7 Tips And Tricks YOU Need To Know! | Subnautica

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hello my name is g bud and i'm here to hopefully help you with your subnautica adventure now i'm not trying to say i'm an expert in this game but these are just a few tips and tricks that i've uh well picked up when you start off you crash land and this ship well it'll explode so when that happens you know you'll think that nothing's salvageable and a whole bunch of radiation will start leaking out so if you get yourself a lead suit and you make your way over to the aurora which is what this big ship is called there will be a bunch of good loot just scattered all around it i also want to warn you there is quite a few dangerous animals around here and if you've seen my last video you know what i'm talking about i'll just put a link to my other video i don't even want to go over there right now if you don't want your game to be a laggy mess don't build a gigantic bass because it just makes it harder for your xbox to act or ps5 or whatever you're playing on to render and everything and it makes your game like super laggy so stick to smaller bases although you'll probably end up wanting to build something like this harvest and bring back plants for these planters when you find them because trust me they will come in handy eventually you'll be able to find something that looks like this now this is an alien containment unit and the cool thing about this is you'll find eggs all around in the game and you won't know what they are because usually they'll be these creatures and now basically all of these are hostile but they aren't attacking me because they're my pets but however if you were to take one put it outside it would attack what this allows you to do is it allows you to bring hot uh otherwise hostile creatures back and you can scan them without having to you know have the risk of dying so whenever you get an egg just store it until you find the alien containment and you could scan it so once they've grown they will be aggressive once you release them out here and they actually won't be as tiny here let me show you so i went in i picked up a bone shark and i let it go and there it goes so they they are supposed to be pretty hostile but i i guess this guy just wants to go and find his own spot huh weird so this is a tip that i had to go and search for and there's a tutorial that i had seen that's like oh you gotta go and put in commands and all this all this jazz and you gotta you gotta get into the sand and pull out your seamoth this is the easiest way to get a seam off back so once you hit the pause menu you see how it says developer here it won't say that for you but you just have to press the top bumper button so left bumper and right bumper at the same time it'll pop up so what this is is everything you'll ever need now i don't recommend using this all the time or else you kind of take away the um fun of the game basically if you do this but i did this once just because like the game cheated me out of the seamoth that spawned it under the ground somehow so you just hit seamoth and boom you got yourself a new seamoth you don't have to worry about something like that and this works with anything so like if you i'm not saying cheat but i'm saying if the game lags out and like put your seat moth under the ground then you know do this you'll be fine i mean i'm not i don't know about any upgrades that were in your cmos but i mean this is a way to get a seamoth so boom there you go oh here's my little dude my little cuttlefish oh he's swimming away oh there is boom oh boom let's play yeah i don't know what happened but he's now an indoor fish and for the next tip it's the scanner room i didn't put anything into this until the like last bit of my adventure and that was a big mistake so what you want to do is go over to the fabricator here and you'll have some upgrades what basically happens is the scanner room will scan the area that you're in and there's a hud upgrade chip that you can actually put into your head see that allows you to actually see whatever this um picks up and scans so like let's say i wanted a limestone chunk all right scan and you see it's already got one that's like pretty close so that one should start appearing right there and now i can actually go to it so the distance that it scans is actually upgradable um four times and you're able to actually scan a gigantic area so like you can put these like little um scanner room bases like you can build these wherever around the map you can have it so you don't need to actually go out and look for materials you can just have the scanner room scan around for you so that's a really good thing now when you first build a vehicle a seamoth is going to be your favorite thing in the world you are going to want to take this thing everywhere but unfortunately you won't be able to on account of it could only go so deep the prawn suit on the other hand this bad boy can go all the way down to the bait like the bottom of the ocean and you can get a ton of upgrades for it so something that i notice about this prawn suit as well you can actually get like a jump boost so if you time this right boom you see that distance i just made you wait for it to pull and then you just hit the gas you pull and guess it you kind of want to use the momentum of it to send you flying i know this is a a little bit of a quicker video but i just want to help you guys out and make your adventures a little bit easier i wish somebody had told me all this stuff from the start i probably wouldn't have wasted a ton of materials huh all right i've already done this time capsule ready so that's going to do it for me guys um i hope you enjoyed and i hope this on your command captain okay but yeah i hope this uh really helps you out ten nine eight seven six five i won't be making another video on this just because like um one i'm out of here time capsule jettisoned so again good luck to you guys thanks for watching and i hope your adventure goes a little smoother than mine did caution approaching orbital debris field well that's why i have a ah goddamn no no not again nope okay yeah when you build your own rocket you'll have this view to look forward to but until then destination coordinates good luck nearest interstellar phase gate engaging ion boosters in three two one [Music] you
Channel: G-Bud Gaming
Views: 130,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7ThingsYouNeedToKnow, Gbudplays, Subnautica, TipsandTricks, subnautica guide, subnautica tips, subnautica tips and tricks, tips and tricks
Id: XUeHahy3vYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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