Minecraft But Mining Diamonds Multiplies Health!

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today beautiful people every time we mine diamonds our health is going to multiply so we literally have half a heart right now which is not good we have to find diamonds soon which means if i get poked by a dead potato i am going to die if i take any fall damage if a skeleton appears or a creeper or deck forgot my crafting table was that sound oh oh no oh god oh please oh don't do it don't do it i literally have half a heart do you understand this challenge skeleton if you basically touch me i die okay this is not good how do we do this how do we do this i'm a doctor i can do this no no no oh my god he's gonna shoot me underneath oh we're good we're good oh my god we're actually good we're good we're good hit his legs please leave a like down below so we don't die before we find diamonds oh thank god okay we're fine we're fine i'm not worried you're worried clearly can i get an amen in the comments you feel almost invincible when you have a shield in minecraft i can't explain it it is unexplainably one of the most satisfying you just feel safe okay what oh no no stop it right now zombie no zombie why did i not make a sword why did i not for some reason preston thought it was a bad idea to make a sword apparently oh fall in the lava police fall in the water yeah that was distasteful of me without a shadow of a doubt there are diamonds down here ah i knew it i freaking knew listen we want this vein of diamond to be at least six please all right here we go here we go come on here we go here we go oh yes we now have two hearts okay four now we're cook wait no no no are you freaking kidding me it was only two i'm not crying you're crying i'm not crying i'm not crying well this is a little awkward i did not expect to run into noob one two three four um okay listen noob if you find any diamonds you have to let me have them because my health will duplicate okay so just let me know if you see any diamonds i need them because i need to duplicate them also i guess i'm out of wood for my crafting table big sad face he found diamonds no no no wait wait wait wait hold on hold are you freaking kidding me are you serious i i do i okay that's it dude that's it i did not want to do what we're about to do ladies and gentlemen but there is no other choice i can't believe this literally does his health double when he minds diamonds no but my house does and he takes the diamonds from me in order to do what i'm about to do we have to sacrifice one of our beautiful diamonds but we get this fake diamond orb i know what you're probably thinking justin why you up to no good noob deserves this okay explosive diamond orb i think he i honestly i don't know what he's doing i think he's afk i'm gonna place this right here and i'm gonna get away a regular minecraft player would notice the difference between diamond ore and fake diamond ore that's explosive i don't think noob will we're just gonna sit here we're just gonna watch yes yes oh please work if this works you have to subscribe to the channel please please what is this okay there's a key to his house um oh an extra three diamonds and a diamond pickaxe so i guess it was actually it was actually well worth it for us to explode him like let's go all right i'm taking all this stuff back with me come here come here you're coming with me you know the drill if you leave like on this video the vein will be big three dude three oh no no no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on yeah relax oh my god chill my gosh chill chill oh okay this is ridiculous i'm i'm i'm running no i don't want to have any part of you cave spider there is a bright side to this we do have 16 hearts now which is very very nice for some reason i still haven't crafted a sword and i'm being chased by this cave spider if you could kindly leave me alone you know what no no that's it you've angered me angry preston is coming out i didn't want to do this come here give this back come here spider revenge oh my god wait wait what where did he go there he is you can't get away from me come here come here yeah you like something that's what i thought revenge our objective is still to beat minecraft but we're taking a little bit of a detour as you can tell we are at noob's house oh god i just i just can we please appreciate this beautiful design for one dadgum moment and one daddy a moment has passed well thanks to the dirt key we got we can unlock the door and we can just finagle our way inside so basically so basically the objective here is we need to steal his diamonds because yes we could go find our own but that's going to take too long i want to beat minecraft faster in order to do that we need to gain access to his chest preston is handsome dang it okay well let's not put in the wrong passcode okay how does the noob know how to build explosive chests that is beyond me oh no no no no no hold on hold on he's coming upstairs hold the phone pause i have no idea if i'm hitting right now do i look hidden i don't i don't think i look good i think i'm standing out like a sword dead thumb on a friday night wait wait did he say the password the password is too smart what kind of what literally what in blue blazes is this password door swept one two three four does this stand for something am i missing out on an inside joke i don't know you thought we were coming up here to get diamonds from the noob nope we came here for the dirt sweeper ladies and gentlemen yes this looks ridiculous but i promise you we can like okay just relax okay i need one more diamond and then i can show you guys what this actually does okay that was not there when i walked in yes sir give me that diamond all right listen i'm telling you you are literally about to lose your mind because i'm losing my mind telling you about you maybe losing your mind people are losing their mind and that's fine and nobody is saying it's okay everybody's a little bit crazy now yes i don't worry i have a lot more items i put it in the chest somewhere safe just in case something bad happened so you put the dirt sweeper in here surrounded with diamonds and you get the diamond dirt sweeper now please let me demonstrate how this bad boy works place it down anywhere near diamonds and watch began absorbing oh would you look at that ladies and gentlemen oh oh it's still going okay i don't know how many i have no idea how many is this it wait is this gonna be enough all right 64 hearts 128 256 and 500 i feel so powerful right now i love it listen it says free diamonds in the cave i promise what do you want me to do you think this is a trap no come on put some diamond emojis in the comments down below if you don't think this is a trap there's no chance now normally i would be afraid of this right like normally this would scare a regular minecraft player but because we have so many hearts i'm not worried i'm not worried and to show that i'm not worried i'm wearing an iron chest plate that's how unworried i am listen i can fall in the lava i mean listen we got like 512 hearts how much damage are we really taking to be honest if we did die and if we died here i would be so sad i would be i'd be devastated i mean i'm basically wait look at this i can literally face tank a tnt block come on i'm gonna literally try to eat a tnt block look at this i'm gonna eat this one i literally ate that tnt block and still have so much health left oh my god i missed the lever how did i miss a lever okay now i'm getting worried i'm actually getting a little worried now okay um i'm i'm down bad oh i'm down a lot no okay i'm listening i'm a little bit worried we unlocked the door but i'm i'm i'm kind of like in a third of my health i think i think i've no no no whoa whoa whoa okay dude okay all right all right let's that was that was dangerous all right we have like five hearts left i'ma just chill in this water until they regenerate now that my hearts are regenerated i will continue the mission ladies and gentlemen if you have not gone to fireworks.com in quite some time we have a lot of amazing merchandise we have the new easter tea bundle i'm wearing my actually this is one of my favorite hoodies ever it's the 3d fire hoodie and the moist color i don't even know what that means but it's amazing oh there's also little noob squishy toys like this one on my microphone but more importantly free king diamonds 1024 2048 4096 and 8192 hearts oh wait hold on oh oh okay wait wait so noob has sent his creepers upon us how many creepers can there be oh that's a lot of creepers okay wait a second i wasn't worried and now oh god i'm worried oh my god oh dear oh dear oh jennifer jennifer all right listen here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna use the cr i can't see half of my screen i have too many hearts i can't tell what's going on we're fine we're fine so i probably i don't know i think listen you're a minecraft professional i'm a minecraft professional i think i lost my shield okay i don't know what happened to it to be honest but i'm pretty sure i have misplaced my shield there's a creeper in the hello creeper i'm sorry is that all you got is that is that it you know what you're not even worth my time noob you're not even worth my time plus i'm selling you and my shop and i'm not giving you any of the earnings so it doesn't even matter i don't even care all right listen i'll just go find time bro i feel like i'm literally this is so dangerous like look at this oh i'll give you 50 bucks if you could guess what is behind these minecraft parts that's right lava like if you were doing this you wouldn't have no idea that there was lava there that's so dangerous well well well would you like what we have here noobs ming tunnel smile i don't even noobs ming i think it's noobs mining tunnel it's a little bit difficult to read [Music] i like to explain what i'm doing i know it's probably annoying but that's just how it works okay get some redstone torches do some of this put your redstone torch up here mix in your diamonds i feel like i'm like a tic toc food guy put your diamonds put in your diamonds you get the diamond tracker pretty dope right so with this if you right click it it should give us the spectral locations of the diamonds down here oh look at this oh this is oh this oh yeah look at all of these this is o.p i don't even know how many hearts i want to have to be completely honest with you like am i worried about stepping on this no not really i mean we have 16 000 hearts man what the heck all right okay oh dude honestly lava is so cute in a past life lava might have scared me but not in this life no i'm not even i'm not even like a little bit scared 32 000 hearts man all right what is this 65 000. when do we stop like at some point in time i've got to stop getting hearts i mean i mean like look at this i am going to just i'm going to just use the creeper to boost me at this point like i'm not losing any hearts i have so many hearts that i can't even tell when i'm losing any hearts on the screen this is ridiculous all right this is gonna put us over 100 000 hearts what and there's still wait there's still two diamond oars remaining oh wait this is cool okay does this do a lot of damage and not that i'm worried watch the lasers oh i'm so worried these lasers deal so much damage i'm honestly i'm in a panic these lasers deal so much damage yo okay please let me know down below in the comments what do you want to see next in the minecraft butt series that sounds weird you know what i mean like minecraft but noob1234 multiplies diamonds i don't know like i'm just spitballing some random ideas at you guys because we have literally 524 000 hearts we almost have a million man this is the last diamond block we need to mine to get over one million hearts at minecraft let's do it boom shakalaka 1 million 48 000 hearts oh are you kidding me are you for real is is he for real right now like i mean i'm pretty sure i can just go use the bathroom i mean he has like a ridiculously large wooden sword i've never seen that before my entire life i'm gonna go use the bathroom and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna come back and i'm still gonna be alive so i'm not really worried [Music] whoa whoa whoa okay he broke all my armor let's just calm down there buddy let's come down there let's just relax okay that sword deals a massive armor breaking damage if i had actually gone and used the bathroom i would be dead right now what is this i've never okay i've never seen this not that we can see it anyways because we have so many minecraft hearts that our sword is covered up this is the way what is this insta pickaxe instantly mind blocks with this powerful pickaxe wait what oh oh oh my gosh yo this is sick this is amazing what oh i'm in love i'm literally i love my nephew i'm just eating the cobblestone i'm going to be honest with you i'm a little bit upset right now that the new broke my armor so i'm gonna blow up his house okay that's what's that's just what good friends do okay good friends below listen don't you dare judge me in the comments down below how dare you all right listen if you are saying i'm a mean person i don't believe you all right i'm the kindest person ever why do i act like such a child all right we're blowing it up all right listen he has been a little bit of a griefer in this video and i have not appreciated it plus we gotta go to the end and defeat the ender dragon anyways so i thought it'd be kind of fun speaking of the end look at these little end blocks he's got in his house why does he have end blocks down here what what bro this portal is massive wait wait wait hold on hold on what is this like modern minecraft i'm pretty sure no i am pretty sure that they are not supposed to be this big um um hello wait what was that what was that what was that what is this what a oh my gosh it's an actual diamond dragon of course noob is riding it okay listen i have seen a lot of new things in minecraft today that i have never seen in my entire life before i hope you are enjoying this experience with me how do i oh oh he's weak wait a sec oh he's so witty bro i like i told him that i was like four hit the diamond dragon and now pretty much um oh and now we have 16 sorry 33 million hearts in minecraft hold on 67 134 we have over a billion hearts in minecraft oh fun fact since minecraft is based on java programming this is the maximum number it can go up to it can no it can't go past 2.147 billion don't ask me why i'm not a developer i don't i don't i don't know why okay thank you beautiful people so much for watching this video let me know down below in the comments what you want to see me feel next god bless have a fantastic day and i will see you all next time peace
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 4,464,948
Rating: 4.9058843 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: KgqGt5zLUsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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