I Transformed into Noob1234's Girlfriend! (Brain Swap Challenge)

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and today's video we're swapping brains with new one two three four girlfriends wait a second what you can't even dude why I don't know how I let you guys convince me to do this but we're doing it great there's a book in the chest from girl one two three four saying hype Weston hello press and I am waiting for you downstairs but first you must answer this very important question who is the best minecraft player ever I know what she wants me to say if you didn't see the video already I swap brains with noob one two three four and it was terrible however I recommend you go watch that video after this one because it was hilariously terrible and in the meantime for more brain swapping vids make sure you guys leave like that below on this video thank you very much she wants me to say her boyfriend noob one two three four I cannot believe I'm doing this this is where the Bible is helping me swallow my pride and answer it correctly I knew that was the correct answer dadgummit I can't believe she made me stoop this low to answer that question and of course there she is look at this derp turkey she is full she is full derp turkey I'm talking about like a yes hello girl 1 2 3 4 what is his hat you want from me oh my god I'm scared listen here girl 1 2 3 4 let's just get this over with I've got to be you for an entire week that is the longest I have ever not been pressing what are you what are you doing hop inside of the brain machine yes we get that yours is pink girl 1 2 3 4 kick that thank you I'm so glad she took so long to get inside of it I literally have to close my eyes because I can't believe we're doing this again I don't know if I'm gonna survive the entire week being girl 1 2 3 4 this is like a nightmare come true I I can't get over the fact that you can't spell my name it's Preston 7 letters it's so easy to spell p r e st o n wait a second I tried spelling my name in the chat guys and it literally can I not type correctly hello um excuse me okay this is bad I literally can't even type in the chat it's it's abbreviating all of my words she just went somewhere in my body and I have no idea where she went listen audience if you guys are playing Minecraft right now and you see TV and our frags it's a fake it's not me don't give her your diamonds oh my gosh what being girl one two three four turns water in Minecraft pink the ocean is big plays and gentlemen we have a red alert this is you know what that means when I try to get wood something bad is going to happen what is about to happen wait a second it's turning into dirts no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait I just got wait a second I got dirt and then I got oak logs wait a sec it the whole tree turned into baked wool wait why is there white warrior wait what is this is this the stem of the tree de to turn into White's it turned into white wool what is going on it this is the exact kind of weird stuff that happened last time I swap brains with noob 1 2 3 4 ik hello length minecraft hello minecraft hey what why can I not make a crafting table pretty sure this is the recipe to make a crafting table minecraft ok oh I'm I'm good man it's been like two hours as girl 1 2 3 4 and I'm already getting kind of mad wait what am I am I going crazy for white wool turns into a crafting table this makes no logical sense is it a real crafting table can you actually what no no minecraft your your you this is bad this is not supposed to happen oh do I need to go to the hospital after this I need to make sure that I'm okay make sure that my brain is good oh wait my brains not good because I've swapped it with girl one two three four do you guys see the pain I have to go through to entertain you guys with these YouTube videos I'm gonna try to do this again maybe that was a glitch oh no that's great it's just okay so the first time it turns into a pink block second time it turns into a dirt block what's he gonna do for the third time third time is the charm ladies and gentlemen oh it works wait is it real is it can we actually do things with this hold on hold on I don't trust it wait we can make sticks that's a good sign can we make a wooden sword we can wait a second wait we can make a shovel wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that is definitely not how you making what an act wait it's called wooden home wait what's wait to the the wooden axe is called a wooden hoe but if you put another stick in there the shovel is called an axe so wait how do we get do it to get a pickaxe to get a wooden sword wait it's a wooden pickaxe or is this a sword because I'm pretty sure this is the recipe to make a hoe we're gonna try to craft this this gives you it says wooden pickaxe is this is this actually a wood is this a sword or is this a wooden pickaxe I don't know yep this is definitely a sword not a pickaxe this is way too slow to make matters worse when you place down any kind of block not only does it not place down where you right-click it's randomly turning into either pink wool or dirt so there's no possible way to build a house even if I place down white well everything turns into dirt then cool I'm going insane this is terrible I feel like I'm living a nightmare right now I don't know about y'all but I want to know what the girl one-two-three-four is up to a mob bought it and if you want to as well take the device or watch this video on dirty like this and make that red subscribe button gray I don't know why I paused there Oh No what is she doing why did what she renamed my chicken mister duxelles my wife Breanna always names her chicken mister chuckles did she steal my wife's chicken's name and jizz a daddy instead of wait wait wait wait what is she doing she's Oh perfect yep no no no no she okay she has literally no no no what are you doing what you put that block down why are you turning my roof she turned my roof into dirt and took out my torches and put redstone torches down everywhere I am in so much pain right now I'm cringing now she's asking herself if I were Preston which I am what color do I use all that that made my brain hurt no no no no no don't do it no no no no no put that pink carpet away right now put that pink up no no you are a terrible person how dare you put this much pink inside of my beautiful home I'm honestly glad we got disconnected from that because that was horrifying it was like watching a horror movie except it was a real horror movie don't forget we are trying to survive for an entire week as girl 1 2 3 4 and this is the only shelter I have been able to build but we have zero food so I need to find some animals God dude wait hold on we've got a sheep I'm going to use my wooden hoe on the sheep oh yes Oh finally come on sheep but I just got wait a second I know what's gonna happen tell me this gives me beef and leather no wait that's a withering rose why would I ever want a wid the Rose I can't eat that chicken I'm so sorry a white tulip that turns into pink wool what is this like a random generator video okay Pig please I need a pork chop I eat kosher but I still need support I'm not gonna dude the pig turns into a pink tulip and then the pink do love turns into dirt I'm not gonna be able to survive like this I decided animals were not the way to go for food as girl 1 2 3 4 but then I found a village and inside the village I found this it's a pink cow what does a pink cow do and why are these not inside of Minecraft I love you pink cow I don't know why but I love this cow I am assuming that girl 1 2 3 4 is able to use wheat at least I am praying and hoping so and we could probably use all of this wheat wait a second yes ok we can we can get wheat yes this is perfect so with the wheat what we could do is we could probably make some cake wait a second sometimes the wheat is turning into dirt I do not like that we've got barely any wheats oh my gosh this is gonna be so hard to make cake wait a second replanting the seeds turns it into wool and no little girl want juice before I think his curds she is 100% cursed I need a bucket yes okay one bucket down I'm taking these torches and these saplings to I'm kind of nervous we managed to find some sugar and we've got three buckets so we can get some milk but I don't know if the pink cow is going to give us the milk that we need I don't know about you but I've never milked myself a pink town there's gonna be a first time for me okay um hello Calcutta okay I'm getting oh yes pink milk oh my gosh this milk can you drink this milk yep this milk is definitely pink to be honest it looks like pink slime whoo you know it actually floopy I didn't want to say this about floopy but 100% looks like him wait a second when did I get nineteen crafting tables I don't remember getting 19 crafting tables at any moment in time but apparently we have them the chickens are not only dropping eggs on the ground but they're dropping dirt why do the chickens drop dirt on the ground I am so confused right now what planet are we even on oh look at that see look it's sometimes lays eggs but most of the time it's laying dirt oh please tell me this works we need food this better work we need food so bad oh come on come on what strawberry cake yo this might be the only good thing so far about being girl one two three four this cake looks insanely delicious oh thank you I am so glad we were able to make cake what what what we take damage when we eat the cake I just died eating cake here I was complimenting girl 1 2 3 4 that she had some pretty awesome stuff nope strawberry cake apparently kills you note to self never eat strawberry cake in real life oh no we're checking up on girl 1 2 3 4 to see what's going down she is dual wielding wooden axis and then now she's placing down redstone torches this hurts as somebody who plays a lot of Minecraft seeing somebody place down redstone torches instead of real torches it literally hurts my soul what are you doing why are you muck wait how did that just work she is mining coal she's mining coal with the wooden axes and what is this is this iron wait wait wait wait wait she's got a she's got an iron shovel what are you doing with the iron shovel I can't watch this anymore but the pain is too intense editors in the transmission yeah so the only armor that girl 1 2 3 4 can actually craft is leather I was gonna show you guys but it took me literally an hour to craft this leather I didn't think it was worth keeping in the video however from the village earlier I did get some potatoes I just gotta find out which one of these is this the hoe wait is this the hoe is this the hoe okay what what what wait it is this real soul sand why is it that what I try to do anything farming related girl 1 2 3 4 turns everything into death like literally I feel like everything turns into complete death ok please can I get water can I use that wool what is this oh it's like purple water this looks like something the Wicked Witch of the West would spawn I'm not sure how I feel about this water oh great and when you break grass you get dirt why is there so much dirt in this woman's life alright we're gonna see if this works we're gonna try to get ourselves really great that much soul saying huh literally this much soul saying guys every like it's I managed to get what you can't even why is dude I am so frustrated right now this it's ridiculous I got one seed one potato was able to be planted that's it literally one wait give me the second potato two potatoes were planted this might be a world record for girl one two three four at this rate we're literally never gonna grow any food I need to kill some skeletons why are there so many skeletons what oh my gosh she's unable to hit skeletons literally if I try to hit a skeleton it aimbots me oh this is ridiculous literally if I try to hit a skeleton it moves my mouse into the opposite direction so I'm unable to do anything to the skeleton which means we're not getting any bones and we are also probably going to die case and points the potatoes I was able to plan turned into trees and not just any trees pink wool trees with the white wool oh yeah yeah okay well we're just never going to eat worm yep we might die due to starvation let's good get any words we can't attack mobs we can't grow food we can't even eat strawberry cake well we can but we can't do it without dying so there's no point I don't know why I keep doing this to myself this only makes me more upset when I spectate what she's doing inside of my body right now it looks like she has built a parkour course I did not build this there's a diamond block at the end I did not put this here there's no there's no way she's gonna be able to make it to the end of this if she does I will be super impressed oh no wait if she manages to make it to the end she doesn't have an iron pickaxe to mine the diamond block why are you looking straight up doing this parkour you need to look in front of you if you want to make this don't make it to the end no no no no no no please she is more than halfway to the diamond block and I do not see an iron pickaxe in her inventory no she's actually gonna make it and she's going to mine this poor diamond block with a wooden axe oh my gosh she's doing it she's going to do it what so I can't take this no stop stop no it's same top don't do it no I can't even type to tell her to stop stop you're using an iron hoe you cannot mine a diamond block with an iron how it doesn't work like that this board diamond wad deserves somebody better than you just connect me just connect me right now I hope you all understand where I'm coming from I literally could not watch that any longer it was hurting every fiber of my being being a girl 1 2 3 4 it is so difficult can we make one crafting table please please crafting table please please crafting table dude come on that's it I am literally gonna make eight crafting tables there we go we can manage the gift too I came down in the cave system because I want to see what is this paint stuff and how do I mind it wait a second the wooden axe is a pickaxe I just got cold wait wait wait wait I feel like something Bad's about the happen ear so it is oh no wait stone pickaxe so stone axes are actually just pickaxes right but I don't I can't break this is is this diamond what is the strange pink substance well it turned into pink wool the stone hoe is actually the stone pickaxe look we can now break the pink stuff way faster and the coal let's see if this is actually iron like I thought it was ladies and gentlemen it is pink iron ore check it out when you smelt the pink iron ore you get pink iron ingots dude okay I'm actually really excited as you all know tough guys wear pink so I'm pretty excited to turn all this into gear ooh we actually get a pink iron chestplate and it doesn't troll me oh my gosh this might be the best thing since sliced bread ladies and gentlemen look what just happened everything is turning pink there are flowers and pink wool everywhere it's rescanning the entire ravine into pink wool okay wait wait if I take the helmet off it only works if you wear the full set of pink gear look put the helmet back on everything turns to pink by the way the first crafting recipe that actually made sense pink iron pickaxe and with this big iron pickaxe we should finally be able to get diamond I gotta replace that block of diamond that she messed up oh there it is I knew I knew it I knew this ravine would have diamonds in it and lo and behold the diamond or what oh no no no no no no no no no what is it happening this is the gotta be this puddle I've lost it I have lost my marbles please give me your diamond order juiciness I'm laughing because I feel like I'm going clinically insane and the worst part of it is it's so hard to build up because we try to build all of the blocks I'll go in the right direction does it ever turn into diamond I think this never will turn into diamond I'm gonna sit here and mine this for the rest of my life and I'm still not even gonna get one diamond from it I give up you know what I give up oh no what is she up to wait she now has to mr. duxelles and there's a wolf lurking underneath her house what do you what are you doing there why are you wearing no why are you wearing leather gear I literally left an entire set of diamond gear inside of my house she thinks the wolf is a dog that's not a dog that's a wolf if you do the wrong thing to the wolf it's going to eat you yet you can't feed it eats it eats meat not rotten flesh okay you can't feed the wolf carpet just throw me carpet at the woof what are you doing you little goober oh she's trying to pet the dog oh this is going to end up so poorly oh she angered the woods guys I cannot bear to watch this disconnect me I don't want to see what happens guys there's a unicorn behind me hello unicorn can we okay we cannot mountains I'm trying to right-click it and it doesn't work can I what if oh you know we should you I'm going to feed the unicorn some food unicorns love apples what the heck bro oh yo this is one stubborn unicorn I tried to feed it carrots and apples and had turned my carrots and apples into dirt guy that's a unicorn you are going to like these apples and there's nothing you can do about it eat the apples wait we can ride the unicorn the unicorn loves us I think it loves us anyways I see an advancement in the top right-hand corner the unicorn and I are best friends forever come here unicorn I'm putting a saddle on you you are my you know haha this might be the second best thing about being girl one two three four is that for some reason in her world there are magical unicorns instead of horses you know what guys maybe being girl one two three four is it so bad I mean she does have unicorn and unicorns aren't the best that's actually what happened to floofy if you guys didn't know what happened to flippy was he got poked by a unicorn and so that's why he looks like this currently girl is getting chased by three creepers and two zombies and she has changed the greenery to be much more pink all you have to fight our creepers and zombies it's literally so easy look I know I shouldn't laugh but at the same time this is kind of hilarious this is like a Tom and Jerry cartoon moment just punch them into the lava no no you could have just punched them all into the lava that would have been so cool what are you doing do not bring those creepers anywhere near my house move them away from the house no no no no no no do not bring the mobs into my house what is she doing you left the door open shut the door shut the front door no no no no no no dude are you kidding me you could have just shut the front door this is just great literally my entire house has got exploded that is it I am done it's time to swap back that's it get into the chamber come on I am so done being girl one two three four make sure you comment down below who you want to see me swap brains with next anybody but fluky I cannot be flippy if you comment in the first 60 minutes of a brand new video being posted I will read and feature your comments right here on the screen I will see you all next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 15,154,299
Rating: 4.8945875 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: gtx-BPWBtag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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