Building bases that take you from the surface to the lava zones in Subnautica

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hey by the way if you care about spoilers for subnautica if you would like to like not see that's world don't watch this video but if you are okay with that go ahead hope you enjoy hey it's been a while regardless i decided that i want to make a bit of a different video today so i decided to do something incredibly stupid i built bases connecting all the way from the life pod to the lava lakes in subnautica if you want to skip straight to the time lapse of me walking through these tunnels just go ahead and skip to here but if you don't mind sticking around for the nitty-gritty and the whole process i guess um yeah hi to start out i had to plan a bit of a route so in a separate world i laid out beacons across the map at each lost river entrance landmark inactive lava zone entrance and level extensions the shortest route would have probably been um from the mountain's biome lost river entrance to the inactive love zone pit but i decided to take a bit of a scenic row so i took the route of traveling to the blood kelp zone going through that respective lost river entrance to the lost river junction into the tree cove going down and around the inactive lava zone entrance there and into the small crater that leads directly into the lava that had a route the next step was to lay out some more specific beacons in a new safe that i would use to aim my buildings when i started laying things out i realized that the grid-like building system in subnautica that allows you to snap your buildings to each other um meant that you could only build in four horizontal directions later on this didn't matter as much and i simply broke up the bases into three but i thought it was going to be a huge problem if i didn't align everything at first this led me to make a beacon square with the blood kelp one of my life pod which meant that the base could just go in for the most part a straight line all the way to the primary containment facility straight line being more of staying in that square box grid whatever this also produced a small curve to the base but that that didn't prove to even be entirely necessary but oh well creating the base turned out to be a bit of a nightmare to be honest but that was to be expected i mean for god's sake i was building a structure for kilometers by hand anyways the process itself took about five hours to complete and i built sections as long as i could before i felt like they should be brought down with a vertical section around the 1200 meter mark though i noticed the game was really starting to chug every time i placed a new horizontal section and by the time i actually reached the blood kelp lost river entrance it took literal seconds to even load each new building once i placed it this made me really nervous so i started frequently saving and eventually i just got really worried about the stability of the game um and so i decided to start a entirely new c base separate from the previous ones grid and just connect the two with hatches so yeah you can't go down in one straight line you know never leaving the building but it's close enough and i'm okay with that this really fixed my leg problem and the rest of the time was just as easy as placing sections and zigzagging through the rest of the map by the time i had reached the ending the base was divided up into three sections like i mentioned earlier each getting to the point of severe lag upon building near the end and i figured out that the vertical sections were for the most part responsible for most of these performance drops which um the more i placed the worse it got and this made placement of the ladders terrifying because it would freeze the game and it was basically just like placing new vertical sections however i did make it back to the life pod somehow with zero crashes and the base was complete i don't really know what else to put in this video i don't feel like filling it up but if you would like to download this video and check it out yourself a link will be in the description below and for the end of this video i'll show you guys a bit of a time lapse of the final product walking from the life pod straight into the love zones anyway that's all for me i hope you enjoyed this video and if you have any suggestions for videos you'd like to see in the future go ahead and comment down below i'm going to read every comment alright have a fantastic day guys see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: PAB
Views: 1,855,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, lava zones, sea base, subnautica below zero, lifepod, subnautica lifepods, reaper leviathan, sea dragon leviathan, primary containment facility, subnautica seabase, subnatica
Id: -vlfVO-6omo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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