Subnautica - Wrecks & Fragmets Guide [Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC]

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subnautica is a game about escaping an alien planet after being both lucky and unlucky enough to survive a crash landing on its a watery aquatic surface before you can leave the wet world and it's underwater Marvel's though you'll have to dive deep into the depths to not only salvage the necessary tech for an escape but also solve an overarching mystery that affects you if by chance you get stuck along the way though and find yourself missing an upgrade or a piece of tech you need to build then look no further for here we'll cover where to find all of the necessary fragments and data boxes to complete the story I'm William strife and this is the subnautica Rex and fragments guide [Music] before getting into the actual meat of the guide in the locations it's critical we cover navigation knowing where you are in the world and how to find exactly where you're going is paramount but the means to do so in subnautica are limited the method used in this video is zero point navigation also known as triangulation zero point nine is done by fabricating and equipping the compass upgrade and then finding and dropping a beacon on the world zero point after doing this you'll always know if you're in the right location based on how deep you are how far away the beacon is and what direction you have to look to stare directly at it so long as you align these three things with the information in this guide you'll always find what you're searching for it's reliable even though it's more work than just looking at a map now with all that said let's start with everything you need to set up the zero point beacon your first step is to find fabricate and equip a compass the blueprint for this upgrade is found in two locations relatively close to one another one is in Life pod 3 which you can actually get a waypoint for if you repair the radio inside of your life pod the second and faster method though is to swim away from the broad side of the Aurora and search for a relatively large u-shaped coral tube that almost breaches the surface of the water it's close to the edge of the safe shallows near the kelp forest and again this coral tube does not break the water surface it just comes close to it nearby you'll find a small ledge or outcropping if you swim in a straight line over the little bridge to the edge of the outcrop and keep going straight you'll find a wreck in the kelp forest just on your right inside you'll find the compass blueprints in a data box the second thing to create is the beacon you'll drop on the zero-point fragments of this piece of tech are commonly located around the small debris fields in the safe shallows all you really need to do is a bit of searching as these fragments are some of the most common and easy to find now with both compass and beacon in hand it's time to set up the zero point to do this you want to search the safe shallows for a coral tube with only one end that sticks out of the water it's found towards the back end of the Aurora a decent enough distance from its thrusters and there's a second coral tube nearby with both ends Bri the water's surface now once you find the coral tube with the single end sticking out you want to swim in the direction that the aurora faces and over the U shape of a second coral tube nearby moving in a straight line you'll find a small patch of grass that intersects in a vague Y pattern this spot in the middle of the grass patch is the zero point and where you want to drop the beacon it's also not a bad idea to access the beacon from the correct side to rename it zero and then go into the third tab of your PDA to change its color so you can spot it easily and with that you have the best way to navigate the rest of the map and with relative ease begin finding the following locations for the critical tech to complete the game [Music] the wrecks to begin with are all located in a biome known as the grassy plateaus this area is broken up into multiple sections surrounding the safe shallows the following five wrecks host a myriad of various randomly spawned fragments both scattered around each site as well as inside the broken ship chunks in no particular order you'll find fragments for the seamoth a laser cutter propulsion cannon battery charger sea glide mobile vehicle bay and the modification station to name a few there are more fragments that will spawn as well but the seven listed are of particular value for venturing out to further destinations in addition to these fragments there are also data boxes which hold complete plans and are always fixed both in contents and location in other words if you need something specific from a data box it will always spawn in the same place every time you play the game the only other thing to mention is how all of the wrecks and the grassy plateaus and beyond will require you to use a laser cutter to completely explore each one the fragments for the laser cutter are found in the grassy plateaus though which means you'll have to find the fragments scattered around in the sand get the diamonds necessary to fabricate one and then return to the wrecks to finish exploring them it's roundabout to say the least but if you need help finding diamonds then you can check out the subnautica resource guide for more info but in any case let's get to where the actual wrecks are the first wreck is located almost directly south of the zero points when you find the location and stare at the zero point beacon the compass will be just one tick to the right of North the beacon will be six hundred and thirty meters away and you'll be at a depth of roughly 100 meters the second wreck is to the northwest of the zero point and when sitting on your destination and staring at the zero point beacon the compass will be - takes a right of southeast at a distance of 780 meters with a depth of 120 the third wreck in the grassy plateaus is to the northeast of the zero point from the destination the compass will read one take left of Southwest with a distance of 550 meters and a depth of 70 also inside of this particular hunk of twisted metal you can find two data boxes one is for the lightweight high-capacity tank which is valuable but not strictly speaking necessary the other data box however contains the vehicle upgrade console which also isn't strictly necessary to complete the game but difficult to do without the vehicle upgrade console is an installation you build into a docking bay called a moon pool and the console is used to fabricate upgrades for your vehicles moving on the fourth wreck in the red weedy biome is directly west of the zero point when you find it and stare at the zero point beacon the compass will face directly east the beacon will be at a distance of 650 meters and you'll be at a depth of roughly 80 meters the final wreck to search for in the grassy plateaus is southwest of the zero points when sitting on the ripped apart chunk of ship the compass will read two ticks right of Northeast at a distance of five hundred and thirty meters and a depth of one hundred this wreckage is also home to a data box with a second copy of the lightweight high-capacity tank upgrade if you already got the upgrade and never visited the area before then the box won't spawn if you do find the box here after getting it from another wreck though you'll just find a few extra pieces of titanium when opening it with the safe shallows and grassy plateaus swept clean of useful tech plans the next step is to construct a mobile vehicle bay and use it to fabricate a seam off the seamoth can't go too deep in the ocean without upgrades though so to that end it's advisable to wait for a particular story event to allow you to enter the main wreckage of the Aurora equipped with a laser cutter propulsion cannon repair tool and fire extinguishers you want to find the seamoth Bay inside where you can find a free depth upgrade module for the seamoth plugged into a console moving forward and deeper into the ocean you'll need to periodically remove this depth module from the seamoth and upgrade it at a modification station now with all of that said there are other things to find inside the Aurora as well there's a free energy efficiency module for the Cyclops submarine inside of the main drive bay and you can also find a generic storage expansion upgrade plugged into a console in the prawn Bay also just as the name implies you can find all the fragments for the prawn suit in the prawn Bay which is another submersible you can pilot and will almost certainly need now with all of that said when you go to the Aurora is your choice but doing so sooner rather than later is advisable for regardless the most important part is having a seamoth that can reach a depth of 300 meters so you can explore the rest of the Rex with the seamoth equipped with a mark 1 depth upgrade module the next place to explore is the jelly shroom cave roughly south of the zero point as the name implies this biome is a subterranean cave system full of eye catching bioluminescent life and valuable resources there are multiple entrances to this cave system but one in particular gives a straight shot down to where all of the tech and scannable fragments are the specific entrance is located 420 meters from the zero point at a depth of 100 meters and when treading water right above it while staring at the zero point beacon the compass will read two ticks left of north now though this entrance is only a hundred meters down the actual cave floor reaches about 300 meters which is why having an upgraded seamoth is critical anyway to avoid giving away any of the games store your mystery we won't cover more than that but you'll know the location you're looking for when you see it besides when you use the specific entrance you'll literally be dropping directly down onto the place you want to be now while visiting this location isn't strictly necessary for the game's progression there's some particularly valuable tech to be found here most notably is the multi-purpose room which is critical when building a complete sea base as certain installations can only be built into a multi-purpose room a side of that you can also find fragments for a water filtration machine an observatory and a myriad of other randomly spawned fragments in the area just be certain not to touch the bright drooping stingers when exploring as they'll paralyze and kill you and honestly it would be pretty embarrassing to suffer a game over just because of a completely stationary and unmoving plant moving along the next directed discover is in one of the mushroom forests to the northwest using the zero-point beacon for navigation the wreck is 1020 meters away from it about 100-plus meters down sitting atop a mushroom tree and most importantly after locating the wreck and staring directly at the zero point the compass will read one tick right of southeast inside of this metal chunk if you haven't already found it there's a box holding a copy of the vehicle upgrade console more importantly though you'll find a data box for the thermal reactor upgrade for the Cyclops submarine a fairly valuable upgrade for when you start venturing far away from base to find it enter through a hole in the underside swim up and pry open a door inside of the next room is the thermal reactor mod it's also possible to reach this room by swimming down between the twisted metal on the top of the wreck now beyond the data boxes you can also find fragments for the modification station cell charger and the Cyclops hull and bridge overall this is the first safest wreck to search that's further out and in addition you can find other fragments and resources on the floor of the mushroom forest most notable of the fragments you can find are those for the after mentioned moon pool where you can install the upgrade console to fabricate upgrades for the prawn suit and seamoth you can also randomly find additional stray fragments of the Cyclops hull and bridge on the floor of the mushroom forest as well the next best rectus search is located at the underwater islands which is almost a straight shot north from the zero point more specifically it's about 900 metres distance away a little less than 200 meters down below the waves and the compass will read one take left of South whenever you find the actual location and stare at the zero point beacon now one of the things that makes this wreck special is how there can be up to five data boxes with one in the sand outside of the wreck and another for inside these boxes contain the fabrication plans for the alien containment unit creature decoy upgrade Cyclops fire suppression system repulsion cannon upgrade and the swim charge fins keeping in mind not all of these will spawn if you already picked them up elsewhere overall none of these upgrades are actually necessary in any way and you can complete the game without them however if you want to grab them while visiting the area remember to bring a propulsion cannon along as you'll need it to move a door sitting on top of a ladder to get at two of the boxes anyway the real reason to visit this location is actually for the fragments strewn around and inside of the ship amongst the myriad of things you can scan you can find ample fragments for the Cyclops engine the cell charger if you haven't found it yet and the grappling and drill arm modifications for the prong suit that last one is of a particular value as well since the prong drill arm is the most efficient way to gather several late-game resources and collect up additional basic resources in masts from large or nodes now the next area to cover is the crash zone which is more or less the large stretch of barren sand behind the Aurora that was carved clean when it impacted the planet the crash zone is a particularly dangerous location as it has multiple Leviathan class enemies swimming around it the only reason to explore the seabed of this area is to search for fragments of the Cyclops bridge and engine you have to scan three fragments of each to complete the full blueprints for the Cyclops submarine while you should be able to find all of the necessary fragments at the previously covered mushroom forest and underwater island wreck the crash zone is a reliable place to search if you're coming up short for the bridge and engine components again all you need to do is search the sea floor behind the thrusters of the Aurora and be extremely careful of the monstrous creatures in this area that want to kill you hopefully though you won't have to approach this place at all and just move on to a much safer area to search moving deeper into the water the next wreck you want to search for is one in the grand reef which is directly southwest of the zero point there are multiple wrecks in the grand reef but this particular one is 860 meters from the zero point at a depth of 230 meters and when you arrive at it the compass should read exactly between north and northeast when you stare at the zero point beacon if you align those three indicators you should be able to find it at this broken piece of the Aurora you'll find three data boxes with one outside and two within the confines of the hold these upgrades include the less necessary Cyclops docking bay repair upgrade and the repulsion Canon upgrade and more importantly however is the Cyclops depth module upgrade which is necessary to get to the lowest depths of the planet and finish the story just as a small note this depth module must be fabricated at a special station in the engine room of the Cyclops then eventually upgrade it at a modification station anyway the data box holding this upgrade is found sitting in the dirt next to some debris behind the main body of the wreckage beyond that though you can also find moon pool fragments at this site in addition to pieces of the grappling and drill arm upgrades for the prong suit those are the only fragments critical to advancing through the game but you can find plenty of other bits of tech at the site as well that are less important nearing the end of the list the next wreck to look for is located in an area known as the bulb Zone there are actually two chunks of the aurora in this biome but the wreck you're looking for is specifically located 1,000 130 metres from the zero point roughly 230 metres down and the compass will read two ticks right of Southwest when you finally reach the wreck and stare at the zero point beacon this site is home to three data boxes with just one outside and two within its confines these boxes contain the lightweight high-capacity tank upgrade the reinforced dive suit and most importantly the Cyclops sonar upgrade now none of these are strictly speaking necessary to complete the game however as you dive further into the depths of the world there are areas with so little light that navigating without sonar is beyond extremely difficult meanwhile the dive suit will help protect you against the increasing geothermal heat you encounter for those reasons even though it's not absolutely necessary acquiring the Cyclops sonar upgrade and reinforced dive suit is highly advisable to find the sonar enter the wreck through a hole on the east side swim directly forward and pry open a door in the room beyond then cut through another door past that it's past the door you cut open where you'll find the box containing the sonar upgrade for the Cyclops as for the other data box containing the reinforced dive suit you'll have to swim through the crawl shafts just to the left of the hole you enter the through the box is specifically sitting in the sand just past some open bay doors at the bottom of the wreck be careful though it's a ways in and the crawl shafts make it easy to get disoriented and lost now beyond the data boxes this wreck is a host to a myriad of non-essential fragments including interior and exterior grow beds plant pots that you can use to grow food inside of the Cyclops and the well mentioned modification station continuing onward the last location with critical upgrades to find is the dunes biome to the northwest of the zero point fair warning this area can be rather dangerous due to the presence of leviathans there are multiple wrecks in the dunes but the particular crash you're looking for is located not that far from the earlier mentioned wreck of the mushroom forest the dunes wreak you're aiming to find is specifically located 1620 metres from the zero point at a depth of 320 meters and when staring at the zero point beacon while at the wreck the compass will read two ticks left of southeast this chunk of ship is home to three potential data boxes with two in the hold and one in the sand they include the ultra high capacity tank an alternative location for the Cyclops depth module which might not spawn if you already found it elsewhere and most importantly the Cyclops shield generator this last upgrade creates a shield around the Cyclops submarine and will knock off anything attached to its hull this is a useful upgrade to say the least but it's also a necessary crafting component for something else later in the game anyway to find the location of the Box holding the shield upgrade enter the req through a set of open bay doors go into the room on the right and laser cut through a door within the data box holding the Cyclops shield upgrade is sitting in the room beyond next to another cuttable door now a side of the data boxes the other fragments you can find in and around this chunk of metal include the cell charger moon pool and drill arm upgrade for the prong suit hopefully though by the time you visit this location you won't be searching for any of these particular fragments hopefully now you understand how to find the elusive tech needed to get through the whole of subnautica solve its mystery and escape the planet if by chance you're in need of more help though you can check the accompanying beginner and resource guides for more information thanks for watching and listening I'm William strife and if you found this guide helpful then please consider contributing to my patreon viewer funding is what helps me pay the bills so I can make this guide and more I hope to see you in another video guide another time happy hunting
Channel: William Strife
Views: 336,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Subnautica, subnautica ps4, subnautica below zero, subnautica xbox, subnautica free, subnautica switch, subnautica steam, Playstation, sony, PS4, Playstation 4, xbox, microsoft, xbox one, xbone, linkthe1st, william strife, gameplay, lets play, PC, switch, nintendo, nintendo switch, Playstation 5
Id: 1ZKdTml5YvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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