool usually there's a little bit of buffer I'm running it on 242 this one says 220b look I don't buy used eBay tools expecting them not to blow up mkf translates to microfarads and if you don't know what cccp means blame your history teacher the brushes have been used up and replaced you can tell cuz they use too small a screwdriver and chewed up the Caps there's a right tool for every job and I don't have one either not sure if that's a two-piece conductor or if the solder joint failed oh that's tight I'm nervous that's going to break yep it's a brush pick your jaw up off the floor take a look at the gear box next it's got a painted cast aluminum housing and I'm sure this is lead free paint fortunately two of the screws were missing so that'll save me some time that's what the smell is it's not cigarettes and ozone it's cosmoline did some research it's actually called solid all it appears to be a medium viscosity oil thickened with vegetable and animal fats so it's crude oil and crisco I guess is that supposed to be a c clip it's not a c clip it's a retainer to hold this pin in they were using a round pin as a key in a square cut keyway little crude but it seems to work getting strong AK-47 vibes from this thing sure smells like cosmoline little bushing here oh wait nope that's a ball bearing no planetary gears just a drive gear and some double reduction another bearing no shielding or anything but that's fine it's worked this long I don't know what those markings mean no ceiling on the case surface to keep the oil in or dirt out but again it's worked this long very strong AK-47 Vibes here wait if I pull that Armature out is it g to screw up the brushes yeah better take those out Pretty Dirty but hey it's 50 years old this was no toolbox Queen someone used the snot out of this thing in the service of the motherland was that Germany if you've ever shot an AK 47 this thing spins like an AK shoots so crude and sloppy that you can't believe it works so damn well this drill is going to run like longer than some Modern drills will run period another ball bearing with not an ounce of shielding ceiling or lubrication for that matter not a lot of noise vibration and harshness engineers in the former Soviet Union I suspect so overall plenty of sketch but it is over half a century old so is a janky cuz it's question or is it Jane cuz it's old pretty sure the answer to that is yes but let's see what my Yankee Doodle Dandy grandfather was using to see if we were much better [Music] from the year 1969 the year we went to the moon allegedly behold ain't no metric offshore Parts on this Craftsman we didn't need millimeters to win World War II or go to the moon and we sure as hell don't need it to build our wrist breaking power drill this represents the beginning of our capitalist Society becoming spoiled a reversing drill what's next wre what's next wireless electricity if you know anything about AC Motors they're not like DC motors where you just swap the polarity and the motor spins backwards AC Motors spin the direction they were designed to spin even if you swap the wires around some AC Motors I've seen use either a reversing gearbox or a fancy motor driver circuit to make reverse happen but this just has a simple double pull single throw switch which sends power to a separate winding simple the switch is much smoother very strong return action almost no slop look it has rivets fantastic Western technology it's a slider switch not a plunger switch locking mechanism is much more confidence inspiring and I hate to point this out but it's all made of metal much beefier brushes but that's not the flex you think it is because this is 110 volt tool so half the voltage it needs twice the current twice the current twice the brush makes sense I hate filp screws I think they might be worse than slotted maybe G this grease stinks I think I prefer the cosmoline but it does seem to leave a much more uniform coating on all the parts in here so it must have a lower melting temperature than animal fat same style gear reduction as the rusky drill man the Greeks invented planetary gear sets 2000 years ago wonder what happened to him is that a bearing looks shielded nope that's a bushing I mean a good bearing is probably better than a bushing but a good bushing is better than a crappy bearing which is what the Soviet drill has this all fits together much more nicely more bushings I don't think there are any bearings in this drill stamped metal fan don't stick your fingers in there I'm going to take the brushes out before I break it be careful it's learning looks like that bik ring is getting hung up on the brush holders they're just pressed in wonder if I can pull them out or push them out out she comes wow it's tiny I was expecting it to be double size not half the size it's balanced but no epoxy that may be a modern thing I might be just being unfair here honestly it doesn't look that much better than the Russian one wait is the Russian one balanced nah that's part of its charm another bushing at the tail end and not much else to get excited about I don't think it's presumptuous for me to say the Craftsman blows the Soviet out of the water or maybe it is but I'm American but I do get a kick out of how simple this is how well it works with so much slop in it I feel like you could drop this in a sandbox hose it off with salt water and it'll still break your girly American wrists Russia you beat us to space and you killed more Nazis but we make better power tools than you n boo boo stick your head and dooo America yeah now I got to put all this crap back together thanks for watching comrades e [Music]
Channel: The Doubtful Technician
Views: 457,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soviet, Russian, Communist, Communism, Ussr, Craftsman, Vintage, Tool, Review, Comparison, Vs, Drill, Antique
Id: scxrW8fRqTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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